Deuteronomy (Quality: Very good)

Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 48

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Tromans, Sydney

Sept. 5, 1982


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[0:00] There is a land of pure delight Where saints immortal reign In finite day excludes the night And pleasures banish pain There is a land of pure delight Where saints immortal reign In finite day excludes the night How blessed summer reign

[1:05] When the folks And you have to raise love Stand like a narrow shade in high This heavenly land of God The heart of Schnalos Let the Gemma You have to raise love This Christian Christian

[2:15] We will give purify Thank you.

[2:50] Thank you.

[3:20] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

[3:32] Thank you. So we bow our hearts in prayer and ask the Lord's blessing on his own dear word. Most gracious Father we stand before thee in great trembling and fear and we remember thy dear servant Hezekiah as he spread that letter out before thee likewise thy word is before us now and we pray for thine own interpretation God is his own interpreter and he will make it plain and so Father we commit this meditation to thy own Holy Spirit and pray that thou lead us and guide us for thine own precious name's sake Amen as you will appreciate my dear friends it is with great trepidation and fear that I stand before you tonight and it's because of this that I would value your prayers if you could breathe this matter even now before the Lord

[4:57] I would appreciate it in his name and the word that the Lord has laid upon my heart for tonight is to be found in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 33 chapter 33 the book of Deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 27 a very well known text the times that it's been spoken even from this pulpit is innumerable the eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee and shall say destroy them this of course is by way of text because not only do I want to speak about the text itself but about the context and the circumstances surrounding what Moses is here saying and in the way of introduction could I cast your minds back to last Sabbath evening last Lord's Day evening when God's dear servant reminded us did he not of the very serious and very solemn state of Zion the smallness of numbers and now the outsider pour scorn and scoff upon the children of God this is happening throughout the length and breadth of the land he further went on to give us that word of comfort that Jehovah had placed upon the walls of Zion watchmen

[6:57] I don't know about you but those words have been much with me during the past week and it is as a servant of God and no doubt you as Sunday school teachers parents or parents elders in the church or perhaps those amongst you who have borne the heat and burden of the day it is in this capacity in these capacities as we listen to that word on the past Lord's Day no doubt it made you tremble and it made me tremble because all of us in a sense are watchmen well we are indeed living in a dark and evil day and listening as a watchman and perhaps you can re-echo these words in your heart as a question for the question has been with me watchman what of the night watchman what of the night we stand in a very responsible position indeed and it is as I look around this congregation that my heart rejoices to see so many young people this is indeed a great favour because we all know there are many many causes of truths who have no young people at all why is this and it is with these thoughts in mind that I come to this text because

[8:52] Moses here in his last words was speaking mainly to young people for the older generation had died away under the judgment hand of God because of their sin in the wilderness and verily he was speaking in the main to young people who were about to have to go forward on that great adventurous expedition to occupy the land of Canaan and as our reading was in two parts tonight so you might say the sermon is in two parts the first if I may be permitted to direct these remarks first of all to the younger generation amongst us and this is what has been lacking over many many years you say well this can never be so have not words of truth wrongly out from this very pulpit yes indeed over many years but we must pray that such a testimony shall be maintained not only from pulpit but in our homes in our society and I don't mean by that that we should resort to gimmicks which are prevalent in the land today amongst many so called churches

[10:21] I would not throw any stones at all but the holy word of God is sufficient that thus says the Lord is enough the holy spirit is sovereign and unless we recognize his sovereign work amongst us everything else will be in vain and this I am pleased to say is this method this only method this way the Lord has ordained this thus says the Lord is being maintained in one or two causes but let us pray earnestly that Satan doesn't get in because watchmen what of the night you say well this can never happen here I hope and pray and trust that it never does happen here but it happened in the Old Testament you know the children of Israel were exhorted after the

