[0:00] number 931 to 664 Ask my Lamb my God appointed no sin on thee were laid my almighty love anointed all my people are forgiven through the virtue of thy love open is the gate of heaven peace is made fix man of God in 931 june
[1:25] O God, I gain Jacob, O God, and here O God, Ileben CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS
[5:14] Trusting the Lord will help this evening, I read to you the words found in the Gospel according to John, the 14th chapter and the 27th verse.
[5:42] John 14, the 27th verse. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.
[5:57] Not as the world giver give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
[6:09] John 14, verse 27. Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.
[6:23] Not as the world givers give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
[6:37] We have, I hope and trust, laid upon our mind this evening a deep subject.
[6:52] And I feel in and of myself far, far helpless in this subject.
[7:03] And how we do need the Lord to lead us into his truth. I had no thought of reading this chapter this evening.
[7:15] When our friend gave out the first hymn, blessed comforter. My mind went straight to the 14th of John.
[7:26] Now, as we read this chapter together, when we came to this verse, 27th, it seemed to be the text.
[7:41] Now I do hope and trust then, friends, we shall be led. Led by that blessed comforter. Jesus said, I would not leave you comfortless.
[7:56] I will come unto you. And I do pray this evening that we might be favoured with a little peace in our souls.
[8:08] This is what we want in it. A little peace. There is so much conflict. There is so much warfare.
[8:22] There is so much sin. There is so much inequity. Sin causes sores. Sin causes wounds.
[8:36] Sin causes bruises. Sin causes the people of God opt on. Sin causes the people of God. To cry for the abominations.
[8:48] That are found in their own hearts. For what a mercy. For what a mercy. And if there should be one here this evening. Who feels just now.
[9:02] Or entered the chapel. Full of confusion. Full of sin. Full of iniquity. And you wonder.
[9:13] And you wonder. Where the scene will end. Whoever you are, friend. There is only one that can speak peace. I could stand here all night and speak peace.
[9:28] Unless the Lord applied that word. It would be peace. You will be brought to more and more confusion. More and more sorrow.
[9:42] It is when the word. The Lord applies the word. And what a sweet word peace is. Just let us look for a moment at the word.
[9:56] As we are held. Peace. Why there is no word to compare with it. None whatsoever.
[10:09] Peace. A cessation of hostilities. A place where the Lord brings. His people to rest.
[10:23] Assuredly the knowledge. And the conception by the spirit. Of the wonders of salvation. Salvation is full of peace.
[10:37] Full of peace. Peace. I leave with you. And what a great mercy it is. Beyond our conception.
[10:51] That every peace. Should be spoken to poor sinners. That every peace. Should enter into the knowledge. Of poor sinners.
[11:05] You and me. Who were at war with God. You and me. Born in sin. Shaping in iniquity.
[11:18] You and me. Who were not concerned. With peace. You and me. Who would have lived. And died.
[11:29] Without peace. But for the precious. Lamb of God. Of whom you have just saved. And what a warfare.
[11:41] It was for him. What a conflict. It was for him. Yes. He must needs. He must needs.
[11:52] Die. He laid down his life. His blood. Must needs be shed. That there might be peace.
[12:05] And let me tell you friends. There is no peace without blood. It is only through the blood. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. You may.
[12:17] You may console yourselves. Perhaps naturally. For a time. Console yourselves. In the knowledge of the scriptures. How solemn this is.
[12:29] You will be found wanting at last. But when this precious blood speaks. We read in scripture.
[12:41] That the blood of Jesus Christ. God's dear son. Speaks better things. Than that of Abel. Yes.
[12:52] There is a voice. A voice that speaks peace. And that voice. Is through. The blood. Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[13:05] And as that voice is heard. A trembling. Helpless. Doomed sinner. Is given hope. Is given that enabling grace.
[13:17] To believe. That the Lord. Will. Save them at last. Peace. Highly. With you. I did mention.
[13:31] In prayer. Of how the disciples. Were troubled. The Lord Jesus Christ. Had spoken. Of his departure. They could not.
[13:43] Enter. Fully. Into these things. There are many questions. Many times. They ask. Why? They were not.
[13:56] Fully. You might say. Acquipped. By the scriptures. The Holy Ghost. Had not yet. Come upon them. Therefore. They were.
