with hymns
[0:00] Sub-Morning is 64-9-1. Sub-Morning is 64-9-1.
[1:00] Sub-Morning is 64-9-1.
[1:30] Sub-Morning is 64-9-1.
[1:59] Sub-Morning is 64-9-1. Sub-Morning is 64-9-1. Sub-Morning is 64-9-1.
[2:09] Sub-Morning is 64-9-1. Sub-Morning is 64-9-1.
[2:21] Sub-Morning is 64-9-1. Sub-Morning is 64-9-1. Sub-Morning is 64-9-1.
[2:37] Over五 format making. Thank you.
[3:11] Thank you.
[3:41] Thank you.
[4:11] Thank you.
[4:41] Thank you. Thank you.
[4:55] Thank you. Thank you.
[5:09] Thank you. Thank you.
[5:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[5:39] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[6:18] Thank you. I am with you always even unto the end of the world.
[6:35] Amen. How glorious a tone to conclude this wonderful record of the Lord's life upon the earth.
[7:05] What an assurance must be conveyed by the Spirit of God to such that are given grace to receive this word.
[7:18] It is not to be received and accepted merely on the plane of presumption. And where the life of God is in the soul one of the greatest fears is often a fear of presumption.
[7:40] Because what God gives eliminates presumption because God when he gives it is accompanied with that power which produces a measure of an assurance in our heart so that presumption is completely moved out of our thinking.
[8:10] And lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world. Amen. The day and age in which we live is so unspeakably terrible and I don't feel that we really realize how terrible it is.
[8:40] But the more we feel how terrible it is the more we shall need the fullness of this word to be brought into our hearts.
[8:52] Lo, I am with you always. As we drink more deeply into the love of God as we are taught more fully by the Spirit of God the preciousness of Christ as we are brought to know something of a little more of his holy person of his pure mind and as the reflection of it is felt in our own hearts in that newborn creature so we shall find the world more difficult to live in.
[9:50] It is a very sad mark against the life of God in your soul if you do not feel the world to be a dreadful place to live in.
[10:08] Now this does not mean to say that it is dreadful because perhaps you may be in difficult circumstances.
[10:30] It will be a dreadful place to live in as our eyes are opened. and those several points which our mind was led to mention in prayer this evening as they are developed before our very eyes so that we see a variety of causes and cases which make the world such a dreadful place to live in will bring us more closer to this text.
[11:14] if we are made of the deceit which is in the world and the deceitfulness of sin and coming a little closer the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it if our eyes are opened sometimes to see hypocrisy abounding and if we are sometimes afraid that our own profession is nothing but that of the hypocrite if this is sometimes tantalizingly set before us as we wonder in our prayers whether the wishes of our hearts go with the words we say we shall find even under such circumstances a reality in respect to the desperate situation in which our lot is cast in the present day but if we should go by the spirit's teaching to mingle with one and another in the world and to behold their infidelity to behold their brushing aside of
[13:04] God's laws and superimposing their own thoughts becoming a law unto themselves and if we should see the deception and feel so very much afraid that we shall fall into it that we shall be overcome by it even if we relate it to our business affairs or our family affairs because it can enter in here there is a deep responsibility resting upon parents that they should not deceive their children in any way and it is not easy to convey the truth perhaps the letter of the truth but how we need to go a little farther than that and ensure that even our offspring may be well aware that the letter can only be dead and can profit nothing but it is the flesh but it is the spirit which quickeneth will be of eternal benefit and so you may well as you ponder the matter be able to multiply instances from your own experience whereby your fears have risen high in relation to a few of these points or perhaps all of these points or perhaps more than those points that we have mentioned and if in looking at such a scene we may have come to the house of
[15:34] God exceedingly depressed wondering how we shall stand up to such an army to such wars of wickedness how we shall get through whether we shall ever attain thy harbour whether we shall reach the heavenly shore but then how applicable how suitable how desirable oh that it might be applied to our hearts are the words of our text lo I am with you always even unto the end of the world amen let us not forget that the inclusion of this word lo always
[16:47] I feel introduces us to something of great importance us and if we are pouring upon ourselves too long if we are looking at all the wickedness which is in the world and in our own hearts if we are greatly disturbed by what we see and if we are so convulsed with our thoughts in this direction how much we shall need this word lo as it were to draw us out of ourselves to deflect our attention lo I am with you always but who is this great and glorious person
[17:49] I and how will it benefit us if he is with us may the spirit of God teach us this evening the greatness and the glory of Jehovah in the person of Christ and may this be our strength and may we go from the house of God considerably strengthened and encouraged that after all we shall not be overcome that after all we shall not fall away but after all we shall not succumb absolutely to the subtleties of Satan but because of this promise we shall join in singing yes
[18:50] I to the end shall endure as sure as the earnest is given more happy but not more secure the glorified spirits in heaven lo I am with you all way now the way in which this text is worded I feel we can look backwards at the present and also look forwards lo I am with you all way all way will have this these three phases included and since as Dr.
