Gospel blessings past and future (Quality: Average)

Ossett - Part 6

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Jan. 6, 2013


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[0:00] Lord may help me and I shall attention to Paul's epistle to the Colossians and chapter 1 and I'll read verses 21 to 23.

[0:13] Colossians chapter 1 reading verses 21 to 23. And you that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable and unreprovable in his sight.

[0:42] If ye continue in the faith, grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven, whereof I, Paul, am made a minister.

[1:12] It is a usual thing that we come to the close of a year and the beginning of a new year in the outworking of the Lord's gracious dealings with us in providence.

[1:26] Both to cast our minds back over the months that have passed, and also to think, as it were, to consider what might yet lie before us in this present year.

[1:42] We have surely cause to look back with thankfulness unto the Lord, for in spite of all our undeservings and how many and real they are, and I am sure that we know that gracious teaching of the Holy Spirit, we shall be brought truly to own and acknowledge the same as we have sung in our hymn just now, considering the year that is past.

[2:15] Oh, what great cause we have to be abashed. Yes, to humble ourselves in that sense, for the grace of God given us under his mighty hand.

[2:30] For not only, but in looking back also with thankfulness unto the Lord, for how much have we received of his hand, undeserving as we are true of the least of the same, but cause truly to give thanks unto him for all that he is, essentially, and for all that he hath done for us, and what he continues, the outworking of his gracious and sovereign dealings, to make known unto us.

[3:09] And from this also does there not arise encouragement, but regard to the present, as well as to future days, if the Lord's thus sovereign will.

[3:23] For, in the midst of all the changes that we meet within life, to which we are subject personally, which is evident with, in all that is found around us, oh, what a glorious reality this is, the Lord changes not.

[3:46] The Lord particularly emphasised this when speaking through his servant Manichai. He said, He said, I am the Lord, I change not.

[3:59] Therefore, ye sons of Jacob, are not consumed. And are we not caused, essentially, thus to give thanks unto his name, and to draw encouragement from the same, that, our Lord, that what he has revealed of himself, in the glorious truth of the gospel, as set before us, in his holy word, that that which hath revealed of himself there, is faithful and true.

[4:38] And it is with regard to this, that I brought these verses, before you this morning. And particularly, verse 23, where the apostle writing, here to these brethren, there in the church at Colossae, as he expresses, here in the opening of this, letter to them, of his love for them, of the thanksgiving, that unto the Lord, for that, which he had heard, of them, and of their faith, for the grace of God, that he made known unto them, through Epaphras, whom he describes, as for them, a faithful servant, of Jesus Christ.

[5:29] Oh, how Paul rejoices, wherever there is a manifesting, of the sovereign, distinguishing grace of God, in the hearts and lives, of men and women, though he may not necessarily, himself have been, immediately, personally involved, yet, I say, wherever, there was the manifest evidence, of the sovereign work, of divine grace, whatever, the means that were used, the accomplishing, of the same, that sovereign, almighty work, of God, the Holy Spirit, Paul expresses, his thankfulness, unto the Lord, he rejoices, in the same, of the wonder, of that, which he himself, was a personal, recipient of, as is also, the case of each, whom the Lord, calls, by his grace, rejoices, the wonder, and blessedness, of redeeming love, and of pardoning mercy, so then, just saying, it is this, particularly, if ye continue, in the faith, grounded, and settled, and be not moved away, from the hope, of the gospel, and, as I was, mentioning, then, with regard, to not only, looking back, with thankfulness, but for the Lord's, enabling, also, even, as we go forward, the Lord's will, in this present year, to look up, unto him, still, as that, as that one, that changeth not, and of which, we surely, have caused, not only, to be thankful for, but to encourage, the believing, realisation of, that that, which hath revealed, of himself, in the precious truth, of the gospel, as a just God, and a saviour, and of that, wondrous provision,

[7:46] God's blessings, and salvation, in and through, the Lord, and saviour, Jesus Christ, that these things, not only remain, but not all, the changes, to which, either, we personally, are subject to, or within, this, former world, do not, alter, for one, iota, of that, glorious, revelation, that God, has given, of himself, in the, in the person, of his beloved son, as set before us, in the precious truth, of the gospel, and our friends, not only, I trust, this is our, encouragement, but also, the blessed teaching, of the Holy Spirit, is our confidence, as well, that that, which is revealed, to us, in the truth, of the gospel, yes, is that, which is, faithful, and true, and, and surely,

