[0:00] PotÄħrxer Joachim As the Lord may be pleased to help me, I'll direct you to a word in the chapter which we read, Isaiah chapter 43, and we read the first verse.
[0:59] But now, thus saith the Lord, that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, fear not, for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine.
[1:13] Isaiah chapter 43, and the first verse. But now, thus saith the Lord, that created thee, O Jacob, he that formed thee, O Israel, fear not, for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name, thou art mine.
[1:30] What a tremendous word this is. And I venture this morning, hoping that perhaps it might be a word of help to some poor soul, perhaps who longs to realise something of the blessings which are set before us in such a word as this.
[1:53] Indeed, it is a great word. It contains great blessings. Really, it gives a description of the case of God's dear people as they journey on in this wilderness way, journeying on to the heavenly city.
[2:17] It contains really everything that a poor sinner can stand in need of as he journeys on in this now world.
[2:32] And it does set before us that great truth concerning the privilege and the blessing that the Lord has been pleased to in his purposes of grace to make known to all his dear people.
[2:49] It reminds us too of the amazing condescension that the Lord has manifested in his gracious dealings in salvation toward his dear people.
[3:03] And words would fail to set forth which contain this text. One can only, as it were, venture, hopefully, that the Lord will bless it to the heart.
[3:17] The first clause reminds us, doesn't it, of the certainty of these things and who has spoken these words. But now, thus saith the Lord.
[3:33] What a wonderful mercy it is that God spoke. As the Lord has been pleased to speak, in and through his word, he reveals his purposes of grace to his dear people.
[3:47] And in all that certainty which alone belongs to the Lord. But now, thus saith the Lord. Many things may be said by men and women.
[4:02] Many things are said. Many solemn things are said. Many trifling things are said. Many promises may be made one to another.
[4:17] But nothing can be compared to that which the Lord has spoken. And all through the scriptures, it is as though the Lord is speaking.
[4:30] Thus saith the Lord. What a mercy, dear friends. If God has been pleased to open our ears to hear his voice.
[4:42] To hear what God the Lord has spoken in his word, especially in those things concerning the salvation of sinners. And our personal interest in what the Lord has declared.
[4:58] Thus saith the Lord. You see, the Lord has condescended to reveal himself in his word. and it is through his word by the power of the Holy Spirit that poor sinners come to know something of God.
[5:15] And particularly in this way as the God of their salvation. The apostle Paul reminded Timothy concerning the scriptures as being that which is able to make wise unto salvation.
[5:30] And now the Lord as he speaks in his own word, in this written word which we have. They are the things that accompany salvation. And through God's word the Lord is pleased to bestow that heavenly wisdom whereby poor sinners are made wise unto salvation.
[5:49] salvation. But these are tremendous matters to consider aren't they? As I stand here before you this morning how one needs to realise something the burden of the word of the Lord.
[6:07] Know that it might be a message from heaven to some poor soul. Even this day one can hope it might be so. It might be perhaps as I bring this word before you and you look at it and what it declares.
[6:22] There are some things in this text which perhaps you feel at this time it is high as yet I cannot attain to it. But you know if the Lord is pleased to speak into your heart and make his word good in your heart through his mercy you will attain to these things.
[6:44] Not in a way that will fill you with self-sufficiency pride no but rather the other way. I am sure of this whoever poor sinner is really concerned and exercised about the salvation of his soul any indication of the Lord's favour toward that one will not lift him up with pride.
[7:09] I feel it will be the reverse. Yes grace and exercise will humble and any intimation of the Lord's greatest mercy to the poor sinner surely will be a humbling experience.
[7:32] Let the Lord have taught us a little of what we are as poor sinners so unworthy so guilty and then the Lord should be pleased to speak to us in his mercy his grace how he should humble us shouldn't it to think that the Lord should condescend to deal with us and to make known his mercy and his grace and so then if a poor sinner should be brought into something of a blessing is what counts in this word it will have I believe a humbling effect.
