Psalm (Quality: Average)

Tenterden - Jireh - Part 147

Sermon Image
June 7, 2006


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[0:00] The End Depending upon the help of the Lord, dear friends, I invite your prayerful, prayerful attention to Psalm 130.

[0:39] Psalm 130. I want to look at this little psalm. It seems to me, dear friends, to be oftentimes the place where the Lord's dear people feel to be.

[0:53] Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. O Lord, hear my voice. Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.

[1:07] Psalm 130. Out of the depths have I cried unto thee. I find I've had to speak from this little psalm on several occasions.

[1:22] And each time it seems that's the place I feel to be at that particular time.

[1:32] This morning I thought to have another text altogether. The events of the day will bring us into the depths. Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord.

[1:48] Lord, hear my voice. Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. Those of the Lord's dear people who've proved that they find sweet relief whatever depths they may be found in, whatever difficulty it may be, from the earliest seekers to the aged saint, they will find, I believe, a blessed relief when they cry out of the depths unto the Lord.

[2:29] Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. How very important it is, my friends, to cry unto the Lord when we are in the depths.

[2:42] Vain is the help of man. We go on in life to prove. Man's breath is in his nostrils. The God is an eternal God.

[2:56] The eternal I am. Oh, comfort, my friends. There is, when we think back to that word which was given to Moses, say, I am hath sent thee me.

[3:12] And so he did. And so it proved. That same eternal I am sits on the right hand of the Father. This evening.

[3:23] And his human heart, the hymn writer picks up my thought beautifully. His human heart, he still retains, though thrown in highest bliss. And feels.

[3:35] Think of the wonderful mercy of condescending love in that. Feels each tempted member's pains. Oh, the old enemy comes in with temptations, doesn't he?

[3:48] He's, you know I say, he never has a day off. He tempts us to give up and go back and call no more on Jesus' name. Oh, that's what he'd like you to do.

[3:59] But you see, in the mercy of God, he brings you into the depths. He doesn't realise it. He hasn't worked that out yet. He brings us into the depths of what? Makes us cry unto the Lord, doesn't it?

[4:12] And that wasn't what he intended. He wanted us to bring us in the depths to keep us there with him. For eternity. Oh, my friend, if you've got a desire to lift up your heart to the Lord, out of the depths, and these depths, they come in so many different ways.

[4:29] They come in the depths of weight of responsibilities. I feel for the dear young people today, with all the things that are changing, and change, change, change, and all we do is get in a worse mess, and so we shall, because we've departed from the clear command of God in the Ten Commandments, and it'll continue to get worse.

[4:52] But my dear young friends, and you old ones too, you remember this, there's a hand above it all. So far shall they go, and no farther. Job was given to Satan to do what he would, but spare his life.

[5:11] That wasn't possible that he could take his life, because God had told him to spare his life. You see, there's a restraint on Satan, although sometimes it feels as if there isn't, in our experience, especially when he comes in, and with all his discouragements, and the trouble is, he tells us what our sins are, and the thing about that is, he's right about that.

[5:37] We are sinners before a holy God, but what he never mentions, he never says to you, but the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses from all sin, does he?

[5:49] Oh my friends, if all we could remember that, as dear Luther, he, you know that, they call it Luther, I'm quite sure, as he saw all this Satan presented him with his long endless scrolls of his sins, and he finally got down to the day's date, with his pen poised to write the next sin, and he said to him, Satan, you take your red pen, and write the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses from all sin, not some of it, the precious blood of Christ is all cleansing, all sufficient, oh, and we forget these things, my friends, I quite know, I quite have proved over the years, why the Lord gave a seventh day's rest, why we have the blessing of the Sabbath day, is to remind us, and is to bring us to remember, and to keep into, in context, the things which enter into our lives, to keep things in balance, to remind us, of this life, is only but a passing moment, all the troubles, which we, and debts we seem to be in, they're all passing, and perishing, if we're the Lord's people, we should be lifted out of them, we should be helped in them, brought through them, and of that word in Revelation, who are these?

[7:14] They're, sir, they're knowest, these are they, which came out, friends, came out, of great tribulation, they didn't sink in it, they thought they would, whilst they was here below, they felt as if they were going to, but they cried unto the Lord, out of the depths of their trouble, out of the depths of the conviction, of the sin in their heart, that that is a death, isn't it?

