[0:00] Ten Number 976 Bill St. Maiden, 750 He puts at a wide position, beautiful and even time, throw him in a high position and enjoy the peace of mind, 976 Jesus is the wife in Israel, careful and excelling guy to excel a fine vision and enjoy the peace of mind
[1:05] Look at the end of the man, he will be in the wonder heart And the wicked conservation in the perfect loving heart This is the danger of the land and the holy partners of the earth And the wickedness of the earth
[2:09] And the wickedness of the earth And the wickedness of the earth And the wickedness of the earth And the wickedness of the earth Herhus Town , The wickedness of the earth Let un collectiveário Ahold da town is treasured The one of hisly capazes While the land is your foundation and your home you continue, your home.
[3:26] In the day of life andirs did not need you.
[3:46] . now we will turn to the chapter we read which is of course the gospel of Luke chapter 7 I will read that the Lord may help us to speak and to hear verse 7 wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee but say in a word and my servant shall be healed chapter 7 of the gospel of Luke and these words are found in verse 7 now one for some reason or other found it very difficult to find a word to bring before you this afternoon the words we drove along was this came to us Elijah sending his servant look across the sea and he came back and said there is nothing but half way here
[4:56] I began to consider this sweet chapter we've read in your hearing and in particular this portion of it so may it be that the Lord will enable us to speak and to hear those things which shall be profitable to us and glorifying to him now it's really a very wonderful account we know that everything in the word of God is wonderful and that these wondrous miracles which the Lord Jesus has done left on record are wonderful to us but this has to do mainly with this character this centurion who was we know a Roman soldier and this means that that centurion as you know is one that had the charge of a hundred soldiers we also ought to remember that the land of Palestine or Judah and Israel at that time were under the occupation of the Roman Empire so that they had many restrictions we that are older some of you younger do not remember it except that you read of it that quite a big slice of Europe
[6:23] Western Europe in particular was under the occupation of the Germans called occupied countries and these countries were subjected to the rigor of the might of the power of Germany one remarkable thing I often thought concerning the ministry of the Lord Jesus when he was here were that he never criticized or indulged in or interfered with the powers that be at that time one is often annoyed when we read of different ministers so-called that interfere with social affairs political affairs and head often processions in protest we are told that the Apostle Paul sets us through the way when he said I am determined to know nothing among men save Jesus Christ and him crucified so this is to us a very clear pointer what our duty our office is to preach the gospel not to be unmindful of course of the things that take place around us but not to interfere with the secular powers you can't find one instance in the gospels where the Lord Jesus Christ did that he submitted to their authority told them that they should render unto Caesar the things which were Caesar's and the things which were of God were to be rendered unto God and we have abundant evidence especially at the crucifixion that these Roman invaders or occupiers were for the most part not exactly noted for their kindness and mercy to the people the evidence is abundant that that cruel form of execution which was a regular thing in crucifying poor criminals was something of a very barbaric nature so that it is evident by the accounts of the gospel that when the Lord Jesus was crucified there was no sympathy shown for him how wonderful that our Lord Jesus so willingly submitted to the cruelty of these enemies whom he could have destroyed all of them with a work but then he came to die this death that his people might have everlasting life but in this unnamed centurion of our text here is a man who so apparently was quite different than the general run of these soldiers it appears by the reading of it and I think it's very wonderful that we read this concerning this good man we were told that he heard of the Lord
[9:52] Jesus Christ and that at least it's in another gospel we read that his servant was sick I don't suppose in the general run of things that these servants received such treatment from their officers we read in the Old Testament in Samuel time of David when Ziklag was on fire that they found a servant famished and dying being forsaken by his master in a callous way would have died but for the fact that they were he fell into the hands of these people and was made useful for them but here then the centurion having the servant found in his heart and in his mind a devotion to this man who serves him so well so much so that when he became sick he himself was sad and desired that some remedy might be forthcoming so that he might be spared and we are told that this centurion is heard of the fame of the Lord
[11:15] Jesus Christ now does this be said dear friends in what manner did this centurion hear when you think of the millions of people in our land all that have any education at all everyone that is adult person or growing person unless they have some grievous debility all have heard of the Lord Jesus Christ go across the road now and ask those people that may I don't know where they are today but I've seen them those that play cricket on the Sabbath have they heard of Jesus all would have to say yes but how many there are that hear of Jesus with no concern who dismiss him from their thoughts and who to whom he is nothing but dear friend there are some and one would hope and believe that we are among that people who being favoured hear of
