2 Peter

Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 44

Sermon Image
July 14, 1982


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[0:00] The world who come, you shall know it, Praise the Lord, what dare we hold.

[0:13] God, O take the grace of our death, Jesus Christ is holy, Lord.

[0:30] As the Lord shall direct our meditation upon the inspired word of God, I'll make a few comments upon the third chapter, the Second Episcopal Journal of Peter, verse 11.

[0:57] Verse 11. And I'll include the verse 12 to, third chapter, Second Epistle of Peter.

[1:08] Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be, in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat.

[1:56] this chapter and other chapters with it, gives us a very clear description of that time when this world will pass away.

[2:18] have you ever considered prayerfully the state and condition the world has now been in for hundreds of years, and the condition in which mankind are living their lives as though their creator was non-existent.

[2:57] O friends, atheism is a venerable curse in this land in which we live.

[3:12] and very few there are that you can converse with and derive benefit therefrom.

[3:31] World's an infinite mercy, my friends, when the Lord, through His goodness and sovereignty, takes one in hand and brings that one to a gracious, saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[4:01] Let's put a few questions to ourselves this evening. and there are important questions, my friends, there are concerning myself, what are you living for?

[4:23] should be a vital question with every one of us tonight. The object of life itself.

[4:37] the word does declare, in Him we live, move, and have our being.

[4:47] now what a sovereign mercy it is if the Lord whose condescending goodness and graciousness brings us to a knowledge knowledge of Himself.

[5:15] For we reap from the word in Him we live, move, and have our being. We are absolutely dependent upon the Lord for every breath we draw, every meal we partake of, the rest upon our beds at night time, the duty we are engaged in during the day time.

[5:52] It's good to sometimes consider that our life can become overcrowded with things that we might describe as non-essential.

[6:11] But now the all-important matter, as we have it in our subject here, is to guard the life that we live. God has in His mercy given us that life to honour Him, to glorify His holy name, to exalt Him, Lord of all.

[6:45] And when we are brought to a gracious, saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, our lives are absolutely transformed to what they formerly were.

[7:13] Life divine produce a new creature and that creature is a man of God.

[7:27] And therefore, we read in God's Word, the life that we live is led by faith upon the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.

[7:43] So read in this verse 11, singing, all these things shall be dissolved. What things? What we see around us now?

[7:54] Look around us, my friends. They may seem to us to be very permanent. Oh, they'll endure. Will they? Oh, no.

[8:06] When God speaks that word, we read so clearly, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

[8:27] So, my dear friends, we are all absolutely dependent upon our Creator of giving us that life to live to His honour and glory.

[8:46] If that life is lived by faith upon the Son of God, it's a sanctified, regenerated life.

[8:58] A clear proof that you are born of the Holy Spirit and through the grace of God, you are made a new creature in Christ Jesus.

[9:18] Now we read about these things being dissolved. So we see around us, my friends, what may appear to be to us with permanent will sooner or later pass away.

[9:38] And we also read they'll pass away with a great noise. the earth is yet to be dissolved.

[9:52] In other words, completely destroyed. And the nurse shall pass away, we read God in God's words, but my words shall not pass away.

[10:10] And if we consider the word of God very carefully, patiently, we have many, many references that point to the end of time.

[10:33] But something else, a non-ending eternity is a non-ending eternity. And where does the great distinction lie?

[10:48] You have natural life, I have natural life. You do not know how long that life will live or when that time come for the Lord will take that life he's given to you away from you and then you pass away.

[11:18] And so, my dear friends, our lives are absolutely the hand of God. One generation passes away, another generation cometh, earth, but the earth abided forever, that means to say, as long as time shall last, this world will exist.

[11:50] But when time shall be no more, then this earth will cease to be. but we also read, there shall be a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.

[12:15] I can't explain that to you, my friends, nor can you. Beyond our comprehension, there shall be a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.

[12:36] All things have passed away and therefore the time is coming when we read from God's word the earth upon which we live will pass away with a great noise and elements shall melt with fervent heat.

[13:01] So do not we see, my friends, the condition of the world in which we are now living is doomed to be destroyed.

[13:16] But what a mercy if we have a good hope God's word declares our new heaven, our new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.

