[0:00] The Lord may help me, I ask your attention to the prophecy of Zechariah chapter 13 and the first verse. Zechariah chapter 13 and verse 1.
[0:15] In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.
[0:30] And we see again and again fulfilled what the apostle Peter wrote in his epistle regard to the ministry of the Old Testament prophets.
[0:44] That they spake of the sufferings of Christ and of the glory that should follow. And he assured in this prophecy of Zechariah and within the two chapters I've read to you this evening.
[1:00] We see this blessedly set forth. The testimony that is given even unto him that in those days was yet to come.
[1:11] Who has in the very fulfilment of it as we know. And surely as we come to this verse before us this evening with respect to the reference here to a fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness.
[1:27] We must surely like the beloved disciple take our stand at the foot of the cross. And behold there in the pierced side of our dear Lord and Redeemer this fountain opened.
[1:44] You remember what particular emphasis John placed on what he saw when the soldier pierced the side of our Lord Jesus Christ.
[1:56] He says forthwith came there out blood and water and he that saw it bear witness. And we know that his witness is true.
[2:09] And what is signified in that which John places such emphasis upon. As I said as we take our stand at the foot of the cross.
[2:21] And see that fountain open. There in the sufferings and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh full atonement has been made.
[2:33] What assurance is given us of that in the word of God. The glorious truth of the gospel. And that witness surely in the hearts of each sinner.
[2:46] That through grace is brought. To flee unto the Lord Jesus Christ. For refuge. As that which is the outworking of the sovereign work of God.
[2:58] The manifesting of his grace. And his mercy unto them. Yes that fountain open. Testifying as it does.
[3:09] Like the sufferings and death. Of our Lord Jesus Christ. That full atonement as I say has been made. For all the sins. Of all those.
[3:22] Whom his father hath given him. Not one sin. Was left unsatisfied full. With all the claims of divine justice.
[3:32] That had been made. And were made. With respect to. All that his father hath given him. Oh what cause here.
[3:43] For wonder. For love. And for praise. Ah. But not only. Which I want just to mention. Whereas with John.
[3:54] John. Standing at the foot of the cross. Wherein we see. Very real sense. That this fountain opened. But let us go with John also.
[4:05] Towards the latter part of his life. When there. Exiled. On that isle of Patmos. And there was given to him. The revelation.
[4:17] Of Jesus Christ. In that fifth chapter particularly. We have this brought before us. He sees that throne set in heaven.
[4:28] One that sat upon it. He gives a description of what he saw. And particularly that in the right hand of him. That sat upon the throne. There was a book written.
[4:41] Within and without. And sealed. With seven seals. And the voice was heard. Saying. Who is worthy. To take the book.
[4:53] And to open. The seven seals thereof. And bear in mind. That represented. Indeed. The symbolism. There of the book of the revelation.
[5:06] The outworking. Of the sovereign. Purposes of God. Both throughout. The whole of creation. And especially. As it concerns.
[5:17] As it concerns his one. And true church. And John says. There were none found worthy. Amongst. To open that book. And he wept.
[5:27] Much that it was so. But told. Weep not. The lion of the tribe of Judah. The root. And the offspring of David. Hath prevailed.
[5:38] To open the book. And to loose. The seals thereof. What does John see. He says. I looked. And lo. In the midst of the throne.
[5:50] Stood a lamb. As it had been slain. Ah. Wondrous truth. Brought before us there. Two points. I particularly. Just went underline.
[6:01] And they are these. As in that. One. Thus described. Who alone. Was found worthy. To open that book. Do we not see.
[6:12] The outworking. What our Lord Jesus himself. As spoke. I believe. I brought him. Some of it. Before you. The other week. In speaking. Out of that eleventh chapter.
[6:24] Of the gospel. As recorded. By Matthew. Jesus said. On that occasion. When he rejoiced. And thanked his heavenly father. That hid these things.
[6:36] From the wise and prudent. And had revealed them unto babes. Even so father. For so it seemed good in thy sight. He went on to say.
