Jeremiah (Quality: Poor)

Kirkland - Part 1

June 23, 1974


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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help, we turn again this afternoon to the third chapter, Book of the Prophet, Jeremiah, verses 14 and 15.

[0:22] This 14 and 15 verse is Book of the Prophet, Jeremiah, chapter 3.

[1:00] And the Lord shall be with knowledge and understanding. Whilst the prophecies were directed to the Jews and certainly are fulfilled and are being fulfilled still to that nation, who indeed, God, chose for all eternity to be his peculiar people.

[1:33] And concerning who, he says, this people that I call for myself, they shall go forth by praise, but it is not confined to the Jews.

[1:50] It is Jew and Gentile. And that is an unspeakable mercy, my friends, because that includes you and I.

[2:03] The Church of the Living God. And in every generation, the Lord has had and still has and will have people to serve him sometimes.

[2:22] Perhaps very few, comparatively speaking, but at other times more. But in any case, they are to be sent this morning around them according to the election of grace.

[2:42] And if you and I belong to this moment, it will be our desire to realize it by the witness of the hope still with us and to us, that we know something of that wonderful word they shall be mine in that day when I make up my jewels and I will spare them as the man stares his only son, the one that served.

[3:19] And so, my friends, that they wouldn't have gone speaks, I hope we can say it's our new divine speech to us. And it is the most important word to us because of all standing in love when he says, Turned.

[3:36] Turned. Because as we read in the 53rd of Isaiah, All we, like three, have gone astray. We have turned everyone with no light.

[3:51] And it is to those that have turned everyone with no light, the Lord himself in verses has turned. And how do we dress them?

[4:04] All backsliding children. But it is natural to shriek, to strive, to look. And the selfless, I've often said this, and I quote of it is that if the cloud of that wonderful self, is the selfless, one hundred and nineteen, after all the blessed things he's declared concerning his love for God's word, his statutes, his precepts, his judgments, and you know the sound goes on to some make, concerning that which the sun is love, but as he comes down from the cloud he says, I have God's strife, like the rock sheep.

[4:51] Seek thy servant, print out the word your love. And there is also one of them in God's word.

[5:02] Oh, it is a wonderful word. And it is right so long to say, with a love, the word that I have rested on shall help my heavy power.

[5:18] And it does. And we come sometimes, do God in prayer like this, do we not remember the word under thy servant upon which that call we come?

[5:32] Well, it is a term, O that sunny children, saith the Lord, cry and murder them to do. We said this morning, there is nothing so sweet as marriage.

[5:49] Naturally, it is a wonderful, wonderful blessing of God to see how the two that were, at one time, completely unknown, the one for the other, are brought together.

[6:06] If we were favored this afternoon or any other time to get together and tell them the way in which we were favored to take care of my very husbands, it would be most interesting and profitable and honorably glorified by God.

[6:25] But that, my friends, what is so wonderful is not so wonderful as what we have here before us when God himself says to poor and lost, ruling sinners, such as sure as I are, I am married unto you.

[6:45] And they often we have to say, we want them, Lord, make the union closer yet and let the marriage be complete.

[6:59] You see, before marriage was tortured, and here, of course, in the love and the world, in the church, middle of the days, I feel like the Godship kind of men, you see, things are put to the test, but if there's real love, love will stand the test, and there's real power on the love sign.

[7:27] And this is, he said, he said, he folded his love, but he said, turn, O exciting children, set the throne, for I am married unto you.

[7:41] He said this morning, he doesn't say, you're married unto me. You see, it's always, I am married unto you. Yes.

[7:52] And the Lord is, made known, in his sacred word, and experiencing his dear people, as a husband to his people.

[8:07] Yea, the husband of the widow. I am married unto you, and the blessed city for holidays, I will take you, one of the city, and two of the family, and I will bring you to Zion.

[8:26] What a wonderful thing my friends to be brought to Zion. What a blessed place, the island is. And it's only though, it's such a blessed place.

[8:38] what must it be to be there. Zion, where everlasting scream of eyes, and no withering flowers.

[8:54] We cannot begin to enter into it, but my friends, we do know this, I have not seen, your ear heard, not that this is the heart of the land you can see, while God is laid up, for those who love it.