[8:54] I trust, as thus, taught, of God, the Holy Spirit, cannot, we acquiesce, in this, that, no other gospel, either, will be owned, no other, supposed gospel, do we desire, but that, which is thus, revealed to us, here, in the sacred volume, of God's, holy word, centering as it is, holy, in all, that Jesus is, and as he has done, and see how the apostle, traces out, the glorious, reality of that, in what he writes here, unto these brethren, there at Colossae, and as he, and particularly, regard also, the both in what, the Lord, has wrought out, for his people, that in the, person and finished work, of the Lord Jesus Christ, as we, have it, described here, yes, essentially, set in full, the greatness, and the glory, of our Lord,

[10:04] Jesus Christ, for you know, the blessings, that the apostle, sets before us here, has found, revealed, the glorious gospel, of his grace, does it not, all friends, rest, upon this one, and short foundation, and that is, what the Lord, the Lord, Jesus Christ, is, as God, manifest, in the flesh, and as, the apostle, particularly, opens up, to those brethren, there at Colossae, and to us also, and all, may we, know increasingly, what it is, to be grounded, and established, in the believing, realization, of this, and thus, in going forward, in that trust, and confidence, in our Lord, and Savior, that he has set, before us here, surely, as one, that is mighty, to say, as one, that is full, of grace, and truth, as one, to whom, has been committed, all, that pertains, to the glory, of God, the redemption, and salvation, of his people, and, and how, well, friends, fitted, in that sense, is the Lord,

[11:32] Jesus Christ, as he is, as he is God, manifest in the flesh, regard to the, as he hath, most surely, accomplished, all that work, which his Father, gave him to do, and which he, willingly, entered upon, and will regard, as well, to the blessings, of it, as made known, in the hearts, and lives, the sovereign work, of God, the Holy Spirit, in all, that the Father, hath given him, all, that our God, has loved, and chosen, and thus redeemed, for that, the great work, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and in that, in his, in his, in his, in his, in his, in his appointed time, does that, as Paul speaks here, of his brethren, at Colossae, the Lord, calls, by his grace, so, what I'm just wanting, first, there, particularly, to bring out, this morning, in looking at, these words, what is said, before us here, both of all, that Jesus is, what he hath done, the blessed, the blessed, the blessed, the blessings, that are found, and flow, from the same,

[12:57] God, to his sovereign, work of his grace, in the hearts, and lives, of his people, are, are we not, friends, truly, a glorious gospel, Paul, here, encourages, the brethren, there, in Colossae, as he says here, he be, ground, continuing the faith, grounded, and settled, and be not, moved away, from the hope, of the gospel, now, just in, that respect, of this juncture, I just want, to emphasize, these two points, both, I trust, as it concerns, ourselves, collectively, I hinted, at it, a few moments, ago, is there, any other gospel, that we, we can, own, or, any deed, have desire, to own, but that, which is revealed, and set, before us, in the truth, the precious truth, of God's word, of that, which we have, professed, not only to hurt, but have received, and have believed, this is not, an unimportant, point, far from it, particularly, in the day, and generation, in which we live, it has been so, a sense, all down, the generations, see how Paul, dealt, with that very matter, and what he wrote, there in the epistle, to the Galatians, and not only, does he, emphasize it there, but we find, it was that, which he both, contended for, the glorious truth, of the gospel, and which he, contended against, all those, that was supposedly, bringing, and set forth, what he describes, as another gospel, which was, which was in that, those words, and how sorry, and searching, they are, when writing, there, to the brethren, in Galatia, he says, if I, or an angel, from heaven, preach unto you, any other gospel, than that, which we have preached, unto you, let him be accursed, and what's more, he repeats, the solemn, as of Asian, as well, let him, be accursed, oh, oh, what cause, we have to be thankful, for this, that there is, no other gospel, nothing, that can meet, the deep needs, of a guilty sinner, but that, which is revealed, to us, the glorious truth, of the word of God, centering, as it does, in all that Jesus is, and has done, and what, is the essential, glorious, glorious truth, as set before us, in the gospel, ah, the very word, itself, gospel, signifies, good news, ah, was not that, good news, remember, when, the eight, when, when those shepherds, saw that, heavenly host, ah, and what, and the, and that, which they, bore witness to, glory to God, in the highest, and on earth, peace, goodwill, to more men, did not the angels, say to them, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that good news, unto you, is born this day, in the city of David, a saviour, which is Christ the Lord, and that, that good news, to put it this way, regardless of, before us, in the precious truth, of the gospel, is this, that, that salvation, that is revealed, therein, is that, which is, not, man's work, not anything, that, fallen sinners, can do, to contribute, to it, for if that, was so, be no good news, for ruin sinners, such as you, and I, are, no good news, to those brethren, even to,

