2 Timothy (Quality: Very good)

Bethersden - Union Chapel - Part 48

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Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the second epistle of Timothy, chapter 3 and 15, verse.

[0:20] And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

[0:40] Chapter 3, second epistle to Timothy and the 15th verse.

[0:52] This is a word which the Apostle Paul was inspired of God to pen in this epistle which he sent to Timothy.

[1:12] And there was something very striking in the relationship that existed between the Apostle Paul and Timothy.

[1:25] Paul was poorly aged. Timothy was young. And when at first Paul's ministry was blessed to him, he was just a teenager.

[1:38] But the Apostle Paul received him into his heart. And God enabled the Apostle Paul to be of much use to Timothy so that ultimately he was found upon Zion's walls preaching the gospel of the grace of God.

[2:06] And in this epistle, especially in the chapter where the subject is found, the Apostle Paul is giving to Timothy much good counsel.

[2:22] And then he gets right down to the foundation in dealing with Timothy.

[2:36] And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

[2:51] And I want to look at the subject from three or four viewpoints of it. And as grace is given, I want to say something that will be helpful to you.

[3:07] And ere I should overlook it, I would just say that in the original it reads, From a babe thou knowest the sacred letters.

[3:28] And that from a child there was known the holy scriptures. And now many of you, I might say almost all of you dear young people, It will not take you long to look back.

[3:47] You are still young people. That is the purpose of our evening service, to give an address to you. And if you look back to your home life and your early childhood, Many of you will remember that from a babe, Or at least a little while afterwards, Thou hast known the sacred letters.

[4:18] You can remember being taught from the word of God, By your godly mother, Or father as the case may be.

[4:31] Oft times it is the mother, Being usually at home, And the children round about. And you can remember how you learned many of the interesting things, Which the word of God contains.

[4:52] And maybe your childish minds were much impressed with some of the things, Which you listened to. Such as, David slaying the giant, And Daniel, In the lion's den, And the three Hebrews, In the fiery furnace, The children of Israel, Going through the Red Sea, And many other pictures, You can remember, In your childhood, You learned, So that when you began, If you ever did begin it, Your Sunday school life, You were already somewhat acquainted, With the word of God.

[5:41] But, There is a but. And that from a child, Thou hast known the holy scriptures, Which are able to make thee, Wise unto salvation.

[5:57] There is a word here, You dear young people, I hope God will help you to think about. Through faith, Which is in Christ Jesus.

[6:09] And now, It is very evident, That Timothy, From a child, Was made acquainted, With the holy scriptures, And that would be, The old testament scriptures, But, He was, Taught, Taught, From the, Holy scriptures, And he knew about them, But he had not yet, Realised their power, In his own, Souls, Experience, Maybe, He was, Much interested, As his godly mother, And godly grandmother, Taught him, From the holy scriptures, But they were not yet, What they are made to people, Taught of god, A reality, In, His soul, And so,

[7:09] You find, That, It is recorded, In the acts, Of the apostles, That, He was born again, Under the apostle Paul's, Ministry, As you may, Read, Then came he, To Derbe, And Lystra, And behold, A certain disciple, Was there, Named Timotheus, The son of a certain woman, Which was a Jewess, And believed, But his father, Was a Greek, Which was well reported, Of by the brethren, That were, At Lystra, And Iconium, Him would Paul, Have to go forth, With him, And now, In the epistle, To Timothy, You will read, Where Paul, Makes it, Plain, To Timothy, Fight the good fight, Of faith, And,

[8:11] He says, In that, Scripture, Fight the good fight, Of faith, Lay hold upon, Eternal life, Where, Of there was made, A good profession, Before many witnesses, And now, That was, Done, At Lystra, When the, Apostle Paul, Was there, And Timothy, According to, Church history, Was round about, Fifteen years, Of age, And when, In later years, He was not a great deal, Older, But, God, Enabled him, To be a servant, Of his, Upon Zion's walls, And, He became, The pastor, Of the, Church at, Ephesus, But now, There are some things, There I come, To look into the subject, As my mind runs,

