[0:00] In dependence upon the Lord for all needed help, I venture to draw your prayerful attention to Revelation chapter 21.
[0:35] We read verses 5, 6, and 7. Revelation chapter 21, reading verses 5, 6, and 7.
[0:53] And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.
[1:08] And he said unto me, Write that these words are true and faithful. And he said unto me, It is done.
[1:24] I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is a thirst at the fountain of the water of life freely.
[1:43] He that overcometh shall inherit all things. And I will be his God. And he shall be my son.
[2:00] When the beloved disciple, the apostle John, was for the truth's sake banished to the isle that is called Padmos, One would have thought that the enemy of souls, Antichrist, had gained a tremendous victory.
[2:33] In that this dear man who leaned on the bosom of Christ, This dear man that was deeply loved by the dear Lord and Savior, This dear man that witnessed the death of Christ and the flowing of the blood and water from the river and side of Christ, That his ministry should be stopped, but be silenced.
[3:04] Because how could that gospel go forth from the isle that is called Padmos? My friend, it was for the furtherance of the gospel.
[3:21] Because of the word we have in verse 5, Right. There was a ministry. There was a work.
[3:33] There was a ministry that was going to stand to the end of time. And this will take me back for a moment in meditation To the beginning of this book of the Revelation When we read of how that the dear man in his banishment Was found in the Spirit on the Lord's day And he turned and looked and he saw one standing in the midst of the golden candlesticks And this was a revealed Christ And Christ in his glory Dear John would remember His dear Lord in his sufferings In the glory of his resurrection and ascension But now in the full blaze of his eternal glory This was Jesus Christ revealed to the apostle
[4:36] He says, And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead And he laid his right hand on me And said, Fear not, I am he that liveth And was dead Behold, I will live forevermore And have the keys of hell and of death I have often said to my dear fearers That there is something very precious to my soul in those words And it is this He laid his right hand on me Look at that right hand The power of it Who crushed worlds to pieces Here was the tender love and compassion Of his Lord Through his dear servant And revealing himself to him
[5:37] And fear not For I am he that liveth And was dead Yes, John, you remember that And I live forevermore And behold, I have the keys of hell and of death Now, right This was the commission The things which are The things which thou hast seen The things which are And the things that shall be hereafter Briefly The things that thou hast seen That is That has been revealed to him As the book of the Revelation The things which are The state of those seven churches And those things yet to be That the full blaze and glory And majesty and beauty Of the dear Lord and Saviour And Jesus Christ The wonder and the provision
[6:38] Of heaven itself He was to write And this ministry Would be kept It would be preserved To the end of time And has been brought As it were preached To countless numbers Still is and will be To the end of time So, my friend Here we have this word Write And just one more word On this word We should not forget To pray For godly editors And those that are raised up To write in a spiritual way Pray for the blessing of God To rest upon them As they pen These glorious truths So write
[7:38] For these words Are true And faithful The speaker Was he That was Upon the throne He said Behold Look I make All things new When we think Of creation The wonder of it The beauty of it We cannot comprehend Of it In its full beauty Before sin entered That even Marred by sin We look at the wonder Of God's creation And see God In it But now We read In this part Of the word of God I saw A new heaven And a new earth He'd gone To prepare a place For us That we might be With him Forever And ever And he That sat Upon the throne
[8:39] And my friend He is there On the throne Of grace That place Of mercy That dear Redeemer That dear Saviour Who Died for sinners And intercedes For sinners Great God From thee There is naught Concealed Now seest My inward frame To thee I always Stand revealed Exactly as I am And since I can hardly Therefore bear What in myself I see How violent Black must I Appear Most holy God To thee But since My Saviour Stands between In garments Died in blood This He Instead of Me Is seen When I Approach God Don't you love That gospel Don't you love Those blessings