[8:15] Remember dear David the psalmist there were times when he had a humbling sense of God's goodness you read in one place then went King David and sat before the Lord and said who am I O Lord God and what is my house that has brought me hitherto all the dear man considered matters with regard to himself he must have felt humbled yes with shame he'd have to confess his sins and yet on the other hand he wondered at God's mercy who am I O Lord God and what is my house that has brought me hitherto we see that how there was a humbling sense of God's mercy an acknowledgement of God's mercy he felt his unworthiness and in the face of that God's great goodness but now may the Lord help us this morning to consider this precious and great word really but now thus saith the Lord here is the authority
[9:26] God speaks he who spake all things into being speaks graciously to his dear people and in that expression in particular way as God the Father sent forth his beloved son into this world and how the scripture reminds us concerning the Lord Jesus Christ he was the word made flesh and dwelt among us the express image of the Father's glory he is the word and one has rightly said in the hymn written in the incarnate word in all things the same yes the Lord has spoken he has revealed his purposes of grace to his dear people and as thus saith the Lord which means that nothing can overturn this just as when God created the heavens and the earth it came to pass there was no power that could withstand it therefore when the
[10:33] Lord speaks graciously when he proclaims his I will speak reverently when he proclaims his precious truth concerning his great salvation to his dear people and the blessings he has promised to them nothing can overturn this nothing can withstand it nothing can alter it Satan may oppose and he does because he is the enemy to truth he is the enemy to God and therefore the enemy to his gospel and the enemy to God's people he may do much he does but he is limited he cannot undo that which God has done he cannot overturn that which the Lord has spoken or there is a supreme authority in this word but now thus saith the Lord but then the text reminds us to whom this word is spoken and how the Lord speaks thus as that great creator but now thus saith the
[11:44] Lord that created the old Jacob and he that formed the old Israel here the word reminds us to whom this word is spoken yes to God's chosen ones expressed here in these words O Jacob and O Israel you see we are reminded here how the Lord does speak and discloses his purposes of grace toward his dear people by his distinguishing grace and when we think of Jacob and Israel as descriptive of God's chosen people it does remind us doesn't it of God's distinguishing grace think of Jacob himself remember it was made known to his mother before those two lads were born that there was a great difference between the two
[12:45] Esau Jacob and there's a very solemn and blessed setting forth of God's distinguishing grace Jacob was the subject of God's everlasting love Jacob have I loved the Lord said Esau have I hated that is God left Esau to go his own way and his own sinful way Jacob was a sinner no better by nature than Esau but there was this distinguishing grace you see and we're reminded here as the Lord speaks for his dear people there's a distinction here God speaks he speaks graciously he speaks effectually into the hearts of his dear people and described here as Jacob but now thus saith the
[13:47] Lord that created thee oh Jacob and it formed thee oh Israel oh may the Lord be pleased by his Holy Spirit to give us an understanding of this and these two names which are expressed in this word and as the Lord addresses his dear ones in this way oh Jacob oh Israel reminding us to it not of Jacob and how the Lord was pleased to deal with him in a distinguishing way not very desert on Jacob's part no but all of God's sovereign grace and mercy and how this sounds forth as it were down through the generations with regard to God's dealings in grace to his dear people not for their duties or desert you see we cannot merit in any way whatever the favour of God in grace the Lord bestows it it flows you were singing in the first hymn about the flow of
[15:01] God's mercy yes figured in that way that wonderful way that beautiful way as those streams of mercy flowing from Zion's mountain and you see God's grace flows it flowed to Jacob yes it flowed to Jacob it comes from heaven it flows so freely and it reaches poor sinners in their lost and undone condition and their unworthiness and what a mercy that is and so the Lord speaks here but now thus saith the Lord that created the old Jacob and he formed the old Israel and what we notice too in this description and these two names in this text this does remind us how the Lord was pleased to deal with Jacob because you know when we think of
[16:01] Jacob and Israel and both names belong to him he reminds us of what the Lord was pleased to perform in the experience and life of Jacob the time came when Jacob was given this name you know the occasion Jacob returning from his own laban to his own country and he came into trouble Esau still and Jacob had to leave his country some 20 years before his own home because Esau determined to kill him he had to flee for his life as it were and now as he's returning to Bethel he has this news that Esau is coming to meet him with 400 men so a reminder he still had Esau his brother to contend with and it was a great trouble to him
[17:12] God in his great mercy delivered him and on that memorable night when there was a man with Jacob until the breaking of day Jacob had his name changed didn't he and while he was still Jacob he was also Israel which means a prince and when God gave Jacob that name he mentioned that as a prince has their power with God and with men and as Jacob was helped in that wrestling experience that night how he obtains a blessing how he prevailed as it were in prayer and so as we have these two names here really it reminds us of what he was Jacob by nature and what he was by the grace of God Israel he was still Jacob but he was also Israel and how true this is with regards to the character of