[9:12] That I want to, Set forth, Before you, And now, The name, Of Timothy, Has this meaning, Honored, Of God, And it worked out, Like that, For Timothy, For he was indeed, Honored, Of, God, Inasmuch, As, God called him, By his grace, And made him, A good minister, Of, Jesus Christ, But, The, Apostle Paul, Speaks about, Timothy's, Mother, And grandmother, Thy grandmother, Lois, And thy mother, Eunice, And, It is very evident, That they were, Very godly,

[10:15] But there is one thing, On which I must make a comment, There is no evidence, At all, That Timothy's father, Was a believer, His father was, A Greek, But, There is no evidence, That he ever became, A follower, Of Jesus Christ, And, In thinking on the subject, I had a thought, That it goes back, As to how it came about, That Eunice, Timothy's mother, Could have been joined up, To Timothy's father, Seeing he was, A Greek, And, Not a believer, The word of God, Speaks about, Be not unequally yoked together, With, Unbelievers, And now, We have to just,

[11:16] Make that, Comment, And, Try to, Profit, By it, But, God overruled it, Timothy was born, And he was born, That he might be, Born, Again, But, There is, No real honor, In a long ancestry, The apostle Paul, Mentions his mother, His grandmother, There were some people, And, There are, Books published, In the land, In which you and I live in, Which gives a record, Of their ancestry, How long, It goes, Back, Hundreds of years, To William the Conqueror's time, And before that, But when all is said and done, To get right down to bedrock, You must get right back,

[12:18] To Adam, And begin, There, Adam was our ancestor, And, It says, That, When the Adam fall, Took place, And God, Turned Adam and Eve, Out, Of Eden's garden, Into the world, Under a curse, That, Then, Adam, While he was made, In the image of God, A perfect creature, From his creator's, Hands, As he was, Placed in Eden's garden, Yet, When Adam, Was sent out, From Eden's garden, To go on, Living his life, In the world, Under a curse, You read, And Adam begat a son, In his own likeness, And it has been like that, From that day to this, And will be, Till time should be no more, Sin entered into the world, And death by sin,

[13:20] So death passed upon, All men, For that, All, Have, Sinned, So, The honour that is of earth, Is of very little, Worth, There is no value, To be placed on it, Because, It is just a thing, Which is passing, And, Perishing, And now, Coming back to Timothy's name, Honoured, Of God, I thought, Of our hymn, In, Gadsby's hymn book, Which will help you, To understand, A little about, This honour, That is really, Worth the name, And which I hope, God, Will grant you, To realise, In your own souls, Experience, It is written, By a godly man, Whose name,

[14:20] Was Thomas Pelley, And now, He was brought up, In a family, Where there was, Very great, Earthly honour, But when he was, Brought on, By the grace of God, And born again, He was, Turned out, From his own, Family circle, And had to go, For, Into the world, At large, Depending, On, God, And, He penned this hymn, Follow it along, There is a family, On earth, Whose father, Fills a throne, And though a seed, Of heavenly birth, To men, They are little known, Whene'er they meet, The public eye, They feel, The public scorn, For men, Their fairest claims, Deny, And count them, Basely born, But tis the king, Who reigns above,

[15:20] That claims them, For his own, The favoured objects, Of his love, And destined, To a throne, But when the king, Himself, Was here, His claims, Were set, At naught, Would they, Another lot, Prefer, Rejected be the thought, No, They will tread, While here below, The path their master trod, Content all honour, To forego, But that, Which comes, From, God, That is what it means, To be honoured of God, Them that honour me, I, Will, Honour, And now, Going on with this, Subject, As the Lord, Shall help me, I want you, To think about, What is your attitude, To the holy scriptures,

