[0:00] Looking to the Lord for his most needed help, I would ask your attention to the reading, John, Gospel of John, chapter 15, and verse 13 and 14.
[0:19] The Gospel as recorded by John, chapter 15, verses 13 and 14. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
[0:36] We are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
[0:51] Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. These particular chapters, 14, 15 and 16, are very important chapters.
[1:14] Because they precede the suffering and the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. But they're also reminders to us of, in real solemnity, there was no eleven disciples.
[1:42] Judas had gone, had gone forever. He would not know, for all eternity, what this text would mean.
[1:54] Because he had no interest in it. Very solemnly, as it is recorded of him, he had part of this ministry. What he may have done, and there's lots like him.
[2:07] Part of this ministry. But what he didn't have, was grace. And those, these eleven disciples, who were hearers of these remaining words of the Lord Jesus Christ, before he suffered, were the subject of something great and mysterious.
[2:31] And that's the love of God. It's great, because it is eternal love. And it's mysterious, and wondrous, because no one can explain.
[2:47] Not really, not honestly. No one can truly explain. How it came to be. That vile sinners. Wretched sinners.
[2:58] Hell deserving sinners. Should be amongst those who are appointed to eternal life. And again, in the mystery of this word.
[3:11] And it is a mystery. Faith must be given to believe the truth of the word. That it is from everlasting to everlasting. That this love, that is written here, and spoken about.
[3:26] It is to be seen. Eternal love. But it is to, and I hope we can be able with much needed grace.
[3:39] To be able to discern who it is that he speaks of. Greater love hath no man than this. That a man lay down his life for his friends.
[3:51] And he is speaking here of himself. And that's where the mystery is, isn't it? And if you know, and I know what it is, to feel his frail.
[4:06] You know something of his holiness. His righteousness. His unchangeable nature. And his hatred to sin. And yet, and yet have some hope.
[4:20] That you and I have been the subjects of this love. He saw me ruined in the fall. Yet love me, notwithstanding all.
[4:35] Many a question has been asked. How it is that he should love sinners. Many disputes and opposite arguments, as it were.
[4:48] To the father's choice. But where is the father's choice to be found? To be found upon those whom he has loved. For those he has loved, he has chosen.
[5:01] He didn't choose them and love them. He loved them and chose them. Love must come first. What does it say?
[5:14] In the book of the Revelation. We don't need to look at it. Unto him that has loved us. And has washed us from our sin. In his blood.
[5:27] The Lord Jesus, therefore, is speaking here of himself. Greater love hath no man than this. That a man lay down his life for his friends.
[5:40] But to describe something which is eternal. Of which there is no greater. It is, well, far beyond me.
[5:51] Far beyond me to be able to put into words. What these things really mean. In the letter of them. But what about the experience of them.
[6:05] If you and I have grace. A work of grace in our soul. You would. I was going to put it like this. I hope it's right. You would be able to.
[6:17] Thoroughly agree. With these words. Because nothing but great love. Nothing but eternal love. Will ever do.
[6:28] You and I are the subjects of God's grace. We are the subjects of God's love. And what a mystery that is.
[6:38] But if you had some sweet token of his love in your pathway. Some time when he has made himself known to you.
[6:50] Revealed himself to you. If you by precious faith. Has some view of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then you will see. Something of the meaning of this word.
[7:03] Greater love hath no man than this. If you should have. What I might call. Convincing views of yourself. And at the same time.
[7:14] Have a hope in the mercy of God. What would you put it down to? Only his love. Would you look for works? Would you look to chapel going?
[7:26] Would you look to parental upbringing? Would you look to your own natural self? You will find no ground to rest upon there. But if.
[7:38] Through grace and mercy. That lies in your. Very soul. A hope. In the love of Christ. Then. Of course. And only by that.
[7:50] You will be able to see. It must be great love. Must be great love. Don't have a look. At some of the. Far off.
[8:01] Characters. That are. That we. Are reminded of. In the word of God. As though they were. Something special. They were the subjects of gracious love.
[8:14] Eternal love. An unchangeable love. But because of their. Far offness. Their sinfulness. And their. Pathway of evil.
[8:25] And constantly. Are the subjects. Are the subjects. Of sin. It only demonstrates. The great love of God. I'm sure of this.
[8:36] If. If we could use. An example. Of. True friendship. Well. Just. Just. For a moment. Consider. Such. True friends.
