
Brabourne Lees - Zion - Part 48

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Nov. 2, 1986


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[0:00] On the help of the Holy Spirit, I will direct your minds this afternoon to the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24.

[0:17] And we will read three verses, first commencing verse 27, and beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.

[0:40] And they drew nigh unto the village whither they went, and he made as though he would have gone further. But they constrained him, saying, Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent.

[1:01] And he went in to tarry with them. Luke's Gospel, chapter 24. And the words that have settled, shall I say, more, powerfully upon my spirit, is found in the twenty-ninth verse, Abide with us, for it is toward evening, and the day is far spent.

[1:31] And he went in to tarry with them. He, there are certain days in history, you stand out before any other important days.

[2:04] For the most important days, shall I say, first in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[2:16] And also that day when he died upon the cross. And this day that we have been reading a little of this afternoon, the day of his resurrection.

[2:37] And also we have read in the closing of this chapter, when this dear man returned unto heaven.

[2:48] And there's another day that faces us. And that is the day of his coming. And to hear the word, which we sincerely hope and pray, we might hear.

[3:08] Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom, prepared for thee. You may have thought it strange that one should read this portion this afternoon, of the resurrection of Christ.

[3:29] I've often thought, dear friends, even in the day of the birth of Christ, how little do we hear of it, apart when we, until we come to the season, Christmas.

[3:46] We hear more and rightly so, of the day of his death. I think we can follow somewhat with the Apostle Paul, when he said, I'm determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified yesterday.

[4:04] crucifixion, opening of the channel of his precious blood, the cleanse. And then there's this day, as we have spoken, had read of, the day of his resurrection.

[4:22] Dear Job said, I know that my Redeemer liveth. He was there for what faith was given to the dear man, and many others in those days of his, who could believe, take hold of it, and from the very heart believe, that Jesus, would redeem Israel.

[4:46] Well, we have read, read as it takes, and beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expounded them, unto them, in all the scriptures, the things concerning himself.

[5:02] When reading this verse, I thought, oh, how blessed to have been there, to have heard the voice of Jesus. And now Jesus expounded, unto those two, on the way to Emmaus, as he walked with them.

[5:22] Beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, nothing was left undone. Everything, as it were, was spoken unto those, dear men, on the way to Emmaus, from the very lips, of the Lord Jesus Christ, himself.

[5:43] And he expounded, unto them, in all the scriptures. We hear sometimes, good men, capable men, able men, in preaching, the gospel.

[5:58] But what are they, compared, with the Lord Jesus Christ, he expounded, unto them. He expounded, in all the scriptures, nothing left them down.

[6:12] Oh, there's been a time, when I felt, oh, to be in there, to be in among those two, on the way to Emmaus, and to have heard, from the very lips, of the Lord Jesus, how he preached, shall I say, for truly, he preached, in this sermon, in this, unto these two, on the way to Emmaus.

[6:34] what a sermon, it must have been, and beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expounded, unto them, in all the scriptures, think of it, the things, concerning himself, Jesus.

[6:53] Oh, who have had it, left on record, the efforts. We know, the Lord, spake, many things, respecting himself, when he was here, and we are thankful, it is, somewhat, left on record.

[7:09] But, who have had, this, blessed sermon, I believe, that would be, read, in every cause, of truth, would it not? Beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expounded, unto them, in all the scriptures, the things, concerning himself.

[7:27] We try to, we try to, preach Christ, and his way, his life, and those things, he passed through, but we fail, he did not.

[7:38] Oh, it's a full gospel, I'm sure. And all the scriptures, concerning himself, where he was, and we have that, then they hate, the prophets, that he is with his father, in heaven, in glory, and in coming, to this earth, and respecting, the death, of Christ.

[8:04] And beginning at Moses, all the prophets, he expounded, unto them, he expounded, unto them, all the scriptures, the things, concerning himself.

[8:18] It was Jesus. Jesus, the first, and the last. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and so on. And they drew, die, unto the village.

[8:35] I think we can say, that, they had, some distance, to walk, together, and the conversation.

[8:52] What was the outcome, of that conversation? Or, the outcome, of what, the Lord, was able, to speak, to them.

