sermon plus last hymn
[0:00] as the Lord helps me this morning hour I would like to draw your attention to some thoughts found in Matthew 14 and just in the last three words of verse 30 that's the book of Matthew chapter 14 and the last three words which are found in verse 30 where we read this Lord save me Lord save me what a mercy friend if that has been your petition and your language and your prayer that the Lord will save you I realize there is but one salvation that is when the Lord comes and quickenings that soul into divine life and when it is brought to this glorious salvation which is found in Christ and yet I believe if you know something of grace and I trust I do though we may believe that the Lord has saved us and called us by a holy calling yet we find this is our daily cry not as it were that we stand in doubt necessarily of our salvation but there is a continual being saved as it were from self this world our fears our quails and so forth but we hope as with the Lord might grant us all needed help to deal upon to these different thoughts as the Lord gives us light help wisdom and understanding well I believe we're all very well acquainted with this particular narrative which lays before us but as you will notice there immediately after feeding this great multitude
[1:49] Jesus had sent as it were his disciples away and we read here that the Lord constrained them now I haven't time friends to go into all the details but to this particular incident of course is recorded in all four of the Gospels and by a careful reading of the four Gospels friends you would be able to as it were piece it all well together I realize that only Matthew mentions about the walking of Peter upon the waves and the cry of Peter Lord save me however I will quickly as it were try to as it were pull some of the loose strings together the Lord here of course was in the wilderness and had fed the multitude and according to the Gospel of John friends at this particular time they were about to make him a king and you remember that that particular we would say that Christ is at the height of the natural popularity now you can imagine how he had to constrain the disciples to depart he didn't bid to the multitude to depart first but the disciples he bid them to go into a ship and go to the other side and here the conversation generally was this truly is the Messiah naturally speaking the general conversation was that they ought now to make him king and without the doubt the disciples begin to rejoice over these things and then after constraining the disciples to depart he dismissed the multitude now there was a miracle in itself friend you aren't going to miss a multitude of people that is a thousand people there gathered together if they're about to make you some person a king even though the person refuses it friends they're not about to do it but it shows the power after the feeding he bid them to depart and a strange thing took fast friends they did depart and Jesus was left alone and went up into the mountain to pray friend how we have to be brought again and again to realize that our ways are not God's ways neither are our thoughts our thoughts and what a mercy when we look into the prophecy of Isaiah we see that
[4:13] God's thoughts and God's ways are above our ways I realize in the beginning we sometimes can't bow under that truth but afterwards when the Lord again comes and shows us some of his dealings with our soul and the wonders of his grace and the knowledge of our salvation then we're certainly going to know what it is to praise God that my thoughts were not his thoughts neither were my ways his ways but his ways and his thoughts were much higher than mine and then to know what it is to bow and to praise God for every bit of trial trouble and especially for the marvelous way mainly in the predestination of our pathway and in the marvelous work of salvation how he does it all by his free and sovereign grace now we find the disciples then walking in right ways they entered into the ship and the Lord we find has gone up into a mountain alone to pray oh friend what a mercy if we may believe and this isn't immediately shown but if we could only realize if we are found in Christ and we are part of his people then we have a glorious high priest who is there even now at the right hand of God the heaven the great intercessor the glorious mediator yes the glorious high priest there at
[5:44] God's right hand and as we notice there in reading the four portions you will notice there and he's seen them it was now dark and we notice a little later than while they were out in this ship friends that a terrible storm came upon to the sea and friends it was evening when the Lord sent them into the ship there was ample time as it were to row across that lake and come to the other side they were well acquainted with the lake they knew every direction they knew all about it that was no great short at all but oh friends what a mercy to find that the Lord had something else in view here to Peter and to the rest of the disciples and the purpose of this all was this that they might know more and more what it is to acknowledge that he is the son of God and that his kingdom is not of this world but it is a spiritual kingdom and so we find there in this sea friends in this terrible storm that we did not they didn't they only went about twenty five or thirty furlongs which is only a very short distance no progress and the darkness came upon to them and without a doubt friends they did not know where they were going and what was to be done and if they went in one way that the waves came and the wind was boisterous and contrary and it blowed them to another section and friends they got nowhere and again if you would read carefully the forty epistles or the four gospels we read and Jesus saw them he was aware of all of this although they weren't aware of the glorious eye of the