[7:39] My friends, I thought, when I was young, that as we went on, I should make a little bit better progress, regarding my sins, but oh, what a lesson I've had to learn, continually ever since, we're born in sin, and shaped in iniquity, there's that, two armies within, isn't there?

[7:57] There's the old man of sin, and the new man of grace, and I say to my people, sometimes we come to the end of the day, and it seems as if, the old man of sins, has won more battles, that day, than the new man of grace, but, the new man of grace, will overcome, through him that loved us, that's how, not in their own strength, no, I'm so thankful, for the apostle, in his writings, regarding sins, who shall deliver me, from the body of this death, Jesus, the answer, oh my dear friends, out of the depths, have I cried unto thee, oh Lord, the great I am, the one who alone, can't save me, from my sin, the one, who though, my sins, deserve hell, has come, and paid the price, of sin, with his own heart's blood, on Calvary's tree, and God cannot payment, twice demand, first, at the bleeding, short his hand, and then again at mine, what a mercy, that is my friends, justice of God, the justice of God, sin must be paid for, but it's been paid for, for his church, in the beloved, or that we might, each be found, in the beloved, out of the depths, have I cried unto thee, in these things, yes, and then, there's those, things in life, sometimes, we come to a crossroads, and we don't know, which way to go, there's those things, which perplex, and dismay us, and we cry unto the Lord, and perhaps, we keep crying, unto the Lord,

[9:44] I know, sometimes, from my own experience, we're looking, for the Lord's direction, we trust, as near as we can be, in this sinful flesh, looking for the direction, of the Lord, with an open mind, praying, for the Lord's, direction in it, and sometimes, it seems a long time coming, it does to us, it's only a moment, in eternity's, light, or in the purposes of God, but it seems a long time, before we find that direction, I remember, when I was so, suddenly cut down, the scene seemed, absolutely possible, that we should ever, be able to get out of it, and free from it, and yet, bit by bit, the Lord led us in, first one step, then another step, and so, it was so, and provision was made, and I give him, all the honour and glory, we have to say now, as we look back, and I believe, we could say so in it, as well, from time to time, as it has helped, that his way, is the right way, his, his purposes, will ripen fast, unfold in every hour, the bud, may have a bitter taste, and sweet will be the flower, my friends, that's what we need, isn't it, we have, the bitter taste, of sin here, remember, my late dear father, not long, before he died, a few weeks possibly, we were speaking, he said, you know, he said, when you consider it, he said, heaven, will be a place, where we shall not sin, he said, to be released, from sin, and sinning, do you know, that's remained with me, over the years, just think of it, came to me, in another way,

[11:38] I was, getting ready, for the evening service, at home, went for a little walk, to try to, wake myself up, and prepare, for the evening service, I walked around the corner, there, and I don't know, I think there was, something had happened, in the village, or something, and I thought, about the Lord's words, a new heaven, and a new earth, wherein dwelleth, dwelleth, righteousness, you can't comprehend it, friends, in the world, we're living in, the world, a new heaven, a new earth, wherein dwelleth, righteousness, freed from sin, oh, what a freedom, that will be friends, be like being, a bird being, let loose, from a snare, to fly, free, in worship, and praise, down here, we try to praise the Lord, but we've got the old enemy here, or here, right by us, trying to hinder, down there, all his own way, I'm thankful to say, but you know, if you get a blessing, in the house of the Lord, he waits out there, to try and devise some method, to rob you of it, true, proved it, out of the depths, have I cried unto thee, oh Lord, well, whatever your circumstance, whatever your perplexity, may be, it may be concerning health, it may be concerning affliction, but all these things, in that psalm we read, then they cried unto the Lord, in their trouble, that's the result, of these things, brings us to the Lord, doesn't it, then, they cried unto the Lord, in their trouble, and, did he shut his ear, no, he heard them, he delivered them, out of their distresses, and there'll be that, final deliverance friends, when we pass the veil, that last, enemy, death, final deliverance, you know, the Lord, delivers his people, sometimes, in the journey of life, and brings them back, out this side, of an affliction, or, a difficulty, or perplexity, another time, he takes them out, the other side, to glory, to eternal peace, and joy, but deliver them, he will, one way or another, and finally, all the Lord's people, will be delivered, unto himself, to be with him, where he is, he said,

