
Tenterden - Jireh - Part 41

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Oct. 16, 1991


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[0:00] The End The End The End

[1:04] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End

[2:08] The End The End The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season.

[2:25] Thou openest thine hand and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. The eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou givest them their meat in due season.

[2:42] Thou openest thine hand and satisfiest the desire of every living thing. As we read that Psalm 104 together, the opening of that Psalm as it is in 103, and there is the injunction to bless the Lord and give unto him thanksgiving in each of the Psalms from 103 to 107.

[3:24] And many, many matters are brought forth, whereupon there is thanks due unto God.

[3:35] But particularly in Psalm 104, there is said before us the perfection of God's order and of his providing.

[3:49] It is a wonderful thing if we are able to meditate upon the perfections of what he hath so done.

[4:08] In the early part of that Psalm we read concerning the waters that stood above the mountains, and how they were governed and directed at his word and by his voice.

[4:27] And then we read concerning these waters thou hast set abound that they may not pass over.

[4:38] They are governed of the Lord. And then we read, In all those things there is a continuing perfection and the satisfaction for all those things that he has made.

[5:15] And one of the verses that seemed to enter especially into my heart was this, He watereth the hills from his chambers, The earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy works.

[5:36] Oh, there is a wonderfulness in all these things. And then he goes on from that thought, He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle and herb for the service of man, And that he may bring forth food out of the earth, And wine that maketh glad the heart of man, And oil to make his face to shine, And bread which strengtheneth man's heart.

[6:05] But I don't want to merely go through those Wondrous declarations of the Psalmist.

[6:16] I want to try and notice, As the Lord may help, That even as all these things are declared to be ordered, But also there is a season for all things.

[6:36] We gather together at this time remembering the seasons. And the seasons are the consequence of his orderings.

[6:52] We read in this Psalm, He appointeth the moon for seasons, The sun knoweth his going down.

[7:04] But summer and winter, Cold and heat, Day and night, Were the consequence of a covenant, That were made with Noah, And that continue until this day.

[7:24] And I want to just consider, The orderings of Almighty God, And the seasons, As they are part of his covenant purposes.

[7:40] When Noah came forth from the ark with his family, And with the beasts of the field, And the fowls of the air, Saved from the floods, God's judgment against sin, Upon the whole earth, He made a covenant with the earth, With the beasts, And with Noah, Summer and winter, Cold and heat, Day and night, Shall not fail while the earth remaineth.

[8:17] And further, That the Lord would no more drown the earth with water. And we often refer to the covenants, That the Lord hath made, And especially concerning the covenant, That was made with Abraham, With Isaac, And with Jacob, And also of, The covenant of grace.

[8:45] But I want to notice that, That covenant, The covenant of grace, Made with, The spirit, The son, By the father, Was made before the foundation of the world.

[9:09] Before the things of time, Had a part and a place. This covenant was made in eternity past.

[9:23] Therefore, It takes precedent over every other covenant. It is an impossibility, That the Lord should, Make that covenant, And then make another covenant, That would, Oppose, Injure, Turn aside, Contradict, The covenant, That he made, With his son, And with the holy ghost.

[9:58] For he declares, I will not alter the thing, That is gone out of my mouth. That covenant was made, With his son, And with the holy ghost.

[10:11] And therefore, Every other covenant, Must of necessity be, Subsidiary to, And secondary to, The covenant, That was made, Before the foundation of the world.

[10:28] And if we, And if we, Regard, The wonder, Of these, Natural things, And see the richness, And the fullness, Of the provision, The perfections, Of that which, God hath ordered, If the Lord, Afford unto us, His holy spirit, And light, Upon the word, Of truth, What a meditation, There is, Afforded unto us.

[11:03] No wonder, The psalmist, Is enabled, To say, My meditation, Of him, Shall be sweet. Yes, He meditates, Upon all the Lord's doings, But oh, To be brought, To view the covenant, Of grace, And of the glory, That pertains unto Christ, For he that hath seen, Me, Christ says, Hath seen the father, And we have those, Testimonies, And records in God's word, Of those, Who perceived, Not only the wondrous things, That the Lord had done, In nature, In creation, In time, And sense, But that which was wrought, Before the foundation, Of the world, In that covenant,

[12:03] That was made, With the son, And with the holy ghost, There are yet, I believe, Those who, Wait, Upon the Lord, And the word says, Thou, Openest thy hand, When, When, We're amongst our, Families, And especially when, The children, Were young, We may have had, A surprise for them, Something, They knew nothing about, And we have held it, Close in our hand, And when, We have been so pleased, We have gone, To them, With it, It's been hidden, And perhaps,

