with hymns
[0:00] The Sing Hymn Number 1130, Hymn 294 O thou, thy beautiful almighty world, The glorious light from darkness grow.
[0:27] Thy quickening influence of all, And grow this power, the precious power. The Sing Hymn Number 1130, Hymn 294 Hymn 294 Hymn 304 Hymn 304 Hymn 304 Hymn 304 He is a generation of топ addicts in Ones of the Artist
[5:28] Jeremiah chapter 6, verse 16. Jeremiah chapter 6, and verse 16.
[5:46] Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, wherein is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.
[6:16] But they said, We will not walk therein. In the times of this good, godly prophet, Israel had greatly erred from the ways of God.
[6:46] They had turned largely to idolatry and to mere formality in their religion.
[7:03] But notwithstanding all their sins and their evil ways, God gave them exceedingly good counsel.
[7:18] And the mercy it is when he gives to sinners grace to receive and to believe that good counsel which he gives.
[7:40] And when there is that spirit of humble obedience yielded to the commands and the exhortations of God, tis the sweet obedience of living faith that saves the never-dying soul.
[8:17] Now, in our text, there is a thus saith the Lord, and that which follows after a thus saith the Lord is of very, very great importance.
[8:40] And so we may be sure that that which is in our text this evening is very, very important.
[8:54] Now, these people of old, though God spake to them and exhorted them as he did, yet they were so sunken in their sins.
[9:16] They were in such an awful and terrible state. But they said, We will not walk therein as stubborn as a mule, yea, worse.
[9:36] And, my friends, that stubbornness and that disobedience is still in poor sinness.
[9:48] O how many have sat and heard the word of God lovingly and faithfully proclaimed, but have said, Let me have the world and the things of the world and the things of the world.
[10:10] And the things of the world. Others can have their religion. How many when they've had their natural ability and liberty have gone into the ways of the world.
[10:38] Now, the Lord says in our text, Stand ye in the ways. various things may be contained in these few words.
[11:02] For one thing, we stand in the way of life life and we are hastening through life to a never ending eternity.
[11:19] We cannot possibly escape it. The mercy if we stand in the ways of God and the dear Lord, bless them to us.
[11:40] Otherwise, they will do us no good at all. I believe as God's dear people grow older, they feel more and more the need of the teaching, instruction and revelation of the Holy Spirit.
[12:06] sad to stand so far in the ways and yet there be no response in our hearts to the truth.
[12:25] And these few words may apply to our providential pathways. Those ways are sometimes very perplexing to us and we may not know even sometimes what to do or which way to go.
[12:56] We seem in a turmoil. We seem as if we cannot move and yet cannot keep going.
[13:14] as where you may feel you are standing this evening.
[13:26] You know not what to do. You know not which way to look. You may inwardly fear if you move.
[13:38] You may depart further from the Lord. That is a good word.
[13:50] In all thy ways acknowledge him in providence and in grace.
[14:03] We were reading this evening of the children of Israel who had that miraculous deliverance from Egypt.
[14:19] It may well be they thought everything will go on smooth comfortably now. But they find themselves completely hemmed in.
[14:36] And I thought you know part of that chapter we read made sad reading. Oh, how soon they lost their faith, how soon they were ready to complain to godly Moses and and even to look back to Egypt and considered better with them there than in their present circumstances.
[15:11] Yesterday call honestly theaning thought honestly had used throughmu and repining.
