Background hiss. Middle and last hymn with full sermon.
[0:00] Here's what you do for letting your place be on the train now. Help of the foundation, you think of the Lord.
[0:22] He's laid for your pain, he's inexperienced.
[0:34] What more can they say than to you he has said?
[0:46] You will come to Jesus forever and ever.
[0:58] In every condition, you think of the Lord.
[1:12] He's laid for your heart. What more can they say than to you he has said?
[1:32] Lord, I am with you The king of his name I cry and my God And will still give thee haste Our strength of the heart Is that for Jesus' hand
[2:34] How can I, my righteousness Of Jesus' hand How can I, my God The king of his name The river of the world Has not be above For I will be with you Thy trouble to death And sanctify to thee
[3:36] Thy deepest distress When through our retrials Thy pathway shall rise Thy grace to the patient Thou give thy surprise Thou, angel of the king Thy holy, sacred light Thy cross to virtue And thy hope to revive
[4:42] Thy kingdom In our good old age Thy people shall grow My sovereign eternal Thy kingdom The kingdom of the Lord And when glory Hells shall the temple The kingdom of the Lord Thy clans they shall still in my good lovey home The soul that on Jesus has been glorified
[5:52] I will not I will not give love to his own That the Lord has never to change I never no never no never for me as the Lord should be pleased to help me I should call your attention to a subject you will find in the book of Joshua chapter one and the second half of the fifth verse as as I was with Moses so
[7:08] I will be with thee I will not fail thee nor forsake thee chapter one the book of Joshua and the second half of the verse this is a word which was given to godly Joshua as he had to begin that great work which God ordained he should do in succeeding Moses as Israel's leader Joshua could go back and think on when he was a young man and God ordained that he should be then Moses' minister
[8:10] Joshua had been much in the company of Moses as he had wrought that great work in leading Israel through the wilderness and he had seen how the hand of God had been upon Israel as a nation and how God had supported Moses in his great work as Israel's leader and now Moses' work was ended and it is well to notice throughout the word of God and down the history of the church of Christ that when God has raised up a man to do a specific work such as he did with Moses of old that when that man's work is done God has got another man ready to carry on that work so that when Elijah is taken to heaven and that is
[9:16] Elijah to carry on the prophet's work and here now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun Moses' minister saying Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this Jordan thou and all this people unto the land which I do give to them even to the children of Israel and I want you to follow this along every place that the sole of your foot should tread upon that have I given unto you as I said unto Moses Moses and then to encourage Joshua in the great work and the very great work it was there shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life what a wonderful guarantee for Joshua to go forward in that great work that God ordained thee should do and then comes our text as I was with Moses and now Joshua would have many wonderful recollections as to how God was indeed with Moses and granted him wisdom wisdom to handle matters wisely to do with the children of Israel and how God made his goodness to pass before Israel in their wilderness wanderings yes he would have many a recollection to encourage him and to inspire him with hope in God as I was with Moses so I will be with thee
[11:28] I will not fail thee nor forsake thee and now I want us the Lord to help me to look at this subject from two or three viewpoints and it is a word in which every sinner born again has a specific interest and the great thing is to be exercised unto godliness to realise it if you are thought of God I leave the if with you then as you journey on you have a concern to know that the way you go is indeed the right way and that God will be with you in the way in which you go if thy presence go not with us carry us not up hence is how Moses felt at the beginning of his work as Israel's leader and I would like to feel that quite a few of you are concerned like that as you journey on through life everything hinges on the presence of God attending us this and this alone can help us to feel as you and I desire to feel that we are indeed pilgrims to Canaan bound not all the good earth can afford is equal to thy presence Lord our fainting hearts to cheer abide with us abide with us Lord with us well then come what will it shall be well tis well if thou art near and now leaving
[13:18] Joshua for a while and Moses also let us look at this word as it is applicable in the truth of it to every sinner born again I might just turn aside and say that Moses of a truth was a unique character and when you think what a wonderful man he was referred to as Moses the man of God I have felt many times it is very very striking how you read in the epistle to the Hebrews about Moses called by grace in one sense of the word there was nothing very striking about it I say that with great reverence because it might help some of you to be of good courage and it simply says by faith