[11:24] Passover when they came over the Red Sea and that Passover was instituted the Lord instructed the elders to remind the children the Feast of the Passover was set up as a memorial that the generations to come should remember all the way that the Lord had led them and how he had delivered them and so again and again through these first books of the world elders are exhorted to remind the children that the children should tell it to their children and so the good news and God's gracious dealings would be broadcast from generation to generation and did they not say the thing which thou hath commanded us to do we will do but we like them have got short memory and we don't always obey we disobey for it did happen didn't it as we go through the book of

[12:33] Joshua and into the book of Judges we read about a very very solemn and very sad declension these were the very children of the people who had promised to put their children in remembrance of the Lord's mercies can you see a link with this declension in the book of Judges with the happenings of today and how much we need to be on our watch tower looking as the servant of the Lord said last week not only outside the walls we all know what's going on outside the walls much to our sorrow much to our grief but inside the walls under the name of Christianity and we read here and also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers you see generation after generation had gone by and there arose another generation after them which knew not the

[13:38] Lord nor yet the works which he had done for Israel that's a very solemn word it happened then comparatively few years after those great deliverances over the Red Sea and that miraculous entrance into the land over the Jordan how much more can it happen now oh that the Lord would guard our ways to keep his statutes still and so this word is brought before us Moses speaking this wonderful promise to those young warriors as it were who were converted yes converted from their sins but were experiencing a wilderness experience a law work they did not as yet know their

[14:38] Joshua as leader and here we see the equivalent today amongst many dear young people in our midst they have had a Red Sea experience and miraculously been brought out of the grip of Satan's chains their chains have fell off their hearts are free they arose went forth and followed thee but as yet they had not taken possession of the land do we not read in Holy Scripture that even those who had taken possession of the land and fought many battles there was still much more land to be possessed we know that there were enemies in the land and so this word of God I would like to look at it tonight in two aspects first of all the words that Moses said to these young children of

[15:44] Israel by the way of two gracious statements one wonderful promise and then a serious and a solemn charge whilst the remarks are mainly to the young I would call upon you aged saints who have borne the heat and burden of the day to follow me through and you will hear an amen echoing in your heart and you will be saying yes that's just how it was with me you will relive days of long ago his mercy's past will rise before you and give you a cause to remember all the way that the Lord your God has led you these 40 years in the wilderness and so it will enhance his praise and give you I say give you a wonderful preparation for the time which is coming when you too like

[16:46] Moses will ascend that hill of Pisgah and it is that Moses experience his personal experience which I want which will constitute the second half of my remarks and in turn as I speak about the second half and Moses personal experience upon Mount Nebo young men and women don't close your ears to this for here you will have a sweet foretaste of what awaits you after you have traversed Canaan's shores and after you have borne the brunt and defeated enemies and destroyed them because we are commanded in this charge to destroy them and so in a sense although there's two aspects to this text yes it is the same

[17:51] Holy Spirit is giving us a word in season it may not be according to our usual interpretation but I say this however many books we might read however many commonses we might study however many great men of God we might listen to valuable and precious as these are yet in the ultimate whether it be for the preparation of a sermon or for divine guidance or for understanding of his word we have to come down in the last resort and its best to the book of Revelation you remember those seven messages given to those seven churches each one ends with those words those that are used to hear let him hear what the

[18:54] Spirit saith unto the churches so it's what the Spirit is saying unto us tonight through his servant and I say this humbly because I need such a word myself and I like to feel even now that in spirit I'm sitting right there in your midst because I need such a word the same as you with only instruments and this promise or these facts and this promise and this charge I will remind you of the eternal God is thy refuge dear friends and underneath are the everlasting arms and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee we need this promise and shall say destroy them but we cannot take these facts nor these promises of the word of God lightly we cannot claim them for ourselves often or how often we hear some people say well I claim the promises

[20:10] I claim the promises why a claimant must be sure he must have he must have his credentials clear if you are left an inheritance it's no good going to the lawyer without proving your identity and staking your claim and saying well this means me this is mine I've come to claim it likewise in the spiritual context no one is entitled to pick this book up and read these promises such as I will never leave thee nor forsake thee without self examination looking within and proving that we are the recipients of those promises that the Holy Spirit is indeed speaking to us this is most important this was spoken to Israel and only to Israel those of the circumcision are we of the circumcision not we are not of the circumcision made with hands we are of that spiritual circumcision as Paul speaks of yes Paul speaks of that in the book of the