[13:07] We've told them, To close their eyes, We have, Something to show them, And we've opened our hand, And we've revealed it, And our children, Have been, Caused to, Know, Not only surprise, But happiness, And contentment, And joy, By those things, That were revealed, Now the word of God, Says, That he opens his hand, And satisfies, Every, Living thing, We read in the Psalms also, The secret of the Lord, Is with them that fear him, And he will show them, His covenant, And it is, Concerning these, Covenant matters, That I want to try, And speak, This afternoon, For we read in Psalm, 106,

[14:08] He remembered for them, His covenant, In all the things, That are about us, We have, Those evidences, Of God's faithfulness, Unto, His covenant word, When he made that covenant, With Noah, With the earth, And with, The beasts, It began there, There was no covenant, Made after that manner, Before the flood, But it continues, Until that, This day, Now it, Continuance, Is the consequence, Of, These two things, First of all, That it was by, God's word, Instituted, And it is by, God's power, That it is continued, There is no creature,

[15:11] That could speak, That covenant, And there is no power, On earth, Amongst men, Or, In the hand of, Angels, That can cause it, To continue, It's beginning, And it's continuance, Is by God, And in God, And if the Lord, Is pleased to, Open his hand, And show us, His covenant, Or that we might, View its beginnings, And it's continuings, Because there are many things, That come, That will try, Our hearts, And our spirits, But dear friend, Be certain of this, That which, God,

[16:12] Hath spoken into being, Must and shall be, Performed, We read in another place, Being certain, Of this one thing, That he that hath begun, A good work in you, Will perform it, Until the day, Of Jesus Christ, I mention that word, In Psalm 106, He remembered for them, His covenant, If we go back, To, The garden of Eden, We, Read there, How that, Adam and Eve, Transgressed, The command, Of almighty God, And were, Subject to his judgments, And his strictures, Because of their sin, And I wonder,

[17:17] Whether, Whether, We can, In any way, Enter into the solemnity, Of that time, I believe, That, The living family of God, In some measure, Know it, There is a time, In the experiences, Of his people, When, They stand, As it were, In his presence, And they are, Caused to say, By reason, Of the light of truth, That he has commanded, To shine, In their hearts, Against thee, And against thee only, Have I sinned, And that's a solemn time,

[18:19] But all that we might, Go to, God's orderings, God's appointments, God's times, God's seasons, And perceive, That there was, A covenant made, Before the foundation, Of the world, And that even, As there is a perfection, And a necessity, For all his appointings, For all his seasons, Shining, Throughout the whole, Of scripture, Is, This blessed truth, He remembered, For them, His covenant, Because he, Spoke unto, The serpent, And he declared, Unto him, That the seed, Of the woman, Should bruise,

[19:20] The serpent's head, And he, Shall bruise his heel, Now in the very early, Chapters, Of the book of Genesis, The covenant, That was made, Before the foundation, Of the world, Is revealed, In the midst, Of that solemn circumstance, The holy, The righteous, The almighty God, Offended, By the sinner, Yet, Remembered, And opened his hand, Dear friend, It has been so, Throughout the whole, Of the page of scripture, There has been, An opening of his hand,

[20:21] And a rich ordering, And providing, For the needs, Of his dear people, And you think of, Those subsequent events, Adam had tried to, Clothe himself, With the leaves, From the tree, And the Lord, Remembered, That covenant, Undertaking, Those purposes, Those orderings, Entered into, Before the world was, Were disclosed, Before, The first blood, Was shed, Oh, What a remembering, Without, The shedding of blood, There is no remission,

[21:23] Of sin, And the Lord, Opens his hand, In mercy, And in grace, And he provides, For Adam and Eve, A covering, The Lord, Didn't say to, Adam, Make yourself, A coat, A covering, Or the provision, Of almighty God, To the needy, The Lord, Took, Of the skins, And the Lord, Made, The coat, Dear friend, Have you ever sat, And meditated, Upon those things, And been caused, To feel, Your need, Of God's covering, So that you, Had to cry out, Unto him, Concerning, Those appointments,

[22:25] Those providing, Those seasons, Of his grace, When he, Accomplishes, These things, Even for, The poor, And needy sinner, Now, Not only, Did the Lord, Make the coat, But I found, Sweet comfort, In this, At times, Not only, Did the Lord, Make it, But he put them on, And don't we, Each stand in need, By reason, Of our, The sin, That the Lord, Shall so provide, For us, And it may be, That even now, There may be, One dear one, Amongst us, Who looks, And waits, For that season, And perhaps, Have waited long,

