Anniversary Service Afternoon
[0:00] Anniversary services, Monday, May the 27th, 1985, Mr. C. Wood, at Salem Chapel, Peterborough.
[0:21] Amen, and amen. The Lord fulfilled thy position.
[0:34] In dependence upon the Lord that all needeth help, I venture this afternoon to draw your prayerful attention to John chapter 13 and verse 23.
[1:00] John chapter 13 and verse 23.
[1:11] Now, there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved.
[1:30] The first of services yesterday, my mind was directed to wait upon the Lord for a word for the soul to learn, praying that God would give me a word.
[2:04] And not long after, these words came quite unexpectedly into my mind.
[2:18] And then with the words came a temptation. How can you preach from such words as these?
[2:33] Such a sacred experience of being one so close to Jesus, leading on his foot.
[2:52] And then the Lord appeared for me in this way, that whilst we cannot always speak of living in the Lord, we are not in the full enjoyment of this blessing.
[3:16] Yet what a longing desire there is for this blessing. So that when we are not in the full enjoyment of it, yet there is an earnest desire and prayer to be led into it.
[3:44] And following that, my mind was then directed to a verse in one of our hymns that speaks like this.
[3:58] Yes, on thy word alone I'll rest, and hang upon thy heart.
[4:09] Thy breast shall be my soft repose. With thee, beloved disciple, I would put on thy sacred bosom, lie this all my sins and woes.
[4:34] So my prayer is that one would attempt to speak from these words is that first we may trace in our poor hearts this desire to be led into the fullness of this rich blessing.
[5:00] So feelingly close to the dear Savior, resting upon his bosom, leaning on our earthly life.
[5:15] And that we may also pray earnestly for it and know something of the rich experience that there are.
[5:28] As the Lord may then be pleased to help me, I would first consider these four words.
[5:41] One of his disciples. First, who are the true disciples of Jesus Christ?
[5:54] And secondly, the true disciples of Jesus Christ is loved by the Savior.
[6:05] An everlasting love. And then thirdly, that this disciple, loved by the Savior, longs for and desires grace.
[6:23] To lead upon Jesus Christ. Larger communion. That closeness to the Savior.
[6:38] So then, what is it to be one of his disciples?
[6:48] And as I name that, my mind is directed in this way. We read so solemnly in the word of God, of the children of God, and the children of the devil.
[7:08] And we are one or another. No man can serve two masters. There are two paths through life.
[7:21] And two destinies. One is the broad way that leads to destruction and darkness. The other, the narrow path that leads to heaven.
[7:36] So then, we may come with the anxious inquiry, not to promote unbelief, but to pray for the blessed witness and seeing of the Holy Spirit.
[7:52] If it is a point, I long to know, of the causes, anxious thought, do I love the Lord or know? Am I his or am I not?
[8:08] The word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword. And there is much counterfeit religion.
[8:22] There is much artificiality. There are many walking in that broad way that wear religious garments of outward profession and have denominational names and yet are destitute of grace.
[8:45] The Lord Jesus himself, as he preached here on this earth, we read on one occasion of those who turn back and walk.
[9:03] No more wicked. There are nominal disciples, yet destitute of the grace of God.
[9:16] Such as are stony ground heroes where there is no death and therefore no root, therefore no abiding in the time of testing.
[9:31] Such as are stony ground heroes where there is no death and therefore no death and therefore no death and therefore no death and therefore no death. Then build their religion upon the sand, upon what they are doing.
[9:45] And when that great test will come, great will be the fall of a man-made religion.
[9:56] But what of a true disciple? In the first place, I will consider this.
[10:09] There is a secret disciple. There is an open disciple. There are those made in the word of God who were secret disciples.
[10:26] Nicodemus who came to Jesus by night. Joseph of Arimathea would be another, a secret disciple.
[10:38] When the Lord begins that mighty, powerful work of grace in a sinner's heart, that work largely in the beginning of it is secret, it is hidden, it is personal, and yet it is powerful.