[21:30] Colossians and in Philippians and in Romans and in many of his officials he points us away from the natural and he helps us here to identify us ourselves and it's only when we can read our title clear to mansions in the skies when we can say farewell to all our fears and wipe our weeping eyes so are you and I amongst the Israel of God I trust we are how can we prove it well in the third chapter of the epistle to the Philippians for we are the circumcision which worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh and again in Colossians chapter 2 verse 11 in whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without arms in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of

[22:41] Christ let us examine ourselves is our trust in him he who saved us from our sins and washed us with his own precious blood we could point to numerous examples from the teachings of Paul whereby we can prove if we are sincere that these precious promises belong to us we must not glibly claim them but a word I see in this comes with great sweetness and I pass it on to you with love it was not only spoken to Israel it was spoken to Israel but you'll notice here a lovely word there is none like unto the God of Jeshurun there is none like unto the God of Jeshurun he is speaking to Jeshurun and the meaning of the word

[23:41] Jeshurun is this upright darling God the father is George God the father as he was known amongst the ancient tribes looks upon us in judgment in wrath not in mercy not altogether in mercy but the image is here that he looks upon us in wrath but Moses that great prophet looks beyond the law and he calls us Jeshurun upright darling in our natural state like natural Israel we are crooked we are unclean we are perverted we are unworthy of the least of his favors but he calls us darling because in Christ we are upright we are wearing the robe of righteousness lest the shadow of a spot should on my soul be found he took the robe the saviour wrought and cast it all around the heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked but he has taken away the stony heart and given us a heart of flesh and he doesn't view us in our natural state anymore he views us in

[25:08] Christ this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased and if we are there in Christ he is well pleased with us well can Joseph can Moses call us Jezoram there is none like unto the God of Jezoram likewise that prophet Isaiah calls the children of Israel Jezoram it's a poetic appellation oh he was a great poet was Moses he uses this lovely title Jezoram and he penned that great psalm with the young children of Israel in mind often Canaan's heavenly land is looked upon as the land to which we shall go when we die well true it is and I would speak a little on this in the second half of my sermon God willing but you know every type every parable in fact everything in the

[26:17] Old Testament can be looked upon like a precious diamond and as you hold forth that precious diamond and it is caught in a different light you see a different facet another brilliant colour perhaps scarlet and then a wonderful green and so it is with this text we look upon this in a one aspect after another and it's right that we should do so the scriptures are of no private interpretation if the Holy Spirit of God shows us this word in one form it is for us to take it humbly and see what the Lord is speaking to us through this word and so we have here the children of Israel who have come through the wilderness journey they have had a

[27:18] Red Sea experience they have been brought out of the bondage of Pharaoh through the wilderness and in it we see the law can you see yourselves can you see yourselves and remember the time when God the Holy Spirit came to you with conviction and told you that you were a sinner and that in such a stage you could not inherit the kingdom of heaven and then you were shown the law alas how little law work we see today the language today is smile Jesus loves you accept Jesus as your saviour this grieves my heart how can we appreciate my friend how can we appreciate Christ as our saviour if we do not know ourselves as a depraved sinner heading for hell and eternal destruction and then here comes the law and shows us ourselves unworthy how can

[28:31] I come says one I'm lame and cannot walk my guilt and sin have stopped my mouth I'm doomed I cannot talk and so we go on through this wilderness and like the children of Israel we often feel like turning back we feel like going back and we chide Moses we chide that convicting spirit what have you brought me out for how we loved how we loved the joys and the sweets of Egypt and how we loved the joys of the world how we sometimes look back what a warning we have in the word Lot and his family had to be dragged out to Sodom and Gomorrah and there Lot's wife looked back and the Lord Jesus Christ tells us remember Lot's wife but in his sparing mercies although they chided and rebelled against Moses he brought them forth he brought them forth to the shores of Jordan and here we have Jordan depicted to us as a passing over a passing over into the glorious liberty of the gospel of Christ and so you see the land of Canaan although it is heaven it is heaven on earth we see in the New

