[0:00] The End The End The End
[1:30] The End The End The End
[2:59] The End The End The End The End The End
[4:53] The End The End The End
[5:54] The End The End The End The End The End
[7:01] The End And The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End And James And James The End The End And And John The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End
[8:14] The End much as he'd breath. And when his friends heard of him, they went out to lay old on him, for they said, He is beside himself. And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath the Elizabeth, and by the prince of the demons casteth he out demons. And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?
[9:19] And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself and be divided, he cannot stand. But at an end, no man can enter into a strong man's house and spoil his house. And if he will first bind these strong men, then he will spoil his house.
[10:13] And if I say unto you, all sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blessed them in town, wherewith so ever they shall bless thee. But he that shall bless thee, O Jesus the Holy ghost hath never forgiven that he is in danger of eternal damnation because they say he hath an unclean spirit there came then his brother and his mother and standing without sent unto him calleth him and the multitude sat about him and they said unto him behold thy mother and thy brethren without seeketh for thee and he answered then saying who is my mother or my brethren and they looked around about on them which sat about it and said behold my mother and my brethren and my brethren for whosoever shall do the will of God the same is my brother and my sister and mother may the Lord bless his word please please the good
[12:25] Lord may appear once more before thee the eternal and ever everlasting and everlasting God God the God of infinite justice and yet in thy dear sand Lord Jesus Christ thou art of God of great mercy it is thy mercy that we plead that we might be favored to come before the mercy seat now the power that alone cometh down from him and enables one or more to seek thy face and pour out our heart desires before thee not to be deceived or left to deceive others oh if thy gracious will come to see when the heavens come down then all the mountains shall play down of thy presence bless the word we've been reading may it be a living well in our souls may our souls be so quick and made alive to understand what we be oh lord look down upon and may we be favoured to know a little within our hearts experience whom thou hast touched by the power of thy grace of thyself in thy gracious hands toward the children of men thou that thou was separated for thyself to show forth thy praises lord we desire a token of thy land well two or three are gathered together in thy name there thy word declare thou art in the midst oh control us lord sit upon the throne of our affections while we're here may we leave the things that are beyond may we be raised above the cobbles of this earth may we know the descending of the dew rest in the nast spirit may we have a thanks bill of thyself through the matters lord it is thyself beneath and thou can send forth the misery where thou hast appointed that blessing to be received thou knowest every heart thou knowest where we dwell thou knowest lord where we shall each live through a long eternity oh to be right to have some sweet earnest some pleasant touch thou wilt say to our souls come up lord we need thee to teach him and we need thee to grant that house that we might see our teachers and hear a voice behind us saying this is the way what ye did thou withhold thou hast anointed with a gracious anointed to go forth in thy holy name thou can supply a need in that power thou have given them thou can give them what they shall say and cause thy word through them an instrument of thine to be blessed the waiting soul bless the ministry
[19:28] Lord in these solemn days when they fall go before him in the untrodden steps that lie before him in the solemn work he is in gates oh encourager to look unto thee thou often wilt fail to be at the ends of the earth Lord bless all thy son thou knowest the morning we now thou enter Judas the mountain thy desire that the scripture might be will be causing us to tremble before thee all that thou will go before thyself let there be one union a spiritual union between each best thy people thou knowest what is best for and thou makest no mistake lord supply by thy matchless grace pardon our sins forgive our iniquities lead us into thy fruit we have cause as little people to be thankful to thee for once more meeting together in our business thou hast made it in years past to be the birth bless of many souls still continually in you thine arm is not short that it cannot save for thy hair heavy that it cannot care we commit all to thee and enable us by thus he the grain of faith to trust thee and to leave all the future in thy kingdom we thank thee for all thy goodness we long to have our heart touched by the spirit of gratitude that we might bless thee from the depths of our soul for thou art worthy of all praise we ask these mercies with the pardon of our sins in the name of
[23:14] Jesus Amen for the heaven sa Your own body, or perhaps you have faith.