[11:02] It is as the seed sown, as the root is formed, yet out of sight.
[11:13] But with it, there are spiritual desires, longings, seekings, pantings of the Christ.
[11:28] And a growth upward, drawn by the influence of heaven. The blessings of the gospel by the power of the Spirit.
[11:44] Drawing forth from that soul, those spiritual desires, and that grace of the Spirit in faith, and hope, and love, So small in its beginning, but very real, truly possessed by a born-against-error, that that the Lord causes the throne, and draws out this disciple, this true disciple, to himself.
[12:19] It has been rightly said, that a disciple is a follower, a disciple is a learner, and a disciple is a vegan.
[12:36] Those that are true disciples, as the text declares, one of his disciples, are those that seek grace to follow Jesus.
[12:53] If any man will serve me, said Jesus, let him follow me. To follow Jesus in his steps.
[13:08] To seek grace, to follow Jesus in his example. And this will be a separation from the world.
[13:21] The word of God speaks, let us never say, or go unto him, without the camp, bearing his reproach.
[13:31] One of his disciples will seek grace to follow Jesus, to bear the cross, to deny himself, and to walk in that way in which the Lord directs, in the footsteps of the flock.
[13:57] And here will be manifesting the fear of the Lord. And the power of that fear is not great of the Almighty.
[14:11] I speak with care there. I remember that Jacob said, how dreadful is this place. I know in the spiritual experience of a believer, there is a sacred awe and dread and reverence and a sense of that nothingness and the majesty, glory and holiness of our God.
[14:37] But the fear of the Lord moves with love to Jesus. And that love to Jesus brings in our heart a desire that the Lord will help us to cast away all that is dishonouring in his sight, all that is dishonouring in his sight, all that is dishonouring in his sight, all that is dishonouring in his sight.
[15:07] All that we cannot ask God to bless. To be a true follower of the Lord Jesus Christ is come out and to be separate from the world.
[15:19] Once we are called to be separate from the world, it does not mean that the believer needs to be some oddity or some peculiar prank.
[15:31] God forbid. But we are to do good unto all men, especially the household of faith. But it does mean this, that in love to Jesus, we seek then to walk in his ear, to serve him and to be kept from all that is grieving to him.
[15:57] And may that be grieving unto us. A disciple then is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[16:09] And sometimes that path is a very lonely path. Sometimes that path is a way of temptation as the Lord Jesus was tempted. And at times that way may be a time of testing one of his disciples.
[16:28] Then another aspect of a true disciple is this, that such are taught by Jesus.
[16:40] They have a teachable spirit. A childlike, not a childish, God will be loved. A childlike spirit.
[16:53] To be clothed with humility. To tell the Lord I am but a little child. I know not how to go out. Or to come in.
[17:06] To pray for that spiritual understanding. To pray to be led into those things that surely believe among us.
[17:17] And to keep to them. To be taught more and more of the Savior's love. Of the wonders of salvation.
[17:28] Of the preciousness of the blood. To be led as the Savior himself said. Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden.
[17:41] And I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. And that brethren brings us close to Jesus Christ. A yoke unites.
[17:54] A yoke brings together. And that yoke. Take my yoke upon you. And learn of me. For I am meek and lonely in heart.
[18:07] And ye shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy. And my burden is thine. Oh beloved friend.
[18:17] Whilst at times the way may be hard. And the flesh is my head. Sacrifices may be called for. And reproach of the world.
[18:29] Persecution. And so forth. Yet to walk in loving obedience with Jesus. To walk with the Savior. And to feel that you are yoked with him.
[18:42] And he bears all the weight. And bears you up in him. And leads you in the path of peace. And rest. And joy. And a sense of his nearness.
[18:54] And of his presence. Well that makes amends. Now for all of you that love. Learn of me says Jesus. Are you filled with pride?
