
Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 45

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July 28, 1982


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[0:00] Oh, daddy, world, God, be blessed now in Jesus' home, God's blessing Jesus' home.

[0:19] His arms shall never break, Though her soul come on down, The strong, the tempted and the weak Follow in Jesus' home.

[0:59] When souls of tempest rise, All steps your lips are stained, Your hope in Jesus never dies, This is how we live, amen.

[1:29] In all that love will be a friend, Lord of the Savior's name, Though with no strength and the iron's flesh, This God will sound the same.

[2:06] Well, may we have the Lord's help now in looking into his word, The word you will find in the fifth chapter of the Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews.

[2:27] Verse 8 and 9 The 8th and 9th verses in the fifth chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews.

[2:47] Though he were a son, Yet learned the obedience by the things which he suffered, And being made perfect, He became the altar of eternal salvation Unto all them that obey him.

[3:12] For in the verse previous we read, Who in the days of his flesh, When he had offered up prayers and supplications, With strong crying and tears unto him, That was able to save him from death, And was heard in that he feared.

[4:01] Well, we read there, don't we, That he offered up prayers and supplications With strong crying. You know, we need to examine ourselves Regarding our prayers.

[4:19] How oft times do we come to him crying? You know, oft times, you know, They're poor prayers, aren't they?

[4:30] But if we have a need, And we desire that the Lord may Answer our prayers, We shall come sincerely before him.

[4:47] And many times, With crying. I remember once, If I may say this, Because, In one instance, That, I hadn't walked, As I should have done before the Lord, And, It seemed as though Everything had come to an end with me, And then the Lord appeared.

[5:15] And you know, It broke me out. Ah, I cried, And wept that night, Till I went, Till I went to sleep.

[5:28] There are the prayers, You know, That the Lord answers. Those that come, With sincere desire, And longings for the Lord, In thankfulness, And with desires, To know, Whether we are right before him, Well, If the Lord Jesus, He says, In this place, When he had offered up prayers, And supplication, With strong crying, And tears, Unto him that was able, To save him from death, What about us?

[6:07] What an example he said, Didn't he? To us. And also it says, That he was able, To save him from death.

[6:18] What a mercy, That he didn't. Because, If the Lord Jesus, Had not died, Prayer sins, Where should we have been?

[6:35] There would be no hope, Would there? But no, He died that death, Didn't he? Upon the cross.

[6:49] Well, We have come to our text, Though he were a son, And yet learned the obedience, By the things, Which he suffered. Now the Lord Jesus, Was never disobedient, But he learned, More, By the way, That he was brought, To suffer, For his people.

[7:15] When we consider, What he had to suffer, Although the son of God, He was made willing, To stand, In his people's room, Place, And stay.

[7:35] Though he were a son, Yet learned the obedience, By the things, Which he suffered. And it was a path, Of suffering, Wasn't it?

[7:47] Of the Lord Jesus. You consider, The way that he had to walk, When in one particular place, It says, That they all forsook him, And fled.

[8:03] There he walked, A lonely life, Didn't he? In that respect. And then, Was he coming near, To the time, Of his crucifixion, In the garden, Of Gethsemane, He was made obedient, And who for, For his people's sake, Not for his own sake, Because he was, Perfect, Sinless, He did this, And all these sins, And suffered, For his people's sake, That they may go free, Yet learned the obedience, By the things, Which he suffered.

[8:56] And can we, By the eye of living faith, View him, View him in the garden, Of Gethsemane, Where is it, Were he dropped, Sweat as it were, Great drops of blood, For his people's sake, And then, When he came, Into the judgment hall, One that was near, And dear to him, Peter, There he was denied, Said that he did not know him, And then, As he was, Led to Calvary, And he saw, All these sins, Before him, How obedient he was, That he would,

[9:58] Bear the punishment, That was due to his people, He seemed then, By faith, Going to Calvary, Be earned upon, That cross, And what a spectacle, He must have been, Hanging there between, Two thieves, You know, When we come to consider, These things, Are we, Made, Made obedient, To those things, That he, Sometimes, Brings his people, Into, Their afflictions, And sorrows, Are we, Humbled, Before him, Or,