[7:30] Lord Jesus that is the dear Son of God upon them oh I believe sometimes these things are so true don't they yes the Lord saw them and he has his will and his plan was there far different than theirs and then finally as we see them in the midst of the sea tossed with waves and the wind contrary and the fourth watch which is in the morning behold the disciples see this person I know it was Jesus walking on the waves coming near them and now through this midst of this terrible darkness you can imagine they see Samadja walking upon the tops of the waters coming closer and closer to them they thought it was some spirit they possibly meant it was our final end this was only to prove even matters worse they probably were longing as it were for the dawn of day knowing it must be near and yet friends they had no sign that it was near and yet to this object and we read cried out and they cried out for fear and straightway
[8:45] Jesus spake unto them saying be of good cheer it is I that would be not afraid now I have no contrary thought in my mind friend that this had an effect I know the waves weren't down and I know the wind wasn't still I know everything was contrary to them as far as naturally speaking but friends the very voice of the Savior the very voice of Jesus when he says be of good cheer it is I be not afraid I have no question in my mind but friends there came a peace in their mind there came a certain amount of rest knowing that this person whom now had spoken to them and told them to be of good cheer and be not afraid knew that he had all power and all might oh it is a mercy when our faith can take into fact and the rest that where
[9:51] I go and where I am there is the blessed master there is this glorious God man now I realize I'm getting a little head in some of my further meditations upon this subject but friends what a mercy to know that the Lord Jesus Christ consists of two marvelous natures truly he is God and God alone the eternal God and yet we know that he is truly flesh not flesh like we are that is of a fallen race that is of Adam but truly just like our flesh only without sin and as I have said again and again friends there is no end of the sweet meditation upon the glorious God man the eternal son of God and yet to know that he was truly man as I have said again and again as
[10:52] God we can trust him as man we can approach him as God he is able to do exceedingly above all that we can think and as man he knows what it is to be bared without infirmities he knows our frailties he knows our sorrows because in all points he was tempted like as we are and yet without sin so we see these precious words be of good cheer it is I be not afraid now we see friends are they the result it had upon this man called Peter I do not look upon Peter desired to be and to walk to Jesus I don't believe in any way that shows anything of the flesh I have no time for such language as this but I believe there was something of the nature of living faith in the heart of Peter I know we often think of Peter as being a bit forthcoming and being a little bit forward in some things but friends the other disciples didn't ask not that we would say they didn't love the
[12:00] Lord equally as well as Peter but friends the very voice of his master the very thought that Jesus was there friends that drew out his heart and his soul and adoration unto him I often think of another time when Peter desired to be with the Lord I know in that time when he was by the seaside that is after his denying and after he had grievously sinned and denied his master when John uttered these words it is the Lord that very language and the very want of the confession of sin and the very love into his heart and his soul he cast him to the sea and he swam and he went to Jesus ah friend what a mercy there is one to whom we can come and even here by the nature of living faith Peter was able to walk upon the waters and go to Jesus and so we find here that
[13:01] Peter said Lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water the word if as I have said again and again ought not as a word to be as one of doubt but it can be translated this way and absolutely correctly since Lord it is thou bid me come unto thee and like we read in the book of Colossians if he be risen with Christ seek those things which are above it means since this is the case that ye are risen with Christ if this be the case then let it be that we might know what it is to be seek those things which are above and so friend there was that truth in Peter's heart and his soul it was the Lord Jesus and therefore he says Lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee on the water in other words he knew there was nothing impossible with his master he knew he could not walk of himself upon these waters but he knew if the
[14:15] Lord bid him to come and then he would walk upon these waters he could go to him now friend we find that then Peter the Lord says come there was only one word oh friend do you know something of the power of God's word do you know what it is in your own soul to know but one word sometime which has been brought as a word with a measure of power to your soul ah was that not to the very language of one he says Lord speak the word and thy servant shall live was it not the language of David when David said speak Lord lest I be like unto those that go down into the pit and so there was but one word come and with that word friend there was power there was comfort there was that measured amount of assurance given unto Peter and friends the marvel of it is Peter was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to
