The ministry of the Holy Spirit (Quality: Good)

Ossett - Part 3

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April 29, 2012


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[0:00] As the Lord may help me, we'll turn this evening to the Epistle of Paul to the Romans, chapter 8, and I'll read verses 26 and 27.

[0:13] Romans chapter 8, reading verses 26 and 27. Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities.

[0:26] We know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

[0:38] And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

[0:51] Amen.

[1:21] And in this chapter that I've read to us this evening, this portion of the word, undoubtedly with which we are all familiar, how surely that same glorious truth is here set before us.

[1:50] Of that great love wherewith the Lord has loved his people, even when they were dead in trespasses and sins.

[2:00] And that which is thus borne witness unto us, in what the Apostle sets forth, in what he writes here, in this Epistle to the Romans.

[2:11] As I have mentioned, as I have mentioned, as I have mentioned on other occasions. And oh, what a glorious truth it is.

[2:41] Whatever is the case and situation and need of the child of God. They're never outside the circle of the love of God.

[2:52] They may indeed at times fear that they are far from him. They may well be set with very real temptations.

[3:04] As we find was in the case of the psalmist and others of the Lord's people, as brought before us in the word of God. The very temptation that the Lord has forgotten them.

[3:18] That he will be gracious no more. That they have in that sense sinned, in such a way that the Lord would not once no more look in mercy upon them.

[3:30] But oh, what is surely brought before us in the word of God. The blessed testimony in that word. The gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit.

[3:43] As our Lord, speaking again, through his servant Isaiah, declared. Though Zion said, the Lord hath forsaken me. My God will be gracious no more.

[3:56] See the answer. The Lord returns. Can a woman forget her sucking child? Do not have compassion upon the son of her womb?

[4:07] Yea, they may forget. Yet will I not forget thee. I've graven thee upon the palms of my hands. Thy walls are continually before me.

[4:21] How, friends, we are ever thus reminded. How over and beyond. All the undeservings. Even of the people of God.

[4:32] Does arise so very. Does indeed arise. All the gracious reality. This unchanging love. And mercy.

[4:43] Towards them. But in coming particularly to this chapter before us. This evening. In one sense. We do not profess.

[4:54] To be able to bring before you. Anything. You may not have heard before. Nor in what sense may be described. As new. But I trust that those things.

[5:07] That were set before us in this chapter. Though we may have heard them. Read. And indeed read them for ourselves. Again and again. Oh may come.

[5:19] That gracious unction of the Holy Spirit. In all the soul reviving. The sinner humbling. And the Lord Jesus honoring.

[5:30] A power. Amongst us and unto us this evening. So is a very real sense. To lay us low. At the Saviour's feet. Our sins confessing.

[5:42] What a real continuing need. Is there with us. With respect to that. Our sins confessing. Our cells are boring.

[5:53] And all the wonders of his love and mercy. More and more. Taken up with. For what more can he say. That he declares here.

[6:04] To his servant the apostle. That which is the very situation. Where of each one. Who he. Who he. Who he. Who he. Who he. Who he. Who he. Who he is called by his grace.

[6:15] And a boy. To look to. And trust. In him alone. He declares. That there is no condemnation. For them that are in Christ Jesus.

[6:27] Who walk. Not after the flesh. But after the spirit. And he goes on. As we are. We are sure. We are aware. He set before us.

[6:38] In this chapter. The gracious. Outworking of that. In what. The Lord Jesus Christ. Has wrought. For his people. As he has.

[6:49] By himself. By himself. Overcome. Sin. Satan. Death. And the grave. And hath given himself.

[7:00] For them. The just. For the unjust. To bring them. Unto God. I want. Particularly. Just to notice. This evening. And in connection.

[7:11] With these words. Of our text. Is what. Much. There is set. Before us. Concerning. The very. Gracious. Ministry. Of the Lord.