[11:00] Do we, Do we, Rise up, Against him, And say, Well, Why should, These things, Happen to me, Now, We need to be brought, To realise, What sinners, We are, And what it costs, Our lord, And saviour, To redeem us, From our sins, Because, We are all guilty, Yes, We've all broken, That law, And we're all condemned, Before him, And it's only in and through, His, Suffering, His death, And resurrection, Shall we each, Be saved, You know, There's many, When they come into trouble, And trial, They turn away, Don't, Yes, They turn away, And say, Well, If this is the way, But to those,

[12:04] That have been adopted, Those that have been born again, Are brought to realise, What sin, Has cost, Their lord and saviour, And then, They will, Seek, Help and guidance, By God, That they may be enabled, In their measure, Because none can walk, So deep, As he did, But we'll be brought, To realise these things, And brought to walk, In their measure, In the way that he walked, Well, Well, We see him then, Upon that, A cursive tray, And what a spectacle, But what love, Love for his, Chosen people, When he declared,

[13:09] And gave up the ghost, When the, While of the temple, Was rent in twain, When he declared, Forgive them, While, While he was on the cross, He said this, Forgive them, For they know not, What they do, What love, He had, For his chosen people, Though he were a son, Yet learned the obedience, By the things, Which he suffered, Then, How he rose, Triumphal from the grave, That glorious, Resurrection, More, Does he mean anything to us, Does it mean anything, Are we willing,

[14:10] To walk in that way, Are we willing to follow him, And to obey him, And being made perfect, He became the author, Of eternal salvation, Unto all them, That obey him, He, Is was a perfect, Salvation, A perfect sacrifice, For sin, For he was sinless, Undefiled, Separate from sinners, Yes, He was, And being made perfect, He became the author, Of eternal salvation, And is only in them, Through him, Shall we obtain salvation, Unto, All them,

[15:13] That obey him, Yes, Yes, That perfect salvation, That he brought out, When he expired, Upon the cross, When he rose again, Triumphant from the grave, All was done, All was complete, And is in and through this, That we shall obtain, Salvation, And only through, Through his, Death and merit, No other way, Only in and through him, And him alone, Unto all them, That obey him, Are you willing, To obey him, And to follow him, In all his precepts, And all his commandments, To be a true follower, To me, And lowly Jesus, For are you ashamed,

[16:14] To own him, As a sad place, If we are ashamed, Of him, To all that he has done, For his people, How he has suffered, Led and died, Upon Calvary, And being made perfect, What a perfect sacrifice, It was, And we fulfilled that law, To every jot, And tittle of it, And we are, Breakers of the law, Yes, Which is declared, If we break one point, Of it we are guilty, Of it all, And who is it, That has not broken, One part, Of that law, Therefore we all, Stand guilty, Before, And only God, Yes, Here we have here,

[17:17] And being made perfect, He became the author, Of eternal, Salvation, Yes, He is the author, Of eternal, Salvation, That one, That one, To whom we must look to, And seek after, That he may be made precious, To our never dying souls, That he may be formed, In our hearts, As the hope of glory, With our feet, Upon that rock, That rock, Christ, Jesus, Are we willing, Are we willing, To follow him, In that path, That, In our measure, That he had to walk, Not to that depth, Because as I said, None, Can walk,

[18:17] In the way, That he walked, He did it, For a chosen race, And thus, Became their hiding place, And there's no other hiding place, Only in him, In his wounded side, And there we do, Need that, Precious blood, To wash us, That we may be made, Acceptable, Unto him, But we need, To be made, Obedient, To his, Ways, His laws, His precepts, Those things, That he has, Laid down, In his, Precious word, Whereby, We should, Follow, Is it in your hearts, That he may, Lead you into these things, That you may be made,