[23:42] God is a幹 of you, 될 already of you, go or get a picture by your loving heart, by your loving heart, by your true love.
[23:59] Open heart. Open heart.
[24:59] Open heart.
[25:29] Open heart.
[25:59] Open heart.
[26:29] Open heart.
[26:59] Open heart. Open heart. Open heart. Open heart.
[27:11] Open heart. Open heart.
[27:23] Open heart. Open heart. Open heart. Open heart.
[27:35] Open heart. Open heart. Open heart.
[27:49] Open heart. Open heart. Open heart.
[28:03] Open heart. Open heart. Open heart. The剣 wol Crane to the Hebrews, chapter 8, verses 10 to 12. Chapter 8, fourth epistle to the Hebrews, verses 10 to 12. You'll find these words.
[29:04] For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord.
[29:20] I will put my laws into their minds and write them in their hearts, and I will be to them of God.
[29:34] And they shall be to me a people. And they shall not teach every man his neighbor and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord.
[29:49] For all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
[30:13] Very great favor. If ever you and I are found among these blessed people, bound up in that covenant, that new covenant, flowing forth from a precious cross, the old covenant demanded, and if not fulfilled, one of that covenant broken was equal to all.
[31:06] For all shall know me, from the least to the Lord. For all shall know me, from the least to the Lord. What a mercy not to be left to our sins. Oh, none of us here will be.
[31:21] To spend an eternity where the world dieth not.
[31:35] And the fire never quits. Where, my dear friends, your sins and the guilt will be constantly accusing you.
[31:56] And now, now peace. And that through eternity. That it was not to be death like that.
[32:13] There was a people in the day and every day that should be brought forth to come within this second government.
[32:32] And my friends, take away Jesus Christ, the Son of God and his Son of Man.
[32:50] There will be no hope for him. There will be no hope for him. What a mercy. Infinite mercy. Infinite mercy.
[33:01] For any year this night living for eternity. Eternal, eternity. Eternal, eternity has been laid home.
[33:14] With divine power to separate you. And our natural state has now thought of eternity.
[33:35] As so filled with time. And yet, every moment of time that passes away, young or old, is we're drawing there to a vast eternity.
[33:56] There's a time. There's a time. There's a time. And that time is now alone to God.
[34:10] God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
[34:21] When each one of the Father of Gibbon unto Jesus Christ shall be brought forth out of darkness into his marvelous life.
[34:44] And if you ever send, there is a feeling. Now to God, when all the sheep, redeemed by blood, shall leave the ample waves of sin and turn to the fold.
[35:13] And enter in. And enter in. That's not you. In yourself. There's been a light and a knowledge greater than the sun in the permanent.
[35:34] It is the sun of righteousness. It is the sun of righteousness. Kindling a light within the soul. And stalling you in the wind.
[35:46] Beautifully set forth. When Saul of Tarsus, the persecutor of his dear figure, was cut down.
[36:04] And his letters went with him. But who was narrowed? Who was clasped to the head of the governor, Jesus?
[36:25] My dear friend. Whatever matter God uses, then it's the same spirit that quickened it.
[36:38] While the fresh prophet did nothing, he's near you. If he's ever quickened thy soul.
[36:49] Whether you have felt that God's a sovereign and a sovereign day, a shoun in these words of rich.
[37:04] Some have had to cross and the cold debilitation of breaking the door longer than others.
[37:17] When I called to man that day that I sat down before the Lord and thought the next hour I should be in hell.
[37:36] He was near. I didn't know it. My friends. Before the fall it was all order in the heavens of God.
[37:55] And even in name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. The David in the Lamb's Book of Life. The David in the Lamb written on the palms of his head, never out of his sight.
[38:17] He came. be a road to come out of Maui or an Esther to stand before a mother for the great purpose of salvation of the Jews.