[18:17] God's dear people those whom God is pleased to call by his grace and deal with graciously they are still what they are by nature they are still the old man of sin they are still fallen sons and daughters of Adam but there is a new nature also what they are made to be by grace and one is contrary to the other and it may be sometimes perhaps you've got an experience you may have a solemn reminder of what you are by nature and there's that experience described in God's word concerning the plague of the heart and it is those who are really the Israel of God these are the ones that know something of that plague of the heart within because there are two principles you see still the old man of sin and that which the Lord has been pleased to perform graciously in their hearts and one is contrary to the other so then
[19:25] Jacob reminds us then of what we are by nature but then God gave him this name Israel and it confirmed what God has declared concerning Jacob Jacob have I loved and how words will fail dear friends to seek to express the nature of God's love to his dear people and all that it means and all that was accomplished flowing from that love it can only be traced to the sovereign love of God God did love Jacob and there were those times again and again when this was demonstrated that God took special care and a loving care over Jacob and in all his wanderings and in all that he passed through in his experience there was the hand of God
[20:30] Jacob's times are in God's hand God loved Jacob and God loves his people dear friends it is an unchanging love it is an everlasting love it knew no beginning it knows no end God loved his people in eternity and in love he chose them he distinguished them by his love to be made manifest in due time and in love he sent his beloved son into this world and the dear son of God the Lord Jesus Christ in love to his dear people so willingly came down this world to do all that was needed to be done for their complete salvation their eternal safety and security God loved Jacob you may say can he love such a poor sinner as I feel to me well do you know what it is to mourn over your sins do you feel sometimes unworthy of his love and yet how you long it may well be to realise some indication of this for the
[21:49] Lord to speak to you and to make known these blessings which are couched in this word before us in this text well there's hope isn't there hope there's hope for any evidence of a desire wrote in your heart to him with regard to the salvation of your poor sinful soul even in this rightly considered I believe there's evidence that you have an interest in his everlasting love you may not enjoy the warmth of it at this time you may be sorely tried perhaps our text reminds us of those things that give rise to fears that God's love is sovereign it flows freely yes for all eternity to his dear people and this is a love which will never change it is everlasting love and everything the Lord is pleased to perform in the experience of his dear people flows from his everlasting love well now there's this word but now thus saith the Lord that created the old
[23:10] Jacob and formed the old Israel notice these words not only the names Jacob and Israel but God's dealings in this but now thus saith the Lord that created the old Jacob that created the old Jacob you see God created didn't he he created man upon this earth he created Adam in his first condition as it were as a upright sinless creature that Adam sinned but then in a wonderful way how the Lord has created his dear people and formed them notice these two words thus saith the Lord that created the old Jacob and that formed the old Israel God there's a deep truth couched here the Lord's creation his new creation those who are made to be new creatures in
[24:24] Christ Jesus God has created you see there is that good work of grace begun in the soul the principle of divine life implanted it is a new creation it is God's work not man's work God's work but then I wanted to notice this not only in that way but in this word here he got formed the old Israel sure this directs our minds doesn't it to the way in which the Lord is pleased to deal with his dear people he forms them you remember Jeremiah was commanded to go down to the potter's house wasn't he and there he saw a work on the potter's wheel and the Lord gave Jeremiah a lesson with regard to this you see God forms his dear people just as clay is formed in the hands of the potter and this is God's forming and he that formed the OJ
[25:35] O Israel yes the Lord forms his people we read in the chapter didn't we this people have I formed for myself they shall show forth my praise and it is as the Lord is pleased to deal with them and shape them as it were there will be that which will stand forth and bring forth his praise that whereby his praise shall be shown this people have I formed for myself they shall show forth my praise merely you know every elect whistle of mercy shows forth his praise as such he redeems the glory of his name there's no room for creature boasting in any way in any degree in any aspect of the things pertaining to salvation there's no room for creature boasting at all but it's that which redeems to the glory of