[19:18] Obedient, To follow him, To be made, Diligent, In seeking, After him, That he may be made, That one thing, Needful to you, There we do need, The Lord then, To grant to us, That obedience, To his, Ways, That we may be found, In that, Right and narrow, Why, With our eyes, Up unto him, That we may, Be brought away, From, Time things, And earthly things, For there's, There's no room, For there's no room, You know, For anything, Of our own, No room for flesh, It's a very narrow way, Which leads, To eternal life, And it's only, Those that obey him, And follow him, Will be found, In that way, Those that he has, Ordained to eternal life,

[20:19] By the merits, Of his, Sacrifice, And being made, Perfectly became, The author, Of eternal salvation, Unto all them, That obey him, And we need, Then don't we, To be, Brought into that, Obedience, To his, Wise, That we might, Be found, Those of all, Looking up unto him, And seeking, After him, That he might be, My precious, To her never dying soul, That we might seek, That he might, Root out everything, That is wrong, Within us, For there's many things,

[21:19] When the Lord, Begins with, One, There's many things, Within us, When he, Opes to have you, That which is, In our hearts, How we do need, These things, Purge that, That we may be, Made right, And kept right, And being, My perfect, He became, The author, Of eternal, Salvation, Unto all, Them, That obey, To obey, And follow him, And be a true, Follower of him, He has said, As in his word, Come unto me, All ye that labour, And are heavy laden, I will give you rest, See,

[22:20] And I, You shall find, Knock, And it shall be opened, Unto thee, Are we taking, Each of these things, Are we, Going along, In our own strength, In our own thing, Saying, Well, I attend, A place of worship, I read my bible, All these things, You know, We can rest on, If we're left to ourselves, But they're, Right and proper, In their place, But they're not, Salvation, Not if we're, Resting on them, The work, Not on works, Of righteousness, Which we have done, No, We've got to be, Brought away, From anything, That we do, In and of ourselves, And to be made, Obedient, To his, Call, And his ways, Though he were,

[23:23] A son, Yet learned, The obedience, For the things, Which he suffered, Being made perfect, He became, The author, Of eternal, Salvation, Under all, Them, That obey, Are we, Obeying him, In the way, That we should do, Have you, Heard his voice, Saying unto you, This is the way, Walk ye in it, Yet you were, Making you, Going your own way, The Lord speaks, You know, To his people, Here we do need, To take heed, To these things, And seek, That the Lord, May put us, In that right way, That way, The holy prophets, Went, That road, That leads, From banishment, The king's highway, Of holiness, We need,

[24:24] To be oft times, In prayer, And supplication, Unto him, That he may, Work in our hearts, With those, Fervent desires, And longings, To be a true, Follower, Of him, To obey, His commands, And walk, Uprightly, And sincerely, Before him, And not be, Ashamed of him, Ashamed of Jesus, That dear name, On whom my oath, For heaven depends, Where are you, Placing your oath, For heaven?

[25:04] Not as the man, That built his house, Upon the sand, When the winds came, The water, The floods came, What happened, The house, Washed away, No, We need to be built, On something, Far, Greater than that, Far more substantial, Not built on anything, That we can do, In and of ourselves, No, Not on anything, That we feel, In and of ourselves, To be right, No, We want to be built, On, A firm, Foundation, To be built on, That rock, Yes, That sure, Foundation, Not on anything,

[26:05] Of our own, No, To have that, Within our hearts, That desire, And that longing, To know more, And more, Of him, He who endured, Such, Who endured, Such contradiction, Of sinners, Against himself, Unless we become, We're in finding, Our minds, We need to be, Strengthened in these things, We cannot, Obey him, In and of ourselves, No, We shall, Obey him, Not left to ourselves, Now, For there is, A conflict, In us, If we have, Been brought upon,

[27:05] By his good spirit, There's a conflict, It's a new man, Of grace, And the old man, Of sin, And there'll be, Fighting against, One and the other, But we need, These things, Subbued within us, And be brought, Only, Before him, That he might, Lead us, And guide us, Into all truth, And teach us, And he'll teach us, Then, In that, Way, Which is right, And proper, In his sight, And then we shall be, Brought to that, Obedience, To follow him, Following his, Commandments, To do those things, That are right, Before him, And not be ashamed, Of him, To be made perfect,