[14:06] They were troubled. There may be one here. Troubled this evening. Troubled. Concerning. Your soul. Salvation.
[14:18] Troubled. Concerning. Your standing. Before. Holy God. Troubled. Troubled. Troubled. Troubled. Because you feel. Your sins. Were damaged.
[14:30] And there have been no hope. Troubled. Because you feel. You cannot lay hope. Of the dear son of God.
[14:43] You hear of one speaking. Another speaking. Testifying. Testifying. Exalting. The precious son of God. And there you are.
[14:57] You feel it's not for you. And Satan tempts you. It's for one. It's for another. But it's not for you.
[15:08] Why friend. I believe your heart's troubled. I believe the troubles in your heart. Are the result.
[15:19] Of your soul's anxiety. And your soul in such deep trouble. Why the Lord will not leave you there. The worldling has no cares.
[15:33] Concerning his or her soul. No. Because the worldling. They can fulfill. Their own enjoyments.
[15:46] For the child of God. Tis Jesus. Tis that precious son of God. Therefore. As we view him.
[15:56] As you just sang. The pastoral lamb of God. We view him. What he endured. That peace might be given.
[16:10] We cannot conceive. The great depth of endurance. Of our Lord Jesus Christ. We often think of those words.
[16:23] They led him away. And crucified him. Was it your Jesus? Was it your Savior?
[16:38] They led away. And crucified him. With the sufferings.
[16:52] Of the Lord Jesus Christ. If it was your Jesus. That he led away. And crucified. Then it was your sins.
[17:04] And your iniquities. That was laid upon him. Yes. Many may blame. Those cruel hearts.
[17:16] Many may blame. Those cruel hearts. Which were seen. In the days of his flesh. But I believe. The sins of the whole church.
[17:27] Were there. The sins of every. Soul. Every soul. To be redeemed. Were laid in heat.
[17:37] Upon the precious Jesus. What he suffered. That he might be the God of peace. What he suffered.
[17:48] As I said. There is a vast. Vast. Difference between. Suffering. And peace. Our Lord Jesus Christ.
[18:00] He knew it. He felt. Bodily. And his soul. That he might bring. Poor sinner. Peace for your soul.
[18:12] He knew what it was to say. And now. My soul. Is exceeding sorrowful. Yes.
[18:23] That love. Sinless. Perfect. Holy. Holy. Blameless.
[18:34] Jesus. And he suffered this. That this very word of peace. Might so come into being.
[18:45] Through his precious blood. That the soul. Who. Is led by the Holy Spirit. To seek the part of his or her sins.
[19:00] They shall know little. Of the peace of God. The dear. The man said. Or the scripture rather.
[19:13] The man was led to say. Right. Peace of God. Which passes. All understanding. And friends.
[19:24] As I speak to you of it. How can you expect me to speak. Module peace. It passes. All understanding. It's far.
[19:36] Far above. But I believe. As the Lord leads us. To the throne of grace. As he leads us.
[19:47] To his son. As we view that. Lamb of God. I believe there are times. When a little peace is felt.
[19:59] Out is something known. And something felt in it. Something known. And something felt. And what does it.
[20:12] Do to the poor sinner. It melts that water. Before the holiness of God. It melts that one. Before the mercy of God.
[20:26] It endures that one. And that one. Falls down before him. Peace. I leave with you.
[20:38] Ah. As he. Here spoke to his. His disciples. What a wonder it was. My peace. I give unto you.
[20:50] It's a gift. A tremendous gift. It's a power of great price. You are bought with a price.
[21:02] We read in scripture. Yes. The price was. The precious blood. Of the Lord Jesus Christ. That price.
[21:14] That price. Bought. We might say. Peace. Peace. Between a holy God. And the church. Here upon this earth. And as that peace.
[21:27] That price. Bought. Prayer. It's peace. For the Lord's people. Then Lord Jesus Christ. Has said. And promise.
[21:38] I give. On to you. Is there a longing. Why. Down this evening. Lord. Give me this peace. I desire.
[21:51] Lord. I desire. This peace. I want to feel. A little. This peace. Raining in my heart. I want to feel.
[22:01] It in my soul. Leave me not. Dastitude. Lord. Come dear. Lord. And speak peace. And pardon.
[22:12] Through thy precious blood. Come and grant me. That faith. That living faith. That I might know. I'm in that new.