[19:54] Watt says the Lord Jesus Christ is the ever present now now so whether we look in the past we can reflect upon this word if we regard the future the word is with us if we look into the if we regard the present this word is with us and if we look into the future it is still a word that is sure not only a word that is sure but a word that has been proved past and now and lo I am with you all way going back to the book of Exodus you will recall that when
[20:59] Moses was suddenly struck and turned aside to see that great sight the bush burning and yet not consumed and God speaking to Moses out of the bush speaking to him about the sad plight of the children of Israel in Egypt and giving him the commission to go to them and to tell them that God had sent him and Moses was greatly perturbed at this and he said whom shall I say hath sent me and the Lord God answered I am I am that I am and lo
[22:04] I am or with you can we look at the word with this complex upon it not just I but I am God with you and this reminds us of the blessed name of the Lord Jesus Emmanuel which is being interpreted God with us and we have the same name here I am God with us I am with you always I so our mind this evening would make this point I am it is not just
[23:04] I but it is I am it is the name of God inscribed I do not know how this might agree with interpretation from the original language but be that as it may to look at this I am as God will surely bring an added sweetness into these few words you see leaving this thought out and repeating this word I am with you always well it lacks decisiveness it lacks power it could be a man but there is more in this word than a mere man the man
[24:07] Christ Jesus indeed but now he was risen from the dead I am the ever present God as we read in the Psalms a very present help in time of trouble lo I am God with you always surely the psalmist had a precious view like this when he said this God is our God he will be our guide even unto death may we upon examination of our own personal experience of the Lord God this evening be able to say my God has this name I am and it is this
[25:09] God that assures me this evening he is with me always now there is only one God that is named I am I know the presumption of man has been exceedingly great so we can read in Isaiah and also in Hosea of God looking into the proud heart of man and there seeing this there has said in thy heart I am and there is none beside me in other words and how sadly we see it particularly in the present day men can well dispense with
[26:10] God they feel that they are quite equal to deal with every eventuality and not only so but to maintain life but there is only one that can maintain life and that one is life and that one is God and the revelation of God to man is through Jesus Christ I am so we see he have set before us in these words I am with you always the eternal God in the person of Jesus Christ this had its significance to the disciples because shortly he was to leave them as far as his bodily presence was concerned he had told them already about this they were very troubled he said ye now therefore have sorrow but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice joy joy no man take it from you one aspect and interpretation of that word is surely this as he spoke to them ye now therefore have sorrow
[27:49] I am going away you'll see me crucified upon Calvary's tree you will have sorrow the world will rejoice but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoice and so we find the Lord Jesus here appearing to these disciples after his resurrection and assuring them that he had not been overcome he had not been vanquished but he had been the conqueror he had overcome sin death hell and the grave and he was now about to ascend unto his father and in the Acts of the Apostles we can read how he led them out as far as to Olivet and while he blessed them he ascended up into heaven and heard those blessed angels say this same Jesus which ye see go up into heaven shall in light manner come again but though he would be absent from them in what we may consider bodily presence yet this word assured them that his spirit would always be with them
[29:16] I am with you all way all way therefore will bring us to embraced circumstances trying pathways in our lives days of adversity but also in days of prosperity sometimes we may be foolish enough to think that we need God very much in adversity but he is not so essential in prosperity perhaps some of us have lived long enough and have been in such a pathway to realize this that we have needed God in one sense much more in the day of prosperity he man gives us a warning note he says give me neither poverty nor riches and regarding riches he says lest
[30:28] I forget God and that spirit is very prevalent today friends and it's a spirit that you and I have got to watch closely lest I forget God so we shall need God as riches increase says the word set not your heart upon them how would you need this word to be a reality lo I am with you all the way if we are not to set our heart upon riches now when we speak about riches we can speak them speak of them in the comparative sense riches if our condition is easier and more favorable today than it was ten years ago then we have the comparative sense of increased riches so there is the warning so essential isn't it from
[31:57] God's word that we should not set our heart upon them now you will not be able to deal with this matter merely by making up your mind not to do it because we are natural and if God teaches us we shan't be able to point the finger of corn or throw a stone at the man we may see down the road whose whole mind is devoted to increasing his riches if you and I are not in the same place that's by the mercy of God but how are we going to be prevented be saved from not setting our heart upon the things of time as they increase the answer is to be found in this word lo
[33:08] I am with you always now if we are born again of the spirit God will have given us a treasure one blessed man said in heaven my choicest treasure lies that word choicest is significant he did not say that there were no other treasures and if we are truthful we are bound to acknowledge that there are some things in our lives which we treasure but we can still treasure them and have a choicest treasure we can still have a set of value upon some of the things that