[8:46] That we have. Would they still be. Our true friends. If we dealt with them. As we do. With God. If we. Sinned. As we do.
[8:57] Before a holy God. And still. Are the subjects. Of his love. Would we have such friends. Would they not. Turn their back on us. And have no more. To do with us.
[9:08] If they knew. The deceitful. Sinfulness. Of our nature. And the inclination. We have. To wickedness. And evil. And vileness. Would we still.
[9:19] See them. As our friends. But you know. Once in him. In him forever. Thus the eternal. Counsels. Stand.
[9:30] None can pluck thee. From the strength. Of Israel's hand. Now you. That have been. Thought of God. And quickened. Into divine life.
[9:41] Had your. Conscience. Seared. With sin. Have some. View. Of your. Worthlessness. And your. Sinfulness. By nature.
[9:53] And then you. Wonder. At the goodness. Of God. In maintaining. Spiritual life. And you know. If you're a child. Of God. It's not. Possible.
[10:04] For a child. Of God. To send themselves. Out of the covenant. The mystery. And the mercy. Of all these. Words. That we have. Here. Dear friends.
[10:17] Is. Is beyond true. Uh. Understanding. It really is. You can't put words. Together. Which would give you. Or some. Or give me.
[10:27] Some. Real. Standing. As it were. In complete agreement. Have you never. Wondered. At the love of God. I don't mean. The love of God.
[10:39] As it is. At the love of God. That we are brought to say. Have you never. Wondered at it. When you think of the. Slips and falls. Of the children of God. As they're recorded.
[10:50] In the scriptures. The slips and falls. You might look at the. You might look at the. What they call. The conversion. Of the. Apostle Paul. On the Damascus road.
[11:02] And you might wonder. At the length. And breadth. And depth. Of that love. Would you not say. This will be. Your natural view. Well he's gone. Beyond the limits.
[11:12] Of that love. Persecuted. The church of Christ. Seen them. Put to death. And such things. As that. There he was. On the way. To Damascus.
[11:23] From Jerusalem. To take these. Christians. Back to. To Jerusalem. To suffer. And die. For Christ's sake. And yet. You'll. And yet.
[11:33] You'll see. The extent. I was going to say. Of this love. And then you can see. The true meaning. Of greater love. Well you can see it. In others. But will I not.
[11:44] Be true. And faithful. If I said. To you. This morning. That you look. Into your own heart. Sometimes. And you wonder. Whether you're still. The subject.
[11:55] Of that love. It might be. That. There's been a time. In your life. In your pathway. When you've been. Constrained. By this love. To put it on.
[12:05] As. By an open profession. I was going to say. What are the sins. Since then. What are the iniquities. Since then. But there's a word.
[12:17] You know. In. The 51st Psalm. That. Often comes to my mind. And you and I know. All about the slips and falls. Of David.
[12:30] But you know. When he wrote that. Psalm of repentance. He speaks of something. Which is vital. To the child of God. The knowledge of sin.
[12:42] Is very solemn. To a child of God. Because. He fears. That the Lord. Will take away. All his comfort. All his help. And perhaps.
[12:54] Withhold his mercy. And. I suppose. The suggestion. Would be. By the enemy. Well. You thought. You knew. The love of God. Now. By your.
[13:04] Sins and evils. It's been removed. From you. The Lord hides his face. And it is now dark. What did the good man say.
[13:16] Restore unto me. The joy of thy salvation. Who but the children of God. Know what it is. To pray that. Restore unto me. You that know.
[13:27] The salvation. In the personal. Experience of it. In the comfort of it. In the glory of it. That your precious soul. Shall live eternally. And with Christ in heaven.
[13:40] Then you see. You're not excused. From slips and falls. Your old nature. Hasn't changed. I want to be very careful. Dear friends. But if you got grace. It didn't alter your old nature.
[13:52] But it becomes. Your enemy now. And grace. And sin. Can never walk together. You can't mix. Oil and water. And you can't mix. Grace and sin either.
[14:06] What great love then. Is demonstrated by. A gracious God. You may look at this word. And I suppose. We all have. At some time in our life. And consider the end of this.
[14:17] These chapters. That it was. On Calvary. That he would demonstrate. This great love. Well it will be so. It will be so.
[14:28] Chapter 14. We read this. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go. And prepare a place for you. I will come again. And receive you unto myself.
[14:39] That where I am. There you may be also. So. So he. Speaks of Calvary. Dear friends. That's not the only place. Where this great love.
