Anniversary evening. The afternoon of the same date was Mr Wood, also available for download.
[0:00] As you may be pleased to help me, I will beg you to speak my word of heaven in the second epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 2, verse 10.
[0:21] All second epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 2, verse 10.
[0:36] To whom ye forgave anything, I forgave also. For if I forgave anything, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I in the person of Christ.
[1:04] The three false words of this verse, or rather for the person of Christ.
[1:18] Those of you who were here in South and new might feel the variety of what more can a poor man say of this glorious verse.
[1:36] And with the shade, of course, the heart will never be told here in the earth. It's a deep, a no-no sound.
[1:50] We have the fullness of all fullness in this one glorious verse. And I think with all my friends, it's needful, so needful for the Church of God and us, God's unworthy service, to be brought up more and more of the many things that seem so important in the Church of God.
[2:23] We know there must be business matters that tend to do. There must be some sort of order and form.
[2:35] Things be done decently and in order. But oh, how much there is that comes in with these things.
[2:47] And the person of Christ, the glory and the beauty and all the light that only this glorious Son of righteousness can bring to the Church and shine within the Church, I say it seems to prevent these greatest of divine blessings.
[3:18] By way of introduction, although there's no need, surely, I would just mention this dear servant of God, God forbid that any of us should ever take him or make him an example or pattern before the only glorious example of the Church.
[3:47] For Jesus only can be that. But did you not feel it in that short epistle that he wrote to Philemon, how he manifested the Spirit of Christ, his glorious Savior?
[4:11] Do we, my friends, we have it again in this very chapter. It touched me when I was reading it the other evening.
[4:23] It was from such a one that had fully aged. He'd been through many battles. Yes. And he had the mark to the Lord Jesus within and with a...
[4:38] He said, have we, have we, have we this mark, a forgiving spirit, a patient spirit? We need this among us. As a people, we do indeed.
[4:50] We're not very Christ-like oftentimes, are we? But you see how he wrote to Philemon about the poor man who, yet was rich, no masinous, high grace now, but he was a slave.
[5:12] And he ran away. He couldn't have come to a better one, one who had the mind of Christ Jesus, one who could tell him about this glorious person, could he?
[5:31] And he was delivered not only from that slavery, bondage he was in under a fire, but by the Spirit's wonderful quickly and by grace, he was delivered from that bondage of death, the poor end, by the Adam Paul.
[5:59] And you see, our grace shone forth, and what fruit came out of that transaction, that letter.
[6:10] And I thought that here man, he didn't ask for much in return, did he only a lodging? Do we look upon this earthly hell we've got?
[6:27] There's only lodging, I hope so. This is not our rest, is it? No, there's so much in that short whistle to my soul.
[6:38] And again, whatever he was asking him to do, not to do it out of necessity, but willingly.
[6:49] Well now, we have in this chapter, the same here man, and all he was, and all that he had, was from the person of Christ.
[7:05] And the same with us, my friends, if we've got anything worth having, it must come through him, and these people, we hear about, the excommunicated person.
[7:21] You know, of nature, we all are up in the church, and God, it has done. And, we know we must have discretion, we must have woman of order, and, we need a lot of, grace, and wisdom from above, to attend, to the business of the church, about, what about, the person of Christ?
[7:51] Oh, his great forbearance, his patience, with sinners, well on earth, and what about, with you, and with me? I often tell him, my poor way, I wonder Lord, that that is still, put up in me.
[8:08] Do you? It, it, it amazes me, it does, because I don't get a bit better, I get worse, than I feel, than the older I get.
[8:22] And, but it's quite all these things, you see, and he still bears with me. So he does with all of us. And Paul, he's trying to show them, how they should act, in the church of God.
[8:39] Not, turn the act, not cut them off. It wouldn't, they wouldn't be doing anything, contrary to God's word, if they showed a little more charity.
[8:51] But that's what's lacking today, my friends. It is, sad to say it is, and it's brought many things, and it's strange, and we are depleted, and brought below.
[9:07] Or, if I put these things, as I do them, sometimes, before the Lord, and we see, in the context, of this word, where, Paul was, speaking about, this, grace, of forgiving, he says, he, he, he was, in the person of Christ, or rather, in the context, in the sight, of Christ.