[19:06] Learn of me says Jesus. Be humble. Are you unforgiving? Learn of me says Jesus. Father forgive them.
[19:17] They know not what they do. Oh my friend. Oh how we've come. I feel so in myself.
[19:28] So solemnly sure. Of what I ought to be. My dear people often hear me quote this tough man. Oh put thy gracious hands on me.
[19:39] And they be all I ought to be. That vessel made me for the master's use. That stone prepared for the heavenly Jerusalem.
[19:54] And that jewel prepared for the crown. They shall be mine. Said the Lord. In that day when I made up my jewel.
[20:05] One of my disciples. One of his disciples. And then surely this is he in obedience.
[20:20] Why call he me Lord Lord. It's easy to do that. It's easy to do that. But what about the rest?
[20:32] And do not. The things that I say. And this brethren. Is right through the journey.
[20:43] Baptized believers in the name of the Father. Son of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them. To observe all things whatsoever. I have commanded you.
[20:56] Obedience. Saul of Tarsus. And his conversion. Said Lord. What will thou have me to do?
[21:08] Surrender. Submission. That's it. True disciple. Because Jesus is our Lord. Jesus is our master.
[21:19] Jesus gave himself and his children. Therefore may we yield by grace ourselves to him.
[21:30] Present our bodies. A living sacrifice. Holy. Acceptable. Love of God. Which is our reasonable service. Therefore comes the time.
[21:42] When the secret disciple. Is revealed as the open disciple. It cannot be he. I think there are the words concerning Jesus himself.
[21:56] There was an occasion he went into a house. And would have no man know. And he could not be he. And my friend. That city on the earth. It cannot be he.
[22:08] That light. Of grace. Shining in the heart. And out in the life. Cannot be he. That sword. In the earth.
[22:19] It cannot be he. Why? Because it's a stark contrast. To the darkness of evil. Wickedness and sin.
[22:31] That is in the world today. So. There is the open disciple. And we've just read by this.
[22:41] And all men know. That ye are my disciples. If ye are love. One than the other. Be very careful there. It doesn't mean just as much as that other scripture.
[22:54] We know that we pass from death unto life. Because we love the brethren. Our discipleship. Our passing from death unto life.
[23:05] Is by the death of Christ on the cross. And our interest therein. By the blessed operation. And work of the Holy Spirit of God. It is not because we love the brethren.
[23:17] That we're safe. But our love to the brethren. Bears evidence. Of the work of the spirit in our heart. And the work of the spirit in our heart.
[23:28] Brings evidence and assurance. That Christ died for our sin. But my friend. It's a fruit on it. It's not the root of it. It's the fruit of it.
[23:39] It's the pleasant evidence of it. And so. Ye have love. And do you have love for God's people? Being let go. They went to their own company.
[23:51] And a companion of all them that fear thee. So we love it. One. And here's this signpost. And you know. I just said it cannot be here.
[24:05] I just said it. I just said it. Didn't Peter try very hard to hide it. Didn't he? Poor Peter. Yes. What did I say? What about poor me? What about poor you?
[24:17] And you stoned through it. Peter. You're better. Stronger in faith than that dear man. Haven't you? We were the poor man that speaks to him this afternoon. Failed often in this world.
[24:28] We've been ashamed. We've sung at baptism. Ashamed of Christ. And that dear friend on all my hopes of heaven's death. And alas.
[24:39] There'll be time spent. When we be the coward. We've failed in our stand. And I say he tried to hide it. He coddles.
[24:51] By speech. Be raised. Peter. You talk a different language. God's children. The one of his disciples. They speak a language Italian. They declare.
[25:03] In their speech. That they are his children. And in their walk. They all may take knowledge. Of his disciples.
[25:14] That they have been. With Jesus. One. Of his. There's a. I saw thee. Said another. In the garden.
[25:25] With him. And if I could just put it this way. And. I just thought. As I said that. A pair of those. Accusing eyes.
