[0:00] May the Lord direct our hearts this afternoon into the second chapter in the Revelation and to the fourth verse.
[0:17] The fourth verse in the second chapter in the Revelation unto John. The text as you will quickly discern follows on the message of the Spirit unto the churches, unto Ephesus the commendation followed by this air text.
[0:45] Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love.
[1:00] This somewhat in air text is not something in a way of judgment.
[1:15] A tried exercise believer may feel that the somewhat against them would be if it were in that last day something to cut them off.
[1:29] That their hope should perish. That they should at last be found out of the secret. That is not the intention of the Holy Spirit I feel in this text.
[1:43] It's not somewhat against in a way of judgment. If a believer through faith in Jesus Christ has his peace made with God is resting by faith wholly and solely upon the blood merit of Jesus Christ.
[2:05] All that the Lord sees in us to reprove in us as sons and daughters in us to chastise that will not separate us from the love of Christ or from eternal salvation that to which we were ordained and called unto to obtain in Jesus Christ.
[2:29] No. But the somewhat in air text is as the text describes that thou hast left thy first love not lost it left it and surely my friends of all things to have said against you this must be the worst.
[3:03] The Apostle said if I have all faith and all knowledge that I can understand all mysteries and understand all prophecies if I have not love I am nothing though I give all my goods to feed the poor have not charity I am nothing though I give my body to be burned and have not charity love I am nothing and surely this then is the worst that the Lord can have against us.
[3:45] somewhat against us we leave the gifts we have little understanding little knowledge that's bad enough when the Lord has given us faith to discern and understand but all to have lost or rather to have left this love it's the worst in itself my friends to have against us because it is a falling away repent said the Holy Spirit from thence whence thou art fallen it's a falling away from that which the Lord has shed aboard in the heart by the Holy Ghost that measure of love that fullness of love as it seemed to us then and has filled our hearts since we've left that by leaving the first love
[4:56] I believe the Spirit means this as he exhorts the people in that church to repent and do the first works that faith that rich gift of God to them working by love being the faith that works by love you see it brought forth a good fruit didn't it it brought forth love to God love to his people submission to his holy mind and will it brought forth this fruit of love and this was what the Lord looked for and mourned because he couldn't find it in his people and would reprove in them because there's so great a fruit so rich a fruit in his sight was lacking I've somewhat against thee said the Spirit
[5:58] I know thy faith and thy labour and thy works and thy patience that thou hatest them that do evil but nevertheless thou hast left thy first love and all I believe this to the Lord is more than anything else so it's the worst thing in itself my friend to have against us it's the worst thing to be feared all with an increase of knowledge and understanding from the word of God in the ministry and as claimed by the Spirit of God it's the worst thing to be feared to have an increase of every gift and grace and not have the increase of love there's not that increase of love it doesn't speak well for the faith that you profess or the knowledge that you understand for in that day the Lord said himself that many shall say to me
[7:18] Lord we've done this in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils then will I say unto them I never knew you you see what do they lack love and so it's the worst in itself the worst thing to be feared and the worst thing to be found without you that feel poor will the Lord save you as he said unto this church later on that I know thy poverty but thou art rich let none hide under poverty when the Lord has given us of his grace but you feel your poverty and more over in the spiritual sense you know what I mean oh it will be a blessed thing to hear the
[8:22] Lord say in that day thou art rich thou hast not denied my name thou hast a little strength thou art rich poor in circumstance poor as men esteem but rich in faith and rich toward God in what they gave and in their love let me sum up the sum of the meditation before us this afternoon this then is my meditation for you in this place this afternoon I hope not mine but given me by the Holy Spirit the Lord's got something against you and me the exhortation is to repent and do the first works lest if they do not repent
[9:27] I will come quickly and remove the candlestick from thee by that is meant not his spirit from you but either remove you from the privileges of the church or the church from you or perhaps it could even mean a godly pastor from you you that sit under a godly pastor prize the privileges of him lest I come unto you and reprove you and remove the candlestick from you to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life this is the message then of my heart I trust by the spirit do you want to eat of the tree of life even Jesus Christ living soul is
