
Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 47

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Aug. 25, 1982


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[0:00] He loved it, big or great and small, and loved it all in great care, and all, love in the soul will pass, love tribulations which they give, love those other, for being the hell, shall tear them from his heart.

[0:49] He is lovely for all time began, and all time he will remain, and in the home of the world, love rubs and frowns are sometimes brought, and when they change he changes not, here is love and light, yes, Lord.

[1:40] Hear, sing-laughing Pow 다음 atrás Brasilbulентов National 돌 Lolita Kas Stank CHOIR SINGS


[4:21] May the Lord grant us help in looking into his word and the word that I desire to speak from.

[4:38] You will find in Ecclesiastes chapter 4 and the latter part of verse 12. The latter part of verse 12 in chapter 4 in Ecclesiastes.

[4:56] I'll read all the verse. And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

[5:18] Well, how I came to that text, I believe that on Monday evening when Mr. Bodice was praying, I find that word kind to me about a threefold.

[5:40] That union which exists between God and those that follow in their measure and endeavour to keep his word.

[6:06] And I felt that what is declared in Matthew's gospel, Again, I say unto you that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

[6:33] And if you remember that Norman in his prayer mentioned it. I felt what a union. It's a blessed thing, isn't it, to be brought in union one with another.

[6:52] And what the Lord has declared in his word. If two of you are agreed, it shall be done. And these shalls and wills, you know in his word, will be to those that look to him and seek after him, that he may be one with them.

[7:21] They stand, yes, those shalls and wills. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

[7:38] You know, sometimes we come into many difficulties and trials. And we oftentimes wonder, don't we, where the scene is going to end.

[7:53] But, you know, if we're led by his spirit, and we come into these difficulties and these trials, we should be brought, you know, to look to him, that he may uphold and strengthen us in these things and not rebel against them.

[8:23] As many are one, you know, when they've come into trouble, they've been, as, shall we say, in their own ideas and their own ways, they've been Christians, as anybody perhaps would have thought, the way they walk.

[8:45] But when they've come into trials and troubles, how they've rebelled against God. And, I know of a family that, when the Lord dealt with them, they removed one of their children in death.

[9:04] And they said, well, he's a God of love, why should he do this? And they rebelled and left. And I don't know whether they ever returned again.

[9:18] But you know, the most blessed place is to be brought, as we read of, in his word, regarding Paul and Silas.

[9:42] We read, don't we, of, when they was, what they'd done, if you read the, story in chapter 9, of the Acts of the Apostles.

[9:58] It says, when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed, he assayed, to join himself, to the disciples. But they were all afraid of him, and believed not, that he was a disciple.

[10:11] And then, regarding Lydia, and, here we can't, we haven't got the time, to go through that, but this is what, I want to come to. When, they, the soldiers, rose up, and, took, Paul and Silas, and, beat them, and, cast them into prison, put their feet, in the stocks, very painful, place to be in, isn't it?

[10:46] And, but you know, at midnight, they sang, didn't they?

[11:00] At midnight, they was able to sing, and praise God, for the, what, that happened, and, how the Lord, brought that, jailer, he thought, well, and there was an earthquake, as well, great earthquake, how the Lord spoke, in that earthquake, now, now, the Lord, dealt with that, jailer, and, he thought, that, there was all, the prisoners, and prison doors, flung open, and everybody, had fled, now he was going, to, take his own life, but you know, with all, that Paul, and Silas, had gone through, you just think, there they was, in the stocks, how the Lord, brought them, humbly, before him, to praise, and to sing, at midnight, and the Lord, does, and so he deals, because, the Lord, was with them, there was, a threefold, union there, wasn't there, they knew, the Lord, was with them, nothing, could hold them, no prison, can hold those, of whom, the Lord, deals with, in that way, and manner, and, we also, read, don't we, regarding, them, those, two, that was, on the road, to Emmaus, who said, they was, how, the Lord, drew near, to them, didn't they, and, how, they questioned, as he drew, near to them, they didn't know, who he was, if I can, find that now, and, the Lord, does, you know, when, the Lord, draws near, and, one of them, whose name, was Cleopas, answering, said unto him, aren't there a stranger, in Jerusalem, has not, known the things, which are come to pass, in these days, and he said unto him, what things, and they said unto him, concerning Jesus, of Nazareth, which was a prophet, mighty indeed, and word, before God, and all the people, and how the chief priests, and their rulers, delivered him, to be condemned, to death, and have crucified him, but we trusted, that it had been he, which should have, redeemed Israel, and beside all this, today is the third day, since these things were done, yea, and certain, women, women also, their company, made us astonished, which were early, the sepulchre, and when they found not his body, they came saying, that they had, also, seen a vision, of angels, which said, that he was alive, and then he goes on, and then he declares to them, then he said unto them,