[23:27] And there's that, Within our heart, Because of, The temptations, Of satan, That suggest to us, That we shall, Wait and wait, And we shall be, Disappointed, Or forgotten, Or left out, At last, I wonder, What was in, The experience, Of the hymn writer, Who penned, Those lines, Can I bear, The piercing thought, What if my name, Should be left out, When thou, For them, Shalt call, And what do these, Seasons, Occasion, In, Your heart, And spirit, Are these,

[24:28] Seasons, The seasons, Of trial, But you know, The Lord purposes, That there shall be, A harvest, There shall be, A fruit, And when the fruit, Is brought forth, He will gather it, And then we shall, Rejoice, And, Offer praise, And thanksgiving, For, His appointments, For his orderings, For his seasons, We shall see them, To be, Most blessed, And, Most necessary, And most perfect, I remember, A time, Many years ago, When, It pleased the Lord, To exercise me, In a certain matter, And it seemed to, Be an exercise, That went on, Year after year,

[25:30] And altogether, Eight years, And when the matter, Was concluded, In the Lord's, Appointed season, I began to understand, And appreciate, And do so, More year by year, That that waiting time, Was the profitable time, Those, Were the times, When there was a bringing forth, When there was a feeling, Of need, When there was a tenderness, Respecting his word, When, The sips, That were afforded, We found, Refreshing, When, The word, Was indeed, As food, And we found it, Wholesome, And satisfying, The Lord says, My thoughts,

[26:30] Are not your thoughts, Neither are my ways, Your ways, They are much higher, Than ours, His appointments, His seasons, His providing, Is far, More, Than we shall, Ever appreciate, We shall only, Be cause, To wonder, At the grace, And the mercy, That has been, Manifested to us, And when, The Lord so, Made those, Covenant undertakings, Though, Those to, Noah, Were, Temporal, Yet I believe, There was, A remembering, Of that first covenant, The Lord had, Made a,

[27:32] Statement, Respecting, The seed, Of the woman, And because, Of that first, Covenant, That was made, Before the world was, It was, Not possible, That the earth, Should be drowned, And all, Flesh destroyed, That covenant, That was made, With Noah, Was, Secondary to, That covenant, Made with the sun, And with the holy ghost, And when we read, The lines, Of genealogy, In God's word, Don't turn the pages, Over, And pass them by, As though, They're not important, All, That we might, Look upon them, And be,

[28:33] Reminded, Of God's, Ordering, Of his, Seasons, Of his, Providing, For in every, Step, Of that genealogy, This glorious, Truth is proclaimed, He remembered, For them, His covenant, The covenant, That was made, Before the foundation, Of the world, We can see, Those things fulfilled, And thereby, We have the ordering, Of God's purposes, In grace, And there we see, The fullness, Of the provision, That he has made, Even, For us, When, The Lord, Made, A covenant, With Abraham,

[29:33] With Isaac, And with Jacob, It was a concerning, A people, Whom God, Should reserve, Unto himself, But consider, That the covenant, That was made, From, Before the foundation, Of the world, Has a prime, Part, And place in it, For it was, By his seed, That all the nations, Of the earth, Should be blessed, It was, Secondary, To that, First covenant, And I believe, That while, Abraham, Looked for, The entering in, Of, Himself, His seed, Into the promised land, Yet he was, Caused to view,

[30:35] Beyond those temporal things, For our Lord, Declared, He saw, My day, And was glad, What a wonderful thing, That the Lord, Opened his hand, You see, The satisfactions, That applied unto, That promise, That covenant, Respecting Canaan, Was not entered into, By Abraham himself, That the covenant, That was made, Before the foundation, Of the world, Was revealed unto him, And his rejoicing, Was in consequence, Of that view, Of the eternal son, By whom, Alone is salvation, And therefore, He went, Hoping, Against hope,

[31:36] We read, Concerning, Noah, Moses, He endured, As seeing him, Who is invisible, Now he didn't endure, Because, Of the things, Pertaining to the promised land, Because he, Viewed it all, All at a great distance, Yes, But he saw, The glory of it, The beauty of it, But he endured, As seeing him, Who is invisible, And when, The Lord, Made himself, Known, Unto Moses, Consider, How, He opened, His hand, He said, I am the God, Of your father, Abraham, Isaac, And Jacob, A covenant,

[32:38] Keeping God, For it was that, Which Moses knew, Concerning the Lord, The covenant, That was made, And then, When, He said unto him, Who shall I say, Hath sent me, I am, That I am, We go, Right back, Unto eternity, And those things, Pertaining unto that, Covenant, That was made, Before the foundation, Of the world, Was revealed, Unto him, And if you then, See, All the commandments, And the law, That was given, Unto, Moses, To make known, Unto, The people of Israel, When the Lord, Separated unto himself, That covenant people, It was that he might have, A witness in the earth, That his purposes in grace,