[7:23] The Holy Spirit. And. And as. Surely. In all. That pertains. To the outworking. Of the sovereign. Purposes. Of God. The manifestation.

[7:35] Of his love. And mercy. Unto his own. How friends. The holy. Dependent. We are upon. This. The very. Ministry.

[7:46] Of the Lord. The Holy Spirit. We. One. Thing. I would. Particularly. Emphasize. Here. As we consider. These things. Concerning.

[7:56] The ministry. Of the Holy Spirit. I know. We may. Well. Be familiar. With it. But how. We need. Reminding. Of it. And it being.

[8:07] Kept. Always. Before us. The Lord. The Holy Spirit. Is it. Is it. Is it. Is one. With the Father.

[8:17] And with. And with the Lord. Jesus Christ. God. Over all. Blessed. Forevermore. The Holy Spirit. Is not. A mere. Influence.

[8:28] From God. Is a glorious. Person. In the Godhead. As I said. Co-equal. With the Father. And with our Lord. And Savior.

[8:39] Jesus Christ. And though. As he. As our Lord. Jesus Christ. He's declared. Concerning. Both the coming. The abiding. And the ministry.

[8:51] Of the Holy Spirit. He should not. Speak. Of himself. But he shall. Take of mine. And shall. But he shall. Receive of mine.

[9:02] And show it. Unto you. And the whole. And in every aspect. That gracious. Ministry. Of the Holy Spirit. Is friends. To glorify.

[9:13] Our Lord. And Savior. Jesus Christ. And this. Surely. He will. And does. In all. Is leading. And teaching. Of those.

[9:24] Whom the Father. Hath given. Unto his. Beloved Son. With redeemed. By his. Precious blood. Ah. In this. There. In this.

[9:35] Surely. We may. Always. Determine. That which is. Of the gracious. Ministry. Of the Holy Spirit. In his. Leading. And teaching.

[9:46] To concerns. Ourselves. Personally. With regard. To the. Cause of Jesus Christ. Collectively. As I said. The whole. Important.

[9:57] Aspect. To the ministry. Of the Holy Spirit. Is to. Own. To honour. And to glorify. The Lord. Jesus Christ. His gracious.

[10:07] Dealings. With us. To. Bring. Bring us. In the. Continual. Realisation. Of our need. Our need. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ.

[10:19] In every. Aspect. Of our lives. In all. That concerns us. Both in time. And indeed. To all. Eternity. So.

[10:30] Look. As I have said. As we've read. Through this. Chapter. This evening. How much. There is spoken of. Of the very. Ministry. Of the Holy Spirit.

[10:41] How dependent. We are upon him. As believers. How indebted. Unto him. That. Yes. As it says. In that. Opening verse.

[10:52] There is now. No condemnation. To them. That are. In Christ Jesus. Who walk. Not after the flesh. But after the spirit.

[11:03] And are. Is it not. Blessedly true. That to those. That. To whom. There is. No condemnation. They are those. That are led.

[11:14] Of the Holy Spirit. And graciously. Taught. Of the Holy Spirit. We see. Further. As brought. Before us. In this chapter. In every aspect.

[11:26] Of the spiritual life. Of the living. Family of God. Oh. How essential. Is that. As I have said. That gracious. Teaching. Of the Lord.

[11:38] The Holy Spirit. Revealing. To us. Of Jesus Christ. Of the Father's love. Of that. Which God. In Christ. Has done.

[11:49] For us. Not. Of that. Which is the glorious hope. And expectation. Of the living. Family of God. With regard. To his upholding.

[12:00] And sustaining. A grace. In his delivering us. From all the working. Of sin. And from the temptations. Of the evil one. Both in.

[12:11] Isaiah. In his preserving. And sustaining. Grace. And mercy. Oh. How essential. Is this very. Ministry. Of the Holy Spirit.

[12:22] Now thankful. Surely unto our. Triune God. We should ever be. That thus. The living family of God. Are so. Provided for.