[17:25] Paul, was writing here, at Colossae, they did not receive, such news, supposedly, as that, which, wherein, was required, for them, in some measure, to contribute, to their salvation, no, for the glorious, testimony, the grace of God, is this, that, this salvation, for ruined sinners, as many as the Lord, our God, shall call, is that, which is, God's work, of his own appointment, and providing, and, and thus, in the revelation of it, in the very person, of his only begotten, and dearly, of his love son, there, is where, each, and every sinner, brought, as the apostle says, here, of his brethren, a colossi, when he says, you, that were sometimes, alienated, and enemies, in your mind, by wicked works, yet, now, hath he, reconciled, oh, what a wondrous work, a mighty, sovereign, glorious work, is this, that such, rebel, rule sinners, that are, that, and, and, and, not only,

[18:47] I say, with regard, to the brethren, there at Colossae, is it not so, with each, and every, one of us, can we claim, to be, any different, or have been, any better, than what, is described, here, in the Lord, the Lord, the apostle writes, regard to these brethren, it, no, I believe, as taught, of God, the Holy Spirit, we're brought, increasingly, to realise, the very, reality of this, and are to, own and acknowledge it, what was there, in me, that could merit, esteem, or give, thee, the, with delight, tis even, and so, father, we have, and are seen, for so, it seemed, good in thy sight, all of this, friends, can't survey, all supposed, human pride, and any, any, boasting, in what, the creature, is or can do, and how it, not only, lays the sinner, low, at the feet, of the Lord,

[19:56] Jesus Christ, but all, it exalts, and owns, the sovereign, grace of God, and that, to the praise, and the glory, our triune God, father, son, and holy spirit, does in, the sinners, salvation, the apostle reminds, and as it were, the brethren here, at Colossae, but it's, coming back, to this point, is there any other, gospel than this, that we, desire to own, oh, but, but of that, which we have heard, received, and believed, the gracious, teaching, of the Holy Spirit, and as Paul, exhorts, and encourages, the brethren here, not to be, moved away, from the hope, of the gospel, is this, which have, particularly, been, been, an exercise, been, these thoughts, have been, much with me, over recent times, not moved away, from the hope, of the gospel, and this, at the beginning, of another year, as we go forward, at the Lord's will, into this new year, and with regard, to my, ministering, unto you, as the Lord, gives me grace, and a bit, and strength, and ability, so to do,

[21:20] I trust, friends, I can say, here this morning, that, that, that, that, that, that, that not only, have I no desire, to be moved away, from the hope, of the gospel, but I trust, I can say, that no other gospel, but that, which is revealed, and set before us, in the precious truth, of the word, you will hear, from my mouth, my whole concern, is, yes, looking back, with thankfulness, but looking forward, the Lord enables, to continue still, in the same way, and in the old past, whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever may be said, with regard to, them in the day, and generation, in which we live, we know, there's a natural, tendency, of human nature, even in, everyday affairs, always, to be looking, for something, new, something, novel, something, indeed, as it were, to entertain, and you know, that is sadly, no less so, because, it sounds even, we might term it, this way, within, the religious world, of our day, are they not, always looking, for some change, some novelty, something fresh, something, as it were, might be new, and yet, in everything, moving, further, and further, away, from the foundation, that is laid, in the precious, word of our God, upon which, all that pertains, of the blessings, of salvation, is founded, no,

[23:12] I say, as the Lord enables, we will seek, not to be moved, from this foundation, of Jesus Christ, and him crucified, and that salvation, is of God, from beginning, unto end, and all, of the praise, of the glory, of his name, and with that concern, and desire, that ever, to seek, to own, and honour, our Lord, Jesus Christ, and always, to direct you, in all your, needs and concerns, ah, but obviously, in all your, needs and concerns, I do not, necessarily, know, or in that sense, will know, but direct you, whatever is found, in your individual, and personal lives, and direct you, only, and holy, not to what, men say, or indeed, in that sense, in any sense, in relying, upon an arm of flesh, but directing you, only, unto the Lord,