[14:29] Moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of Therese daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward it was a wonderful choice that Moses was enabled to make and it may be none of us can realise how great that choice was in one viewpoint of it because being as he was reckoned to be the son of Pharaoh's daughter he had got as it were as it were one step on Egypt's throne and at that time
[15:34] Egypt was a great empire but when Moses was born again and he found within that aching void which this world cannot fill he turned his back on all earthly prospects and chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God and at that time you must understand the people of God were the Israelites as a nation in Egyptian bondage and they were just labouring hard in the brick kilns and so Moses walked out of the Egyptian royal palace to become the company of his own people who were just a company of brick makers and that was how he made his great choice and yet every sinner born again makes the same choice though he does not do it just the same as Moses did turn his back turn his back on something so very great but his mind is made up
[16:51] I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness it is very encouraging to feel that Moses who is the outstanding man of Old Testament history that the beginning to his religion was just an aching void which this world could not fill and he was enabled to act according to the dictates of it and every sinner born again is taught of God likewise I thirst but not as once I did the vain delights of earth to share thy wounds Emmanuel all forbid that I should seek my pleasure there each one comes to stand alongside
[17:52] Ruth and say thy people shall be my people thy God shall be my God and now look at this subject then as grace is given as I was with Moses so I will be with thee and there is one thing here one aspect of truth if I could only make it plain and better still if you could only believe it then reduce it to practice we should all be much better Christians than any of us are we are a very poor lot really pastor and people alike none of us are outstanding as Christians there is room for great improvement in every one of us who is a Christian those of us who do hope we really are it can be said there is room for much improvement and all that it might be manifest ere it is too late for now in this chapter you will observe in the reading of it that God said again and again and again to Joshua and remember God says it to you and to me be strong and of a good courage only be thou strong and very courageous have not I commanded thee be strong and of a good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest you see you see this is where people thought of God are always failing you lack this good courage and you get so discouraged and you pour on yourself so long and you get immersed in ifs and buts and hows which sink you in the gloom of all that's dismal in this world or in the world to come hey but the word of the Lord is be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might the remedy lies before thee pray they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength yes and remember and remember godly Joshua was helped to go forward in this great work that God commanded him to undertake and then what do you find when he comes down to the end of life's journey listen to Joshua then long years afterwards and behold this day
[21:09] I am going the way of all the earth and ye know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you all are come to pass unto you and not one thing hath failed thereof and now what a wonderful mercy if some of us can say this God is our God forever and ever and he will be our guide even unto death and so there is that thought to inspire every sinner thought of God as he journeys on that God has given to him in the word of his grace a guarantee a guarantee which will not fail every state our distressing shall be profit in the end every ordinance of blessing every providence of friends and you must come into the deep down meaning of that word of that word and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to his purpose but it does hinge upon this only be thou strong and very courageous as I was with Moses so I will be with thee and now this is what you and I desire to know as grace is given in journeying on through life and some of us especially where we are in life's journey swift to its close ebbs out life's little day earth's joys grow dim its glories pass away change and decay in all around I see
[23:20] O thou who changes not abide with me and now there is no step that you take in your everyday life but what you need God to fulfill this word in your soul's experience as I was with Moses so I will be with thee Emmanuel God with us lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world let us look at it then as grace is given I will be with thee and now you and I need God to fulfill this word to us in everyday life everyday life is very complicated and as you journey on into life's evening time it gets more complicated complicated because a family circle at least it has been with some of us is like when you drop a stone in a pond the ripples keep going out and out and out till they reach the bank and so it is that as you journey on into life's evening time even in everyday life everyday life if you look round your family circle there are the children and the children's children with all their cares and concerns which become yours also and what can you do but seek divine aid on their behalf as well as on your own as you journey on you journey on