[15:21] O fools, and slow of heart, to believe all, that the prophets have spoken, ought not Christ, to have suffered, these sins, and to enter into his glory, and beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, he expanded unto them, in all the scriptures, the things concerning himself, and they drew nigh, unto the village, whither they went, and he made, as though he would have gone further, but they constrained, him saying, abode with us, for it is, toward evening, and the days, far spent, he went in, to tarry with them, and their eyes were open, they knew him, ah, what a, a great, favourite it is, to be, in the way, where the Lord, will meet with us, and go before us, for then, you know, we can endure, all things, can't we, for his name's sake, if the Lord is with us, and that's what we desire, if you, because you know,

[16:36] Christianity, is a reality, it's these things, that we, walk through, and know, to be real, real things, where the Lord, meets with his people, and guides them, and opens up, to their understanding, and, these things, do them, and it's only the Lord, that can, and it's only him, that does, we, have these cases, left upon record, how different, the situation is, isn't it, when the Lord, appears, you can bear, all things then, we also read, don't we, regarding Ruth, and Naomi, Naomi, and the Lord, worked in, Ruth's heart, Naomi, in and of herself, she had nothing, to offer, had she, no, nothing, to offer Ruth, there she was, coming back, out of Moab, she'd lost her husband, her two, sons, and she was going back, empty, and Ruth,

[17:51] Ruth, no doubt, could see, Naomi, something, which she, desired after, and if she was, led, to leave her, family, and all those, near and dear to her, and follow, Naomi, there are, threefold, called, there was, there wasn't there, she could see, that Naomi, possessed, something, which she, desired after, and she was, led, to follow her, and to go with her, until, no doubt, she felt, in her heart, that longing, that desire, to have, which Naomi, had, to have, one that could, and would, provide for her, no doubt, you have read, the outcome of it, how she, was led, to bow her, as a lively, time, with the Lord Jesus, and she was, married to him, wasn't she, is that, our desire, to walk, in that way, whereby, the Lord, will, walk with us, and be with us, and lead us, and guide us, that we may know, and feel, that he is our,

[19:28] God, and our guide, through all these, many difficulties, and trials, and troubles, and tribulations, not to be left, to be rose up, in rebellion, over them, if left to ourselves, we shall, but to be brought, humbly, before him, that he may, go with us, and lead us, and guide us, in that way, which is right, in his sight, you know, we can't lead ourselves, we can't, find our own pathway, we need him, to find, and do all things, for us, we need him, to put within our hearts, those right desires, and longings, after these things, for our desires, oftentimes, are not towards him, are they, if we are honest, with ourselves, now, they are farther, and farther from, but we need him, and we, so therefore, we need to be often, in prayer, before him, seeking, that he may, plant, within our hearts, ourselves, right desires, and longings, after him, that he may, go before us, and be with us, and what a, threefold, there was, with Jonathan, and David, otherwise, they would not, have been led, in the same path, as I was led in, and David, declared, that the love, that Jonathan, had towards him, surpassed, the love of women, that love, because, there was, a threefold, union there, that the Lord, was with them, is it, that which we, desire, that the Lord, may go with us, and be with us, and I do hope, and pray, that it will be, with those, that, now shortly, are going to be, joined together, what a blessed, partnership, that will be, to have the Lord, guiding, and keeping you, and upholding, and strengthening you, that one, that can provide, all things, for us, that one, that can plant, within our hearts, that love, that love, to him, and to his ways, and to his laws, and his commandments, that's what we need, we need, the Lord, to put, these things, within our hearts, to follow him, and to seek, after him, that we may, be found, as true disciples, for, without him, we shall perish, and be lost, forever, forever, he, must become, the one thing, needful, in all, that we do, and we, we won't, be able, to please him, in and of ourselves, because, we have, as we heard only, when our pastor, was speaking, regarding, those two natures, we have, these two natures, within us, but we need, the old nature, subdued, within us, to have, that right spirit, planted, within us, and to have, that true, and live in faith, to believe, and to trust, in him, to cast, all our cares, and all our concerns, into his kind, and gracious hands, then all, will be well, to be found, at his feet, pleading, with him, and then, whatever trial, or ever, any, tribulation, or any, those things, that the Lord, does see fit, sometimes, to bring his children, into, we shall be able, to, endure, and, seek his help, and guidance, in them, that his name, may be glorified, for his name, will be glorified, and that will be, the one name, and object, of one, that is, born, of the spirit, that one, that is, born again, that is, made, a real,

