with hymns 351, 263
[0:00] Number 351, June 97.
[0:16] The sinner, that thy precious faith, has felt his sins forgiven, is from that woman passed from death, who stills her hand and heir of heaven.
[0:33] Number 351, June 97.
[0:54] The sinner, that thy precious faith, has felt his sins forgiven, is from that woman's heart, who stills her hand and heir of heaven.
[1:38] The sinner, that thy precious faith, has found his own heart, the precious faith, has found his own heart, the precious faith, has found his own heart, who stills her heart, who stills her heart, the precious faith, has found his own heart.
[2:20] The sinner, that thy blood is strong, As just the light of shame is, we Jesus rede then.
[6:17] CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS As the Lord may help me, I will read from the 61st chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah.
[6:45] And read in verse 3, the third verse of the 61st chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah.
[6:58] The Lord, trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.
[7:38] All the precious things of the word of God are to that end.
[7:54] To the glorification of God. Oh, that we could be more and more mindful of it.
[8:07] But one felt concerning our text, to appoint unto them the more.
[8:20] To mourn is something which old nature would depart from. It is something which one feels, especially the young and rising race.
[8:40] We don't want to hear anything of mourning. But it's a part and portion of the living people of God.
[8:54] To mourn. Now God, in the word before us, and I do feel, I hope, a little of the blessedness of it.
[9:09] To proclaim. And what God has proclaimed, he has proclaimed in his faithfulness.
[9:20] And in his almighty power. What he has proclaimed. His word proclaims the wages of sin is death.
[9:34] But the gift of God is eternal life. But here the proclamation of God is to them to appoint unto them that more.
[9:54] God has purposed. There is a people who mourn.
[10:12] And it thus would set before us unto them that more. There is a people who mourn.
[10:24] And I do feel, friends, what is a religion if it has no mourning in it?
[10:34] When the true light of God penetrates into that sin-darkened soul. It illuminates and reveals the truth of God.
[10:51] And if we are brought by the grace of God to receive the truth of God. It declares in us that we have all seen.
[11:09] And come short of the glory of God. No exceptions. And that is the source of real mourning.
[11:23] With that living soul. It is brought to mourn. To proclaim unto them the acceptable year of the Lord.
[11:37] The day of vengeance of our God. To comfort all that mourn. To proclaim. And to appoint unto them that mourn in Zion.
[11:51] There is a natural mourning. We all know there is a natural mourning. But this sets forth the mourning of those in Zion.
[12:05] That true mourning. As wrought by the true light of God. Bringing home into our hearts by faith.
[12:19] What we are in the sight of God. And that mourning will be something which will accompany the child of God.
[12:33] Dain to the grave. Oh dear friends. You may feel that is a solemn declaration. It is a true declaration.
[12:45] In the souls of the righteous. Where God has appointed. Where God has appointed. And applied. That holiness and purity.
[12:58] By the spirit of God. Because. We shall hate the sin. That dwells in us.
[13:09] But my mind was somewhat drawn to this. Because one feels there is so much today. To bring a mourning upon the people of God.
[13:26] To a point. Unto them that mourn in Zion. And there is much in Zion.
[13:36] Which we have to mourn over. Are the little two. That's known. Saving. Saving. Of the grace of God.
[13:49] And the saving power of the Lord Jesus Christ. In what he has wrought. And we speak of it. Because.
[14:00] It's little we feel of it. We would know. And feel it more. But it brings a mourning within. Because.
[14:12] And I feel this is something. Which all. Every true exercise. Child of grace. Is brought to know.
[14:23] And feel. I was looking. Whilst you were singing. My mind is. Cannot grasp. Or retain. For long. But there is a word.
[14:35] By. One of the hymns. Of Mr. Gadsby's. Mourning souls. Who feel the smart. Of a guilty. Treacherous heart.
[14:48] That's my heart. By nature. Is it yours? And with mighty. Care and pain. Struggle hard. Relief.
[14:59] To gain. Labour hard. You may. And long. But. You will find. Your foes. Too strong.
[15:11] Solid peace. Can ne'er be had. Only through. A saviour's. Saviour's. Blood. Oh.
[15:23] What good news. Then this is. To. Those. Mourning souls. Hmm. And is there not much.
[15:34] To. Bring. Mourning. Into our hearts. Hmm. Mourning. Mourning. Mourning. The more I strove. And it's something.
[15:44] Friends. Hmm. A day by day. Hmm. The more I strove. Against sin's power. Hmm. I sin and stumble. But the more.
