Christ purging sin (Quality: Good)

Ossett - Part 2

Sermon Image
March 15, 2011


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[0:00] Lord may help me and I shall attention to the book of Psalms and Psalm 65 and verse 4.

[0:14] Psalm 65 and verse 4. Blessed is the man whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts, we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even at thy holy temple.

[0:35] To my remarks with Jeremy, seek the Lord in prayer please. As in many of the Psalms, there is that expression of thankful praise unto the Lord, both as a psalmist knew for himself the goodness and the mercy of the Lord, and the encouragement likewise for the Lord's people still.

[1:05] And oh, may we know each one for ourselves, that grace also wherein our hearts are drawn out in thankful praise unto our God, both for all that he hath revealed of himself in the word of truth, all that he hath appointed and provided, as made known to us in the gospel, in the person and finished work of our Lord Jesus Christ.

[1:35] But we see invariably, joined with that theme of praise, is also that prayer unto the Lord, as we come together again this evening, and surely also in all our gatherings, as we meet here week by week, on the Lord's day and on a week evening as we do.

[1:59] Oh, may this likewise be ever prominent with us, both prayer and praise unto the Lord, and not only in the public means of grace, but likewise in our own private devotions.

[2:17] Just a notice one or two thoughts, in leading up to this verse, by which I have read by way of a text this evening. The psalmist in the opening of this psalm says, Praise waiteth for thee, O God in Zion, and unto thee shall the vow be performed.

[2:39] And surely does not this constitute an important aspect of that worship of the Lord our God. The conscious sense, not only that we come before him, as we gather around his word, but we come into the presence of the great and the eternal God.

[3:04] As I mentioned on Lord's day, oh, the vital importance of this, in every aspect, of the public worship of the Lord's name, of that reverence, and that godly fear, ever remembering, that the Lord our God is in heaven, we upon earth, even as the Lord Jesus spoke to his own disciples, when they requested him, teach us to pray, that John also taught his disciples to pray.

[3:39] Did he not say, when ye pray, say, Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, O blessed relationship, the Lord bears witness to them, and that which is surely likewise, borne witness by the Holy Spirit, in the hearts and lives, of each one that he calls, by his grace.

[4:06] Yes, we come, to our Father, which is in heaven, and, O, and as the Lord said there to his disciples, hallowed be his name, may that always, then be, be, be present, when our, or our approach is unto the Lord, and in all, kept in view, as we gather for the worship, of his name.

[4:33] But he also says, O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee, as shall all flesh come, how great is the mercy, that our God and Saviour, is a God both hearing, and answering prayer.

[4:50] And as we come before the Lord, even in our gathering tonight, may we truly be enabled, to pour out our hearts, before him.

[5:02] Yes, encouragement is given us, in his word, so to call, upon his great, and holy name. And we have the promise, also of that, abiding presence, of the Holy Spirit, the gracious, ministry of the Holy Spirit, in respect to his indicting, of prayer, even of those, requesting of those things, which are in accordance, with the mind, and will of our God, of which we ourselves, and how surely we have to, confess it, confess it again, and again, our ignorance, of what we should pray for, as we ought.

[5:49] But great is the mercy, the Lord does not leave us, to ourselves, in this respect, but that our hearts, are drawn out, unto him, both in those, hungerings and thirstings, that in that sense, in the seeking, not just great things, for ourselves, but seeking those, real things, those spiritual, realities, to know more, of that fellowship, and communion, with our Lord, Jesus Christ, to know that, drawing of his love, in our own hearts, and the sanctifying, influence, of his word, in our lives, and with that concern, enabling us, through his grace, oh, and how we do need, daily, to call upon, the name of our Lord, that he will, according to his promise, grant us, to realise, that, that, that, that sufficiency, of his grace, that in every aspect, of our lives, there may be, that living, not unto ourselves, but unto him, who died for us, and rose again, and who indeed, has put away, the sins of his people, by and through, the sacrifice, of himself, oh, thou, that hearest prayer, unto thee, shall all flesh come, just keep in mind, what I mentioned, on Lord's day, of those words, out of, first epistle of Peter, and Peter writing there, yes, in that first instance, of the brethren, whom he describes, as brethren, strangers, scattered abroad, but also, as those, that were the subjects, of the sovereign, saving grace of God, being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, but the word of God, that liveth, and abideth forever, and as he goes on, to write to them, and oh, may we know, the grace of the same, for ourselves, he says, so be ye have tasted, that the Lord is gracious, to whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, chosen of God, and precious, to whom coming, the psalmist, in a sense, says similarly here, thou that hearest prayer, to thee, shall all flesh come, and surely, all, that are taught, of the Father, as our Lord Jesus, himself says, come unto him, and is not this, and I repeat it again, as I mentioned, on Lord's day, what is surely, the gracious outworking, of the life of faith, respect to each, soul, whom the Lord, calls by his grace, in that, surely evident, in their lives, not as isolated incident, as in a sense, a daily reality, that coming, unto the Lord,

[9:15] Jesus Christ, that coming, as we ever, must come, as needy sinners, wholly dependent, upon him, coming there, indeed, crying unto him, for mercy, confessing our sins, seeking, seeking of his, promised help, his pardoning grace, and his delivering mercies, ah, to whom coming, and what, how great, is the mercy of this, that, that very one, to whom, we do come, through that, gracious, ministry, of the Holy Spirit, is that one, that, we're reminded here, is both, a prayer hearing, and a prayer, answering God, and see, what was a particularly, the exercise, of the psalmist here, he says, iniquities, prevail, against me, ah, is that not, a daily reality, the life still, of the Lord's people, do not we,

[10:22] I, find it so, for ourselves, iniquities, prevail, against me, that, not only, what is met, with, from, without, but, oh, what we find, surely, of the very working, of sin, in our own hearts, and lives, we cannot, claim, exemption, from sin, indeed, as John, reminds us, if we say, we have no sin, we deceive, ourselves, and the truth, is not in us, if, if we say, we have not sinned, we make him, a liar, ah, what is surely, the act, that which is, will ever be found, the sinners, taught, of God, the Holy Spirit, not claiming, that we have, no sin, or that we have, not sinned, but as the psalmist, says here, iniquities, prevail, against me, and they, are those things, which we cannot, deal with, ourselves, ah, what human arm, can ever, friends, overcome, the very, working of sin, or remove, the defilement, of it, let alone, deal with, the solemn, guilt, of sin, ah, no human arm, here, can reach, the case, but, he goes on, to say, as for our, transgressions, thou, shall purge, them, away, oh, what wondrous truth, iniquities, prevail, against me, as for our, transgressions, yes, there is, an answer, for them, and the very, answer, of the, remedy, the Lord's, own providing, that thou, shalt purge, them, away, how in, and wherein, is that, to be accomplished, consistent, with the holiness, of God, with all the demands, of God's, righteous law, with the satisfying, of every claim, of divine justice, of divine justice, let, let, let, do not overlook, this vital truth, in the purging, away, about the transgressions, of his people, it is that, which God has, wrought, wholly, consistent, with all, that he hath, revealed, of himself, as a holy, righteous, and, just God, and we see, how, how, in what follows, in this verse, that I've read, by way of a text, that which, is surely, of divine, appointment, and providing, for thou shalt, for thou transgressions, thou shalt purge, them away, how, as I say again, how, is this, being, being, and ever, could be, a compliment, accomplished, oh, see here, and I believe, surely, it was that the psalmist, and the divine teaching, was brought, to look away, from himself, surely, unto that, very one, whom God, had promised, ah, and surely, in this verse, here before us, to whom, friends, can it apply, but to none other, than he, that is, the God man, our Lord, and Saviour,

[13:59] Jesus Christ, blessed, is the man, whom thou, choosest, again, to our, subject, on Lord's day, Peter, speaking, the Lord, Jesus Christ, as that living stone, disallowed, indeed, of men, but chosen, of God, and precious, Jesus, oh, see here, the outworking, the unfolding, of that, of that, that love of God, in all its fullness, as it, set before us, in the truth, of the gospel, in that appointment, that he hath made, the respect, to his only begotten, and dearly, beloved son, blessed, is the man, whom thou, choosest, the prophet, Isaiah, testifies, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, under that, under that, statement, as Jehovah's, righteous servant, behold, mine elect, in whom, my soul, delighted, is a testimony, of God, the Father, and all friends, how great, the mercy is this, that he, who is the chosen, of God,

[15:14] God's, elect, in that true sense, his righteous servant, whom he hath, thus appointed, and has, willingly, undertaken, that very case, and cause, that his, Father gave him, with respect, to redemption, and salvation, of sinful, men, and women, according, to the sovereign, purposes, of our God, that this, glorious one, that is, that is, great, and glorious, in the eyes, of the Father, as in that sense, oh, is he not, so surely, in the estimation, likewise, of each sinner, taught of God, the Holy Spirit, again, to what Peter says, to you, to you, which believe, he is precious, yes, this glorious man, God, manifest, in the flesh, oh, do not, friends, lose sight, the glorious, truth of this, this great, mystery, of godliness, that God, was manifest, in the flesh, that he, he, who is, equal, with God, thought him, not self robbery, to peace, do so, yet, we find him, friends, not, one in the form, of a servant, being found, in fashion, as a man, became obedient, unto death, even, the death, of the cross, blessed, is the man, whom thou, choosest, and causes, to approach, unto thee, that he may, dwell in thy cause, who is it, that has thus, thus, that has approached, unto God, ah, and indeed, for us, as sinful men, and women, as we are, how, and wherein, can there, ever be, that approaching, unto God, let alone, that acceptance, in his sight, but surely, only, in and through, this one, whom God, has chosen, was caused, to approach, unto him, that he may, dwell in thy cause, oh, how it sets, before us, the glorious, reality, respect, and our Lord,

[17:38] Jesus Christ, as that one, mediator, between God, and men, the man, Christ Jesus, you know, Job, did he not, express this, oh, that there was, one, that it were, that could lay his hand, upon both, ah, that which, Job, there, in that sense, desired, is, that which, has been, found, and fulfilled, in what, the gospel, makes known, unto us, in the very person, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and surely, for us, as sinners, there is no, drawing, near unto God, as I said, at a lone, acceptance, in his sight, only, in and through, our Lord, Jesus Christ, see, he had the way, that God, himself, has opened, a way, never to be closed up, against, the sinner, that through his grace, is brought to flee, unto the Lord,

[18:45] Jesus Christ, to hide them, oh, this is a blood, sprinkle way, where he opened, the sufferings, and death, the one, great sacrifice, of our Lord, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, remember, under the, Levitical law, and that dispensation, on that great, day of atonement, that, that, that entrance, for the high priest, into the holiest, of all, was not, without blood, ah, which is, which there, he sprinkled, which he, which he sprinkled, on, and before, the mercy seat, all, that, but a shadow, of good things, to come, for our Lord, Jesus Christ, that great, high priest, over the house, of God, the one mediator, between God, and man, the very one, whom God, has chosen, and calls, to approach, unto him, and is not, this confirmed, to us, but the word, and the oath, of our triune God, he says, the Lord, has said, and will not repent, thou art a priest, forever, after the order, of Melchizedek, as our great, and glorious, high priest, as he entered, into heaven, itself, there, with his own blood, and who, he said, that he may dwell, in thy courts, ah, not in friends, a temple, made with hands, but in heaven, itself, does our great, high priest, dwell, there, at the, at the right hand, of the majesty, in the heavens, and was out, the word, blessedly, sets before us, is caught, is ever involved, in all, that pertains, to the glory, of God, and the welfare, of all, that his father, hath given him, for we are told, that seeing, he ever lived, to make intercession, is able, to save, unto the uttermost, all that come, unto God, by him, that he may dwell, in thy courts, oh, what a glorious, reality, is this, and brought, in the true exercise, of a living faith, to receive, the testimony, that God, has given, of his only, begotten son, behold, our Lord,

[21:20] Jesus Christ, there, was entered, into heaven, itself, for us, oh, that that truth, be brought, home, indeed, to our, to our souls, to heaven, to heaven, itself, for us, and what, friends, is the, is the, consequences, of this, that where he is, there also, as he has said, shall his, shall his people, be, how, can the, glorious head, our Lord, Jesus Christ, is a great, and glorious, head of the church, shall he be, found in glory, and one, of that, would comprise, that very body, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be missing, no, where the head, is, there are, the members, of the body, most surely, will be, even now, are they, there, with the Lord, for he, and they, are one, are, and the glorious, consummation, of all things, will not, that be, wonderfully, manifest, to the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holy name, and to the eternal, welfare, of all, that he has loved, chosen, and called, by his grace, and brought, into the bonds, of that union, and fellowship, with himself, he says, we shall be satisfied, with the goodness, of thy house, even, of thy holy temple, ah, and what blessings, indeed, are found, and flown, from and through, our Lord,

[23:06] Jesus Christ, that is even there, dwelling, in the course, within heaven, itself, as I have said, on many occasions, not remote, from his people, far from it, but as that one, whose ear, is ever open, unto their cry, as a prayer hearing, and a prayer answering God, as he himself, spoke to his, own disciples, and what a word, to his church, and people still, if he asked, anything, he says, in my name, I will do it, oh friends, the authority, in that name, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the fullness, of grace, and truth, there, ah, how little, we comprehend, these things, as we ought, what encouragement, is surely, here for us, that this, blessed man, this glorious man, our Lord,

[24:12] Jesus Christ, there is, entered into heaven, itself, there to appear, in the presence, of God, for us, already said, as he himself, declared, if any man, will come after me, let him, take up his cross, and follow me, if any man, serve me, him, will my father, honour, where I am, there shall also, a might servant be, yes, there are blessed, implications, in respect, of this, it concerns, the outworking, of the Lord's, ways, and dealings, with each one, of his own, but, blessed is the man, and what cause, are we, to praise, and bless, our God, for such, wondrous, provision, that he hath made, the person, and work, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and what encouragement, as Peter's, I said already, reminds us, to whom coming, yes, to him, as a living stone, and to you, which believe, he is precious, oh, cannot we add,

[25:24] I trust our amen, to that, but I'll leave the remarks there, may the Lord, add his blessing, amen. Amen.