[25:35] Watched. Daniel very closely. They saw the dear man on his knee. Praying to his God. Not that we make an open display.
[25:46] Of the show of the flesh. To the world of our religion. God forbid. That's parisatral. And standing on the street corner. Long prayers. Past getting. To receive the praise of man.
[25:58] No. No. No. But my friend. Real religion. Does shine heaven. Doesn't the world. Cry out for it today. May God give us grace.
[26:11] To walk it out. Live it out. And it would be like this. Not me God. You see. A true disciple. One of his disciples. It is.
[26:22] An emptiness. Numbered as sheep.
[26:37] Fear not little flock. It is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
[26:58] He knows them all by name. He calls them by name. How precious. How precious. Is this for their names. Are written.
[27:08] In. His. Book. And they shall never perish. Neither shall any man. Plut them out. Of. My. Pan. One.
[27:20] Of. His. The disciples. And such. Will pray for grace. To walk by faith. And not by sight.
[27:32] Will pray. For guidance. In every step of life. Pray for grace. To know and do the will of God. Pray for wisdom from above.
[27:44] Pray to be. And that light. Shining in the dark world. That grace may be given. And how much we need it. That we may be blameless.
[27:56] And harmless. The sons of God. That is one of his disciples. Blameless. That the world cannot accuse you.
[28:07] Justly. Doesn't mean to say we're seamless. But blameless. Daniel was blameless. They couldn't find fault with him. Is a solemn thing.
[28:18] When the world can justly. Point an accusing finger at the Christian. Blameless. And harmless. I've often said to my people.
[28:31] That we will not. Let go and. Hit somebody. Hurt somebody. Injure somebody. But my friend. How we can be harmful.
[28:42] In a wrong spirit. In unkindness. Wounded. Lashing with a tongue.
[28:53] Sat on the fire of hell. In my head. I say. Harmless. I should never forget. At the little trusty meeting.
[29:04] Don't be careful. This poor man says something. Ratchly. Hurriedly. Without thought. There was a dear man there.
[29:16] He just. As I saw his face. He looked as though. I put a sword right into his heart. Mercifully. The Lord showed me.
[29:26] That moment. Where I was wrong. And I immediately contest. My friend. May we think. What we're doing.
[29:39] It's a solemn thing. To offend. One of the little ones. That believe in Jesus. Now let us be clear.
[29:51] It does not mean. To say. The cost of truth. It doesn't mean. To lower the standard. Of God's word. But what grace. We need. Be.
[30:02] Walk out. Our religion. One. Of his disciples. Holding forth. The word of life. That's the power. In the midst of the crookedness.
[30:14] The first nation. Among whom he shined. As light in the world. Holding forth. The word of life. One. Of his. Disciples.
[30:24] I want to point. For the second consideration. Oh. Eli. Oh. The love of Jesus. Here's an ocean. That we can never.
[30:36] Fathom. Here's a mystery. We can never. Fully understand. Here's a demonstration. That we can. Never see. Anything. Like.
[30:47] We try. Sometimes. The theme. Of an illustration. To. Set forth. The love of Jesus. How can we set it forth? It is seen.
[30:58] My friend. In this. That he so loved. That he gave himself. Himself. The son of God. To come to this earth.
[31:09] In a body. Prepared for him. To walk this earth. In such poverty. In such loneliness. In at times. All the mystery.
[31:20] Weariness. In times. Of temptation. Reproach. All that his dear people.
[31:30] Passed through. But his love. Was seen in this. As we've just read. Having love. His own. Where are they?
[31:42] Which were in the world. He was in the world. He knows what it is. Which were in the world. He loved. To the end.
[31:55] That he poured out his soul. Unto death. That he paid. Redemption's price. That he suffered. All that he kind. God could bear.
[32:06] With strength enough. And none to spare. He grabbed the cup. Of the Lord. Of God. For our sin. Oh such love. My friend.