[9:39] And I'll Some of you Maybe I wish it's mine I long for That instead Of That substitution Behold A scene Of matchless Grace To Jesus In the sinner's Place Heaven's highest Glory Sunk in shame That rebels Might Adore his name And so When a vile Wretch like I Go To the throne Of grace There's my Jesus There And there A lamb As it had been Slain There with the Evidence of the Finished work There's my Acceptance There I see My sin Forgiven There I see My acceptance In the beloved Oh my friend The wonder Of it The beauty Of it So here He says Right These words Are true And faithful The wicked Men on the Face of the Earth And so Called wicked Men that Seek to Speak of
[10:40] Their deeper Knowledge of The translations Of the word Of God And yet My friend We have to Leave this We cannot Follow them We desire This pure Word of God As we have it Before us And I say We need to Know this Dear saviour As that Finished work On the cross Of blood Flowing in that Water Shed For my Sin These words Are true And faithful And he said Unto me It is Done What a word Is this And my friend This is God Speaking It is Done And this Word Also Leads me To A very Solemn Meditation From time To time I know I have Named it But we Read In the Book
[11:41] Epistle Of James And I Turn to it That I May quote It correctly In your Hearing A very Solemn And a very Searching Word When this Dear servant Of Jesus Christ Writes in This way And he Says Sin When it Is finished Bringeth For death Let me Quote it Exactly James Chapter 1 And it's In verse 15 Then when Thus Hath conceived It Bringeth For sin And sin When Those three Words It Is finished Sin Is finished Sin Unpardoned Sin In its Sinful state Untouched No blood Sin When it is Finished Bringeth For death
[12:42] Literal death And death And that Second death That State Has been Explained And dying And yet Not to die The awfulness Of it That sin When it Is finished Bringeth For death And then Again I do Just keep A reference My mind Cannot Remember The references And my Mind Gets a little Bit lost At times So you Will bear With me But I Will just Find this Reference In this Self Same Chapter In self Same book Revelation Chapter 16 And verse 17 The seventh Angel Poured out His vial Into the air And there Came a Great voice Out of the Temple of Heaven From the Throne Saying It Is done Now I Have no Make no Pretense To explain That
[13:43] Vial Of the Seventh Angel But what It does Tell me Speaks of The judgment Of God Speaks of The purpose Of God In his Judgment Upon the Ungodly And it Will be Pulled For It will Be done And it Is done Look at It poor Sinner How do You stand You will Die Will you Die With that Word With your Sin Sin Unpardoned Exposed To the Wrath Of God Or will It be Under the Precious Blood Of Christ Oh so Here We have These Words It is Done Again Thinking of Creation He spake And it Was done He commanded And it Stood fast That wonderful Creation Even Wonderful Though Oh Thou hideous Monster Sin What a
[14:44] Curse Thou Brought In All Creation Growns Of the Pregnant Cause Of Misery And yet The Wonder Of It But That's To Pass Away Heaven And earth Shall Pass Away But My Word Shall Not Pass Away My Friend Hang On To it Rest Upon It Lean Upon It Look To It Trust In It Pray For Understanding Of It As You May Be Enabled Then This Will Lead Us Now To Tal For His Cross This Will Lead Us To The Dear Savior Of Sinners This Will Lead Us To The Precious Christ Will It Not That Precious Jesus When We Hear Those Words Uttered From The Cross At Calvary It Is Finished The Work Is Done It Finished And
[15:44] My Friend The Evidence Of It Was That The Veil Of The Temple Was Rent In Twain From Chop To Bottom The Earth Did Quake The Rocks Were Wrenched My Friend Oh The Power The Glory The Wonder Of These Words The Devil Is Defeated And All All This Finished Work All These Sufferings All This Life Of The Dear Saviour Laying Down His Glory Laying Aside His Glory Why Now My Friend We See The Triumph Of It The Victory Of It The Reality Of It It Is Finished The Work What Are These Which Are Arrayed In White Roves And My Friend They're Before The Throne What Are They Doing There Are They
[16:44] Are They Sinners They Were Sinners They Were Dreadful Sinners But No They're Washed In The Blood And There's No Accusation The Devil Cannot Charge Them The Law Cannot Touch Them Even God's Majesty And Holiness Is Satisfied Because The Payment Is Made And That Payment Is Blood Sin Atoning Blood Of The Dear Lamb Of God Oh The Wonder Of Our Dear Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ He Says It Is Done He Says It Is Done And My Friend Further Which Will Apply To All The Promises Of God All The Types And Shadows Of The Lord Jesus When He Said It Is Finished Every Levitical Sacrifice All The Details Were Revealed And They Were Now Finished But It Done It Done We Spend