[14:06] I go to prepare, a place for you, if I go, and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you, unto myself, that there I am, there ye may be also, well, I am so thankful, friends, for the showers, and wells, they're not nights, and prapses, are they, remember that, showers, and wells, when they're passes, through the waters, I will be with you, humbly believe, I've proved that, first hand, all my friends, is faithful, that promised, Lord, hear my voice, this prayer, strikes me as another, in another aspect, also, out of the depths, have I cried, unto thee, O Lord, his love in time, pass, forbids me to think, he will leave me, at last, in trouble to think, you see, beautifully, put in that, verse isn't it, and can we not, say so, a psalmist, seems to say that, to that effect, Lord, hear my voice, the God, who I've proved, who's helped me, hitherto, hear me now, let thine ears, be attentive, to the voice, of my supplications, oh, friends, we have a, prayer hearing, and a prayer answering,

[15:22] God, he doesn't always, say yes, to what we, we ask him for, but he hears the prayer, and he answers it, in his wisdom, and in his, sovereign, grace, and sometimes, it's, wake my child, perhaps I've used, the illustration here before, I don't know, but if you've got a, a three year old lad, you don't let him play, with petrol matches, do you?

[15:52] But when he's 16 years old, and he wants, to do the mowing, for you, and, and burn the, bonfire up, it's a different thing, because he's now mature, enough, to receive, and, and bear the responsibility, of that, those two things together, now sometimes, I believe this very much, that when the Lord, deals with his people, they cry unto him, something that is, quite right, quite legitimate, that's a good prayer to pray, but not quite yet, mature enough, in things divine, to have the answer, yes, it's, wake my child, and that don't mean youngsters either, it means us older ones, as well, pretty often, there's something, the Lord must teach us, in the way, and he does, blessed be his name, yes, and so this cry comes up, let thine ears, be attentive, to the voice, of my supplication, if thou Lord, shouldest mark iniquity, O Lord, who shall stand, well we can come in, with this verse, can't we, or if you, most of you, if I know anything, can come in, with this verse, yes, if thou Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, that is, mark right out, that soul, that has committed iniquity,

[17:14] O Lord, who shall stand, when I was a child, at school, I used to get quite a lot, of black marks, in my maths book, mark right, see me, but it's not like that, friends, if thou Lord, shouldest mark iniquity, O Lord, who shall stand, it's a question, isn't it, has that question, struck your soul tonight, friends, has it struck mine, we know, we must forever, be banished, from the presence of God, for our sin, if it were not, for the fact that, but, here's a but, blessed but, but, there is, forgiveness with thee, O friends, what a mercy, we have, a pardoning God, who is a pardoning God, like thee, or, who has grace, so rich, and free, free to poor sinners, but, oh, what a cost, to the same young, may we never forget that, the cost, of his own heart's blood, all he bore, in this, life's journey, the ill manners, of his own creation, and yet, we read there, he humbled himself, you know, man didn't humble him, the chief priest, crying crucify him, was not what humbled the Lord, he humbled himself, why, for the joy, that was set before him, yes, it was for the joy, you see, the eternal foreknowledge, and foresight, of, of, the saviour, in that day, of culmination, of all his, suffering, and labour, on the earth, when, the church, militant, becomes the church, triumphant, and caught up, with him in the air, to be forever, with the Lord, from condemnation, free, friends, through the precious blood, cleansing blood, of the saviour, there is, forgiveness with thee, that thou mayst be feared, friends, if we have, a little, sweet, blessed, touch, of forgiving love, made errors on our, souls, we shall have, a filial fear, a filial fear, as that, of a loving son, to a loving father, and we shall come to him, in an irreverent, way, we shall fear his name, come to him, in a gracious, blessed, awe, reverence in, him for who he is, in love, for what he has done, for the, for our souls, my friends, we live in such, days, as superficialities, in religion, but, oh, we want a religion, to live by, and to die by, my old pastor, used to say, we want assurance, but those, who have a, blessed assurance, they're not the ones, that make all the noise, they're the ones, who sing sweetly, praise in our heart, to God, yes, there is, forgiveness with thee, that they've, mayest be feared,

