Christ bringing in his outcasts (Quality: Average)

Ossett - Part 11

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Feb. 3, 2013


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[0:00] Lord may help me and I should attention to the gospel as recorded by John and chapter 4 and verses 21 to 24.

[0:22] John chapter 4 and verses 21 to 24. For salvation is of the Jews, for the hour cometh, and now is, that the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth.

[1:06] For the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

[1:22] Amen. He gathereth together the outcasts of Israel.

[1:57] As I say, what an evidence here is a gracious outworking of that in the Lord's sovereign dealings with this Samaritan woman.

[2:08] And not only was this true regarding her, but is it not that which is evident in the manifesting of the Lord's grace and mercy, in the case of every sinner, that is brought from that death in trespasses and sins into the light, life and liberty of the gospel.

[2:33] Yes, this is the work of our God, as Jesus himself declares. It is the sovereign work of our God.

[2:45] It is that manifesting of his almighty power, and that to the praise of the glory of his great and holy name, that the sinner thus lost and ruined, as is true of all that are born into this world, in that helplessness and hopelessness, and that condition, of which and to which none can ever minister unto them, of any of that which can either help, let alone deliver them from that state and condition, and yet behold the wonder of sovereign, distinguishing grace.

[3:32] As the Lord said, on that occasion, referring when that rich young ruler came to Jesus and went away sorrowful, Jesus said, Peter's response was, Lord, who then can be saved?

[4:01] The things which are impossible with men are possible with God, and what a mercy it is, and surely, if you and I know anything, of the blessings of the Lord's grace and mercy, as made known unto us, we must not only ever be thankful for, but indeed, render that praise unto our God, that as his word assures us, that there is nothing too hard for the Lord.

[4:35] I believe, there is a very evidence of that, in the case of every sinner, whom the Lord brings, that death in trespasses and sins, into the light, life and liberty of the gospel, yes, the way, the means that the Lord uses, in the accomplishing, of that wondrous work, of his grace, in the heart and life, of a sinner, may indeed, and often times, in that sense, does differ, from one, does differ, in the case, of each, that the Lord calls, but all friends, in all, this is manifest, the mighty power, of our God, the wonder, of his love and grace, and that, which none, ever could accomplish, either for themselves, or any other, of fallen sons, and daughters, sons of men, could ever impart, unto them, and all, are thus brought, from that, into that death, in sins, even as was here, with this,

[5:51] Samaritan woman, into the light, of the knowledge, of the glory of God, as revealed, in the face, of Jesus Christ, and all, behold here, the glory of God, ah, wherein you say, is that manifest, is it not there, in the face, of Jesus Christ, as this, sinful woman, brought there, in the Lord's, dealings with her, into the immediate, presence of God, now notice more, that thought, and point, in a moment, that, the immediate, presence of God, and to know, the wonder, of pardoning mercy, unto our soul, oh, she went away, and said, and spoke, to those, in the city, come, see a man, that told me, all things, that ever I did, is not this, the Christ, ah, see how she, through that, sovereign race, as well as others, both, as we again, see the wondrous, working, of the power, of God, the Holy Spirit, the heart, and life, of sinful, men and women, that there were others, also in that city, that not only heard, what she said, but came also, unto him, who had thus, spoken to her, and they said, subsequently, that now, we believe, not because, of thy word only, but we have, heard him, ourselves, and know, that this is, the Christ, the saviour, of the world, let me just, notice then, has helped, one or two things, leading up, to these verses,

[7:47] I've read, by way of a text, I know, he's speaking, from this, fourth chapter, of the gospel, of John, I've mentioned, these things, on previous occasions, but it is not, unprofitable, for us, to be reminded, of them, and how, indeed, we do need, the continual, and leading, and teaching, of the Holy Spirit, not in the sense, of discovering, unto us, some, new thing, which has never, been, heard of before, but in that, in a real sense, in the renewing, of those things, in bringing, home to us, that gracious, teaching, of God, as those things, that are set, before us, in his holy word, that is a word, that Paul wrote, to the brethren, there, is the epistle, to the Philippians, of that third chapter, where he says, to them, finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord, to write, the same, things to you, to me, is not grievous, but for you, it is safe,