[22:24] And living way. Lord. I know. I've assured in myself. That not all the blood of peace. On Jewish altar slain.
[22:37] Could give the guilty comes. eats or wash away the stain. Look, friend, you've been brought there. You're brought to feel this.
[22:48] You're brought to know it. Ah, what did one say? But now, ye who were sometimes a far old, are brought near.
[23:01] Near by what? Jesus, brought now by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. And how this, the Lord Jesus Christ, through his sufferings, he brings his people near unto this peace.
[23:20] Why peace flows forth from him. We sometimes speak of this peace as a river, as a pure river and a holy river.
[23:31] And how it flows forth. Yes, the foundation, the fountain of this peace is Christ alone.
[23:43] It issues forth from the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ. It flows forth into the hearts and souls of those who feel they have no peace.
[23:58] how our Lord Jesus Christ, he spoke to those disciples who were in that troubled ship.
[24:11] Yes, they had on board with them one who had gone down and had a pillow and gone to sleep.
[24:22] The God of peace. The God of peace. And the storm arose.
[24:33] As the storm seeming in your soul arose, are the waves traveling high?
[24:44] Does there seem everything but peace? Master, Master, Master, O the earnestness of their cross, O their desire, how great it was, for they had a great God.
[25:06] Have you this great God? This great God that alone can speak to you. I might well, some say, behold what manner of man is this.
[25:20] Haven't you had to say it, friends? When the Lord has spoken peace in your soul, when those troubles that did assail you, when those dangers that did affright you, when those sorrows that brought you so low, he's spoken some sweet word, some sweet word, why it warmed your heart.
[25:49] Speak peace. The dear apostle said, I can do all things through Christ that strengthened me. He had peace there, you know.
[26:00] He had sweet peace. He, I believe, he could lay his life, his whole life, before this Lord. And having this knowledge and spiritual conception that he would never leave.
[26:18] Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you, not as the world givers. Not as the world givers. Oh, the world may seem to give a certain peace, but it's not real peace.
[26:39] And what a mercy we've been weaned from this. The Lord has stripped us from worldly peace. The world may plaster over.
[26:54] The world may proper, but it won't stand, it won't stand. The child of God be brought to that place where they've realized it cannot stand.
[27:08] Give me Christ, or else I die. What are you asking for? What is your desire when you say this?
[27:20] Peace. Therefore, the world cannot give this. The world has no appetite for it. The world has no thought for it.
[27:34] The world has no desire for it. The world wants this, wants that. They seem to seek to gain their own peace by their own powers, by the things of this world.
[27:49] But it won't do the poor sinner. It won't do for those who know this warfare and conflict that goes on with it.
[28:03] Yes, it's when the Lord in mercy speaks this world of peace. Then the old dragon has to sling away. Then Satan has to sling away.
[28:17] Do you ever know this? I hope so. When he's been tormenting you. When he's been terrifying you. Do you know, he can appear sometimes an angel of light you read.
[28:33] He can quote scripture. He might quote scripture sometimes. And it seems as if your sins, they will bring you to nothing.
[28:46] It seems as if your sins, they are never forgiven. But when the Lord speaks peace, then he has to go away. He has to turn aside.
[28:58] And you drink in a little of that peace. He has to drink. He has to go away. He has to go away. He has to go away. He has to go away.
[29:09] And you drink in a little of that peace. He has to go away. He has to go away. And as you drink in this, then it's a sip by the way. Then your heart is a little of that peace.
[29:20] Then your heart is a little of that peace. Then your spirits are light. Then your soul is fruitful. Then you can, as we sang in that second hymn, you can exalt him.
[29:36] You can praise him. Do you know all real praise cometh forth from peace? Have you ever exalted God?
[29:49] Have you ever praised God that I have been from peace or through peace? Not just singing with the mouth or tongue. When your heart's been set on fire with heavenly zeal, it's been through the mercy of peace.
[30:07] And the grace manifested in peace. Wherefore you've been able to exalt him. Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth.
[30:24] Give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled. Let it not be troubled. Is it troubled this evening? Is there a one with a troubled heart?
[30:43] Yes, it is troubled. You cannot for one moment look at it, as you might say, and turn away from the trouble. The trouble deepens.
[30:55] The trouble mounts up. The trouble is heavier. Jesus said, let it not be troubled.