[12:34] Now I just want. To take. To look at this. In three. Particular aspects. As it is brought. Before us. In these verses. That I have read.

[12:46] By way of a text. We can say. There are three things. He had brought. Before us. Infirmities. Inability. And groanings.

[12:58] Ah. He says. That now. Likewise. The spirit. The spirit. Also helpeth. Our infirmities. For we know. Not what. We should pray for.

[13:09] As we ought. Is there not. Their inability. But. The spirit. Itself. Make it. Intercession. For us. With groanings.

[13:19] Of which. Cannot. Be uttered. Infirmities. Inabilities. And groanings. And yet. With each. With each. Of these. What a wondrous.

[13:31] Provision. There is made. With our infirmities. Yet. With all. Our infirmities. We are assured. Here. We have. An almighty.

[13:41] Helper. In the person. Of the Holy Spirit. Who is that one. That constantly. Attends. Upon. The living. Family of God.

[13:52] And indeed. With all. Our inability. To know. What to pray. We are assured. Here. We have an almighty. Prevailing. Advocate.

[14:03] Before the throne. Of God. Again. With all. Our groaning. And oh. What groanings. Are there found. Even in the daily lives.

[14:15] Of the living. Family of God. Groanings. Over what we find. Even as it was. With Hezekiah. Of this morning. When He cried. As He did.

[14:26] Oh Lord. I am oppressed. Undertake for me. With all our groanings. We are assured. As well. Of an abiding.

[14:38] Comforter. So then. Let us just notice. These things. Yes. The infirmities. The inabilities. And the groanings. Of the child of God.

[14:48] And yet. Also. That provision. That is made. Respect. To the gracious. Ministry. Of the Lord. The Holy Spirit. You know.

[15:00] Let us not forget. This either. Ah. You. With respect. To these. To what. Is known. And felt. Surely. And that gracious. Teaching.

[15:11] Of the Holy Spirit. Our infirmities. Inabilities. And groanings. Ah. Are not. These things. The very. Evident.

[15:22] In a sense. A gracious. Evidence. That there is. Life there. Spiritual life. Ah. How true it is. The dead. Know not anything.

[15:33] And the dead. In trespasses. And sins. Certainly. Have no. Spiritual exercise. No concern. No cry. Out unto the Lord.

[15:44] The sense. Of their need. And of their helplessness. What they find. The still of the working of sin. In their hearts and lives. Is that.

[15:55] Which is the general. And the real aspect. Of former men and women. Of themselves. Does any of them. Ever brought. To cry unto God.

[16:07] Of her mercy. To grow. The sense of a body. Of sin and death. Are. How was it. Friends. With ourselves. Surely.

[16:18] It is not. Until. And only. As. The Lord. The Holy Spirit. Quickens the soul. Dead in trespasses. And sins. There there will be.

[16:30] This evidence. Thus. Of the going out. Of the soul. Unto the Lord. The felt sense. Of all their weakness. The infirmities. That daily.

[16:41] Beset them. The inability. That they find. That to themselves. And also. That groanings. Over what they find. Still. Of the working.

[16:51] Of sin. And its daily. Defilement. Ah. And these groanings. Are not only. Over. What they find. Of the working. And defilement.

[17:02] Of sin. But surely. In those groanings. And exercises. And desires. For. And after the Lord. Ah. But remember.

[17:14] That where there is. Spiritual life. In the soul. It is not only. The mourning. Over our sin. But is the going out. Of the soul.

[17:25] Unto. And after the Lord. Jesus Christ. With real. And true. Longings. And desires. The psalmist. Expressed it thus.

[17:35] He says. As a heart. Panteth after the water. Bruce. So panteth my soul. After thee. Oh God. Now great friends.

[17:47] Is a mercy. That it is recorded. Ah. That. That the Lord. That. That. That. That the Lord. Will not. Despise.