[28:06] He became, The author, Of eternal, Salvation, Unto all them, That obey him, As he is, The author, And the finisher, Of our faith, Yes, And he is, He grants, To his people, That free, And sovereign grace, To serve him, To be found, As one, Of those, True disciples, Who truly, Follow him, And if we are, A true follower, Of him, We shall be, Made diligent, Yes, We shall be, Seeking after him, Perhaps in his word, Or in his house, Ah, These sins, You know, Will show themselves, And be made known, You won't,

[29:08] Rest until you, Know that you're, Know that your election, Is sure, And that he has, Chosen you, Know you, Have that, Deep within your heart, Planted by his good spirit, With those, Fervent desires, And longings, To know whether you, Stand before, And only God, Whether you have, Those credentials, Which are necessary, Whether you have, Those right desires, And longings, After him, Whether your hearts, Be made right, David, Said, Didn't he, One of his songs, Creating me, A clean heart, Oh God, Renew, A right spirit, Within me, He knew, That he needed it, And you're needed, If you're one,

[30:10] That he's, Obeying him, And seeking after him, And to, Want to truly, Follow him, You'll seek, Out to know, Whether your heart, Is right, Whether you have, Those right desires, And longings, After him, And that he may, Root out those things, That are wrong, Within us, The unbelief, Of their hearts, For that, Oft times, Rises up, And it's a very, Solemn word, Regarding the children, Of Israel, He says, Of them, That they entered not in, Because, Of unbelief, So we need, These things, Don't we, For we're all, Sinners, And we're all, Subject to these things, Therefore, We need, These things, Burged out, Within us, That we may, Rightly follow him, And obey him, How can we, Obey him, If we have got, These things,

[31:10] Within us, How can we be, A true follower, Of him, Unless, He deals, With us, As he does, With those, That desire, To be made right, And we will, Have that desire, In our heart, To be made right, Before him, That the evils, Of our hearts, And those things, That are wrong, Might be, Purged out, And without it, We shall, Perish, And be lost, If left to ourself, So there's, Only one place, Where we can look, We need, Our eyes open, Yes, We need, Our eyes open, To look up, Unto him, To be enlightened, To be,

[32:13] Lord, To grant, To us, That true, Living faith, To believe, And to trust, In him, And to cast, All our cares, And all our concerns, Into his hands, And to be brought, As an, Outless, Ruined sinner, At his, Blessed feet, It's painful, To our flesh, But that's, The place, To be brought, And then, We shall, Be brought, To realize, And understand, What these things, Mean, Unto all them, That obey, To obey, Is better, Than sacrifice, Not left, As we read, Of in his word, And they, King Saul,

[33:15] For instance, When he came, Into trouble, Where did he go? Went to that, Witch, Didn't he? Where do we go, When we are brought, Into trouble?

[33:30] Where do we look, To him, Or do we, Endeavor to do, Something in and of ourselves, We need that, Right spirit within us, To be brought, To realize, That in and of ourselves, We can do nothing, But to cast, All air, Cast ourselves, Upon him, And him alone, For air, For air, For air, Salvation, For air, For air, It's only through him, None other, No other, Salvation, On in and through, There we do need, To be washed, Washed in that, Precious blood, And made acceptable, Unto him, Three years, And being made perfect,

[34:32] He became, The author, Of eternal salvation, Unto all them, That obey him, He, Was a perfect, Sacrifice, For his people, He made that way, Whereby we, We, Can, Come and approach, Unto God, Through him, And him alone, Through, The redeeming, Work, Of a dear, Redeemer, There's only that, One wife, There's many, Ways, That some, Are left to do, To their, Sad state, That we, Want to be made, Right, And, With all in their lamps, And their lamps, Burning, Want to have those,