[29:55] Testament again how Paul speaks of this land as heavenly places we are sitting down even tonight in heavenly places and during the coming week as well although we are fraught and cumbered about with many cares many foes many enemies like they endured in the land in the land we are opposed by many and many a foe and Moses knew this and that's why he gave them that promise he shall thrust out the enemy and shall say destroy them and so here we have the land of Canaan depicted for us as this heaven below heavenly places when we are brought out into the glorious liberty of the gospel of Christ out of law's work when we can see our heavenly Joshua as the captain of our salvation leading the way our glorious leader claims the praise for his own promise given song ah we can't sing that hymn can we my dear friends whilst we are in the wilderness it's a favourite hymn of mine

[31:10] I should know it off by heart we've sung it many and many a time Jesus my all to heaven is gone he will my fix my hopes upon his track I see the narrow way till he my view the way the holy prophets this is the wilderness song this is the wilderness song the way the holy prophets went the road that leads from banishment the king's highway of holiness I'll go for all his paths are peace this is the way I long have sought and mourned we mourn when we're on a conviction of sin dear lord may I mourn over my sins and after thee when my mourning days are o'er enjoy thy comfort evermore this is the way I long have sought and mourned because I found it not my grief my burden long has been is this your burden is this my burden and grief because I could not cease from sin this is not an

[32:29] Egyptian experience the child of God who has yet not been born again who is still in Egypt he doesn't mourn over his sin he says he's as good as the rest all these transgressions don't bother him he don't feel he's offended against the holy God but when the spirit of truth comes down with convicting power and leads us over that red sea what are we doing in that red sea we are fleeing from Egypt coming out from amongst them and took not the unclean thing now will be a garden to thee and thou shalt be my people we flee from them different when we have to go over to the Jordan we are after them then he says destroy them but we have to flee from the Egyptians we have to flee from our sins let not the very mention of these things be mentioned amongst us abstain from the very appearance of evil flee from them remember

[33:34] Lot's wife because I could not cease from sin the more I strove against its power the more I sinned and stumbled yet the more till late I heard my Saviour say now we are nearing the shores of Jordan till late I heard my Saviour say come hithers soul I am the way and what will the ultimate song be then when we enter the land it's when we come into the glorious liberty of the gospel when the light of the gospel shines within our heart as great treasure in earthen vessels then we conclude singing that hymn then will I tell to sinners round what a dear Saviour I have found and point to his redeeming blood and say behold the way to God and this of course these things must be brought forward to the men the young men and the young women of our people today how we should love them and cherish them these are the journeys and you will be able with me perhaps to look back and say yes that's how it was with me it's been a battle and it's still a battle my friends it's still a battle although we're in the light of the gospel because I come now to the person of

[35:12] Moses I don't want to destroy your image I don't want to destroy my image many a time at a funeral service of a dear saint of God we have sung that lovely hymn if I could stand where Moses stood and view the landscape or a death dark stream or Jordan's flood would fright me from the shore and so we now look at another facet of this lovely diamond take Moses as a person his personal experiences he has been concerned with the children especially when he penned amongst those last sayings and these were the last sayings of Moses before his death and right upon them all round about that time he penned the 90th song and how he directs this to the solemnity of life the shortness of life the certainty of death a thousand ages in thy sight are like an evening gone listen my young hearer listen there is a saying that the old have got to die but the young may and also although you're looking forward to going over Jordan's flood into the heavenly land here on earth to fight the giants that are still with us and the enemies you may be taken more suddenly than you think