[16:23] As you know them to be, You were much more, Highly favoured, Than Timothy was, In his childhood, For he had, Only the old testament, Scriptures, The new testament, As we know it, Was not yet, Gathered together, But, You have got, The holy bible, Book divine, In its, Completeness, And, I ask you, What is your attitude, To it, It can be said, Of many of you, And that, From a child, There was known, The holy scriptures, Which are, Able to make thee, Wise, Unto, Salvation, Much you may know, About the holy scriptures, But do you know, The author, Do you know him, Whose scriptures,

[17:25] They are, Is it your concern, That you might find, The word of God, In your everyday life, A lamp onto your feet, A light unto, Your path, And as you, Search the scriptures, What do you search, For, Did you ever pray, Like one in writer, As put a beautiful petition, Together, Divine instructor, Gracious lord, O be forever near, Help me to read, Thy sacred word, And find, My savior, There, It is one thing, I do ask you, To ponder it well, I say, It is one thing, To know, About the holy scriptures, To learn chapters, To be conversant,

[18:28] With many of the blessed, Incidents recorded, And the narratives, In the sacred pages, But, When all is said and done, The starting point, Is, The entrance, Of thy word, Giveth, Light, And that is, Ye must be born again, The eyes of the blind, Shall be, Opened, And I would remind you, Of an illustration, I have used, Earlier in, My monthly, Addresses, But it is, Very apposite here, And it is, Important, I have never forgotten, A picture, Which I saw, Where, The stones, Were hewn out, For Solomon's temple, To be, Built, In those far back,

[19:30] Days, As you read, In the old testament, Record, How the temple, Was built, To a pattern, God gave, To David, And he made it, Known to Solomon, His son, Who was ordained, Of God, To be the builder, Of it, And now, If you were in, The land of the Bible, It would be possible, For you, To go into, Some of the caves, Where the stone, Was hewn, And made, Ready, As you read, In the word of God, There was no, Sound of an implement, Of iron, Heard, While the temple, Was being built, But it says, The stone, Was made ready, Afore, It was brought, Thither, And now, In these caves, Where the stone, Was hewn out, You can still see, Great blocks, Of stone, Where the, Workmen, Had begun, And they,

[20:30] Had squared, The stones, To a great degree, But, There they remained, Because, They were never, Separated, And made use of, In the temple, And they, Just remained there, It will be seen, And now, What is that, To teach us, Say you, You, In your childhood life, May be under your, Home roof, In your family circle, Going right back, To what the word says, From a child, There was known, The holy scriptures, All your life, From baby days on, You have been found, In the attitude, Of the worship of God, And, Much have you heard, From the pulpit, And much in the Sunday school, Where those, Who desire your eternal good,

[21:33] Have labored in love, To teach you, But, If, When you leave, Your Sunday school life, And you grow up, And go out, Into the world at large, You turn your backs, On that which you have known, Of the holy scriptures, Known about the holy scriptures, And just live as you were born, And die like that, Live as the world, Lindas, After the flesh, The things of the flesh, You will be just like those stones, In the caves, Where the work, Was begun upon them, But there was never, The separation, From mother earth, For them to be carried, To the foundation, And built, Into, The temple, Where God was to be worshipped, Aright, Do think about it,

[22:33] Dear young people, And children, And do not, Make up your minds, That when you can do, As you like, You will turn your backs, Upon, What has been made known, To you, About the holy scriptures, But you will live your life, Outside the covers of it, Oh do not, Fall a prey, To what you are by nature, And so, Behave, Because, If you should be left, To do that, What will be the outcome, He that soweth to the flesh, Shall of the flesh, Reap corruption, Be not deceived, God is not mocked, Whatsoever a man soweth, That shall he also reap, And now, Let us look at this subject, From another viewpoint, And that from a child, Thou hast known, The holy scriptures,

[23:35] Which are able, To make thee wise, Unto salvation, Through faith, Which is in Christ Jesus, And now, I will take the word, Timothy, Just to help you younger ones, That you might memorize, These things, And for each letter, In the, Name Timothy, I will show you something, Which the word of God, Is known to be, And made to be, In the experiences, Of all those, Who know the holy scriptures, By divine teaching, And with not just, An intellectual, Knowledge of it, There is a vast difference, Between, Intellectual knowledge, That which you can gain, By dint of study, And education, And that which comes, By revelation,