[6:49] All things. Are delivered unto me. Of my father. Ah. Do we not see. The blessed testimony. To that. In what John witnessed.
[7:01] There. And what I have just described. All things. Are delivered unto me. Of my father. Yes. Into the hands. Of our Lord Jesus Christ.
[7:13] All that pertains. A working. Of the sovereign purposes. Of God. In creation. In providence. And indeed. In grace. It is.
[7:24] Is. Is. Is. Given unto him. As it concerns. Is one church. And people. Both with respect. To them collectively. And indeed.
[7:34] Individually. And personally. Is he not. Responsible. For all. Are. Are they not safe. In his hands. Is not their salvation.
[7:46] Sure. Through what he. Has wrought out. For them. Not only. What he has done. As we look back. At that. Which was accomplished.
[7:57] There. At Calvary. But as we look up. As John. Was given that view. Of the lamb. In the midst. Of the throne. As if it.
[8:08] As if it had been slain. Yes. That fountain. Opened. I say. The sufferings. And death. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ. And the continual.
[8:20] Efficacy. Of the blessings. That are found. And flow. From. As it were. In this. Fountain. That is described here. As even.
[8:31] For needy. Guilty. And burdened. Sinners still. That through the grace. Of God. Are brought. To flee unto the Lord. Jesus Christ. To hide them.
[8:42] And. And. And. I say. The continual. Efficacy. Of it. Because. Jesus lives. Because. He is there. In the midst.
[8:53] Of the throne. Ah. As we have sung. In our hymn. This evening. That precious blood. Should never lose. Its power. Till all. The ransomed.
[9:03] Church of God. Be saved. To sin no more. Oh. What cause. Are we sure. That believeth us. Taught of the Holy Spirit.
[9:14] Brought to realize this. More and more. To give. Thanks unto God. For this. Wondrous provision. That is made. In the person.
[9:25] And work. Of our Lord. Jesus Christ. And that this. Fountain open. Is that. Friends. Which would never. Be stopped up. You know.
[9:36] In the days. Of the patriarchs. You know. How essential. For them. In every place. Where they dwelt. Both in a sense. For their life.
[9:46] As well as. For their well-being. With their families. And their flocks. And their herds. There was. The wells. That they digged. And the water. On likewise.
[9:58] That was drawn. From those wells. And what contentions. Both Abraham had. And Isaac had. Over wells. That they had done.
[10:09] And though. There were. Those that. Indeed. Sought to deprive. Them of the same. And very. Real were the contentions. We read.
[10:19] In the. The chapters. Of the book. Of Genesis. That they experienced. And how. Friends. With respect. To this fountain. Is described. Here.
[10:30] That has been open. Oh. The assaults. Of Satan. The activities. Of men. That were. To see. To stop up. This fountain.
[10:42] Ah. Or if not. To stop it up. To indeed. That. That. The blind. The eyes. Of men. And women. To the glorious. Reality.
[10:52] And the wondrous. Virtues. Of this fountain. But oh. No matter. Whatever opposition. Is. Or maybe.
[11:03] Indeed. Even yet. Raised against. These very things. That are set. Before us here. Neither sin. Satan. Nor hell. Can prevail.
[11:15] Ah. For he. As I just mentioned. A moment ago. That lamb. In the midst. Of the throne. Our ever living. Lord. And saviour.
[11:26] Jesus Christ. This fountain. Open. Nothing. That man. Can do. Nothing. That devils. Can do. Can either. Can either.
[11:37] Stop up. This fountain. Or in any way. Either. Pollute it. Or pollute it. No. Glory is true. The blessings.
[11:48] That flow. From that. From the. From the. Person. And work. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ. The blessings. Of pardon. Peace. And eternal life. For guilty sinners.
[12:00] Oh. This is an. Ever. Flowing stream. For as. For it has. Its roots. As it were. In the outworking. Of the. Not only. Of the sovereign.
[12:11] Purposes. Of God. But of that. Great love. Wherewith he. Hath loved his people. Even when. They were dead. In trespasses. And sins.
[12:21] To use. Another. Similitude. To seek. And to illustrate. This point. Further. Remember. What the psalmist. Writes. In psalm. 46.
