[0:00] In our trial, praise me, our freedom to stay. Our Lord, our only God, and will still be free.
[0:18] From strength of the earth, faith and cause into sin. From strength of the righteous, faith and cause into sin.
[0:37] Praise God, glory and glory, and will still be to love. From strength of the Lord, our only God, and will still be free.
[0:52] For I will give you my chance to ask. Just to be my gift, my name is this way.
[1:09] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[1:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[1:38] God bless you.
[2:08] . . .
[2:38] . . .
[3:08] . . . . . . Now yesterday afternoon in Sunday school one of the boys or girls when asked if they had a hymn to sing said can we sing this is the day which the Lord hath made I think I'm right in saying that and we had no music for the hymn but they sung heartily this is the day that the Lord hath made we will be glad and rejoice in it well I've been thinking about that word and you know I think sometimes while we constantly remind ourselves that every day is the day that the Lord hath made but nevertheless we feel sometimes there is just one day and there is so many other days and and we seem to not to take it in that the Lord has made every day that's why we're here friend the Lord has not made each day for us while we've been here we shouldn't be here so
[4:37] I want to think about this you know if it's only in one day that we received help of the Lord we should be in a bad way shouldn't we and so the Lord has told us given us that prayer and in that prayer he's taught us to say give us day by day our daily bread I suppose we take it for granted friends but the Lord tells us to ask for it and whether we realise it or not we're really beggars because the beggar asks and the Lord has told us in that way and when we realise this it's then that we are thankful when we realise he has given it far too often we take blessings and mercies for granted and perhaps if there is one mercy and blessing that we often overlook and do not give thanks as we should it's for daily bread daily bread as we read in Luke and in Matthew and other places in Matthew it says give us this day our daily bread which seems to be just for this day and then we find that
[6:18] Luke says give us day by day our daily bread so tonight I want to think briefly and I'm going to refer to several places in the scriptures what happens day by day after all we know we don't know what a day or an hour may bring forth we've got no promise for tomorrow and we're not to boast about it the word says boast not thyself of tomorrow for thou knowest not what a day or an hour may bring forth yet when I open God's holy word this blessed book that God has given us I find so often there are promises for day by day for God's people something for tomorrow and the day after that while we're here so there is this word day by day and if we're the Lord's we can rejoice in this we want these words to be with us day by day now when we turn to the early books of the Bible we see there again and again the sacrifices were offered up for the sins of the people and we find there in
[7:55] Exodus that there was to be the lambs slain day by day morning and evening day by day reminding us friends of our sins I think it was hunting I often think of him at night now perhaps in the morning when we go out we may not be conscious of our sins as we should be we've got the day before us and we ask the Lord to help us don't always ask to be covered with his blood do we sheltered from the world and the temptations but when we come out at night go to bed we're conscious often of the wrong that has been done the failings and sins and that
[8:57] William Huntington I think it was who said when someone went into his study one day and looked round and in the corner he saw a old cushion he just managed to look at this cushion and Huntington said well do you know what that is so that's where I make up my accounts with God every night day by day perhaps we don't do that in the morning when we're awake but at night and I think we're all conscious of that fact those of us who know the Lord and know our citizenship and before we lay our head on the pillow we want to shall I say be right with God so this we're reminded of in the Old Testament how it was day by day the sacrifices were made confession of sin will be made by us until that day we are free from sin that will be our life day by day day by day now the
[10:07] Lord has asked us to ask for food for our bodies day by day we have to ask him and this is probably something that we do not always do but then we are to remember that although we're fed with food and although we confess our sins day by day plead the blood of the Lamb of God yet we're told something that is my next reference and I'll bring before you because the daily bread doesn't give us eternal life it's only for the body and although the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin that doesn't keep us our body alive so we find
[11:08] Paul speaking to the Corinthians and he was giving a word of encouragement and exaltation in the fourth chapter of the second epistle of Paul to the Corinthians and I'll only just read this verse as we pass on he said this for which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day what do you say to that praise the Lord we're getting old all of us here some of old and old as well the outward man is perishing there's no doubt about it we've got to face it the outward man is perishing but for the child of
[12:09] God the inward man the part that matters the only part that matters is being renewed day by day the fearful saints fresh courage taint that cloud you so much dread a big good mercy shall break with blessings on your head we wonder how we understand tomorrow spiritually friend you'll be renewed it's a precious promise the inward man is renewed the outward man it troubles us a lot with this body doesn't it we get afflictions and there's things come and they come more and more as we grow older Paul said this but we're the man of God the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ an inward man is being renewed you may feel very down at night but the
[13:15] Lord renews you in the morning and I often think what a wonderful thing this is that the Lord keeps alive in your heart and mine a need for the Lord Jesus Christ people are very getting low places sometimes because they feel oh dear I need him so much I want him and my need is so great God has given that need praise him I'd like to meet the man who needs the Lord and that need is renewed day by day that tells us on true life we need him more than that reminds me of one of our dear old Sunday school teachers at Bedford I went to see her once she was over 90 years of age she sat there with the Bible and I went out to her and I said oh Miss Orton