[15:56] Hmm. That is. But for the grace of God. In exercise. Hmm. We are there. Hmm. And that treacherous heart.
[16:07] Hmm. And we're different by nature. Hmm. To God. And godliness. Hmm.
[16:19] To appoint unto them the more. Hmm. Ah. This is true mourning. Friends. That mourns. Hmm. And grieves over your.
[16:32] The sins of your own heart. Hmm. Hmm. Because of the love of sin. Hmm. And the power of sin. That dwells within.
[16:42] Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. And you have no power. Or might. Hmm. Over that great company. With him. Hmm.
[16:54] And that soul is brought. To know it. Hmm. And yet. Hmm. In our. Our natural. Mind.
[17:04] Hmm. How often. There is a striving. Hmm. In and of ourselves. Hmm. And yet. That will avail us nothing. Hmm.
[17:15] How true is the poet. In that. Hmm. We may be left. And some do. Hmm. And we all do. In measure. Hmm. Especially when young.
[17:27] In the way. There is a striving in us. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. To make ourselves. As it were. Right. And acceptable. In the sight of God.
[17:40] Hmm. But what a mourning there is. Friends today. Hmm. Inside. Hmm. When we see the few.
[17:51] That gather. In the means of grace. Hmm. And then we go. Perhaps into the towns or villages. Hmm.
[18:02] And we see the great multitudes. As it were. In their queues. Hmm. For the love of pleasure. Hmm. To satisfy the greed of nature.
[18:16] Hmm. And yet running. The way of destruction. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Oh. But these mourners. The word of God.
[18:28] The Lord Jesus. Hmm. And it said. Blessed are they. That more. Hmm. There are blessed people. Hmm. Oh.
[18:38] To feel that blessing. And it pronates upon you. If you really and truly mourn. Hmm. We mourn sometimes.
[18:50] Do we not? Hmm. Hmm. Because we seem to make so little advancements. Spiritually so. Hmm. In the things of grace.
[19:00] Hmm. You may look at others perhaps blessed. Hmm. Ah. And seem to make such advancements.
[19:11] Hmm. But oh. The Lord knows that real advancement. Spiritually. Which is wrought. And by your spirit. Deep in your heart.
[19:23] It lies. Hmm. And though damp. Hmm. It can never die. Hmm. We may have a flourish in. Uh. Uh. Outward religion.
[19:34] Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Destitute. Hmm. Of the power of God. Within our breast. Hmm. But they've sought them to have such a religion.
[19:45] Friends. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. That which is of the spirit of God. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Will stand every test. Hmm. And live at last.
[19:56] Hmm. And live in and through. Hmm. The Lord Jesus Christ. Hmm. There's no other living. Hmm. Hmm. To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion.
[20:11] Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. To give. Hmm. Hmm. Unto them. Hmm. Beauty. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. For ashes. Hmm. Hmm. What a wonderful word.
[20:23] Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Beauty. Hmm. Hmm. For ashes. Hmm. Hmm. Where is the beauty? Hmm. Hmm. Oh, I feel the psalmist refers sometimes.
[20:38] Hmm. To the beauty and glory of thy salvation. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. And where does it dwell? Hmm. Hmm.
[20:49] It's in the Lord Jesus Christ. Hmm. Hmm. Oh, I know in this same prophecy, Hmm. Hmm.
[20:59] Hmm. There was no beauty in him that we should desire him. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. What a declaration. Hmm.
[21:09] Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. But there it is in that 53rd chapter. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. There was no beauty in him that we should desire him.
[21:21] There is no beauty in him until the Lord reveals that beauty. That glorious God-man, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was despised and set at naught.
[21:41] And we hid, as it were, our faces from him. And did we not? And have we not hid, as it were, our faces from him?
[21:57] And would disown him? Until the Lord brings and sets before faith the beauty of the Lord in Christ Jesus.
[22:13] The suitability in the furtherance of the work of grace. There is a suitability to the need of that mourning soul.
[22:31] And there is a mourning after him. And I wouldn't leave this mourning out, friends. Because if the Lord has revealed to your poor soul a little of the glorious beauty of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[22:52] In his atoning sacrifice. And of the precious blood that was shed for the remission of Satan.
[23:06] What a glorious beauty there is there. And your soul will mourn after him.
[23:18] And that's a blessed mourning. A mourning which the Lord will bless the soul in. That mourns. And in its prayer and supplication, longs and pants.
[23:36] After a further, deeper revelation. Wants to know him more. It was so even in the dear Apostle Paul.