[12:27] Jesus his name has become sweet to us I hope we can sing those lines how sweet the name of Jesus is in a believer's ear that his name to us is above every name and to remember that of the name of Jesus the time is coming when every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father all these people you see around you the day is coming when they have to confess his name it is our privilege that we have confessed his name before men I love those lines then will he confess my name before the Father's face and in the new Jerusalem appoint my soul a place and let me just speak a loving word especially to you dear young people
[13:38] I quite understand how your place many of you having to mix with all sorts and conditions of men in your employment or profession or whatever the Lord has called you to do I don't ask you because I don't believe in it to boast and tell everyone that you're a Christian on the other hand try not to be ashamed of him dear friends ashamed of Jesus that dear friend on whom my hopes of heaven depend don't do anything dear friends which shows that you're ashamed of him some time ago having a carving service like my Bible Lord in the car I noticed afterwards the owner a distinct change toward me I couldn't understand really why he suddenly seemed to respect me so much
[14:39] I know what it was he's seen that Bible and if never be afraid to let it be seen don't hide it don't hide your light under a bushel when his name is defamed then defend it or never be ashamed of your hope or your calling be always ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and with tender fear now here then this dear sentient heard of the Lord Jesus notice that we don't find that he'd heard the Lord Jesus Christ preach we haven't of course we not in our day but we've had it communicated to us through his word and through our teachers somewhat returning the Lord
[15:42] Jesus but this we do know that those things which were told this centurion were very effective he took note and it is very apparent that the ones that spake to him of the Lord Jesus what wondrous things he could do how he could cure all manner of sickness and of disease and how wonderful and holy almighty he was their friends and it appears that as these words were spoken to him he was enabled to receive them and you see he received them in faith he believed the things which were spoken that's the thing isn't it many that hear and do not believe sad isn't it one young man
[16:44] I knew he was adopted in the family and when he got old old enough and grew up he utterly rejected utterly rejected the gospel and said to his stepfather I don't believe no desire to continue in the beliefs which it may be you hold dear but dear friends we hope don't we that the Lord has given us the hearing ear how shall they preach except they be sent how shall they hear without a preacher we know not then who this man whoever it was that told the centurion but he received it in faith and in this time of need he went sent to the Lord Jesus Christ when he heard of
[17:44] Jesus he sent unto him the elders of the dew besieging him that he would come and heal his servant we read that these these elders of the dews gave him a very good character they said of him that he was worthy for whom he should do this a worthy man but he himself as our text says felt that he was unworthy but they added to this statement concerning his worthiness the fruits that prove his love for the Lord Jesus and this true religion for he loveth our nation and he hath built us a synagogue this nation of course was meant to be Palestine or the Jewish nation though we love our own beloved nation
[18:47] I do I'm trust I'm patriotic in a natural sense there there is a nation which is of all nations really a nation peculiar as the apostle calls it a nation of people who all have their own particular language and that language is the language of science I hope we know a few notes of it or a few words of it but all God's people speak it there is one which to use two details one is that we know that we ourselves are unworthy low and he is exalted we know that he indeed has procured salvation for us and that we like the centurion feel that we are most unworthy so you see he sent these men and the word that they received was so wonderful that the
[20:03] Lord Jesus consented to come to heal this centurion at his home now you see to come to our text we read neither wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee he wouldn't out of a tender humiliation humility he wouldn't expect the Lord Jesus to come to his home neither would he himself dare to go where the Lord Jesus was so we read wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come to thee now I do believe that we see in these words that there is a very gracious mark in our favor when we really feel that we are unworthy not only to say in prayer or false humiliation but really to feel that we are indeed nothing there are one or two passages in scripture I might quote to show how those dear saints of old felt on these occasions we find that
[21:23] Jacob addressed the Lord time when his brother Esau came to him and before he spoke of the nature of his supplication he said this and I am not worthy to receive the least of all the mercies which thou hast bestowed upon me do your hearts echo such a statement as this we cannot procure or find table with God by the works which we do we cannot look at one and say well he is much more worthy than I am of much more excellent character much more suitable and has much more to commend him than I have well it is good when the fruits of God's grace are effective in our life as it was with the centurion so that it is seen that we bear fruit to the honour and glory of his name but the