[34:16] God has given to us but at the same time have a choice treasure that is Christ so that if it came to the point that we had to throw away all will you have Christ or will you have this article that you value so much help help what air that idol be help me to tear it from thy throne and worship only thee when
[35:31] Christ is revealed to the soul it's a manifestation of his presence with us if we are born again of the spirit our choicest moments will be when Christ is revealed in our hearts as the hope of glory and it will be a very special revelation to your soul if having received an unusual mark of prosperity in your life a successful year in business shall we say and suddenly because of this word lo I am with you always all the blessedness and the wonder of the successful year in business is squeezed out of it as to its pleasure and it has no appeal
[36:48] Jesus is the one thing needful I without him perish must love I am God with you always but maybe some of you might at the moment even have a deeper appreciation of what you may feel poverty now poverty occurs whenever your outgoings can exceed your incomings you see some people would think that in order to be in poverty is bail you've got to have nothing in the house but perhaps a dry crust and then you're in poverty but maybe some of you are found you are felt to be in poverty when the outgoings have exceeded the incomings now you've needed
[38:06] God to appear you've needed God to provide lo I am God with you always but then God is with you always and remember the Lord here is speaking specifically to his disciples he is with you always to instruct you there's none that teacheth like him and this will be one of the principal effects of Christ being with you always he will be with you to instruct you and it will be a blessed sight when your heart is teachable now this has its connection in the rest part of this verse teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
[39:33] I have commanded you whatever people may say perhaps for want of knowledge teaching is a very arduous business it is arduous especially when the scholars or the pupils are unwilling to learn are unwilling to pay attention or even are bold enough to object their own thoughts and we can well imagine frustration of this description being a very trying experience for those that teach in our schools but you know friends we can bring it into the house of
[40:55] God I venture to say that a ministry that will be most profitable will be what we call a teaching ministry and this was the exhortation laid upon these disciples teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you now it's very frustrating and very discouraging to those who would teach you to observe all things to find you're not paying attention to find you're unwilling to listen or to raise your own personal objections and to say well
[42:00] I'm not going to observe it perhaps that consideration may bring us face to face with the arduous character of endeavouring to be a teacher so therefore such we'll find the significance of this word love I am with you always we may find it in the category of parental activities to be teachers bring up your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and perhaps some of you have had the experience of many disappointments many frustrations you began to think that your teaching ability wasn't very great at all it wasn't worthwhile you weren't getting anywhere and in these present days how prevalent is frustration even in this sphere teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and so in this phase of the text we may consider the beauty the strength and conservation which may be received by divine application and lo i am with you always with you in your teaching when you're absolutely frustrated when you feel that your words are falling on deaf ears when you feel that your example is not being respected it sometimes when you have a an unusual experience and you are afraid you've taught the wrong thing i wish you'll need the fullness of these words in the hour of such temptation and love i am with you all way there's a very sweet and blessed word which will be applicable to all whether they are teachers or those that are being taught that that i see not teach thou me and that can always be a relevant prayer we shall never have reached such a stature that we shall need no longer to be taught anything we shall never reach that maturity in this life where we shall say where we shall say there's nothing more to be learnt but if we may leave the subjects which form the syllabus in our universities even and come down to the school of christ do we not need to be taught continually lo i am with you all way to be your teacher and though men may fail as we have perhaps felt ourselves to have failed so often we have here an infallible teacher lo i am with you all way to teach you to observe all things now just previous to this in the 19th verse there is this command from god go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost no friends it may be that in some cases even the servants of god have labored hard to bring the attention of some to this important command of god and they have despaired i have wearied because there is no response we shall need god to be with us lo i am with you all way i am and god is with us all way observing these things observing whether others are observing that which is enjoined upon them but sometimes these things are necessary and they are all part of god's teaching because you see it brings us to see this that if there is to be any teaching effectual if there is to be any observation effectual if there is to be any walking and answering to these observations and these teachings it is to be god that must have the glory it is to be god that shall teach them to observe all things he teaches to profit not only is there the spoken word as it were but the divine and powerful application so that he fills the heart with love which brings a point in respect to teaching you see