Anniversary service. Sermon commences at 2.5 minutes
[0:00] To be continued...
[0:30] To be continued...
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[1:30] To be continued...
[2:00] To be continued...
[2:29] Romans, and from the 28th verse we read, There is one thing very marked about the Apostle Paul's ministry, and that it was a very positive ministry, concerning the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
[3:15] There is one part of the Word of God which has been much on my mind concerning Paul, writing to his beloved son in the faith, Timothy.
[3:25] And he speaks in the 2nd of Timothy chapter 1, verse 12, For the Apostle Paul, We know that we have passed from death into life because we love the brethren.
[4:09] That is one of the very marked evidences that we have been born again by the Spirit of God, because we have that love to the people of God.
[4:21] That love which passes all knowledge and all understanding. It is the love of God in Christ Jesus. And the Apostle Paul opens this wonderful chapter of the Romans with, If there is no condemnation, who to?
[4:38] To them who are in Christ Jesus. If we are in Christ Jesus, we are under the law, we are condemned. We are on our way to a lost eternity.
[4:51] We are on our way to hell, if we are not in the Lord Jesus Christ. My friends, the Apostle Paul was so emphatic upon the proclamation of the Gospel.
[5:03] He had had a wonderful conversion. In the 9th chapter of the Acts, he speaks of his wonderful conversion. His call by grace, he was really and truly struck down on the Damascus road.
[5:17] Remember that Paul, before his conversion, was a religious man. He was a Pharisee of the Pharisees. He sat at the feet of Gamaliel.
[5:30] Of touching the law, he was absolutely glameless. He was a religious man. Without Jesus. Without the Lord Jesus Christ.
[5:42] And when God brought him down on that Damascus road, when the Lord brought him to his knees, when the Lord quickened him by his spirit, when the Lord put a new song in his heart, he was converted, friends.
[6:00] He was born again. He had passed from death into life. Yes, as the years went on, Paul grew in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[6:11] But his conversion was done on the Damascus road. The Lord met with him. The Lord dealt with him. The Lord came to Paul in his sin.
[6:26] And you read the first chapter of the Galatians. He said, when it pleased God. When it pleased God. There is an appointed time, friends, for your conversion.
[6:38] There is an appointed time for my conversion. Hymn 76 sums it up. There is a period known to God when all his sheep, without exception, redeemed by blood.
[6:54] What happens? What is conversion? It is a complete turning around. They leave the hateful ways of sin. They turn to the fold.
[7:07] And they enter in. That is conversion. That is what it means, friends. I know that God brought Peter back to repentance and he said that Satan desired to have him to sift him as weak.
[7:21] And when thou art converted. Peter was converted years before by the Sea of Galilee when the Lord said, follow me. But in that instance, when thou art converted, when thou art strengthened, when thou art restored.
[7:36] My friends, we are speaking this morning of conversion. And that is why the Apostle Paul knew every minister of God, my friends, if he does not know in whom he has believed, there is not much hope for those that gather before them.
[7:56] The servants of God must know by precious experience that Jesus Christ died for them upon the tree. It's absolutely vital that the servants of God, the ministers of Christ, should know their standing and that the Gospel should be presented in such a way, friends, that the common people hear him gladly the simplicity of the Gospel.
[8:33] Was there anyone more simple than our glorious Master? Distresses me a lot when I especially hear of young people and they say, of course, we don't understand.
[8:46] We are mystified by the Gospel. Well, my friends, why? Paul was a sinful creature, although he was an educated man. Paul was not an illiterate man.
[9:01] He was a learned man. He sat at the feet of Gamaliel. But, my friends, when he preached the Gospel, he preached it in that simple way that Christ preached it by the Sea of Galilee.
[9:16] And that is why, friends, there were souls to his hire and seals to his ministry. That is why men and women followed the Lord Jesus Christ. in reality, the Gospel is very, very simple.
[9:32] It is human nature that is hard to understand it. It is your human nature and my human nature that do find it hard to receive the glorious truths of the Gospel that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Christ thou shalt be saved.
[9:58] Friends, the experience will come as you walk in the ways of God. You don't expect a young babe that is born into this world to be fully equipped, do you?