[13:36] Now we can't perceive the hereafter beyond our calculation but heaven and earth will pass away but my words shall not pass away.

[13:57] Seeing that all these things shall be dissolved what manner persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness.

[14:13] Now here we have my friend the fruitful effects of grace. What is grace? The queen of God's gifts.

[14:26] By grace are ye saved through faith and therefore when God bestows his grace upon those whom have ordained unto salvation they will never lose it but they can sin against it and that's what we must be very careful cautiously avoid.

[14:56] Oh Lord may I live in thy fear may I live in humble service to thy holy name keep me oh Lord hold hold my good and thy paths that my footsteps slip not.

[15:23] Yes we all need guiding every hour of our lives. We cannot depend upon ourselves.

[15:36] Couldn't Paul testify to that when he said the good I would I do not. Why do you do it? Ah he couldn't avoid it.

[15:52] Your man was working there against the new and yet it was a warfare with Paul. It is with you.

[16:04] Do you find as I do an inward conflict of the evil within you.

[16:18] You can't check it. You may try to subdue it but it will break out again and again and again.

[16:33] Paul said the good I would I do not. Why did he do it? For we have to prove what nature is.

[16:46] By the grace of God we are what we are. Seeing then all these things shall be dissolved.

[16:58] So you see my friend the uncertainty of all things here below. Realizing as the word declares heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass away as permanent.

[17:23] God has spoken I will never withdraw the spoken word but will be fulfilled to the end of time and into the unseen uncertain future of mankind.

[17:46] So read do we not that these things are to be dissolved to pass away for the usage of them.

[17:57] how are to understand that truth my friends? Well it means this really they will simply cease to exist.

[18:09] What it means? That what did exist passes away away and therefore man is absolutely dependent upon the Lord for every mercy he receives and every blessing that is favoured with.

[18:38] I do hope my dear friends we all appreciate God's goodness toward us in many many ways health and strength food and raiment a roof over your head and many blessings besides fall to your lot how do you look at them?

[19:12] You take them for granted I hope you don't I hope you don't you will credit if you do as ever be thankful to God for every good that we receive at his hand our times are in his hands and every event comes and goes at his command so you see these things are to be dissolved but what manner of persons ought you to be a very important question to ask ourselves tonight very important do do you live in the field of the Lord do you live in that service that will acknowledge him can you mix with any company is this world to you sometimes more than the world to come are questions that are difficult for us to answer

[20:35] Lord guide me counsel me direct my every step God my God God my every word way that I may live in the tender filial fear of God now friend the point is this how should we live you look around you and you see others living but to gratify their corrupt nature but the Lord's people live a distinct and a separate life from those around them and what produced that great distinction

[21:41] David said this so did not I because of the fear of the Lord that's where it lies that's where it lies my friends where there is a godly fear in our hearts that's a preventative there's a barrier to resist what's evil and therefore we do acknowledge it ever consider the value of a tender conscience what is that friends conscience is the voice of God within us that's what it is not yours the voice of God speaking to you and when we hear the voice of truth we hear the voice of God and then our desire is to walk out what we hear and to live and to love in the field of the Lord all the days of our life and that's a happy life to live it's a sanctified life you are made to differ from many of your fellow creatures you might say well I can't do as they do or say what they say no why the call the

[23:38] Lord has given you a tender conscience that's why that's the answer a tender conscience and you dare not do what others do so did not I says Paul because of the fear of the Lord seeing that all these things shall be dissolved what manner ought you to be all holy conversation and godliness here we have a very important question to put to ourselves here what manner persons ought we to be in what kind of life am I living in these days am I serving the Lord in spirit and in truth do

[24:43] I receive those cautions and checks in my heart yes if the conscience is tender before the Lord and what is conscious I've just told you haven't I it's the voice of God a word of warning to avoid evil and to obey what is good as before the Lord so we read all holy conversation and godliness now put those two together godliness and conversation holy conversation what that signify that one won't swear he won't curse his creator as a check upon his lips upon his heart he's made tender before the

[26:03] Lord that's a very good sign my friends of a godly life not you'll be praised for you don't want that no but you live in the field of the Lord and that inward godliness the sweet influences and power of the Holy Spirit is there and you are cautious not to sin against it we can do you know why did Paul say the good I would I do not because there were times when he gave way and yielded to that that is evil all we have to prove friends we're only kept by the power of

[27:11] God through faith unto salvation your lives are dedicated and sanctified in the master's service where the life of God is manifested as you live before the Lord you'll say well I cannot keep company with so and so and so and so of course you can't they differ from you your life is sanctified by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and that life being regenerated by the grace of

[28:13] God you are no part of any other you live to love and to serve the Lord in spirit and in truth and by so doing it's a mark of inward holiness for that holiness none shall see the Lord or it does bear an indelible impress and that life that is sanctified by the Holy Ghost in the inward part lives a separate existence the life of nature God's people have two natures don't forget that point two natures one after flesh the other after the spirit and if we live after the flesh what will be a downpour sooner or later but if we live after spirit what's our desire then to serve the

[29:41] Lord fill your fear and be graciously exercised to do what is right no matter what other people say your life is distinct from any other life regenerated what does that mean a changed life a life renewed a life sanctified set apart by God alone that bear the distinguishing mass of godly fear and inward grace and you'll know it and you'll feel it so did not I because of the fear of the Lord dare child of

[30:44] God curse or swear no no Lord keep the door in my mouth keep from bad language evil thoughts unholy desires oh Lord may I watch and pray that I enter into temptation so we need one to govern us do we not and Christ will be the governor so God our thoughts our ways our actions and the life that we live and then my dear friends when we come the end of life journey and you look back upon that life that you have lived what will your testimony be well you say

[31:56] I believe I have sought to serve the Lord imperfect in many many ways but there's one thing that's confirmed in my own heart the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death and friends if you lived that life it'd be well with your soul oh it will indeed when you come to your journey's end ah you say of all my evil and all my sins there's one thing I can testify the life of God in my heart I believe in him I love him I worship him

[32:57] I adore him he's my all and in all the very sum and substance of whole holiness and purity and graciousness and loveliness attributes of Christ conferred upon his dear people they live in resemblance to him and so they live in the fear of the Lord and what's the fear of the Lord doesn't mean a terror doesn't mean that there's another fear altogether the fear of the Lord is the most tender humble regard for God's honour and glory you'll watch you'll pray you'll do what is right before the

[34:08] Lord and you'll seek to serve him to the best of your ability that's not perfection oh no but when you are able to live in the fear of the Lord that's a very good mark of inward grace and the fear of God governs your words your ways your actions and so you live a life of faith and of prayer unto your journey's end a life that is sanctified goes to glory a life regenerated goes to glory and all are born of the Holy Spirit will go to glory their names are already recorded the king's highway and when that time does come as it will come my friends it will be absent from the body present with the

[35:28] Lord oh may that life be lived by each one of us something else I'll just say do not become neglectful of prayer prayer my friends is the voice of God within us and where that voice is heard God answers it blesses it because you worship him in spirit and in truth I'll leave my jury marks here you close in 958 blood down to

[36:52] So for a closer walk with God, a calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land.

[37:08] A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road.

[37:38] A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land.

[38:08] A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land. A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land. A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land. A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land. A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land.

[38:20] A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land. A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land. A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land. A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land. A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land.

[38:32] A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land. A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land. A calm and heavenly train, a light to shine upon the road that leads me to the land.

[38:55] The world that will ever be Return, O God, we now return Sweet little, Seigneur of rest I hate the sins that made me whole And wrote me all my best The difference I am, I am now

[39:56] What till the fire be? Help me to tell it from thy joy And worship all in thee So shall I call, be thou still bowed For then to be my prayer So pure I shall rock the bright And take this place to the world

[41:01] Dear Lord, we do ask thy blessing Depart this life to know it will be well with our souls In life, in death and in eternity Come before each one of us, Lord In the uncertain and trodden steps of life's journey

[42:05] Grant thy blessing Grant thy blessing The seal of thine Holy Spirit God, we do ask thy blessing Upon our private meditations And we'll take it to our abodes in peace and safety Go before us in the unseen and uncertain future Amen And now may the grace of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour The love of our Heavenly Father The union, communion and fellowship Of the Holy Ghost Abide with us now Henceforth And evermore Amen Amen