[24:37] Which a man cannot receive, Except it be given him, From heaven, And now, The letter, The letter, T, Is a double-barrelled word, And it stands, For traveler's guide, Long years ago, There used to be, A book, That was well known, And much circulated, Called, The traveler's guide, And it was to do, With the word, Of God, And it, Gave many a record, Of people, Who lived their lives, Inside the covers of it, And how they had been, Helped of God, In times of trouble, To see his hand, Upon them for good, How he had made, Darkness, Light, Before them, And crooked things, Straight, And now, That is what, You will know, The holy scriptures, To be, You will find them to be, A traveler's guide,

[25:38] And you and I, Are travelers, Oh, We are traveling, Through a time state, To arrive at one, That is eternal, In its nature, Either heaven or hell, Is at the end of the life, You and I, Are now living, You need a guide, And God in his infinite mercy, Has guaranteed, To be a guide, To his dear people, Who desire, To know the holy scriptures, A right, How often you have, Joined in singing, Maybe, It has not been out of the abundance, Of the heart, The mouth has been speaking, But, With many, It would be otherwise, Guide me, Oh, Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim, Through this barren land,

[26:40] I am weak, But thou art mighty, Hold me with, Thy powerful, Hand, There is a word, Which I have looked at, Many times, In my long life, It is not in man, That walketh, To direct his own steps, How can a man, Understand, Understand, His own, Way, You need a guide, And, Not one that is earthly, You need, The help of God, And, And he says to his people, I will, Guide thee, With mine eye, And he says also, I am the Lord, Thy God, Which teacheth thee to profit, Which leadeth thee, In the way, In which, Thou shouldest go, And think of what,

[27:42] The psalmist, Found it to be, I have already, Quoted it, Thy word, Is a lamp unto my feet, A light unto, My path, And remember this, Dear young people, There can be no circumstance, Coming into your life, As you journey on, But what, In the word of God, If you need a guide, You will find, There is helping God, For you, And he, Is, Wonderfully kind, To poor sinners, Who seek his, Divine aid, And when you are brought, To your wit's end, And all your wisdom, Is swallowed up, Oh, Go back to, The hymn writer, Thomas Kelly, When we cannot see,

[28:42] Our way, Let us trust, And still obey, He who bids us, Forward go, Will not fail, The way, To show, Every traveler, Whatever is, Or her age, Desiring, To go along, That way, Which has got heaven, At the end of it, Will find, The word of God, Every day, They journey on, To be to them, The traveler's, Guide, And now we come, To the letter I, And that stands, For indicator, I have in my mind, Traffic lights, And that is what they, First of all, Were designated, Indicators, And now, You know, When you come, To the traffic lights, Red light, You must halt, And amber,

[29:44] You must, Be on, Your guard, It means, Caution, But when it is, The green light, You can go on, And now, In all your circumstances, Along life's way, When you say, Oh Lord, We know not what to do, If you are helped, To look into, The holy scriptures, Then, You will find, It will show you, Whether, It should be, A red light, Or an amber light, Or the green light, Sometimes, It will, Make it very plain, That you are not to go, You are to stand still, And wait, On God, Until you get, Some instruction, From on, High, Some indication, That you may proceed, When God will say, This is the way, Walk ye in it,

[30:46] And I might say this, Although I cannot say much, Upon either of these letters, You will find, The word of God, Will be an indicator, To you, As to the company, That you should keep, If sinners entice thee, Consent thou, Not, It will show you, What your conversation, Should be, Let your yea be yea, And your nay be nay, Lest ye fall, Into condemnation, There is a lovely petition, Of the Selmist, Let the words of my mouth, And the meditation of my heart, Be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, My strength, And my redeemer, Not only so, The word of God, If you search its sacred pages, Will indicate, What your conduct should be, How you should behave,