[10:14] That babe has to grow and so in grace, so in spiritual things, that maybe this morning a young babe would to God that the church was full of young babes in Jesus Christ.
[10:30] They have been awakened. Oh my friends, they may not be able to speak of the glorious experience of the Apostle Paul. That does not matter. The Apostle Paul had a wonderful experience for a reason.
[10:48] He was going to be a preacher of Jesus Christ, you see. He was going to preach to the Gentiles of the unsearchable riches of Christ.
[11:00] He was going to point men and women and young boys and girls to a lovely Jesus whom he knew. My friends, that is the only gospel that God will bless when it please God.
[11:16] it has pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. It has pleased God not to send the angels to preach those glorious things that do the will of God.
[11:35] No, it has not pleased God to send angels to preach. it has pleased God to call men from the ruins of this fall and he has equipped them with his Holy Spirit to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ.
[11:58] And that is what Paul was called to do when God met with him on the Damascus road. when it pleased God who called me by his grace and revealed his Son in me said Paul to the church at Galatia I did not confer with flesh and blood but I went on the errand of the Master.
[12:23] Remember what happened on the Damascus road there was the Apostle Paul under the name of Saul of Tarsus doing the work of the devil. That is how we are found brethren.
[12:35] That is how God finds us in the world. We are born in sin and shaped in iniquity and we do the work of Satan. Whether it is in a mere profession or whether we are out in the profane world there is no difference.
[12:51] We are born in sin shaped in iniquity and until we are born again by the Spirit of God we are under the condemnation of the Lord.
[13:05] The wages of sin is death eternal death but the gift of God oh precious gift those of you this morning who know the Lord it's a wonderful thing isn't it?
[13:22] it's a wonderful thing this morning if we know the Lord we may know my friends about churches and denominations that will not stand when we come to our dying bed my friends to know Jesus as our personal redeemer is so vital for heaven we are not saved by an experience brethren but every one of God's children will have an experience we are not to preach our own particular experience but the servants of God will have an experience that will be founded upon Christ my friends this morning the foundation was laid at Calvary when the Son of God expired upon the cross see the Lord of life and glory hear him sighing hear him dying look ye sinners ye that hung you look how deep my sins and your sins have stung him look thou stung to death there is hope brethren there is the remedy for the malady of sin this morning the apostle Paul my friends when he was brought on that
[14:53] Damascus road he was heading for a lost eternity he was persecuting men and women he was heading them to the prisons and suddenly sometimes friends our conversion is suddenly sometimes it is over many months sometimes it is over many years it doesn't matter God is a sovereign we hope to sing about the sovereignty of God at the end of our service this morning sovereign ruler of the skies my friends Paul was suddenly broke down upon his knees on the Damascus road one moment he was persecuting the church our soul of Tarsus the next moment there was a light shining brighter than the sun itself and friends he was persecuting the church of God and
[16:03] God said soul why persecutest thou me friends before this happened he did not realise he was persecuting the church of God we may be persecuting the church of God this morning and not even be aware of it you know I often think of David he wasn't brought to repentance immediately after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba it took Nathan the prophet brethren to go unto David and he said there were two men one was a rich man one was a poor man and you know the story very well if you know your Bibles David was almost indignant he said the man that had done this shall surely die there is conviction of sin David thou art the man my friends
[17:05] David went on and remember I know we've digressed this morning but David was not a novice in the things of God when he committed adultery David was a mature Christian David had been called by the hills of Bethlehem he was the Lord's child and he had slept he had fallen my friend he was brought to repentance and so this man Saul who wrote to these favoured churches we must go back to his conversion it's good to go back to our conversion it's good to speak of what the Lord has done for our never dying souls would to God but that was the conversation of each and every one of us this morning never be ashamed to speak of what Christ has done for you my friends before Jesus was born David said come all ye that fear the Lord and I will tell you what he has done for my soul