[9:11] Loving parents are always doing that for their children. Possibly, a birthday in a few days, or when we get toward the end of the year, what we call Christmas time, and then something first, something laid up, and then the children pull to, what is it being laid up?

[9:41] That would be totally different. There's something about it, that they believe there's something coming. Well, see, love speaks, when you don't say a word, because love is no inaction.

[9:56] Well, my friends, that's a very small figure, of course, of what God is doing, my friends. He's laying up for us something which we can never understand to reject that.

[10:14] Oh, my friends, it is a great blessing if you and I know something of what heaven is before we get there.

[10:26] The Lord gives to his people that it's a purpose of heaven. He, so to speak, lets heaven down their souls, and the God said, and I quite believe in it, I believe I've known it, that it's heaven or earth, to hear the sign, strength to the evil, to the evil, and I.

[10:50] Well, we must come over to the other verses on the note. We have looked at the 14th verse, and there will tell us what God's sign to these people that he is married to.

[11:06] He's going to make it manifest. He's going to do something important even here on earth, to show that he is faithful to promise.

[11:19] He's done it by himself. I will give you pastors according to my God. Has he done it?

[11:32] Certainly he has done it. I know he paid you friends here at Kirkland, our most faithful pastor, where he sent George Wells.

[11:46] And I had the pleasure and blessing of sitting under that dear man's ministry when I was a boy.

[11:58] and I believe his ministry was much blessed to me in my youthful days. And now I feel that that ministry of that dear man who's long since gone to glory is very true to my own ministry.

[12:17] And who's trying to get the honour of it? not me, no more fellows. But they are gone to God of you, O God. Yes.

[12:28] Not unto us, not unto us, but our name is glory to thy mercy and to thy true saint.

[12:39] I will give you a master. What is a master? A shepherd. Another shepherd.

[12:51] One that God himself prepares. And where did he send his pastors, those he gives?

[13:02] How does he prepare them? And I speak of experience. You'll find them at the back side of the desert. You'll find them often in difficulty.

[13:17] Often in danger. Often at the very point of death. Sometimes in the ward of a hospital. Sometimes in a place where they just despair of ever living any longer.

[13:35] We had, said the apostle, who was a blessed pastor of the church in his day. He said, we had, as it were, the sentence of death in ourselves.

[13:49] That we should not trust in ourselves, but in God that raised the dead. And that's the way the Lord prepares pastors. And if he's doing so to die, and I feel he is in some places.

[14:02] They're in the back side of the desert. And they've got to stay there till God's time comes. Now they will stay there a moment longer than he intends.

[14:15] And they will come away from the wilderness a moment before he intends. Because you see, God's clock never gains and never loses.

[14:28] And never stops. And it is, I feel like, I know, to us in the eighth chapter in the Episcopal Romans where the apostle said, all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are all according to his purpose.

[14:54] And if you see inside the clock, you can't see it, of course, you can't see inside that clock. But I know that, looking into the clock, there's some wheels that go in one way and some of them that.

[15:08] But they go, one way and one way, one way out of the tower of the rectum. And that's how the last clock works. You may be now in the time of adversity for my friends.

[15:23] The day that adversity will cease, and you have a day of prosperity. And the word God says to you and to me, in the day of adversity consider, in the day of prosperity rejoice, for God has set the one over the rest of the other, again, the man to find nothing after him.

[15:46] And now, he says, I will give you pastors, oh, Dad. And if God gives the pastor, my friends, you'll know it.

[15:59] And you'll know it. Because, just as it is in natural relationships and marriage, a way that God-given pastor is given for an eye.

[16:14] I know there are exceptions, but for the most part, as the Lord gives a pastor, so he gives that man, that is how I look on the pastor, of course.

[16:29] Others may look on it different. But, we know in some places, possibly, there has been a difference. But, I believe, where the Lord brings up a man, and you might send man to a people, you see, the Lord will see to it, in due time, that the marriage shall be a fruitful marriage, and that there shall be children.

[16:59] Oh, my friends, what a wonderful thing is, to watch in the church. I will give you pastors, and what kind of pastors, after my own heart.

[17:15] But, the pastor after God's heart, would never be needed. He'd never be needed. You'd have to leave others to say that.

[17:26] Let not thine own lips. I used to say, Oh dear enough, that I'll see you what to do, my friends. But, if the Lord commands his blessing, we shall know what it is to thee, after his own heart.