[31:48] Wherever you may be, At all times, Yes, I stands for, Indicator, And now we come, To a letter that stands for something, All you dear young people, Know quite a little about, I'm not fitting any caps on, M stands for mirror, And now, If I put this question to you, I do it in all sincerity, And affection, You think how much time, You may spend some days, Before the mirror, So that you, Might go forth, Into the world, Looking at your best, As you understand it to be, Do you spend as much time, Looking into your Bible, To search the sacred pages, There, And see, What will be reflected, From those sacred pages,

[32:49] You remember, The godly minister, In Scotland, Who, Had to spend, A night, At an inn, When he was journeying, On his way, To preach, And in those far back days, They always had family worship, They were not like, Inns and public houses are, Nowadays, Not in those, Days in Scotland, To which, I am referring, And when there was, Family worship at night, The, Godly minister said, Is everybody here, And the, Landlord said, No, There is just a little servant, May, Bring her in, She has a soul, And, She was brought in, And he conducted, Family worship, And then, The godly minister, Felt attracted, To this, Young girl, And he asked her,

[33:52] If she would, Say a prayer, And it was, Lord, Show me myself, And you know, You look in the mirror, To see yourself, And now, This word, Was as a nail, Fastened in a sure place, And this little servant, Maid, Began to pray, This prayer, And God answered it, And what he showed her, Of her sinnership, How sad, Our state, By nature is, Was so deep, And so far reaching, In her soul's feelings, That she nearly, Went into a mental home, Through the stress, And strain of it, But, The months, Passed by, And the godly minister, Went that way, Again, And he stayed, At the same inn, And he asked the, Landlord,

[34:53] About the servant maid, And the landlord said, Oh she's been, Altogether different, Since you, Called upon us, The last time, And we cannot, Understand her, And, The godly minister, Said he would like, To see her, And so, She was brought for him, To see her, And, To have a little talk, With her, And he found, She was under deep, Conviction of sin, God had answered, The prayer, Lord show me, Myself, She had been helped, To look into the word, Of God, And she had found, Some things there, Which she realized, Were the truth, Regarding her own state, Before God, With whom she had to do, And now, The godly minister said, I want you to pray, Another prayer, Lord show me, Thyself, And he went,

[35:53] On his way, On the following day, And this, Servant maid, Was helped, To pray this prayer, And God answered it, And quite speedily, And showed, Himself, As the sinner's friend, Enabled this little servant maid, To behold the Lamb of God, Which taketh away, The sin of the world, And she was, Raised up, To hope in God, Yea, To rejoice in hope, Of life, Eternal, The Lord blessed her indeed, As she was enabled, To look into the word of God, And found it was, A mirror, And remember, You know, There is one verse, I quote very often, And I quote it again, Sinner, If thou art taught to see, O great thy guilt,

[36:55] Thy misery, In every thought, And act impure, The blood of Christ, Thy soul, Can cure, And now, Long years afterwards, This little servant maid, Was grown up, And married to a godly man, And, She found out, Where the godly minister, Lived, Whom God had used, And made his, Instruction, A blessing to her, And she was then, In such circumstances, That she gathered together, A very, Useful, Acceptable present, Which she, Was enabled to take, To where the godly minister, Lived, And glad he was to see, That the seed he had sown, Had fallen on, Good ground, To spring up, To bear fruit, To life, Eternal, And now, When you look in the mirror, Do you ever say, Thank you to God,

[37:55] That you have got eyes, To look into it, Because otherwise, The mirror would be useless, And now, Godly David, Says, Open thou mine eyes, That I may behold, Wondrous things, Out of, Thy, Law, That is what it means, To know, The holy scriptures, Are right, And that from a child, There was known, The holy scriptures, Which are able to make, The wise unto salvation, Through faith, Which is in, Christ Jesus, Now we come, To the letter, O, And that stands, For oil, And now, The word of God, There are many, Exceeding great, And precious promises, God has recorded therein, And you know, That in stormy times at sea,