[24:22] Jesus Christ, and to the throne, of his grace, and what encouragement, friends, is given us, you know, even as we go forward, in this coming year, what we may meet with, we know not, and it is not for us, to seek, to curiously, inquire, with regard to the same, or in that sense, desire, to be enlightened, to what future days, may hold for us, surely, as believers, for the grace of God, our encouragement, should, should be in this, and not only encouragement, but our consolation, that all, not only, is known to the Lord, but all, is in his hands, ah, and looking back, over the way, that he has brought us, ah, we have to, own and acknowledge, how often, we have failed, what mistakes, has we made, could one of us, friends, claim it to be, any different, no, but one thing, we can be, can we not testify, he, has not failed, no, the Lord, has made, no mistake, oh, how great, is his goodness, ah,

[25:46] Paul reminds us, of it, but what he describes, as those, in words such as this, faithful sayings, he says, though we believe not, he abides faithful, he cannot, deny himself, ah, and have we not, proved, friends, how, not only how much, better the Lord, has been to us, than we ever deserved, but even though, his chastening, hand has been, upon us, and that, and that, necessarily so, yet it has, not been, in vindictive anger, the outworking, of his covenant love, ah, so, so then, as I say, he says, be not moved away, from the hope, of the gospel, no, no other gospel, we can own, but that, which sets, Jesus Christ, upon his throne, proclaim salvation, for him free, as wrought, on Calvary's, rugged tree, ah, though men, seek after, novelties, and newness, oh, let us not, be moved away, the glorious truth, of the gospel, here, friends, is nothing new, be surprised, at me saying that, ah, that, that there is, nothing new, nor do we, need, any new thing, as it concerns, the glorious truth, of the gospel, as I've mentioned, on other occasions, remember, it's forcibly, brought to me, on one occasion, when, in some, discussion, with a Mormon, and he, encouraged me, to, to read, the book of Mormon,

[27:38] I said, I want, nothing, to do with it, he says, don't you want, some, new revelation, it came to me, very, forcibly, no, I want, no, new, revelation, and I do not, look and expect, for any, new, revelation, that sense, it concerns, the glorious truth, of the gospel, I want, nothing new, I see, and I have no, expectation, of anything, new, from that, which is revealed, to us, in this precious word, oh, that does not mean, that we need, friends, that the, the gracious, refreshings, from the presence, of the Lord, do not mean, that we know, or can understand, or fully, comprehend, all that is revealed, and set before us, this glorious truth, of the gospel, would not presume, from one moment, to think, that, that, that, that in saying,

[28:43] I want, nothing new, that there is not more, that, that, that sense, set land, in the understanding, the glorious things, revealed in this world, to be attained unto, no, we need, continually, the leading, and teaching, of the Holy Spirit, in opening up, to us, and bringing, home to us, the believing, realization, in faith, and love, of those things, the revealed, and set before us, in the word, but it is not, a new revelation, no, and God, has not promised, a new revelation, we have all, that God, has revealed, unto us, and that, as he spoke, not only, with servants, the prophets, and the apostles, but essentially, in his only begotten, and dearly beloved son, within the covers, of this sacred volume, here before us, of the word of God, and the sum, and substance, of this glorious, gospel, of this word of God, is that, which, was it, was it, sum and center, in all, that Jesus is, and if, all that we might know, a closer walk, and with the Lord, is that not what, the apostles, encouraging, and exhorting, the brethren, here unto, but a closer walk, with the Lord, to be truly grounded, and established, in the faith, in those things, we've heard, received, and believed, in the face, of all, the opposition, we meet with, both, from the working, of indwelling sin, the temptations, of the enemy, of the arrows, that are abroad, in the world today, and the difficulties, and disappointments, that we may meet, with in life, are, may we know, a closer walk, with the Lord, a deeper understanding, and with believing, receiving, in the love of it, those things revealed to us, in this sacred world, and more and more, that blessed teaching, of the Holy Spirit, our hope, and expectation, be fixed, upon those things, which are above, does not Paul later, in this epistle, to the Colossians, testify of this, there in the beginning, of that third chapter, he says, if then, ye be risen, with Christ, seek those things, which are above, where Christ sitteth, at the right hand, of God, set your affection, on things above, not on things, on the earth, for you are dead, and your life, is hid, with Christ in God, if then, be continuing, in the faith, grounded, and settled, be not moved away, from the hope, of the gospel,