[17:48] David was spoken of his heart. The Lord provided Israel king, after his own heart. But you see, David knew what it was, to beks the high.

[18:03] David knew what it was, to beks the high. David knew what it was, for, at least for the time of being, the flesh to get the upper hand.

[18:15] And there was sadly, David fell. But we mentioned this morning, Psalm 51, the church of God would have never had. Psalm 51, and the experience set before us in it, apart from David's sin, and I'd often said, I want to read the little works, that he out-roosed every, the stakes and the ground, and that's not nice as to make them, of course, but he out-roosed those things, very well.

[18:46] And he's not. You can see that finally, in David's experience, because you see, Solomon, the whitest man that ever lived, his mother, and I would have a sheeple.

[19:00] Ah, you see my friends, Hail Christ, Rains, through righteousness, unto every one that believed. Well now, I will give you imposters, according to my heart.

[19:14] And that is the kind of pastor, I would exhort your friends here, Kirkland, or whatever you may be, seeking a pastor, that's the kind of man to seek.

[19:28] And if he is a man, I don't know how, he'll be the right man, in the right place. And the Lord will send him to you, at the right time.

[19:41] Your time, my time, is always ready, but God says, my time is not yet. But when this time comes, my friends, nothing can afford it, and until this time comes, nothing can afford it.

[19:58] What a wonderful thing it is, that everything God does is with precision, perfection, perfection.

[20:09] That is why you can take out a calendar, or an envelope, or anything that tells you the time of the sunrise, or the sunset, and oh, there are many things, even, in years to come.

[20:26] There it is. God says, it all worked out. And you see, it doesn't come, one moment to soon, no one moment to mind.

[20:38] Because, his work was perfect. Well, you know, this is the perfect work of God, I will give you pastors, according to my God.

[20:55] And this is indeed a gift of God to the church, when he does bestow pastors to the church.

[21:08] Those that are equipped and find high to go forth, and lead the people in those paths they have to go, having had to pass that way himself, or themselves, as the case may be, and then you see, what their unification of, then they declare it.

[21:35] And it comes out to the hearts of the hearers, to the members of the church, or the members of the congregation, who say, now we can feel, a little like it was in Samuel, when he went to the house of Jesse.

[21:57] And of course, Jesse had a considerable family, and most of Jesse's family were gathered together.

[22:08] But not all of them. Not all of them. You see, the one that God intended to have me with the government for the Lord then, he was still with the sheep in the world then.

[22:25] He was right from home, looking after those sheep, possibly enjoying the experience that is set before us in Psalm 23.

[22:39] The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He made it into those women and green pastures. He needed me to sow the soup for you. Oh, what a blessed experience, what a suitable portion for us to read at the bedside of the earth.

[22:58] Yes. Oh, what a blessed portion is that transfer of salvation. And when the Holy Spirit comes and helps us to save the Lord, He is my shepherd.

[23:14] Oh, oh, many times you've said, Is it my shepherd? But when the Spirit comes, He will say, Yes, he is. The Lord is the one to give the direction and the relationship and make it known to us.

[23:31] And the Holy Spirit is the one that brings the single pound of sweet realization. But to return for a moment to Jesse's family, Jesse's family, Jesse's family.

[23:46] They pass before Samuel and the Lord is speaking silently to Samuel and he keeps saying, No, not this one.

[23:57] Not this one. And of course Samuel, Samuel himself, quite a thought. Well, he might have died. Oh, this is the one. But the Lord says to Samuel, He says, The Lord seeth, Not as man seeth.

[24:13] Man will be going to get the computers. But God looks, the Lord is to be a pastor according to my heart. And so of course all those sons, how disappointed Sam was at that.

[24:31] The Lord is to be a pastor. The Lord has directed him to Jesse's house and the sons pass by and nothing happened. Isn't that terrible, that often?

[24:42] Ministers keep the three team and it's not that we see nothing happens. But we don't know what happened. I didn't know what was happening the last time I was evening.

[24:53] But you see the Lord, the Lord has directed me to Sarge and I've had the best cup for it since. But I've heard the good news and I thought I should use some more of the news.

[25:07] Not because I live here today but I'm here. And therefore, I will give you pastors according to my heart. And therefore, Samuel says to Jesse, Is he your own son?