[38:33] Whether it be you or me that have had to know there has been a change and that change you'll never be able to comprehend it but it can.
[38:56] We read here that it is the great analyst to see it is this, that no man shall teach his neighbor that they shall know the Lord.
[39:23] There's no man as I said this morning could ever save the soul, their own soul, for another.
[39:34] But therefore all shall know me, all shall know me from the least of them and to the greatest.
[39:49] The distinctions made it. It's all the same love, my priest. It's all the same grace that stand apart from deep and farther away from salvation than others.
[40:15] All sinners, in God's sight. You may know what it has been, as I said, to be cut down in a moment.
[40:32] And the apostle never forgot it. And what I've done about the apostle Paul was this, he never forgot the people he was taken from.
[40:51] Now, he has a prayer that the Lord would have mercy consistent with his will.
[41:02] He has now despised in another in the call by grace. And all have sinned, and all have come short of the glory of God.
[41:19] So that soul of prophets was as precious unto a triune God, and a precious Savior as Ruth, who had the same desire wrought in her soul, and the same sacred power to leave Moab and all that we've done to her be had.
[41:48] Thy people, I shall be mine. Beautiful is that, my prince, that's grace.
[42:00] Where thou dodgest, I will look. Where thou diest, I will die. And there will I be been.
[42:13] The poor afflicted cast thou pant in the Oma, That I did not wish her name to be called the Oma any bore, But call me Mary, For the Lord hath thou bitten with me.
[42:34] God all bitten, Was in the cabinet. She was in the cabinet. The Lord had down solemnly with her, With her husband and her son.
[42:50] The other division had to be made. They both had natural love unto the mother's in love. But one never went back to Moab when she lived.
[43:06] The Lord hath thou bitten with her heart, And her mind. A mind very wonderful in her, With her God and that body. The love's part, it may be filled with a jilties of blood, And before you were called.
[43:17] The Lord hath thou bitten with me. The Lord hath thou bitten with me. The Lord hath thou bitten with me. The Lord hath thou bitten with me. The Lord hath thou bitten with me. Of sat and went with me. The Lord hath цed mountain.
[43:28] The love's part, it may be filled with Withthru Jud消 your man.
[43:44] Growth was not the first that God wrote in her heart as well as her mind, and made her steadfast, so that the one mark of elixion love, which many are often tried, and all of God's people tried with it, made her willing in the day of this hour.
[44:16] What did she have to go out with her God? Her God. And she had that which every child of God is that receives.
[44:34] And it will be given in a sound time. I will pay to them of God, and I shall pay to me of people.
[44:48] And that's the foundation. I will pay to them of God. Just speaking of growth, where did we see, or could we see, that God was with her, where she went out with an empty apron to the fridge, dressed in honor of God.
[45:15] There's been many a minister, many a child of God, and that exercise of living life have gone out with empty, but for the gout of the food.
[45:33] That wonderful grace. That blessed grace. That one only given.
[45:46] The gout in the company. It's not what you will do. They shall do. You might kick against it in the days before he touched your heart.
[46:02] You might even have mocked the children of God. It didn't happen. But it made you willing. And those you loved, you were glad to sit at their feet.
[46:17] And ere the blessings are gifted, why, there was a shelter. Mother of God's power, on his throne, they shall come.
[46:31] With weeping and with supplication with our labor. Is to be your God. And the day camped with Ruth and she did not just more than amethyst.
[46:49] Our rituals, both in our south and on providence, increased. And so do the who come to step into the masses of a covenant God.
[47:07] And there you can leave your providence as well as yourself. Sweet place to get.
[47:19] Have mercy. You've got your average seed. And evidence of that mark in your soul by prayer.
[47:31] And supplication. Beautiful sack. Beautiful sight.
[47:47] Hannah. Hannah. With all her reprunches given. Pray. Only no lips. Beautiful sight.
[48:01] See. When I knew. In my early dreams. Miller and his wife. The very godly ones.