[9:36] How do you forget, that, he's always watching, that, Lord, God, a surveyor, that always listens, he knows us, through and through, every motive, not a thought, can fly, and no, him, that sits, above, ah, if only we, realized, these things, more, different, the, the church of God, would be, and we, shall be, too.
[10:11] And he, being a great example, Paul, brought him, before, the church of Corinth, as he did, before, by even, and other places, many places.
[10:27] So, let's consider, this glorious person, not only, this matter, of, forgiving one another. John said, you know, in his old age, when he was, in Patmos, and in the epistles, there, little children, love one another.
[10:51] We can do it more of it, can't we? Or do we think, we've got enough of it? I don't seem to have, too much of any grace. I am glad, the promise is, but, he give it, more grace.
[11:06] And in my grace, we're saved to, not of work, let's any man, propose. And now, this glorious person, of Christ, we read, in Hebrews, the first, chapter, the third verse, the, the, the, the, the, the expressed image, of his, father's, first.
[11:36] And how kind, the eternal, father, the majesty of the high, to send, for his, glorious son, to give, his, honest, faithful gift, and, that, the people, that lived, while he was, upon birth, there, they saw, the, expressed image, of the, father's, person.
[12:04] And, in that, glorious person, they, good hope, for, forgiveness, from, the father, through him, hoping, all things, through him, by the grace, that came, by the Lord, Jesus Christ, as with them, the same, with us, in our day, and the same, before his, they are, by faith, they look forward, to, this glorious, person, who should, be born, in a manger, in Bethlehem, not, as, the great, people, of the world, would have it, that he, he ought, to come, in a different, way, but he's, never, done things, or, said, anything, in, that way, to please, his enemies, and those, for whom, there was no, salvation, they, have, fought with him, they do, today, the leaders, of the church, did then, they do, today, yes, what a mercy, my friends, if, we, have been, subdued, and are subjected, by sovereign grace, now, there's nothing, of that, in us, but, he is, our best beloved, he is, to us, the chief, is all, ten, the altogether, lovely, there is, no other, and we deserve, no other, than, the person, of Christ, we know, that it was, equal, that there should be, promises, it was, equal, that the Lord, should even, give to us, in the word, his grace, the, many, holy, and very, doctrines, the precious, promises, and that there, should be, that, counsel, and, guidance, and, recruit, and everything, that we find, there, these things, in their place, are, equal, right, but, what is it all, without Jesus Christ, what will the end be, my friends, if we know, from Genesis, to Revelation, and to speak, about it, but, we have, got this, glorious,
[14:45] Savior, which, a big life, a poor man, when they took it, it far away, what more have I, we have, got a new ledge, and, and it is a mercy, if, for really, we have that sweet hope, that he is in our heart, the hope of glory, glory, we read in the, we read in the, the, 18th chapter, chapter, the 16th verse, I think it is, a man's gift, make it room for him, and bringeth him, before great men, that none other than, this glorious, man, Christ, Jesus, the end of the chapter, confirms it, that, there is one, that sticketh closer, than a brother, as he made room, for himself, this glorious person, in you, and has he given you, a sweet hope, and faith, that, that, there is room, for you, in him, this is what happens, this is all, important, to be in union, with the lamb, from condemnation, free, it won't be enough, for us, to think, and sing, and say, the saints, from everlasting work, and show, for ever be, unless, we have, the experience, of it, that's what, should be brought, before the people, today, and something, that, will raise their, soul, and be a, solemn exercise, and, it may, after all, be true, the spirit, work, be done, the favor of God, the Father, toward them, and the, sweet and everlasting, love, all three, and especially, the love, of Jesus, what it is, none but his loved ones, know, do you know, what the love, of this person is, it's love, and divine, love, you can't, express it, oftentimes, can you, no, while we would thank God, for natural love, loved ones, and their spiritual love, and the spiritual love, and the love of brothers and sisters, and the servants of God, one toward another, what is that, compared to the love of Christ, to you or me, ah, compared to Christ, always I know, coming as I see, the one thing evil, dearest Lord, is to be one with thee, one with him in all things, one with him in the tomb, one with him when he rose, one with him when in heaven he took his seat, and, sir, say, all else defeat, only this person, who bring you, in this, everlasting union, with himself, and to give you sweet hopes, of that, which, as yet,