[23:47] Though the Lord had blessed him so deeply in the things. Far beyond others.
[23:58] Yes. And yet that I might know him. And the power of his resurrection. Was the mourning desire of his heart.
[24:12] Oh, I would say to you, Is it yours, dear friends? Is it yours? Do we know what it is?
[24:25] To have a little mourning in your breast after him. You want to know him. You want a further revelation of him.
[24:40] Oh, you want the Lord to reveal, In a deeper sense, the beauty. Oh, you feel there is a beauty.
[24:51] And there is a beauty in him. What a beauty there is in his person, In his glorious person, That sinless being.
[25:06] The Son of God. Who took upon him our nature, But without sin. That he might become the sin bearer, Of his people.
[25:23] To bear them away. Oh, what wonders God has wrought. Saving them.
[25:34] In that work of salvation. That what the Lord Jesus has done. He has borne the sins of his people.
[25:46] And he has borne them away. I mean this, friends. You may feel, And feel your sin and shame.
[26:01] The child of God's will. But there will be seasons when the Lord, Will so blessedly reveal to your soul, That you stand, In that perfect holiness, And purity, Of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[26:23] That your sins, Which are many, Are all forgiven you. They are taken out of the way. Yes.
[26:35] And everlastingly so. And yet, I know, dear friends, We find, Perhaps the Lord may so bless you today, To feel that holiness, And you stand in that perfect holiness, Which the Lord Jesus has wrought out, And in that righteousness, But tomorrow you may feel the stag, Of sin, Your heart plagued, As it were, With it.
[27:14] So that there is, As I said just now, Down to the grave, There will be seasons of mourning, Over, Your treacherous heart, So willing, As it were, To sin against the God, I love.
[27:41] And deep in your heart, There is that love of God wrought, And yet, Oh nature, In its power, And its willingness, And its love to sin, And we fall to friends, And, But for the grace of God, And how it brings us so, How it brings us so, To pray for grace, Oh to pray, To look again, Unto Jesus, To draw from that fainting again, Living waters, That your soul may be revived, And refreshed, By faith, In what the Lord Jesus has done, But,
[28:44] To appoint unto them, That mourn in Zion, To give unto them, Beauty, For ashes, Now those ashes, Seem to speak, Of what there is in us, What shall I render, Unto the Lord, For all his benefits, He gives beauty, For ashes, And what can we give, In return, Ah the Lord receives, Nothing at our hands, He desires nothing, But thanksgiving, And praise, And honor, And glory unto his great, And holy name, And glory to his grace, The grace of God, And the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, That should bring that beauty,
[29:47] Into a believer's heart, By faith, To behold that beauty, That is in the Lord Jesus Christ, What beauty there is, In life, For death, I felt in reading, And it seems to set forth, It has a spiritual view, Of the coming of the Lord Jesus, When we read, For brass, I will bring gold, And for iron, I will bring silver, And for wood, Brass, And for stones, Iron, And I will also make Thy officers peace, And thy exemptors, Righteousness, It's the building,
[30:49] It's the exchange, And here, To appoint, To give unto them, Beauty, For ashes, And that beauty, Appears, And, Oh, That beauty appears, And, I mean the fruits of it, And, There is a beauty, And what a glorious beauty, There is, In the fruits of faith, And, Love, In the Lord Jesus, Than it, In the fruits that appear, From sovereign grace, And, Love, In a poor sinner's life, David speaks, Of a view, He saw, By faith, That they would have mercy, Upon me,
[31:50] As they'll use this to do, Upon those, That love thy name, And he saw, It would seem, David saw, Such a beauty, Which is very so, Coveted, In those, Which, God was merciful unto, And he wanted the Lord, And prayed unto the Lord, That he would have such mercy, Upon him, As he had seen that mercy, What he had seen, The effects and fruits, Of the beauty of God, As reflected in their lives, The fruits, Of that manifested beauty, Of the Lord Jesus to faith, And it was seen, In the lives, Of those, Whom the Lord loved, Oh, What a mercy,