[26:37] God and the Lord will deal with his dear people to this end bring them to realise on the one hand their unworthiness as poor sinners their guiltiness deserving God's just judgements and yet to be made recipients of his grace and to be formed for his praise he that formed the O Israel so we think then of the clay in the hand of the potter there's that expression the art of the potter we're the clay and dear friends it's a great mercy that all his pleases deal with us and in those things which may concern us in life's pathway to seek to discern something of this his moulding yes you see the potter moulds the clay it has to be softened it has to be made ready so that the potter can form it and make it according to the vessel he requires god is pleased to do this for his dear people for he shall be formed for his praise yes to be made vessels of mercy yes vessels of mercy fitted for glory you see heaven is a true expression
[28:11] I believe heaven is a prepared place for prepared people and in this wilderness here below there's these Jacob's Israel nights journey through the wilderness and the Lord forms them he moulds them it may be sometimes with regard to his dealings with you it is to this end you might be moulded you see the Lord deals with his people he deals with them graciously and what a mercy dear friends if sometimes perhaps in your particular pathway of life you might be able to view these things in this way the moulding hand of God and indeed surely rightly considered and we need this don't we we do need the Lord to deal with us yes to subdue our sins yes to form us for his praise his glory we cannot prepare ourselves
[29:24] God in his great mercy does prepare his people yes he he forms them for himself so that he sanctifies his dealings to them so that they shall be profited they shall be moulded as it were in that particular way which shall show forth his praise in other words to be made like him like the Lord Jesus Christ and you see there's so much in us by nature it's so different isn't it how easy we can demonstrate what we are by nature how easy the old man can rise up can't it but what a great mercy dear friends if there's something of this sometimes he's subduing by his grace and that moulding he has to be humbled I think it is right to say that in preparing clay there's that expression used for the clay to be humbled it has to be softened so that it can be shaped you see and how we do need the
[30:38] Lord to deal with this in that way don't we to form us in that way to make us humble to conquer our proud hearts which are so evident by nature you see the Lord moulded Jacob didn't he Lord Jacob was still Jacob what he was by nature but it's something else as well and in those things that Jacob had to pass through there were those things that the Lord was pleased to sanctify to Jacob's prophet and to mould him although it meant to humble him yes and bring him right down as it were so loud so helpless and then the Lord to demonstrate his wonderful mercy that performed his purposes making crooked things straight and rough places plain God did this but you see the Lord formed him yes and so the Lord does form his people or that that petition might be found in your heart and mind dear friends to even to ask the Lord to form us yes by his spirit yes to be made like the Lord
[32:04] Jesus Christ by nature we're so unlike him we're such sinners but what a great mercy to have that desire to be formed for the Lord to deal with us and you know it's a mercy isn't it to have any evidence the Lord deals with us though it may be we pass through things which perhaps are not so easy for the flesh to experience indeed it is not a flesh pleasing path is it no but it's a path which the Lord sanctifies to his dear people a path wherein he forms them for his praise yes he fits them for glory and his power alone can do this so then the word runs in this way but now thus saith the Lord that created the old Jacob and he that formed the old Israel and then there is the word what's the Lord saying to these people oh can we not see here his condescending mercy his wondrous care and sympathy toward his dear people as they journey on here below and these two words here express that fear not and now thus saith the Lord that created the old
[33:31] Jacob and formed the old Israel fear not perhaps when I mention this word to you it may be that it's just the word you feel to need the Lord to speak to you fear not how often the Lord's dear people favour though they are distinguished by his grace no people to be compared to them and yet they in their own experience often are there some too many fears they're not lifted above all fears now well there are some who profess religion and profess to know the things of God and suggest that the Lord lifts his people above all their fears there's no place for fear no no place for fear and almost perhaps disdain those who may perhaps venture to mention a little of their fears as it ought not to be well we don't build on fears it's not the foundation of our hope is it but at the same time the Lord's dear people are not immune from fears we have these blessed and precious fear not scattered through the scriptures yes especially for his dear people and here the Lord speaks it is thus saith the Lord notice that thus saith the Lord fear not how condescending how sympathizing the Lord is to his dear people the Lord
[35:15] Jesus Christ himself who is a friend of sinners he who has indeed redeemed his people he knows their sorrows he knows their temptations he knows their fears he can fully sympathize good it is to know something of the sympathy of kind friends you know but that is limited isn't it now the Lord Jesus Christ who is a friend of sinners he can fully sympathize because he knows he's gone before his people he's trod the path and here he speaks to his dear people yes fearful hearty though they are he speaks of fear not it may well be perhaps you feel to need that word spoken to you this time or that there might be a thus saith the Lord in that way fear not and it is this and this alone can allow your fear you cannot do it man cannot do it no but the