[31:05] Oh, you may be saying, I've read these words many, many times. I've heard them spoken and read many, many times and preached from, but still I'm troubled.
[31:23] Still I'm troubled. What are these troubles? You may be saying, why should I be troubled so? Oh, friend, you're a blessed person.
[31:38] You're a blessed person. You will enjoy the richness and the fullness of the power and the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[31:50] If you do feel troubled, let not your heart be troubled. Oh, I feel as I'm speaking now that if just left the words here this evening, no troubled heart will be consoled.
[32:08] I know it. I feel it. But as the Lord, the Holy Spirit, takes these words and applies them to your hearts and to your consciences, as you're brought face to face with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, its power, its virtue, tis then your troubled heart will be healed.
[32:36] I am the Lord that healeth thee. And as he heals his people, tis then, as the heart becomes tender before him, as the heart becomes, and understand me rightly here, as the heart becomes manageable, manageable, you might say.
[33:04] Our hearts, by nature, they are unmanageable. When the Holy Spirit so graciously leads us, and all our troubles unto a holy God, tis then, that troubles swallowed up, swallowed up in this, the Lord knoweth best.
[33:27] All my times are in his hands, all events at his commands, not a single shaft come here, till the God of love sees fit.
[33:40] then it will be troubled. And not say these things last sometimes very long. Not, not very long sometimes.
[33:55] But if the Lord spoke to you, and said in mercy and grace, I am the Lord thy God. I am thy God.
[34:07] how beautifully the Lord speaks in the prophetised sight of troubled ones. Fear not, for I am with thee.
[34:21] What ointments, what balm to a troubled breast are these words. I am with thee. Yes, he's promised not to proceed.
[34:34] He's promised to help. He's promised to comfort. He's promised to console. Let not your heart be troubled.
[34:48] What appears to me like this, as the Lord Jesus Christ looked upon his disciples, and he saw just what was going on with them.
[34:59] Friend, he looked upon you. He sees what's going on with them. these words are not old-fashioned. They'll never be wore out.
[35:11] They're the truth in Christ Jesus. And being the truth in Christ Jesus, they'll stand. They'll hold fast. The Lord has said and promised his word should not pass away.
[35:28] All other things will pass away. Whoever strong, whoever great, for the peace of God will. Oh, to be the recipients then of this peace.
[35:41] Oh, to be the recipients, those who do receive the word of God, that word of God which so causes that troubled heart to be at peace.
[35:57] What an awful thing it is to be at war with God. what a terrible thing. We see this at Galilee.
[36:10] We see Satan at war with God. We see Satan aiming that dreadful blow at war with the dear son of God.
[36:23] But oh, how we see him. He was fighting a losing battle. he could not prevail. Satan sin was thus far and no further.
[36:40] He must overcome the Lord Jesus Christ. And he overcame poor sinner that your heart might have a little peace within.
[36:51] You might feel that he is your Lord, your Savior, your captain, one who has gone before you, one who prevails, and one who will not leave you at last.
[37:09] Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. How deeply, how sweetly, how preciously, the word of God consoles his people.
[37:30] He speaks first of trouble, then he speaks of being afraid. Is there one afraid here this evening? One full of fear.
[37:45] Full of fear. yes, it seems as if they crowded. It seems as if they almost rain in those fears.
[37:58] Afraid to take a step. Afraid to do this. Afraid to do that. You might well be afraid without God.
[38:12] You might well be afraid without the Lord Jesus Christ. You might well be afraid of these things. Whatever it may be, it won't last, it won't stand.
[38:27] But if in Christ Jesus, the application of this word, be not afraid, then it will stand, then it will hold fast, then it will be as an anchor of your soul.
[38:45] then the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ will be pleaded, will be sought over, will sought after, will be looked to, as is looked to in that dear love.
[39:05] Oh, what virtue there was then in him, as I said, his healing power, neither let it be afraid, neither let it be afraid.
[39:20] Oh, the Holy Spirit would convey these words to us this evening, maybe especially unto one, one perhaps you prayed for, one you cannot give up, one you've longed to see, in the blessedness of salvation, maybe yourselves, yes, you cannot tell another, maybe yourselves, let it not be afraid.
[39:55] Oh, this treacherous heart of mine, you're saying, oh, this unbelieving heart, oh, this sinful heart, oh, this heart which is full of these things, this heart which seems to be black, this heart which seems to be stained, and died with sin, this heart which seems to be sinking, into utter despair, this heart which seems to be in the pond of despondency, let it not be afraid.