[15:17] Jesus coming back to this expression of which Peter says Lord if it be thou bid me come unto thee ah friend he had an object in view didn't he and this is what faith does faith does as an object and the object of the soul will go immediately to the Lord Jesus as our only hope now we know very well this narrative friends that when Peter stepped out of the ship he walked on the waters to go to Jesus now I realize friends I have spoken upon to this particular text or I don't know if this same text but at least upon this subject I believe on a couple occasions and yet for some reason friend I seem to have to want to come back to it to this morning hour and I hope for some do good reason so so much so much so much of it the Lord might lead me as a word into just a little different thinking upon this and possibly draw some water or some milk out of the word of
[16:24] God which we might have never seen before now we know the narrative friends he stepped out of the waters and he walked out of the ship and he walked upon the waters to go to Jesus and I have no question as we have often said he had his eye upon the master now did the winds and the waves become increased I don't believe so I believe friends they were just there all the time but friend he began to hear the wind the wind was there all the time but he began to hear it he began to look upon the waves they weren't any different than they were before but friend as we all know that is do you know something of grace and do you know something of the narrative which lays before us when one eyes take away from the master and from the only hope of salvation the dear savior of sinners we are bound to sink we may think sink eternally and sink finally but where are those who know something of sinking and who know something of the workings of faith in their soul that faith never fails them now here again
[17:54] Peter was taught another blessed lesson the unfailing hand of Christ and certainly he knew what it was when the Lord Jesus said Peter I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not certainly he was brought to then to see the values of God's prayers now friends there is the prayers the intercessory work of the Lord Jesus for all who were given to him of his father and I believe sometimes we don't realize the values of him until sometimes the Lord brings us into something of this experience when we take our eyes away from the master and we begin to hear the winds and the waves or see the wind excuse me hear the wind and see the waves and we begin to look there instead of to him now looking at the word of God you'll notice that if you look up the word waters and of something of that nature you'll often find that the word waters is often referred to as in times of great trouble for instance there in psalm number 62 where the psalmist says save me oh lord for the waters are coming to my soul
[19:21] I sink in deep mitre where there is no standing I am coming to deep waters where the floods overflow me in other words you'll notice that waters and often these floods speak of some particular trouble some particular sorrow which is coming upon these individuals you remember also when David as well as the lord jesus christ speaking of course of him in prophecy but when David spoke in prophecy of the lord jesus i'm persuaded in my mind he knew what it was to pass through the trial himself for on one occasion all the builders and the ways have gone over me and then we read again and again out Jonah there in the belly of the fish and in his troubles he referred to it as all those trials and those doubts and those fears which passed over his soul once again when the david spoke about how that the lord had sought him out he says he drew me out of many waters now in those many waters of course he had reference as to the many trials and temptations of which he entered into but of course friends we might well look upon it also those many waters like david said on another case he drew me out of a horrible pit that pit of course was his soul's depravity was his fall in his federal head
[20:49] Adam that is his place as a sinner in this world without hope and without God and it was in these pits and in these circumstances we know that david often cried unto the lord and not only david but we know of many of those throughout the whole of the scriptures even Isaiah speaking of the children of Israel in the great trial of which they would pass through as they returned after their captivity as they looked upon their captivity they thought of all the troubles and the sorrows which laid before them and the great fear without a doubt how should they ever pass through them and you remember the lord says when ye come into the waters the water shall not overflow thee and the fire shall not consume thee but they will pass through the waters they will be brought through the fire so we see then these particular waters or these billows or these storms friends speak of something particular application as it were spiritually to the soul now
[21:55] I realize friends in this particular case Peter was a child of God but he had to be taught further into the precious truth and it is often in the case of every child of God because friends we're never going to as a word think that we are going to escape as we're the trial of life we're never going to escape the trial of faith but friends there's the need of the trial of faith that it might be the more purifying to our soul that we might be brought more and more to the person of the Lord Jesus Christ so friends we shall not escape as it were troubles and tribulations if we are in possession of grace and one of the children of God we're not going to escape where the Lord said unto the disciples in this world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world and certainly it is that sustaining hand of which we're going to know and feel and experience in our own heart and in our own soul now let us notice some of these expressions where we come to there and begin to sing and he cried out saying
[23:11] Lord save me certainly friend this is the language of faith if you know something of the cry Lord save me maybe you say but I don't even know if I am in possession of faith but yet friend it is the language of faith I realize in many cases we have to have our evidences cleared up we have to have the Holy Spirit come upon us and show us some of these truths and to show that we are included amongst that favored lot but it is sad friend if we know something nothing and have never known what it is to cry out of the anguish of our soul in some measure Lord save me now let us notice here first of all then as it is the quickening of a living soul there's where we see the absolute need of a Holy Ghost religion it is true friend that the whole of this world is found in the depths of iniquity lost through our fertile head
[24:22] Adam dead in their trespasses and their sin and not only our sinking but they have already sunk in some measure in their total depravity before the Lord but friend here is a mercy has the Lord ever showed you something of your sin has he ever showed you something of your misery has he ever brought to you to see what a wretched state you are in has he ever brought to your eyes to see the quarry of iniquity and sin and the depravity which you are found in by your federal head Adam now friend you're there there's the case of every soul now the case of those who are yet without life those who are destitute of the Holy Spirit's work they love the quarry of sin they love the wages of which they are working for they love the world in which hath blinded their eye they love to hold a lie in their right hand they love it that they are left at ease they love it that they are left without a hope they love it because they're nothing of a prayer and an exercise within their soul oh what a wretched wretched state it is to a person or a man who is yet in his unconverted state who is yet lost and undone it's a horrible state but ah what a mercy if the
[26:00] Lord begins to open your eyes and you begin to see yourself I realize what a mercy when you are brought to see the object of your only hope and to know what it is to cry to the soul but what a mercy if your eyes in a measure are opened up to see the angry waves and the billows and the sinking of it in your own soul's experience realizing the very weight of your sin and the condemnation of the law there is laid upon you and you're going to sink and to perish in your sin but then to know something of the nature of living faith the cry of a living soul Lord save me Lord save me in other words coming to this place there is salvation in no other person if he doth not save me I shall eternally perish it would have been hopeless for
[27:05] Peter to cry to the disciples oh disciples do something but that isn't the language of faith that is not the language of a living soul in what a hopeless case he would say oh bring the law before me may it be that by the goodness of the law nor by the deeds of the flesh so that I can save my soul for any would have perished in it and neither can the nature of living faith rest upon the duties of the law nor the duties of the flesh nor any goodness of self neither could he said well I'm a good swimmer and I have no doubt in my mind that Peter was a good swimmer swimmer now friend I believe we've all been as a word out to some lake and we've seen the angry waves and friend it's hopeless regardless how well a man may be able to swim to as a word against the tide of the waves and of the winds which were there the best swimmer can as a word ever rescue himself and so friend he knew that by his own might and by his own power and by his great ability to swim in the strength of his arms into the strength of his legs would never as it were save him ah what a mercy then to come to the end of all hope and self and to know what it is there can be salvation and no other all the glorious overturnings of which the
[28:34] Lord does in the workings of grace and the soul aren't they and can you find them out can you trace them out in your own soul's experience how the Lord like I have often referred to those three overturnings by that good J.C.
[28:49] Philpott and if you don't mind again I'll repeat them there's got to be the overturning of this world its attractions its joys its pleasures oh what a mercy when the Lord brings you to that first overturning the things you once enjoyed aren't there the ones the things you boast of now you're ashamed of you begin to see the things of this world are not your place the Lord begins to cut them off strange mysteriously you can hardly believe it is the Lord God's work that's showing you the vanity of it and the guilt of it and then the overturning of religious self all my form of religion all the knowledge that I have ever attained by the hearing of the truth and the hearing of the sermons and the reading of all these books are bringing me no good they're not bringing me any closer to salvation they seem as if they testify against me instead of for me and yet to find you can't seem to as a word to go against it all of your preconceived ideas of salvation all of these things have to sink as a word in the deep mire of self confidence they can't be there ah what a mercy to know that salvation is of grace and of grace alone from the beginning to the end and you're going to know it you're going to trace it out and so we find then that we came to the end of all religious self but then there was that presumptuous self in other words it's like I've often quoted that hymn writer says
[30:33] I cannot trust the sweetest frame maybe you haven't come to the rest of that hymn I can't trust the sweetest frame but to the verity of nature we'll bring you to the other part and you'll say I cannot trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name there's salvation and so where was Peter's hope I knew he knew the master but here is the nature of even an infant of grace the babe knows the breast of the mother and the babe knows the place what to do with the bottle and with the nipple it knows just what to do and so what a mercy from the beginning of a living soul a babe just born as a word into this world I'm speaking spiritually born by grace and by the quickening powers of grace knows what it is to cry to sigh and knows what it is to hunger and after the breast and can only as it be satisfied but upon the breast of consolation the milk of the sincere word of
[31:42] God oh this is marvelous the teachings of God in the soul it's a marvel when one is brought to look back how the Lord by his grace and love and mercy begin to draw that soul out of nature's darkness away from self and then brought to sea that I'm sinking sinking sinking as a word into the very pit of hell into a hopeless state but to the nature of prayer the living desires that of which the Lord imparts by the quickening part of God to the holy coast and we find here Lord save me what a lot of truth is found in these three words Lord of course this is that Lord which is the Lord Jesus and friend isn't he
[32:44] Lord of all and when we think of his great might and great power friend we never can exhaust it we never can get to the end of it he's Lord of heaven and earth everything that is at his command Lord because he has conquered death he has conquered hell he has conquered death and he's at the right hand of God to the father and the father hath given him a name above every name and when we come to him and him as Lord I want to recant that when we know what it is in some measure to see him as Lord and I hope there might be that growth in it oh what might what power now in our Bible class you remember we've been trying to study something of the prophet of Zechariah and you remember again and again we come to this expression the Lord of hosts the Lord of hosts sometimes three or four times in even one verse ah friend this is what we need don't we we need a Lord which is said within the words of our text and we need that
[33:59] Lord of hosts because of the great powers of unbelief sin iniquity and the condemnation of God's holy law his justice all stare us in the face and there we one who is able to save unto the uttermost who is a mighty savior a mighty God and now when we look at the word save it is good friend if you ever look at the word save up in the dictionary Webster does a good job of it and he tells all the way that the word is used look it up some of our young children go and look in your dictionary this afternoon under the word save and see what all it means it means to preserve it means to keep and certainly friends when it comes to the Lord Jesus who is eternal in his nature it is a salvation of an eternal nature and when it comes to the next word in our text me it comes to a very personal matter don't it not that we wouldn't desire salvation for our loved ones but it is me who stands in that need it is me who is now found to be sinking in the mire of sin so we need him to save us don't we now going a little ahead of my text friends and coming back to some of those thoughts of salvation we read this and immediately at the time at the appointed time now friend there was no need of the immediate hand of Christ until Peter began to sink until Peter became a hopeless case in himself ah you may say now I have to look into my soul to see if I'm hopeless well you are hopeless
[35:55] I realize you got to be showed it but let us be careful are you going to look at your condition rather than to the Savior are you going to look upon your willingness and the right preparation in your heart ah friend may it be that we might know what it is to turn our eyes from the waves and from the wind and know what it is to look unto him and to come with this blessed prayer Lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand oh I've told you again and again friend I never can exhaust that that long arm of Christ how it is stretched forth just think of it friend with one hand he can lay his hand upon deity no man dare do that only a sinless person dare a sinner can't because God outside of
[37:00] Christ is a consuming power no man can see his face and live but a glorious God man can look into the very face of God the Father and he can stretch his hand and lay it upon the shoulder and the hand of God himself but in his glorious deity he can but in his glorious manhood the love the compassion the one who came into this world to seek and to save the lost can reach as it were to the pit of quarry of sin to the very depths of man's depravity and there gently lay a hand upon a sinner who cries and says Lord save me he hears it his hand is stretched out still in his might and in his power and the glory of it is friends when these two stretched hands coming in together he brings a soul into union to God a mediator a surety a redeemer this is what all is found in the glorious expression
[38:15] Lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hands and caught him but all we need admonishment and what is this oh thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt and then the final it is of course they came into the ship and they worshipped him of which we're going to come to in a little later oh our unbelief oh our doubts now friends what do we got to be saved from I know friends we have to be saved from sin there's the important thing sin is so bound us up friends we cannot in any way redeem our soul so therefore we have to be saved from our sin through the means of the mediator the redeemer of sinners we've got to be saved from the power of sin because it has such a power upon us and to come to this place
[39:23] I have no might no power against it but save me Lord subdue the monstrous nature of sin we've got to be saved from our unbelief unbelief stands in between it often as it were takes the comfort and the joys of salvation from us we have to be saved from the temptations the allurements of this world oh sometime to our young friend and older ones again do you sometimes say Lord I would serve thee but to this world has such a power on me all of these temptations and these allurements are so mighty I can't seem to break it Lord the pleasures of sin the pleasures of this world my love as it were to this or to that has such a monopoly upon me I don't know how Lord oh save me from it save me from self this wretched self which always stands in between that brings up these questions do I know this and do I know that save me from my carnality from all of my unbelief and objects which stand in between save me from my mere corruption which I feel within me for I would do good but evil is present with me save me from this wretched man that goes wherever I go and when I come in prayer he's there and when I bow my knee I find him there when I come to the means of grace
[40:57] I've got a wretched person going with me he's part of me so save me from self and maybe some of the temptations of which you seemed as if you can't seem to break they are so mighty so powerful and we have to be saved from them and then there is the law which condemns me rightly so just and holy is the law it is given of God and we never want to despise it but it condemns me it brings me as a guilty sinner it thunders upon me but ah when he comes and then he says he shows us by his grace and by his might I have fulfilled the law I have satisfied justice I have paid the debt ah when such words are brought to you by the mighty hand of the Lord Jesus and applied to your soul then you will know what it is as we see the disciples a little later and they came and worshipped him so friends where is this salvation going to end it's a lifelong experience but the issue is where does it begin
[42:12] I know it begins in the mind of God I know it is beginning in the gospel but we want to know and we must know and you shall know and you ought to know what it is now in your own soul to experience that salvation something of which you see is only to be found in this person the Lord the Lord of heaven and earth the Lord who was king of kings the Lord who was conquered and made salvation possible he who is salvation himself ah friend we realize then when he came into the ship there with Peter then the wind ceased there was a great calm I realize in one respect friends though sometimes there may be the sea and there may be the storm and if the Lord speaks a word to the soul like our hymn writer says with Christ in the vessel
[43:21] I can smile at the storm and like the Lord said unto Hezekiah the virgin will laugh in other words they're going to laugh at the Assyrians with all their might and their power because they have a God they have a husband they have a savior so friends I realize in this case there was a calm and they looked round about and there they had their eyes upon the savior and we find that they worshipped him and of a truth thou art the son of God now this is where every saved soul will come yes from time to time and there's even though we may know something of salvation sometimes the Lord allows as it were once again our sins to come up before us and we will begin to know something of the angry nature of self and the fear of death and the fear of the loss condemning power upon us and we have to be brought again and again to this one person who is the only savior now my time is gone it's an endless subject isn't it and though
[44:38] I have spoken on this text a couple times or maybe more we hope we've had something new we hope we've seen something good we hope we had something revealed and we ought to all come to this one place I need salvation that salvation which is provided in God in and through the mediator and though you may have found a little of that salvation you found everything when I said a little of it friends there's such a notion of truth and so great is this salvation we can't begin to exhaust it this side of the grave but don't know even if you have found it you say again and again Lord I need a continual salvation I know in him once forever there's no falling out but there is a growth there is a knowing him more and so Peter was taught something here as he was taught a little later and then even after Christ was brought into glory he was taught something in the book of
[45:40] Acts wasn't he that is without thee I can do nothing and so may that ever be the experience of each and every one of us first to come to this place of salvation and no other name and to find that there is no other name that I stand in need of both for time and for eternity oh friend may this be your cry Lord save me amen shall we then conclude our service by the singing of hymn number 954 hymn number 954 and we will stand during the singing of this hymn save me oh God my spirit cries and on thy faithful word relies save me from sin my desperate foe that fills my soul with every woe save me from pride that angel form that swells a poor weak sinful worm that moves the tongue the hand the eyes and often takes me by surprise hymn number 954 and we will stand during the singing of this hymn me o god my spirit
[47:28] Christ And on Thy faithful Earth Reliance Save me From sin Thy desperate Hope And fill Thy soul With every Hope Save me From crying The angels For Thou's Love for It's In O And Who Stuck up The hands Divine And Of him Tastes Divine Surprise Surprise Save me
[48:32] From this Delishing Burn That To death And Thoubts Burn His Charms Enchant And And In In Us Way From Jesus Christ The Living Faith Save me From Satan's Whines And Stairs Who sei Spirit With bed He I k N
[49:39] Save me from gloomy blackness spare On thee alone I'll pass my care And wait in rain and groan in sun May thou in mercy drop his life O Lord, again we would seek of thee That thou would forgive all that has been said amiss But Lord, we do pray that thou would follow With thine own blessing upon thy word And may the grace of the Savior And the love of the Father And the communion of the Holy Ghost rest upon all