[10:29] Jesus Christ the tree of life to you whose leaves were for the healing of the nation is Jesus Christ all you need in the sum and substance of all our desire blessed is he that heareth and that doeth the things that are written in this book let us look at the things set unto the churches he that hath an ear to hear let him hear what the spirit set unto the churches there were three churches that the Lord had somewhat again first is what I attacked I left thy first love the second church was the church of Pergamos where the
[11:30] Lord said that I have a few things against thee they because thou hast them that hold the doctrine of Balaam who taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel to eat things sacrificed unto idols and commit fornication so as they then there said the word in the 15th verse that hold the doctrines of the Nicolaitans what a solemn thing to have against any church they mix and worship and go with hand in hand in measure with them who are idolatrous who love worldly things sensual things more than the things of God who also have them that hold the doctrines of the
[12:33] Nicolaitans which thing I hate says the Lord uncleanness mixed marriages giving their wives one to another which thing said the Lord I hate we do not believe I don't believe we understand the sacredness of the marriage bond which thing I hate saith the Lord all uncleanness fornication adultery and uncleanness which thing I hate there was another church if I can find it I'm sorry I can't find it here there was only one church that there was nothing against and that was the Philadelphian and that was because they they were poor there has a little strength all these things are despised amongst men but they had a little strength they had not denied my name perhaps had not honoured it in the fullest but they had not denied my name all said the
[14:01] Lord they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy but I want to come to air text nevertheless I have somewhat against thee look to the scriptures my friends and see the plain writing of this air text and see in scripture some of the things which are not quite supplying when the Lord would write things against Belshazzar in Daniel's day the son of Nebuchadnezzar this impious king this wicked king this man who called a feast and drank unto the gods of wood and silver and stone caused his wives and concubines to do the same the
[15:01] Lord had numbered his days divided his kingdom he was found wanting it was somewhat against him wasn't it and the Lord appeared the writings of a man's hand the four fingers of a man's hand writing on the wall in something the man could not understand he saw the hand meany meany tekel you farsin thou it weighed thy kingdom is numbered weighed in the balances and found wanting it wasn't very clear he knew what it meant he had troubled thoughts within him his knees smoked one to another he knew it was the hand of God even though it was not clear what it was God's purpose being to send his servant to pronounce the judgment of
[16:03] God Daniel in whom was an excellent spirit the spirit of the gods as Belshazzar called it had to declare the judgments and make known the mystery of this writing on the wall now take the case of the comparison with Simon and Mary Mary out of whom the Lord had cast seven devils Simon could not understand the message of the Lord by this comparison before it was put to him there was Mary at his feet standing behind him at his feet weeping weeping tears of love upon his feet and wiping them with the hairs of her head kissing his feet with the love because he forgiven her much now said the
[17:09] Lord I've got somewhat to say against thee Simon see so this woman you see one wicked man couldn't understand the Lord servant to declare it Simon wouldn't understand until the Lord said see this woman thou gavest me no kiss thou gavest me no water to wash my feet but this woman this woman below thy dignity Simon as he would say hath not ceased to love me but this word in our text this afternoon is very plain my friends what could be more plain I have somewhat against thee thou hast left thy first love doesn't need the interpretation it just needs a setting forth of it it needs the application of it by the
[18:17] Holy Spirit of God it needs laying to heart by those who have ears to hear because thou hast left thy first love love is the worst thing in itself to fall away from do remember your first love when there was a hope raised up in the mercy of God when after all your pantings and thirstings after God when all your fights with unbelief the Lord broke in upon your soul and shed love abroad in the heart can you call the mind that first day when that love broke every barrier there that love called you to weep tears inwardly and outwardly broke your heart down in true godly sorrow and repentance raised up true and living faith in your heart in the person of
[19:22] Jesus Christ then think of the love that was shed abroad in your heart now my friends repent from whence thou have fallen has the Lord given you faith have you fallen from him that faith to discern to understand to believe all things that faith to understand all mystery faith to rest in faith to believe that the world were made of those things which do not appear faith to believe what God has promised oh yes what a blessed gift of faith that was to you as they left it the