[40:38] And if the Lord can obey then these words, then you'd bid all you for a few months to all your fears, all your fears.
[40:52] When Jesus comes and speaks to that troubled heart, it is all being not afraid. Yes, he alone can give peace.
[41:06] He alone can speak this consolation. Therefore, what a mercy over these things are found in him.
[41:17] yes, we are complete in him. Don't look to another branch.
[41:29] Don't look to another. Don't look to yourself. You won't find peace anywhere else. Look only unto Jesus.
[41:42] looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. What can I hear one say?
[41:55] They haven't got any faith. Don't feel to have any faith. Don't feel to possess faith. Shall we put this to the test?
[42:08] can you give up looking unto Jesus? Can you give up calling upon him?
[42:20] If you can, you've got no faith. If you can, your own words are true. But oh, that poor soul says, I've got no faith.
[42:33] I feel I haven't got any faith. Keep on looking to Jesus. keeps on looking with expectancy. Keeps on saying within, and it is, I believe, prompted by the comforter, I believe he will appear.
[42:54] Oh, you have many days, you have many crosses, but you say, I believe he will appear. In other words, you can't give him up.
[43:08] you can't give him up. All the crowd that comes in, all the crowd that presses, you can't give him up.
[43:22] I believe he will appear. And in his appearing, he will say, let not your heart be troubled. let it not be afraid, and this peace of God then, will I hope flow in.
[43:42] And as it closes, it will make its mark. It will make its mark. It will flow in through the knowledge and conception of this new living way to God, even the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[44:05] And as we, as you are unable to plead, the depth and the power and the beauty of that blood, the blood of Jesus Christ, that dear beloved Son of God, cleanses from all sins.
[44:25] Yes, dear John, when he saw the love, that love and what John saw friends, I sometimes ponder a little, we cannot tell what he saw.
[44:43] He saw the sacrifice. He saw redeeming love. He saw the glorified, magnified Son of God, and how he spoke of him.
[45:02] Behold, the love of God, which takes away the sin of the world.
[45:14] Do you believe it? Do you believe it? I hope that by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit will lead you more and more into this peace, spoken by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[45:40] God and if you're led more to that peace, oh, what a time it will be. Then you'll be able to rest for a few moments of short, in God your Saviour, in God your Redeemer, and leave all things in his hearts.
[46:05] Leave it all. We can't do that in of ourselves, unless peace rains, we can't. No.
[46:17] But when peace rains, we can leave all the things. I know what one may be saying there, they've often said it, didn't often peace rains, do it?
[46:31] It is often peace rains in that fullness. But when peace does rain, we are unable to commit our souls, lie passive in his fashioning, shakening house, and saying, tell him that he knows best.
[46:56] May that gracious, loving care tender mercy, the Lord Jesus Christ pointed out and gave unto his disciples, may it be your portion and my portion, let not your heart be troubled, neither, neither let it be afraid.
[47:21] Amen. Lord will, Mr.
[47:41] High Info Preacher on Thursday and next week. and I disclose with hymn number 925, June 867.
[48:01] Peace by his cross, as Jesus made the churches at the last end, for hell and sin is victory won through the shout of Lord and God.
[48:34] 925, June 867. 7. 7. 8. 7. 8. 9. 9. 10.
[49:09] 20. 10. 10.
[49:33] 10. 10. 10. 11. 11. 10. 12. 12. 12. 10. CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS
[51:49] Lord, may thy peace, the peace which thou givest, rest upon us each one, may we never, never be found without it at last.
[52:21] Pardon all thou hast seen in this. Only bless this poor preaching. And may the love of God, the grace of his dear Son, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and abide.
[52:39] Amen. Amen. Amen.
[53:44] Amen. Amen.
[54:15] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[54:26] Amen. Amen. Thank you.
[54:59] Thank you.
[55:29] Thank you.
[55:59] Thank you.
[56:29] Thank you.
[56:59] Thank you.
[57:29] Thank you.
[57:59] Thank you.
[58:29] Thank you.
[58:59] Thank you.
[59:29] Thank you.
[59:59] Thank you.
[60:29] Thank you.
[60:59] Thank you.
[61:29] Thank you.
[61:59] Thank you.