
Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 32

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Nov. 11, 1981


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[0:00] The End The End The End

[1:30] The End The End The End

[2:32] The End The End I will face my remarks with the Lord's help on the 34th verse in the 19th chapter of the Gospel by Luke.

[3:42] Luke's Gospel chapter 19 and verse 34. And they said,

[5:51] He was about to go to Jerusalem and fulfill that prophecy in Zechariah concerning this very event.

[6:02] What a wonderful thing it was that he chose to ride as king into Jerusalem upon Anas's colt.

[6:46] He could have chosen just whatever he pleased and directed that that provision should come to him and all would have been willing to obey his decree that such should be his conveyance.

[7:11] He chose to ride upon this whole of Anas's colt.

[8:11] There is an experimental verification of the perfect knowledge of Jesus in regard to the disposition of all sinners.

[8:24] Even as he had said, even as he had said, they had things to do. And there was this ass and there was this ass and there was this ass and its colt, tie, where two ways met.

[8:41] And the owners were nigh of hand to raise the question of which the Lord forewarned would be raised, that brought forth this ass and that brought forth this answer, which proved a sufficient answer to quieten any feeling of resentment as to the taking away of the ass and its colt at this particular time.

[9:13] I wonder if such a disposition is found in our hearts as to bring us to silence in regard to the sacrifice or forfeiture of anything we possess through the words that God hath made.

[9:40] My friends, we're very possessive of our possession. But this was a satisfactory reason for the forfeiture of a possession by the owners of this colt.

[10:06] The Lord hath made of it. Now, it's a sad thing really, if we are such possessors of our possessions that should the Lord call us, and I emphasize that, should the Lord call us to make sacrifice of any possession we're possessed of for his sake, are we willing or are we hungry?

[10:39] The Lord hath made of it. The Lord hath made of it. There's a satisfactory, satisfying reason for the owners of this beast to sacrifice him, to release him, and let the disciples take him away.

[11:05] And the Lord hath made of it.

[11:35] Something to God's will. And walking out a path that was perfectly prophesied in Old Testament scripture.

[11:50] What a part, and as is Colt, made in the fulfilment of prophecy.

[12:05] That prophecy could not be fulfilled without this essential provision. And to my friends, while we may look at various things and feel that they're insignificant, inferior, commonplace, there are times when commonplace things are absolutely essential to the fulfilment of the divine purpose.

[12:40] And that the divine purpose could not be fulfilled without the commonplace thing. So that we may say, well, I can't see him in need of that.

[12:54] I can't see, the Lord doesn't require that. Well, let us be careful. Because the Lord uses, in his condescending purposes, sometimes the most commonplace and unexpected instruments to the perfection of his sovereign will.

[13:23] Now, you and I, in similar circumstances, in these circumstances, would have expected the Lord to ride upon the ass with the colt run by himself.

[13:39] Because the ass was trained, in all probability of being used previously to combine persons and properties.

[13:59] And that when we come to the colt, we find a beast upon which never had before had sat.

[14:13] So that the thought of sitting upon such a beast, and that just that alone, would raise all sorts of problems.

[14:29] Some of us have witnessed the breaking in our forces in our youth, when that was more common than it is to die.

[14:43] And we remember some of the reactions of the animal to the first suggestion of human discipline.

[14:54] And, my friends, the contrary will of the beast to its master, as it rebelled against authority, and how that spirit had to be broken, and the very suggestion or the very name that's used in that particular, that it shows to us that the spirit of the horse must be broken, he must be broken in.

[15:31] That is, he must be made subject to the will of his master. Now, here was a beast not broken in?

[15:42] A beast that had in his nature every probability of untoward reaction, that instead of the Lord riding into his royal city with dignity, suggests a most unruly reaction, that would give place to all sorts of criticisms.

[16:08] But, my friends, we find the Lord in absolute control, that the nature, as it were, of this animal, is brought into such subjection to his power, that he can ride with dignity into the city of Jerusalem.

[16:28] And, the Lord had need of him to display his power. He didn't need, as it were, the training of a human hand to bring that creature into service and subjection.

[16:51] That creature was his creature. And, its apparent unpreparedness for the office that it was to fulfil, there was no hindrance to the accomplishment of Christ's purpose.

[17:12] He brought his power to flow. And, that beast was subject to him. Now that that beast was provoked by the reactions of the crowd, so that we would judge the mother of the beast, the trained animal, would find the passage most difficult, as they cut down the branches, and threw them in the path of the animal.

[17:48] And, that they put their clothes, put their clothes on, and put them over the animal. It was everything to excite the nature of the beast, contrary to a dignified passage.

[18:02] But, Christ's power is sufficient to comprehend every eventuality, to overcome every contrary circumstance.

[18:16] And, we find here a most wonderful display of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, riding upon the pole of an axe, humble, yet dignified.

[18:32] And, in that dignity, which associated with his passage, we see a glorious demonstration of his all-sufficient power to choose what he will, to overrule all things, and bring all things into subjection to his own glory, and to the fulfilment of his work and promise.

[19:02] of old times. The Lord, and they said, the Lord hath needed me.

[19:13] The Lord hath needed me. So, my friends, we see two things I trust at this point well established in our meditation.