[18:26] I have not seen, or hear, heard, nor have it entered, the heart of man, what God hath prepared, for them, that love him, isn't it a wonderful thing, to love him a little, we are reading, at our prayer meeting, Tuesday evening, we've seen, oh yes, a few verses, in that wonderful chapter, the 11th of the Hebrews, I, is, the substance, of things, hoped for, the evidence, of things, not seen, you just, ponder upon, those few words, the evidence, of things, not seen, if you always see, marks of grace, in you,
[19:31] I found in myself, can you read, your title, clear, always, to mansions, in the sky, bid, farewell, to every tear, and, wide your, we, we can hide, I can't, my friend, but, evidence, of things, not seen, and, I'm sure, it's true, others, can't see, those, needful, evidences, within, you, because, they are, in themselves, of not, for one mercy, the Lord, can see, all, now, the evidence, of love, that's one, in my mind, the spirit, that is, I hope, to think, of this, when I said, a little love, it is, very small, I feel it, mine is, toward him, at times, and all the vastness, of his love, toward me, but, to have a little, evidence, of it, and he brought, to you sometimes, where he brought,
[20:47] Peter, to say, for some might say, what I am, I am, I am not guilty, of Peter, to say, anyway, I have not denied, him yet, so, talk to him, my friends, what, faith, Peter, oh, this love, would not, let Peter go, this glorious, person, he must pray, for Peter, and he did, and I, oh, I am glad, that, I believe, the Lord, has prayed, for me, many, a time, I've been, today, I've said, Lord, what a mercy, I can't pray, but I still have, hope, in my wonderful, prayer, that the dear, servant of God, mentioned, in the Psalms, in that wonderful, 17th chapter, of John, oh, how wonderful, it is to have, hope, in this person's, wonderful prayers, and, not at least, sweet love, for he did say, to Peter, that, he prayed, for him, because he knew,
[21:58] Satan, was going, to assist him, here's the Lord's, permissive will, we cannot, always, understand it, and, Peter's faith, did not, by all, he still had faith, in the person, of Christ, he did, and then, he must test, his love, love himself, any more, than me, for do you, my friends, all of you, does he, come first, in, your affections, as he, drawn, and then, up to himself, again, again, and so that, your, congregation, may be more, and more, in heaven, than it was, here, to, before, or is there, something, still here, that, holding, apart, of your heart, and there isn't, that love, to be, going, after him, this, holy person, said, my son, or my daughter, give me, thine heart, he has a right, to save, he has, no one else has, but he has, he gave himself, for thee, ah, he went, he bled, he died, for thee, what more, he says, could Jesus, do, this, glorious person, well,
[23:30] Peter, you know, he had to tell him, they have noticed, all things, Lord, they have noticed, that I, love thee, it's a wonderful, it's a great, it's a glorious thing, to love, this holy person, the Father, God, beloved, here, the Father, this is my, beloved son, in whom, I am, well, pleased, the son of his, wasn't, equal with the Father, in every way, ah, and he's gone, now, again, in that glory, his rightful glory, that belongs, to him, and, I am, that are you, and this, same, here, man, heaven, now, rain, with wounds, still beating, why, the person, of Christ, the same,
[24:33] Jesus, as we have, in the first chapter, of Acts, the 11th, verse, he ascended, from his loved ones, to his glory, but he's coming, again, ah, the person, of Christ, will be seen, just as he was, I feel, the scriptures, will be fulfilled, in every detail, and every eye, shall see him, and, then, that fear, sin, I don't want, a repetition, of what was said, this afternoon, but, the dear man, was saying, my, words, out of my mouth, in some of my, meditation, because he was, on the same, drawers, verse, how solemnly, that I've come, to be at times, when, I've been thinking, about my sins, and all the thoughts, sinner, thou hast done the deed, thou hast made, the Savior, lead, the soul, your spirit, him, it is true, but thou hast, your sin, through attitude, this holy, gentle, glorious, a lamb, of God, who, never done, anyone, any harm, he could not, when he was, revolved, he revolved, not by day, he, he did, a week, over Jerusalem, he did, ask his father, to forgive, the people, for they knew, not what, they did, he would, gather them, if that was his father's will, all of them, how are we, about this, my friends, or are we still, in that awful place, that many of our brethren, and sisters, have gone into, it's just, this little number here, and that little number there, who told them, sir, you know, once,