[36:24] Lord can allow fears he can speak of fear not you remember when the Lord Jesus Christ there were times when his disciples were fearful weren't they and of little faith and yet how the Lord Jesus Christ appeared for them stilled the storm yes delivered them from imminent perils they thought he speaks of fear not and how precious this is maybe sometimes you feel fearful fearful because of the temptations of the enemy fearful because of your sad state by nature the sin which the softness to prevail in your experience is rise to fears fears sometimes when the past seems to be a dark one fears lest the Lord has forsaken you quite some of these fears are groundless fears aren't they yes but they're very real but what
[37:34] I admire the Lord is given this word yes to his fearing ones fearful hearted ones you can think of Jacob once more on that particular occasion as he had to cry to the Lord concerning Esau he said for I fear him that is he was afraid of him he was afraid of his wrath he was afraid that Esau would perform his intents to destroy Jacob and there were those things that would rise in Jacob's heart which would fill him with fear because you see he had deceived didn't he he deceived his father yes and he had some very solemn lessons to learn as the Lord formed him and there are those things that give rise to fears aren't there your sin but there's a fear not you're saying it is a word upon a good foundation thus saith the
[38:43] Lord he who has made all provision for the complete safety of all his dear people speaks this word fear not though there are troubles of the way the Lord is not promised an easy path for his dear people no the Lord Jesus Christ reminded his disciples in me you must through much tribulation in the world you should have tribulation in me you should have peace there is a tribulation to the trials the difficulties things to remind you that you need help things to remind you have no might against this great company that cometh against you like Josaphat when you commit difficulties and trials but the Lord is in control thus saith the Lord that created the old
[39:43] Jacob and that formed the old Israel fear not and then how the Lord speaks further in this wonderful way to these poor fearful hearted ones these trampling ones these who sometimes wonder where the scene will end these who may fear sometimes when they consider the end of the journey and how things will be with them when they come there fear not for I have redeemed thee for I have redeemed thee what a tremendous word this is yet the Lord speaks it you see he was the great redeemer God in Christ is speaking here and thus saith the Lord he is the great redeemer you read in one place in the same prophecy the redeemer is strong yes and how completely he redeemed his dear people with the precious blood which he shed upon
[40:45] Calvary's cross or we would not may we preserve and speaking lightly with respect to the blood of Jesus Christ it is sacred it is solemn it is holy but it reminds us of the price of redemption his own heart's blood and the Lord Jesus Christ so freely shed that precious blood to redeem his dear people to pay the price you see it would be bought didn't they the Lord reminds his dear people they sold themselves for naught but oh there was a purchase made by the Lord Jesus Christ in the shedding of his precious blood but a tremendous price and yet the Lord Jesus Christ paid it yes to redeem all his dear people each one of them yes even the feeblest ones the most fearful hearted ones have an interest in this great redemption but you see here in this particularly special way the Lord brings this truth before his fearing ones for I have redeemed thee it may well be here is a sentence that you long for the Lord to make known to you for I have redeemed thee very personal isn't it you know if we're rightly concerned about these things the things to do with eternity and our never dying souls may the
[42:22] Lord grant us a personal religion and if we are granted a personal religion then we need the Lord to deal with us personally and to make known those blessings which we're so unworthy of and yet which are so needful yes for our eternal good and now the Lord speaks this word then oh that it might please the Lord in his mercy to speak this gracious word into some poor fearful heart yes even this David is his will fear not for I have redeemed thee you see it is the Lord's work he is the redeemer the Lord Jesus Christ paid the price completely it's not a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a is precious the word of God tells us the redemption was complete but now a poor soul concerned about these things desires such blessing to be made now yes and sometimes it may be there is that a desire that springs up in the heart as you consider matters journeying on to never any eternity or the Lord is speaking his word for I have redeemed thee and then he puts it like this
[44:02] I have called thee by thy name yes God who named Jacob is failed he names his dear people they are spoken of as being given a new name which the Lord shall name showing they belong to him as this text reminds us fear not for I redeem thee I have called thee by thy name thou art mine oh what a word this is thou art mine just three three little words but think what is contained in it thou art mine you see the Lord has purchased his dear people they belong to him and he belongs to them the Lord Jesus Christ when he was here upon us setting forth his own truth represents himself as the good shepherd his dear people as his sheep yes and he he owns them as his yes they are his sheep my sheep he says and they hear my voice and they follow me they belong to him yes he he's purchased them he washes over them he preserves them through the perils of this life to that everlasting rest but now thus saith the
[45:33] Lord that created the O Jacob and formed the O Israel fear not for I have redeemed thee I have called thee by thy name thou art mine or may the Lord be pleased to make his word good Amen we close this morning by singing hymn hymn number 1102 material is Brussels 666 hymn number 1102 why those fears behold will