Anniversary Service Evening
[0:00] The Lord bless you in your giving and encourage the dear friends here in receiving.
[0:22] The Lord be with you all. Once more in dependence upon the Lord for all needed help, I will again venture to draw your prayerful attention to John chapter 13 and verse 23.
[0:48] John chapter 13 and verse 23. Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved.
[1:16] Last night, the conclusion of the services of the sanctuary, I was waiting upon the Lord in prayer and for a word for the services this day.
[1:43] And as I named to the friends here this afternoon, that these words dropped in with a pleasure of sweetness and power.
[1:57] And yet, I felt so sorely tempted and tried in this.
[2:08] How could such a poor sinner as I preach from such a sacred experience as is set forth in the words of our text?
[2:26] But my mind was then directed to a prayer expressed in one of our hymns.
[2:36] Yes, on my word alone I'll rest and hang upon my palm. Thy breath shall be my soft repose.
[2:50] With thee, beloved disciple, I would hold thy sacred bosom. Wasn't I, beloved disciple, I miss all my sins and woes.
[3:03] I believe in the path and experience of the dear people of God this side, the gates of glory.
[3:14] There are a few sacred moments, sweet seasons, when we are thus made with this rich blessing of nearness, communion, leaning upon our delight.
[3:37] His nearness, his nearness, his preciousness, his love shed abroad in our hearts. But, so often, speaking for myself, sadly I have to confess, I feel so far off of this rich blessing.
[3:59] But, there's a prayer for it. So, if the language of this text, and it is a mountaintop experience, seems too high for us at this moment, yet may the Lord help us to pray for it, and to earnestly seek after it.
[4:21] And may the blessing be renewed in our soul from time to time. It's a great mercy, that if, where we cannot speak, with the full assurance, for grace will make a man, a woman, sincere and honest.
[4:41] Yet, to have a desire for it, an earnest prayer for it, and to pray for faith. To pray that we deliver from presumption on the one hand, and unbelief on the other hand, our doubts and our fears, which come, dishonor on our God.
[5:03] This afternoon, we try to speak, first of all, of these four words, one of his disciples.
[5:14] Pointing out the distinction between a nominal disciple, one that has it in the head and not in the heart, one who's offended under the truth, and turns back and walks no more than Jesus Christ, compared with a true disciple of the Savior.
[5:36] We say of the secret disciple. That work of grace begun, that root, that hidden life, and yet the evidence of it in the spring of their heart, and the manifestation of it, in the life of that secret disciple.
[5:59] The fear of the Lord, motivated by love, separation from the world, that makes a change, marked in our life, our walk, our companions, and our conversation.
[6:14] We say, then, of discipleship, as a follower, of Jesus Christ. These are they which follow the land, whithersoever he goeth.
[6:30] Ye are not your own, ye are bought for the price, therefore glory by God, with your body and your spirit, which are God's. We then, speak of a true disciple, as being, one of a teachable spirit, sitting, at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in the right eye.
[6:54] Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek, and lonely in heart, and ye shall find rest under your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
[7:06] And we said, the yoke draws two close together. And that yoke, is the yoke of love. And the weight, is poured and carried, by our Savior.
[7:20] Drawing us closer, closer still, to him, who, as the body of the soul, is that, my soul, life. And true discipleship, is obedience, under the law, teaching them, to observe all things, whatsoever, I have commanded you.
[7:42] And the promise, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. And then we consider, the open disciple, that seen in our life, and manifested in our walk, and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
[8:03] And then our closing thoughts, were on these words, of the text, whom Jesus loved. The love, of the Savior, the love of the Father, in the gift of his Son, everlasting love, sovereign love, unchanging love, love from which, there's no separation, and love manifested, in the Savior, in his coming from glory, to this earth, to seek and to save, that which was lost, and the salvation, of the redeemed, and, and, caused the Savior, and that life, and the change, of his precious blood, to drink, the wrath, of God the Father, of heaven itself, of justice, to satisfy, the Lord's demands, to pay the full price, to endure, all the punishment, in the place of, in the room of, his dear people.