[38:56] Especially when there is a shipwreck, They pour oil, Upon the troubled waters, That the waves may subside, And that there might be a possibility, Of a rescue, For the shipwrecked, And now, All who are taught of God, Who have journeyed, Along life's way, And have come into, Trouble, Trouble upon trouble, Who have found, Storms, Bursting over their heads, They can tell you, How God, Has given them, From time to time, Some word, So suitable, So apt, And so, Acceptable, That, In the midst of their trouble, They have been, Quieted, In their minds, And have been helped, To do what the word of God says,

[39:57] Be still, And know, That I am, God, Oh it is good, When the word of God, Comes to us, In our troubled, Circumstances, As oil, The psalmist, Said, Remember the word, Unto thy servant, Upon which, Thou hast caused me, To hope, And now, The letter, T, Stands for, Treasure, And there is a word, Which, Will help you to see, That the Savior, Uses, This, Illustration, Where, He speaks about, The, Word of God, Being, As, Treasure, And, The kingdom of heaven, Is like unto treasure, Hidden a field, The which, When a man hath found,

[40:57] He hideth, And for joy thereof, Goeth and selleth, All that he hath, And buyeth, That field, And now, The word of God, The holy Bible itself, Is like to the field, And the treasure, That is hidden it, Is, The knowledge, Of, God, Which, Is to be, Obtained, There is a word, Which, Is a very, Striking word, In the, Proverbs, Concerning, How, Those, Who do desire, To know the scriptures, Aright, They will, Search, For, This, My son, If thou wilt receive my words, And hide my commandments with thee, So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, And apply thine heart to understanding, Yea, If thou criest after knowledge,

[42:00] And liftest up thy voice for understanding, If thou seekest her as silver, And searchest for her as for hid treasures, Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, And find the knowledge of God, And oh, What wonderful treasure there is, The treasure of some exceeding great and precious promise, Which comes to you, As I have said, When trouble like a gloomy cloud gathers thick, And thunders loud, The treasure of gracious instruction, Where you are taught, The sound doctrine, Which the psalmist prayed to know, Let my heart be sound in thy statutes, That I be not ashamed, And when you get a word of comfort, Lodged in your heart, Comfortable words, Coming down from heaven,

[43:01] To comfort you when comfortless, Oh, What treasure that is, And there is another side to it, As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, Be zealous therefore, And repent, Reproofs and instruction, Are in the way of life, You read in the book of Proverbs, And if God should, Lodge a word in your heart, That comes to you, As a rebuke, An admonition, A warning, You will live to learn, That is treasure, And what a treasure, It is when you find, In your heart, A hope, Wrought in God, Which the word of God, Will confirm you, Is that which, God as indeed, Lodged in your heart,

[44:02] And is that which a man, Cannot receive, Except it be given him, From heaven, T stands for treasure, And now, The letter H, Stands for honey, And you find, In the Psalms, That the psalmist, Speaks about, The word of God, And, He declares, The statutes of the Lord, Are right, Rejoice in the heart, The commandment of the Lord, Is pure, Enlightening the eyes, More to be desired, Are they than gold, Yea, Than much fine gold, Sweeter, Also than honey, And the honey comb, The word of God, Can be likened to, The honey comb, And, When, What is recorded, In the sacred pages, Is made a reality,

[45:04] In our soul's experience, Especially, All that is to do, With Jesus Christ, As the sinner's friend, It is like, Honey, To our taste, And the word of God, Says, Oh, Taste and see, That the Lord, Is good, Blessed is the man, That trusteth in, Him, There are many, Older than you, Dear young people, Who have journeyed, Farther in, Life's way, And done business, In heaven's marketplace, That could tell you, Much, About, The sweetness, They have found, When the word of God, Has been made, As honey, To their, Taste, And, They have sweet, Remembrances, Of it, The word of God, Is indeed, Like honey, The last, Letter,