[21:00] I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, know anything about this, I think you do, you wait for the Lord, all you, desire, is appearing, to your soul, and, I like the way, the psalmist, puts this, I wait for the Lord, and my soul doth wait, and in his word, do I hope, you come waiting, to the word, you come waiting, upon the Lord, you come waiting, for his smile, for his divine direction, in the word, I sometimes, say to my people, you come in, especially, in the week evening services, when you perhaps, had a trying day, and many pressures, and difficulties, to deal with, and you come in, and you go through, the service, and you couldn't actually, say when you went, out the door, that you'd had, a signal blessing, one of those, perhaps five, in the lifetime experience, not that evening, but you were, strangely helped, and strengthened, and you've had, just a little, morsel, of that divine, heavenly bread, let down from heaven, and you were strengthened, to go on, in the journey, another few steps, of the pathway, looking unto Jesus, as I believe,

[22:29] I mentioned in prayer, the author, and finisher, of our faith, I wait, for the Lord, I wait, for his grace, I wait, for his upholding hand, I wait, for those words, son, daughter, thy sins, which are many, all forgiven, waiting, on the Lord, and you know, sometimes, there's a long wait, in these things, another little, thing I refer to, sometimes, that struck me so, when I heard it, years ago now, there was an old man, named John, who, come and went, to the house of God, for years, and years, and years, and he was very advanced, in years, and he said, I've seen this one, have a blessing, I've seen that one, have a blessing, I've seen others, have a blessing, he said, but never a blessing, for old John, he kept coming now, he couldn't stay away, and one day, it was John's day, for his blessing, and he was so blessed, that the tears, flowed down his, uncontrollably, down his cheeks, and he lived, the rest of his days, however long or short, that may have been, in the joy of the Lord, in full assurance of faith, now my friend, he says, someone here, has been looking, for that assurance, for however many years, you keep praying, you keep looking, and you put your name, in the place of old John, because my friend,

[24:03] God's hand, is not shortened, he is still able, to bless, it's not his purpose, to give us, all, a full assurance, of faith, early in years, often, often, I believe, it comes, in life's latest hours, but I believe, you'll have it, and another thing, my old pastor, used to say, was that you won't, have dying grace, until a dying hour, now there is that, in us, that we like to know, that we got dying grace, a long time, before it looks, upon us, well I, I understand that, but you see, there's a trial of faith, in that isn't there, that the trial of your faith, being much more precious, than that of gold, which perishes, dear old Peter, I do walk with Peter, in his, epistle, how, how there is, that trial of faith, and we're not, told that we're going, to be out of that, trial of faith, until we come, to the end of it, some of you here, know very well, know if it is, a trial, it comes, and we walk in it, we feel, at times, that we should sink in it, but, the Lord, through our continual, crying out of the dead, delivers us,

[25:25] I love to think of that, a portion, where Jonah, having disobeyed his Lord, and run away, in the opposite direction, and finds himself, at length, in the depths of the sea, in the belly of the whale, where, he cries again, under the Lord, he looks again, to heaven, and the Lord, heard his prayer, he didn't speak, to the fish, to put him out, in the depths, so he drowned, did he?

[25:53] The fish, put him out, on dry land, you see, Jonah, could pick himself up, sort himself out, and do what, the Lord, bade him, well I know, a bit about Jonah, my own experience, you know, if the Lord, is commanding you, to do something, if you put it off, you put a bit more, pressure on, until you are obedient, I know, my friends, I know a bit, about Jonah, man came to speak, to us, once, never ever been, so uncomfortable, in a place of worship, in all my life, and he took the text, from Jonah, and Jonah's disobedience, I knew just who he'd, come to speak to, and that was, before I went, forth into ministry, I never ever, was so uncomfortable, in all my life, never seen a man, before, didn't know, he didn't know me, I didn't know him, so he didn't know, anything about, what was going on, in my heart, and I don't know, what's going on, in yours, but the Lord does, the Lord knows, what your deep, tribulations, and trials are, out of the depths, of your trials, and tribulations, you cry unto him, yes, my soul, waited for the Lord, then more than they, that watch for the morning,

