The love of God (Quality: Good)

Tenterden - Jireh - Part 96

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Aug. 12, 1996


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to grant his help this evening, I'll direct you for a little while to a word in the second epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 3 and verse 5.

[0:14] The second epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 3 and verse 5. And the Lord directs your hearts into the love of God and into the patient waiting for Christ.

[0:30] And the Lord directs your hearts into the love of God and into the patient waiting for Christ. The second epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 3 and verse 5.

[0:49] The subject is in the form of a petition, a desire, that was in the heart of the Apostle Paul toward this people. To whom he writes, the church in Thessalonica.

[1:03] How we often can discern in the epistles that Paul was inspired to write, how he did seek their best welfare as it were.

[1:14] How often his heart was burdened in prayer for the true peace and prosperity of the churches. Those whom have been raised up and made manifest as it were to the labors of the Apostle.

[1:33] The Lord graciously blessed his ministry and many churches were formed in one place to another. And the Apostle could only, as it were, acknowledge the goodness of God in using him to be the means of communicating the blessings of the gospel to poor sinners.

[1:55] Through the almighty power of God and his spirit. Now expresses his heartfelt desires for their true welfare.

[2:05] And while these things are recorded concerning how Paul felt towards these various churches. And the words he expresses and are written in these epistles.

[2:20] Indeed how relevant they are to the church of God in all ages. And as I bring this word before this evening.

[2:35] What a mercy. There's something about it that, as it were, touches a chord in your heart with regard to a desire. We have a great subject in this text.

[2:47] And that is the love of God. A tremendous truth. A blessed fact. That God is love.

[2:59] God is love to his dear people. He's loved them with everlasting love. And how we do need our hearts to be directed into that love. To be brought into some gracious experience.

[3:12] Of the communications of that love into our hearts. These things are so vital, aren't they? You see, it's not enough, just as it were, to consider these things in an abstract way.

[3:24] Or even to assent to the truth of them. But the great thing is this, isn't it? To have some of the truth of God in our hearts. And it was this the apostle desired for this people.

[3:38] And he appeals to the Lord in prayer in this way. And expresses his desire in this letter to the Thessalonians at this time. And while in the first place in this chapter you'll notice he desires that they might pray for him and his fellow labourers.

[3:59] And that their labourers might be blessed to the Lord. He says, finally brethren, pray for us. That the word of the Lord may have free course. And be glorified. Even as it is with you.

[4:09] That we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men. For all men have not faith. But the Lord is faithful. And so the apostle, he seeks an interest in their prayers.

[4:23] And that the Lord would indeed bless his gospel. And it might indeed have free course and be glorified. As it had been to this church to whom he writes.

[4:37] But then you see, expresses his desires as it were in prayer to God on their behalf. How often the dear apostles seem to be, as it were, burdened with prayer.

[4:51] And for the welfare of God's dear people. Seek their best welfare, as it were, in spiritual things. They might be built up in their most holy faith.

[5:03] They might be preserved from the many evils and ills that surrounded them. And how it has been down through the generations. They have always been the enemies of the truth.

[5:15] The enemies of God's church. Enemies to all that is true. And sometimes those enemies have been very active. And you only have to read the Acts of the Apostles.

[5:27] And how the apostles were directed from one place to another to preach the gospel. And while the Lord was pleased to own and bless their neighbours. And made his word effectual in the hearts of a number.

[5:41] Yet always there was an element of opposition from the enemies of God's truth. You read of this when Paul preached at Thessalonica.

[5:54] And there were those who stirred up trouble. They hated the Apostle Paul. They hated the gospel, the gospel preached. They had said evidence of their ungodly state as it were.

[6:10] And the enmity in their hearts to the things of God and the Lord Jesus Christ. And the true believers had to suffer much persecution. And Paul himself, as you know, suffered much in this way.

[6:24] What a mercy God is faithful. And God is faithful to his dear people. He was faithful to those believers at Thessalonica.

[6:38] And he is still a faithful God. He is faithful to all his dear people. I want to try and consider what Paul speaks of here.

[6:50] And his desire as expressed in this little text this evening. And may it please the Lord too. Make it profitable to us. What a mercy. If the Lord should be pleased to direct your heart and mine a little.