[14:50] Was demonstrated. Was it not. Before you knew Calvary. You. Perhaps. Would say. What I felt. Before that day. Was conviction.
[15:02] Oh. Sin became a burden. And a distress to me. Why was it so? You didn't used to be so. When you was in your. When you was in that state and condition.
[15:14] Of an unregenerate person. Sin wasn't a burden to you. It was something that troubled you. But you dismissed it out of hand. And went on. But when God begins to deal with his people.
[15:26] Out of love. He displays mercy. And he uncovers to such a soul. Their fallen state. Perhaps you might be like.
[15:38] The rest of us. I suppose. Who have been in hell. In the house of God. All their days. We've heard these things. The Adam 4. Is commonly spoken of.
[15:49] And the effect of the Adam 4. That all have sinned. And come short of the glory of God. But how many does. How many. That attend the means of grace now.
[16:00] How many could say. Well. There was a time. When I knew these things. In the letter of them. There was a time. When I knew the truth. Of the word of God.
[16:10] In the letter of it. But there came a day. And God. Be blessed. If he's. If. This could be said. Of all of us. This could be said. Of all of us here. That there came a day.
[16:21] When I realized. That I was a part. Of the Adam 4. And that. Though I was born a sinner. And made to feel it. By the grace of God.
[16:32] When he displayed his mercy. And he did display his mercy. You know. When he taught you. Your lost state. And condition. And it was such a mercy.
[16:42] Wasn't it? We have the example. I do hope. The example's within you. And within me. But the word of God.
[16:52] Is our example. As well. Because the word of God. Tells us of this. This publican. In the gospel of Luke. He came to the temple.
[17:03] To pray. It would be. Indeed. A time of great mercy. Oh no. Not to him. Yes it was. It was a time of great mercy.
[17:15] To him. He came to pray. And he came to the condition. That he was in. He came just as he was. And he laid down. Before the Lord.
[17:25] That cry of mercy. Was that not the. Was not that the evidence. Of the mercy of God. We used to have a minister.
[17:36] Living in Kent. Who was. A pastor. Not so far. From this chapel. And he used to say. And he said. On one occasion. To me.
[17:48] At Hanover. He said. You know. The Lord bless you. And he said. If you want him to. He already has. And I thought about it. Lots of times. I've quoted it. Lots of times.
[17:58] Because it's right. Isn't it? If the Lord. Has blessed you. With a desire. Like the public. And for mercy. What the Lord's had mercy. That's not a dead soul.
[18:10] That prays such things. That's not a. That's not a. Common. Prayer. For. The unconverted. Or the unregenerate. Is it? To hear them. Cry for mercy.
[18:21] See. Somebody was telling me. The other day. Of. One of our chapels. And.
[18:32] A person. Who. Gave the hymns out. Wasn't a member. He. Was. Indeed.
[18:43] Willing to help. And so they said to him. Well if you're going to get the hymns out. This afternoon. You better read. You better pray with a minister in the vestry. And the minister said to me.
[18:56] The first thing he asked for was mercy. And he said I knew he was in his right place. The first thing he asked for was mercy. He was willing to help.
[19:06] Because it was a time of need. But he was willing to open his mouth in prayer. Before the Lord in the vestry. And he prayed for mercy. To see. Dear friends.
[19:18] You might be. I do hope you know something. Oh. What it is to be a sinner. In the eyes of God. And furthermore. What it is to be a sinner. In your own eyes.
[19:29] Now. That good man. The publican. That's all he had to pray for. But he was a quickened soul. He was one that was alive to the need.
[19:42] And how do you prove he was alive to the need? Dear friends. If you've been taught to pray. You'll be taught to pray what you need. Not what you want. What you need.
[19:53] It will come down to this won't it? How stands the case my soul with thee? Is heaven thy credentials clear? Is Jesus' blood? I in only place.
[20:03] See thy great forerunner there. One of the evidences of God's grace in the soul. As he. As that soul is taught and led.
[20:13] Into the truth concerning himself. And into the holiness and justice and righteousness. Of his God. So he cries for mercy. Where did he get the desire for mercy?
[20:27] Did not the Lord Jesus Christ say in the. Beatitudes. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst. After righteousness. And they shall be filled. And that is the condition of such souls.
[20:40] Who come to the Lord. Exactly as they are. Not put on some. Appearance of being. Somewhat.