teaching can be without love it can be hard it can be unrelenting it can be laying down the law as it were if you are a bad scholar then the only method known to some is to drive it in by punishment not so with god not so with god his teaching is by love and this will break your rebellious spirit lo i am with you always one of the sweetest sights for any christian person to view is to see rebellion broken down i've sometimes looked at the case of the man that had two sons you know and he said to them go work today in my vineyard and the one said i go sir and he went not but the other said i will not go but afterwards he repented and went and if you've known the experience yourself of that son or if you've been favored to view it in others it's been very blessed to see the spirit of repentance what made the son repent like that what made him change his mind what made you change your mind what made you repent it was because of the glory and blessedness of this word lo i am the mighty god is with you always to enshroud you with his love to melt your heart to make the adamant depart to take away the rebellious spirit do you know friends if we are rebellious with god well the rebellious dry well in a dry land but there's another very blessed and sweet word from the psalms and that is this he hath ascended up on high he hath led captivity captive he hath received gifts for men yea for the rebellious also that the lord god might dwell among them and and you know if god underscores those words for the rebellious also and that points at you then then you'll get a sense of the love that is discovered to the soul when this word is worked out lo i am the mighty god with you always oh what a difference when the lord draws near a rebellious spirit will often prevent us drawing near to god especially if god shines upon it it'll make you feel very wretched and you feel you cannot come at all but god can come to us lo i am with you always in spirit and sometimes i'll manifest myself i am with you all way if your situation should be of that desperate kind described in the parable of the samaritan you can't believe that perhaps some of us that have known the bitterness of outward back sliding can hardly conceive the fullness of this truth but god is not a man that he should lie and though we may not feel his comfortable presence yet yet the eye of the lord is upon everyone that he is loved with an everlasting love and remember friends that love is not dependent upon any good deeds good tempers or frames love love love love
[54:06] I am with you all way I am with you as good mr. heart says cheer up desponding soul on jesus aid rely he sees you when you see not him and always hears your cry lo I am with you all way then to hear your cry he hears the groaning of the prisoner prayer is the burden of a sigh the falling of a tear the upward glancing of an eye know what follows when none but god is near you see lo I am with you all way when your prayers are nothing counted of when if you came to the prayer meeting and called on you wouldn't be able to say a word but this word still remains true lo
[55:16] I am with you all way there was a very good verse in the hymn that we have just sung a guilty weak and helpless worm on thy kind arms I fall be thou my strength and righteousness my jesus and my all I am with you always to be your strength in the lord have I righteousness and strength lo I am with you all way can you add your amen to this he has been with you to be your righteousness when the vilest sinner out of hell that lives to feel his need is welcome to the throne of grace the saviour's blood to plead but how can you come as the vilest sinner out of hell how can you approach the most high god in such a dreadful condition it is as christ is your righteousness it is he instead of me is seen when I approach to god be thou my strength strength to come strength to look to christ strength to point to christ that he is my righteousness and lest the shadow of a spot should on my soul be found he took the robe the saviour wrought and cast it all around now there is much to be said from these words and perhaps as the spirit of the lord may lead your minds in meditation perhaps you may draw forth from sweetness there from lo
[57:54] I am with you always in many more aspects of the world than we have had time to mention this evening even unto the end of the world this is what we are concerned about aren't we we are concerned about this time state in heaven then this will be a reality now we walk by faith these are words which will encourage us to believe in God even unto the end of the world so therefore we may view it until the day of our death but if when we come to the day of our death we may perhaps look at our children gathered around our bedside and say oh but what about my children then the end of the world you see the
[58:58] Lord still lives God who has been to the end of the world with us will go to the end of the world with our loved ones that will continue after we are no longer upon this earthly sea and so on and so on through succeeding generations even unto the end of the world well now it's many years since these words were written many generations have come and passed away and this word is as real today as it was when it dropped from the mouth of the Lord Jesus and it is as powerful and as full and as free and as glorious and lo I am with you all way even unto the end of the world amen may this be our blessed portion because if it's true then heaven is sure we're bound to get there he'll not be if we too are so joined he'll not be in heaven and leave me behind there we shall see his face and never never see him there from the rivers of his grace drink endless precious sin into near he� other me there
[60:49] Let's sing the first and the last verses between Numbers 631, June 2-4-0. The Lord himself begs you all to teach you his own will, to tell you the safe from every soul, for thy am his death may be.
[61:19] First, the loud verses in Numbers 631. Let his triumph save the world free from every soul, to shy and dear, to lain.
[62:09] Amen. And now...
[63:09] And now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Eternal Spirit abide with us.
[63:25] Amen.