[9:06] What love, what greater love, than this, that a man, laid down, his life, and his friends, that Jesus, gave, himself, and he pleased, the Father, that in him, should all, fullness dwell, and all, sufficient Jesus, our Savior, mighty to save, and able to save, and willing to save, blessed be his name, and never, will cast out, the coming soul, to himself, and this, love of the Savior, is love, which is immeasurable, is a river, to swim in, a great mercy, which we, entered into, to cover the ankles, and then, to pray, for a deeper, knowledge on it, to the knees, to the noise, and a river, to swim in, the breath, the length, the breath, the depth, and the height, of the love of Christ, and from this love, there is no, separation.
[10:10] This evening, our desire, if the Lord, is pleased to help, to come, to this last, and third point, of our meditation, upon this world, now, there was, leaving, of, Jesus, was, when we think of it, how can it be, a dire, filthy, wretched, sinner of earth, and the holy, son, of God, and yet, such it is, because, ye, through the sun, time, time, but, far off, so far, from God, so far, but not, too far, but love, reach that, wandering one, and grace, save that, wretched one, reach out, and pluck, the brand, from the burning, and found, the sheep, that was, divine, ye, who were sunned, the far, are made, nigh, by the blood, of Christ, there is, that precious, invaluable, blood, that cleanseth, from all sin, that makes us, nigh, that brings us, to God, and, that brings, peace, into the soul, oh, that we might, know, more, and more, of it, but, before,
[11:58] I speak, more particularly, of the, blessing, here, made, I would, think, just for a moment, and it's, needful, of the, hindrances, to these, blessings, why, is it, that there is, so little, enjoyment, of this, blessing, is it, not in our soul, have we, not much, to mourn over, isn't there, much need, for heart searching, isn't there, much need, by breath, of confession, don't we, need to pray, Lord, and I believe, this is the preparation, the step, if I may put it, with reverence, to the bosom, of cries, tears, sorrow, repentance, a broken heart, a contrite spirit, what, oh, does it seem, that everything, comes between, our soul, and our Jesus, things, of this, dying world, oh, yes, you say,
[13:09] I've, my business, to attend, your mother says, I've got a home, to care for, and the children, or whatever, bless you, so you have, dear friend, of course you have, you can be, diligent in this, that, the word of God, declares, what the mother's, to do in the home, and the husband, and the wife, and the children, oh, yes, but, don't we load, ourselves up, with unnecessary things, don't we carry, unnecessary burdens, aren't we careful, and troubled, about much serving, aren't we burdened, with overburden, oh, that the Lord, may help us, and to seek, first, the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all these things, shall be added unto you, it won't make you, careless in your life, but only what Jesus, says, oh, seek him, first, all these, things of life, one thing, is needful, one thing, one thing, brethren, and,
[14:19] Mary, hath chosen, that good part, that shall not, be taken away, from her, how often I, how often you, may be, found no time, at the end of the day, hardly a time, to open the Bible, to wait upon God, in prayer, secret prayer, we're impoverished, friend, how often we, open the Bible, and read a chapter, with such hurry, and haste, and close the Bible, wonder whatever, we read, are we honest, let us be honest, my friend, is it no wonder, that we're impoverished, I preach to myself, I confess my sin, my friend, again, what about, this world, that holds our heart, what about, the things of this life, what about our garden, that might take, more attention, than it ought to, now, don't misunderstand me, that God has given us, things richly to enjoy, and rightly to enjoy, and tender conscience, moved in the fear of God, will soon declare to you, what is right, and what is wrong, so don't misunderstand me,
[15:34] I believe, that there is a right, enjoyment of these things, but my friend, when we come to the end of the day, what time, have we devoted, to our soul, in seeking this rich message, of communion with Jesus, a closer walk with God, what about, the idols, friend, there's no room, for an idol, between the bosom of Christ, and my soul, he must go, it's easy to stand, and sing, the dearest, just think of it, the dearest idol, I am, no, whatever that idol be, but I like it, because it's a prayer, help me, to tear it, my language, doesn't mean just gently, to tear it, for all my trouble, and worship, only me, what is that idol, the Lord knows, that you show it to us, help us, cast it away, and then,