[17:45] Profitable Time In Examining Them But We Forbear For Doing That At The Moment But My Friend We See And Then Again I See Another Word Here Being Confident Of This Very Thing That He Which Hath Begun A Good Work In You Will Perform It Unto The Day Of Jesus Christ It Is Done And Every Believer Every Born Again Sinner Every Trophy Of God's Grace Every Lamb In That Fold And Sheep To Every Precious Gem Jewel When he Gathers His jewels I say It is Done It is A Finished Work It is Complete And So This People Saturated In Sin These People Captive As Satan These People In The Dark Born Again Called By Grace And
[18:46] Cleansed With The Blood God My Dear Friend We View Them In Christ Jesus Oh The Resented Fulness Before The Throne With Exceeding Joy So The Word Of Heaven Comes And He Says I It Is Done I Am Alpha And Omega You Will Know The Meaning Here It's The Greek Language I think I got that Right The First Letter And The Second Letter I Know It's The First Letter And Second Letter Of The Language I Have To Leave That That's Where My Mind Fails Me Bear With Me But The First Letter And The Second And The Last Letter But As I Try To Say In My Poor Way Friend And It Just Comes As A Simple Illustration We Have If I May Say I Don't Want To Bring Lower Things Down Bring The Spiritual
[19:47] Down Low But Just Think You Get A Book Sometimes Called A To Z That Means It's Not Just Everything Beginning With A And Everything Beginning With Z That's There But Everything Between A To Z The Whole Alphabet As far As we Can Speak Of It In Human Power It's All There Now Here We See All That The Lord Is All That The Lord Has Said It's There The Alpha And The Omega The Beginning And The End It Is Complete The Writish Of His Grace The Fulness Of The Blessing Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ Our Lord Oh The Wonder Of It He Is The Eternal Son Of God He Is The King Of Glory He Is The Chief Shepherd Of The She He Is The Head Of The Church He Is The All In All
[20:47] Oh My Friend You Say Yes My Case Is Hopeless I Am So Sinful I Am So Yes I Am And So Are You But Oh My Friend Here's The Way Here's The One That In Him Is Such A Fullness As You Have Seen Sing Again This Afternoon That In Him All Fullness Dwells In That Blood Is The Cleansing Power In That Robe Of Righteousness Justified Really By His Grace Presented Fullness Before The Throne With Exceeding Joy So My Friend It Is I Am Alpha And Omega The First And The Last And So My Friend The All In All And There's Nothing Lacking Oh Friend He That Came From This Earth That Laid Down His Life In Him Is All Fullness And The Fullness Of The Godhead Bodily To Satisfy The
[21:48] Desires The Need And The Longings Of The People Of God He Said Unto Me It Is Done I Am Alpha And Omega The Beginning And The End Yes And Look At It When You Think Of It Right Through The Book Yes Go To Eternity Past View The Covenant Ordered In All Things And Sure See There That Great Provision See The Creation See The Perfection Of It See The Beauty Of It See Man And Woman Without Sin Until Yes The Evil One Was There And Soon They Fall And Soon All Mankind Fall In Their Head Adam As Their Head But My Friend There's The Promise
[22:48] Of One To Come And He Has Come Namely The Messiah The Eternal Son Of God Laying Aside His Glory And Taking Upon Him That Sin Sin Less Flesh That Body Prepared For Him That He Should Live On This Earth He Should Walk About On This Earth That He Should Suffer As We Suffer In The Ways Of Weariness Hunger Thirst Loneliness Temptation But Sin Sin Spotless Holy And Pure And Here Is The Perfect Sacrifice You See The Sacrifice Of Old If It was Blemish It was Not Acceptable But Here In Christ The Sacrifice Is Pure Is Holy Behold The Lamb Of God Oh We Do Behold Him The Dear Saviour The
[23:48] Beginning And The End And He Says I Will Give Unt Him That Is The Thirst Of The Fountain Of The Water Of Life Freely What A Word Is This First A Thirst All Mankind Is A Thirst What For We Shudder To Think Of Man Uncharged By Grace We Think And I Don't Like to Even Mention It Perhaps I Shouldn't But The Value Set On One Man In The Football World Is Awful Terrible Absolutely Awful And so We Have Here That Thirst For Earthly Glory And it May be For a