[18:10] I'll tell you this the profaner don't want to know about it the professors in religion don't want to know about it but those who are of the same kindred spirit they will listen to what the Lord has done for a sinner my friends this glorifies God the father this exalts his beloved son this puts the crown upon the right head it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb my friends can you look back this morning in your life whether it be a long life or a short life and see the hand that stopped you maybe as a man a young man bent on a life of pleasure bent on a life of sin bent on a life away from the Lord but oh the love of God to his children my friends it is the love of God that will not let us go maybe this morning we are like
[19:21] Jonah we have tried to flee from God maybe we have gone the other way and now we feel the prickings of our conscience maybe again this morning God is saying to someone here as he said to the apostle why persecute us thou me now my friends look at the response of this man immediately who art thou Lord and we know that no man can truly say that Jesus is the Lord unless he takes the veil away and breathes that living word who art thou Lord and here you see the condescension of the son of God to hell deserving men and women in the world in every age of the church what happened to Paul is happening to men and women today Jesus Christ could have sent the apostle Paul to a lost eternity he could have said I am almighty God
[20:21] I condemn you to a lost eternity for persecuting the church friends listen to what he said I am Jesus of Nazareth whom thou persecutest it it's hard for you sinner to kick against the pricks I will say amen to it you may have kicked against the pricks you may have rebelled against the ways of God it is hard for you to kick against the pricks for a sinner oh but what a different spirit of the apostle Paul after that word from heaven no longer did he go on in a rebellious way no longer did he persecute the church of God no longer did he kick against the pricks Lord what wilt thou have me to do there is a submission there is humility the apostle Paul did not want to take the highest place in the church he had the highest place in the
[21:25] Jewish faith he was well respected in the Jewish faith he prayed eloquently in the synagogues but my friends now he is really praying he is praying under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit you see now he is a convicted man and he is in need of a beloved saviour and friends the word of God says behold he prayed many times doubtless in the synagogue but now he is really praying he is praying for forgiveness he is praying for repentance he is praying for the Lord to appear for is there one or two here this morning that are praying for the Lord to appear for them it may be that you are not newly converted it may be that the Lord had dealt with you in love many years ago but now you are praying for the Lord to appear for you well friends the text declares and we know oh this is a wonderful text this is a comforting text in the family church everything and we know that all things work together for God all things together who for those who are the cold according to his holy purpose those who were predestinated to eternal life those that were chosen before the foundation of the world they were chosen in him there is no condemnation to those that are in
[22:58] Christ Jesus if you're in Christ Jesus this morning there is no condemnation you have been acquitted by the work of the Lord at Calvary the work of Jesus Christ the finished work upon the cross it is finished nothing to be added to it nothing to be taken away from it poor sinners have to come to the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ that is where Paul was brought to the finished work of the Lord remember what he said later on I count all things as dung and dross that I might win Christ and be found in him not having my own righteousness he'd had enough of that which was of the law but the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ all things but dung and dross he gave everything up he gave his religion up it was a natural religion it would have perished with it it had to be given up and that is wherever the converted man and woman is brought their natural religion has to go and they have to have a
[24:06] Jesus only religion Jesus only and there friends the apostle Paul is brought and what did the Lord say to him when he had brought him down did the Lord leave him in that utter condemned condition blinded did he leave him there my friends upon the ground expecting the very next breath to be his last no the Lord never leaves a sinner there the Lord had great mercy to Paul rise upon thy feet Paul there has to be arising in faith there has to be a coming forth to the Lord rise upon thy feet sinner for I have appeared unto thee for this very purpose my friends we have got in our text this morning the purposes of God the purposes of God to the church and Mr.