[32:17] On such love. My soul still fond of love. So great. So rich. So free. Say what's lost in holy wonder. Why oh God.
[32:28] Such love to me. Hallelujah. Grace shall reign. Eternally. And. You may say. Did Jesus love me?
[32:41] Did he die for me? What proof have you? What evidence have you? Well I love that word of the apostle. The life that I now live in the flesh.
[32:54] I live. By the faith of. That is God given faith. The faith of the son of God. Who loved me.
[33:04] And gave himself for me. That grace. Has made me to differ. And this dear savior. In calling me by grace. Has shown me that he's loved me.
[33:16] And that love is revealed. That he gave himself for me. And that gift of himself for me. Is the proof that he died for me. And that proof that he died for me.
[33:27] Is that my sins are forgiven. And that my sins are forgiven. That I'm on the way to glory. And all praise to his great. And to his holy name.
[33:41] Oh Jesus. And that ye with all saints. May be able to comprehend. What is the length. Everlasting love.
[33:54] Breath. Goes to the utmost. Ends of the earth. Death. Goes to the very. Brink of hell. To pluck the brand.
[34:06] Out of the burn. To lift you. A lost. Ruined. Sinking sinner. Out of the pit. Of a miry clay. Of a horrible. A state that you were in.
[34:18] To put you upon a rock. Establish your goings. And put a song. In your mouth. And the height of it. That he's going to take you. For a sinner to glory.
[34:29] To one day be with him. Forever and ever. So here on earth. Let the redeemed. Of the Lord. Sator. Let them speak.
[34:39] Of the love of the Savior. Yes beloved. The greatest voice. Of the Christian. Is our life. The silent voice.
[34:52] I think that sounds. To the world. As it wouldn't make sense. But I believe. To you it well. It's a silent voice.
[35:03] It's fearless. And oh what we do pray. Is Lord Jesus. Healthy and lovely. Oh Lord. I would delight in thee.
[35:14] And on thy care. To tend to thee. In every trouble. Be my best. My only friend. And oh that my soul. Could love and praise him more.
[35:26] His beauties trace. His majesty adore. And his wife here in the text. Live near his heart. Upon his bosom lead. Obey his voice.
[35:37] And all his will esteem. Oh my friend. Do you love him? I feel to come here. Lord. And my edges. My cheek complain.
[35:49] Then my love. Is cold and faint. Yet I love thee and adore. Oh the grace. To love thee more.
[36:01] One of his disciples. Who. Jesus. Love. And under the constraints.
[36:12] Of that love. The disciple of Jesus Christ. For see. And to walk. As I said. In loving.
[36:24] Obedience. Unto Jesus Christ. I believe. And I'm right. In saying. In our number. This afternoon. We have some. Who have more. Recently. Been baptized.
[36:35] The Lord. Abundantly. Bless you. We have some here. That for many years. Have been. And look. They look back over many years.
[36:46] Over their baptism. There may be some here. As yet. Not baptized. But are exercised. Concerning the ordinances.
[36:58] Of God's house. Now brethren. I know God. God is my witness. Of speaking in this way. But I hope. Is given to me now.
[37:10] First. I would speak. To those. Perhaps. Younger. In the. Open profession. Of faith. Doesn't mean to say. Young in age.
[37:21] But younger believers. Perhaps. Younger members. Of the church. Now. I pray. That your heart. Now warm.
[37:32] With the love of Christ. That you may be. Favored. With the lengthening out. Of that love. In your soul. And that you may be.
[37:43] Favored. And your life's fair. And that you will be. Kept close to the Savior. And pray. To hold fast.
[37:53] The profession. Of your faith. Without wavering. For he is faithful. But promised. Now. I do not know your past. And.
[38:05] My. My. Dear people. Will know. What I often said. Because my dear pastor. Used to say. That. You know. Some. Misguided saints.