[7:04] Into this amazing subject. This which is so precious and so vital. Precious to the people of God. So vital to their well-being.

[7:16] The love of God. I thought of how the Lord was pleased to communicate to his dear servant Jeremiah in those far-off days.

[7:31] Yea, I have loved thee and everlasting love. And therefore with loving kindness have I drawn thee. There we are reminded of God's love as everlasting love.

[7:43] The love of God is everlasting. It knew no beginning. No end. It knows no change. The love of God.

[7:54] It is a vast subject. And one can only feebly speak of it as it were. As it were. Because of the tremendous length and breadth of it.

[8:08] It is beyond our poor minds to comprehend. But it is a blessed and precious truth. God is love. And I'll read that portion in the first epistle of John.

[8:20] Where John reminds us of the manner of that love. As it is conveyed. But he also reminds us of the source of that love. In God himself.

[8:33] Yes. And that he loved his people for all eternity. And how the expression of that love was so seen. Particularly when God the Father was pleased to send down his dear son into this world.

[8:46] To be the saviour of his people. How can we speak of the love of the Father? How can we, as it were, estimate the value of that great gift?

[8:59] Paul on one occasion expressed himself in this way. He said, thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. It was a gift of love. Yes. To the church.

[9:13] To a people. Yes. Ordained to eternal life. A people to be saved. With everlasting salvation. To be saved by that grace. Which he was singing about in the first hymn this evening.

[9:29] Which is a love that knew no beginning. And therefore in this. Our minds are. It is beyond our core. Carnal minds. To comprehend.

[9:42] But that is the truth. It is everlasting love. How the Lord so clearly in that word I quoted to you just now. Set that truth before Jeremiah.

[9:54] I have loved the everlasting love. But you see. He communicated it didn't he? Jeremiah was directed into it. And that is what you and I need.

[10:06] Don't we? Yes. To realise something of the experience of this in our hearts. But what an unfathomable theme it is to consider.

[10:19] To express the scripture. In various symbols and types as it were. The love of God.

[10:30] Ezekiel was given a vision wasn't he? Of those waters that flowed from heaven. From the sanctuary. And how he was directed in his vision. To those waters.

[10:42] And was led into them. By degrees. At length it was like this. It was a river to swim. He could not pass over it as it were. And that vision God gave to Ezekiel.

[10:54] Something of the everlasting nature of that love. It is beyond measure as it were. Everlasting love.

[11:07] God is love. And that means so much to poor needy sinners. Those who feel their unworthiness. Because we cannot merit anything you see of God.

[11:21] In salvation. But it is upon the ground of his sovereign love. God has in his heart as it were. That love. Has been there for all eternity.

[11:35] And is a love that knows no change. But as the text reminds us. The apostles. So desire us. That they might know this blessing.

[11:47] Yes. In the experience of in their hearts. And the Lord directs your hearts into. The love of God. Well we do need to be directed into the love of God.

[11:59] Yes. Into the everlasting nature of it. Although we cannot comprehend it. Yet for our hearts to be directed into it. And the Lord alone can do this.

[12:13] He may see fit. He does see fit. Use means. To this end. His own precious word. And what a blessing it is.

[12:23] When through the written word. The hearts of poor sinners. Are directed into. The love of God. Whose word it is. And. As the gospel is preached.

[12:36] As the Lord has seen fit. Use these means. Whereby poor sinners. Shall be brought into experience of the truth. Because it is a gospel of love. It is a gospel that proclaims love.

[12:48] The sovereign eternal. Love of God. Then we do need to be directed into it.

[12:59] With regard to the. As it were the communication of the love. We think of the. Blessed doctrine. But ought to know something to experience. As I said just now.

[13:10] This is so voiced isn't it. And to know something of this. In some little measure. Is something very. Very positive isn't it.

[13:22] If you read through that. Epistle of John. I read one chapter. And you're hearing this evening. And the theme runs through the. Through the. Epistle altogether. It is an epistle of love.

[13:33] And John. And John seemed to be especially. Directed to. Set these things forth. In that epistle. The love of God. The manner of it.

[13:45] The gracious effect of it. In the hearts of poor sinners. And surely it is the effect of that love. We do well to consider. And.

[13:55] It is in this way. I feel that. Sometimes. It can be made. An encouragement. A strength. A help. To one another. Pilgrims.

[14:06] Journeying on this lower. In this lower world. Having much to contend with. The assaults of the enemy. Having to realize something of their. Sad state by nature. Good it is.

[14:18] If sometimes. Directed somewhat into. This. Wondrous love of God. Expressed in this gift. Of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[14:29] As a savior of sinners. And to be directed into. Into that gift. And how the dear. Son of God.

[14:40] Came in love. To his people. He did not. As it were. Hesitate. To fulfill his father's. Will. Concerning his dear people.

[14:52] That people. That the Lord was pleased to. As it were. Set his love upon. He gave to his dear son. The Lord Jesus Christ.

[15:03] The Lord Jesus Christ. Received them. As a gift to the father. He said in his prayer. To the father. Thine they were. And they gave us to me. And the Lord Jesus Christ.

[15:17] In love. To that people. Came down to the world. To suffer. And to die for them. Make a way whereby. That love could be. Experienced. Communicated.

[15:27] To them. To their souls. And to enjoy the. Everlasting benefit of it. Ultimately. And the Lord.

[15:40] Direct your heart. Into the love of God. And so then. Not only to consider. The. Precious doctrine of it. But to. To seek after.

[15:51] To know something. Of the experience of it. Wrought in our hearts. And how we do need this. Don't we. Or is there something. About this text.

[16:02] That finds a place. In your heart. God. Especially perhaps. When you look within. There seems to be. So much coldness. So much deadness. And perhaps.

[16:12] Sometimes it is like. You read in the psalm. You see not our signs. How desirable then. For this prayer. This desire. To be. Fulfilled in your experience.

[16:26] For your poor heart. To be directed. Into this love. Because it is a wonderful. Subject. It is a wonderful truth. A wonderful. A wonderful reality. To be. Led into.

[16:37] And thinking again. Of the vision. That God gave to Ezekiel. You see. Not only did he notice. How. The waters flowed. From. And the sanctuary. But.

[16:48] They flowed down. Didn't they. And where. And where Ezekiel was. And he. He was brought to them. And he was led into those.

[16:59] Waters. By degrees. There's something very. Instructive about that. And in the light of this word here. The Lord directs your hearts.

[17:09] You think of. Ezekiel in the vision. And he was directed. In that way. To. See that. Wondrous. River as it were. Of God's love. Flowing forth from heaven.

[17:20] And flowing down. Into this. Desert world. And the greatest effects of it. It brought fruitfulness. You see. It brought life. And then one very important aspect.

[17:32] Of it was this. That. The dear man. In his vision. What was directed into it. And I'd like to consider. How that is set forth. In the.

[17:42] In the scripture. Yes. It speaks about him. Going into the waters. To the ankles. He. He's.

[17:53] He's. He's being directed. You see. Into. This experience. But then he was led on. Yes. A little deeper into the waters.

[18:04] As it were. So. He came to realize. Although in the first place. It was only ankle deep. But. It was a. A mighty depth. Beyond his.

[18:16] Uh. Calculations it were. And it might be well. Sometimes. You were helped. To consider these things. And when perhaps. In your own experience. You may feel. Uh.

[18:26] Perhaps. As it were. Uh. Ankle deep. Not led into. Great depths. But. What a great mercy. To have some experience. Of this.

[18:37] Even though it be. Uh. As it were. But ankle deep. But you see. Ezekiel was led on. In the vision. Wasn't he? Yes. To the knees.

[18:47] And to the loins. And then a. A river to swim in. Which he could not. Pass over. Over. Surely.

[18:58] It's an experience. That. It's desirable. Isn't it? And you see. We're. We're so dependent upon the Lord. To direct our hearts. We cannot direct ourselves. Into these things.

[19:09] We surely need it. But it's not in our power. Uh. To. Uh. As it were. Bring ourselves. Into the experience of it. It is as the Lord is pleased. To graciously direct.

[19:21] And that brings. Into the. Wording of this desire. The Lord direct your hearts. Into the love of God. Our thoughts.

[19:32] May be directed. In many ways. Sometimes. Many things. May take up our. Natural thoughts. What a great mercy. Dear friends. If. You have a new heart.

[19:43] And a new spirit. A heart that's made. Impressive. With the love of God. A heart to seek the Lord. Yes.

[19:54] A heart to be. Graciously wrought upon. By the love of God. Because. There are the effects. Of that love. You see. And I feel that.

[20:04] It's so important. To consider it. And while we do well. To consider the. Precious doctrine of it. And may the Lord help us. To meditate. Profitably upon it. Yet you see.

[20:14] To have the experience of it. It is so vital. And good it is. If at times. You have that desire. In your hearts. It may be so. To have some.

[20:26] Personal experience. Of God's love. Shed abroad in your heart. With the Holy Ghost. And this the Lord is pleased to do.

[20:37] There's no vain desire. That the Apostle had. No. He was graciously. Directed. His desire was indicted. By the Holy Spirit.

[20:48] And it is the Lord's. Good pleasure. To. Lead his dear people. Into an experience. Of his love. Yes. Little by little. And good it is.

[21:03] If. You can trace a little. The beginnings of the. The beginnings of the experience. Of this. And perhaps your heart. Was first moved. In that way. You see. There's something very positive.

[21:14] About the love of God. And some very helpful. Scriptures. Very helpful verses. In that. Chat. Which I read. To you this evening.

[21:25] With regard to the effect. Of God's love. Love. And how the Apostle. Was directed. To give that word. Wasn't he. We know that we have passed. From death unto life.

[21:36] Because we. Love the brethren. You see. One of the. The effects of God's love. If you and I. Have an interest. In the. Everlasting love of God.

[21:48] Then. The Lord will. Draw us. In his loving kindness. He will draw us. To himself. He will draw us. To the. Dear Lord Jesus. Christ himself. He will draw us.

[22:01] To his people. Yes. The love of the brethren. One of the effects. Of God's love. What a mercy it is.

[22:12] When. Hearts of one another. Are directed in that way. So that you feel. Your heart warmed. To the people of God. Those. Blessed with the same desires.

[22:24] And you have a kindred spirit. Well. The Lord directs this. It's described in the scripture. As the fellowship of the gospel.

[22:36] Nothing to do you see. With natural. Love. No. But it is spiritual love. And. It acts in a spiritual way.

[22:48] You have instances of this in the scripture. I like to think of. For instance. Dear Ruth. The Malabitess. And how she was.

[22:59] So. Drawn to. Oh my. Wasn't she. There's something more than natural affection there. You see. There's Orpah. And.

[23:09] To a point. No doubt. Orpah. Loved. Her. Mother-in-law. But. There was a difference. And the difference.

[23:20] Was made manifest. When the testing time came. And. Although. Orpah. Went back to her. Own people. We read.

[23:30] How that Ruth. Cleave unto Naomi. And what is more. You read further. She was steadfastly minded to go with her. Well now. There was a.

[23:41] Principle there. Which was. Made clear. Yes. As she did cleave to Naomi. Why? Because she was a. Child. I've got a mother in Israel. There was something about Naomi.

[23:53] Was very attractive to Ruth. Although there seemed to be no. Outward. Prospect. As it were. In. Going with Naomi. To Bethlehem.

[24:04] Yet there was something which. Rose. About all. Earthly. Thoughts. As it were. And she felt. That she could not leave. Naomi. Thy people should be my people.

[24:17] And. Thy God. My God. Mother. There was love there. And. The Lord blessed her. Didn't he? And how she was led on. Wasn't she?

[24:28] Into. A wonderful experience of love. Which was so. As it were. Typical. Of the love. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. To his dear people.

[24:40] But you see. There was that distinguishing love. And as she. Was directed into it. By the Holy Spirit. As it were. She felt her heart drawn. Yes. To Naomi.

[24:50] And to the people of God. And the ways of God. Now. What a mercy. If you and I know something of that. What prompts you at times. In coming to the house of prayer.

[25:02] Can you join with a psalmist. Where he says. Lord. I have loved the habitation of thine house. And the place where thine honour dwelleth. And the Lord directs his dear people.

[25:14] Into his. Into his love. Their hearts into his love. In that way. He's provided the means of grace. Yes. The worship of God. And.

[25:25] Where grace reigns. There will be a desire. There will be at times. A love to these things. And. Your heart being directed. It directs your feet.

[25:37] You know what it is to come with winning feet. To the house of God. Now I thought too. Of what we read about.

[25:49] Those two dear people. Who were journeying along the road to Emmaus. As recorded in the. Gospel according to Luke.

[26:01] We know. Where are the circumstances. And how those two dear people. Clear paths was the name of one. The other one is not named. But they were fellow pilgrims. Very much so.

[26:12] But they were sad at heart. But the Lord Jesus Christ. Did not. Despise them. But. Rather he drew near to them. And how they were directed.

[26:24] Weren't they. Yes. Directed into the love of. Love of God. Through what the Lord Jesus Christ. Ministered to them. As he alone could do. And what did he do.

[26:35] Well. He expanded the scriptures to them. The things concerning himself. And the other things. That set forth the love of God.

[26:48] And when there are poor sinners. Directed that way. Yes. Under the. Truth of God. As it is proclaimed. There are those. Wonderful. Effects of it.

[27:00] Made known in the heart. This is what Paul desired. For these. People at Thessalonica. For their hearts to be directed. Into these things. And.

[27:11] You think of those too. The Lord Jesus Christ. Drawing near to them. Yes. Jesus himself. Drewly and went with them.

[27:24] He condescended to. Join them as it were. In their. Their journey. Although they were sad at heart. What a blessing it proved to be. To them. And if you follow that.

[27:38] Record through. You will notice how that. They were directed. Into the love of God. In such a beautiful way. And the Lord Jesus Christ. At length. Revealed himself to them.

[27:50] In the breaking of bread. Although he vanished out of their sight. There is something to. Learn in that. But there was effect. Wasn't there? What would they say?

[28:03] Did not our heart burn within us? While he talked with us by the way. While he opened to us the scriptures. Although their heart was directed. Wasn't it? Into the love of God. And it. Drew their hearts to him.

[28:16] The Lord Jesus Christ. There was the evidence of that. When they. Constrained him to. Turn to tarry with them. Being toward evening. Yes.

[28:28] It was love that. Caused them to. Desire that. That they felt. They are so strangely drawn to him. And how good it is. Isn't it? When. Sometimes you may feel your heart.

[28:38] Strangely drawn. Maybe difficult. To describe. But. Good to experience. Strangely drawn to him. The Lord Jesus Christ.

[28:49] Blessed. And though you may be able to. Speak of great things. Yet. What a mercy for your heart. To be drawn to him. And when this is so.

[29:01] It draws. People together. Doesn't it? Those two. They felt a. A oneness of spirit. In that experience. They both entered into it.

[29:17] And while the Lord Jesus Christ. Opened up the scriptures to them. While he revealed himself to them. Yes. Their heart was warmed. Did not our heart burn within us? There is a warmth.

[29:29] You know. In God's love. And how we desire to know it. How we seek. For the Lord's direct us into it. Oh. To know something more.

[29:39] Of the warmth. Of the love of God. And that's what we have shared abroad in our hearts. One hymn writer. Had to make that confession.

[29:51] Didn't he? His love. He said. Was cold and faint. Yet I love thee and adore. Oh. For grace. To love thee more. Yes. We know. You and I need.

[30:02] The Lord. To direct us into this. Yes. Into the. Wonder of it. The mercy of it. Because you see. We're so unworthy. We're so unworthy.

[30:16] We do not merit God's love. But God in his great mercy. Loves his people. Yes.

[30:26] Because he would love them. There's a word concerning God's ancient people. In that way. He reminded them that the Lord did not deal with them.

[30:39] Because they were a greater nation than other nations. No. But it's just this. Because he set his love on them. And that is descriptive of God's love to his chosen people.

[30:52] His distinguishing love you see. Israel did not deserve his love anymore than any other nation. But the Lord had decreed. He designed that they should be the substance of his love.