[17:58] Or tear away. The groaning. Of the prisoner. Ah. That. That indeed. He will. And to satisfy. The desire. Of every. Longing soul.

[18:09] And will fill. The hungry soul. And with goodness. So then. The sun. We are reminded here. Likewise. The spirit. Helpeth.

[18:20] Our infirmities. Yes. Our real. Are our infirmities. And that daily. Known and felt. Surely. In fact.

[18:30] By those. That as we are. The subjects. That gracious. Ministry. Of the Holy Spirit. Brought to realize. Our own helplessness. And our daily need.

[18:42] As a sinner. Do we get beyond. What was the very cry. Of the publican. When he said. God be merciful. To me a sinner.

[18:54] Have we outgrown that. Have we ever. Outgrow that. While we're this. Side of the grave. What. That. But you may.

[19:05] You say. Well. The word of God. Says here. There is no condemnation. To them. That are in Christ Jesus. Who walk. Not after the flesh.

[19:16] But after the spirit. If there is to them. No condemnation. And they can say. Gracious measure. As he's. He's. Thou hast in love.

[19:27] To my soul. Delivered it. From the pit of corruption. For thou hast cast. All my sins. Behind thy back. Where is there then. Of this need.

[19:38] Of a. Yet speak here. The life of a believer. Of this. Felt daily infirmities. The sense of his. Inabilities. This groaning.

[19:49] What he still finds. Of the working of sin. In his heart. And in his life. Ah. It may appear. On the face of it. To be.

[20:01] A contradiction. But remember. Friends. This. That which is born. Of the flesh. Is flesh. And that which is born. Of the spirit.

[20:12] Is spirit. And the reality of that. Is daily. Known. Experienced. The very lives. Of the Lord's people. See how. Paul brings it.

[20:23] Before us. There. In Romans 7. Ah. Here was a man. Who knew. The wonder. Of redeeming love. And mercy.

[20:34] Ah. One in the Lord. That thus. That thus. That thus. That was called. By his sovereign grace. And raised up. As the apostle was. That to that world.

[20:45] Which the Lord. Had appointed. For him. And yet. As we see there. The very exercises. Of a living soul. Described there.

[20:57] In the. In that. That seventh chapter. Of this epistle. To the Romans. Yes. He is brought. In a daily sense. Of his own. Ruin.

[21:07] And need. As a sinner. Oh. Wretched man. That I am. Who should deliver me. From the body. Of this death. What has he grown under.

[21:18] And over there. What he found. And daily found. Of the conflict. Between the flesh. And the spirit. Between that. Which is born of God.

[21:29] And that. Which is born of the flesh. Or the New Testament. Scriptures describe it. As that. That conflict. Between the new man. The new man of grace.

[21:40] Ah. As one said. And the old man of sin. In Christ. The believer is perfect. And free from all guilt. But in himself. Evils.

[21:52] Are both seen and felt. And ah. Is not this. Which he groans under. And over. And longs indeed. For that full.

[22:02] And final. Deliverance from it. Yes. Faith. Loves. Alone. Unto Jesus Christ. Is brought. And the blessed teaching.

[22:13] Of the Holy Spirit. To rest wholly. Upon that righteousness. Of Jesus Christ. As a ground. Of their access. And acceptance.

[22:24] With their God. Indeed. Faith. Looks. To that wonder. Of that. Redeemed. That precious blood. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. Which alone.

[22:35] Can under speak. Peace. To the. To the living. Family of God. And all. The wonder. Of that love. That love. Of God. In Christ.

[22:46] To provide. In such. A wondrous. Offering. And sacrifice. In the. Person. And finished. Work. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ. Wherein.

[22:57] The assurance. Is given. That all. That the Lord. Demands. Of the believer. Has been fully met. That their sins. As. As Icaiac has said.

[23:09] That has cast them. Behind thy back. Never to be remembered. Never to be brought. In condemnation. Against them. Against them.

[23:21] Ah. And. That which is assured. Likewise. That full. And final deliverance. Even from. The body.