[16:55] I believe this, another great kingdom, that we don't always realize, is our own, spirit, spirit, you know, Jesus speaks, much about forgiveness, when I say that, of course, the forgiveness of sins, but I'm speaking now, of brethren, and sisters, in the church, in the family of God, and when I say the church, I'm not confining that, to baptize believers, I mean, all who fear God, both small and great, a family of God, I'm sure of this, that if we have, in our heart, some hard thought, some unforgiving, spirit, that is going to be, a hindrance, to bless, the proof of it, is God's word, if you come, and I use, put it in my language, it's simple, and the Lord, as it were, says, if you come, to the throne of grace, and you have no forgiveness, in your heart, to others, then you can be reconciled, put that right first, and then come, my brethren, and what about, a worldly spirit, do you not, at the end of the day, and before that, have to march, over failures, all the things,
[18:31] I look back on, I could name some, that, all make me, hang my head with shame, all the things, that a minister, a Christian, should speak like that, should act like that, oh my friend, what cause we have, to seek repentance, and abort ourselves, hate the sin, that may, oh but, do I hate the sin, I love it, my flesh loves it, but I want the spirit, to hate it, and conquer it, and break it, and crush it, and kill it, I hate the sin, that made thee mourn, and drove thee, from my friends, to mourn, and help me, to go back, and what, again to the house, yes, I was wrong, what have I done, about it, too proud, to go and say, I'm sorry, I'm older,
[19:32] I'm not going to do, to a younger person, no, confess, your thoughts, one will be, you see, is the Holy Spirit, grieved, may we be grieved, may we be shown, wherein, we are hindered, from the enjoyment, of this, rich blessing, my dear young people, with my brethren, the ministry here, and many ministers, you know, we, I'm going to say, we love you dearly, because you've never died, in sorrow, you're going to face, far greater difficulties, than I think, that we have, you're going to live, if your life is spared, after we're taken, in a world, of increased weakness, and it may be, you'll be placed, with persecution, I do not know, but what would, bring you, the greatest joy, what would bring you, the greatest joy, it's lovely, we do rejoice, to see, young people, who fear God, brought together, in prayer, in courtship, and many in marriage, and see the little family, spring up, oh, we love to see it, and our hearts, pray over them, and whack, oh, what are you going to see, what is your greatest joy, you've got many joys, and I know, you've got a thankful heart, to God for them, the joys, of a happy marriage, life, and a little family, or courtship, and the provision, that God has made, but is that, is that, is there something, better than all that, yes, that joy, of the knowledge, of Jesus Christ, as your saviour, and your friend, all to pray for it, all to seek after it, knowing of a hymn, now God becomes to, and I, and I must need me, to turn to him, but it's this, and this expresses it, does it for you, a bleeding saviour, seen by faith, a sense of power, a hope, that triumphs, over death, give joys, like those of us, to take a glimpse, within the veil, and know, that God, is mine, are springs of joy, that never fail, unspeakable, divine, friend,
[22:27] I believe, the most sacred moments, of my poor life, have been these times, of just a touch, from heaven, spiritual peace, peace, perfect peace, and I believe, then, my poor heart, to say, Lord, if all the world, was mine, it can't be compared, to the rich, enjoyment of my life, these, some of the hindrances, I might have made, more, but I want now, to come to the last part, of my meditation, and that is this, leaning, and I would first, and again, I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel, far off from it, the full experience, they speak of it, more in the way, of prayer, the most, prayer, but,
[23:32] I feel this, it's, it's, one's, on the, the, the, anyone else, to go to, why, do you go, to Jesus, do you, go, to Jesus, if you, truly, go, to Jesus, you know, something, that you're a sinner, and I don't mean it, in the head, I mean that you've got, a burden, that he is, crushing you, what, friend, can't speak, you, a poor, miserable, sinner, not a, no, no, good in me, at all, not any, very, nothing, at all, nothing, in my hand, I breathe, but, simply, provide, cross, my king, that's it, can't, it's just like, I often tell my people at home, dear man, do you love some of the people in the Bible, well,