[24:49] Season But When All Is Done They Stand They Stand Before that Great White Throne In Their Sin They Hear That Dreadful Word Depart From Me He He Cursed I Never Knew You Oh Unutterably Solemn But There's A People On This Earth That Are Different They've Got A Different Thirst yes but they've also got sin also they thirst sometimes for things they shouldn't desire but my friend their main thirst is to know my Jesus crucified to know him as my savior my redeemer my Jesus and my Lord oh you who long to know and feel your interest in his blood the thing is proved beyond a doubt because you thirst for God that thirst for God speaks of spiritual life that spiritual life speaks of that new creature that new creature speaks of the finished work of Christ that new creature and the finished work of Christ speaks of salvation tells us that the price redemption the ransom price is pain so my friend the longing of the soul not only to thirst and mainly as I say to know that blood is shed for you that your sins are washed away but also this you thirst for more grace to know more of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and to have more in your own soul you thirst for the love of Christ to be shed abroad in your soul and to know more and more of the length the breadth the depth and height of the love of Christ oh my dear friends this is love incomprehensible amazing on such love my soul still pondered love so great so rich so free say whilst lost in holy wonder why?
[27:00] why? why? why? oh God such love to me hallelujah grace shall reign eternally a thirst and I love that those words will all words of God is true and blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteous for they shall be filled plead it before the throne beloved pray for it then again coming down perhaps in case we have gone a bit too far ahead there's another word that I'm very fond of in the prophecy of Isaiah where we read a quote part of it when the poor and needy seek water coming in that your name I believe some of you can say yes poor needy seeking thirsty when this is so when the
[28:14] I the God of Israel will hear them I the Lord God will not forsake them I will then the tongue faileth the thirst it parts dry as it were and he says I will open the rivers in high places and fountains in the midst of the valleys oh friend and look at the wounded side of Christ look at the flowing of the water that cleanses you from all sin look at the water of life look my friend at that river of love look at that river and as recorded in the book of Revelation a sore river oh friend what a river and there Ezekiel spoke of it that he saw that river to swim in and he said he was in it first to the ankle then to the knee and then to the loins and then a river to swim in oh the immensity of it and this is the thirst and this is the longing of the soul and so we read in heaven they shall thirst no more oh what wonderful of it they shall drink from these streams of love the mercy grace pardon peace all that your soul longs for oh to a never ending eternity
[29:28] I will give look at the free give it does nothing oh everyone that thirsts come ye to the waters and buy him that hath their money and so forth I've told you before that in eastern lands there was water sellers they would carry water and sell to the thirsty but sometimes a wealthy person will go to the water carrier and say look I'm going to pay for all the water you can possibly carry and then you're to go up to that street there where all the beggars are where all these poor things are the destitute are and cry ho that is the world come it's for you and my friend this is the gospel it's free it's full it flows to poor guilty lost and ruined sinners indeed it is I will give unto him the thirst and I like this word the fountain of water of life you see bubbling you see full of life it's not a stagnant not a cistern it's full of spiritual life refreshing and blessing and all that your whole soul can be he that overcometh shall inherit all things what overcomes you what overcomes me well my own sin
[31:05] Satan does the world does the temptations of the evil one error sometimes is plausible may be kept from it and then to be saved from lukewarmness I mentioned that this afternoon lukewarmness all these things to overcome how can I overcome you can't not of yourself but you can by the grace of God plead it seek it pray for it Gad a troop shall overcome him the word doesn't stop there though but Gad a troop shall overcome him but he shall overcome at the last a simple rendering historical there is the tribe of Gad had that portion with others on the other side of Jordan so they were neighboring to say perhaps Moab or somewhere like that and consequently there was infiltration of evil and they fell and they were at sin but here yes they may fall but he'll overcome who will overcome a born again sinner and that sinner is a possession of spiritual life that spiritual life that can never be put to death by the by