[25:24] Is this all the son you've got? Yes he? Well, good one. Good one. Big one. Big one. He's with the two sheep of the works and he didn't say so when he was a peer and he said to them, ready?

[25:40] Come for calling them. Well, Samuel says, we can't sit down till he comes in. We can't sit down till the baggage comes in.

[25:53] We are sometimes a little bit like any other families. We've got the youngers. We cannot sit down until the baggage comes in.

[26:07] And this will sell in his family. And of course, they stand for day they stand for day the least, the smallest, the youngest, the youngest.

[26:22] The most, one would, he's got to be no less. Ah. But God had done a lot for David. No one would have known so much about David had it not been for David's government.

[26:38] And so, when David comes in, ruddy, and the beautiful covenant who comes in, doesn't he not?

[26:52] And the Spirit of God speaks, Mr. Samuel, he says, Rise, voice, and mighty of him. This is he. Ah, the man of the Spirit, I was just not there.

[27:06] Oh, yeah. This is him. But is that the end of every trouble? Because, it's the beginning line. Oh, yes.

[27:17] We sometimes see a little comprehend when all this is done and the heart of the shore of the terrible remission of sin when our peace fell down, our calm and secure come and loath the conflict of you.

[27:35] But the anointed mother has been poured upon his head, this is he. And days will prove that this is he.

[27:49] And so David is hunted like a poth to come and a memory. David is brought so many places it does. But you see, that's not all one side of David.

[28:02] No, no, David. A day comes when the David goes and he'll see how his brethren fair. Difficult of just what these pastors do.

[28:15] We don't say, I've got all the time, but to come to Kirkland, that's nice, it's here, very fair. And we wish you well, brethren, in the name of the Lord, and try to put what he's done for my weaver at Lettio.

[28:30] I don't say that both, and David all knows, I say, I want him to do, could you? What the hell? David comes down, oh, there's a man there, they're all running away from him, he's such a white figure.

[28:48] Oh, his description is going to find one time, in the 17th chapter, 1st of Samuel, and David says, oh, who's this man?

[29:05] Well, they give him the description, and of course, he said, oh, he said, oh, what? You, lady? Such a scripting of you?

[29:17] You know, that man? He's been a warrior from his youth, and you're out of the water, and you've got no armor, and you've got no sword, you've got nothing.

[29:31] Ah, it's what he's got, the God of heaven, for his hand. And he says, this great driver, he says, you come to me, with your sword, your sword, your shield, and everything, right under thee, in the name of the living God, whose harvest, they must be fine, and today, I'm going to give you a breath and a hell of me.

[29:58] what faith, in young David's heart, for his being busy and prepared to be king of this heart. He's like Joseph here, whom we see sometimes, now in prison cast, and next thing is already, here as well.

[30:18] And David was exalted from the position of the trumpet boy to king of Israel, and I will give you pastors according to my heart.

[30:35] Well, we could go on a bit of pain, of course, but when it comes to the word of the text, I will give you pastors according to my heart. And in these days, my friends, in the gospel church, we feel such a need to be for this tradition, because it might be all pretty well that this is administered, and I know some settled down in that, but I do feel this.

[31:06] It's God's will and God's purpose to fulfill this word to the church of God in this gospel day. and I will give you pastors according to my heart.

[31:23] Now, a man that is a pastor according to our heart, he won't save everybody. Some will just hate him, but some will love him.

[31:35] And I've said already about jealousy of love, and that's a lot. It is better than a tongue than jealousy, putting in that way of the light.

[31:48] And so, a friend, don't fear too much that jealousy springs from the devil. Now, by love, serve another, says the apostle, as the pastor of the church in his head.

[32:06] Yes. And I will be that spirit right among us, so that we might love and do good to those that despite the use of the persecution, you say, but I can't do it.

[32:25] You can't do it, but God can. And what you can't do, it is for you to come to God and do it.

[32:36] that you might prove the truth of Psalm 121, my help coming from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. And as the Lord help you, my friends, you'll be a help to each other, and the Lord will send help from the sanctuary and strengthen you every time.

[32:59] I will give you pastors according to my ma. And what are these pastors for? We are told here in the text, which shall feed.