[24:36] I know we know all God's children there, but you know, some you feel to be, especially drawn to, and I, I love that man, that was full of leprosy, I wouldn't stand away from him, I wouldn't ignore him, I wouldn't pass by on the other side, and say, I'm holier than them, I would tell the poor man, I'm worse than you, worse, but like you, dear man, I believe by grace, I fall at the feet of Jesus Christ, in all my filth, and violence, leprosy, and unworthiness, and I come to the Savior, and I cast myself, and there I must die, and sink to hell, if it should be, but I believe not, that no portion, oh, at the feet of Christ, crying for mercy, and seeing the Savior, will ever perish in all of us, my friend, is cast, and then it comes to me in this way, it's a sweet confidence, in him, can you trust anything else, can you trust your own self-righteousness, can you trust your denominational name, can you trust it because you've got praying parents, can you trust it because you've sat under the truth, we pray that the Lord will bless the needs, but my salvation is a grace, and my trust, and my confidence, is in my Jesus, is on the word, whereby, bloodless, and my everlasting form, this is the power, leaning, and my friend, it's your full weight, and all your sin, everything, all your cares, burdens, sorrows, a body, perhaps of pain, and weakness, and all that you're carrying, is cast upon the Lord, and then, as I see this word, it's clinging to him, it's clinging to the Savior, can you let it go, the devil would all be done, he'll tell you that he's not for you, he'll tell you you're not one of the elect, he'll tell you that your sins are too black for crimes, but my friend, and darkness, and temptation, and unbelief, and evil sin, and all, everything that is of sound, all would seem as it were, to come and snatch us away, and the devil tells the Bible's not true, and that this religion is only just one religion, it's an old religion, and it won't work, you won't make the end, you won't live through, and so forth, and much more one could name, and I must do the devil's work, but my friend,
[27:41] I say, do you know what it is to cleave? You can't give up, and I know this, and those of God's dear children, some I've visited in the darkest hours of mental depression, in mental hospitals, and yet I believe underneath all, there's been just that which clings in, despairing almost, almost despairing, but not really, hope, in that dear Jesus, you can't give up, it's cleaning, you can't, what a mercy, oh, that will not, let me go, and why do you come, and why do you, cast yourself, on him, why in such confidence, why in such cleaving, is the salvation, because in this dear Jesus, is everything that my poor soul needs, and is nowhere else, nowhere else, it's all in him, that fullness that resides, in the dear Savior, the riches of his grace, the preciousness of his blood, the realm of his righteousness, justification by grace, everything in him, and so, my soul, would cling, to the dear, that Savior, and when tempted, or when, in time of trying, to, lean on Jesus, for, protection, from the devil, from the fiery darts, beloved, if you're a child of God, there'll be some fiery darts, but, our Jesus, will never fail you, may those fiery darts, of the adversary, draw you closer, to the bosom of Christ, to plead, that he, alone will, and he alone, will help you, and face, that fierce accuser, and tell him,
[29:52] Christ, has died, who is he, that can death it, it is Christ, that died, yea brother, is risen again, fleeing, when, you may be, persecuted, by the word, some of you young people, may suffer, persecution, and for, I trust, I may say, your faith in Christ, they can't understand you, can they, why you haven't got, the television, why you haven't got, you don't go out, to the coast, on the Lord's Day, and so forth, your conversation, is different, why you don't join, in the raffle, and I won't, enlarge anything, forever, and you may suffer, you may be scorned, but take it, to your Jesus, tell him all about it, and I, I won't say this, it's ever such a simple thing, but he touched, my heart, there were two little curses, a good number of years ago, they were in the playing, at school, and they were, really persecuted, because they both, went to Sunday school, and, they got away, from their persecutors, after a few moments, and they kept, a quiet corner, and one, to the other, just said, in simplicity,