[31:04] As a nation. And you see. In a spiritual way. God's spiritual Israel. It is distinguishing love.

[31:16] It distinguishes them. Distinguishes them from the world. Yes. And if this love is. If your heart is directed into this love. It will win you from this world.

[31:29] And the sinful pleasures of this world. They have no place in your heart. No. No. But you would desire to. Live as a pilgrim.

[31:39] Journeying through this. The lower world as it were. And to be seeking that. Heavenly country. Where this love. Is to be known. In its fullness. The Lord directs your hearts.

[31:51] Into. The love. Of God. Yes. To know the effects of it. Through the communication of it. And that's what we.

[32:03] Do need. Don't we. As I said just now. We cannot bring ourselves into it. But the Lord can. Lead us into it. Yes.

[32:14] And sometimes. Through the gospel preached. It brings a poor sinner. To consider. The love of God. Through the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ. And those gospel blessings.

[32:24] All flow from. This love you see. Yes. And that reminds us. Of the fullness of it. It reminds us. Of the freeness of it. And it's love that.

[32:37] Reaches right down. To poor unworthy sinners. And if the Lord is pleased. To direct your heart. A little. Into this love. You'll feel unworthiness. I'm sure.

[32:49] Dear David. In his latter days. Knew something of this. And he felt. His unworthiness. We read. Don't we. Then went King David. And sat before the Lord.

[33:01] And said. Whom are you Lord God. And what is my house. That has brought me hither to. He can't retrace it. To God's wondrous love. To him. He didn't deserve it.

[33:13] He realized. That. His house. Was not sold with God. But those things. To remind him. That. He was a poor sinner. The things in his heart. Were not right with God.

[33:25] Many. He had many. Reminders of this. And in his family too. But. Over and above. Over and above all this. You see. God's love to him.

[33:36] To bring him along. Through the changing scenes. And at length. To. Gather him. To his heavenly rest. And the Lord.

[33:47] Direct your hearts. Into the love of God. And in the patient. Waiting for Christ. You see. The Lord Jesus Christ himself.

[33:58] The love of God. Centers in him. Doesn't it? And this patient. Waiting for Christ. One of the things.

[34:08] That. Will be made desirable. In the hearts of those. Who are directed. By the Lord. It will be this. For those. Times of manifestation.

[34:19] Of his love. To their hearts. Yes. Those love visits. As it were. Those tokens. For good. That. David prayed for.

[34:30] Didn't he? He prayed. Show me a token. For good. And. There's a. Waiting upon God. For this. For waiting for Christ.

[34:43] Waiting for his appearing. Yes. Those visits. Of his love. How the Lord Jesus Christ. Was pleased to. Appear to his disciples. Wasn't he?

[34:54] After he rose from the dead. Yes. Even when they were. Shut up in the. Upper room there. And the door being shut. How the Lord Jesus Christ.

[35:07] Appeared to them. And the blessings. That he pronounced. Upon them. Peace be unto you. There's a patient. Waiting for Christ.

[35:18] Yes. When you come to the. House of God. And. Under the sound of the gospel. Is there. A waiting for Christ. There's. A waiting for some token. Of his love.

[35:28] Some visit of his mercy. For your heart to be touched. A little. But then. As the marginal rendering of this is.

[35:39] The patience of Christ. Well. Doesn't this somewhat suggest. The. The pathway of God's dear people. A patient waiting for him.

[35:50] A long life's way. I think we. Considered this. A little while ago. How Jacob expressed his desire. Didn't he. Yes.

[36:01] How he. He waited for God's salvation. And. When the Lord is pleased to. Shed abroad his love in the heart. It is such a.

[36:13] Desirable experience. Isn't it. Maybe perhaps so brief. But. How you seek. As it were renewings of this. Some further token of his love.

[36:26] To your poor soul. And to enable you to realize it. With all your. Many failings and sins. That it. That love still. Flows.

[36:37] And what a mercy it is. You see the Lord loves sinners. Yes. The Lord Jesus Christ loved Peter. Didn't he. And though Peter. Sadly fell.