[33:14] the gospel ministry is calculated to feed the proper God, and move that to work, that all day even, after I have been asked to serve with a bit of the positive value, as I will return to my home, to take you to the spot in the road in Cranbourne, where the word came, feed the proper God, which is among you, taking it over, not fulfilling you, but a ready mind, not as being Lord, as heaven God said it, but being sandwiched with God, and I believe through the mercy and grace of God, I've been able to walk that truth out.

[34:08] For as far as Filthy Bill is concerned, it has never been a concern to the connection with the past. In fact, it goes that way off.

[34:20] If a man really loves people, he'll give everything to do what God intends and should in heaven. And God always does that. I can tell you, there is so much that I believe the Lord has done to me, and it is honoring and glory right to him, and humble thee in the God.

[34:42] Oh, it does indeed. And you see, we see God's hand together, and where you see God's hand, you'll be humbled by him, you will indeed glorify him, and you'll say, blessed be God, for he hath heard and answered my prayer.

[35:29] I will give you pastors according to my heart, which I'll feed you. And where there is a pastor, the flock will be fed.

[35:43] Oh, it will indeed. A good pastor, a gracious pastor, will not be like those pastors we read of in the prophecy of the Necro, who fed themselves.

[35:57] That's a very sad mark made, any man who feeds himself. that man will be delivered from all salvation.

[36:09] Because we see, my friends, we are brought to see the evil of it. I prayed by Sunday school, and addressed the first Saturday of May, from what I called to the children, an ugly monster.

[36:25] It drew their attention directly, of course, an ugly monster. And I said, this ugly monster is called salvation. And we brought into the morning in that lying Saturday, for not being self.

[36:41] And what a mercy, my friends, would you deliver for self? Myself I cannot say, myself I cannot keep, but strength in me I can't even have, who I am and never sleep.

[36:56] Who shall be you? Yes, my friends, who shall be you. And it is a hungry soul that needs feeding.

[37:08] It is a hungry and thirsty soul that will find the blessedness of what we read this afternoon. How, everyone that thirsts him, come ye to the waters, he let no money, come ye by and eat, yea, come by, by and milk, live money, and live pride.

[37:30] Jesus' market seems as well, doesn't he? Because you've got an empty pocket, an empty purse, in fact the Lord directed his servants when he sent them for us, to take them out of the script, their shoes, their purse, or anything.

[37:47] Then after which he says to them, lack ye anything? And if he says that to me this afternoon, I should have to say what they said. Nothing. Nothing.

[37:58] Because the Lord is good, a stronghold, in the day of trouble. You know it then, trust in him.

[38:10] You've had to die in trouble, wouldn't you? Your days are a problem. But you've proved the goodness of God in that day. I seldom forget when I look, Psalm 46, the dear late Mr. Raoul's last visit to us at the early night, that was his tale.

[38:32] God is remembered for us. That very present hell of him trying, when the dear man was in trouble then, and he's not a couple man, he's a different advocate.

[38:47] He was indeed a brother enough to me, and to many others, many of you do, no doubt. He was one of those Oscars, Oscars, and it was his one desire to feed the people with knowledge and understanding.

[39:09] So, my friends, may we be favoured still with the calling on of these things. And you know what's been so sweet to me often.

[39:20] In fact, it was sweet to me when I began my period of probation to ward the pastorate in January 1950. My own pastorate guy, who was of course my own father, he was then died for the latest to row of the pastorate here, to see how the Lord hits it all in, as we go on.

[39:44] And then I became called to go to Red Hill, and the very lost day when the father died there, I had to start my probation before the friends of Red Hill, and I said, no way from God.

[40:03] Everywhere I came. I said, what am I going to do? And they gave me to that blessed part of his word where it was made known to Elijah that Elijah could be taken.

[40:18] And when they said, no, it's not that my master will be taken from my head today. He said, I know it. I know it. But what was in life just there?

[40:32] And what was my prayer at that time? And what has been my prayer when I sometimes had to stand in the stead of those who'd been taken as of Charles Wendley, the Blemicrist, in the taking away of their friends to rather?

[40:49] like this, left of double quashions of thy strength, even me? And as the Lord sees me to take his servant's home, and then passed to those who'd left behind the double quashions of the Spirit, oh, there was a blessing there.

[41:10] And they shall, I said, because that's the double. And if you're praying for the double, my friend, whether he's a fool to the table, you shall have it?