[31:10] I can't find, forward, let us tell, Jesus about it, and he knew, where to go, didn't he, we can learn, from a child, can't we friend, so when you've got, your sorrows, and your persecutions, and your reproaches, take it to Jesus, to the dear, that beautiful hymn, Jesus, lover of my soul, I forget who it was, that wrote it, but the hymn writer, was he not sitting, by an open window, and he looked down, into his garden, and there was a little bird, and it was being pursued, by a hawk, or some greater bird, of prey, and the poor thing, was terrified, and looked as though, the beast, or the bird, of prey, would get it, and he saw, the open window, and flew through, and flung himself, into the very bosom, of the hymn writer, as he sat there, and that prompted him, to write those, wonderful lines, that have been a comfort, to so many, and they were a comfort, once to me, in one of the deepest, darkest sorrows, of my life, and my, my hymn book, in the full bit, we started, that Lord's Day morning, when I was in such sorrow, we started with that hymn, and my, the people didn't know, but my head was bowed, and the tears cloned, and the literal page, of the hymn book, was white, white, oh it's so real, these things are real, they're real, they burn deep, and they're in terror, and they won't be, removed, or utilized, but what it costs, real religion, is the plain thing, it's not just in the head, it's walking it out, but this I say, for the bosom of Christ, for rest, can you find rest, outside of us, real rest, like the dove, weary, but she can't find rest, for the souls of her father, is the ark, and it must be, in the ark, it must be,
[33:20] Noah's hand, that draws her in, unto him, in the ark, and so, it is our saviour, and when, you, find rest, he made his name, to lie down, in green pastures, he leaded me, beside the still waters, I've changed the illustration, maybe there, but the same, spiritual teaching, as then, when your soul, is relieved of fear, when, a little peace, flows in, a sense of his nearness, then your soul, is blessed, with a full of heaven, you're at rest, and such rest, that you're submissive, to his will, that you feel, your dear Jesus, so precious, and such inward peace, and his perfect peace, the night,
[34:21] I spent, in intensive care, after the, what we call, accident, my friend, it was, I would say, surely, the Lord is in this place, and I knew it, I would not wish, to go through, the literal, and what it cost, my wife, and her mother-in-law, but most of it, sir, for my friend, that night, oh, I could leave all, I didn't know, at that time, whether I should, ever preach again, but you see, it was peace, I could leave it all, I could commit, my poor self, soul, people, ministry, everything, into the hands, of my dear Jesus, I believe that night, there was a little, dwelling on the, bosom of Christ, and feeling a sweet, spence of his face, and the love of God, to a poor, wild sinner, like myself, leaving, on the, bosom, of Christ, in faith,
[35:24] Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief, faith, it, reaches out, of any, onto to this dear Jesus, is nowhere else, and the hand of faith, cleans for him, the feet of faith, run for him, love, oh, the place, in your name, the bosom of Christ, the place, of love, nothing between heart, and heart, as it were, the place, of sweet secrets, the secret, of the Lord, is with them, and the of him, and he was shown, and his covenant, which I've been singing about, the place, of Jesus, and the poor sinner, the place, of communion, oh, this closer, this closer, fellowship, with the Savior, oh, how we long for it, oh, for a closer, walk with God, a calm, and heavenly frame, a night, to shine upon the road, that leads me, there to the path, leaning, on the bosom of Christ, nothing between us, one, but, not the precious, love, oh,
[36:38] I know, so little of it, I want to know, much more of it, one, a little of heaven, dropped down, into our full hearts, but you know, I deal with, our greatest enemies, in this, that, we rob ourselves, so much, I know, there's a sovereignty, of God, I know, that we, without him, can do nothing, but, oh, we must lay, that a pillow, to fall fast asleep, and be indifferent, and unconcerned, about it, my friend, may there be, a stirring up, of spiritual exercise, and great concern, Lord, if I can just put it, in a simple way, I don't idea why, the cause of the ministry, sometimes, take me away from that, recently, I have something, that went north, for a week, how long, to get back, of course, I did, to see the one, I love, the one, with such a help, to me, that walks with me, but that's my wife, but what about, my Jesus, the saviour, the friend of sinners, and always the same, oh, that my soul, good love, and praise him more, his beauties, trace his majesty, adore, then near his heart, upon his foot, and lean, obey his voice, and all his will esteem, leaning on his foot, yes,
[37:52] Lord, what will thou have me to do, Lord, help me to serve thee, Lord, help me to do, what is that, right in my sight, whatever thou, has bid me, and command me to do, and this too, signifies a place, and let us not be afraid, of the word, used, and, and, in a right way, surrender, we're not preaching, free will, we're preaching, free and sovereign grace, we're preaching, of the power of God's, love and grace, in a sinner's heart, and will bring that, sinner, to the very feet, of Christ, as nothing, and surrender, to the crucifixion, that's it, and it's a sacred place, to come to, when you yield, by grace, in love, your very life, to the Lord Jesus, who laid out his life, for you, on the cross, at Calvary, that's it, surrender, larger communion, all my dear friends, pray much more, but I see, the time is gone, leading, and it's an expression, we find in the song, who is this, that's coming up, from the wilderness, leading, on her, and I, the one that is, we look at, wonder, at the one, that's coming up, but let's look at, with wonder, first of the one, that came down, for her, this dear Jesus, that came down, into the wilderness, that went to the cross, to die for her, and then look at, the wonder, that she's coming up, you know,
[39:32] I'm not a man, to make, a man, an offender, for a word, I think there's, too much of that, we want discernment, yes, quite right, and if we're wrong, may God, people, guide us, and direct us, but, we hear an expression, sometimes, well, how are you, and oh, it's up and down, it's up and down, well, I believe, for the believer, it's, that's the wrong way, now, I believe, it's down and up, I know it is, I know it is, up and down, for the ungodly, they're up, so only of the flame, and you will be down, down and loved, for the believer, yes, down, perhaps you're down, tonight, perhaps this, has been singing a song, to a heavy heart, friend, I wouldn't do that, I'm going to encourage you, I pray, but you know, that down, however low you may be, however deep the depth may be, you're not, dear child of God, beneath the everlasting arms, you're not out of the, of the wonderful life, and he'll lift you up, and at last, it will be up, and never to go down again, it will be up to glory, it will be up to the mansions in heaven, it will be up to be with Christ, which is far better, look at the blessed cross man, oh believer, what a cross man, who is this, that's coming up from the moon, is leaning right away through, and you're carrying it to heaven, and that's the place, where you carry all your sorrows, and all your trials, all your burdens, your heart breaks, your griefs, your place, it is, they can receive wisdom, everything that you have put, here's his sin, and amen, oh this,
[41:25] I mean there was a dear minister, long before I went to town and throw, he preached his last sermon, in, I told him, before I went there, and from there, he was taken to the hospital, and I don't know how long afterwards, but there, he entered God, and this is the way, he entered heaven, he was so blessed, and this was the word, and this was the experience, he shall die, all night, betwixt my friends, that was heaven on earth, all that we might, know a little folly, you know, oh, sorry, I close, with two words, from the Psalms, and, the prospect, you see, I said, the joy, there's joy, unspeakable, and full of glory, here on this earth, no joy, like knowing, the Savior, as our friend, and the Savior, thou will show me, the path of life, in thy presence, is fullness of joy, at thy right hand, there are pleasures, forevermore, as for me,
[42:57] I will behold, thy face in righteousness, I shall be satisfied, when I awake, in thy likeness, near to such, the sweetness, of the streams, what must, the fountain be, where saints and angels, draw their place, immediately, from me, say, Amen.
[43:31] Amen. . . .
[44:31] . . .
[45:01] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[45:13] . . . . . . . . . . . Thank you.
[45:53] Heves the Lord of grace Join You in my soul DEIN SENSE . . .
[47:18] Praise the Lord.
[47:48] Praise the Lord.
[48:18] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
[48:40] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
[48:55] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
[49:06] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
[49:17] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
[49:31] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
[49:42] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
[49:53] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
[50:04] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
[50:18] Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
[50:34] Praise the Lord. Amen. We pray thy blessing on thy dear people.
[51:12] The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you. Amen.