[20:50] Better than others. The Lord will strip all that. False righteousness out the way. And he will reveal to you. What you really are in his. In the eyes of a holy God.
[21:02] And he will have this. Blessed effect upon you. And you'll cry for mercy. But how did he come to need mercy? You know. When you need something.
[21:13] Is because. You're brought to see the need of it. You're brought to feel the need of it. And if you've been brought to. See the need of mercy. What a mercy that is.
[21:25] And what an evidence of the mercy of God. And I say that. In this respect. The mercy of God in three persons. Choice of God.
[21:36] Is because he loved his people. A holy spirit of truth. Who. Whose office. Includes. Quicken such souls into divine life.
[21:49] At such a time. At such a place. Appointed from all eternity. To breathe into that soul. And bring. That soul to come.
[22:00] To stand in need of mercy. Mercy. And dear friends. If you've ever cried for mercy. With. A sense of your own need of mercy. You will have to see this.
[22:13] Mercy is in the person of Jesus Christ. And through the person of Jesus Christ. Greater love hath no man than this. That a man lay down his life for his friends.
[22:25] It's often described as a channel of mercy. And certainly it is. You know. What great love therefore have we.
[22:36] In this word. Greater love hath no man than this. The Lord Jesus is speaking here of himself. And displaying or speaking in these latter days.
[22:47] Of his earthly ministry. What it is that lay before him. To lay down his life. To lay down his life. You might look at the example.
[23:02] For instance in the. Book of Exodus. We read in there about. The. Time of the Passover lamb.
[23:14] Now what preceded the Passover lamb. And it's being slain. And the blood. Taken and put into a basin. And put onto the doorpost and lintel. What preceded it.
[23:26] Well you say. The Jews. The Israelites. Were in. Great tribulation. They were slaves. To the. To Egyptian taskmasters.
[23:38] And then. What else. Would you. Draw from that example. Illustration. As a slave. As a slave. And under the. Taskmasters of Egypt.
[23:52] They were in distress. And they were brought to seek. The Lord would deliver them from their distress. And so their cry.
[24:02] God says this. In the book of Exodus. And their cry hath come up to me. And that was the cry of mercy. Wasn't it. For the Lord's intervention. For his appearance.
[24:13] For a way of escape. Does it not. Point out. The gospel. Blessing. Which used to be found. In a work of grace. Once upon a time.
[24:25] They were quite pleased. To be in. Egypt. Quite satisfied. Joseph was there. And he looked after them. And some of the kings of Egypt.
[24:35] Were also. Shall we say. More friendly towards them. Perhaps you can look back. On a time when. Egypt was.
[24:46] Very attractive. Or the world. Shall we call it now. By it's right name. The world. Very attractive. He was at home. He was at home. With the world. She went to chapel on Sundays.
[24:57] But I'm sure. This time. Sunday night comes. Your mind was. What you're going to do on Monday. Back in the world. Back amongst the. Worldly companions. Until the day.
[25:10] The Lord put his hand forth. When you. When you. When you say. And when you hear. Of these. That are. In the world.
[25:22] And of the world. And yet. Still attend the means of grace. Oh. How you must. And this is the burden. Dear friends. I'm sure it's a burden. To you.
[25:32] How you long. To see that the Lord. Put his hand. To a work. Which only he can do. He made the world. He made Egypt. To be. An unpleasant place.
[25:44] He made it to be. Trying to you. Trouble into you. Distressing to you. And it made you cry. To be delivered. From the spirit. Of the world. For the Lord.
[25:55] He had mercy. He showed love. If you read the book. Of Deuteronomy. You will find hell. That the Israelites. Were his people. Because they were. Loved of God.
[26:06] That was the reason. Not because they were bigger. Nation. Or better. Greater in numbers. But because he would. This is this great love. But you know.
[26:18] When. Just the same as it is. In the days of Goshen. And the days of the Passover. Now. So it is in the life. And experience. Of all the believers. In Jesus Christ. There come a time.
[26:29] When the Lord. Puts his hand. To the work. And brings them. To be. Concerned. Burdened. Troubled. And distressed. By what they used to feel. As their home. It isn't their home.
[26:40] Any longer. Because it's a place. Of sin and evil. Because they. Are convinced now. Of the sin and evil. Of their path. When you.
[26:54] Read. Of the apostle. The apostle Paul. He was brought to. Under a sense. Of the judgment. Of God. On that Damascus road.