[41:21] Oh, yes, because what is said you shall, and what Christ has said must be fulfilled on this firm of the believer's field. His word is this, poor sinners here, the Levine made of the parish here, saints from the realm, works better good, and wash your garments in his blood.

[41:41] I touch the tender, the cloth, the cloth, the heart of it, whatever their friends experience every evening by repeating that. And she told me, I would, you know, she said, that was so good to me, when the war was on, there was my children in the airway shelter, and I thought, whatever can I do?

[42:05] Her husband had gone off the beauty of course, and they were shaking these two children. and then that's coming. That's coming. That's coming. You know, when the word of God comes, whether it comes straight from the Bible or whether it comes from the hymn book, so long as he's God's word, it fits in, doesn't it?

[42:25] Because God makes it with it. He makes it with it. If you give you just that word, my friend, that fits in your experience, then they glad because they're quiet, so you bring them to their desired pain.

[42:41] Now, as the Lord knows how to speak to us, he knows how to say it, and he knows when to say it. Well, now, may you take this and say it in your ear, and call an exercise in your hearts, you as a church here, for this to be fulfilled in your life.

[43:05] And I would give you pastors, according to my heart, which will face you with knowledge. What does this knowledge mean?

[43:17] Knowledge of what is right. O God is satisfied, a foe, a seed, a favorite, an alien, a male child. Knowledge.

[43:28] Knowledge. What does knowledge mean? Well, says Thaeser, as he encourages his epistles, this, grow in grace, and knowledge of his God and Savior Jesus Christ, and we have led, we not, from my side before, they shall all know him.

[43:53] For several of us, the words, from the least of them, I have made all thy children to be taught to God. Knowledge. But you see, a man who has to feed the people with knowledge, he must know something, he's not.

[44:12] We can't get into the book and say, I think so, I think so. That will be done. I've been in the witness box in court sometimes, and it wouldn't do to say I think so.

[44:24] You've got to know. You've got to speak for what you know. What you've handled, case it with that, what you've seen. They won't listen to anything else, nor should they.

[44:36] Oh, there's too much of this thinking, and surmising today, for anything. What? Somebody knows. And if you know, no one could reach better than that.

[44:49] Any more than they could. They landed with all of them, and they did all they could to, you know, put him to silence, and bring him to, bring him into a club.

[45:05] And, perplexedly, but the dear man, he knew nothing. And I believe those that are raised up by God, can speak just like that sometimes.

[45:17] Whether he be a sinner or a God, I know not. But one thing I know, whether I was born blind, now I see.

[45:30] And who's given the sign? Oh, Christ Jesus the Lord, is the one who gives sight, sight of the mind, hearing of the death, the number that are cleansed, the dead are raised up, and the poor, and the gospel preached to them.

[45:50] And these are the ones that God has said, the same as the gospel preached to them. To feed them with knowledge, knowledge of themselves as sinners. Knowledge of themselves as sinners.

[46:05] Yes. This knowledge one remembers. And it's all found between the two covers of the sacred one in the heart. Man, know my God, to have my heart.

[46:21] Because when we've got to know something of our own sin and body. We know we've got nothing to know something, either in the sight of God or in the sight of man.

[46:36] But this is the knowledge you want. This is the knowledge I desire for you. This is the knowledge I desire for myself. To know my Jesus crucified.

[46:47] Thy heart, sound of all things inside. Night of all terrestrial things. Nearest my soul, true pleasure brings.

[46:58] Shall I? Feed you in knowledge. Knowledge. Oh, blessed words it is. There are many people today, of course, fulfilling the prophecy of Daniel.

[47:12] They learn to and grow. And knowledge is increased. But that's not the knowledge in the text. No. That's the knowledge in the world.

[47:23] The knowledge in the text connects to wisdom. Wisdom. And when God appeared to Solomon, the son of David, and said to him, Ask what I hear you.

[47:38] He says, O give my servant wisdom. And if any man, or woman, or child, lack wisdom, let there are so God, who giveth, adorn and liberally, and a way of knowledge, shall think with knowledge and understanding.

[48:04] And where you find the understanding, it does to be found in here, my brothers. You will find the words, but you will find it here.

[48:17] Says the sower, give me understanding. What a good thing to be brought to the end of ours. Issaac was, was he not?

[48:30] Read the bank of the 73rd cell, and, ah, Issaac was a mistake, wasn't it? Oh, he wasn't a good mistake. But he finished up better than that.