[23:31] Of this death. This body. In which still. The believer grows. As Paul says. Even in verse 23. And. Not only they.

[23:43] But ourselves also. Which have the first fruits. Of the spirit. Even with ourselves. Grown within ourselves. Waiting for the adoption.

[23:54] To wit. The redemption. Of our body. He says. For we are saved by hope. But hope. That is seen. Is not hope. No man seeth.

[24:05] Why doth he yet hope for. We hope. For that we see not. Then do we. With patience. Wait for it. What is it. That the apostle brings.

[24:16] Before us there. We. Also. That have. The first fruits. Of the spirit. And those first fruits. Of the spirit. Are the gracious.

[24:26] Indwelling. Of the holy spirit. According. To the Lord's promise. And the subjects. Of his own gracious. Leading. And teaching. Yes.

[24:36] We brought. Those first fruits. Of the spirit. To realize. The wonder. And blessedness. Of this. Of what. Ezekiah could say. If.

[24:47] In love. After my soul. Is delivered it. From the pit of corruption. For thou hast cast. All my sins. Behind thy back. But we are still. Very much conscious.

[24:59] That. We. We possess. A body. Of sin and death. And all that. Pertains unto us. As we journey on. Through this life.

[25:10] And I. And the very. Mercy is this. The assurance. That he's given us. What is set. Before us here. The gracious. Ministry of the Holy Spirit.

[25:21] The child of God. Is not. Left to themselves. Is not left. To their own devices. Is not left. To find their own way.

[25:32] As it were. Ah. And ought to themselves. To persevere. Unto the end. Know. What a gracious provision. The Lord our God.

[25:44] Has appointed. And provided. For us. And all that comes to us. Through the grace. That is in. A Christ Jesus. I said.

[25:56] Yet. With all. Our infirmities. We have. An almighty helper. And that helper. Is the Holy Spirit. We're told here.

[26:07] In these words. Likewise. The Spirit. Also. Helpeth. Our infirmities. And what is one friend. We might put it this way.

[26:18] Of those infirmities. Of that which we find. We can. Continually. In a sense. Besets us. It is for. We. The apostle.

[26:28] The apostle. The apostle. Goes on. To remind us here. For we know not. What to pray for. As we ought. What an ability friends.

[26:39] Is expressed here. We know not. What to pray for. As we ought. Some might think. But surely. Is it not an easy thing.

[26:51] To pray. Surely. We're not ignorant. Of what we need. Friends. I believe. As we are. Taught of God. The Holy Spirit.

[27:03] We're brought. To realise this. More and more. That. That. Though we may not. Be. Not. Though we may not. Have. In that sense.

[27:14] We may not be able to. That we're not. Without words. To utter. As it were. As we would come. Before the Lord. Yet. To know. What to pray for.

[27:25] As we ought. Is a very. Different thing. Of that. Which is. Which is. Both the mind. And the will of God. For us.

[27:36] And of that. Which shall. Which it will be. For our real profit. And above all. For the honour. And glory. Of the Lord. Our God. You know.

[27:47] In this. Does not the Lord. Through his servant. James. Remind us. If any of you. Like wisdom. Let him ask. Of God. That giveth.

[27:58] To all men. Liberally. And upbraideth not. And it shall. Be given him. And ah. How we do need. What is promised here. All our inability.

[28:09] To know. What to pray for. As we ought. That this. This. This. This wisdom. From above. To direct us.

[28:20] But the Lord. The Holy Spirit. By. By. Through whom. And by whom. That gracious knowledge. The mind. And will of God.

[28:31] Is conveyed. Unto us. And wherein. Through his gracious. Indicting. We're brought. To seek. Those things. Which are in accordance.

[28:41] With his holy. And sovereign. Mind and will. One has well said. Though we would. I trust. And to trust. Though we would.

