
Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 42

Sermon Image
July 11, 1982


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[0:00] Thank you.

[0:30] Thank you.

[1:00] Thank you.

[1:30] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[2:37] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[3:37] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[4:09] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[4:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[4:35] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[4:47] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. of the book of Genesis. And God said, let us make men in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. You will see, my dear friend, that in this chapter 1, that I have read to you this morning, we have an encyclopedia of the whole scripture of truth. From Genesis to

[6:10] Revelations, this first chapter sets forth the mind, the will, and the purpose of Jehovah.

[6:25] Chapter 1 is a wonderful prophetic chapter, that deals with the time state allotted unto man. For we read, time shall be no more. And that will come to pass, when all things here below perish, and time will be no more. I think it is very profitable to look at ourselves as individual personalities. Mainly, what are we living for? What is our object in living? And how long shall we live? And then the all-important question, mainly, the hereafter. It's a big concern earth from the descended of our wives. But you had to smile on defined línea and boondering for certainakovots. For me his tomb was come to the image and the outer fairest of others. As of the painted level. And then his tomb challenged him along with me, friends, and I doubt not with you also, you will have the accolade of God upon that life you have lived you sought to honour him and serve him and by so doing you have obeyed his precepts now in this verse 26 we read and God said let us make man in our image note out that little word us what did that refer to the trinity of persons the father the son and the holy ghost are included in that one word us let us make man in our image so here we see how God after creating the living creatures after their kind so forth then the time came for the all important work the creation of man ask ourselves a question here what is man the answer is very simple man lives in the image of his creator that's the answer and where that image is followed and sought after then God's image in you will bear a resemblance that of who you are whom you serve and your future estate therefore man although a fallen creature yet what do we see in the creation of God by the very image of God himself do we not read let us make man in our image therefore man does bear an image of his creator but does he walk it out to deliver according to that image yes if that one possesses the fear of the

[11:23] Lord please to honour the Lord in his services to obey the Lord his commandments to live unto the Lord the leading of his Holy Spirit then that man is regenerated is sanctified set apart by God alone and comes a devout worshipper unto him he has given him life and breath strength and health and the many blessings that follow the natural life of man if they look around us today millions millions of the human race live without

[12:30] God hope they have hope in the world I've sometimes come into conversation with them and I've been surprised and amazed at their ignorance as to where they came from and why they and why they possess life in their hearts what he goes to prove the appalling ignorance of man he knows not his creator much less the saviour of sinners now my friends now put this truth to yourselves this morning what are you living for what's your main objective day by day well you might say it's so difficult to describe

[13:48] I want to live a good life I do want to feel that while I live I seek to honour and serve my God that's a good mark in the right direction too and therefore there's a very great distinction because a man that seeks to serve the Lord and one that gratifies his fallen nature now my dear friends how does your life live well you say sometimes I not what I ought to be well who is who is you all come short none that do good no not one and therefore this first chapter of

[15:00] Genesis deals with creation of the human race Christ that from one man what a multitude followed and that one man made in the image of his creator friend that's a very wonderful truth to bear the image of the Godhead, to have in your soul the inward life of the Spirit, whereby through that sanctified power wrought by the Holy Spirit, you live to love our life, and you are trying to serve him while you are still in the body.

[16:07] Friends, that's a very happy life, and a very contented life too. Why? Because your objective is to serve the Lord. That comes first and foremost in your daily concerns. Am I doing as I ought?

[16:31] Do I live in his fear? Have I loved my heart toward him? Have I been inward witness and testimony of the Holy Spirit, whereby I render a service, that does not come from nature, but through the grace of the Holy Spirit, whereby I render a service that does not come from nature, but through the grace of God in the inward part.

[17:00] Friends, when a man is born of the Holy Spirit, the transformation seems to call that one, the one is translated into the kingdom of God's dear sin, because that one is translated into the kingdom of God's dear sin, because it is a transformation seems to call that one is translated into the kingdom of God's dear sin, because they know it. They are not their own, but are serving another, even the one who is their creator. And God said, let us make man in our image. What do we see for us?

[17:53] We are friends in this subject. Why? We see the wisdom of the Godhead. That he who created this world, by his own almighty power, created man in his image.

[18:22] In his likeness. To bear our resemblance to the one who has given him life divine, as well as natural life. So if we come and see ourselves individually, where there is divine life in the soul, that one lives in the ascendancy of grace. That one lives to love and to serve the Lord, for bear his command to walk out his precepts, to live a life of faith and of prayer. So how we now subbed it here, God said, let us make man in our image.