[38:16] Will go to a young believer. Who's in the warmth. Of the love of Christ. To say. Now you just wait. It won't be long. You'll go through tribulation. You'll go through trial. And so forth.
[38:27] And. As it were. Damp it all down. My friend. When the babe sings. Let them sing. Don't quench it for a moment. Let them enjoy it. To the full.
[38:38] And pray. God. That there. That it will be lengthened out to them. Oh. We know. That these. Testings. Times. Will come. But. Let them enjoy. The love of Christ.
[38:49] When it warms their heart. And affects their lives. And their spirit. But. Now. Not to contradict. What I've said. But I may be used.
[39:00] I'll say. I'm speaking without. Any. Premeditation. In this way. Whatsoever. But. You know. There are times. When. One.
[39:12] Following. Baptism. Is led. Into a testing time. Now. You may be discouraged. You may be cast down.
[39:23] Because of this. But may the Lord. Strengthen you. And help you. To think of this. That our Savior. When he was. Baptized. In Jordan Street.
[39:34] That from. Then. He was. He was. He was. He was. He was. He was led. Of the spirit. Into the wilderness. And there. For forty days.
[39:44] And forty nights. Alone. With the wild beasts. Hungering. And thirsty. And suffering. At the close of that time. Terrible.
[39:56] Temptations. So. My friend. If you pass in. That part. And may later. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. Damning. What you're enjoying. You enjoy.
[40:07] To the fall. But I would encourage you. And pray. That whatever your path. That you may be held. To look. To your Savior.
[40:18] And. He will strengthen. Look to Jesus. He will succor. Them that attempt. He was tempted. In all points. Like as we are. Yet without sin.
[40:29] One of his disciples. Whom Jesus loved. I now come. To those. Who for many years. Have. Professed.
[40:40] Faith. In Christ. And what have we. To say. What have we. To say. Oh. What unworthy. Unprofitable. And servants.
[40:52] We've been. What grief. Fills our heart. And the. Sang. In the. Professions. And their profession. Won't need me. Have to go afresh.
[41:02] Again and again. To plead the blood. To cleanse the defiled. Garments. That have been dragged. Into the dust. And mud. And burth. Of the.
[41:13] World. And yet. To thank him. That. Yes. Oh love. That will not. Let me go.
[41:26] And to pray. Lord. Help me. To be faithful. Until the end. Give me. More grace. Lord. Help me.
[41:36] The church meeting. Give me. Wisdom there. Give me. Understanding. Make me. Faithful. And yet. Loving.
[41:48] Help me. To understand. One another. Pray for grace. To walk in unity. Holding fast. For the things.
[41:58] Surely. The need demands. And to pray. The grace. To serve him. To be useful. To be.
[42:09] An example. Little eyes. Young children. Watch us. Very. Very. Closely. May be old.
[42:23] Yes. More than three score years. Than ten. Four score years. Don't you think. Friend. That your life is finished. Or your usefulness is over. Oh.
[42:35] Friend. I've been blessed. And helped. By very. Age. People. To hear their testimony. To see the grace of God. Shining out. In the path of affliction.
[42:47] In the event. Tide of life. To see the reality. Of their faith. In Jesus Christ. So. May grace be given. One of his disciples.
[42:59] Who Jesus loved. Wasn't there the. Aged. Disciple. Nathan. Was it. In the Acts of the Apostle. And you know. Paul went and tarried with him.
[43:11] And perhaps. He sat at his feet. Received a blessing. Oh. Sometimes. In visiting a Bethesda house. Pilgrim house.
[43:22] Sometimes. The age. Stained in their own house. Will come away. Blessed in their soul. Refreshed in their spirit. Encouraged in their hearts. The one.
[43:33] Of his disciples. Whom. Jesus loved. Now. What about some of you. Maybe. That. Haven't been baptized. Why.
[43:45] Now look. The ordinance is solemn. Is in the name of the Father. Son of the Holy Ghost. Therefore. I would never seem to exert.