[12:33] He says. There is a river. The streams. We're on. Make land. The city. Of our God. Ah. And what a glorious. River is this.
[12:44] That river. Likewise. Also. That John saw. Proceeding out. Of the throne. Of God. And of the land. He gives a description. Of that river.
[12:56] Oh. The wonder. For redeeming. Love and mercy. Flowing. As it does still. In all its fullness. And free. House. Not to sinners.
[13:07] Deserving. But ah. The very. Very. Aspect. Of a sinner. Surely. Implies this. That such. Are. Or never.
[13:17] Can be. Deserving. As such. Favours. That are. Thus. Made known. And bestowed. No. The very. Wonder.
[13:28] Of this. As our Lord. Jesus. Himself. Testified. When he said. I am come. Not to call. The righteous. But sinners.
[13:39] And as one. Well. As well said. Sinners. Can say. And none. But they. How precious. Is the saviour. And as I just noticed.
[13:50] One or two thoughts. Further. From this verse. It is said. In that day. Now. Surely. I do not. Need to explain. In much.
[14:00] Great detail. How. Again. And again. We meet. With such an expression. In the ministry. Of the prophets. In that day.
[14:11] And invariably. It refers. To the. Fulfillment. And that. Which was realized. In the coming. Of the Lord. And saviour.
[14:22] Jesus Christ. And the outpouring. Of the Holy Spirit. Upon the day. Of Pentecost. Following. The completion. The fulfilment.
[14:34] Of that work. Which his father. Had given him to do. Ah. What a day. Is this. A glorious day. The gospel day.
[14:45] As it can well. Be witnessed. And ah. Is it not. Such a day. As well. A day. The manifesting. Of the wonders.
[14:55] Of redeeming. Love and mercy. In that sovereign work. Of the Holy Spirit. In the heart. And life. Of a sinner. That as. The apostle Paul.
[15:06] Testifies. Of what he. As the Lord. Sent him forth. In that work. Of the ministry. That to bring. From darkness. To light.
[15:17] From the power. Of Satan. Unto God. That might know. The remission. Of sins. Through faith. That is in Christ. Jesus. Yes.
[15:28] That was. Within the very. Ministry. Of the apostle. Thus to bear witness. And testimony to. And the very. And that being.
[15:39] Efficacious. The heart and lives. Of those. Of the Lord. Appointed. Unto salvation. With that mighty. Operation. Of the Holy Spirit.
[15:50] Of God. No less then. No less today. As it was then. To the praise. Of the glory. Of our God. In that day.
[16:02] There shall be. Again. Just briefly. Notice this. It shall be. Not it may be. I hope. That this will. Come to pass.
[16:13] Oh. There's nothing. No such. Language. As that. In what God. Himself. Bears witness. And testimony. Unto. And that.
[16:23] Which he has appointed. And that. Which he promises. Which he most. Surely. Will fulfill. See here. There shall be. He says. That mentioned.
[16:35] Many times. Oh. The blessedness. Of the shalls. And wills. Of our. Jehovah. That one. That one.
[16:45] And only. True God. Ah. Is there not. Encouragement. Here. Is there not. Consolation. For the living. Family of God.
[16:56] That all. That God. Has spoken. Is faithful. And true. Is it not. Friends. This. Aware in. Faith. Finds.
[17:07] Indeed. It's. It's. It's. Encouragement. And consolation. The word. Of our God. And that word. Shall stand. Forever.
[17:18] What he has spoken. Must. Most surely. Be fulfilled. No. Nothing. Of sin. Or Satan. Or even. All. The. Fallen. Men.
[17:28] Can do. Can alter. That word. Or frustrate. The purposes. Of God. There shall be. In that day. A fountain. Open.
[17:39] I say. In reference. To this. Fountain. See. It is. Open. There. In the. Pious side. Of our Lord. Jesus Christ. As the prophet.
[17:50] Says. In that. Chapter. Also. That I read. The previous. Chapter 12. This evening. And. And. It's not that. Surely. Which is.