[31:59] I shall have more, if the Lord will, to speak, upon this, dispoken of here, as the hope, of the gospel, is the most glorious, and wondrous reality, indeed, of that, which is set, set forth, in the precious truth, of the gospel, that of what, Jesus Christ is, and what he hath done, there it is brought, before us, as I already hinted, in my remarks earlier, what the apostle, writes here, as he says, there, it hath pleased, the father, that in him, should all fullness dwell, and having, made peace, through the blood, of his cross, by him, to reconcile, all things, unto himself, by him, I say, whether they be, things in earth, or things in heaven, and you, that were sometimes, alienated, and enemies, in your mind, by wicked works, yet now, hath he reconciled, in the body, of his flesh, through death, to present you, holy, unblameable, and unreprovable, in his sight, oh friends, what wonders, of grace, are here, brought before us, that such ruin, rebel sinners, see it,

[33:25] Paul described, right into these, brethren, there, Colossae, and you know, as I say, it was not only true of them, it's no less so, with ourselves, and ever will be, and must be, apart, from that sovereign, distinguishing, grace of God, but all, what the Lord, has done for us, what height, and depth, what length, and breadth, and the love of Christ, is brought, before us here, our friends, thus, truly, if, indeed, we are Christ, and Christ, and Christ, is ours, are we not rich, rich, to all intents, of bliss, one says, if thou, O Lord, art mine, what the apostle, describes here, what can it be compared, what anything, may attain to, in, in, regard to the things, of this time state, the beginning, of a year, we have, what is, what we have, what we have, the new year's honors, that are bestowed, upon various ones, for one, one thing, or another, what is all the honors, that this world, could ever bestow, upon us, compared, with what is, the short portion, through grace, of the believer, are, and then, not only a portion, but an inheritance, in, and corruptible, undefiled, and that, fadeth not away, reserved, reserved, in heaven, for you, were kept, by the power, of God, and, for God, unto, unto salvation, our, glorious truths, are here, see, what he hath, done, for us, till he provided, for his people, sure, and certain, and for the, sovereign work, of God, the Holy Spirit, wrought in them, and made known, unto them, are, for these things, are not, that which, friends, are to be made known, and are they known, for the very, ministry of the Holy Spirit, for the, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, as it was here, for these brethren, at Colossae, as they have been brought, not only to hear, but to receive, and to believe, the precious truth, of the gospel, of God's grace, but, see what Paul says, that, is, that in verses, four and five, since we heard, of your faith, in Christ Jesus, and of the love, which he hath, to all saints, for the hope, which is laid up, for you in heaven, which he heard, before, in the word, of the truth, of the gospel, yes, their faith, their believing, their love, for which, friends, did that arise, the very work, of God's grace, to hear, and be, the very gospel, of the grace, of God, in all that, that he revealed, and set forth, to the, all that Jesus is, and all, that he hath done, who are sometimes, alienated in your mind, by wicked works, yet now, hath he reconciled, through the body, of his flesh, through death, blameless, and you holy, unblameable, and unreprovable, in his sight, and if the Lord, has done that, thus for his people, can, friends, that be undone, is the if, the beginning, of this twenty third verse, of that, which lays down, a condition, either for, the receiving, or the, or the, the realisation, of what, what is set forth, in those previous verses, no, it is not an if, of condition, there is no conditions, thus, thus, that's friends, attached, unto what,

[37:50] God reveals, the work, of his grace, and the blessings, of his grace, the hearts, and lives, of his people, no, it is not, a condition, to be met, but it is that, wherein, the apostle, here, the grace, of God, is in, the grace of God, given unto him, is by the saints, exhorting, and encouraging, the believers, to continue, in those things, that they had heard, and received, knowing of whom, they have received them, and, and, regard to the reality, of the, of the, reality, of the divine, certainty, of those things, that thus, in the midst, of a fallen world, with all the opposition, they were subject to, that is, what that, which God, in Christ, both is, have done for them, blessed be his great, and holy name, could never be undone, he continued, in the faith, grounded, unsettled, and be not, moved away, from the hope, of the gospel, and this hope, of the gospel, yes, it is that, which is revealed, and set forth, in the truth, of the gospel, both what,