[24:58] Carrick says his purposes will ripen fast what is the purpose of the Lord to you and I friends if we are there is God that he might take us to heaven that he might bring us to that place where Jesus is the purposes of God his purposes will ripen fast unfolding every hour you see friends Christians today we are exhorted not only to pray but to watch the hand of our God in every aspect of our life providential and grace you cannot separate them you cannot separate God's gift to you this morning in your daily life and your spiritual life they go hand in hand the purposes of God will ripen fast God's purposes are being unfolded in the world today prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes there shall be a great falling away towards the end of the world the love of many has gone the love of many has worked told but what is the position of the believer this morning what is the position of the church of
[26:23] God my friends the position of the church of God is this she is secure she is on course she is looking unto Jesus and each individual member of this church which knows no name has been redeemed by Christ was chosen before the world began in Christ we have read together this morning if any man how solemn is that if any man hath not the spirit of Christ he is none of this Lord at times I feel not to have that spirit of Christ but if any man hath the spirit of Christ if any man hath the spirit of Jesus they are a new creature my friends this morning it is so we know and everything that happened to this man from the moment he was converted to the moment he died was working together for his
[27:31] God the trials the afflictions the persecutions the suffering I will show him said Jesus what great things you must suffer for my name sake did any man suffer apart from the Lord himself like the apostle Paul he was persecuted he was wept he was in he was in parils with close brethren my friends he had that suffering pathway and when he writes to the church at Philippi he said brethren we are not only called to reign with him but we are called to suffer with him of course there is a suffering there is a fellowship with the sufferings of the Lord we may have been praying recently that I may know more of him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings and the Lord has led us into a pathway of suffering the
[28:33] Lord has led us into a pathway of affliction the Lord has led us into a pathway we had never envisaged and we feel that we come to which side corner ah that we are walking with the psalmists they that go down to the sea and ships they do business in great waters these see the wonders of the deep and the works of the Lord and we are growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and it is bitter to the flesh but there's no condemnation friends to believers who are in Christ Jesus they are in Christ Jesus they are standing he's not in themselves it's in him and isn't it a wonderful thing this morning that as Paul preached the word of God so the word of God is being preached this morning throughout the length and breadth of this universe of course it will be preached this gospel shall be preached to the end of the world then shall the end come
[29:33] God my friends has a purpose for the world this morning the church of God is being gathered in from the four corners of this world what a mercy of you and I are being used in any small way to bring about the purposes of God you see friends Paul before his conversion was a religious man he probably attended the synagogues every day he would walk around in long flowing roads and he was a very very educated man but my friends after that conversion after he was born again by the spirit of God how he was enabled to submit himself to the Lord Jesus Christ he wanted to do the will of God from that moment on now what about you and I this morning as we look upon the world we look upon the church we see the Lord's hand in many of our affairs we see the Lord speaking in circumstances within the nation the Lord doesn't always speak by a word he speaks by circumstances he speaks by circumstances to churches to families to individuals and then my friends he speaks of this blessed text before us this morning the ground of the
[31:03] Christian hope this is it you see friends this morning although the people of God have their trials like every other one the apostle Paul was never shaken off his calling nothing could shake him off that Damascus road experience nothing could deter him I know in whom I have believed there is a ground of assurance he preached the gospel with divine authority and power from God God had told him to this work read the third chapter of Ephesians and he says to me who am the least of all saints is this grace given that I might preach the unsearchable riches of Christ now what was the effect of the apostle Paul's preaching something happened something wonderful happened the saints of God were built up in their most holy faith there were many of the saints of
[32:10] God who had been believers for many years when Paul was converted and even Ananias at the first he wasn't too sure about him he said I have heard of this man that he had done much damage to the church of God and the Lord said to Ananias go thy way for he is a chosen vessel unto me doesn't matter my friends what Ananias thought about the matter it's what the Lord thinks about him he is my chosen vessel he is my servant he is my child I am going to use him in the church of God and God has used the most unlikeliest man to preach the word of God you've got the very evidence with men not many years ago who'd have ever thought that John Newton would have been a preacher what about George Whitefield before his conversion my friends he was a publican and God raised him up and he brought him to preach the word of God John