[32:51] Friends, If, There is that manifestation, In our lives, It's not all, What we may talk, Dear friends, No, Religion lies, True religion lies, Deep in the heart, It's a secret work, Of God, But I know, And we would not, Hide, As it were, That glorious life, Under a bush, You know, God forbid, But, There is such a thing, As lip service, Destitute, In the walk, And, In the conversation, Friends, But, That true light, Will be manifested, As David saw, And beheld,
[33:52] Those whom God, Had been merciful to, And whom God loved, And he coveted, What he saw, In them, And, Doubtless, Some of you have, I know how I have, In those younger days, Especially, When I looked upon, Some of the dear saints, Of God, As I believe them to be, Why, There was a spirit, Of covetousness, In my heart, Oh, That the Lord, It brought forth, A spirit of prayer, A pleading unto the Lord, Oh, Lord, That they would bless me, With the same grace, As manifested, In the lives, Of thy dear saints, No, That's not a wrong covetousness,
[34:54] No, That's not coveting, The things of this world, Friends, But, It's coveting, The riches, Of sovereign grace, The blessing of the Lord, Which maketh rich, And the word of God, Exhorts us, And covet earnestly, The best gifts, Beauty, For ashes, Oh, I know the time, Is very short, Friends, But, What a beauty, There is, When the Lord, By his spirit, Reveals, The suitability, Of the Lord, Jesus, When, One is brought, Like dear John, When he said, Behold, The Lamb of God, Which taketh away, The sin,
[35:55] Of the world, And when, The Lord, Brings you, As it were, Before this truth, And it plants it, In your own heart, And you're brought, There by faith, To have a glimpse, As revealed to you, Oh, Oh, What a blessing, Friends, How it revives, And how your heart, Goes out, In love, And faith, And to that, Bleeding lamb, The suffering lamb, Of God, Why, It increases, That mourning, For a further, Knowledge of it, That you may, Have a, A stronger faith, As it were, And a greater, Revelation, And manifestation,
[36:58] To, Your poor soul, That you might, Drink as it were, More deeply, Sacredly, Into the holiness, And purity, Then, Ah, You want it, You want your very soul, To be taken up, By it, And that will bring forth, A hatred, To the sin, That dwells in you, Oh, It will, It will bring, I hate myself, Because of sin, My own, Wicked heart, Ah, My dangerous thoughts, That spring, Ah, And the wicked desires, Of my inmost mind, All that I had not, Of myself,
[37:59] But, Beauty, The Lord, To appoint, Unto you, This beauty, He looks, The Father looks, This is the essence, Of it, The Father looks, Upon the sinner, Through, What the Lord Jesus, Has done, He who sitteth, At the right hand, Of God, And sits there, And intercedes, As that great high priest, Of their behalf, And reveals, The marks, Oh, It's too great, Dear friends, It is often, For our poor, A finite mind,
[39:00] And, But what the Lord, Reveals, And, Your soul, By faith, And love, Will hold fast, Yes, And, It's yours, And, No man taketh it from you, To give unto them, Beauty, For ashes, And, The oil of joy, For mourning, The Lord, Spake to those disciples, Concerning, That, A joy, He says, He now have sorrow, But I will see you again, And your heart, Shall rejoice, And your joy, No man, Taketh, From you, All the blessings, Friends, No man, Taketh it, From you,
[40:00] Hmm, In the Lord, Spake that wonderful truth, To those disciples, Hmm, When, Or just before, Hmm, That feast, Hmm, When, He did, As it were, Hmm, The bread, Hmm, Into the, Put the bread, Into that salt, Hmm, And gave it to Judas, Hmm, And ye now have sorrow, But I will see you again, Hmm, And your heart, Shall rejoice, Hmm, Ah, There is a rejoicing, Hmm, It's not all mourning, Hmm, But the one is set, Over, Hmm, Against the other, Hmm, And your heart, Shall rejoice, Hmm, And your joy, No man, Taketh it,
[41:01] From you, Hmm, The oil of joy, Hmm, It seems the very essence, Of joy, Hmm, The oil of joy, For mourning, Hmm, What a glorious exchange, Friends, Hmm, To rejoice, Hmm, To rejoice, Hmm, Ye mourning souls, Rejoice, Hmm, You have something to rejoice over, Hmm, Something to rejoice in, If, The Lord has brought home to your heart, Hmm, Your very soul, Hmm, Uh, This beauty, Hmm, That is in the Lord Jesus, Hmm, Hmm, And now in measure, Dwells in your heart, Hmm, And your faith, Feast upon it, Hmm, The beauty that is in him, Hmm, Hmm, The joy,