[48:13] Their son. Came in. With all over his hand. Blown up. By the gun he carried.
[48:24] Going off quickly. And the husband. And the husband came in from the mill. That dear godly woman.
[48:37] In the fast heat of the fire. In the depth of the flat. She looked at the bathroom. She looked at her husband.
[48:48] And said. That hand. Will never come off. God has told me.
[48:59] That that hand. Shall be as old as the other. God has told me. God has told me.
[49:13] That that hand. Shall be as old as the other. It's what you get. From a cabinet guy. You get a cabinet.
[49:25] Where? Brought to Oxford. I speak. Oh but one. God's urgencies have it all.
[49:37] The lord knows how to do you now. He reduces down sometimes. Like he did Gideon's army.
[49:48] That they shall know the lord's fight into battle. And that they might know. That their lord is their father. And that they might come closer still.
[50:01] And know that there is people. By what is Gideon's fault. And one said no. I have one more fault.
[50:17] And you now they treated him. And his hand. Became as old as the other.
[50:27] God had it. You see what's wrong in your mind.
[50:39] And with the pen. Of the Holy Spirit. In his sovereignty of Greece. Remains. Something to go to heaven with.
[50:51] Doesn't it? After her call. And after her being given the spirit. Of liberty. She was called to pass to this trial.
[51:02] Of the other. Now God knows best what's you to pass rule. He makes no mistake. And you could never go aside.
[51:13] To mercy or things. He says I'll write them in the heart. To give you a right heart. It's a very pure heart.
[51:28] It can change the blessings. Blessed are the pure in us. But they shall see God. And they shall know God.
[51:41] And you don't have to tell them that. And after me he'll tell you. There's been many. And many a secret soul. Of God's dear children.
[51:53] That have not told to others. Till he appeared for them. There have been many. A hidden spot. Sometimes in a field.
[52:03] Behind an edge. Or in a hut. Or in a coal yard. Or wherever God laid the weight on you. Or in your own room.
[52:14] And oh. When they wrote something. In your heart. What was that? I will be to you a God.
[52:29] A God of infinite mercy. Now a God of justice. A God of omnipotence. Is anything to ask for me?
[52:43] A God, my friends, that knoweth every part of you. The God that may command you to go up the mount. And take that which is nearest to you on.
[52:56] Offer him up on the altar. Of your prayer. And your love. And your desire. And you give him to God. To direct him.
[53:06] And to bless him. And when he writes that in your heart. Something firm. A foundation.
[53:19] Something that all the storms cannot remove. Because your life is hid in Christ your blood.
[53:31] It's a racial now. And I speak rimmerantly. There will be no strangers to God in it.
[53:43] He couldn't be hidden if there were. The great thing is. And the great purpose is to know a little of him here. And how should you know?
[53:59] By salvation. Come down, sacred. Your place is not abundant truth.
[54:13] I'm going with you into the house. And the complete. And the complete. There shall passion come to your house.
[54:24] Come to your shovel. And take repentance for his willy. To do everything that is right. In a time to do.
[54:37] Everything is there. Did he ever come to your house? Is there a spot. Where he has come especially to you.
[54:51] As if you were the only one. To be captain. Because you felt good with the only king. Oh, they shall know.
[55:04] They shall know. They shall go forth in my pleasure to all of them. And we will not say what we said this morning.
[55:17] He knew Daniel with all the lars around us. But Daniel knew him. And had he never been in that den.
[55:30] God had a purpose for it. That he might know my good. He's a man. Oh, my friend.