[27:16] I say more than they, that watch, for the morning, I have no particular, knowledge of, the sea, or ships, or the life, of a mariner, other than what I've read, I'm an ardent, land lover, but, I understand, that, the fourth watch, in the morning, is that, which is, tries to be avoided, by all who have to stand, that watch, it's the darkest, and the coldest watch, and yet, it's before the dawn, and so he says, my soul, waiters for the Lord, more, than they, that watch for the morning, on few occasions, and having to work, long distances, from home, I have been, up when, the first crack of dawn, comes over the, in the east, and it's, quite a remarkable thing, just to, to see it, happen, when that, dawn, begins to come, the promise, of a new day, a little bit like, when the Holy Spirit, deals with a poor sinner, convinces him, or her, of their sin, there's a dawn, dawning, in their spiritual life, in their understanding, yet, it's still dark, it's still very dark, it's a while, before the sufficient, light to see clearly, and walk safely, watching, and waiting, for the Lord, all my friends, how we watch, and wait, for him, for his appearing, and, we like the words, of the Saviour, to the, to Peter, walk, could you not, watch for me, one hour, in the garden, could you not, watch for me, one hour, watch and pray, lest you enter, into temptation, how needful, that is friends, the moment, we cease, in prayer, the moment, the old enemy, begins to gain, an advantage, we think of,

[29:23] Moses hands, being held up, and, the moment, his hands, for weariness, began to fall, so the enemy, Amalek, prevailed, but, all the time, they were held up, and, you hold your, pastor's, hands up, in prayer, friends, it's very, necessary, for the pew, to pray, for the pulpit, you will remember, that won't you, and not only, just now and then, but while the, poor man's, trying to preach, pray that, liberty, and light, might be given, for we're all, poor sinners, you know, ministers, are perhaps, bigger sinners, than most, they speak to, I think, probably, I would, get agreement, amongst many, of the Lord's servants, about that, I heard someone, say once, and I think it's true, that, when Cornelius, sent for, the apostle there, he sent, the angel, heard the prayer, but the angel, didn't preach, the gospel to him, why, well the angel, didn't know anything, about the gospel, only in, the knowledge of it, externally, because, angels, have never sinned, who wanted to preach, the gospel, had to be a sinner, saved by grace, so sent, for Peter, you see, so Peter, the sinner, he could preach, the gospel, and look how, we only looked at it, last,

[30:56] Lord's day, and Pentecost, and that sermon, which followed, look how, all the fear, that Peter had before, all vanished, when the Holy Spirit, came, look how, his enabling, sermon, was blessed, and three thousand, souls, would say, all these things, my friends, we need to note, my soul waiteth for the Lord, more than they, that watch for the morning, there's another aspect of this, for the church, I believe this, in this day and age, in which we live, we see, we're living in a day, of great declension, and departing, and other things, get in the way, of the gospel, and so it is, that there's a declension, or we need to wait, and pray, wrestling prayer, that the Lord, will appear in mercy, again, for his people, that we may be among, that real remnant, of God, upon the earth, when he comes, we do not know, when he will come, one man came into, the vast tree, after I preached, when I prayed, that we might be prepared, for his coming, and told me, it wasn't going to be yet, and I said, well,

[32:09] I was a bit surprised, that he should claim, such a thing, as to know when, since even the angels, didn't know, and, and, only the Father knew, they were very, he had his son, off he went, but, it didn't alter, one thought in my mind, as to the, the surety of it, no man knoweth, the time, of his coming, we know not, when the Lord may come, we know not, when or where, if we shall pass, the veil of death, or meet him in the air, but all that we might, be found watching, and praying, and looking for his appearance, that it may be to us, a glorious, joyful morning, let Israel hope in the Lord, for with the Lord, there is mercy, and with him, is plenteous, redemption, you can read, let the church, let the soul, hope, in the Lord, because the church, is made up, of believing souls, and Israel here, bears the, interpretation, of the living church, upon it, so, let us, hope in the Lord, for with the Lord, there is, mercy, you know, mercy is a wonderful word, isn't it, mercy is a wonderful theme, thy mercy, my God, is the theme of my soul, the joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue, is it, mercy, when it is, my friends, when we can really feel, the joy of that mercy, sadly, it's not always, our first hand experience, is it, well, it would be heaven, if it was, wouldn't it, but we're not given heaven, here below, but we're given, sweet foretastes, to help us on, in the journey, let Israel hope, in the Lord, for with the Lord, there is, mercy, and with him, is, plenteous, redemption, lovely word, isn't it, plenteous, it's not something, we have in general use, much is it, plenteous, redemption, sufficient redemption, to redeem, even, my sins, your sins, to redeem us, from the power, of those sins, you know,