[26:37] I was preaching, in, a chapel, not our own place, one Sunday evening, and, because, I made a remark, and it was a, a major story, that made, that remark, come forth, about, they should only, uh, and, and, seek, to know it, from the mouth of God, that they're standing, and how, it will be with them, at the end, of the journey, for there were many, straight, well, of the man, Christ Jesus, because, they saw him, and they knew him, as the man, Christ Jesus, he was a good man, and they said, yes, he done a lot of good, they say, so the day, in the church of Rome, my friends, and yes, in the conference, as a nun, that tell you, he's a good man, but sinners, saved by grace, now, brought to know this, glorious person, as very God, as, well, as very man, and, because I warned the people, after the service, whatever cause, you just say, such a thing here, of course, they're all God's people, was it, are they, that's all right, and I said,
[28:06] I didn't know, I wonder, who told them, they're all God's people, I agree, the angels, are going to be, the readers, they're going to, separate, and the wheat, and the tears, yes, they are, in that, great, and notable day, of the rule, I quite believe, there were, a goodly number, of greatest souls, there, but, who dare say, they were all, God's people, no, my friend, you see, they've got, in a rut, a lot of them, and, we're not, allowed, to speak, such things, and, and do, the things, that some, of God, some, have done, and, as they said, by thyself, or a man, over here, than that, not this, glorious person, well, look at him, he went, to a bad mother, he went, to one, and he loved her, and she got, too many devils, in her, and he had, to deal with them, too, and he went, to all sorts, of simple, oh, this holy person, did, with, that determination, to do them, good, in every way, especially, in their way, of salvation, and, they all, loved him, you know, they all, stayed well, loved him, and they didn't, turn around, and, walk no more, with him, as, many did, who were not, his own, no, and, can you, go away,
[29:53] I can't, no, go away, not, from this glorious person, to whom else, can we go, now, have the words, of eternal life, just a moment, on those wonderful, words, of eternal life, no man, ever stayed, like this glorious person, that's true, every word, was true, and every word, had a purpose, in it, as sure, in every step he drew, on every journey, what on, this earth, all, in all, he was doing, his son, and all he was doing, was for the good, of a, a present, eternal, good, of a vast number, of hell deserving, sinners, but, the words, as thought, the words, my savior, speak, there's no one, speaks like this, glorious person, what wonderful, words, they are, to guilty, sinners, doomed, to die, to one, that has been trembling, and shaking, under the holy, law of God, to a great, debtor, to one, that knows, for themselves, a sinner, they do not, all anger, with, the words, of God, when the Holy Spirit, have been done, with them, they know, they are the man, or the woman, they know, they have sinned, and come short, of the joy, of God, then, how wonderful, are the words, and that Jesus, speak on earth, that are recorded, by his servants, by his spirit, set down, for our, instruction, our encouragement, our comfort, were they not, words, of life, always, there are, any darkness, in there, because, he was, like himself, he is still, he cannot change, he was, the light, of the world, the light, of his people,
[32:29] Israel, if we have, not this person, for our, glorious son, and the son, of righteousness, we're still, in there, awful darkness, we don't know it, my friends, and that's, the terrible thing, about, that darkness, that all are in, by the Adam, hall, that they don't, know they're, in it, and neither, did God's people, until, the same, wonderful light, that, struck, poured out, on that road, shone, upon, and within, them, and, as, with a person, the light, of the world, so, his words, their light, indeed, and, as, I, I, I, everyone, that is, brought in, the kingdom, of grace, with, that, illumination, needful, realize, where, they've been, brought from, and, how dark, has been, all their, experience, and, what darkness, the world, is lying in, in wickedness, that they've, been delivered, from,