[36:46] I know and you know many years ago and perhaps it's happened since how two young men of this congregation about 20 years of age were taken to glory it could happen to the young we never know prepare me gracious god this is a word for the young as well as the old prepare me gracious god to stand before thy face thy spirit must the work perform for it is all of grace and so that song how he loved the people it is said in this book of Deuteronomy even in the readings before how he loved the people how he loved the the lord loved the people Moses loved the people if you trace his history you'll see how he loved the people but now we come to Moses in his personal experience and I must confess that it's often been a puzzle to me why it was why it was if

[38:01] Canaan represented heaven the ultimate the eternal rest which remains for the children of God why it is and why it was that Moses was not permitted to enter therein well we know why literally and naturally it's because he displayed that anger and sin before God showing his impatience that is why he was not permitted to enter the natural land of Canaan but we have a lovely picture here as he stands on Mount Nebo we remember that he had to rise under that mountain alone and we think of Moses in his personal experience and some of you might be like that tonight perhaps you haven't arrived at the top of the mount but very soon you will rise up it may be a deathbed experience it may not be that lingering it might be that you're experiencing it even tonight but it's very very personal it's between

[39:12] Moses and his God alone no longer had he got Aaron or Miriam or the children that he loved and his lieutenants it was Moses alone with God and what a blessing that Moses permitted him to see the land and we have a spiritual picture here portrayed you see Moses in the body in the flesh was not allowed into that land and neither is our body nothing that is sinful nothing that is unclean will enter there ashes to ashes dust to dust but if we are allowed like Moses to view the landscape or then no flood no cold stream will fright us and we know that by faith we see our internal inheritance it won't worry us about these poor bodies this tabernacle this fleshly abode now it will return to the place from whence it came dust to dust but our spirit will ever be with the lord what a gracious experience

[40:31] Moses had oh that it might be your experience my friends tonight and mine that we might see his blessed face we read we read in revelations in that divine revelation of Saint John the divine a wonderful text there which I hope it will burn itself in our hearts tonight and they shall see his face he who is our all and in all the altogether lovely one why he views us as Jesuit he calls us darling upright because we are complete in him and in the song of Solomon we get it there spoken of by Christ the heavenly bridegroom concerning his lovely bride which is you and I thou art black but comely this alleviates our fears this helps us to look to

[41:33] Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith and so as he looks at us so we by our precious faith are enabled to look unto him and more so and more precious so as we're nearing our journey's end are you listening young people it's worth waiting for you've got something worth waiting for in inheritance eternal in the heavens we're travelling to a city a building not made with hands eternal in the heavens I go to prepare a place for you he said that where I am there ye may be also if it were not so I would have told you all those words of comfort those last words of Christ are they above much the last words of his predecessor so Moses that wonderful prophet now we have to turn to our heavenly

[42:35] Moses and our heavenly Joshua again and again for perfection for these are not real types they're not prototypes they're just faint shadows of that glorious antitype there's none like Jesus can satisfy no none but Christ can satisfy he is altogether lovely the pearl of great price the lily amongst the valley and so as we approach this hill of Nebo this mountain Nebo may it be your experience and my experience to hear his voice not only to hear his voice but to see the things that he is showing us by faith as we view the landscape over it's said in revelations as I've said and they shall see his face that's the most wonderful promise in the whole of the word to me and I mean that and I believe it is to you also these other promises are precious and by title deed and this is our title deed and the examination of our heart and the witness of the

[43:53] Holy Spirit by these things we can claim such a promise and by nothing else but the greatest promise of all is they shall see his face love and have you ever had a Nebo experience or have you ever witnessed one I tell you I have I've been highly privileged about two years ago I visited a minister who was a very dear friend of mine and he was on his death bed and I'm not telling you this for sentimentality there's no place for sentiment in the pulpit or the pew we want gracious realities and realities alone will stand us in good stead on a death bed but as I visited this dear saint of God this ministering servant who was suffering grievously with cancer he was on his dying bed distorted weak and suffering and as he and his dear wife and myself prayed in that bedroom