[34:41] I like that, proportion, of the word of God, and Boaz, it's a man of substance, a man of honour, and he redeemed, all that was Naomi's, and Ruth, he did it, not in a corner, he did it, at the gate of the city, which was the equivalent, of our courts, it was where business, was transacted, it was done in the open, everybody knew, that, Boaz, had redeemed Ruth, and all that was Naomi's, the dear saviour, died on Calvary's tree, in front of all, passers by, to redeem them, from their sins, and redeem them, back, to the saviour, his, people, those, who the father, hath given him, elect, according to the foreknowledge, of God the father, you, those, words, of Peter, how, blessed they are, that he, the holy spirit, moved him, to, to pen those words,

[36:03] Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers, scattered, throughout Pontus, Glacier, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, elect, according to the foreknowledge, of God the father, through sanctification, of the spirit, unto obedience, and the sprinkling, of the blood, of Jesus Christ, grace, unto you, and peace, be multiplied, you see, without grace, being ours, peace, cannot be multiplied, can it, because it's by grace, and pardoning love, through the blood, of Jesus Christ, the sprinkling, of the blood, and it's the application, of the sanctification, work of the Holy Spirit, upon our spirits, that brings peace, in the application, of it, so I see Peter here, puts a full stop, after, those words, and peace, be multiplied, he reads it again, and he's so full, of the blessing, of it, he sees such, a wondrous thing, he breaks forth, into this doxology, blessed, blessed be the God, and Father, of our Lord,

[37:19] Jesus Christ, which according, to his abundant, mercy, hath begotten us, again, unto a lively hope, begotten, new birth, spiritual birth, unto, a lively hope, not a dead one, eternal life, begun, in that new birth, hath begotten us, again, unto a lively hope, by the resurrection, of Jesus Christ, from the dead, death, could not hold him, he burst, the power, of the grave, and of death, he rose triumphant, triumphant, another word, we don't know much about, on this earth, triumphant, over sin, Satan, and hell, he holds the keys, of death, and of hell, they're in his hands, you know, going in and out of hospitals, as much as I have, in the last, three or four years, we have much, spoken of, about, what's right, and what's wrong, and what's ethical, and what's not, there's one point, that I haven't yet, heard anybody mention, and that is this, that God's appointed time, for our birth, and, to believers, new birth, and death, are fixed points, in God's calendar, whatever man does, or does not do, will not alter, one iota, those appointments, his, mighty hand, moves on, his undisturbed, affairs, what men on the earth, say they're going to do, makes no difference, at all, for the simple reason, he will allow, only what he will allow, we know, if we look, in the, 24th chapter, particularly, of,

[39:31] Matthew, the things, which will come upon the earth, with it happening, right in front, of their very noses, and the Jews, are returning to Israel, and the modes, and methods, being used, by the Ebenezer movement, to do so, are exactly, word perfect, according to scripture, in the prophecies, in Ezekiel, and Jeremiah, and so on, if you make a study of that, and follow them through, marvelous, it's happening in their day, friends, so there's a tendency, we come together, and we think, well, everything's going wrong, no it's not, no it's not, everything's in the Lord's hands, what's he doing, not in anger, not in anger, but in his dear covenant love, he's weaning his people, from the love of this world, to be prepared to meet him, when he comes, I'm convinced of it, and I believe scripture, bears us out on it, and I believe the Psalmist, knew something of it too, when he wanted, he waited, for the Lord, more than they, that watch for the morning,

[40:44] I say more than they, that watch for the morning, let Israel hope in the Lord, there's nowhere else, to put your hope, friends, or mine, everything else, can come under the head, in a vain hope, but a good hope, through grace, is a different, sort of understanding, of the word hope, hope, a good hope, through grace, you can understand, is expectation, through the grace of God, a gracious, humble, expectation, of the fulfillment, of the promises, that Jesus has made, he said, because I live, ye shall live also, he didn't say might, ye shall live also, yes, we've got to pass, the way of death, the body, has got to, lay mother earth, under the keeping, eye of God, until that resurrection, morning, but, I do love that portion, to die and thief, on the cross,