[9:02] He expounded. What was the outcome, of that? Were his words, like an, idle, idle tale?

[9:14] No, the other ones. No. He expounded, unto them, in all the scriptures, the things, concerning himself. What was the outcome?

[9:27] Well, in that sweet conversation, one with the other, or, their hearts, began to burn. As we have led, I believe.

[9:42] In this, very, did not hear, our heart, burn, within us, while he, talked with us, by the way, and while he, opened to us, the scriptures.

[9:55] Just a few, thoughts here. What do we know, of our hearts? We know, something of them, as being, hearts of sin, deceitful, above all things, and desperately, wicked.

[10:10] We know, something of a, cold heart. And, where we know, something, of this experience, of those, had, on the way, to him, as, their heart, burned.

[10:23] What do we know, of this love, of Christ? Well, I'm sure, that, love of Christ, was felt, in their heart, causing, that, experience, of heart.

[10:38] They burned, the heart burned, within them. Yeah, friends, it is, by the power, of God.

[10:50] I'm quite, aware of this, that, if there had been, any others there, of the world, and heard, Jesus speaking, and beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, expounded unto them, there would be, nothing out of it, nothing profitable, wouldn't known, anything, but their heart burning, that these two, on the way, to Emmaus, were, children of God, that had given, a new heart, a new spirit, that, they had been, blessed with grace, spiritual life, they knew, something, yea, it proves, to us, in our reading, that, they, knew, something, of the Lord, Jesus Christ, previously, and they, talked together, of these things, which had happened, and it, came to pass, that while, they, communed together, of reason, Jesus stood, himself, drew near, and went, with them, dear friends, if we have, and able to walk, any distance, in our pilgrimage, and to feel, a little nearness, unto the Lord, and have, the word, expounded, to us, we shall know, something, of this, heart burning, yes, did not, our heart, burn, within us,

[12:19] I am sure, there was a little, love, flowing, flowing, it was applied, with power, by the Spirit, into their, hearts, they did not, regret it, they wanted, this dear man, to continue, with them, as we have led, for they, wanted him, yea, what was their language, and they drew near, unto the village, whither they went, and he made, as though he, would gone further, but they constrained, why, because, there was, a real, sweet communion, one with the other, and their hearts, had touched, with the love, of Christ, and they, was brought, to realize, in some measure, this was the man, whom they, hoped, would be, the redeemer, of Israel, and they, drew, die, unto, the village, whither, they went, and,

[13:27] I'm sure, of this, dear friends, I know, some of you, know, a little, of this experience, it may be, walking along, even the road, and having, a little, felt, sense, of his presence, maybe, in your home, in your bedroom, maybe, in the field, the garden, maybe, at the house, of God, where he has promised, to meet his people, and there's been, a little communion, as they're not, there's been, a little nearness, unto the Lord, in prayer, what's the outcome, why, there's a feeling, in your heart, that is not, the feeling, of the world, it's a felt, sense, of his, mercy, and love, toward you, and therefore, they breathe, this desire, that, he would, he would, continue, with them, and they, drew, die, unto the village, whither, they went, and he, made, as though, he would, have gone, further, but may, there's a, constraining, power, the constraining, power, is in, the Lord,

[14:48] Jesus, and I've, no doubt, that the, constraining, power, from Christ, in the heart, of those two, cause them, to ask, him, to remain, with them, and abide, with us, but just a few, thoughts, on this, constraining, love, of Christ, behold, what matter of love, the father, hath bestowed, upon us, that we should be called, the sons of God, that this constraining, several times, in the scripture, we read, of this, constraining, power, of Christ, whose, disciples, on the sea, when, the storm, arose, or, shall I go, back a little, previous, to that, when, does Christ, fed that great multitude, with bread, and the fishes, and so on, and then he, constrained his disciples, to go, over the sea, never came word, he, constrained, them, to go, over the water, over the sea, and it was, in his, constraining, will, that a storm, arose, and it was, in his, constraining, blessing, that he, met with those, disciples, on the water, constraining, power, take the, poor woman, who came, to the Pharisees, house, she, wasn't invited, but was, a constraining, power, not, manifested, the Pharisee, but, manifested, this, poor woman,