[32:46] Satan's awful power or sin it will live forever and my friend precious faith is that which cannot be destroyed it can be brought almost to nothing but it's there and it be revived and it will live and I thought and I drew one of my little rambles here and that is this my dear Martha went to Jesus where Lazarus was dead and she said I believe even now oh even now things are like as bad as they are he's in the grave he's dead even now that's what faith does it's not presumption and when God does bless a sinner in these ways it won't be in presumption they'll feel to be oh nothing indeed amazed that God should hear their cry and have mercy upon them so here we have to him that overcometh these things have I spoken unto you that in me you shall have tribute that in the world you shall have tribulation but in me you shall have peace my friend
[34:05] I don't know if I quoted that quite right let me get it right I don't want to quote scripture wrongly there's the closing words of the dear Lord in the upper room before he prayed to his father in heaven and we find these things I have spoken of you that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I Jesus says I have overcome the world and you in Christ by the eternal purpose of God will finally overcome at times we are overcome ask David yes he said look at my awful sin ask Peter look at my denials and look at Manasseh look at my awful life look at Anesimus the runaway slave and so we could go on look at those respectable sinners yes all with sin but my friend it is here is the overcoming grace here we are more than conquerors through him that loved us that's a wonderful word
[35:17] I can't think of anything to be higher greater or more wonderful to be a conqueror but more than a conqueror in a way it leads us to a complete utter victory over all evil sin and everything that comes against the poor sinner and would bar that way for that sinner to enter into heaven itself him that overcometh and there's a word in the epistle of John that comes partly to my mind about this overcoming and speaking again of precious faith let's turn to it that I might name it rightly and my friend hold on to it it says ye are of God little children and have overcome them why how because greater is he that is in you and he that is in the world they are of the world therefore speak they of the world and the world heareth them we are of God and he that knoweth
[36:30] God heareth us and so forth again the apostle John of love says once whoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is a victory that overcometh the world even our faith who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the son of God my friend he is the triumph he that overcometh shall inherit all things and my friend you think of God's provision for you in providence and grace on earth but think of heaven think of the fullness think yes go back to this and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things have passed away look at it look at the ocean fullness of the wonderful blessing think of the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ poor sinner free from all his infirmities free from that which would overwhelm him overcome him now is ready to receive it be blessed by it and encouraged by it so my friend here we come to this victory here we come to the triumph and I notice in the message of the seven churches even those that there was much fault in them yet to him that overcome it yes there is to him that overcome it there is not the second death there is that white stone which is the judge in those days who was a jury if the criminal was before him or professed to be a criminal if he was guilty he put a black stone he was free put a white stone the white stone for the believer my dear friend and so we read of those that would be clothed in white raiment those that will sit with him in glory oh thou shalt see my glory soon when the work of grace is done partner of my throne shall be say poor sinner loves thou me now on his head are many crowns and my friend the song of glory will be unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood crown him
[39:06] Lord of all and if that is so and it is so may it be with us to crown him on this earth when the song is worthy is the lamb he's worthy of all that we can do by the grace of God of our life my friend of that complete surrender to him who was crucified on Calvary's cross for us who gives us heaven who brings us to heaven father I will that these also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory I must close friend may the Lord bless his own precious word Amen Amen let's sing hymn 1053 to the tune line one 894 love love divine all love excelling joy of heaven to earth come down fix in us thy humble dwelling all thy faithful mercies crown
[40:32] Jesus thou art all compassion pure unbounded love thou art visit us with thy salvation comfort every sinking heart after the benediction we will sing the last verse of him 220 hymn h h Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh
[41:34] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh жизнь's good O thy faithful, ярich frown.