[18:58] When we see man was created, there was in the image of our creator, that likeness that we should bear unto him. Man, though foreign in his nature, is saved by grace through God's grace.

[19:35] And all who live in love and serve the Lord, will live in fear. Holy fear. They will live in fear. They will live in fear.

[19:47] They will live in fear. They will live in fear. They will live in fear. They will live concerned in the life that they live.

[20:02] will live in fear, holy fear. They will live concerned in the life that they live.

[20:16] Oh my friends, when I believe you go to prayer, will it be in the night season before you retire or in the daytime?

[20:31] Why do you pray? Or do you pray? Do you pray? Ah, say you, I must be confessing, I'm sometimes remiss in serving the Lord Too many hands in the pot as it were, can't manage it all.

[20:58] Oh, that's a poor excuse. A very lame argument is that. God is our Saviour, He's born of the Spirit, and being our Saviour, He demands our attention. He demands what we can give to Him.

[21:29] And what is that? A service acceptable to His obedience to the world.

[21:40] The life that lives, that secret, and that life opens up in the hearts of those who are born of God.

[21:57] You can see that in the manner of conversation. And again, as to what they are living for.

[22:10] There's a major objective in the life that they live. What is that? Pure and simple to serve the Lord, the Spirit and in truth.

[22:29] Heart service is a God-given grace. And the life of God in the soul proceeds there from.

[22:41] So we read, let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Here before man was made, God planned the creation of man.

[23:00] What a wonderful work we see in the Godhead of our Saviour. We read, do we not? In Him we live, know and hang our being.

[23:21] When that's walked out, it's walked out by faith. Walked out in love and filial fear.

[23:32] It's walked out with an object in view. What is that? To be obedient to the command that God has given to you. To walk by faith, not by sight.

[23:52] To live completely dependent upon the Lord. His service unto you. The life that you now live.

[24:08] But where there's a neglect. In those duties that we should consider and walk out. Then we grow careless and indifferent to our service unto the Lord.

[24:27] Let us make man in our image. After our likeness. Here we see. How the Lord prepared the image of man.

[24:45] God. The Lord for God. The Lord for God. The Lord for God. He was taken from no animal. No human being, but one. Christ. The image of His heavenly Father.

[24:58] God. The grace of God. The grace of God in the heart. The grace of God in the heart.

[25:18] is a wonderful virtue because your life conforms to it. You walk it out by faith. You are living in the master's service and by so doing you receive all his favors and all his blessings.

[25:43] Let us make man that image after our likeness. And then we read the order that what man has to do. What is it? Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth. Look what do you see in those two worlds, my friends? What that man is far above and beyond the brute creation. That's a truth we learned there, my friends. You see, the brute creation has no soul. Oh. And when a man dies soulless, he perishes in his sins. And my dear friends, when we are brought to sea through the mercy of God that is towing off his grace upon the inward part, then surely how changed will our attitude be toward our Creator? The subject will be this, to love him, to serve him, to walk with the fear, to obey his precepts and fulfill his commands. And that's a duty that's expected of us all.

[27:11] My friends. In other words, to live in the fear of the Lord, to live in the fear of the Lord, and that's the duty of our Lord. If we are all in the fear of the Lord, we are all in the fear of the Lord.

[27:27] And that's a duty that's expected of us all, my friends. In other words, to live in the fear of the Lord and his due evil.

[27:44] You see those around you, well you might say, I couldn't do what they do. Why? Why can't you?

[27:55] Why the check put upon your life? You cannot live as others live.

[28:06] Your life comes under the sanctifying influence of the Holy Spirit. And therefore that love will be conformed to it.

[28:20] It's lived out of what I was given unto you. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea. Yes?

[28:31] They have certain dominion and power. Men can do many things. And therefore read what they can do.

[28:43] They have dominion over the fish of the sea. You need to say, if you want to catch fish you can do so. God's order.

[28:54] And then again we read, and oh the fowl of the air. My friends, I've used some time look up into the sky in the morning about nine or ten o'clock.

[29:11] They see flocks of birds all going in one direction. Where have they come from? From a foreign country.

[29:26] They've come back to where they were before. They settle down during the summer months. Oh I've seen flocks and flocks just as last week.

[29:38] That's all in our house. And I've admired them. They're all going in one direction. There's a purpose in their flying.

[29:51] And where their flying. And where their flying will lead them to. You see, James, the bird of the air doesn't live in ignorance.

[30:02] His creator has a power over the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. And so we read in our subject. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea.