[28:52] We trust. Prize. A privilege. A prayer. Yet how often. Friends. What backwardness. Is there. With us. To pray. Are. We may utter words.

[29:04] And how often. Many. Much many. Often very. Formal. Are our petitions. But look at the situation. There. With Hezekiah. We noticed.

[29:14] This morning. Both. There. With a. Expand. Regard. To the nation. As itself. When invaded there. By the. Armies.

[29:25] Of the Assyrians. Oh. Was there not. Not only. Real need there. But we see. Friends. Prayer there. Indicted.

[29:36] Surely. Of the Holy Spirit. As Hezekiah. Brings. That whole matter. An issue. Not only. Before the Lord. But leaves it with him. And likewise.

[29:46] With Hezekiah. Personally. When afflicted. In his body. As he was. Without. But with. Also. With all. The issue. And situations.

[29:56] That beset him. At that time. There we find. Was not. Not what Paul. Reminds us of here. Evidence there.

[30:07] With Hezekiah. As he is brought. To turn his face. To the wall. And cry unto the Lord. And weep. There before the Lord. Ah.

[30:18] We find there. With Hezekiah. No mere formality. There in prayer. Not being satisfied. And merely to utter words. But through enabling grace.

[30:31] Real wrestling. With the Lord. As it was. The former occasion. That reminded. In the case. Of Jacob. There. At that place.

[30:42] Which afterwards. He called Peniel. Ah. I have seen. That seen God. Face to face. And my life. Is preserved.

[30:52] Likewise. The Spirit. Helpeth. Our infirmities. For we know not. What to pray for. As we ought. Ah.

[31:03] And what a mercy. It is friends. That we do have. In all our ability. To know what to pray for. As we ought. We have an almighty.

[31:15] Prevailing advocate. Before the throne. Of God. And as a word of God. Blessedly. Sets before us. There in the person.

[31:27] Of our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember what is. The gracious ministry. Of the Holy Spirit. It is to receive. Of mine. As he says. And to show it.

[31:39] Unto you. And ah. In that great. Prevailing advocate. Before the throne. Before the throne. The person.

[31:49] Of our Lord Jesus Christ. What. As Paul sets it. Before us. With respect. To our Lord Jesus Christ. As that great. High priest.

[32:00] Over the house of God. We are reminded there. That he. That he is not. That he is touched. With the feeling. Of our infirmities.

[32:11] Who was tempted. At all points. Like as we are. Yet without sin. Is able to succour them. We are told. That are tempted. And what's more.

[32:22] Seeing. He ever liveth. To make intercession. There is. There is. That great. High priest. For liveth. To make intercession.

[32:33] For all that come. Unto God. By him. And surely. That gracious. Ministry. Of the Holy Spirit. Is to lead us. Out of self.

[32:43] Unto the Lord Jesus Christ. He brought. To cry unto him. Lord. Have mercy upon me. Lord. Help me.

[32:54] You know. As I've mentioned. On more. At many occasions. In the past. Look at that. In the. In the. Very life. Of that. Syrophoenician woman. You know.

[33:05] Often I. Often I've. Often I've. Thought upon what. Is set before us there. We read. That she worshipped him.

[33:17] And she worshipped him. Saying. Lord. Help me. There friends. Is essential. Worship. Of our God.

[33:27] The cry. Of a needy sinner. Unto the Lord. Ah. And surely. The Holy Spirit. Helpeth our infirmities. In this.

[33:38] As it was there. With that woman. Enabling her still. To wait upon. Of the Lord. Even though. Apparently suffering.

[33:49] Rebuttal. Even. When he said. Not meek. To take the children's bread. And to cast it. To the dogs. Ah. Was there encouragement. For us there.

[34:00] For a there. But the Holy Spirit. Helpeth our infirmities. And oh. How that. Very cry. Of our heart. Was. Truth Lord.

[34:10] Yet. Yet. The dogs eat. To the bread. Crumbs. That fall. From their master's table. Ah. Lord. Help me. Oh. There is a groaning.

[34:22] Real sense. Of a needy. Exercised. Child of God. Ah. We have. Then. A great advocate. Before the throne. Our Lord.

[34:33] Jesus Christ. And with all. The groanings. Of the Lord's people. We have. An almighty. Comforter. You know.

[34:44] Today says here. That then these verses. But the spirit itself. Maketh intercession. For us. With groanings. Of which cannot.

[34:55] Be uttered. Now. The spirit itself. Maketh intercession. For us. With groanings. That cannot be uttered. And. And.

[35:06] And. What I just notice. Here is this. That this very. Ministry of the Holy Spirit. Is that. Which brings forth. These very groanings.

[35:16] From the soul. Of a child of God. That seeking for. And after the Lord. Oh. I say again. How dependent.

[35:27] We are. Upon this very. Ministry of the Holy Spirit. For all that. Perth. Perth. Perth. To the spiritual life. And the very. And the. The spiritual life.

[35:40] Of each. And every one. Whom the Lord. Calls. By his grace. The spirit itself. Maketh intercession. For us. We're groanings.

[35:51] Which cannot be uttered. Are. Here. Not only. Not only. A sense. Friends. In the sense. That were. A silent prayer. Drawn out.

[36:03] From the very soul. Of a child of God. His need. His distress. And. Unto. And after the Lord. But also.

[36:14] As one says. Is not. Is not. This expressed. Even. As a. As a. As a. The child of God. Is brought. To look. And look.

[36:24] And to look alone. Unto the Lord. Ah. The. The secret. That. That. That. That. Inward. Secret. Cry. Of.

[36:35] And after the Lord. Here. Friends. Is not. Outward. Ostend. Heditation. In prayer. But the very. Going. Of the soul. There.

[36:45] As it were. In the secret. Exercises. The soul. Unto. And up. Before the Lord. We do not. Need. In that sense. As it were.

[36:56] To. To. To. We do not. Need it were. To. To. To. To. To. To. To. To. To. To. In that sense. Outwardly. All friends. That does.

[37:07] Concern us. In our own. Personal lives. There's no need. This sense. For now. We're parade. Of these things. That may well be found. In our own lives.

[37:18] But all the mercy of this. That no. Not. Necessantly expressed. Or made known. Outwardly. Yet there is a going out. Of the soul.

[37:30] This gracious. Enabling of the Holy Spirit. Unto. And after the Lord. That committing our case. Now calls. Into his hands.

[37:41] You know what our Lord Jesus said. With respect to prayer. Again. What is. Sometimes. Well described. As a Lord's sermon. Upon the mouth.

[37:51] When. Thou prayest. Be not. As a. As a Pharisee. Our own love. To be. To be heard. He said. When thou prayest.

[38:03] Enter into thy closet. And shut thy door. That it were. And pray to thy father. In secret. And thy father. That seeth in secret.

[38:14] Shall reward. The openly. He says. And he. And he. That searcheth the heart. Knoweth. What is the mind. Of the spirit.

[38:26] For he maketh intercession. For the saints. According. To. Of the will of God. The gracious. Encouragement.

[38:36] Is given us here. I come back again. To what I've been saying. Of this very ministry. Of the Holy Spirit. In his leading. In his teaching.

[38:47] In his. In his. In his. Drawn in us. Unto and after. Of the Lord. In that. Through his. Enabling grace.

[38:57] In that. In that. Humbling ourselves. Under the mighty hand. Of our God. In acknowledgement. Of his greatness. As well as his goodness.

[39:09] With true thankfulness. In our hearts. And also. In confession. Of our sin. In the casting. Of all our care. Upon him. Like.

[39:20] And he. That searcheth the house. Knoweth. What is the mind. Of the spirit. Ah. You. That. And. You know.

[39:31] What a mercy. Is this. That. That. The look. That. That our Lord. Is one. That searcheth the heart. He knoweth. The inward exercise.