[9:04] Paul was not weary, of speaking, and testifying, of those things, which, yes, it could be said, they had heard, they were familiar with, they were, they were, well, they had a gracious, non-a-job, but Paul was not weary, of speaking, of those things, as still, and of the need, not only, with regard to himself, as a faithful, minister of Jesus Christ, so to preach, and to teach, Jesus Christ, but as he, knew the need, likewise, of those, to whom, both he spoke, and wrote there, his epistle, to the Philippians, ah, that, that, that, that, that, that, no other gospel, is that, which could, or would, never bring, any real, and lasting good, and profit, to them, and ah, we can, how, how, truly we have, surely to say, that though, we would be thankful, for that, which we have received, of the Lord, and the gracious teaching, of the Holy Spirit, yet, can we say, that we know, all, that is to be known, or that, we are, that we have, entered into, the fullness, and the depth, of those, the wonders, that saving, grace, and mercy, is there not, with us, even the most, we might put it, this way, the vast, amongst, the Lord's people, the gracious, teaching, of the Holy Spirit, was not, readily to own, there is, still that, very much, land, to be possessed, and are, the true sense, of our ignorance, of our need, continually, yes, of the upholding, grace, of our God, but also, the leading, and teaching, of the Holy Spirit, we may, truly, be, grounded, and established, in the truth, and in that, love of the truth, to the praise, of the Lord's, great, and holy name, so then, to notice, one or two thoughts, leading up, to these verses,

[11:29] I've read, by way of a text, we notice, that it is said, that, he depart, left Judea, and departed, again, into Galilee, and he, must, needs, go through, a Samaria, and that, is not, insignificant, you say, well, was not this, a regular route, from Jerusalem, to Galilee, well, that may, well, to be, ah, but it, must, needs, go through, not only, take that route, but, but at, that particular, time, as well, why, was this, for it was, the outworking, a sovereign, sovereign, divine, appointment, of that, even, which was, from before, the foundation, of the world, we could express it, in this way, the appointed time, had rolled, on a pace, not, to propose, but call, by grace, to change, the heart, renew, the will, and turn, the feet, to Zion's hill, and that, was so, in the Lord's, sovereign, gracious, dealing, with this, sinful,

[12:50] Samaritan woman, the appointed, time, had come, oh, friends, the wonder, of this, not only, regard, to this, sinful woman, the case, of each, sinner, whom the Lord, calls, by his grace, here, the outworking, of that, great love, wherewith, the Lord, of love, then, even, from before, the foundation, of the world, of those, divine, appointments, of the Father, and the, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God, over all, blessed, forevermore, in that covenant, ordered, in all things, and sure, oh, notice, friends, this, in that, which concerns, the glory, of God, the salvation, of each, sinner, whom the Lord, calls, by his grace, nothing, is left, to chance, no contingency, here, no, all, friends, ordered, appointed, of God, and brought, to pass, in the Lord's, appointed time, and that, to the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holy name, ah, what a great, truth, friends, is this, how little, we comprehend it, in that sense, ah, in one sense, how, with our finite, minds, it is, beyond, our ability, to ever, fully, comprehend, the wonder, and reality, of this, that all, that pertains, to the glory, of God, the redemption, salvation, of his people, the welfare, of his church, not only collectively, in the lives, of his people, individually, and personally, is all ordered, all appointed, of our God, indeed, was not this expressed, that very, him, that we have just sung, sovereign, ruler, of the skies, ever gracious, ever wise, all my times, are in thy hands, all events, at thy command, do we believe it, do we walk it out, the sense, in our daily lives, the conscious sense, of it, oh, for grace, to realise it, more and more, and that, wherein, we are brought, thus, believingly, feelingly, not to commit, our way unto the Lord, indeed,

[15:31] I mean, we do so, for his enabling grace, but to rest, in his holy, sovereign will, friend, the Lord, has made, no mistake, in those things, which are found, in your life, and mine, painful they may be, grievous, as they often are, that which brings us, low at his feet, mourning, over our sin, and after him, and the very conscious sense, the sad guilt, and defilement, of our sin, as daily incurred, but are, are not, all these things, in the hand, of our covenant, gracious God, and the very outworking, of them, as it will, finally be manifest, to the praise, of the glory, of his name, he hath made, no mistake, he hath done, all things well, remember that case, of that,