[22:28] Lord doesn't choose his people for any merit they have themselves it is the merit of the Lord Jesus in coming to take our place for sinners that we are and by himself offering up himself a sacrifice for sin dear Paul says not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he hath saved us so we find throughout the word of God these dear saints of old were very conscious of their own unworthiness and yet of wonders you know that time is coming when they shall inherit that kingdom prepared for them and in that kingdom these ransomed souls shall sing of one that is worthy thou art worthy they shall say to receive honour glory and riches one hopes that while we are here we needn't wait their friends until we attain to that blessed state before we know one that is worthy and may
[23:51] I say this to you all may this building people as it is from time to time with you that have come to worship him may the tone of your songs ever be that you know the Lord Jesus Christ is worthy how humble then this grace made this previously probably very proud man so that he trembled at the thought of one so holy entering under his roof so how well taught he was wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee and yet we know the hymn writer says doesn't mean because we're unworthy we mustn't come one has said let not conscience make you linger or our fitness only dream all the fitness he requireth is to feel your need of him this he gives you is the spirit rising beam and there are dear souls that
[25:12] I know who as I view them know the manner of life that they have day by day their prayers and their hopes and their fears I know that they are worthy to receive these mercies and yet they know and feel that they are unworthy but you see it is meant in this sense that we can never compare with a holy God righteous righteous men have testified of this we have that wondrous face of the prophet Isaiah who in the year that Isaiah died saw the Lord high and lifted up when his train filled the temple he saw those seraphims flying about heaven and their cry was continually holy holy holy lord god almighty the effect it had upon him was this he said woe is me for I am undone a man of unclean lips living in the midst of a people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the king the lord of house this great disparity one would seek to consider holy immortal eternal god he that is just and holy dear friends beyond our conception and we in comparison born and tainted with sin and poor needy sinners and yet it is he that can and does make us worthy so one can understand and admire this grace of humility and divine teaching which this favoured
[27:11] Roman was favoured with was indeed so he says neither wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee but he says something else but say inner word the Lord Jesus if I may look a bit farther on in this account we read that he says the Lord Jesus I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel Lord Jesus often recommended this faith which he saw in the most unlikely people but this faith unknown to this dear man probably at the time was God's precious gift a gift of grace like everything else you and I every virtue you may possess it's God's gracious gift we don't often realize it any personal possession you may have and you value it and you know from whence it came but whatever it cost the giver whatever prompted them to give once it is given to you it belongs to you and that is why the
[28:31] Lord Jesus emphasized at this point of this faith that they had it that which God gave and which through mercy he was able rightly to exercise so he admired the Lord Jesus spoke of that gift he gave and which was seen in operation so he said this say in but say in a word now it may well be that this thing you heard in these various reports of the Lord Jesus that he only had to speak a word and the person was cured there were times when he demonstrated his ability in another way in one case the blind man he made a clay with his spittle and rubbed on his eyes and sent him to the pool of high love that very often he had but to say in a word and that which he spake was effective in the healing of those to whom he came and
[29:44] I'm quite sure too that you people here with us and all who have a like precious faith believe in this wondrous truth and it is a wonderful thing if we haven't faith then we should reject it as do scientists and the great men of the earth I mean this the psalm it says concerning the creation of the world he spake and it was done he commanded and it held fast I say out of faith the Lord has given us really and truly believe that our God had but to speak and he formed the earth and all that therein is good and when he had done this work you know after six days or as he viewed it day by day he looked upon it and he said it is very good and my dear friends the only thing that the
[30:49] Lord is pleased within you or in me yes only one thing and that is that which he himself has done for us that work which he has performed that grace that faith and every virtue which he himself has put there he looks upon that and he says that it is very good how these truths are derided in our present day when we read apostles that are found and so on that they tell us are 40 or 50 million years of age what rubbish it is in these things and think of this dreadful doctrine of evolution in that village where dear John Banyan preached the word in Elster Church the present vicar takes the class at the local school told the children
[31:50] I know it's true because I have a grandchild girl he said now to these children if you want to know a word that he pegged how we came to be as we are he said it began with little fishes coming out of the sea with legs by gradual process of evolution we become what we are today isn't it sad isn't it dreadful isn't it the case of that truth of Malachi being performed will a man rob God robbing God of his power robbing him of his glory so we believe this that he spake and it was done and in these more intimate matters of healing of the bodies it is seen abundantly in the gospels how often he spake and that which he spake was done before cure in every case was not a partial cure it was perfect as far as nature was concerned we're quite aware that in the fullness of time those that received these cures went away and the earth but they were but one would come a little closer to prove