[25:17] I will be with thee in the path of everyday life the trivial round the common task will furnish all we need to ask room to deny ourselves a road that leads us daily to our God don't you find some of you that there is a deep meaning in that word recorded for poor sinners like you and me in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God in everything it is very comprehensive nothing can be outside it and it teaches us that you and I need the help of God in everything if we are to attend to everything so that it should be for our good and the glory of God with whom we have to do remember that as I was with Moses so I will be with thee
[26:33] I will be with thee in the path you were called to tread day by day and I turn aside a moment that can be a word in season to help some of you dear young people who was yet have not got a family circle of your own but you go out into life to earn the bread which perishes and you have to do with the world in going out and you find the world has to do with you and your mind gets churned up with what you listen to and what your eyes observe and you need divine aid to behave aright in the midst of it especially any of you with a name on a church roll you need a word like this to strengthen you, support you as I was with Moses so I will be with thee and God is just as ready to help you to help you as he was to help Moses and then to help Joshua in the work given to them to do what do you sing sometimes
[27:55] I keep telling you and I shall have to do it till you behave better I wish you would think a deal more of what you do sing it would be a blessing for you to do it and now when most I need his help in hand this friend is always near with heaven and earth at his command he waits to answer prayer you see he can help you whether you are in your home life in your bed chamber in secret before God or when you are in the office or behind the counter or the husband man going over his field wherever you are you can stand at the foot of Jacob's ladder at any time anywhere and by living faith see the Lord standing above it to help you and bless you and make his goodness pass before you before you do remember that and seek to take the proper advantage of it as I was with Moses so I will be with thee and then it means every path you might be called to tread and you do not know yet what path you might be called to tread
[29:31] I sometimes think of what might come in a day into our lives think of Godly Job I would like you to lay this to heart because you do not know any day what might come upon you or yours and it will alter your outlook on life from that time on and you will not be able to live life just the same again because of that day and what happens in it and now think of Job who awoke in the morn the richest man in the east and at the end of it was stripped of all of his religion and his God and he says the Lord gave the Lord has taken away blessed be the name of the Lord and he realized this word fulfilled the presence of God supported him in that tremendous day in his life's history and now you might have a day of adversity you might find new straits at end and in my own judgment
[30:50] I am persuaded that there will be for you dear younger people if not those of us who are older quite a deal more of adversity in the future in the future as it unfolds than you have ever known in your young lives but some of us have known it who are older who are older in our life's morning you may be called to tread the path of adversity find your income dwindling down but your outgoings keep increasing and now you will need God you will need him as Jehovah Jireh and when that need arises in your life if you should come into the path of adversity think on this word as I was with Moses so I will be with thee yes the name of the Lord is Jehovah Jireh the Lord will provide and I would like you to learn to live that life that you sung about in our opening hymn when all created streams are dried that is when England as a welfare state collapses view it like that as it will do when all created streams are dried thy fullness is the same with this I would be satisfied our glory in thy name then then to have recourse to God pour a prayer in time of need feel the balm of Jesus' blood this is to find a friend in thee as I was with Moses so I will be with thee when you tread the path of everyday life when you tread the path of adversity when your circumstances become so complicated that you were brought to wit's end and all your wisdom is swallowed up as the psalmist tells us then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble and he saved them out of their distresses hey but it may be you will not be called to tread the path of adversity so much