[24:20] Christian, one, that is, able, to leave, all things, into his hands, and know, no will, but is, we cannot, of ourselves, know, we, want to go, our own way, if left to ourselves, but we, have to be brought, to realize, and understand, that there is only, one place, and one place, alone, to be brought, to his will, and his will, alone, for all things, to be made, as an humble, supplement, at his blessed feet, seeking, his guidance, in all things, that his name, will be glorified, that we shall, being able, to honor, and prize, and bless, his holy night, as we read, as I said, regarding, soul, as though, the trouble, and, trial, they was in, they was able, to, sing prizes, unto their God, now they, they offered up, prayers before, and the Lord, had heard, their prayer, and the Lord, will, he will, if we are sincere, in our prayers, he will answer us, in a way, which nowadays, of times, will amaze us, you know, come to my mind, when, we had, our Susan, and, we had, to return her, to the hospital, it was on one,

[26:03] Sunday morning, my wife, and I, we, going, towards the bus, because, we hadn't got a car then, and going, towards the bus, those words, came to me, of the hymn writer, a sovereign, protector, of high, unseen, yet forever, at hand, well, we got, into the hospital, and, my wife, took Susan, into the, doctors, and you know, it's something, that I should never forget, as I was, waiting in that, waiting room, I felt, the overshadowing, of his wings, over the old building, it broke me up, to think, you know, when we are brought, to realise, what we are, that we are, so undeserving, the least, of his mercies, for all our sins, prayer forgetfulness, yet,

[27:08] God was there, and with us, the, I felt, the overshadowing, his wings, over the old building, a threefold, union, yes, God was there, and who can arm you, none can arm us, if we be followers, of that, which is good, so therefore, we must, be true followers, of him, yes, we must, be brought, to, leave, these worldly, things, because, you know, there is no room, for flesh, we have to be brought, as, humble, suppliants, as his, blessed feet, empty, ruined, and undone, it's not, it's not very easy, for our flesh, our flesh, dislikes, the way, but that is, the way, the Lord brings, his people, and then, he blesses them, yeah, blesses them, indeed, with those, blessings, that we read, over those, prophets of old, those, that, was, oft times, they've done, in prayer, and supplication, do you, desire, that the Lord, may, be with you, go, before you, grant, to you, that help, and that guidance, that you may, be enabled, to serve him, the true, and the living God, he who rules, and reigns, he who made, the universe, he who holds, all things, in his hands, there's nothing, now, that he has not, made, that he's made, he made, all things, and the gold, and the silver, and the cattle, upon his tails, and the hills, yet, oft times, we murmur, and don't we, and complain, about, things, but oh, to be brought, humbly, with that, true humility, his blessed feet, and see, his help, and guidance, in all things, that he may, teach us, and instruct us, in that right way, which leads, to eternal life, that he may, go before us, be our helper, be our guide, be our strength, and we do need, when we are brought, to realize, what we are, in and of ourselves, poor, helpless, sinful creatures, sometimes, cannot reproduce, one good thought, and then, you know, if we are brought there, we should know, something of that, which,

[30:17] I feebly, spoke of, on, Sabbath day, of those streams, that flow, from that, river, there is a river, the river, of his love, we should be, partakers, of those streams, and you know, I never thought, until one, dear friend, said to me, that, naturally speaking, those, the streams, run into the river, but these streams, run from the river, from that, one source, is love, the love of God, and what love, to send, his only begotten son, into this world, you can understand, can't you really, when we are brought, to realize, as I spoke to one, this afternoon, at the home, when, the Lord Jesus, expired, upon the cross, when it was, cross darkness, the sun, refused to shine, well, when we come, to consider, the sufferings, of our dear,

[31:44] Redeemer, upon that cross, yea, he has, in his mercy, and his love, to his people, brought them, to seek, after him, and then, he has promised, to be with them, I will be with them, in all places, with us, however, there goeth, and he will be, as I said, regarding, when he expired, upon the cross, God, ah, he was his only, begotten son, he could not, look upon it, now, therefore, the sun, refused to shine, for, though, he, was suffering, there, for his, redeemed people, yet, if we read, in each word, that, three, cord, is not easily, broken, and it, won't be broken, if he is with you, if he is, walking, with you, oh, may we have, that desire, and that longing, that he may be, with us, continually, in all our, troubles, and distresses, in all our, temptations, and sorrows, and that he, will lead us, and guide us, more, and more, into the truth, of it, that we may, realize, and understand, how need, for it is, to be found, following him, to be, a true, follower, of the me, and lowly,