[15:32] but the Lord did speak to his servant Moses spoke silently I believe to his heart and that good man said to these people as they were standing in their ways stand still and see the salvation of the Lord now that's hard to do when the way may be rough and thorny or when naturally we may see some way of escape it isn't an easy thing to stand in the way and to stand still
[16:33] I do not mean by saying that to take a fatalistic view of things and just merely saying what is to be will be but for a graciously exercised soul to stand still is very difficult but that may be most profitable unto them I have thought sometimes of Ruth wonderfully brought up out of the land of Moab and certain things seem to be moving favourably towards her towards her but her good mother-in-law Naomi gave her good advice as she was standing in the way sit still my daughter and see how the matter will fall don't put your hand to it Ruth leave that out of it don't try and achieve things yourself leave the Lord to work them out for you now looking back tonight perhaps we have stood in the ways and we have not known what to do take the case of good Jehoshaphat once in particular
[18:35] I certainly did stand in the ways and I did not know what to do and it doesn't do a person any harm a child will got any harm to be brought into a state and condition like this but as I was greatly troubled it came wonderfully to me neither know we what to do but our eyes are up unto thee O God the Lord Jehoshaphat stood in the ways couldn't do anything our mercy to be brought there sometimes we read in the 107th Psalm and they fell down and there was none to help then they cried unto the Lord in their distresses
[19:42] O it is a mercy when we stand in the ways and are enabled quietly and reverently to lift up our eyes unto the Lord and the Lord wonderfully appeared for his servant Jehoshaphat as he stood in the ways reading the other night about Elisha and his servant when the young man got up in the morning found out they were surrounded by enemies oh he goes to Elisha and he says the last master what shall we do it's all up with us now so it seems but the good prophet said
[20:44] Lord open the young man's eyes and the Lord did and he saw they were surrounded by God's host safe and secure probably the young man would never forget that you may have stood in the ways sometimes and said alas master what shall we do my mind also went during the day to God's people in the time of Esther when Haman seemed to be carrying everything before him didn't seem any good they're trying to do anything no naturally it seemed impossible but good Mordecai stood in the way and he gave remarkably good advice to Esther and to her maids and so they fasted and sought the Lord and the Lord granted them a most remarkable deliverance who so is wise will observe these things even they shall understand the loving kindness of the Lord they were to ask for the old paths my dear friends there will never be anything new in God's religion many innovations there are with men and
[22:56] Shad and Shonem are their departings from the old paths from the good way I say there will be nothing new with God nothing whatever and however fair some religious paths may seem they are pleasing to man's poor fallen nature bring no honour no glory to that great God be a sad thing to miss the old paths won't it all others they lead astray how fair so e'er they seem what a mercy if we are asking for the old paths this evening let us look as helped one or two of these old paths and the other day meditating a little upon things
[24:38] I thought of good old John Warburton John Kershaw good old good Philpott they walked in the old paths ah they stood firm in their day they were not like by some but you know it soon won't matter what man may think of us will it those good ministers they asked for the old paths the good way and they walked therein and the old path no doubt is prayer but it isn't easy to walk in this old path some people
[25:51] I am afraid are very pleased with with their so called prayers well they are not walking in the old path to walk in this my friends I believe we shall have to pray for prayer we shall have to pray Lord teach me how to pray those of us who have to pray in public or do we not sometimes feel there is a secret place of the most high and that's what we long for to feel closed to the world to feel that great
[26:53] God in heaven lends a listening ear to a poor weak unworthy sinner sweet path my dear friends to walk in a wonderful path and those who are taught truly how to pray will have their prayers answered in God's own time and way the old path is faith God given faith that which is just opposite to reason and where God gives faith there will be a conflict in that sinner's heart but you may be sure of this as you read in
[27:56] Hebrews 11 the old path is faith the saints have walked in it in all ages and true faith is the gift of God oh what the prayer of faith has done as some have stood in the ways and have asked for the old paths have been enabled to commit their bewilderments into the hands of the dear Lord you know my dear friends if we knew more of the real value of that faith that enables a sinner to pray it wouldn't be anything for you and for me to do we should leave things with the
[29:16] Lord then we have that set forth in the scriptures on many occasions but what a mercy to be asking for the old paths and praying for grace that we may walk in them and the old path is love right the way through the scriptures we see this there are several kinds of love there is one real true spiritual love which God gives to his dear people and a sweet path to walk in
[30:20] I was trying to think recently how extraordinary it is how wonderful far beyond all explanation that great that infinitely great and holy God against whom we have sinned who might justly consign us to everlasting ruin should put love in our unworthy hearts and with that love enable us to love him love love plenty plenty of professors would automatically say that it's not loving in word is it