[33:41] God may ordain for you the path of affliction ere you tread that path if God has given you good health and you have had it year in year out for how many years you know do say thank you to God to God lest when at length your good health is taken and you have to tread the path of affliction and no good health no more as long as you live you should have a guilty conscience that while you had good health you never said thank you to God for it I want you to weigh these things up dear friends because we must get down to bedrock everything in living the life of the righteous means this hoard up the sacred word feed thereon and grow go on to seek to know the Lord and practice what you know to me it is a wonderful thing to think of people journeying through life till they are in life's evening time and have never known ill health and some of us since life's morning have not known good health to the fool as other people are favoured to know it but to have sanctified ill health is a wonderful mercy as I was with Moses so I will be with thee
[35:21] I will be with thee thy troubles to bless and sanctify to thee thy deepest distress when all is said and done when you walk in the path of affliction there is a sweet blessed experience wherein you walk with God sometimes what I mean is Emmanuel God with us in all our afflictions he was afflicted the word of God says and it is a sweet blessed experience to feel did Christ my Lord suffer and shall I repine this way was much rougher and darker than mine yes and it is a wonderful favour to look back along life's way and search out some way marks wherein you can declare it is good for me that I have been afflicted that I might learn thy statutes as I was with Moses as I was with Moses so I will be with thee and now it may be you will be called to tread the path of temptation and be in heaviness therein and that is a very solemn a very painful experience and one which no preacher can say very much about from the pulpit in describing it but it is known and felt the apostle Peter speaks about it if need be ye are in heaviness through many fold temptations and if that word should go forth concerning you
[37:13] Simon, Simon sit and hath desired to have thee that he may sit thee as wheat but I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not here is the word of God as I was with Moses so I will be with thee and Emmanuel God with us he is able to succour them that are tempted and he can make a way of escape and he can overrule it so that you find out of the eater the eater should come forth meat out of the strong should come forth sweetness and then it might be God will ordain for you a while to go in a way wherein you have much darkness of mind and that is a very solemn experience to feel that you are benighted shut up and you say with the church in the Psalms we cannot see our signs zeal extinguished to us far life is very low all my evidence is dark and good works I have none to show none to show and now it says unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness and I thought sometimes there is one viewpoint whereby heaven bound pilgrims are called to walk in darkness and not in light and it is not to do so much with what their own conduct has been wherein it is a question of darkness of mind coming upon one and it is sowing and reaping sometimes it is darkness of that nature but not always
[39:25] I sometimes thought that when it says beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial that is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you but rejoice inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings and now one of aspect of Christ's sufferings was when he do listen as verily man said my God my God why hast thou forsaken me and sometimes people who were taught of God may be called to partake of Christ's sufferings from that viewpoint and have fellowship with him in his sufferings and feel in their own soul's feelings that they seem to be alone and forsaken and saying with Asaph is his mercy clean gone forever will he be favorable no more hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies hath God forgotten to be gracious and then it will be seen as I was with Moses so I will be with thee and the Lord will appear yes but I must hasten on and now there is a way that everyone thought of God must tread and you cannot take one step in it without divine aid
[41:18] I am not so sure that all of you realize that truth I am not fitting any caps on and now I mean the way of beauty the way of service each of you young or old if you are taught of God if you hope in God if you have this aching void which the world cannot fill you have got a niche in life where God has placed you at the present time and now God says ye are my witnesses and God looks to you to show the world how Christians live where you are in that way of duty and in that service which he has allotted you and the dear Saviour said I am among you as he that serveth and now see how that dear Saviour can support you strengthen you help you to be loyal to him and his truth as I was with Moses so I will be with thee if God has called you to fill a niche put you in a sphere in life where you are
[42:48] God will be with you to help you to show who you are and whom you serve do remember that let us look at the subject from another viewpoint as I was with Moses so I will be with thee it has got this meaning I will be with thee to control all to do with you and yours can you do it?
[43:23] you look round your family circle your home life have you got everything there as you would like it to be? is it all exactly as you purposed and planned?
[43:36] can you hold the reins? and everybody responds to the tug that is given to do this or that?