[41:49] Lord, remember me, when thou comest, into thy kingdom, you see the complete, picture of the work, of grace, in those few moments, on the cross, in the, words of the dying thief, today, shall they be with me, in paradise, not speaking of his body, speaking of his soul, spirit will be, with him in glory, well my friends, there's no, purgatory as, the Catholics would have us, believe, they that in the Lord, confide and shelter, in his wounded side, shall see the dangers, over past, stand every storm, and live at last, even at that great day, the hymn writer speaks, over the beginning, of that hymn, the moon and stars, shall lose their light, the sun shall sink, in endless night, the works of nature, all decay, but they, that in the Lord, confide, and shelter in his wounded side, shall see the danger, over past, stand every storm, and live at last, eternally, in the presence of God, how very vital, these things are friends, as I, get older,

[42:59] I feel more, the weight, of, these precious things, and of the necessities, for the Lord's, dear people, to be prepared, for we're apt, to slide off, to sleep, by nature, are we not, we're apt to, to, be weary, in the way, I do make a distinction, between being weary, in the way, and being weary, of it, there is a difference, the Lord Jesus himself, I often think of that as well, by the, well, weary, with his journey, and he sat for the well, and he asked, the woman for water, you see, he knows, that we get weary, in the way, but, we trust, not weary of it, because we still desire, to look, forward, to look toward, that, which is laid up, for those who, love and fear the Lord, that we might be given grace, to press on, toward the mark, of the prize, of the high calling, of God, in Christ Jesus, let Israel, hope in the Lord, for with the Lord, there is mercy, and with him, is plenteous redemption, can we put it this way, the Lord, is worthy, of all our hope, all our faith, he is able, one of the writers says, he is willing, dare it no more, come to him, in all your sin, confessing your sin, leaning upon the beloved, and he, shall redeem Israel, from all, his iniquities, all, again you see,

[45:00] Satan is very busy, I believe, in that, even the dear Lord's people, who feel from time to time, to have a little, blessing with doing, and a little comfort, from time to time, yet he has still come along, so ah yes, but this time, you have sinned once too often, this sin is one too many, this sin is one too large, for pardon and forgiveness, and I tell my people often, he's a liar, you know, he was a liar, and a father of lies, right from the start, he says, if we confess our sins, it's faithful, and just, to forgive our sins, used to puzzle me that, I've already, touched on that point, but you know, if he was just, our sins couldn't be forgiven, in the, as we stand before him, as we're born, outside of Christ, but the justice is in that, it's the finished work, of the saviour, he views his church in, and as I've already quoted, payment God cannot twice demand, first at the bleeding, short his hand, and then again at mine, so you see, those sins, pardoned, in the beloved, by his finished work, on such love, my soul, still ponder, now so great, so rich, so free, say whilst lost, in holy wonder, oh my soul, why not for thee, a good hope, through grace, trust, no other name, no other arm, but Christ alone, put all your trust in him, he will not fail you, he will not forsake you, though oft we forsake him, he might say, though I have him, oft forgot, his loving kindness, changes not,

[47:02] I am the same yesterday, today, Jesus, the same yesterday, today, and forever, I am the Lord, I change not, therefore you sons of Jacob, sinners, are not consumed, amen.

[47:17] Amen. Let us conclude this evening, by singing hymn number 171, to the tune, Talis Canon, 422.

[47:54] Amen. Hymn number 171, join all who love the Saviour's name, to sing his everlasting fame, great God, prepare each heart and voice, in him forever, to rejoice, of him, what wondrous things are told, in him, what glories I behold, for him, I gladly all things leave, to him, my soul, forever cleave.

[48:53] Hymn number 171, and 71. Hymn number 171. The End The End

[49:56] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End

[51:01] The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End The End won't have gone

[52:23] Christ, be Jokes, my gloryする to God, 백左 Sea Thank you.

[53:23] Thank you.

[53:53] Thank you.

[54:23] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[54:35] Thank you. Thank you.

[55:07] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Amen.