[33:40] Should be, Made known, Egypt, Syria, The Philistines, The Canaanites, Could not, Have made known, Those things, Concerning, The covenant, And the covenant, Undertakings, Of almighty God, There was no covenant, Given to them, There was no, Revealings of the holy ghost, Unto them, It was to this, Covenant people, That they were given, By them, His word, Has been retained, Through the ages, And is come, Even unto us, But you know, One thing, That the Lord, Purposed, By that covenant,

[34:41] People, That there should be, Those who, Experimentally, Knew, Of the covenant, Keeping God, In the earth, It wasn't merely, A question, Of things, That they had heard, There were those, Things that they, Proved, And they saw, God's ordering, They saw, His providing, Consider, Israel, In the wilderness, What wondrous, Things the Lord, Accomplished for them, What orderings, Beyond that of nature, So there could be, No question, That the matter, Was of the Lord, See how he, Watched over them, And kept them, See how he, Defended them, See how he, Fed them, See how he, Led them, See his,

[35:42] Faithfulness, For he took, Not away, The pillar of cloud, By day, Or the pillar of fire, By night, All the forty years, In the wilderness, Until they came to Jordan, The Lord says, Unto his people, Lack ye anything, Dear friend, If the Lord, Says to you, And me, Lack ye anything, Shant we have to look back, Upon all his orderings, His seasons, His appointings, His providing, And say, Nothing Lord, And when we, See that, Which he hath purposed, In the covenant of grace, When in the fullness of time, In his season, He sent forth his son, We read that,

[36:44] John the Baptist, Was baptizing, Bethabara, And he saw, Jesus, Coming to him, And he declared, Behold, The Lamb of God, That taketh away, The sin of the world, The covenant, That was made, Before the foundation, Of the world, Is revealed, In its full, And final perfection, In Christ, Jesus the Lord, There were those, That had, Viewed it, Job viewed it, Abraham, Viewed it, But here, Upon the earth, John testifies, To his, Coming, And to his, Person, And to his, Covenant, Undertakings, And he declares,

[37:46] The authority, By which he speaks, These things, He, That sent me, To baptize, With water, And he declares, That it was upon, Him, Of whom, The spirit, Descended, And abode, I should be, Seen, And known, And declared, To be the son of God, And he says, And I saw, And bear record, In all the things, That Christ undertook, While he was upon, The earth, Were by God's, Appointment, By God's, Providing, And in his season, And when you consider, Some of those things, That Christ,

[38:47] Was, Brought to bear, All the sweetness, Of that covenant, When we view him, In the garden, And he, Declared unto, His father, Father, Father, If it be possible, Let this cup, Pass from me, Nevertheless, Not my will, But thine be done, View, The purposes, And the providing, See the season, Appointed, See that, Which God, Hath purposed, In the covenant, That was made, Before the foundation, Of the world, And our Lord, And our Lord, Himself, And our Lord, Himself, Declares, My soul is troubled, And shall I say, Unto my father, Father, Let this cup, Pass from me, He declares,

[39:48] For this cause, Came I, Unto this hour, Now, In all, The things, That we have, Mentioned, Though, There are, Innumerable, Evidences, In God's word, It is disclosed, Unto us, That continually, God, Remembers, For his people, His covenant, He opens, His hand, And satisfies, Every, Living thing, Now, Even, As it is in nature, Much more in grace, He, Opened his hand, And by those, Revealings, Of his covenant, Purpose, Purposes, Satisfies, The needs, Of the poor, And needy sinner, Dear friend, There is a time, When, There has been, A gathering,

[40:49] Of these, Wonderful, Things, That God has provided, To give thanks, And the psalmist says, And what a wonderful, Word, It is, I will sing, Unto the Lord, As long as I live, I will sing, Praise to my God, While, I have my being, My meditation, Of him, Shall be sweet, I will be glad, In the Lord, May he make us each glad, Amen, Amen, Let us conclude, This afternoon's service, By singing, Hymn 959, To the tune, Farrant, 142, For mercies,

[42:03] Countless as the sands, Which daily I receive, From Jesus, My redeemer's hands, My soul, What canst thou give, Hymn 959, interalten, And the psalmist, The Son of God The Son of God

[43:31] The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God

[44:37] The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God The Son of God It is He who can pass by as again we have it in the prophecy of Ezekiel when he speaks of Israel oh what a sad oh what a sad kind of he says the CAMP

[45:37] He Charlie the Aundra the e chloroach the agreements see where he is