[39:41] And desire. Of the soul. For. And after himself. I mentioned. In my. Closing remarks. This morning. About. Of Simon Peter.

[39:52] When the Lord. Put that question. To him. On three. Three times. Simon. Son of Jonas. Lovest thou me? Ah.

[40:03] Peter says. Lord. Thou knowest. That I love thee. Again. It was said. Is the Lord. Thou knowest. That I love thee. And at that third time.

[40:14] We read. Peter was green. That the Lord said. The third time. Lovest thou me? Oh. See how Peter breaks out there. Lord.

[40:25] Thou knowest. All things. Thou knowest. That I love thee. Thou. What had been evident. But just shortly before. In his own conduct.

[40:36] Ah. As he denied. His Lord and Master. On three times. And that even after. The Lord had warned him. What would. What would. What would.

[40:47] Arise. Ah. And surely looking upon it. The outward. Appeal. Where was evidence. Of that love. To his Lord and Master. That he could so.

[40:58] Basely deny him. As he did. But ah. Lord. Thou knowest. All things. Thou knowest. That I love thee. What does he appeal to there?

[41:09] The very searcher of hearts. And. And. And. With respect to that. Not what he was of himself. But what the Lord.

[41:21] Had made known unto him. And ah. Of what he was. Through the grace of God. That was given unto him. There. Yes.

[41:32] A needy sinner true. But one loved. Of the Lord. Thou knowest. That I love thee. That. Knowest all things. Thou knowest.

[41:42] And I love thee. And what was that based upon? The Lord's love to him. Ah. And not. The Lord said to him. Yes. Satan. A desire to have thee.

[41:54] That he may sit thee as wheat. But. I pray for thee. That thy faith fail not. Ah. That hath in love to my soul.

[42:05] Peter could surely say. Delivered it from the pit of corruption. That cast all my sins. Behind thy back. He that searcheth the heart.

[42:16] Knoweth what is the mind of the spirit. Because he maketh intercession for the saints. According. To the will of God. Yes. With our infirmities.

[42:28] We have. An almighty helper. All our abilities. An inability to pray. We have a glorious advocate. Before the throne.

[42:40] All our groanings. What we find still. As it was with Hezekiah. When he cried. Oh Lord I am oppressed. Undertake for me.

[42:52] We have an almighty. Mighty comforter. That great and the very gracious person. Of the Lord. The Holy Spirit. Whose whole office and work it is.

[43:04] To convince of sin. Of righteousness. And of judgment. Ah. In that gracious. Revering unto us. Of the fullness.

[43:15] Of that grace and truth. Which is in Christ Jesus. Our Lord. But I'll leave the remarks there. May the Lord add his blessings. Amen. Let us sing in number 1107.

[43:42] When some sweet promise warms our heart. And cheers us under every care. It is the Spirit's gracious part. To take that word. And fix it there.

[43:53] In number 1107. In number 1107. When some sweet promise creaks. Amen. And bless that rosary.

[44:03] And shall we cross it. It is the Spirit's gracious part. Give it anyway. Thank you. That God would also look right. Thank you. Thank you. Amen. Thank you. Thank you. And then. You DIE.

[44:14] Now I would love the Lord. or it is your side. Lift us on top every care. It is the Spirit's gracious part. Here is gracious God to take that word and fix it there.

[44:36] T'was he that turned our hearts away from love of sin and hateful strife.

[44:54] Here is all created in the games display that all of everlasting life T'is he that brings us comfort down when we complain and mourn for sin and while he shows us our heavenly crown her shores of sin no more shall reign.

[45:48] Ah, great high priest before the throne presents the merits of his blood for our acceptance, please his own and proves our cause completely good.

[46:24] When prayer of grace turns to rise and fend the greetings Jehovah's ear is not prevailing in sacrifice Perfumes and lakes it's welcome there to be a part of the throne.

[47:10] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.