[16:32] Shunai, woman, the days, of Elisha, ah, you know, how, the Lord, blessed her, with that child, and, and that upon, the day of the child, had grown, he went out, into the fields, and, indeed, was taken in, and taken home, to his mother, and indeed died, and she laid him, upon the bed, of the prophet, and went, went to see, after Elisha, and remember, what, that, what Elisha said, when he perceived, her coming, and he sent, Gehazi, to meet her, go and say, is it well, with thee, is it well, with thine husband, is it well, with the child, and what, does she answer, she said, it is well, oh, but the child, a sick, and a dying, her heart, was full of grief, and distress, and that, and that, that, and that said, that that which had come, thus upon her, and her family, yet, she says there, it is well, oh friends, may we know, what it is, that the blessed teaching, of the Holy Spirit, not only to ponder, upon that, but in the believing, realisation, as it was, with the Lord's, dealing with her there, so with ourselves, the painful that may be, that it is well, for I, is not our times, in his hand, not all, under his control, will he, is he not, is not his design, and purpose, of that, which is the glory, of his name, and ultimately, the true prophet, of his people, but, we see then, in the, the Lord's coming here, passing through Samaria, weary, with his journey, ah, what a wonder, friends, again, is this, here, is the Lord, of life, and glory, the very creator, the ends of the earth, holds all things, but the world, of his power, but weary, with his journey, sitting thus, on the well, that outside, this city, of Sychar, ah, behold the man, oh, the wonder, of this, of his great mystery, of godliness,

[19:05] God, manifest in the flesh, not only weary, but thirsty, as well, ah, friends, we may, well ask the question, how was this, oh, see, here, in the person, of our Lord, Jesus Christ, Jehovah's, righteous servant, ah, he, who thought it, not robbery, to be equal, with God, made himself thus, of no reputation, was found, in fresh as a man, who indeed, became obedient, unto death, even the death, of the cross, for what end, why, yes, he, why, for that, for that, accomplishing, of the redemption, and salvation, of all, that his father, had given him, and that, the praise, of the glory, of our triune God, ah, we behold him, here then, weary, with his journey, remember, friends, does not his word, tell us, he was tempted, in all points, like as we are, yet, without sin, and indeed, as a consequence, of that, we are also, in full, is able, to succor them, which are tempted, oh, he is not, a God, and saviour, that is remote, from us, not one, unacquainted, even by, personal experience, and that, which is found, the lives, of his people, no, he has walked, this way, before us, and not only that, but as he says himself, and indeed, is indicated, here, we find, in these words, of our text, not only, is he gone, before, but he is with, his people, never friends, in that sense, is he far, from them,

[21:09] I am with thee, he says, Israel, passing, through the fire, is there any, any situation, to which a believer, is brought, and the Lord, leads them, then utterly, and entirely, unto themselves, ah, they may often, feel to be alone, and fear, that that, in that sense, they are left, and forsaken, of God, and that, and yet, even in those very, feelings, with regard to that, is there not, that, with the trying, of their faith, ah, for friends, can the word, that the Lord, has spoken, fail, no, blessed, be his great, and holy name, it is not, your feelings, and mine, however, distressing, the situation, is, that we are, to judge, the Lord, with regard, to that, the Lord's, dealings, with us, but friends, to judge, that, in the light, in the light, that God, has spoken, and he, has said,

[22:22] I will never, leave thee, nor forsake thee, ah, do not, those words, not only, still, sound forth, from the sacred page, ah, testifying, to us, the unchanging, love, and faithfulness, of our God, and as a, and as a, the gracious, and the blessed, teaching of the Holy Spirit, oh, what, encouragement, and consolation, there is, in the most, trying, and difficult situation, for the living, family of God, but, to hasten, more particularly, these words, of our text, we find, the Lord's meeting, here, with this, Samaritan woman, she comes, to draw water, ah, you know, coming, at the time, that she did, was not, necessarily, the usual time, for her coming, to draw water, but that, by the way, her coming, then, was a divine, appointment, and a meeting, here, with the Lord, unlooked for, unexpected, by her, and indeed, she is surprised, that this, person, sitting, upon the well side, whom she, well recognized, as a Jew, should even, speak to her, let alone, enter into, some conversation, with her, see, and as he requests, of her also, a drink, give me to drink, she says, ah, she is indeed, surprised, that, for he said, the Jews, have no dealings, with the Samaritan, how is it, that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, a woman, a Samaria, we do not need, to go into, the antagonism, between Jew, and Samaritan, and, and that, this historic nature, the sad, facts of it, in that day, and generation, but, but, what we need, particularly, to pay attention to, is the Lord's, dealings, with this, sinful woman, yes, he requests, of her a drink, of water, he begins, to speak, of those things, concerning himself, he says, if thou, knewest the gift, of God, said, send to thee, give me to drink, thou wouldest, have asked of him, and he would have, given thee, living water, ah, now it is obvious, that the woman, did not, fully comprehend, what, the Lord Jesus, was saying, but,