[18:01] The very. Realization. The sinner. Thus. Taught. Of God. The Holy Spirit. Wherein. We're. We're. Convicted. Of sin. And Jesus.
[18:12] Is revealed. The wonder. Is. Pardoning. Love. And mercy. They. They. Shall. Look. Upon. Me. Whom. They. Have. Appears. Oh.
[18:22] Remember. Friends. What a solemn. Truth. Yet. What a. Wondrous. Truth. It. Is. Yes. As one. Says. The soldiers. Pierced.
[18:33] His. Sight. Is. True. But. We. Have. Pierced. Him. Through. And. Through. What. Was. It. That. Thus. Occasion. The. Sufferings. And. Death.
[18:43] Of. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. Yes. He. Was. Taken. By. Wicked. Hands. It. Is. Sent. Crucified. And. Slain. True. According. Determinate.
[18:54] Counsel. And. Foreknowledge. Of. God. But. That. But. But. The. The. Reason. Of. It. Was. Found. In. This. That. He. There. As.
[19:05] A. Substitute. Of. It. Short. Substitute. Of. His. People. Suffered. The. Just. For. The. Unjust. That. He. Might. Bring. Us. To. God. It.
[19:15] Was. For. Our. Sins. The. Sins. Of. Every. Sinner. That. Through. His. Grace. Is. Brought. To. Flee. Unto. Him. For. Refuge. They. Were. There.
[19:26] Made. To. Meet. Upon. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. As. Poured. Out. Upon. Him. In. That. Cup. That. His. Father. Gave. Him. To. Drink.
[19:37] That. That. Which. Contained. The. Wrath. Of. God. Poured. Out. Without. Mixture. Against. All. The. Sins. Of. All. That. He. Had. Been.
[19:47] Given. To. Him. That. He. Loved. With. An. Everlasting. Love. As. His. Word. Declares. Our. Wondrous. Truth. This. A.
[19:57] Fountain. Open. What. Is. Significant. As. Well. The. Reference. Here. To. A. Fountain. It. Is. This. It.
[20:07] Is. That. Friends. It. Is. And. To. Put. It. In. This. Way. Just. A. Fountain. That. Is. Ever. Full. Ever. As. It. Were. A. Flowing.
[20:18] That. Which. Indeed. It. Contains. Living. Water. Ah. Is. That. Not. A. Glorious. Truth. As. I. Mentioned. A. Little. Early. In. What.
[20:28] We. Have. Some. Also. This. Evening. That. Precious. Blood. Should. Never. Lose. Its. Power. Till. All. The. Ransomed. Church. Of. God. Be. Saved. To.
[20:39] Sin. No. More. Here. Is. That. Which. Is. As. It. Were. Ever. Flowing. Ever. Fresh. Ever. Full. Ever. Free. That. Is. The.
[20:49] Blessings. Of. Pardon. Peace. And. Eternal. Life. That. Have. Found. And. Flow. Through. The. Person. And. Work. Of. Our. Lord. Jesus. Christ.
[21:00] As. I. Said. Earlier. The. Out. Is. Outflowing. Of. That. Great. Love. Wherewith. The. Lord. Have. Loved. His. People. Ah. It's. A. Fountain.
[21:10] Open. It. Is. Said. For. The. House. Of. David. And. The. Inhabitants. Of. Jerusalem. We. See. This. Particularly. Emphasized.
[21:21] Here. For. The. House. Of. David. And. The. Inhabitants. Of. Jerusalem. Remember. When. I. Mentioned. On. Lord's Day.
[21:31] Morning. Out. Of. The. Epistle. Of. Titus. And. Those. Opening. Verses. Of. The. First. Chapter. Paul. There. Speaks. Of. Himself. As.
[21:42] A. Servant. And. An. Apostle. Of. Jesus. Christ. According. To. The. Faith. Of. God's. Elast. Remember. The.
[21:52] I. Sought. To. Emphasize. The. Of. God's. Elast. Ah. That. Embraces. And. Embraces. Alone. Those. Who. God.