[14:16] I said can you find something fresh and she said yes she said more of my need and unworthiness and more of his faithfulness wasn't that right over 90 more of my need and unworthiness but more of his faithfulness so day by day that goes on doesn't it until with him until we want no more now while we're in this life and there's no doubt about it the devil is tempting his people and he will kill them book of revelation says night and day goes on with me and sometimes we feel that the devil seems to have been at on a longer lease and so he's not only active in the world but he's getting in the churches and among
[15:26] Christians he's very powerful we can only come overcome him through Jesus and I was thinking of one of the evils of today I was thinking of what caused God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and I expect you'll feel with me that these things are very much in our land today we wonder to what extent the Lord will allow this to go on and we find in the book of Genesis story about Joseph man of God and what he had to go through but in the house of Potiphar you know what happened to him they had that temptation which seems to be very prevalent today wherever you go that woman his master's wife tempted him not just once but once day by day she came and this is where we need grace for these temptations do not just come casually once and then you overcome but they come day by day to try and break it down fence day by day may not be a temptation in that way come and go with me maybe something else and you'll find
[17:19] Satan brings these things day by day they keep coming every day only could be rid of this but it's tomorrow's day it tries God's people but it says I think in the Psalms it says this this did not I because of the fear of the Lord it's wonderful friend where the fear of the Lord is that enables man to overcome the temptations that come and do come day by day friend the Bible tells us what lies before the believer and what we're going to experience day by day yet the Lord makes each day now we should benefit by these things but if I remember right in the book of Job there in the book of Job you will perhaps remember those men of Job's friends and Eli here and three more men that they have a lot to say about Job but just think what
[18:43] Eli who said is he listened to these older men he said I said days should speak multitude of years should teach wisdom days should speak each day that comes along should speak to us that these men wronged now they're given many days yet they didn't know what they should do I wonder what we know through the days what a wonderful thing if it is that we've proved day by day the Lord has fed us the Lord has kept us he should encourage us for the future but there's some never benefit through these days they just live and never begged and Eli could see this though he was a young man and in some cases the young realised more what the
[19:53] Lord is doing for them and what he's promised to do than the old ones and it was so in this case there were straight old men just this young man he said the day he should have spoken he should have learned something and friend we should learn something even from this subject tonight in special times of need think of Daringly in the book of Chronicles and there in the book of Chronicles in the first book there was a time when he was in need first book of Chronicles chapter 12 and verse 22 it says for at that time day by day there came to David to help him until it was a great host like the host of God day by day there came help at that time we can look to the Lord we can clean what he's done for us and I'm sure and I'm sure that with God's people when that help was needed it will come so often
[21:17] I've seen this especially with God's people when they're grown old the way the help comes don't know what they're going to do but day by day it came at that time not before the time but when the help is needed day by day doesn't finish after one day and the Lord knows how to provide that he can and he does provide it and so as we think very briefly of these times in the word of God and what he promised should we not be encouraged as we may be fearful about the way there's blood to wash away our sins we sing dear dying lamb thy precious blood will never lose its power not like the lambs that were slain not all the blood of beasts on Jewish altar slain to give the guilty conscience peace will take away the stain but
[22:36] Christ the heavenly lamb his blood will never lose its power shall all the ransomed church of God be saved to sin no more and clean the blood every day God still is powerful you have to please and while there's a promise that thy bread and water shall be sure we have to ask the Lord for this give us this day our daily bread bread it's wonderful how the Lord provides in every way for his people isn't it and that promise which is so wonderful which I have proved again and again if you seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness all these things will be added up to you come along you see day by day they keep coming along until we want no more what a friend we have in Jesus all our sins and griefs are there what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer tell me one thing can't do it these things go on not just one day and finish they go on day by day you'll prove it tomorrow brother sister you'll prove it remind him of the promise you'll prove the promise is true as we certainly shall there was times when
[24:10] Israel were exhorted to praise the Lord sing his praises day by day brother only on the day that the Lord has made we think about that think about the Lord's day you know this is the day that the Lord was made I'll be glad and rejoice in it then somehow we seem to come down with a bang on Monday as if it's all finished no it's not just the same as Sunday it's day by day the Lord doesn't change on Monday friend it's the same every day in the week the word that we have preached to you on the Lord's day is not failed on the morning not some men's great speeches and promises when they've said them they've gone not with the Lord every day every day every day while we are in this earth we should be able to awake in the morning and see what the children were seeing and he'll do us good very good start to the day whatever's before us and see this is the day that the