[16:49] I believe, the Lord, constrained, to come, to that, where he was, and by that, constraining, love, felt in her heart, as these, disciples did, did not, her heart, burn within us, cause the tears, to flow, and, sufficient, to wash his feet, oh, this constraining, power, now, go back, for a few, moments, in their, own experience, years, can you, remember, when there was, a constraining, power, for you, somewhat, to leave, the things, that are of the world, the trifles, of it, the things, that are only, of the earth, of sin, can you, remember it, as a constraining, power, if we differ, from the world, a constraining, power, power, I believe, I can go back, somewhat, to those days, when we, when one was, in the world, feelingly, yet, there was a constraining, power, to leave it, it's the power, of God, and I believe, dear friends, the Lord, often works, in this way, not with a great, multitude of words, not with any words, at all, but a constraining, power, and that, constraining, power, is caused, by his love, toward the, poor, the poor, sinner, whom he is, not actually, speaking to, but constraining, if time, permitted, and one was, helped, and strengthened,

[18:36] I think, we could speak, of a good many, whom the Lord, constrained, to follow him, to be brought out, of the world, the things, of the world, the wickedness, of the world, constrained, of the living, yes, some of us, have had idols, and the Lord, has constrained us, to leave those idols, come out, from among them, and be ye separate, and touch not, the unhinged things, and I will, receive you, there's a constraining, power, in the gospel, and that's the way, I believe, the Lord, often brings, his dear people, out of the paths, of sin, into the paths, of righteousness, he constrains, us to do it, no words, there may be, at times, of course, there was, with, with Saul, how the Lord, spake unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecute, is there, be, it is hard, for thee, to kick against, the bricks, but there's, a constraining, power, constraining, power, oh, the strength, dear friends, of that, power of God, in his love, to bring, poor sinners, to follow him, in those paths, of righteousness, and it's so, and some of us, can look back, to the days, when we followed him, in his commandments, there was a, constraining power, one felt, compelled to, constrained to do, to follow the Lord, so, if, either of you, are looking for the world, you may not get it, it may be a word, to follow him,

[20:30] I know not, in his commandments, come all ye, that fear God, that I would declare, what he hath done, for my soul, no words spoken, but there's a, constraining power, in one's soul, to do, the Lord's will, nor moves, in a mysterious way, as wonders, but before, he throws his, his footsteps, in the sea, and rides, upon the storm, and they constrained him, saying, abide, with us, I believe, this is, your desire, in your home, in the morning, reading, it may be, in a few words, breathe, out. Abide with us, Lord.

[21:18] And in the evening, thankfulness to him. And also, again, seeking his presence through the night season.

[21:29] Abide with us. Oh, what a solemn thing, dear friends, to go through life and not have his presence and know nothing of him. As a God, as our Savior.

[21:42] But it wasn't so with these two on the way to him. As they had tested his love, if I might so speak with reverence. And by that love there was a burning, and they wanted him and wanted his presence.

[21:57] If you come in the house of God at times, I love to meet upon them now, and at his gracious feet to bow, no violence of them all. What are you asking for? Abide with us.

[22:12] Abide with us. So they constrained him, saying, Abide with us.

[22:24] For it is toward evening that the day is far spent. Just a few thoughts in the latter part, and he went in to tarry with them.

[22:35] He went in. two poor sinners. In the presence of God Almighty, the beloved Son of the Father, the one who died that very day upon the cross and opened the fountain of his precious blood to cleanse.

[22:58] and he went in. What a privilege, dear friends. What a mercy. What an honor. They must have felt it so that this King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and the one who had just previously expounded the word to them all the scriptures concerning himself.

[23:25] Yet he should come under their roof, as it were. And he went in with them. Oh, I believe there's been times when you and I have felt a little of the presence of the Lord, not only in his house, but in their homes at times.

[23:41] And haven't we felt it a privilege that he should condescend to come into that cloud wedding place where poor sinners dwell and given a touch of his love.

[23:58] And he went in. Causes me to think for a moment of Mary and Barthyr at the death of their dear brother.