[55:43] If you and I could lay down our heads tonight on the pillow. And if the bars have got a pillow to lie on. beside my is a fair fall has taken away your slimy pair a son and Satan he's brought you where you were to take the shoes off your feet and there to stand on holy ground I shall now my prince now for the knowledge of this world which is good at its price preparing sea think of that in the world of silence mostly so of course like the tower of
[56:53] Babel in that early time I think Satan reach up into the infinite tall clouds you wonder if I won't wish and now God in his dreams God is a God of vengeance and with him actions of me and if he writes on the wall and my things and he places us in the balance and where past wants him what will he ask himself among the moon he ever will he they are the pillars of the earth if they are dispatched they are those that have been brought to now in the great channel of salvation what is that why they live near this heart he died for suffer for the cult of the hips of earth the prince of demons he saturn of his sufferings where your life could never follow at the greatest of all may they come for sake you are now and there have you ever found for sake and that your
[58:57] God never called to the achieve it now it is for this purpose that you'll never be forsaken by it if you might be forsaken of many that have clung to it but not of your God now love and he took one to everything before he ascended upon I he took his head to the dying feet this day shalt thou be with me in heaven.
[59:48] Those last few moments of his mortal life as a sinner was like me with the Son of Righteousness and all that sacred power and the voice of him and the precious Christ telleth him he with him in paradise that reality nothing but reality shall do to live by or die by no, he says they shall all know and I love the expression from the least from the least that an immigrant maybe some more famous than some other and I tell you this they'll all be the knowings and then he'll say as he did when he gave the parable of the feast the man that said at the end of the table come up higher he market your cries he market your sighs he market your prayers and if you cannot pray he knows that he talks to your poor man and now if you're praying and he remember it that you're just and these sacred blessed promises and these earnestness of the truth of God is wrought in yourself that you might know it have you known it to be your saviour well I will be merciful to the unrighteousness mercy we that should be punished we that should indeed receive his anger is merciful and he gives a mercy seat and blessings that give this way where he dwells between the cherubim he dwells after you poor sir dwell sir
[62:22] I don't know your burdens or failures you do not know mine they may be very secret to mine but wherever there is a burden he knows it as sorrows in the scales he wins and he measures up half day they shall know this four thousand there is nothing to feed them with to have come down to be with around to hear and to see Jesus in your neck whatever you hear let some five loaves and a few fishes bring to them and they behold the son of God his disciples had to be held there he didn't always see they are like his disciples now while we are in the flesh we cannot always believe and be quiet and now all things are working together for good and he looked up to him and that's where he will have you look in a very blessed place to be and my friends he took me that he brought he asked
[64:04] God his father's blessing he gave it to his disciples and he did from the bridge to death I'm a witness of it I've many times gone in the book it emptied many wonders as if we could say a word there came the door of Adam when a life falls taken off the altar and touches the poor dreamland he gave the famous giving and they gave it to his disciples and they to the martyrs and after all there was a basket gathered up of the bread and food there's nothing to us I speak river if God has blessed you in the past and he has blessed you and give you some ebenezers and hell miters is none the less for that he has more to give because the eternal
[65:24] God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting you only draw little like the little in a cup of the sea it still flows and so my friends it pleased the father that he his dear son for fullness of rest isn't there some uprising isn't there some little fact bringing up isn't there some desire to cast like your poor on the mercy seat your poor desire from a poor Christ and never known him to me when you needed him out spring that's the secret never I had to cry for my reason years ago lest it should be beaten to me when under a severe breath that reason would never take me now has he not appeared to you all and as
[66:52] I said this morning in giving you a few Ebenezes and Elmises if there now evidence that he has known your soul in adversity and that they have been merciful to you in your unrighteousness then you've had the variations that love be with an ever lost in love with love and kindness of my drool and their sins oh think of think of it their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more I'll think of him again he have claimed I've watched in my love