[22:03] Hath. Loved. And. Chosen. Even. From. Before. The. Foundation. Of. The. World. It. Doesn't. Embrace. The. Whole. Of. The.
[22:13] Human. Race. Far. From. It. Ah. We. See. Friends. Unquestionably. As I. Mention. On. Lord's. Day. That. Without.
[22:24] The. Reality. Of. The. Electing. Love. Of. God. Would. There. Be. Salvation. For. Any. Sinner. Ah. Are. Not. All.
[22:34] As. Transgressors. Of. God's. Holy. Law. Justly. Deserving. That. That. Righteous. Judgment. Of. God. Ah. And that.
[22:45] Would. And would. Not. God. Be. Just. Unquestionably. To. Leave. The. Whole. Of. The. Human. Race. To. Perish. In. Their. Sins. Ah.
[22:55] No. No. In. Justice. With. God. In. Respect. To. These. Things. But. We. See. The. Wonder. Of. His. Love. It. Is. In. The. Reality.
[23:06] Of. His. Electing. Election. And. Predestination. That. There. Is. From. That. From. Which. Arises. The. Very. Outworking.
[23:17] Of. The. Sovereign. Purposes. Of. God. In. Love. And. Mercy. To. Guilty. Sinners. Even. As. Many. As. The. Lord. Our. God. Does. Call.
[23:28] Or. As. The. Apost. We. Read. Of. In. The. Book. The. Acts. As. Many. As. Were. Ordained. Unto. Eternal. Life. A. Believed. The. House.
[23:38] Of. David. The. Inhabitants. Of. Jerusalem. Embrace. As. It. Does. A. People. Whom. The. Lord. Hath. Loved. And. Chosen. And.
[23:48] Is. Redeemed. By. The. Precious. Blood. Of. Christ. And. Is. Appointed. Time. Caused. By. His. Grace. Remember. Every. One. Of. Them. As.
[23:59] Sinners. Sinners. Saved. By. Grace. As. It. Is. Declared. And. I. Say. What. A. Provision. Is. Made. Here. In. This.
[24:09] Fountain. Open. Ah. As. I. Manger. My. Remarks. Have. We. Not. Caused. To. Bless. God. For. The. Wondrous. Provision.
[24:21] Is. Ah. In. What. Is. Signified. Here. For. This. Fountain. Open. For. Sin. And. For. Uncleanness. Oh. See.
[24:32] It. Is. Not. This. Friends. What. You. And. I. I. Trust. The. Teaching. Of. The. Lord. The. Holy. Spirit. Are. Brought. To. Realize. Our. Need.
[24:42] Of. And. That. Continually. Oh. Can. We. Do. Without. The. Precious. Blood. Of. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. It. Peace.
[24:52] Peaking. It. It. It. It. It. It. It. It. It. Soul. Healing. It. Sinner. Cleansing. Power. And. efficacy. Ah. How. To.
[25:03] Put it. In. This. Way. For. Sin. And. For. Uncleanness. It. Says. Yes. How. The. Child. Of. God. Daily. Is.
[25:13] Brought. To. Realize. The. Sound. And. Sorrow. Fact. Though. The. Lord. Has. Delivered. Us. From. The. Curse. Of.
[25:23] A. Broken. Law. Indeed. That. All. The. Sins. Of. His. People. Been. Fully. Atoned. For. Yet. Do. Not. We. Still. Find. The.
[25:34] Working. Of. Sin. Is. There. Not. Daily. Incurred. The. Defilement. Of. Sin. How. We. Need. To. Come. And. Continually. As. The. Apostle.
[25:44] John. Testifies. When. He. Says. If. We. Say. We. Have. No. Sin. We. Deceive. Ourselves. And. The. Truth. Is. Not. In. Us. Confess.
[25:55] Our. Sins. He. Is. Faithful. And. Just. To. Forgive. Us. Our. Sins. To. Cleanse. Us. From. All. Unrighteousness. My. Little. Children. I.
[26:05] Write. Unto. You. That. Ye. Sin. Not. Ah. But. If. Any. Man. Sin. Oh. What. A. Word. Is. That. To. The. Tried. Exercise.