[33:18] I feel as far as I'm concerned I hope many of you that in those blessings which he brings to pass in his own dear people it is that he speaks a word to them it's the power of his glorious word spoken to our souls not always as we read in that time when Elijah being afraid of that woman Jezebel ran away and at that time the Lord came to him and spoke and we read how the mountains were quaked and the thunders rolled but we read the Lord was not in that voice but then we read that there came to him a still small voice Elijah what doest thou hear and one speaking personally feels that there have been one or two occasions perhaps a few more in one's life when the
[34:25] Lord has come and spoken a sweet word to myself yes and it has been done spoken sometimes by way of applying a promise to us and I speak no fanciful thing because some of these words spoken to me were thirty or more years ago and I have lived to see them some of them fulfilled others I am resting upon believing that the Lord spoke them to me and one has that faith to believe though often tried that it will be so so it is the communication it is the one the voice says one in one of our early hymns the voice that rolled the stars along does speak the promises it does indeed and this good man knew that a word from the
[35:25] Lord was more than all the physicians of that present day there were some that went to the physicians one poor woman didn't she that spent all that she had rather worse instead of better when she had spent it all we find that she came to the Lord Jesus men and women won't come to him till they have explored every other avenue that poor prodigal lad he didn't come trudge his way back to his father's house until he had spent all the money that he had did he began to be in one that's the way the Lord often begins with his people make them feel so that at last they say this thou oh Christ art all I want all in all is found in me then they come drawn out of necessity to the saviour begging pleading at the throne of grace that he will bestow gracious mercies upon them well this man he says this doesn't he but say in a word what faith he had to believe really believe it you know we don't know just the extent of this servant's malady but we read oh he said he
[36:54] I beg your pardon was sick and ready to die so it was a very serious affliction at death's door when no doctor evidently could be of any use whatever and yet his faith was this that he believed if only the Lord Jesus would come Jesus thou needst not come under the roof of one so unworthy as myself but if it pleases thee to just say a word to me or to him he said here and my servant shall be healed yes the Lord honours this faith which he gives doesn't he and he shall be healed but it says in the tenth verse they that were sent returning to the house found the servant pole that had been checked and mark this that these words were spoken on the road some distance off but immediately this word was spoken it was conveyed in a mysterious yet a wonderful way to the place where this servant was what wondrous mysteries there are in the scriptures of truth we need not wonder really that the sceptic and those who have no faith can not receive these things those who unless they are proved in a scientific manner will receive these things but if we have eyes to see we see the miracles of our
[38:49] God daily all around us yea and within us so is the one here perhaps this afternoon that their hope is ready to die is the one that says well all around me there are those whom the Lord has graciously brought to confess his name in this place but I am ready to die I am ready to give up all my hope I do know some friends that get even to such a low state as that don't they but though they're ready to die that hope will be revived and their desires will be satisfied heal us Emmanuel here we are waiting to feel thy touch deep wounded souls to thee repair and saviour we are such our faith is feeble we confess we faintly trust thy word but wilt thou pity us for less be that far from thee
[40:03] Lord that's what we need to say don't we like her that touched me in the crowd and healing virtue soul was answered daughter go in peace thy faith have made thee whole oh he is able and those that are brought to know him are quite sure he has but to say in a word didn't bring as people do today some of the sex that gather in the room and make all sorts of signs and lay hands upon them and do a good lot of things and then really fail this God has but to speak dear friends and it is done one word from him to your soul a short sentence it may be son thy sins which are many are all forgiven daughter thou art made whole from this very hour those words spoken by the
[41:12] Lord to your soul will be sufficient to ensure your eternal safety but some of you may say particularly you younger people well I don't know that I really had words like that but dear friend even if you haven't remember that the Lord sometimes speak by his deeds to us doesn't he you see what great things he has done how he has led you how he has delivered you how in certain circumstances that which seems so difficult he has made so plain for you he has led you forth by the right way hasn't he he heard your prayers and so often has graciously delivered you well take note of the things the Lord does for you as well as the words which he speaks but above all may he give you that faith so that you may be favored as was this dear man here why his love for this servant was so great that it was the joy was his as well as the one that was healed his faith was so wonderfully strengthened as he saw these things which the