[33:50] I say, and their life, and, of course, this person, he's made words, of eternal life, too, and the words, I speak, unto you, they are spirit, and life, his people know it, and only, the people of God, do know it, and, everything's, different, to a new creature, old things, are passed, away, and, here is his glorious, person, who only, can, bring all these things, to them, and bring them, through himself, to, his eternal, Father, and, how wonderful, are the words, of this, holy, person, though, and, to his, dear, afflicted, and troubled, and tried, saints, oftentimes, not like, we speak, but we get a bit hasty, sometimes, don't we, we speak, you know, and we all, keep, silent, and when we do, we don't know what we say, always do we, but he did, and, his, words, were, always, calm, but, they were, intense, it's still, the same, now, his, people, take notice, of him, his faith, that way, all on earth, but, his word, went home, didn't they, they did, the devil, let alone, his creature, yes, to the high, and mighty ones, that the church, and the leaders, so called, the Pharisees,
[35:42] Sadducees, the scribes, they had to take notice, of his words, but they're always spoken, in that, holy, calm, way, but they register, so they do, today, and no man, ever, stayed by him, aren't you glad, his words, are always, simple, I have been, I have been, simple, yet, profound, always, simple, so that, a poor, simple, like me, can understand him, and, have been, enabled, to, take hope, have been, encouraged, and comforted, by words, that suit, such, a poor, simple, soul, for, the, simple, admiring, proved, a kind, way, of putting it, you know, many, of the, witty, people, today, couldn't put that, like that, would they, they, want such, high, sounding, words, they must have, in their, preaching, one, two, three, four, five, that's a dozen, points, of headings, but not, my Savior, and not, this, glorious, person, he spoke, to them, in a, only, simple, way, whether it was, in Bethany, or wherever it was, in his, sufferings, he was the, same, person, this, same,
[37:24] Jesus, and none, like him, and, he only, can, as we heard, this afternoon, forgive, sins, as, just, as, easy, boy, to, forgive, sins, as, to, say, do it, a poor crippled, as, no, take up thy bed, and walk, but we, not, paid, to believe it, Paul, said, he lived, by the faith, of the Son, of God, I, want to live, by the same, faith, I, do, indeed, and I, wish, I, could tell you, more often, O, Lord, it's because, thou shalt love me, and give thyself, for me, and that, thou hast, indeed, support me, for all others, yes, there won't be another, to make his place, my friend, no, but what I'm, discerned about, is this, it says, in Holy Rick, and they, they each, resemble, the son, of the king, and in court, it means, the handmaidens, do, the daughter, should resemble, the daughter, of the king, do we, do we, that's the point, oh,
[38:53] I would grow here, wouldn't you, our progress, here, I will be, now, receiving the time, to this end, not because, we shall be saved, by any, good works, by our truth, no, no, no, only this person, can save us, but, who would not, have, his word, and dwelling in, more, richly, and, in all wisdom, who would not, have, his mind, and, who would not, have, an increase, of love, to his, honor, and, more, patience, in waiting, for Christ, for this, glorious, person, could, he, richly, more, than he has, done, he, who is rich, for your, sakes, and became, for that, through his, poverty, he might be made,
[40:03] I, totally rich, what, are all, in here below, good and great, there are, we need, this kind of providence, but, the unsurgeable, riches, are thine, is this glorious, person, is, thine husband, is a lover, of the life, soul, if he is, my advocate, even, now, this evening, before the, drop, before the, father, with the, father, is he, the great, intercessor, intercessor, this evening, before the, of God, is this, there, you, have, to, journey on, you cannot, do, without him, as a, savior, all the lost, whose, precious, love, redeemed you, at such, tremendous, cost, look at it, my friends, what he has, bestowed upon you, before you had, nothing, worth, calling, anything, now, you have, a great, high, priest, forever, after the order, of Melchizedek, now, you have, that, great, and good, shepherd, and bishop, of your soul, now, you have, has,
[41:25] Ruth, had, that, near, his, pinnacle, you have, from that, heavenly, Boaz, he brought you, to lay down, his feet, by the heap, of the corn, oh, what mercy, God, has, bestowed upon you, and enriched you, and there is, no more, to come, I wish, I could keep on, though my voice, is almost gone, and his little, I said, about the person, of Christ, but I know, this, my friends, whether I was, spared, a short while, or longer, to still speak, of him, it would only be, the person, of Christ, is seen, heard, adored, enjoyed, in Emmanuel's land, all this other, which seems, so important, I say, all of this, not, if, we are, joined to him, away, one, what can, separate us, nothing, at all, nothing, the Lord, the Holy, is pure, of ours, and the Lord, the Holy, the Holy, the Holy, the Holy, the Holy, the Holy, the Holy, the Holy, the Holy, the Holy, the Holy,