[33:10] Newton as many of you know was a captain on a slave ship for many years he went to the ends of the earth and sang and God brought him back friends and brought him to preach the word of God and they were burdened over the souls of men and women that they preached to and my friends this morning may it be our desire as ministers of God men and women shall be saved by the Lord Jesus Christ you know it is as applicable this morning as it was in the days of the apostle when he went down to the Philippian jailhouse and there was the prison officer under conviction of sin the apostle for my friends didn't say out of mere formality believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved he saw the Philippian jailer in agonies men and brethren what must we do to be saved and that's why Paul and Silas sang phrases at midnight in the prison house their life was sanctified by God they had many trials to pass through friends they had one end to preach the Lord
[34:26] Jesus Christ to see sinners being added to the church to see men and women being born again by the spirit of God now this is an anniversary day isn't it it is your church anniversary today my friends I have prayed this that it may be an anniversary day in many sinners hearts that before the end of this day we shall know that the spirit of the Lord has been amongst us oh my friends it's not the man that stands before you you know Paul was emphatic on this Paul may plant and the palace may water but it is God who gives the increase if God is going to revive this church or my church it will be God that does it yes he will use men and women he will use believers and my friends you will know about it at the prayer meeting there will be a sense of burden upon our heart I don't need morbidity friends there was no morbidity with the apostle
[35:31] Paul he wasn't a morbid man he knew in whom he had believed you see my friends not true speaking it's no use doing something if you don't believe in it and what about spiritually he said I did not receive this from man he wasn't taught it by man we don't we don't aren't taught these things by reading other men's experiences as good as they are my friends it's God who teaches us in our daily lives we are taught every day I don't know how you are but every day there is something brought into my life something comes when one burden goes as another arrives I'm friends I can understand what dear John Bunyan said when one burden is removed there is another one knocking on our door why so that we will be kept close to the Lord
[36:34] Jesus you see friends if we had no trials and afflictions and burdens we would be far off from him you see where does it take us it takes us to the mercy seat Lord undertake for me Lord undertake for me and that keeps us you see close to the Savior that keeps us from any pride the Lord knows what to give us doesn't he you know it's a paradox as a Christian experience we need keeping down and we need keeping up and this blessed God knows the right prescription he just knows what to give you and I doesn't he to keep us close to him thy whole dependence on me fix nor entertainer thought Lord we do thy worthless schemes with mine to mix sinner and strains a sinner it doesn't matter my friends what your life may have been when God by the
[38:08] Holy Spirit comes down into our heart and shows unto us what we are and shows unto us what we deserve I look for hell he brought me heaven and then as we go on in the Christian life how he reveals himself in different aspects of our life what a precious text we have this morning and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God those are the characters whom this text applies to my friends all things work together for good to the church of God and to no one else those are the characters friends who are involved those who love God those who are the cold according to his purpose you see friends it is his purpose that brings a sinner to himself all the wonders of this sovereign redeeming grace when it comes down into the heart of a man or woman who has broken every law in the book who has lived maybe a wicked life and he is brought to see the suitability you see friends
[39:20] God has laid hand upon one that is mighty this Jesus friends died upon the cross for a number which no man can number that is the church of God John had a vision on the isle of Apothos he beheld a number which no man can number after he saw the tribe sealed he beheld this great number and in this number my friends there are millions of sinners who have been chosen you will not love the doctrine of election until you know the Lord it's an awful doctrine to the natural mind election is the truth small comfort there I find I have no comfort in it until I am told by God's own mind that he has chosen me then you will love the glorious doctrine of election it did not make Paul a narrow minded preacher he did not know who the elect were God having this seal the
[40:23] Lord knoweth them the dress my friends the preacher the pastor they do not know for certain but my God knows and when he preached the parable of the sword he knew that there was only one class of hearers that would receive the word of God and bring forth fruit to repentance you see Paul friends he preached the whole counsel of God and you know to really and truly preach the whole counsel of God we have to be the Lord's free man we haven't to court the smiles of men nor have we to fear the frowns of men we have to preach the whole counsel of God and the absolute necessity of the new birth my friends it stands this morning as it stood in the days of our master when the Lord said to that man that came to Jesus by night Nicodemus you must be born again and you know
[41:31] Nicodemus he was a man he was he was no ignorant he was a man who had been schooled in the Jewish faith he said how can a man enter a second time into his mother's womb Nicodemus that which is flesh is flesh that which is the spirit is spirit the spirit love we know not this morning where the Holy Spirit is working in the heart it may be friends it may be that there are many even sat this morning not necessarily just in this little gathering and the Holy Spirit is working with them oh my friends you know Paul had this great desire and it was a God given desire it was not a fleshly desire he said brethren my heart's desire to God is this that they might be saved oh didn't he love the souls of his ears didn't he love the souls of men and women of course he did because he knew the value of his own soul that's why and one of the best evidences that you have been born again by the spirit of