[25:07] I believe, there was in a sense, that which was awakened, in her, even though, she says, it says, so, that, it says, there's nothing to draw with, and the well is deep, from whence, hast thou, that living water, the greater, than our father, Jacob, gave us a well, and drank thereof, himself, and his children, the Lord speaks, then, to drink, that this water, should thirst again, to drink, of the water, that I shall give him, should never thirst, the water, give him, shall be in him, a well of water, springing up, into everlasting life, ah, friends, what a fullness, we're reminded here, is thus found, in our Lord, Jesus Christ, the fullness, of those blessings, of pardon, peace, and in eternal life, of that which only, can address, the deep guilt needs, of guilty sinners, ah, and this living water, the fullest sense, is that, the wonder, of that love of God, has revealed, and made known, through the person, of his beloved son, we are told, in the word, there is a river, the streams were off, make land, the city of our God, this river, is his heavenly love, yes it proceeds, from the throne, of God above, it flows to us, from all, that Jesus is, and all, that he hath done, he is the source, from whence it arises, it is living water, in the truest sense, ah, and it is not a source, from whence it, because it arises, is that channel, through which it comes, is made known, a blessed power, and teaching, of the Holy Spirit, which brings, to that, which was dead, before, the sinner, dead in trespasses, and sins, through life, and light, and indeed, pardon, and blessing, and that, not for time, but for eternity, but, to say, to hasten on, she says, sir, give me this water, thy thirst not, neither come hither, to draw, go, call thy husband, and come hither, ah, we see here, in the Lord's, sovereign, and gracious, dealings, with this woman, what is he, what is evidence, that, friends, which surprises her, the Lord, knew all about her, he knew her whole, circumstances, the whole history, of our life, the present situation, in which, the relationship, in which we was in, and ah, is that not a solemn fact, as it concerns ourselves, nothing, friends, is hidden, from the Lord, he knows all things, he not only knows, all about us, he knows the hidden, that which is hidden, as it were, in our very hearts, all things are naked, and open, and to the eyes of him, with whom, we have to do, yes, these words of our Lord,

[28:35] I believe, began to bring, real conviction, to this woman, as there was the opening, the eyes of our understanding, so this conviction, the Lord's, what was it, was convicting, word unto her, ah, see her response, she says, says, sir, I perceive, that thou art, a prophet, she's obviously, she brought, thus obviously, the conscious sense, she is here, not in the presence, in that sense, of a mere Jew, as she thought him, at one stage, but the, but the one, who she, she, she, she, she has, but to acknowledge, is a prophet, ah, one sent, one that has come, from God, but, without going further, into that, see the, she says, our fathers worshipped, in this mountain, and you say, in Jerusalem, is a place, where men, ought to worship, now just, we'll look at it, in this light, here our friends, is conviction, being brought, home, unto her, in the words, that the Lord, speaks to her, and her response, when she says, our fathers worshipped, in this mountain, and you say, in Jerusalem, is a place, where men, ought to worship, ah, say not, here, in a sense, we can say, that this conviction, is born, in upon her, ah, that sense, and as, and thus, as a, and thus, as she, she, she considers him, thus as a prophet, ah, where can I find, that access, and, of the worship, of God, ah, though, it might also, be considered, that she was seeking, as it were, to divert, the situation, away from herself,

[30:40] I believe, also, friends, it can be looked upon, as here, is an inquiry, as well, ah, for in the answer, that the Lord, gives to her, it is that, which is open up, to her, wherein, not only, both access, and acceptance, with God, is to be found, and where the true, worship of God, is to be realized, and that by, needy sinners, through the grace, of God, ah, he says, our fathers, he says, our fathers, worshipped in this mountain, and ye say, in Jerusalem, is a place, where men ought, to worship, Jesus said, woman, believe me, the hour cometh, that we shall, neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the father, ye worship, ye know not what, salvation, is of the Jews, the Lord, speaks to her, that, of that, of that ignorance, and that which is true, of each, and every sinner, ignorance, and wherein, comprises, the true worship, of God, and where,