[48:42] Finished out at a different state, didn't he? He would have to think it was the same man, speaking at the end of the cell, as it was in the beginning. In the beginning he said, As for me, my feet are all those long, my steps are gone when I slipped, I will end it as the enemies of the good, and I saw the prospect of the wicked.

[49:03] But as he goes on in the cell, oh, what a wonderful change comes. And how did he get the change? How should you and I get the change?

[49:15] By going into the sanctuary of God. That's the place where mysteries are often solved. That's the place where God has promised to visit his people.

[49:27] And when he says into the sanctuary of God, then understood I then. And that is where you will get understanding what that is.

[49:38] In God's help. Because he has the purpose of being served. It is his will and purpose for us to remember the work of the apostle and recite, not the assembly of yourselves together, as the manner of some is, and so much of war, and see the approaching, and if you approach, then, how much nearer God do it did that try.

[50:08] But, knowledge and understanding. Now, how beautiful does the dear psalmist conclude that wonderful psalm, 107, where he set before us the very pathway of the billions, the pathway of pastors and people of the life.

[50:38] When we read there, he let them forth, by the right way, that they might cover the city of habitation, who is better and maker is gone.

[50:49] And the ups and downs, in and outs, that the salliest is trying, about the time of God. Remember once, trying one of the words day afternoon, to take a service of every crucified martyrs from God.

[51:03] And of course, he's established on the way, and so on, and so on, and there is nine, and there hasn't been many buyers on the road, that were going to look at, and ask the Lord, well then, what's the word for the staff to do, you know?

[51:19] And this time, they go down to steamships, that do business in white waters, and walk in it, these see the works of the Lord, and they wander in the deep.

[51:33] I thought seven of the networks, they're going to speak of. Which, and that was charming. That was charming. Then, while I had gone many more miles, there was a tourist bag in the back of my car.

[51:47] And I said to the young man, that had been with me, driving me happily, eating his sandwiches, and I was driving, and I got a lot of water in my car.

[51:59] I said, what's happening to somebody's hidden? And of course, I meant, did I? And the saint is ready to suggest, when you're getting denied, it's a denial.

[52:10] Here, the doctor's going to preach for that take, are you going to get there now? That's how God works, and that's how he works, and that's how he works, and that's God. God gives himself, in a saint because, that's how you're working.

[52:26] Well, we found the police, we found the ambulance, ambulance came and took the young man away, he was injured, and I, my friend, with the help of the police, got things sorted out, and I thought, they're just in time, to go straight into the orbit, and meet the one person, so the stars.

[52:50] And how does that sound? conclude, I'm going to picture in that text, of course, how does it conclude? Whoso he writes, and will observe these things, he will make sure understand, that's how we get understanding, my friends, by walking down, walking in.

[53:12] So God, you understand, you're not any other way. It's all about to read good books, and all about to read good values, about the ministers, but you've got to know it for yourself. I once heard of a minister preaching somewhere, and the very exciting, the heavenless, said, that man has got a good value, he said, yes, I thought he had.

[53:32] It isn't a good value, we've got to know it for yourself. It's this knowledge and understanding, we've got in the church. Are you one of such men, that are brought, trying to explain to the flesh, to this knowledge and understanding, knowledge of their own weakness, and little understanding of God's greatness, and all the lucky power.

[53:55] Well, there, the clock comes beyond saying that. And so, may the Lord bless his theory box. And while you may forget, all that this poor sinner said, you need not forget God's word, because it is for you, in black and white, and if you are in time to forget it, you can find it clean.

[54:20] In Jeremiah 3, verse 14, turn, all that slugging children, etc. For I am married after you, and I will take you, one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion, and I will give you pastures according to my heart, which I'll feed you in knowledge, and understanding.

[54:45] As I've read this again, I might respond to one of the plain sayings of the late Mount Camp. But I also used to hear, in my boyhood days, and the dear old man would often say, friends, it's not Christ and third.

[55:02] Christ must be first, Christ must be lost, Christ must be lost, Christ must be only all, who died to make salvation sure, and the great just from the fall.

[55:19] The Lord blesses our truth for His name is now. The Lord blesses our truth, love, and love a totally ender this time,�도 are so much better than you.

[55:33] The Lord blesses our tears, how the chant is and God blesses them.