[43:55] or do you find there are some who want to kick over the traces and do as they like and that brings you back to the starting point when you say Lord help me O Lord I am oppressed undertake for me it is not in man that walketh to direct his own steps no oh you do need this I will be with thee to control your life and to control you and yours and that is just what you will be concerned about let thy work appear unto thy servants and thy glory unto their children not only so as I was with Moses so I will be with thee
[44:58] I will be with thee to instruct thee I do like that scripture it has been of help to me not once or twice or thrice reproofs and instruction for in the way of life and many of us under Union Chapel roof I believe can look back along life's way and see happenings in our lives whereby we humbly hope God has led us into his truth and taught us a little more of what we are by nature and what he is by nature as the sinner's friend it is a wonderful mercy to have just a little well grounded evidence of being taught of God and this is the way I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit and which leadeth thee in the way in which thou shouldest go shouldest go mark that word in shouldest go not wouldest go if the choice were left to you no as I was with Moses so I will be with thee and it means this
[46:25] I will be with thee not only to lead thee into the truth and make it known in its power and preciousness I will be with thee to keep thee oh that is a great word he will keep the feet of his saints and I do love that scripture of the apostle Peter who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time I will be with thee to keep thee yes and you must admit God has been pleased to do it for you you you should tell the truth and the truth is having obtained help of God I continue unto this day as I was with Moses so I will be with thee
[47:31] I will be with thee to keep thee to preserve thee from all ill and evil and to carry on the good work begun in you until at length it shall be completed and then thou shalt see my glory soon when the work of grace is done partner of my throne shalt be say poor sinner lovest thou me and look how comprehensive this word is as I was with Moses so I will be with thee and now it means I will be with thee in life's morning and then in life's afternoon and then in life's evening time I've already quoted lo I am with you always I expect you know the meaning in the original is lo I am with you all the days whatever days dawn in your life and some of them you cannot call good days because they are days when sorrow has come on you and yours it may be when trouble like a gloomy cloud has gathered thick and thundered loud but this word remains a sweet blessed reality as I was with Moses so I will be with thee and now some of us look back and view things from that viewpoint there on my head in early youth did smile and though rebellious and perverse meanwhile thou hast not left me oft as I have left thee unto life's clothes O Lord provide with me like those two disciples going along the Emmaus road with their sad hearts made glad and they said abide with us for it is toward evening and the day is far spent yes and then there is another thought here as I come toward the Amen as I was with Moses so I will be with thee
[50:07] I will not fail thee nor forsake thee and as I thought of this word thinking it might be the right subject to say a little on my mind ran to what is recorded in the epistles of the Hebrews and there you and I and I do need grace and it says and be content with such things as ye have did you ever feel like that for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee so that we may boldly say the Lord is my helper help her and I will not fear what man should do unto me be content with such things as ye have and now you are to be content with what set the scriptures as I was with Moses so I will be with thee
[51:16] I will be with thee I will not fail thee nor forsake thee and that is I will not fail thee at the throne of grace whenever you approach it I will make you welcome I shall be there to hear you tell me all the truth about your case your circumstances then I encourage you to come just as you are come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need I will not fail thee no sinner was ever yet empty sent back who came seeking mercy for Jesus I will not fail thee either at the fountain open for sin and for uncleanness there you shall rejoice to prove
[52:23] Jesus blood through earth and skies mercy eternal mercy Christ I will not fail you when you are found under the gospel listening to the proclamation of it you shall know what it really is in your own soul's experience good tidings of great joy and be able to declare blessed is the people that know the joyful sound they shall walk O Lord in the light of thy countenance I will not fail thee in any of the exceeding great and precious promises I have scattered in the word of my grace to encourage you to trust in me at all times every promise is yea and amen in Christ Jesus how firm a foundation ye saints of the Lord the Lord is laid for your faith in his excellent word it just needs what I said earlier on only be strong and of a good courage
[53:43] I will not fail thee nor forsake thee and you and I have to say this Sabbath morn though I have thee all forgot thy loving kindness changes not as I was with Moses so I will be with thee I will not fail thee nor forsake thee you sang about it in the hymn before the sermon which is what is called the fivefold negative and godly doctor Owen says that it reads just like this in the original I will not at any time or on any occasion for any cause leave thee nor forsake thee what then now let the feeble all be strong and make Jehovah's arm their song his shield is spread o'er every saint and thus support him who shall pray
[54:52] Amen and in in number 101 and also in that first place in the first place Jesus Jesus has fivefold in the last place in the last place for the andes als child o'er Am Where is the cross?
[55:51] May be the love of my head. See, my God, in every heaven, whatную it I can take.
[56:20] But my goodness are tooladım, so I keep injustable away.
[56:36] In my presence I am happy, in my presence I give you.
[56:54] In my presence I give you.
[57:24] I can suffer, I can die. Upon me I made that language O God, Pedro, he denied.
[57:53] May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God the Father the communion of the Holy Spirit be upon us and all who love the truth everywhere. Amen and Amen.