[31:56] God is to be worshipped, and the way, and only way, of access, and acceptance, with him, ah, is to be found, this, as this woman was, as each sinner, is sadly, solemnly true, as they're dead, in trespasses, and sins, and even begin, as if there is, at awakening, for the blessed, teaching, of the Holy Spirit, we bring, and bring conviction, to the soul, ah, there is also, friends, is there not, that ignorance, to where, is that way, of access, and acceptance, and acceptance, sinner, before a holy, and art, searching God, expressing, a sense, in this way, is there, tell me, can there be, hope, and pardon, even for me, ah, is there, friends, that way, of access, and acceptance, with God, oh, a way, not friends, ever, in that sense, found out, by sinful, fallen men, of themselves, no, but a way, yes, appointed of God, as it is, provided of God, and indeed, made known, of God, and the teaching, of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, he says, he says, but the hour cometh, and now is, that the true worshippers, shall worship the Father, in spirit, and in truth, for the Father, seeketh such, to worship him, and there is, the most gracious, and wondrous things, open up to us, in these words, of our Lord, that we're in, is the true, spiritual worship, of God, is,

[33:53] God is, in what it consists, in we're in, friends, that is the realisation, that, that worship, that is acceptable, alone, with God, and the blessings, that are found, and flow, even from, from, or, from, from the same, even unto, needy sinners, even to his people, the praise, of the glory, of his great, and holy name, let's look again, that woman says, that, that, that, that she said, fathers, worshipped, in this mountain, he said, Jerusalem, the place, where men, ought to worship God, now we know, that that, was that, established, worship of God, there, in Jerusalem, indeed, given, and committed, unto the Jews, as God, brought them up, out of Egypt, as indeed, as that, as that, as he had entered, into, that covenant, relationship, with Abraham, and thus, the descendants, of Abraham, through Isaac, were brought, into that, covenant, relationship, with God, as God, brought them up, out of Egypt, and there, in the wilderness, at Sinai, was there not, established, amongst them, that Levitical, order, and dispensation, wherein, was made known, unto them, through Moses, and not only, where God, was to be worshipped, but in that, way, and manner, that God, was to be worshipped, and that, way of access, and acceptance, with him, even, signified, and set full, unto all, that the Levitical, order, and dispensation, there, that, that, that, was made known, and subsequently, not only, the tabernacle, but also, in the temple, there, that was built, upon Mount Moriah, and Mount Zion, there, in Jerusalem, was the place, where God said, there, when I meet with thee, there, when I commune, with thee, from after the mercy seat, between, the two cherubins, are, but, the point,

[36:17] I want here, particularly, to emphasize, this, yes, that was appointed, of God, but it was, a shadow, of good things, to come, it could, indeed, was spoken of, as a sacred, a holy place, the meeting place, of God, that sent, with his people, and it was, thus, to Jerusalem, we're reminded, in our opening hymn, particularly, three times, a year, that Israel, was commanded, of God, to meet there, respect, to those, but to those, those times, of, of Pentecost, and, and, and, and, and, and, of Passover, and, and, and, and such like, ah, and, and, and yet, but Jesus says here, the hour is coming, and now is, that neither, in this mountain, nor yet, at Jerusalem, shall, shall,

[37:21] Jerusalem, nor yet, at Jerusalem, worship the Father, no, that, that, that, that even, what described, as that holy place, the temple there, in Jerusalem, the time, was at hand, when all that, would be finished, and how quickly, indeed, afterwards, it was, both, there, the crucifixion, a resurrection, of our Lord Jesus Christ, about a few, years afterwards, in the total destruction, of the same, for the Roman, power, and authority, and, as a result, the rebellion, of the Jews, against, the Roman, power, Roman authority, and yet, all in the outworking, and the appointment, of God, and sin, as I, and I emphasize, those, was there in Jerusalem, the temple, and all the worship of that, was attained, unto it, the shadow, of good things to come, our Lord Jesus speaks, to not women here, but to us, the hour has come, it is coming, even now it is, that, that way of access, and true worship, of God, is not in some, supposed holy, sacred place, or spot, oh friends, do not overlook this, there is no place, here, now upon earth, to look upon, as a holy place, as a sacred place, or to be a place, particularly, to be sought for, and unto, regard, to the worship of God, you know, because, it was with the,