[19:31] first, the sweet humility, and sufficient power of the Lord Jesus Christ in his life into Jerusalem upon the whole of the past.

[19:56] And the need for sacrifice that must be made consistent with his divine choice, that the owners of his feast shall willingly submit to his call and to his purpose and forfeiting their possession that this wonderful bride of Jesus according to the word of God may find his fulfillment at this particular time.

[20:39] The Lord hath needed me. Now, I want to enlarge a little before I go to a conclusion this evening upon the theme which I have taken as my second point to you.

[21:05] The Lord hath made it. The sovereign life of the Lord. The sovereign life of the Lord.

[21:16] We either believe that everything is overruled and governed and subject to the sovereign pleasure of God or we immediately reduce the dignity of God in our consideration.

[21:41] He's either absolute sovereign or he's a sovereign subject to certain considerations. My friends, in our profession we profess that he is absolute sovereign.

[22:06] The scriptures testify of his absolute sovereign. The church acknowledges in its faith, in its declaration of faith, the absolute sovereignty of the Lord.

[22:27] Thank you. But his sovereignty requires of us continually of willingness to submit and to subscribe to his will and his pleasure.

[22:52] This is one of the great difficulties with which the children of God are continually confronted.

[23:03] and this is one of the great problems that causes the world to so adversely react we will not have this man to reign over us.

[23:22] to I do feel that it is a wonderful confirmation in our own soul's experience as well as a wonderful declaration of our discipleship when we evidence this willingness to subscribe to the sovereignty of the Lord.

[23:56] The Lord hath needed it as an over-guiling over-guiling consideration. And at times the Lord is pleased to bring us to the test under this principle in regard to things which are very valuable to us now I don't say that the thing need be very valuable commonly of great value to be valuable to a person.

[24:52] But remember real religion associates with personalities individuals and there are times when the Lord puts us to the test in regard to our disposition our attitude in regard to the son as to the son.

[25:25] And that is seen in an individual and personal way when the Lord calls upon us to make some sense.

[25:39] The subject of power will fill his name. The Lord has needed the owner's part of it.

[25:54] They let him come. you may say, well, that may have been absolutely essential to the livelihood of the owners that they remain in possession of this ass and the foal is the promise of their livelihood for the future.

[26:19] And here is a sacrifice called upon that seems to be a profound influence upon their lives and future livelihood.

[26:39] My friends, in this we see the absolute thing of bowing to the sovereign Lord as Lord over all.

[26:57] If the Lord calls upon us to make any sacrifice for his saving, we shall not ultimately lose that.

[27:11] No call of the Lord will put us outside of the promises. And the promises of the gospel comprehend every need of the Lord's people once and that.

[27:33] So, the Lord was not calling these owners to make sacrifices something that they couldn't live without.

[27:49] He could not do without the accomplishment that he promises to live. Now, at times, we've come to the point where we say, well, I don't know what I'm going to do without this, and I don't know what I'm going to do without that.

[28:08] The Lord has needed that. The Lord can take care of the situation independently of any consideration of every importance we feel in our finite apprehension of things that particular thing to do.

[28:34] Now, I must draw this to a conclusion. The second thing is this, that at times, the body of the Lord's people, the church, is unwilling to make sacrifice.

[28:56] I heard it said, well, we couldn't do without it. Well, I don't know what would happen if the son of male or female was removed.

[29:15] Well, my friends, no one is in this answer. God is able to continue his work, his purposes, irrespective of the movements of creatures.

[29:38] That doesn't mean to say we ought to be unappreciative, careless, or indifferent to the sovereign employment exercised under God's hand of individual persons.

[29:56] That doesn't mean to say that there's not a weak name from time to time when it pleases the Lord to call certain of his servants to higher service.

[30:13] The Lord has needed them, so he takes them on. But the Lord is able without a person to continue to maintain the sustain service.

[30:32] So that our concern should be what is the will of God in this future. And if we're satisfied that the Lord's will is that we should make sacrifice in any particular way, however hard it may be be to make that sacrifice in acknowledgement of the absolute life of a sovereign God, to do as he will, and on the inhabitants of the earth, we should bow to the Lord, have need of the Lord, have need of him.

[31:27] And they said, the Lord have need of him, and they brought him with Jesus. How wonderful is that picture to you.

[31:41] And they brought him with Jesus, and they cast their garments upon the cold, and they sent Jesus their arms, and they spread their clothes in the light.

[31:51] And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen, saying, blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord, peace in heaven, and glory in that life.

[32:13] What an experience. What an experience. What an experience for those that were in the world.

[32:26] What an experience for the masses of them. How that peace had a presence to be such and something powerful to make those feel to every future having the Lord through such a manner and under such circumstances to the city of Jerusalem.

[33:00] The Lord has made the Lord chooses what we were to accomplish his choice perfectly for to fill his heart and his suffering to him who has chosen the Lord and the Lord.

[33:29] the Lord will go onAMI the hy Cinnamon hope and join him with his knowledge at Turkey and神镀 Amen.

[34:29] Amen. Amen.

[35:29] Amen. Amen.

[36:29] Amen. Amen.

[37:29] Amen. Amen.

[38:29] Amen. Amen.

[39:03] Amen. Amen.

[39:29] We would have a thank-face of uncompishending, confusion...