[42:04] For mourning, Hmm, The garment of praise, Hmm, For the spirit, Of heaviness, Hmm, Hmm, Ah, There is a heavy heart, Hmm, Hmm, We often view, In Zion, Heavy hearts, Hmm, Hmm, The Lord sometimes, Hmm, He withholds his gracious presence, Hmm, Hmm, Ah, You may come as you've come, And some of you know it too well, Hmm, You may come as you've come into the house of God, This evening, Hmm, And you came, And the Lord knows just how we came, Hmm, But you may have come with a longing heart, Hmm, Feeling like David, When, Hmm, In the cave he longed for the waters of Bethlehem,
[43:07] Hmm, Just to see, Hmm, And there was that longing in his heart, Hmm, And you may have come this evening, Hmm, With a longing in your heart, Hmm, That the Lord would bring as it were, Hmm, Hmm, This garment of praise, Hmm, Hmm, Upon you, Hmm, For the spirit of heaviness, Hmm, And perhaps, Hmm, The Lord seems to pass you by, Hmm, However good, Hmm, And blessed the sermon may be to some, The Lord seems to pass you by, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, And you mourn, Hmm, You mourn, Hmm, Ah, You go home perhaps more morning than you can, Hmm, Hmm, Mourning over your emptiness,
[44:08] Your poverty, Hmm, Mourning, Feeling the Lord has passed you by, Hmm, He has not looked upon you in his love and in his pity, Hmm, Hmm, And the enemy, It comes in like a flood into your soul, Hmm, Hmm, And would lay you low, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, But, My dear friends, That mourning soul, Hmm, Takes that mourning to the throne of grace, Hmm, Hmm, And, Ah, The Lord will not resist that mourning soul that cries, Hmm, In prayer and supplication in his trouble, Hmm, Hmm, And calls upon the Lord in that day of trouble, Hmm, Ah, The Lord will hearken and hear, Hmm, And he will, Hmm,
[45:08] He will, Hmm, Does that soul that is brought to call upon him in such mourning, Hmm, Hmm, The Lord will bring the spirit of praise, Hmm, That your soul will praise the Lord, Hmm, Hmm, For reviving, Hmm, Turning your mourning into joy, Hmm, Putting as it were a song in your mouth, Hmm, As the Lord did David, Hmm, Hmm, When he said he has raised me up out of the horrible pit, Hmm, Hmm, Out of the maw reclaimed, Hmm, Hmm, And he hath put a song in my mouth, Hmm, Hmm, Oh, What a song of praise, Hmm, A new song in my mouth, Hmm, And there will have joy for mourning the garment of praise,
[46:09] Hmm, Hmm, For the spirit of heaviness, Hmm, Well, There is a spirit of heaviness, Hmm, Hmm, I feel today many of the Lord's dear servants have, Hmm, A spirit of heaviness, Hmm, They feel it, Hmm, It's something real to them, Because, Hmm, In all their labors, Hmm, There is so little fruitfulness, Hmm, You will labor with your hands, And, And mind, And, In natural things, And, How disappointed you are, Hmm, If there is no fruits, Hmm, To your labors, Hmm, There is something I believe which nature does hate to labor in vain, Hmm, To have no fruits to your labor, Hmm,
[47:09] Hmm, But have much more spiritually, Hmm, In the heart and mind, Of a true servant of God, Hmm, Who labors, Hmm, And labors, And beholds, Hmm, Very little fruits, Hmm, To his labors, Hmm, Hmm, But blessed be his dear name, Hmm, There are a few springs in Zion, Friends, Hmm, Hmm, There are a few hearts, Hmm, That spring forth, Hmm, From mourning into joy, Hmm, That can bless the Lord for his goodness, Hmm, And praise him for a helping hand, Hmm, Hmm, There are such, Hmm, And we bless the Lord for it, Hmm, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness,
[48:11] Hmm, That they might be called trees of righteousness, Hmm, Hmm, The planting of the Lord, Hmm, Nothing of their all, Hmm, But the planting of the Lord, Hmm, Hmm, We have in the previous chapter, That we've read concerning it, Hmm, And thy people also shall be all righteous, Hmm, Hmm, They shall inherit the land forever, Hmm, The branch of my planted, Hmm, Are they grown, Hmm, Where the Lord has planted grace, Hmm, A living faith, Hmm, Hmm, And love shed abroad in the heart, Hmm, Hmm, The planting of the Lord, Hmm, No man can bring these things into his own heart,