[24:10] And you remember Martha, speak unto Mary, Mary, she said, the Master is good. The Master is good.

[24:21] He calleth for thee. And he went in to tarry with them.

[24:32] We're not told how long he tarried with them. But he made himself known to them. And as he came to pass, as he sat at meat with them, he took the bread and blessed it and brake and gave it to them.

[24:50] And their eyes were opened. Oh, we see the wonder-workings of God here. And not only having their eyes opened that they should know him, then he vanished into their sight.

[25:07] Dear friends, how little do we realize the power of God? The greatness of Jesus, the Son of God. What he did here on earth are what he did in his last hours, as it were, of his life.

[25:29] In speaking, proclaiming, opening the eyes, and also breaking up blood. There are a few thoughts here, and they constrained him, saying, abide with us, for it is the warm evening, and the day is far spent.

[25:55] It forces me to think for a moment from this viewpoint. the day is far spent. We can say this according to the scripture, that the end is coming, close to that.

[26:17] The day of the world is far spent. We are told in the scriptures in the last days, there will be but a remnant, and we come to it.

[26:30] And we read of awful things taking place, sinful, terrible things, and aren't those things upon us as a nation and in our world today.

[26:43] The day of the world is far spent. And that reminds us that the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have ended upon it this afternoon.

[26:58] For he will come the day is far spent, and he will come with his angels to separate the goats from the sheep, the tares from the wheat.

[27:18] Oh, what a separation will be in that great day of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. To hear the accounts of the things we've done in body and so on.

[27:37] The day is far spent. We know not when the Lord will come, but he has told us in the Gospels to watch.

[27:53] Watch. Are we obedient to that word, to that voice? Watch. Watch and pray.

[28:07] How often do we pray, respecting that day, and ask the Lord to give us grace to watch for his coming? We know not whether there will be morning or evening or afternoon or when the cock grow and so on, but he will come.

[28:24] And we know this from the scriptures that the day is far, far spent. And we might just briefly also mention their nation itself.

[28:42] I know her nation is included in the whole world. but oh, the condition that we are in as a nation. Yes, I believe, dear friends, that we have been more blessed in England, in their own country, nation, more than any other nations in the whole world.

[29:09] If we should read a little of the history of England from the beginning, we have to prove how the Lord has wonderfully blessed us as a nation, being blessed above all nations.

[29:28] But we know this, the day is far spent, far spent. and then I will come here.

[29:45] Abide with us, for it is warm evening, and the day is far spent. Well, when we come to ourselves, and some of us were advanced in life, many years we've seen here, upon earth, many sevenths, many times we've set under the truth, many sermons we have heard, many times in and out of the oath of God.

[30:26] Yes, but the day is far spent, far spent, we know not, dear friends, how many more days, weeks, or months, or years we have, if any, but the day is far spent.

[30:47] Yes, coming to the close of it, in a prayer I believe in the hymn you've just sung. Guide us all, thou great Jehovah, pilgrims through this barren land, we are weak, but they are mighty, hold us with thy powerful end, abide with us, for it is toward evening, the day is far spent.

[31:19] Looking back over our lives, I have to sometimes, the word comes to one's spine, to remember all the way the Lord our God hath led us these forty years, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty years, in the wilderness.

[31:42] Now, if we expect it, as it may be made profitable, still age, or some of us go back, it may be in the days of youth, and still remember those past we trod of sin.

[32:05] The day is far spent. How do we spend it? Can you remember the time when there was a change wrought in your heart?

[32:17] I believe I can remember the time when there was a change in my heart. But even from those days, the call by grace, oh, have one of the lessons that you are so saved, of his profession, and of his walking, and commuting, conversation, and looking within the heart, more than ever.

[32:52] There is the day being spent. Can we say, dear friend, our days here on earth are being spent in prayer, wrestling prayer? I wish we could.

[33:06] Though the word tells us to pray without ceasing, and to pray unto the Lord with a thankful heart, oh, how often we forget, in various ways, how is our day being spent?

[33:21] spent to the honor and to the glory of God? Or has it been to our shame?

[33:34] Have we walked out what we profess? Some of us have professed the name of Christ now for many, many years. More than half a century, have one walked out what he professed.