[42:35] Lord was able to do he said of himself for I also am a man set under authority having under me soldiers and I say unto one go and he goeth to another come and he cometh and to my servant do this and he doeth it a man of authority and seeing far far greater authority in the one to whom he addressed these words how wonderful then it is that these things are left on record for our instruction how it should make us long to hear his voice and yet so often dear friends when things are going along smoothly and pleasantly then it is that we do not seek him as we do when troubles come the urgency and necessity of coming to the Lord
[43:35] Jesus at this time of the sickness which was brought this man near unto death that bade this centurion to come don't you think too that when he saw these things he was indeed a confirmed believer in the Lord Jesus but you see again the Lord Jesus said except you see signs and wonders you will not believe the son that was looking for some great things like that man that name and the Syrian who had that dreadful disease of leprosy who was told very simply to go into the river Jordan and there to dip himself in it seven times he was in a rage because he said that the land he came from had far better rivers than the river Jordan yes but he was brought to see that what
[44:39] God had said must be fulfilled so we read that he came and dipped himself and his flesh was restored even as it should have been before what wonderful things then the Lord has done and is still doing wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee but you see this unworthiness did not keep him from seeking the Lord Jesus though he felt unworthy to enter under that room and felt that he could not face this dear God man yet he went after him and you and I are like this in one sense because we can say I hope as Peter did whom having not seen ye love of whom though now ye see him not yet ye believe with joy and rejoicing unspeakable we've never seen this dear man only as we are able to see him by faith yet though not entertaining him literally under our roof the hymn writer speaks of those who long to entertain him doesn't say whether afterwards this good man did meet the
[46:16] Lord Jesus in the flesh may have done but there is only conjecture you mustn't write into the word what is not there but we have never seen him in the flesh have we but he is still that one that is approachable it is still he that makes us feel our utter unworthiness humbles us and brings us in our every need to that throne of grace that we may plead his merits and his power because there's this to be said as I've already told you that he believed the Lord Jesus was able if you and I in our petitions do not believe that the Lord is able it would be more better for us if we didn't pray the course does not one say him that cometh unto
[47:17] God must believe that he is able to do these things must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder for them that diligently seek him it's a vital necessity to have this real faith when we know that so many preachers openly disagree or would tear out a good many pages of scripture they would many of them do it in these days some have been doing it for a long time one good minister in fact our late pastor Medford used to tell us of a man who a vicar that used to preach and the parts that he didn't believe in there was an old man in the congregation used to go home and get hold of this page he used to say well our minister said this page is not right so he carried out like that went on for a long time until this poor man was in the dying condition and then the vicar came and he said to this dying man would you like me to read the scriptures he said yes there's my book so he picked it up and he saw why he said there's a lot of it missing yes said the man
[48:43] I torn out all that you did not believe isn't it solemn yet how solemnly true how is the pulpits today there's much of God's word they do not believe oh that we may be among those who simply implicitly believe every word of God is inspired of course if we don't believe one part dear friend we're wrong many dismiss that there is a place where the wicked go but if we don't believe that then we have no proof that there's a heaven have we all God's word is true and one implicitly believe this word if only this one word I leave with you but say in a word I can not boastfully but humbly say that my very status as a
[49:47] Christian as a believer hangs upon this thread that I believe that he has said words for me at times which I prove for the very health and which I shall yet prove and if one failed I shall be brought into confusion I'm not a man to always have strong faith I do pray that I may have it and believe that this great God whom we adore whom we worship and serve say in a word and we shall receive it because it's not the word of a man but the word of God where the word of a king is there is power there on the believers the Lord be pleased to bless it to our souls for his name's sake amen dear dear the dear
[51:12] Lord shall love dear Dear old Wanchel, my dear dear friend, since I'm видео-��� Fale him y Double-w Only Wern Your Wขم God Seward
[52:15] And now, on earth's��ase Thank you.
[53:58] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS The day come I With my own wish My power was passed And in the earth And I did not With my goodness From His eyes
[55:00] What is that my O my dear And pray my God Love and all And give III Choose to the All my life By His pleasure and thy cross.
[55:51] We pray, Lord, that we may be given that sweet faith to know that thy power is such that thou hast but to speak as thou didst say.
[56:03] As that servant said, speak, Lord, for thy servant hear it. So, Lord, do bless us each and take us each one to our respective ways and be with us each in the days of the coming week we may be preserved from ever-present dangers.
[56:29] Now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the sweet communion of thy Holy Spirit be our favorite portion, both now and now.
[56:45] Amen. Amen.