[27:07] Oh. What those three days. And nights. Would have been. If they had been recorded. What groans and sighs. Would have come from him. Which you know.
[27:18] It had a most blessed effect. On him. Why do I mean. What do I mean. By a blessed effect. Well. If you look at his. Letter to the Ephesians. Here was a proud.
[27:32] Pharisee. Now. A servant of God. Here was a persecutor. Who is now a preacher. God's. And that. God's. Eternal mercy. Towards him.
[27:42] And his. Unchangeable grace. Changed the heart. Renewed the will. And turned the feet. To Zion's hill. And you would have said. If you. If you had been. Lived in those days.
[27:54] And witnessed. The wickedness. Of Saul of Tarsus. You would have said. It was a hopeless case. Now. Minds. What does the poet say.
[28:04] Minds. Indeed. A helpless case. Hopeless case. Helpless case. Isn't it. So it should be. So it would be. But for grace. But the effect of it.
[28:16] Grace in the heart. Has an effect. Upon the walk. And conversation. So he wrote. To the Ephesian church. And he said. Unto me.
[28:27] Who am less than the least. Of all saints. Is this grace given. That I should preach. Among the Gentiles. The unsearchable riches. Of Christ. There isn't.
[28:37] An apostle. Who is recorded. In the scriptures. Who. Served his master well. Better than he is. And he did. To say. He lost this.
[28:49] Proud. Pharaoh's. I am cool nature. And I'll tell you. Another place. Where it is. Demonstrated. In writing to the.
[29:02] Corinthian church. We read these words. But by the grace of God. I am what I am. And his grace.
[29:13] Which was bestowed upon me. Was not in vain. But I labored more abundantly. Than they all. Yet. Not. I. Yet. Not. I.
[29:23] That's the religion of grace. Dear friends. That's the religion of Jesus Christ. But the grace of God. Which was. With me.
[29:35] It's a wonderful mercy. You know. If you could. Trace. The. The benefits. And blessings. Of this. Great love. Great. Greater love. Thoth no man than this.
[29:46] That a man lay down his life. For his friends. Now. I strayed a little away. From what I was. Hoping to say. But I was saying this.
[29:57] That the. State and condition. Of a believer. Is that the world. No more. Becomes its home. Sin. Now. Becomes a burden. And a distress. And to be delivered.
[30:07] From the burden. And the distress. That sin brings. There will be a cry. For mercy. And the cry. Will come up. Into the ears. Of the Lord. God. As obeyeth. But you see.
[30:19] The covenant. Of eternal grace. Has provisions. In it. For sinners. And it's a covenant. Which David. Quotes. Quoting.
[30:29] From his own words. And I. I remember too. That these were. The last words. Of David. And the last words. Of David. Was. Of the mercy. Of that covenant.
[30:40] A covenant. Which he said. He made with me. An everlasting covenant. Ordered in all things. And sure. Oh. It's a part.
[30:50] Of this great love. Part of this great love. Now. I stray away. But. Bear with me. We must go back. To this.
[31:01] Place where. The world. Has become now. Not your home. As it used to be. Not your home anymore. If God. His mercy. Brought you into.
[31:12] Trouble with the world. And the world. Is a trouble to you. And sin and iniquity. Be made known to you. In your own heart. And conscience. And the cry. For the Lord's. Deliverance.
[31:23] Well. In the case of the Jews. Of course. It was blood. The blood. The blood. Shall be to you. For a token. Upon the houses. Where you are. And when I see the blood. I will pass over you.
[31:35] Dear friends. That's the same blessing. The blood of Jesus Christ. I don't. You've heard me say this. I think. Before. I'm sure you have. But there's a very precious word.
[31:47] In John's epistle. And the blood of Jesus Christ. His son. Cleanseth us. From all sin. And that's the way of peace.
[31:59] And that's the demonstration. Of this. Great love. See the. I was going to say. The finality. Of that word. See. From it. And read from it.
[32:10] And understand. And learn from it. The depth of that blessing. All sin. I heard a gracious man. In prayer. Say.
[32:21] What a mercy. That little word. All is there. A double L. Because. It brings comfort. And hope. If it said. The blood of Jesus Christ.
[32:32] Cleanseth from all sin. Cleanseth from sin. It would be true. But what. Ammonition. Would it give to Satan. How he would.
[32:44] Put his hand in there. Somewhere. And say. Ah. But it doesn't say all. But you see. It does say all. Because it does. Cleanse from all sin. What love. Hath no man than this.