[46:05] Y, Stands for, Yolk, And now, The saviour speaks about, A yoke, You will remember, Some of you, Have remembered it, And reduced to practice, What God has taught you, Concerning it, The saviour said, Take my yoke, Upon you, And learn of me, For I am meek, And lowly, In heart, And ye shall find rest, Unto your souls, You know, What a yoke is, It is an, Implement, That was used, Especially, In the land of the Bible, In Old Testament times, The oxen, Were yoked together, So that they could, They could pull, As one, And, It is said, And, It is said, The oxen, And an ass, Were not to be yoked together, Because they could not, Pull as one,

[47:07] They were unbalanced, In their, Labour of pulling, The plough, And now, There is, What is said to be, The yoke of, The law, And it speaks to, Of, Yoke fellows, And that means, Partners, It can refer to those, Who are joined together, By God, On their wedding day, To journey on, Henceforth, In harness, Pulling together, As one, And to do that, The word of God, Will give you, All the instruction, That you, Need, Yes, Take my yoke upon you, Says the Lord, Jesus, And now, Coming down to the, Amen, It speaks in our text,

[48:11] And that from a child, There was known, The holy scriptures, Which are able to make thee, Wise, Unto salvation, Through faith, Which is in Christ Jesus, And now, This yoke, Is really to do, With service, And if you, Are joined together by God, If you indeed, Do know the scriptures, Are right, And desire, To reduce them, To practice, To do what you, Sometimes sing, Horde up the sacred word, And feed thereon, And grow, Go on to seek, To know the Lord, And practice, What you know, In living such a life, You will find, There is the blessing of God, Attending it, And sometimes, It will be made plain to you, In such a life, A life of service,

[49:12] Ye serve, The Lord, Christ, And now, You will remember, That when Solomon, Began his reign, Over Israel's kingdom, That the Lord appeared to him, In the night, It was a wonderful, Experience for Solomon, Especially, As he was then, Young and tender, Do mark that, Young and tender, And the Lord said to Solomon, Ask, What I shall give thee, And Solomon, There was much, He could have asked for, But what he did ask for, Was, Give therefore thy servant, A hearing heart, That I may hear, What thou hast to say to me, And a heart to receive it,

[50:15] And to, Put it into, Practice, Ask what I shall give thee, And the Lord gave him, That which he asked, Wisdom, And he gave him much more, Beside to do with the things, Of this life, And now, If God should say that, To any of you, Dear young people, Ask, What I shall give thee, What would you ask for, Would you ask, That you might be made wise, Unto salvation, Through faith, Which is in Christ Jesus, What do you sing sometimes, If Solomon for wisdom prayed, The Lord before had made him wise, Else he another choice, And asked for what, The worldlings prize, Would you ask,

[51:17] Lord, Make it plain, I belong to thee, And thine, Remember me, O Lord, With the favour, Thou bearest unto thy people, O visit me, With thy salvation, Assure my conscience, Of her part, In the redeemer's blood, And bear the witness, With my heart, That I am born, Of God, Oh, If you have got, Those concerns, And such desires, Bottled up, In your heart, The Lord bless you, And remember, The Lord has already blessed you, And he will bless you much more, As you journey on, Blessed are they, Which do hunger, And thirst, After righteousness, For they shall be filled, And in coming to the Amen,

[52:21] I want to read the verse immediately before our subject, But continue thou, In the things which thou hast learned, And hast been assured of, Knowing of whom thou hast learned them, You see, If when you come, To be of age, Then you can do as you like, And you no longer continue in the things, Which you have learned and heard about, From baby days on, How very solemn it will be, And you will reap, In accordance with the seed, That you have sown, But oh, If you should be, Like Timothy, And that from a child, There was known the holy scriptures, Which are able to make thee wise,

[53:22] Unto salvation, Through faith, Which is in Christ Jesus, If you should, Have it in your hearts, To live your lives, Inside the covers, Of the word of God, You will find, As you journey on, Fear him, Ye saints, And you will then have nothing else to fear, Make you his service, Your delight, Your wants, Should be his care, Amen,