[25:34] Lord has made he's made it we don't know how he's made it but it's made for us and there's something for us to learn on every day that we're here Elihu said that days should speak and each day should speak but may the Lord speak each day so that there may be that wisdom coming to the years that Elihu couldn't see with his true and three old and aged friends so it would be a good thing to start tomorrow and say well this is the day that the Lord has made I will be glad and rejoice in it but do you have to say but there's this and there's that don't know what's going to happen today but the Lord is just the same there's his promises there they stand so we can sing his praise and go forth in the strength of the
[26:43] Lord I felt I ought to sing this and we've sung it today haven't we tonight about the 328th and 329th hymn that as thy days thy strength shall be that's lovely isn't it as thy days so shall thy strength be be enough strength given according to the number of days it'll come every day the strength of the day the Lord knows what is before us he knows what strength we need in body or in soul and he said as thy days so shall I strength be I love that next in our final foundation and now the writer says in every condition in sickness in health in poverty is vile or abounding in wealth at home or abroad on the land on the sea as thy days shall divine shall
[28:17] I strength sometime no the writer's got it right friend shall I strength ever be day by day this is going on friend God's people have got to rejoice in and when we prove these things we can say how great they are we can see without my dear old friend Miss Lawton though she saw more and more as the days went on her unworthiness yet she saw more and more the faithfulness of God great is our faithfulness we sometimes see you're going to see next Sunday I think is that right great is our faithfulness praise the Lord we should be seeing of that more than we do because we should prove as we come and clean his blood and as we come to ask for those things that we need we should prove of him to be faithful to his promise we have got a faithful
[29:29] God friend when we awake each morning we find his mercies are new every morning great is his faithfulness faithful to what what he said his promises what he said you know I often think that God's word that has given us we do not seem to lay hold on these promises and I think I mentioned in my prayer as it came to me it's full of shells and wills which are firm as the everlasting hills we come with up with buts and ifs aren't we come with them they're nieces come again and get them from standing against God's promises they're all right Lord increase our faith and forgive us for ever doubting me and no causes the doubt they've been sighting himself that old serpent who began his dirty work in the garden of me when he said hath
[30:42] God said hath God said and friend if you're trusting in the promises and if this one that we think we have tonight day by day we're thinking of a friend you can be sure he'll say I don't know how many times he's come to me when I've been in the pool my wife has said well the horse never failed you yet and he never has praised his name but Satan said you won't have anything to say I remember one case especially when I got into the pool and said no Moses I better speak today you have nothing to say then I proved him a liar when the children of Israel came out of Egypt when they sang after that great deliverance and they sung about the enemy and said the enemy said
[31:47] I will receive and I will overtake and I will divide this boy and I now shall be satisfied upon you that's what the enemy said and friend whatever the enemy says to you about your promises the reason why they do not belong to you the reason why they will not be fulfilled for you remember that's the enemy said that God doesn't say many of these things remember I was talking to one friend one day and she was telling me all about the troubles and temptations and as she went on I said look who said these things to you I said God hasn't he hasn't said these things to you that's the tempt I said now you think what the Lord has said to you and you tell him what he said other things are going to say so friends as we set forth praise, so faithful and true, so plenteous in grace so strong to deliver so good to redeem the weakest believer that hangs upon him, when we've got something to hang upon
[35:11] I can tell you I can tell you we have, but we're not so much hanging upon him as he is holding upon us let us remember our thoughts go to an old friend I used to know somewhere where I used to go to preach it was just before he went to believe in the Lord I was asked if I would go and visit him and going to visit this dear old man who some years had been pushed to the chapel in an old chair and see him sitting there and singing God's praise and I said to him I said well my friend I said I think you can say my home is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest breath but wholly lean on Jesus' name yes he said
[36:14] I can he said can you go a bit farther and stay on Christ the solid rock I stand all on the ground is sinking sand yes he said I've got something to stand on and I've never forgotten that we've got something to stand on we're on the rock but when the storms come as the Lord Jesus said to try our building it was sand it was founded upon a rock and what was this building on what the Lord Jesus had said what this blessed book tells us so friends as we go forth may we hear those words day by day whatever you need is just think what God has promised not only for one day but day by day while we're here so may the Lord bless his word for his name's sake
[37:20] Amen game 631 game 631 the Lord himself be with you all to teach you his own will and find yourself from every floor the Zion's heavenly hillilib oy
[38:46] Thank you.
[41:24] Lord, again we would thank thee for thy word.
[41:50] And as we think of thine ancient people, thou didst bring them out of Egypt and into Canaan.
[42:04] And it was day by day that the man are found, oh, to learn that lesson well. So we believe we should prove that as thou hast brought us out and set us in the way to the heavenly Canaan, that thou will be that manna day by day.
[42:28] Lord, help us to believe what thou hast promised and plead these promises. And may we prove them as thou hast asked us to in thy word.
[42:45] Lord, so now do, take us each in thy loving care and to our homes in safety. And may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, the fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit, rest upon and abide with each one of us, both now and forevermore.
[43:15] Amen.