[32:57] That a man lay down his life. For his friends. Now. Dear friends. The preparation. For this great love. Is. A knowledge of sin.
[33:08] And the need of it. Is a mercy to God. A mercy from God. Because he taught you. This truth. To pray for mercy.
[33:19] I don't mean. That you don't pray for mercy. But you know. The children of God. I was going to say. Get things in order sometimes. We need mercy every day.
[33:32] The Lord is merciful to us. Every day. Preserved and kept. And so on. But. The mercy that we have in this word. Is the mercy in Christ Jesus. And through Christ Jesus.
[33:42] And prior to that too. Is the groundwork. If I might put it. By the Holy Spirit. In the soul. For a. For a knowledge of this.
[33:54] Love. For a knowledge of this love. When divine teaching. Continues in your soul.
[34:07] I do feel it's right to say this. You know. The Lord bring you to see. Every mercy. And every favour. Comes to us through. Jesus blood. When you.
[34:19] If you know anything. If I know anything. Of the mercy of God. In and through Christ Jesus. Every dealing with us. Is dealings in love. It well must be.
[34:33] And perhaps. There are times. When you are brought to see. Or feel. His chasing hand. Paul wrote to the Hebrews. And said now. No chasing for the present.
[34:44] Seem to be joyous. But grievous. Nevertheless. Afterward. It yieldeth the peaceable fruit. Of righteousness. To them which are exercised thereby. Now.
[34:57] What did it. What did the Lord Jesus say? That great prophet. Priest. And king of the church. As many as I love.
[35:07] I rebuke. I rebuke and chasten. Be zealous therefore. And repent. The hand of God. Chastens his people. It's a far different expression.
[35:18] And judgment of God. Isn't it? The judgments of God. Are solemn. Eternal. It shows the anger. And the justice of God.
[35:29] But the chastening hand of God. Shows the love of God. In and through Christ Jesus. Jesus. But perhaps we should try. To get back to the text. Greater love hath moment.
[35:41] In this. That a man lay down his life. For his friends. But. Also. We should not forget. The two things. Which stand out to me. In this. And that is.
[35:53] Who it is recorded for. For his friends. And yet. You know. And you will know. If you are under grace. That as a sinner.
[36:04] You are far from God. As it's possible to be. Sin. Is a separating wall. Between God and man. So.
[36:16] That a man shall lay down his life. For his friends. What it means is. Blessed be God. That he's made a way. Where that has been removed. And it's been removed.
[36:28] By this glorious saviour. This laying down. Of his life. He's took the barrier away. What does that mean? The scriptures tell us.
[36:39] An experience. I trust will tell us. That. In dying for his people. He took upon himself. Their sins. He took their sins.
[36:51] To Calvary. And there suffered. For them. In their place. He suffered. And provided. Mercy. The day of resurrection.
[37:02] We. I feel we should. Not use the word. Commemorate. But rather. You. Rather see the Lord's die. As the. As it should be remembered.
[37:14] As it is the day of. Resurrection. As you see. If there was no resurrection. There will be no mercy. Greater love hath no man than this.
[37:24] To the man. Now the day of resurrection. Is the day of mercy. He who. Died for his people. Rose again for them. They were. Indeed.
[37:35] Indeed. And shall be. Justified. And that's the most blessed experience. To be justified. By. Christ's. Sufferings. In their place. Instead. Delivered for our offences.
[37:48] Raised again. For our justification. Grace alloweth no man than this. To the man lay down his life. For his friends. The scriptures say.
[37:59] Somewhere. For a good man. Some would even. Dare to die. And there's been many. Good causes. Wouldn't there be. In. The history of this world.
[38:12] Where men have. Laid down their life. For a good cause. But the. But the mercy of. Precious love of Christ. You know. Is.
[38:22] That they were sinners. Undeserved sinners. And you know anything of God's grace. You will not contradict that term. They are. Undeserved sinners.
[38:34] There's no merit in a sinner. I've often. Felt the solemnity. Of speaking to God. They call it prayer. But you know. It's the most.
[38:45] Solent effect. Upon one's spirit. Sometimes. When you're brought to realize. The holiness of God. Whom you're addressing. Or speaking to. But. Blessed be God.
[38:57] The prayers of the people of God. Are received in glory. For a few. Of the merits of Jesus. Not on your merit. It was. The prayers of the children of God.