[39:10] New Testament church, did any of the apostles, encourage, true Christian believers, to go on pilgrimage, to Bethlehem, to Golgotha, or to those places, where our Lord, frequented, when he was here, upon earth, ah, that, that, we, we not, we do not deny, for one moment, the glorious reality, it's accomplished, in that, in those places, that time, they're not sacred places now, they're not holy places, to be sought unto, and to think that there, we could find, as it were, some spiritual access, and access we got, no, we find that, former men, and this is indeed, particularly so, what might be termed, the Christian world, they build, they build, wondrous buildings, and confederates, with all, the forms, and ceremonies, therein, and think, that therein, is worship, here is, that which is spiritual, here is that, which brings us, nearer to God, but all friends, a sad fact is this, that all, these things, of men's devising, and they indeed are, of men's divisings, hide, the true gospel, of the grace of God, and the fullness, of the wonder, of pardoning love, and mercy, reveal them to us, the person of work, the Lord Jesus Christ, they do not bring sinners, any nearer to God, but in disambly, leave them farther off, from God, than ever,

[40:57] I do not, me, I do not, for one moment, deny, that, not as we meet, in a particular building, we do so, for the convenience of it, we're thankful, for the building, but it is no, holy place, this is not, the house of God, the building itself, I know some, may see surprised, of that statement, but never, let us, let us friends, think, that a building, is a house of God, are, the lost people, meet, within the building, it's a different thing, but the house of God, the dwelling place of God, here, and that, wherein, his, with his people, is, is, is, is, is, thus, with, with, with, with, we expect, to his church, as believers, for the grace of God, abroad, not from that death, in trespasses, and sins, the light, life, and liberty, of the gospel, and for the grace of God received to bear witness and testimony unto him with love them and wash them from their sins in his own blood as we are directed in his word not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together as a manner as some is and as we come together as a church of Jesus Christ as believers for the grace of God we have the promise the Lord is there and indeed all true worship of God is not in outward forms and ceremonies no it is that that worship of God whereby the gracious enabling of the Holy Spirit we are brought to seek him in prayer in praise in the preaching of the word in attaining upon the ordinances of his house ah and as the Lord says here to this woman the Father seeketh such to worship him that worship him must worship him

[43:10] God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth and it is not outward things it is the worship of the heart and the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit as we come that gracious enabling of the Holy Spirit unto our God the way of his appointments looking only and holy unto the Lord Jesus Christ as blessed with faith in his name and seek truly to worship God yes needy sinners as we are and to worship him that believing and receiving the testimony that is given is only begotten son and for his enabling grace committing and casting all our care upon him ah what a blessed place is that where the Lord's people meet the Lord has promised to be found with them ah let others have friends all that they may look to and rest in ornate buildings as it were all the ornaments and adornments of the same there is not our God and never friends is the Lord there to be found in those things of themselves the Lord dwells with his people he dwells in their hearts by faith the gracious ministry of the Holy Spirit that we are enabled to approach unto him indeed in the hearing and receiving of his word and at that approach unto him in prayer and in praise with that true assurance of that access and acceptance with him but notice this also he says he says there the Father seeketh such to worship him and there's a blessed aspect of that true spiritual worship the Father seeketh such to worship him oh friends the blessedness of this of being brought into the family of God it is believers only that only can say but encouraged to say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name and in that complexed realization of that relationship with our God and that witness the Holy Spirit with our Spirit whereby we cry

[46:01] Abba Father ah oh how that we may realize more and more the gracious reality of these things as he says here the hour cometh and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him God as a Spirit they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth but I'll read the word there this morning with the Lord and his blessing Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen

[47:04] Amen Amen Amen Amen Grace is Jehovah sovereign will in an eternal covenant show which for his seed he will fulfill longer than sun and moon in Joe 224 Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Grace is a firm and friendly hand, and what my God to say is done.

[48:12] And by the grace through faith we stand, adoring at our Father's birth.

[48:28] Then grace is peaceful, scepter, meals, inviting souls to venture near, that Christ his saving spirit yields to those who saved me day to bed.

[49:00] Lord, help us all by grace to stand, and every triumph and endure.

[49:16] Preserve by thy sovereign hand, and by thy oath and covenant sure.

[49:31] Thy willingness to save thy seed, Jesus, they stand in Christ's head, know that thy grace can supersede, for thy cross lived there, they were dead.

[50:07] Thanks ever, masking thanks begin, to God, to Christ, to much less grace, and to that death who seals for heaven, all who shall sing Jehovah's praise.