[42:35] God is that you have a love for never dying souls of men and women of course it is the next best evidence that you have been with Jesus and learned of him is that you have a zeal for the Lord he came and he said oh Jerusalem how often would I have gathered you but ye would not ye would not henceforth your house is left desolate oh my friends he spoke to Capernaum you know and the Lord couldn't do many mighty works could he in his own place why because of their unbelief but friends Paul knew that his standing was secure he knew he knew me I believe you can trace his life from the Damascus road to the end of his life and there as he speaks to his son in the faith it's a wonderful portion is that of a dear aged servant of
[43:41] God who had proved his God speaking to the son in the faith he was a father in Israel to Timothy was Paul I am now ready to be offered Timothy now listen to this this is assurance and the time of my departure is at hand I have fought the fight I have finished the course my friends there's stability there there is assurance there hence forth of course he had a hither to having obtained help of God I continue to this day hence forth all God's children have a hither to and if they have a hither to they must have a hence forth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness and not only for me Timothy but for all those that love is appearing friends that's the prospect of the church of
[44:42] God I think really and truly this morning if we live more in the light of eternity and heaven itself oh friends Paul lived in the light of eternity his ministry was not negative it was positive my friends he preached to the people he preached to the heart I received it not of man of course he didn't of course he didn't he received it by the revelation of God oh that's a wonderful thing isn't it when it pleased my God who separated me from my mother's womb and revealed his son in me you know there is a religion about today where they decry that personal experience but my friends they must be strangers to it because every believer every child of
[45:44] God he has a revelation of Jesus that's why Satan attacks us that's why the devil attacks us he doesn't attack a person who has a mere profession you know friends I always find weekends is one of the times when Satan is very close to me be amazed what happens in our homes as we prepare for the Lord's day he knows that we are taking this blessed gospel to sinners and friends he hates God and he hates the church and we are not ignorant of Satan's devices oh friends how he tries to stop the service of God preaching the word the devil said to me this morning you never arrived down in the midlands there was thick fog when we left but friends it was lifted within twenty minutes my
[46:49] God had done it and I passed your pasture going north as I was coming south and friends it must have been very very bad in the early part of the morning but the fog did lift and you see with a beautiful day granted and God's servants today have been able to travel to preach the word of God of course there's a divine purpose we'll never know the full meaning of it in this life it will take an eternity my friends for the purposes of God to be revealed to us but you know as the Lord Jesus Christ will say to his father on that great morning father here am I and the children which thou hast given thee so God's dear servants in measure will say father here am I and the children which thou hast given me you see friends it's a wonderful thing when we receive the word of God as we receive the word of God we will walk in the ways of God you can't help walking in the ways of God if you have received him friends it's wonderful to receive the
[48:05] Lord and remember this everyone that goes to heaven they have received Christ in the heart by faith he came unto his own and they received him not he came unto the church before she was born again and they received him now but to as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God isn't that wonderful we're not slaves friends we're sons and daughters of the most high God we're heres with God and heres with Jesus oh my friends I know Paul speaks about being a slave to the Lord Jesus but oh in a right way he did his bidding but friends in reality the church of God are princes and princesses in Christ Jesus you know Jacob is a prince the Lord took Jacob from the dunghill what did he say to him when he wrestled with him all night
[49:06] Jacob I know your name you are a deceiver you are a supplant but thy name shall be no more Jacob but Israel I'm going to give you for as a prince thou hast had power with God and with men and hast prevailed and we know that all things work together for good do you believe this morning that all things are working together in your life you know you may be saying something like this this morning my life seems one complete mystery my life seems one complete turmoil I cannot believe that all these things are really happening and working for my God neither can I but the word of God tells me that I have to live by faith the just shall live by faith and remember this Paul had a new life when he was broke down on the Damascus road can can you say can you say this morning and I will live by faith on the son of
[50:12] God who loved me and gave himself for me and we know that all things work together for God to them that love God all things in my life and your life this morning they're working together for our good to them that love God to them with a cold according to his holy purpose may God add his blessing Amen and your collection will now be taken to us Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen 64 Sovereign Ruler of the skies
[51:14] Ever gracious Ever wise All my times are in thy hand All events at thy command Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Thank you.
[51:59] Thank you.
[52:29] Thank you. Thank you.
[53:29] Thank you. Thank you.
[54:29] Thank you. Thank you.
[55:01] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[55:15] Thank you. Oh, I see the sound of pain Think the sound of the last sea torpedoes Amen.
[55:46] Now may the love of God the Father, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the communion of thy blessed Spirit abide with us.
[55:58] Amen.