[30:18] I'll tell you just a little story, my friends. A very true one. I've never got it. That when I was in Egypt, and it was a very warm afternoon, I thought I'd go and have a swim in the sea.

[30:35] Well I went out. Right out quite a long way. Good cause for my, I should say. All of a sudden I heard others shouting from the shore.

[30:48] Stop where you are. Don't move. What did they come from? I looked around me. No fingers pointing at me.

[31:00] Well what did I do? Well I got on a rock not far away. And I sat there. They say stop there until I tell you to move.

[31:13] Well all the afternoon. I couldn't get off that rock. Why? Why? The shark surfed in that rock.

[31:27] Why do you want me to jump off? Well I didn't. And so for all the afternoon I was held captive by a shark.

[31:42] And then toward the evening the shark went for the open sea. And then I succumbed my release in swimming ashore.

[31:53] I never got that my friends. And therefore do not receive that the life of man is very dependent upon the Lord.

[32:07] And some through their foolishness forfeit their lives by sheer brother-dome.

[32:19] And they perish in their sins. And they perish in their sins. So we read do we not. After our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea. And over the power of the air.

[32:34] And over the cattle. We took the case for a moment of the two of Jonah. A poor man was followed up by a whale, wasn't he?

[32:48] He couldn't get out. There he was in a whale's belly. What do we see there my friends?

[32:59] How helpless, how powerless. He wants to deliver himself. But what did the Lord do for his deliverance?

[33:12] Brought that whale to the seashore. And what did the Lord have upon the dry land? Yes, God had power over the brute creation.

[33:30] And sometimes they are very powerful. And they have overcome even man and destroyed him.

[33:42] Yet what do we see? That God, when he created man, in his own image, after his own likeness, there's a great distinction between man and beast.

[34:05] And he said, man has a soul. A beast has no soul. That's where it lies my friends.

[34:17] You have a soul. I have a soul. And we read. And we read. The soul that sinned, it shall die.

[34:28] We are despotful unto God. The life that we live. The life that we live. That life that we live. That life that we live by faith in God.

[34:43] You will be directed by his spirit. Because you are walked by faith and not by sight. You have a soul. You have a soul.

[34:54] You have a soul. And you have a soul. You have a soul. To the Lord, your creator. And that service should be obeyed and walked out. And therefore all who are truly born of the Holy Spirit are not their own.

[35:14] They are bought with a price. And therefore, my dear friends, we see a great value and distinction.

[35:29] It's a brute creation and man who was made after the image of Christ himself. Look at that.

[35:40] He was made after Christ. He bore the image of his Saviour. In what way?

[35:52] Why in the life of that he lives by faith? A child of God with a devout believer in the Lord Jesus Christ lives in a service that is unto the Lord.

[36:13] And therefore, that service is lived, lived by faith, hope, and the fear of God in the inward part. So, my dear friends, what a vast distinction there is.

[36:31] It's a brute creation. And for the man, oh yes, he fell with first estate, syndicated creator, and yet what a mercy. The Saviour to the do.

[36:53] To say to the uttermost, all that come unto God through you. So, my dear friends, you come to compare the great distinction that exists between man and the brute creation.

[37:15] For the bird upon the wind, there you'll see man stands out as the major handiwork of God.

[37:27] Oh, he does. Because the chief of all God's works was in the creation of man.

[37:39] And where that man lives to serve the Lord, he possesses a God-given faith. And lives to worship, lives to pray, to honour the Lord whom he desires to serve.

[38:01] Here we see the great distinction between the godly man and the ungodly. And no concern at all, but a child of God, anxious that he might live in the fear of the Lord, to honour and serve him in their day and generation.

[38:31] And where God is honoured, God will bless that honour. He'll sanctify that honour. And that one lives in the service of his Lord and Master.

[38:49] O be to you, unto the heavenly court. I leave my true master here for the present.

[39:05] Let's close by singing Hymn 198. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.

[39:35] I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found.

[39:55] That's it, the way I need I've lost the loss of man I've found Was I, but now I see What grace that told my heart to give Thy grace my dearly How precious is that grace I give

[40:58] The love I've heard in you Though many dangers change I am for grace He's gone His grace has gone His grace has gone And grace will live in hope Yes, when His plan

[42:05] My heart shall fail And what I shall see My child will live within the place As I am of love and peace The earth shall still His own life's home As I am of love and peace

[43:07] But God will not be in hope My Lordstep We performer 그렇게 şahr h dogs boom t May the grace, mercy and truth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, the love of our Heavenly Father, the communion and fellowship of the Holy Ghost abide with us now and evermore.

[44:08] Amen.