[39:09] Taught of God. Taught by the spirit. Are received in heaven. But not on merit. Or at least. Not on your merit. Greater love. Hath no man than this.
[39:19] Did a man lay down his life. For his friends. Now. Those who. Know the truth of. Conviction.
[39:30] Will know the truth of salvation. There's another. Aspect that we might. Just remind you of. And that is. This truth. Perhaps we've.
[39:43] Mentioned it slightly. Before. This morning. But. This. Gracious work. This. Finish work. And it is a finish work.
[39:55] It's accomplished. It's been done. Nothing. Is needed. To be added to it. And certainly. Nothing can be removed. From it. What a mercy. Is. In.
[40:06] In the church. Of Christ. What the Lord Jesus Christ. Did for his church. In his. Sufferings. And his. Death. Are.
[40:17] Made known. By the glorious. Spirit of truth. There's. There's a making known. By reading the word of God. But unless. The Holy Spirit.
[40:28] Takes. The word of God. And brings you. Into the experience. Of the blessing. Of that word. It is no more. The letter. Jesus said.
[40:39] In the sixteenth. Chapter. He shall. Take of mine. And shall. Show it unto you. When he. The spirit of truth. Is come. He will guide you.
[40:50] Into all truth. For he shall. Not speak of himself. Whatsoever. He shall hear. That shall he speak. And he will show you. Things to come. He shall. Glorify me.
[41:00] For he shall. Receive of mine. And shall. Show it unto you. For this is all. For this is all. Part of this. Word. Greater love. Hath no man. Than this.
[41:12] And you will remember. Child of God. When he showed it unto you. And he did show it. And he showed it. As it were. At a distance to you.
[41:23] He brought you to see. And acknowledge. That there was one way. Of salvation. And that's through the person. Of Jesus. Jesus. But I tell you this. The effect of what you saw.
[41:34] Gave you a longing desire. To know it. One of the things which. The Lord will do. He will make his word. Experience.
[41:45] In your. To your understanding. You may know about salvation. But have no experience of it. There is a day. Blessed be God.
[41:56] When the truth. Of the way of salvation. Will be made. In the experience of it. You will walk into. The experience of the truth. Of this word. Because you will be able to see.
[42:09] Nothing but his great love. And nothing because. Nothing but his great love. Which brought into Calvary. Will do for you. And indeed do.
[42:19] For all the church. The apostle writing. To the Corinthians. Said this. I desire to know. Nothing among you. Save Jesus Christ. And him crucified.
[42:31] Have you come to those times. Sometimes. I remember in my. Dark days. And. Oh. There have been many since. Of course. But I do remember.
[42:42] Those early days. I believe. A conviction. Where I would not be settled. Upon. The ways of salvation. Unless. He told me. It must come from his own lips.
[42:54] I remember saying. This. Before the Lord. Until I'm told. By. By God's own lips. That he has chosen me. Anything else.
[43:05] Would not be any comfort. To me whatsoever. I didn't take comfort. To myself. But it must come from him. For this word. Comes from him.
[43:17] May you and I know. Something of this. Great love. Love. Because. It is like. What is recorded. Isn't it. By the apostle. Whatever you say.
[43:27] About the Lord Jesus Christ. In your experience. Whatever you say. About him. This truth. Will stand. Jesus Christ. The same yesterday.
[43:39] And today. And forever. And if you. And I. Have had yesterday's experience. Of this love of Christ. It's the same love.
[43:49] As you travel through. Your journey of life. And it shall be forever. As you remember. I said as we began. Where the first. Chapter of the.
[44:01] Of the book of Revelation. Speaks about this love. Where we must leave it. For this morning. Greater love. Hath no man than this. That a man lay down his life. For his friends.
[44:12] Ye are my friends. If you do. Whatsoever. I command you. Amen. Amen. Hymn number 462 and I would say that this hymn was often repeated by a late dear friend in the last few years of her life and with great emphasis particularly on the first verse and now it has been fulfilled right to the last line of this hymn.
[45:30] Hymn number 462 Guide me, O thou great Jehovah pilgrim through this barren land I am weak, but thou art mighty hold me with thy powerful hands bread of heaven feed me now and evermore Hymn number 462 Hymn number 475 Are you kidding?
[46:15] Hello at this barren land that's ridge here influenced by TheOLLis God so your hands.
[46:36] Amen! THE END THE END
[49:55] THE END Gather us together, Lord, the time appointed, and be with us then. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit abide with us now and always.
[50:16] Amen.