[43:56] Any pressure. Of the flesh. On any. That would never profit. But may the Holy Spirit. Work in your heart. And if. And let me name this.
[44:08] When. In the exercise. Of my soul. About baptism. A member. Of that church. When I worship. Came up to me.
[44:19] With. That suspicion. I was going to say. Or exercise. She felt. That there was something there. And she said. Are you exercise. About baptism. I didn't feel. I could answer her.
[44:30] I didn't present it. It didn't do me. Any harm. But I should never forget. What the dear soul. Said to me. A mother in age. I said. Well. I believe it is so.
[44:41] With you. And may the Lord. Give you. No rest. Until by his grace. You can come forward. And tell. The sinners.
[44:52] Round water. The DSA here. You have found. And that's my prayer. For you. What does. Hinder me. To be baptized. You're a sinner.
[45:03] That. Is no hindrance. Friends. Now. Don't misunderstand me. When we speak. Of a sinner. We're not speaking. Of somebody. Walking constantly. Openly. In paths. Of sin.
[45:13] But. To know. Your sinnership. My friend. The church. Welcomes sinners. You say. How can I sit. At the table. Of the Lord. You think.
[45:24] Of that word. Unwervely. It. Terrifies. It may. Frighten you. And rightly so. May. Those of us.
[45:35] Who do sit. At the table. Think much. On it. But never. Be confused. On that word. It does not. Say. Unwervely. There's a. Vast distinction.
[45:47] We're unworthy. Of the least. Of his. Nurses. Unworthy. To come. To the table. Of the Lord. But to drink. And eat. And drink. Unworthily. Is to walk. In an open.
[45:58] Path. Of sin. And reproach. Against Christ. Himself. Thanks. God forbid. That we should do that. But unworthy. Yes. Oh.
[46:08] I love the words. Of that dear minister. That took. The cup. To put it. In the hands. Of a dear old soul. That felt. For the moment. She couldn't. Drink. The cup. A godly woman. The minister.
[46:18] Knew her well. As she. He's shaken her head. And as it were. Refused to drink. And the dear minister. Came and took the cup. Out of the eldest hand. And put it in the woman's hand.
[46:30] And said. Woman. Is for sinners. And this is it. Friend. Oh. Are you ashamed. Of this dear saviour. Have you nothing to say.
[46:42] Nothing to tell the church. Of what he's done for you. What a vile sinner you are. How grace has come.
[46:53] How the Lord has blessed you. Shone into your heart. Made himself so precious. Heard and answered your prayers. Do you well to keep silent.
[47:03] Oh come all ye that fear God. And I will declare. What he's done for my soul. Filled with his love. To declare. Of this dear Jesus.
[47:16] Let. The redeemed of the Lord. Say so. And as my dear pastor used to say. If they don't say. Who will. Well.
[47:27] My friend. May we give glory. Glory unto God. Were the whole realm of nature mine. That were an offering far too small.
[47:40] Love. So amazing. So divine. Demands my life. My soul. My all. Amen.
[47:50] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[48:21] Amen. Amen. Amen. .
[48:36] . .
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[49:34] . . . . . . . . . .
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[50:01] . . . If they come songs of wealth I cry Just by your love your earthly eyes If they come songs of wealth I cry
[51:03] The kingdom of Master tiny The kingdom of Titan Will display pain And joy unite Where I'm defying, where I'm high, And every wish has hope of God.
[51:58] Where kings of kings can there be made, Of my trees that we put away, The sacred town and trees that save, Honored forever, not be made.
[52:56] Then shall your eyes be bright on you, The glorious prayer that I hold you, And I do grant them, The grant of joy and songs of praise, The grant of joy and songs of praise.
[53:53] Jesus, to thee I breathe, I pray, The grant of joy and praise, The grant of joy and praise, gaps in love.
[54:36] Louis, migril, playsles, sings about.
[54:50] Amen.