[67:53] I've redeemed him by a greater price than ever you could find the Redeemer and in Job's darkest days he could say I know I often thought the Lord knew him you know he had a deep purpose way at the past the birthday he said I know that my Redeemer living knew the chapter of worms that destroyed his body he should see it down in the deepest distress down where the ways seemed to overwhelm him down where it wondered if where he had ever come out from it all there at the rock bottom with his strength and know that my
[69:00] Redeemer did oh my friends they shall all know he knew more about his Jesus his Redeemer than his three friends that tried to come and fit him and added to his troubles ah my friends yet to pray for them in the engineer yet to pray for them oh you see they shall all know about me and a little wonder they very precious sometimes the little pearls are the most precious that you can hardly see little if you would see no value in them they are precious and are not the jewels of a precious Christ from his redeeming love are they not precious in his sight even thus precious in the sight of the
[70:11] Lord as the death of his age bless it sounds why because he gathered the mold there's a reality in it oh yes he said I'll be merciful to them he from sin greatly didn't that and oh how low he sank in his poor man never expected the Lord to ever look on him and he did you know he did he is enough my dear son he lie very near his breast it sinners can say and only they how precious his prestige they shall all know me they shall all know me and
[71:13] I do not know a greater five of them when he calls his dear children in the youth they might have many years before them they might not at all to be called for his city for godly and old by for himself something to gout through the world yes something to gout heaven what heaven what is that you say in his mercy to your unrightest little man why he's given you an anchor and your city and the other ends in your soul you can go through the thickest and deepest waters and the strongest storm and steal your little bath in that certain bishel in which the treasure is gets wide to and full you fall down and other words and and and and and and yet it brings you all sight to death what was more sanct fear not you fear not you are all coming very safe to land you need not kill you need not destroy they are all come safe to them if they come in the vessel as it was in all its perfection as made by man no pieces of poor or broken they camp to land in the power all leaders and those that believe with him in their ground where have you come to land in the power of a covenant you are well and
[73:38] I just take this morning of course I could swear by no greater is war by himself in all and his promises and his man if he's given you a dust said the Lord you have something to go on you you want to venture into something you hardly know whether it's right in the sight of your God or not that's the right way to come better than go boldly but in your own strength but come boldly to the throne of grace that's where you can pass committed to him and richly you committed to him the ram's caught in the bush there's the ram to be offered up and you can take your
[74:39] Isaac back with you yes my friend they shall know all of them to know is this all all that the father giveth unto me they shall come unto me and he that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out in your favorite people aren't you know the favorite people who would have thought that that little being lying in the ark of rushes made by the dear mother the child should rise to the position he did and be one of God's servants think of things to say we are one of
[75:46] God's servants that was trembles sometimes if it was not now and again from the tried and tempted people of God we've had some sweet assurance we've had nothing to do with the blessing God has sent and I often desire for those who venture in his great and holy name that they may have some turn from him to bear his name upon him honoring them because he called them with a special call to that solemn word he blesses them he has a work to do true servants of God of not the same there is not a servant of good you can we know not the more but he knows his people only that he reveals them old fair his people but he knows everywhere thou shalt go to all that
[76:57] I shall send thee and whatsoever I command that thou shalt speak and he goes in the strength of God when his hands mowed his hands began to be weary he said to go them up while they prayed and when he felt to be undone and he saw them all worship in the car what did he do his heart is God and God give him this let him my presence shall go with thee and I will give thee rest so you see dear friends he knew it and he knows you as the joker said he know it the path that I take and when he tried he tried he tried to come forth as a family that there were your wife your husband your children that lie close to him when he draws you for them what did he encourage you to do he watched as well as well as well as well as well you see dear friends we shall not have to tell you to know the
[78:42] Lord for they shall all know from the east down to the greatest and the ambly soul lay at Jesus feet and touch the crown on his sacred day and crown sins all the Lord in hand but a should get you Thank you.
[80:01] Thank you.
[80:31] Thank you.
[81:01] Thank you.
[81:31] Thank you.
[82:01] Thank you.
[82:31] Thank you.
[83:01] Thank you.
[83:31] Thank you.
[84:01] Thank you.
[84:31] Thank you.
[85:01] Thank you.
[85:31] Thank you.
[86:01] Thank you.
[86:31] Thank you. Thank you.