[36:48] In denying his Lord and Master. The Lord Jesus Christ. Looked upon Peter. He didn't. He didn't cast him off. No. And that's a great word.

[37:00] Isn't it. You read about. When the Lord Jesus Christ. Rose again. And. Revealed himself. And it's that word. Isn't it. The Lord is risen indeed. And it appeared to Simon. There's something very suggestive about that.

[37:14] Now you see Simon. Well he did love the Lord Jesus Christ. But he didn't know his weakness. He thought he could stand firm. In his own strength. But he had to learn. He got no strength in himself.

[37:27] But that didn't order the fact. He had an interest. In. The love of the Lord Jesus Christ. It belonged to him. Now that love.

[37:38] It binds doesn't it. It's a. It's a. It's a bond as it were. It binds the people of God together. Where grace reigns. And it binds their hearts to him.

[37:50] The Lord Jesus Christ himself. And in this word. Into the patient waiting for Christ. You read about. Those who wait for his appearing.

[38:00] And you see the scripture. You see. It's very clear. It's very clear. That. The time come. Will come. When the Lord Jesus Christ. Will come again.

[38:11] The second time. Yes. In all his glory and majesty. See. And his dear people. Wait for that time. And what a glorious time it will be.

[38:23] What a wonderful time. When the Lord Jesus Christ comes. To gather in. All his. Chosen. Vessels of mercy. And they shall be. Forever. In heaven.

[38:34] To enjoy that love. Without. Anything to hinder it. No sin. No sorrow. No temptations. For that love.

[38:46] To be known in the fullness of it. But meanwhile. Here dear friends. What a mercy. If from time to time. Your heart is. Touched just a little. With this love. And you feel a little warmth.

[38:58] To the Lord. You feel a drawing to his people. In fact. Something like it was. With Barnabas. You know. When he was. Sent. By the.

[39:09] Other disciples. To go to. One certain place. As they'd heard. Of the grace of God. There. And you read about this. Don't you. And how Barnabas. When he saw the grace of God.

[39:21] He was glad. Yes. And you know. It's something that. That gladdens the heart. To see some evidence. Of the grace of God. In others. Sometimes.

[39:32] You see it. In others. When you cannot see it. In yourself. But you do well. To consider. Think of Barnabas. He was glad. Well hey. Why was he glad. He saw the grace of God.

[39:44] But then. He was the subject of God's grace himself. He was no stranger to it. And it gladdened his heart. To see. The grace of God. In others. He was helped to.

[39:55] Give them a word of gracious exhortation. They were. They were to cleave to the Lord. With. With a purpose of heart. And the Lord.

[40:06] Direct your hearts. Into the love of God. And into the patient. Waiting for Christ. And how true it is. As one as well said. That they can't wait in vain.

[40:18] The Lord does. Appear to his waiting people. Sometimes you might have to wait long. Yes. And you may be troubled. And Satan may suggest. The Lord has forgotten you.

[40:29] Well. There were those. Of whom were reading the word of God. Who knew something of this. But you know. The Lord loved them. Yes. He said. He had graven them.

[40:39] Upon the part of his hands. Their wars were continually before him. I want you to know this love. Well. I've tried to. Bring it before you. In a very feeble way.

[40:51] But it is a. A precious. Subject. And may the Lord be pleased. To direct us. You and me. Into this love. More deeply. Amen.

[41:07] Let us close this evening.

[41:29] By singing hymn number 633. The tune is Remington. 395. Hymn number 633.

[41:59] The love of Christ is rich and free. Fixed on his own eternally. Nor earth. Nor hell.

[42:09] Can it remove. Long as he lives. His own. He'll love. He loves. Through every changing scene.

[42:21] Nor aught can him. From Zion wean. Not all the wanderings. Of her heart. Can make his love. From her depart.

[42:32] Hymn number 633. Hymn number 633. That's right. The Lord has made me free.

[43:17] The Lord has made me free. The Lord has made me free.

[43:35] The Lord has made me free.

[43:47] May the Lord have made me free.

[43:59] The Lord has made me free.

[44:11] The Lord has made me free.

[44:23] The Lord has made me free.

[44:35] The Lord has made me free.

[44:47] The Lord has made me free.