[33:52] And I is far spent, far spent. Oh, someone has to sometimes we have to look back, at least I do over my life, with shame and with confusion.

[34:06] I still have to beg of the Lord, even with the psalmist, when he said, remember not the sins of my youth. To look back, dear friends, it's good to look back, even if we are reminded of our sins and our shortcoming, to be able to confess them.

[34:27] It's not too late, dear friends, to find forgiveness, if the Lord is pleased to give it. I know one sin, oh, many, many, many sins, that there was one sin that laid with such weight upon my spirit.

[34:43] So many, many years, I believe I went over thirty years, with guilt upon my conscience through one sin. Today is fastened, but I remember the time when the Lord broke into my heart and gave me that forgiveness, I believe, of that particular sin.

[35:10] Yes, the Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and he knoweth them that fear him. The day now is far spent.

[35:24] Let's come closer home, even to this day. The day is far spent, where nearly in the evening of it hour we spent.

[35:36] How much prayer, dear friends, has ascended into heaven. how much reading of the word, how much have we gained, how much have we prospered spiritually, how much has been spoken by the Lord into our soul, into our heart.

[35:59] Can we return to our homes and say, in some measure, those disciples of old, when they said, did not have a heart burned within us as we walked and talked by the way.

[36:20] Oh, what a mercy, when we spend a day, a seventh day, in the house of God, and have somewhat of this experience of the presence of God within our soul.

[36:34] Well, the day is far spent. It is so with this. this very day and our lives. And he took, and we read that he took bread before he left them and blessed it, and break and gave to them.

[36:55] Think of it. Those dear men were so favoured for the Lord himself, with those holy hands of his to break the bread and gave the bread and they took of it the bread of life.

[37:18] it is toward evening. Oh, what a blessing received by them on that particular evening to have the presence of their God.

[37:33] Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ, the one who would be crucified that very day, to have his presence. And for him, shall I say, to minister the ordinance, if I might so speak, for he broke the bread and gave to them.

[37:57] And their hearts burned within them. While he talked with them by the way, and while he opened to them the scripture.

[38:13] He still performed, as you know, a few miracles before, he came to the experience as we've read in the closing of this chapter. And he came to pass while he blessed them, he parted from them and carried up into them.

[38:29] I believe there's three miracles he performed from the time. He spoke to those disciples on the way to many miles, preached to them, until he returned to his Father in glory.

[38:46] them. So, as we've read, and I feel I must leave it here for us, and he said unto them, Abide with us, for it is a warm evening and the day is far spent.

[39:11] And he went in to tarry with them. Another thought seems to come by. Is day, oh dear friends, is day, we can say that is day was well spent, from his birth at Bethlehem, that day to the end of the journey at Jerusalem, well spent, nothing amiss, everything brought forth, even that great work of salvation for poor sinners.

[39:46] Nothing left undone, nothing left undone, not even at the cross, not even at the sepulchre. He is laid in the sepulchre, he rose again from the dead, everything perfect, he left, I speak here.

[40:09] Dear friends, everything left in the sepulchre, by him in a perfect condition, even those things that had been put upon him, the linen and so on, everything was left in order, everything the Lord Jesus came for upon this earth was left in order, and left for the benefit of his church here above.

[40:38] Yes, well might we cry out, abide with us, for it is toward evening and the day is past, yet.

[40:49] Yes, his day of suffering, his days of preaching, his days of miracles, his days of healing, his days of speaking, peace and comfort to bed.

[41:02] then that death. Yes, the day is far spent. What did he say?

[41:12] It is finished, and gave up the ghost. It is the day was well spent, the day of the Lord Jesus.

[41:24] Nothing, as I have said, undone that should have been according to the Father's will to be prepared in any way for the benefit of his church.

[41:37] A perfect Christ, a perfect man, a perfect blood that cleanses. Nothing, dear friends, can be said against that dear man, not by those who fear him.

[41:51] From the beginning to the end of his journey, from the commensalty of his day to the closing, everything was out of love and the benefit of his whole church of God.

[42:04] Well, we have this little water chance, I fear the . Amen. Amen.