[20:25] Lord gives us faith that we might discern to profit and understand to promise and since the Lord gave it to you and you come to the house of God and listen to his word he's given you his word too that you might read and study to profit oh how much have we profited or how little have we profited there's everything in the word to nourish and strengthen your faith and yet you're weak and ignorant of the things that God declares concerning the strengthening of your faith and the assurance of him oh I say there's someone against us we have the living principle in faith imparted in our heart that faith that worketh by love and acts upon the person of Jesus Christ and rests in his work and listens to his promises and hopes in them for eternal life
[21:33] I've somewhat against you would you be found reading other things and the things that belong to faith would you waste your time over trifles and the things which concern the precious gift of faith when the Lord's given you this faith faith to believe faith to rest in him faith to overcome I've somewhat against thee I'm speaking to myself my friends as well as you then take this I've somewhat against thee thy precious hope for we are saved by hope all that precious hope love shed in the heart these are not mere fantasies my friends these are not acquisitions these are gifts of the spirit faith hope and love are the gifts of the spirit neglect not the gift that is in thee said
[23:44] Paul to Timothy to the spirit to the believer neglect not the gift that is in thee I'm somewhat against thee all that some of our texts then is this repent and do the first works remember the first days remember the love that prompted you to tell to sinners realm what a dear saviour you had found remember the love that filled your heart as you spoke of the Lord Jesus Christ to his people remember the love that you were brought into the church by the love that attended your professional baptism what's happened to it now my friend you know if the church of God walked in the love that they were received in and the love which is gendered in that early when they came before the church there wouldn't be many church troubles would there of somewhat against thee thou was left by first love repent says the
[24:57] Lord and do the first work that faith which worketh by love bringing forth the fruits of love to honour and praise of God but if we have seen the preciousness of faith and of hope and of love shed abroad in the heart oh the blessedness of the obedience of love I've somewhat against thee if I could speak to un to baptized believers is the Lord something against you because thou hast left thy first love a love not so fervent and warm as it once was neither to him nor to his people nor to his ways or commandments neither cold nor hot lukewarm which thing the
[26:03] Lord hated to in the Laodiceans and if there's a word to unbaptized believers thou hast left thy first love the Lord given you these same graces of the spirit faith hope and love what were the first fruits in you you brought forth many desires many resolutions what then has hindered you the spirit of unbelief as it entered into your heart by Satan there has been a cherishing of it in the heart I have some love against thee thou hast left thy first love take another look at the scriptures my friends there was
[27:07] Philip and the eunuch and this eunuch was a man who again needed the understanding of the servant of God to enlighten him Philip joined himself to this chariot and this eunuch was reading in Isaiah's prophecy very beautiful this is what was he reading he was led as a lamb to the slaughter in his humiliation his judgment was taken away all said the eunuch in my own way of paraphrasing it this must be great love of whom speaketh thee prophet of himself or some other man then Philip preached unto him the Jesus oh I do want that this afternoon you that have this precious gift of faith hope and love shed abroad in your heart you that know that the ministry is of
[28:22] Jesus what doth hinder me to be baptized in view of such love like this he was led as a lamb to the slaughter holy harmless undefiled love the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me in his humiliation humbled himself and became obedient even unto the death of the cross behold the love of god my friend oh that this love might bring forth the loving obedience obedience for the lord surely will say to you this afternoon i am somewhat against thee if ye love me keep my commandments my friends i will close on this now the love of christ to his people was so rich so abundant so amazing let me close with a word of the hymn were the whole realm of nature mine that were an offering far too small love so amazing so divine demands my life my soul my all all that we each in that day may hear the lord's commendation come ye my blessed of my father why were they so blessed because they did those things which pleased the lord honoured him oh but they said when did we do this when did we see thee hungry and fed thee when did we see thee in prison and visited thee this this was love's work you see the secret of love's work they didn't let their left hand know what their right hand was doing and the lord said inasmuch now come ye blessed of my father enter into the joy of your lord prepared for you amen amen