[39:15] Jesus is, and has done, for his people, as I have said, of what, we are reminded, as well here, what the apostle, walked, is that, which is laid up, for them, in heaven, Paul, writing his epistle, to the Romans, expresses it, in this way, he says, we are saved, by hope, but hope, that is seen, is not hope, for what a man, seeth, why doth he, yet hopeful, but there be, hope for that, we see not, then do we, with patience, wait for it, and that is expressive, of this, the regard, to the glorious, reality, of this hope, not some, uncertain thing, but a blessed, and glorious, reality, that not yet, fully, fully, fully, fully attained, unto, but, but is that, which is sure, and certain, regard to the, to every, needy, guilty sinner, who has been, fled for refuge, read in that, chapter of Hebrews, that our, prayer meeting, this morning, has fled for refuge, to that hope, which is set, before us, and see how that, is described, as an anchor, of the soul, both sure, and steadfast, here is that, friend, which could never move, but Jesus Christ, the sum and substance, of that hope, is a glorious, anchor, sense, of the souls, of his believing people, for the riches, of his grace, what he has done, for them, could never be undone, and that, which he provided, for them, could never, be taken away, from them, for neither, sin,

[41:11] Satan, nor death, hell, and the grave, could never, friends, remove, the wonder, and reality, of the love of God, in Christ, from his people, not moved away, from the hope, of the gospel, that hope, which is laid up, for you, in heaven, whereof you have heard, before, in the word, of the truth, of the gospel, Paul speaks, writes here, of that gospel, being preached, he says, to every creature, which is under heaven, whereof I, Paul, and made a minister, in a sense, emphasizing this, brings unto every creature, under heaven, not to Jew only, but also to Gentile, even, wheresoever, the Lord, in his sovereign deeds, sovereign appointments, sends out, word of the truth, of the gospel, and ah, you know, as it was, in the life, and ministry, of the apostles, so it is still, that the apostles, went forth preaching, wherever the Lord, not only opened, a door for them, but where he had, a people, whom he had, appointed, from before, from the foundation, of the world, particular time, that, being the set time, in his sovereign, dealings, when they should be brought, not only to hear, but to receive, the truth of the gospel, the sovereign work, of God, the Holy Spirit, just to add this, do we think, that the outworking, of God's dealings, regard to the gathering, of his own elect, is different today, than what it was, the days of the apostles, or, that as times, and situations, have changed, we know, that, how up grateful, what changes, do take place, what great changes, some of us have seen, in the, even in, the length, of our own lives, in, not in society, in every aspect, why, there are things, today, could not even, be conceived, when we were children, such friends, such friends, is what is turned, progress, within this, foreign world, that, yes, truly, we, we see our, knowledge, in that sense, has increased, and yet, do we think, that God's, ways, and purposes, with regard, to the outworking, the manifesting, of his, sovereign grace, and mercy, and regard, and to, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, true, true, that, as it was, in the days, of the apostles, so, still, the Lord, will send, his word, wherever, friends, in his, divine, sovereignty, he, both, is appointed, for it, and wherein, he has a people, whom he will, and of the set time, has come, to call, by his grace, and that, for the means, that he himself, appoints, the preaching, of the word, of his grace,

[44:44] Paul, particularly, emphasizes this, yes, in the eyes, of the world, are seen foolishness, but, he says, the preaching, of the cross, is to them, that perish foolishness, to them, that are saved, it's the wisdom, of God, the power, of God, you know, not only, in the gospel, that we preach, but in that very, preaching, of the gospel, we will not, friends, be moved away, from that, which God, has revealed, and set before us, in his word, now, if you continue, in the faith, grounded, and settled, and be not, moved away, from the hope, of the gospel, that hope, which is laid up, for you in heaven, we've heard, in the word, of the truth, of the gospel, but I'll leave, the remarks there, this morning, may the Lord, add his blessing, the land, amen, do it, and sharing,

[45:48] In 245 We travel through a bound land The dangers fit on every hand But Jesus guides us through the veil The Christians hope can never fail 245 We travel through a barren land When angels fit on every hand But Jesus guides us through the veil The Christians hope can never fail If sorrows meet us as we go

[46:53] And devils may overthrow But foreign fellows can't prepare The Christians hope shall never fail Sometimes we're tempted to despair But Jesus makes us then be scared The rivers fall out so far The Christians hope shall never fail We trust upon the sacred bread The oath and promise of our Lord And safely through each tender step

[47:54] The Christians hope shall never fail Then finally Let's secondo You Then finally Then finally When pray Then if the Christians The Christians hope Such as if they become The Christians hope the Christians hope The Christians hope the Christians hope the Christians hope the Christians hope the Christians hope the Christians hope the Christians hope the Christians hope the Christians hope the Christians hope