[31:49] Bunyan said it's the practical part that counts in religion and I believe that's true we profess to love the Lord and walk contrary to him we are hypocrites we are deceived but oh to feel that wondrous love sweetly overpower us and conquer us and constrain us to walk in the ways of God and Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him wonderful testimony that but there is one more thing that lies upon my mind regarding the old path in a good way and that is this it is the dear
[33:09] Lord Jesus himself he says in the 14th of John I am the way remarkable words and my friends he is the only way to heaven God I believe God's dear people sometimes feel very perplexed very perturbed in their minds they feel the workings of their own wicked hearts and yet faith points out this old path this good way and the sinner says well I must have grace to overcome all this belief all this opposition there is within me
[34:17] I must know Christ and I must be found in him who can we say tonight we have seen this and there has been that wrestling prayer that we might truly feel we are in that good way very narrow way Jesus says and it is a narrow way everything else has to go I'm sure it does it did with the apostle Paul but you know this is where you will find rest and ye shall find rest for your souls whilst there is some uncertainty regarding our standing until we get by precious faith near to
[35:34] Jesus until we walk in that vissed path of sweet forgiveness there isn't real rest peace perhaps some poor thing tonight feels there some uncertainty about their religion shall I be found right at last shall I see the Lord's face with joy oh you say I have many doubts and fears my little faith yet so tried well now if the dear Holy Spirit was to lead you in this good way and enable you to walk therein and to feel for a few moments your life is hid with
[36:47] Christ in God to have a few moments sweet communion and fellowship with the Lord Jesus in this good way then you would find rest sweet rest for your poor weary soul Jesus said come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest well my dear friends it's asking and walking in the old paths in the good way that alone will lead us to find this true and this spiritual rest why when a poor sinner gets to the dear
[38:05] Lord Jesus and gets from him what they so much feel to need a word from him a word about their sins a word about his suffering for them a word about their latter end that it shall be well with them these people find a blessed rest oh haven't some of us found it a few times in our pilgrimage and what a sweet path that is to walk in to feel everything made right by the precious blood of Jesus between our souls and
[39:05] God made right forever and ever now that's finding rest for our souls oh wonderful rest blessed rest for a poor weary sinner well there are the old paths there is a good way which the Lord has set forth in his holy word and he does say this if ye love me keep my commandments if ye love me what a solemn solemn state to be in to have no love to
[40:13] God no love to the dear Lord Jesus must any of us leave this little building tonight and say we are strangers to the love of the blessed trinity we are in a sad sad state but oh what a mercy to feel that love flowing within and you know that love does call for sacrifice and the mercy it is when we are unable to make it when there is a walking in the good way the way of obedience
[41:19] I know full well that no outward things or outward observations will take us to heaven but you know it's very sacred to feel that love flowing into our hearts and constraining us and enabling us to walk obediently before the Lord and in that good way and in that blessed path God's dear people they find rest for their souls sometimes you know they're tossed about for a long time regarding walking in these ways various excuses come various temptations may be of putting things off but oh when the
[42:48] Lord's time comes to fill a sinner's heart with his love to sweetly overcome the sinner that sinner will then walk lovingly willingly in the paths of obedience and there they find rest have the Lord's blessing resting upon them I'll never forget one night after I'd been before the church I felt here would I find a settled rest whilst others go and come no more a stranger nor a guest but like a child at home very sacred very wonderful how its love constrains us to take up our cross and to follow the meek and lowly
[44:04] Jesus this do not by man's command this do in remembrance of me well I haven't said much from a good text but I may have said sufficient if the Lord bless it and enable us to see and enable us to ask for the old paths the old path you know isn't the world and religion it's what people want today as much of the world as they can have and religion too well that's not the good old path the good old path says love not the world neither the things that are in the world and if we are favored to know
[45:12] Jesus and to walk in him we shall not want the world if he sanctifies us by his grace this world will be a poor place to us sure it will if he gives us a good hope for heaven it will far excel all this world can give may we be unable to ask for the old path where is a good way and walk therein and find rest for our souls as we said at the beginning these people said no though the Lord spoke to them so graciously so mercifully they said we will not walk therein what an awful response and
[46:15] I suppose you know thousands and thousands have responded like that when the Lord's servants have preached may it not be so with us Amen Lord will Mr.
[46:41] Collier will preach here on Monday and next week episode with hymn number 1003 June 853 Oh that the Lord will guide my ways to keep the statue still Oh that my God will grant me grace to know and do as well 1003 June 853 Oh just might doança tas hacer Co true how to
[49:24] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS And in my arms is still I sing and I will be the Lord And in my arms is still I sing and I will be the Lord
[50:30] And in my arms is still I sing and I will be the Lord Most gracious and merciful God Hear and answer the petitions In our closing hymn For our never-dying souls And we shall walk in the good way And reach heaven Take us now beneath thy care and keeping
[51:34] May the grace of the Lord Jesus And that the love of God And the communion of the Holy Spirit Abide with us each Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen