
Uffington - Part 36

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April 13, 1972



with hymns 450,593

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[0:00] Hymn 450, June 421 O bless thy servant, fearless Lord, that the body shall preach thy gospel word.

[0:18] May he declare delightful things, such in the glorious King of Kings. Hymn 450, June 421 Hymn 450, June 421 Hymn 450, June 421 Hymn 450, June 421



[3:09] The Lord shall help this evening. You will find the text in the psalm we read, Psalm 89 and part of the 19th verse.

[3:22] I have laid help upon one that is mighty. I have exalted one, chosen out of the people.

[3:35] Psalm 89 and part of the 19th verse. I have laid help upon one that is mighty.

[3:48] I have exalted one, chosen out of the people. You have friends in your hymn, Pray.

[4:05] And I hope that hymn of prayer has been real. Because if it has not been real, how solemn and how sad a place you sit in.

[4:26] To pray. As the dear hymn writer, I believe, prayed. As you had led to pen those lines.

[4:38] Was real prayer. And real prayer asks. In the name of the Lord.

[4:51] And real prayer will and shall be answered. You have this evening a poor servant before you.

[5:03] I know it. Not just something to say. But you have made your prayer to a good God. A gracious God.

[5:14] One. One. One. Why there is nothing impossible. One who is able to do exceeding abundantly.

[5:26] Even more. You can either ask or think. Thus I do hope and pray. That as you have sought the Lord's blessing.

[5:39] The anointing power to rest upon us. We shall feel it. We shall feel the realization. Of the very presence of God.

[5:51] In this place this evening. I believe I can say. From my own little experience. We have found it before.

[6:03] And what the Lord has given. He is not impoverished. No. The store of his grace. Will stand the same.

[6:17] Yesterday. Today. And forever. These words. I have read by way of text. I read this psalm last evening.

[6:31] At Chippenham. And as I was reading the psalm. These few words. Seem to stand out. I have never.

[6:42] I believe. Attempted to speak from them before. But they have been with me. Several times today. I have laid hell.

[6:53] Upon one. That is mighty. You may say. Just looking at this psalm.

[7:07] The Lord here. The Holy Spirit. And this psalm. Is of the Holy Spirit. It speaks of David.

[7:19] It does speak of David. It speaks of him. With. As a king. As a great man. As a mighty warrior.

[7:31] Warrior. But I believe. Friends. These words. Speak of one. Greater than David. They speak of one.

[7:44] God's beloved son. What. Dear David. Saw. Of Jesus. We cannot. Discover. He saw.

[7:57] Of him. And spoke. Of him. In many. Many. Places. But. We live. In the. Day of grace.

[8:09] That day. When the Lord. Jesus Christ. Came here. Upon this earth. And his name. Shall be called. Jesus.

[8:21] Why. He should be. The. Mighty. Saviour. Of his people. Therefore. As a spirit.

[8:32] Shall help us. For a few moments. In these words. May we find. Help. You know.

[8:43] We are rich. If we need. No help. Not rich. In the things. Of God. But rich.

[8:56] In our own. Estimation. We are full. If we need. When we are full. We need. No help. But as the Lord.

[9:08] Deals. With his people. His chosen. Ones. His redeemed. Ones. They do not feel. Great. They feel.

[9:20] Poor. They know. What poverty is. I'm not speaking. Of worldly things. I'm speaking.

[9:32] As a spirit. Shall help me. Of spiritual things. Therefore. Those. Who feel. Their poverty. They need.

[9:43] Help. You know. What it is. To need. Help. To seek. Help. You have.

[9:56] No strength. In and of. Your selves. You cannot. Meet. Your case. You feel. A helpless. One.

[10:07] You feel. Your poverty. In regard. To your soul. Salvation. You have. Heard. Of the precious.

[10:18] Blood. The rich. Blood. Of the Lord. Jesus Christ. You have. Heard. Of it. You have. Read. Of it. Many.

[10:29] Many. A time. But oh. You feel. Your helplessness. And your poverty. You cannot. Apply it.

[10:40] Your souls. You cannot. Anoint. Your own souls. Therefore. You feel. Your poverty. What a mercy.

[10:52] It is. If we can come. Somewhat. In the. Fifty. Fifth. Chapter. Of Isaiah. Where the Lord. So.

[11:03] Exalts. His. Self. In salvation. In the. In the. Manifestation. Of his power. And he.

[11:14] Draws. Poor sinners. To come. Unto him. I have. Laid. Help. On. One. That is.

[11:25] Mighty. God. The Father. Has laid. Help. On his. Precious. Son. We have.

[11:36] To worship. A. Triune. God. God. The Father. God. The Son. And God. The Holy Spirit. And this.

[11:47] Help. Then. Is laid. Upon. Christ. The Mighty. One. God. And this. Help. Is manifested. As he. Gives.

[11:58] Help. Unto his. Church. He. Is a. Mighty. God. The Lord. Thy. God. In the. Midst. Of thee.

[12:09] Is mighty. He is. You know. He. Mighty. The Lord. Thy. God.

[12:20] In the. Midst. Of thee. In the midst. Of the. Church. In the midst. Of the. Individual. He is.

[12:32] A. Mighty. God. Then. Why. Do. We. Despair. Why. Are. We. All. Times. Reduced. To. Nothing.

[12:44] When. This. Mighty. God. Rules. This. Mighty. God. Rains. Over. His. One. Church. This.

[12:54] Mighty. God. Saves. Even. Unto. The. Outterm. Why. Are. We. Oft. Times. Found. Walking. A. Path.

[13:04] Of. Oppression. A. Path. Of. Sorrow. Feeling. Our. Weakness. Crying. Out. Like. One.

[13:14] Did. In. Themselves. As. Weakness. One. Why. Do. The. Lord. People. Walk. This. Way. Why.

[13:25] Do. They. Experience. It. That. They. Might. Know. Again. And. Again. The. Mighty. Saviour. The. Lord.

[13:36] Jesus. Christ. We. Walk. Contrary. Oft. Of. Times. We. Sin. Against.

[13:46] God. And. But. For. The. Mighty. God. We. Should. Be. Lost. And. Ruined. But.

[13:58] This. Mighty. God. Lifts. Up. Brings. Up. From. Death. Unto. Unto. Destruction. Unto. The.

[14:08] Might. And. The. Preciousness. Of. His. Own. Blood. I. Laid. How. On. One. That.

[14:19] Is. Mighty. Let. Us. Then. Ask. Ourselves. The. Question. Is. This. Mighty. God. Our. God. Is.

[14:31] He. Friends. This. Mighty. God. Our. God. One. Of. Whom. I. Have. Just. Said. Is.

[14:42] Able. To. Say. Unto. The. Outterm. Then. Have. Your. Case. This. Evening. Have. You. Come. Up. With. A. Case.

[14:54] Is. That. Case. Weighing. Heavy. Upon. You. Or. Weighing. You. Down. Is. That. Case. Too. Much. For. You. Is.

[15:06] That. Case. So. That. You. Feel. Bowed. Down. I. Have. Laid. Hell. On. One. That.

[15:16] Is. Mighty. This. Mighty. Saviour. Who. Saves. From. Death. Destruction. And. Despair. This.

[15:28] Mighty. Jesus. Who. Is. Able. To. Do. Exceeding. Abondantly. Even. Whether. Ask. Or. Think. The. Lord. God.

[15:39] Has. Laid. Help. Upon. Him. And. He. And. He. Alone. Can. Help. You. He. Can. Help. You. Out. Of. That.

[15:49] Condition. That. Case. Wherever. You. May. Be. You. May. Feel. This. Evening. Like. A. Sheep. In.

[16:00] The. Ditch. Upon. Its. Back. What. A. Hopeless. Case. Yet. It. Is. A. Sheep. A.

[16:11] Real. Sheep. You. Wouldn't. Call. It. A. Dog. You. Wouldn't. Call. It. A. Go. A.

[16:22] Sheep. And. Sheep. In. The. Ditch. Upon. Its. Bay. Unable. To. Save. It. So. Unable.

[16:34] To. Save. Its. Life. Almost. Breathing. Seemingly. The. Last. Breath. And.

[16:44] You. Know. Poor. Sinners. Come. Here. And. How. They. Have. To. Look. For. Help. They. Must. Look.

[16:55] For. Help. If. There. Is. One. Before. Me. Like. This. Our. Text. Is. I. Have. Laid. Help. Upon. One.

[17:06] That. Is. Mighty. One. Who. Came. Down. From. Heaven. Here. Upon. This. Earth. That.

[17:16] Through. Salvation. Might. And. Power. His. People. Should. Be. Redeemed. The. One. Who. Has. Paid.

[17:27] That. Great. Price. And. As. We. Sing. Sometimes. I. Did. Turn. To. The. Five. Ninety. Second. Hymn. In.

[17:37] The. Best. Ring. And. We. Read. In. The. Second. Verse. Concerning. This. Mighty. Saviour. Mighty. To. Save. Nor.

[17:47] All. Sin. Power. Can. Hold. The. Sinner. In. That. Hour. When. Jesus. Calls. Him. Home. Nor. Moses. With.

[17:58] His. Iron. Rod. Can. Keep. The. Trembling. Soul. From. God. When. The. Set. Time. Is. Come. What. A. Mighty.

[18:09] Saviour. Then. And. As. We. Realize. A. Little. Of. This. If. The. Holy. Spirit. Has. Led. Us. Into. These.

[18:19] Things. We. Know. Something. Of. The. Might. Of. The. Lord. Jesus. Christ. Dear.

[18:31] Old. Jacob. Said. I. Know. It. Do. You. Know. It. Friends. Know. Something. Of. The. Might.

[18:41] Of. The. Saving. Power. Of. Christ. It's. The. Some. And. The. Substance. Of. The. Whole. Of. The.

[18:51] Whole. Gospel. It's. Meat. And. Drink. To. The. Soul. It's. Life. And. Light. And. Power. To.

[19:02] Those. Who. Feel. Their. Sickliness. Their. Death. Oft. Times. I. Have. Laid. How. Are.

[19:13] You. Despairing. This. Evening. Are. You. Trembling. Am. I. His. Or. No. Do. I. Love.

[19:23] The. Lord. Or. No. Your. Soul. Is. Anxious. Your. Soul. Trembling. And. You. Know.

[19:34] Not. Sometimes. Where. To. Look. You. Know. Not. Where. To. Turn. There's. Only. One. I. Can. Point. You. To. That's.

[19:45] A. Mighty. God. And. A. Mighty. Saviour. And. That. The. Lord. God. The. Father. Has. Laid. Help. Upon. Him.

[19:57] He. Helps. Then. And. Lysa. How. Soon. I. Mention. That. Sheep. In. The. Ditch. Or. Maybe. In. The. Field.

[20:07] On. Its. Back. How. Soon. That. Sheep. As. It. Is. Turned. Over. Runs. Away. I. Did.

[20:19] Say. Somewhere. Maybe. In. Here. Somewhere. Else. I. Was. Amazed. I. Believe. This. Back. Last.

[20:29] Summer. Time. I. Was. Driving. Through. A. Certain. Lane. And. I. Saw. A. Sheep. On. Its. Bay.

[20:39] I. I. Quite. Thought. Someone. Someone. Would. Have. Seen. I. Came. Back. In. About. Twenty.

[20:49] Minutes. Time. And. That. Sheep. Was. Still. Upon. Its. Bay. I. Was. Amazed. As.

[21:00] I. Got. Out. Of. My. Car. And. Walked. Across. The. Field. I. Just. Touched. It. And. It. Rolled. Over. And.

[21:12] Ran. Away. Bleating. You. Know. It. Touched. Me. The. Lord. People.

[21:24] They. Have. A. Mighty. Saviour. One. Who. Seizes. People. In. Deep. Despair. One. Who. Knows.

[21:34] Them. In. That. State. And. Condition. He. Has. Just. But. The. Touch. Brothers. Just. But. The. Touch. Just.

[21:46] But. To. Manifest. The. Virtue. His. Precious. Blood. Reveal. Himself. As. God. And. His. Saviour. How.

[21:59] Do. We. Realize. These. Things. It. Is. By. Living. Faith. We. Behold. But. We. We. Have. To.

[22:09] We. We. We. We. We. We. We. Have. To. Seek. Help. Sometimes. We. Think. We. Are. Brought. Low. Enough.

[22:21] Sometimes. We. Think. We. Shall. Not. Been. Able. To. Take. Another. Step. We. Are. Brought. So. Low. But.

[22:31] You. May. Have. To. Be. Brought. A. Little. Low. that you might seek help from this mighty God this gracious God and eternal God I've laid help on one that is mighty and I did mention in prayer and you've heard many many times that the sweet promises of God are yea and amen in Christ Jesus I've laid help on one that is mighty it is in and through Christ Jesus that the church receives the promises of God have you received from the Lord a promise does it seem to fail does it seem to fade it cannot it will not because the Lord has laid upon one that is mighty the help that help which is so necessary it is through Christ a precious Jesus

[24:04] I've often thought when I've come to the end of a day maybe a Sabbath or a during the week in preaching how one fails to set forth the mind of Jesus it is to be experienced it is to be known when he shows us a little of the death and depravity of man our own selves and his might his capability his ability to save save from self save from sin save from those things which bring about much despondency and how the Lord helps in and through the Lord Jesus Christ his people to lay hold of his word and his promises as he helped you they've been given to you you felt it then Satan has come and said a few hours maybe a few days maybe a few years afterwards you only read that you only heard that with the outward ear can you leave it there friend can you leave it there can you listen to the to Satan and as you listen to him can you say well that's amen that's finished no no you'll have to plead and plead again you'll have to do as the Lord has said put me in remembrance let us plead together

[26:29] Lord thou hast said thou hast said whatever that word has been if we are void of the word of God we are void of life and to be void of life we shall one day be void of heaven the Lord God of heaven and earth he's laid hell upon one that is mighty you know it's you and me that belittle and I say that word reverently belittle the mighty price it is we doubt it we are such poor things but with all our doubts with all our fears all our belittling he remains mighty a mighty king a mighty saviour and a mighty God then why do fears arise why are we downcast this mighty God has said fear not why why I am with thee dear soul what a precious thing it is to have the presence of a mighty God and a mighty saviour when thou passest through the waters

[28:19] I will be with thee not with thee in weakness but with thee in might those fires he's with thee not in weakness but in might beloved think it not strange the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you the Lord Jesus Christ he's with his people in these places he's with them in his might and as we consider even deeper the word might in salvation I believe we shall have to be led to see a little of Gethsemane and Calvary and that glorious resurrection of the dear Redeemer what might friend was was displayed can't we should never fathom the might the mighty power of God's dear soul as he burst as he burst asunder the tomb for his people death could not hold him why that tomb entombed a mighty God a mighty saviour it was it was the determinate counsel of God that he should he should die and rise again there's a glorious felt sense and realisation of the might of Christ as we think of the empty tomb as we think of one who rose again that precious saviour who shed his blood oh the might that was enforced upon him oh the might that laid him low he was laid low he bowed before his father he cried his soul was in agony was that a mighty

[31:10] God can't you think for a moment as that throng viewed God's dear son doubtless many pointed we read they wagged their heads as they pointed and wagged their heads what was in their thoughts just a mere mind not a mighty God but there were a few I believe who knew him as a mighty God and as they knew him as a mighty God they worshipped him I've laid hell upon one that is mighty have you felt it realized it through his love and glorious sacrifice through his blood and righteousness through the that fountain which has been opened for sin and uncleanness it is there and there alone that sinners they feel the hell you know if a person helps you you know it and you feel it and as the

[32:52] Lord Jesus Christ helps we speak much of hell we may say to one another as we go into the house of God I hope you'll be helped helped in hearing helped in preaching what do we mean the help of the Lord the hand of God friend his ear is not heavy no his arm is not shortened why because he is a mighty God has there been something in your lives you know there are times in providence in providential leadings and what we might say sometimes providential disappointments providential things which you cannot understand as a mighty

[34:16] God helped you you may have looked your case you may have looked your path you looked it in the face and you cried out with what abode all these things are against me not all plain sailing you know some seem to think it's all plain sailing well they have a different religion to which I have there's adversity there's struggling there are times when the child of grace is brought very very low the dear psalmist said I was brought low and the Lord helped me he laid help upon one that was mighty and when he said he was brought low he meant it it wasn't just a matter of conversation a matter of speech he meant it and the

[35:37] Lord laid help upon one that was mighty a dear redeemer upon which the Lord in mercy has said that all men's hearts are in his hands this mighty God how you may have naturally an enemy you may have naturally someone seeking to do to do your harm someone perhaps trying to scar your character this is the work of Satan and he's an old hand at these things times remember reading I believe it was the late Mr.

[36:37] Carr at Bath when he was a young man he hadn't been preaching long and there were some tales that had no foundation put about him and he had a letter from an old minister and the letter went something like this I may not be able to quote it rightly friend Carr bear what you can and cast the rest upon the Lord I thought when I read it what an advice where was he to cast it upon a mighty God and that dear man being the Lord's servant he the

[37:38] Lord so fit that he couldn't bear it all no he needed a mighty God a gracious God to enable him to cast it upon him casting all your care upon him for he careth for you who cares for you I hope it can be said friends a mighty God a mighty saviour then if he cares for you you cannot perish you shall not perish the wind may blow the sea may rage the ship may rock none can sing with a mighty God in the vessel Christ

[38:40] Jesus the dear son of God he holds up he helps and he will help I like that you know what we read I believe it is in the Corinthians I like those words where it speaks of the Lord he hath delivered he doth deliver and he will yet deliver I have laid help on a wall that is mighty dear soul the government shall be upon his shoulders upon the shoulders of one of whom the Lord God the

[39:40] Father has laid help then who shall perish if he be our governor our God and our leader if he be our king if he be one who brings us forth and manifest his power within our souls I have exalted one chosen out of the people now we know David was chosen out of the people you remember how Samuel his brothers went before Samuel there was that I forget the one's name now of rather a good stature strong looking man and even Samuel thought that this must be the king but no there was young David minding the sheep

[40:50] God's chosen one and how it reminds us of the humanity humility of a precious Jesus a tender shepherd he is a tender shepherd you know the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want the chosen one of the God one who lay eternally in the bosom of the father came down upon this earth that he might be a shepherd oh and as we realize this chosen one chosen dear soul to redeem you chosen to help you chosen to lead you chosen to comfort you chosen to console you there's no end to it no end to the beauty and the preciousness of this mighty

[42:05] God and I hope none of us will come short of Jesus we sang last evening at Tiffinham and it seemed to lay hold of me give me Christ or else I die give me Christ or else I die I've laid help upon one that is mighty I've exalted one chosen out of the people this greater one than David you can read how David was exalted how the Lord owned him and blessed him but one greater than David how the Lord exalted him and I if I be lifted up will draw all men unto me that means the church right down through the ages as

[43:13] Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness Jesus said a mighty God said even so so must this mighty God be lifted up I've laid help on wonders mighty may he then be your helper may you cry with the hymn writer and testify of him as the helper of the helpless the chosen lovely son of God the altogether lovely one amen the Lord will just to hide a creature on

[44:13] Tuesday and next week let us close with hymn number 593 June 671 Jesus is a mighty savior helpless soul of your friend he is born there in this behavior and his mercy knows no end only helpless come and on his grace depend 903 June 671 CHOIR SINGS




[48:52] And educación, CHOIR SINGS Lord, we pray that we might be led deeper into the might of salvation.

[49:49] And know thee, Lord, more and more as our mighty Saviour. Pardon all thou hast seen of us.

[50:01] Take us each one now beneath thy care. With the love of God, the grace of his dear Son, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide.

[50:16] Amen.