[35:35] Credentials, Which will take us, Safely, To eternity, To that, Fast eternity, Which lies before us, Into, Heaven at last, Saved by the blood, Of a dear, Redeemer, He who is the author, Of eternal salvation, Yes, He who has wrought out, That for his people, He who has, Fulfilled that law, Which we have broken, We are condemned sinners, Before God, But he has paid that price, And what a price it was, To be, Brought to realise, What our sins have done, How they nailed him,

[36:38] To that accursed tree, When we are brought, To realise and understand this, We shall be brought, In our rightful place, At the feet of Jesus, Pleading, His precious name, That he may look down, Upon us, And grant to us, To know, That we are, One of his, And then, We shall be brought, To follow him, And to obey him, And to walk, In his commandments, In his commandments, And in those, Despised ordinances, Does it mean anything, To you, Are you willing, To obey him, To, Make that sacrifice, To leave all, And follow him, Comes close,

[37:40] To leave all, But he'll have, All the heart, Or nothing, No, We cannot serve, God and mammon, No, We either serve, In God, Or we serve, In the world, We need, Then, And are, Made upright, That we may be, Walking uprightly, Before him, And to, Be brought, Then, To obey, And follow him, Whatever the cost, And it will cost, You something, Because, If your religion, Hasn't cost you anything, It isn't worth a lot, No, If it doesn't cost you anything, It'll cost you, A million earn, At the throne of grace, Yes, It'll cost you, Sometimes,

[38:42] Sleepless nights, When you're brought, To realise, What you are, Before an holy, Heart searching, And a rain trying God, When you have, These things, Come up, In your heart, Sometimes, In your minds, And your thoughts, It'll bring you, On your knees, That the Lord, May have mercy, Upon you, Ah, The publican's prayer, Be your prayer, Oh God, Be merciful, To me, A sinner, Do you know anything, Of these things, Does your religion, Cost you anything, Or can you go along, Comfortably, Thinking that all things, Will be well, Take his name, Perhaps upon your lips, Perhaps upon your lips, Ah, You, Want to know,

[39:46] If you're one of his, Whether he has, Washed all your sins, Away in his precious blood, Whether your name, Is written in the, Lamb's book of life, Whether it was, For you, That he hung, Upon that, Accursed tree, Then you'll be brought, No dare, To tell him, That you will, Follow him, And obey him, If we have that desire, In our hearts, To obey him, He'll enable you, To hear strength, In your, Free strength, In those that are weak, Yes, That strength, Must come from him, And him alone, My, The Lord, Then grant to us, That we may each, Be brought, To realize,

[40:47] And understand, That the way, That he walked, And he, How he suffered, For his people's sake, And how he, Was perfect, That perfect, Sacrifice, How he fulfilled, That law, Which we have broken, And made it honourable, And he became, The author, Of the eternal, Salvation, Unto all them, That obey him, That we may be brought, In that, True obedience, To follow him, In his despised ordinances, And to have that love, Within your hearts, To love him, May the Lord, Have his blessing, Amen, Amen, Thank you,

[42:08] God, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Come me, son, by sin afflicted, bound with proof of strong hands.

[42:19] By the broken wall conflicted through the cross, behold the crown, which is to Jesus. Mercy flows through him alone. Mercy flows through him alone.

[42:58] Look to Jesus, look to Jesus. Mercy flows through him alone.

[43:14] Mercy flows through him alone. Mercy flows through him alone.

[43:32] Mercy flows through him alone. Mercy flows through him alone.

[43:50] Mercy flows through him alone. Mercy flows through him alone.

[44:08] Mercy flows through him alone. Mercy flows through him alone. Mercy flows through him alone.

[44:23] Mercy flows through him alone. Mercy flows through him alone.

[44:34] Mercy flows through him alone. Mercy flows through him alone.

[44:44] Mercy flows through him alone. Mercy flows through him alone. Mercy flows through him alone.

[44:57] Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji

[46:27] O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji

[47:57] O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji

[49:27] O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji

[50:57] O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji

[52:27] O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji

[53:57] O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji

[55:27] O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji

[56:57] O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji

[58:27] O Christ, Satsang with Mooji O Christ, Satsang with Mooji