[33:44] Jesus, although, of times, the Lord, does, bring his people, into many trials, and troubles, conflicts, and sorrows, but he will, never leave, no, he'll never leave, his people, but he will, in his mercy, in his, own time, draw near, to them, he, can calm, the troubled spirit, for, times, we, we are, troubled, aren't we, will, one has said, in his word, will he be, favorable, no more, as he, clean, gone, forever, he, he, won't, he, never, leaves, those, that are, brought, with those, sincere, desires, after him, no, he, will, be, with them, if, which is, declared, and we, sing, that hymn, there is, a friend, that sticketh, closer, than a brother, and also, in that hymn, what it says, regarding the church, who is this, coming up out, of the wilderness, leaning, on our beloved, is there a better place, to lean, than to lean, upon him, and to seek, his help, oh, may we be, brought there, to lean, and to seek, him, in all, that we do, that we may, be fair, as true, disciples, of his, and then, we shall be, brought, like Paul, and Silas, to sing, unto him, and praise, and bless, his holy name, to feel, him, to be near us, although, perhaps, in trouble, like they was, what a mercy, to be enabled, then, to praise, and bless him, through all, our troubles, and afflictions, and our sorrows, to know, that he is, formed in our hearts, the hope, of glory, that our feet, are upon that, rock, that rock,

[36:09] Christ, Jesus, there's no other, foundation, no, there's only, one foundation, whereby, we shall, stand, the test, yes, there's only one, may he, then, be made known, unto us, may he, be brought, may we, be brought, to realize, and to, understand, how need, for, it is, to know, him, and, to follow, him, yes, because, if we're, not following him, we must be, following the world, for there's only, one way, well, it's two ways, either following the world, or following him, and we can't, love him, and love the world, we're either, loving one, or the other, for he's a, jealous God, he'll have all the heart, for nothing, so we need, our hearts made right, don't we, yes, we need him, to purge out, those things, that are wrong, within us, that we may be, brought, to realize, and to know, more, of that, threefold, that he is, going, before us, that he is, leading us, and guiding us, that he may, be made, known, more, and more, to us, as our, saviour, as our, our priest, as our, mediator, our, advocate, oh, what a, great,

[38:07] I appreciate, he is, one, that we can, call, upon, at any time, one, that neither, slumbers, nor sleeps, he's ever, waiting, to hear, his children, cry, maybe, we then, be made, diligent, in seeking, these things, and to know, that he is, with us, and walking, with us, and leading us, and that we are not, been left, to ourselves, to, no, if we don't, want to be left, to ourselves, but we want him, to go, with us, that, that, threefold, cord, then, will not, be broken, no, if he is, with us, he will, guide us, and take us, to heaven, to be with him, which will be, far better, if we are, found, as those, that have, gone before, those, that had their, eyes up, unto him, and like,

[39:25] Abraham, he said, he went out, not knowing, whither he went, but he, saw a city, which had, foundation, whose, maker, it was, God, and his, eyes, were set, one, looking, unto that, city, yes, that, city, that, foundation, whose, builder, and maker, is God, and that's, where he looked, and that's, where we must, look, if we are, found, as true, followers, of him, looking, unto him, continually, for all, our help, and all, our guidance, in all things, may the, Lord, add his, blessing, Amen, and 1053, 3.

[40:47] Lord, divine, all love excelling, joy of heaven to earth come down. Fix in us thy humble dwelling, all thy faithful, mercy crown. Jesus, thou art all-compassing, pure, unbounded love thou art.

[41:06] Visit us with thy salvation, comfort every sinking heart. Amen. Amen.

[41:18] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.

[41:30] Amen. Amen. Amen.

[41:44] Amen. Peace and power of compassion Pure of the dead, lower heart Visit us with thy salvation Concord every singing of all Read, oh, break the blessed spirit Into every trouble, O man Let us all in divin' areas Let us by thy promise

[42:48] Take away the love of seeing you Help her and all be with me And of faith that is beginning Set her arms and make her dear Carry on thy new creation Pure and glorious way with me Let us be our whole salvation Perfectly secure, I believe

[43:55] Change from glory into glory Till in and we take our faith Till we catch our friends in calling Love, give honor, love and grace Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ The love of God the Father The sweet communion of thy blessed spirit Abide with us each Both now and forevermore Amen Amen