[49:14] Hmm, Hmm, You may mourn because you can't, Hmm, Hmm, But if in reality, Hmm, You will be brought, Hmm, Hmm, A right there, Hmm, By the teaching of God, Hmm, Hmm, That you'll have to cry unto the Lord for it, Hmm, Hmm, He who has put, He who has put the desire, Hmm, Will bring that soul to the throne of grace, Hmm, Hmm, To cry unto him for it, Hmm, Hmm, Ask, Hmm, And ye shall receive, Hmm, Knock, Hmm, And ye shall be opened unto you, Hmm, It's the right hand planting of the Lord, Hmm, And nothing shall as it were rooted are, Hmm, It may begin in very feeble desires, Hmm, It may begin in very quiet longings,
[50:17] Hmm, Hmm, It may begin with an aching void in your heart, Hmm, That the world can't fill, Hmm, A dissatisfaction, Hmm, I don't mean to be dissatisfied with God's mercies, Temporal blessings, But to feel they avail your soul nothing, Hmm, Hmm, There's an aching void in your heart, Which wants, Hmm, Divine realities, And heavenly blessings, Hmm, Solid joys, Hmm, It cannot rest or be satisfied with the things of time and sense, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, I feel, I can truly say, Dear friends, Hmm, And, Are very mindful, When I walked home from my labors,
[51:20] And, When 17 years old, With that aching void in my heart, Hmm, And I couldn't have told anyone, What my soul wanted, No, But the Lord knows, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Because, Hmm, I solemnly feel, And blessedly feel, Hmm, God was the author of it, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, There was nothing, In the things of time, That would fill that place in my heart, Hmm, Hmm, And what I wanted, I couldn't have told anyone, Hmm, Hmm, But the Lord knows, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, But trees of righteousness, The planting of the Lord, Hmm, Hmm, That he might be glorified, Hmm, He will, Hmm, He will be glorified, Hmm,
[52:22] And that will be the end, Hmm, The ultimate end, Of all God's, Hmm, Visitations, Hmm, And blessing, Hmm, Unto the soul, Hmm, Of his people, Hmm, Hmm, To this end, Hmm, That his name, Hmm, Hmm, The name of God, Hmm, The name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, Father, Son, And Holy Spirit, Hmm, All united, Hmm, In the salvation, Of sinners, Hmm, To be glorified, Hmm, Oh, What blessings God draws out, Hmm, Of, Hmm, Some of the vilest of sinners' hearts, Hmm, To glorify God, Hmm, I believe that dying thief,
[53:22] Hmm, In his dying moment, Hmm, Glorified God, Hmm, For the blessings he had received, Hmm, Hmm, And all we find through it, Hmm, And it's to this end, Hmm, And if God has revealed to you and me, Hmm, Hmm, A little of that glorious beauty, Hmm, And brought out, Hmm, I mean something tasty, Hmm, Experience, Hmm, For the things of God are experienced, Hmm, Hmm, Hmm, We know naturally, We have a natural life, It hungers, Hmm, It thirst, Hmm, It has a need, Hmm, A much more spiritual, If it's, Hmm, And if we have that spirit, Hmm, Of divine life,
[54:22] Hmm, Hmm, The new creature, Hmm, There will be the longings, The panties, Hmm, The thirsties, Hmm, The needs, Hmm, Known and fair, Hmm, We shall want, Hmm, We shall want what no man can bestow upon us, Hmm, And it will bring us, Hmm, To a throne of grace, Hmm, Of the Lord's plow to it, Hmm, Well, The devil often tries to root it up, Hmm, He does indeed, Hmm, But he never can, And he never will, Hmm, For the joy, No man taketh it from you, Hmm, May the Lord add his blessing, Amen.
[55:16] May the Lord, Well, Mr. Wood, He expected to preach, On Friday, And next week, Let's close with him number, 263, Hume 356, Jesus, The glorious head of grace, Knows every saint's peculiar case, Not solved by their souls of war, And had for sin, They need more.
[56:00] To one, Sixty-three, Two, Three, Five, Six, one, another, six, A μαь.
[56:33] I do, All three, Jump54, If, Open54, ус, We sing with new grace For the sovereign life And soul of God And divine томus And divine nets Serumum In true sunshine There flow in peace
[57:37] And watch them see their strife in hell And o'er their comfort and distress And all such strong soul of Christ And bless the Lord of Jesus' grace
[58:39] Praise the Lord of Jesus Praise the Lord of Jesus May all the holy things shall cease
[59:39] And may we fill with joy and peace And watch them see their strife in hell And dwell to them of wh irgendethe's sign Dear Lord, may I in the womb and me, and may I sing the Lord to me, and may I sing the Lord to me, and may I sing the Lord to me.
[61:23] Amen. And the communion of the Holy Spirit abide with us.
[62:00] Amen.