[26:16] And. Troubled. Child. Of. God. If. Any. Man. Sin. We. Have. An. Advocate. With. The. Father. Jesus. Christ. The. Righteous. And.
[26:26] He. Is. The. Propitiation. For. Our. Sin. Yes. This. Fountain. Open. Is. For. Sin. And. For. Uncleanness. And.
[26:37] Friends. Healing. Pardon. Peace. And. That. Sense. Or. The. Cleansing. From. Sin. Is. To. Be. Found. And. Obtained. Nowhere.
[26:47] Else. But. In. Him. Whom. God. Has. Set. For. As. His. Salvation. To. The. Very. Ends. Of. The. Earth. Ah. Do.
[26:57] We. Know. The. Gracious. Reality. Of. This. Amongst. Those. That. Through. His. Grace. Are. Brought. Thus. To. Flee. Unto. Him. And. To. Hide.
[27:07] Us. To. Find. Yes. Still. In. The. Very. Wonder. Of. These. Things. He. Has. Set. Before. Us. The. Very. Person. And. Work.
[27:18] Of. Our. Lord. Jesus. Christ. Yes. One. That. Is. Mighty. To. Save. One. That. Still. Testifies. Come. Unto.
[27:28] Me. All. Ye. That. Labor. And. Are. Heavy. Laden. And. Are. In. The. Wondrous. Provision. That. The. Gospel. Makes. Known. In. The.
[27:38] Person. And. Work. Of. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. In. This. Fountain. Open. As. It. Described. As. We. Both. Go. Back.
[27:49] To. My. Opening. Remind. Take. As. It. Where. I. Stand. At. The. Foot. Of. The. Cross. See. That. Fountain. Open. The. Peer. Side. Of. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ.
[28:00] Oh. Brought. To. Thank. God. For. Jesus. Christ. Looking. Up. Unto. Him. A. John. Be. Held. In. There. In. The. Mist. Of. The.
[28:10] Throne. The. Lamb. That. Had. Been. Slain. Testify. As. It. Does. Redemption. Work. Complete. Indeed. That.
[28:23] And. And. In. The. Person. Of. Our. Lord. Jesus. Christ. As. Use. Another. Aspect. Of. This. As. It. Brought. Before.
[28:33] Us. In. The. World. As. Our. Great. High. Priest. Who. As. The. Ever. Living. One. Is. Able. To. Save. Unto. The.
[28:43] Utter. Most. All. That. Come. Unto. God. By. Him. Seeing. He. Ever. Living. And. I'll. Leave. The.
[28:53] Remarks. There. May. The. Lord. Add. His. Blessing. Amen. Now.
[29:06] Sing. Hymn. Eleven. Fifty. Six. Hymn. Eleven. Fifty. What. Sacred. Fountain. Yonder. Springs. Up. From. The. Throne.
[29:16] Of. God. And. All. New. Covenant. Blessings. Brings. Tis. Jesus. Precious. Blood. Eleven. Fifty. Six. What. What. Sacred.
[29:27] Fountain. Yonder. Springs. Out. From. The. Throne.
[29:38] Of. God. And. All. New. Covenant. Blessings. Brings.
[29:49] Tis. Jesus. Jesus. National f courtroom. Sniff. A. Buch. The.si. Bro падish. ease.
[30:00] Pε신. Puria99- l bash. P volvert thundersion. My death. De�ing on fire. Six. Lovely. S съ жизprings. traveling on fire.
[30:13] de Cheers. My soul. terminate. All. Athamiceously. All. всего. Space. Three. Tis. viz. Les� This is now. Jesus' precious blood What stream is that Which sweeps away My sins just like a flood Nor lets one guilty Plemished day Tis Jesus' precious blood What voice is that Which speaks for me In hands I call for good
[31:13] And from the curse Has set me free Tis Jesus' precious blood What theme my soul Shall best employ Thy heart before thy God And make all heaven To ring with joy Tis Jesus' precious blood Amen Amen Amen Amen
[32:15] Amen