[45:03] I mentioned that text and they shall see his face and I've never witnessed anything like it and I don't suppose I ever shall again but that dear saint of God sat up in bed with renewed strength and he sang and he sang with his face shining I shall see the king and in glory sing I shall see the king someday there on Calvary Jesus died for me I shall see the king someday I tell you dear saint of God that afternoon I went from that home God I was I was the one who was ministered to I'm sure you have experienced such an experience as that where you've gone to visit and to comfort and come away strengthened because that supernatural strength has been given to that child of God who is nearing his journey's end this is for our comfort and Isaiah has it right doesn't he in the 33rd chapter of

[46:19] Isaiah and this once many many years it was made very precious to me as I think of Moses on top of Mount Nebo looking over the land which God had showed him oh that God might show us this land that we might truly be able to say we walk by faith not by sight we can't see the land with this eye but we will see it with the eye of faith and as we look in the prophecy of Isaiah and I must be very brief we read a lovely word here it's sometimes called the gospel of Isaiah and the book of Deuteronomy is called the Old Testament gospel surely it can be called that but here we have Isaiah saying regarding the privileges privileges of the godly he says he shall dwell on high his place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks bread shall be given him his waters shall be sure thine eyes thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty they shall behold the land which is very far off

[47:39] I saw that once on a tombstone down the country it is a quiet afternoon and as I looked over the Malverns I had one of those rare visits that the servant of God spoke of last week when he said if they can't be more often let them longer last and I say amen to that they're not very frequent those visits they're too precious I can count those visits on one hand but one of them was when those words came to me in Isaiah thine eyes shall see the king in a land in all his beauty in a land which is very far off how the Lord ministered to me then how I was lifted up in spirit into heavenly places I knew a man whether on earth or whether in heaven I knew not it's a wonderful experience my friends to be transformed to be lifted up on high the things of earth grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace and so

[48:47] I trust reverently speaking that our spiritual appetites have been a little wetted that the young people might take heed to the shortness of life and to this promise which is given them the eternal God is thy refuge why does he say the eternal God is thy refuge is because they were to meet a people who were serving other gods he was warning them about these other gods such was Moses love to these dear children of Israel they were to meet other gods and they knew that in their weakness they would mingle with them as we professing Christians are mixing with them today how careful we must be my friends how deceived many are being even today but we are told here that the eternal God the eternal God is thy refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms you need them you need the everlasting arms to bear you forth into that land and the promise goes on and he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee as not our heavenly captain thrust out the enemy look at the

[50:10] Lord Jesus Christ when here on earth his wilderness experience he defeated and he thrust out the enemy Satan parted from him departed from him for a time and then as he walked the dusty shores of Galilee performing those miracles for the sick and the afflicted casting out devils preaching with authority confounding Satan leading up to the judgment hall how he thrust out the enemy he thrust out the enemy from before us in Gethsemane's garden and he sweat as it were great drops of blood and then on the cross even to the very end Satan would have prevented his crucifixion but he says in effect get thee behind me Satan I come to do my father's will and incorporated in that father's will was the salvation of his dear people

[51:14] Jesuit how he loved the people his darling upright one the black one yet comely the bride of Christ nothing would stop that ultimate purpose not all the wiles of Pilate if you like when he said this man has done nothing amiss Satan even tried to prevent him being crucified and yet men will tell us falsely that he was taken and martyred and murdered and a terrible crime committed true but that's another subject is it not but in all these wonderful acts of our heavenly captain of salvation we see him thrusting out the enemy but the charge is and shall say destroy them well we know that in our own strength we cannot destroy the enemy but as we go forward in this great expedition emblazoned upon our spiritual battle dress the blood of Jesus

[52:20] Christ God's dear son cleanses us from all sin and when Satan sees this he will be destroyed he cannot face the blood we need no gimmicks here we have a thus says the Lord heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away it was good enough for the old it's good enough for us and do the old need these promises of course they do because because when we come to a deathbed experience or a Mount Nebo experience do you think Moses wasn't tempted I'm sure he was and he felt the power of the evil one and he wanted the enemy to be destroyed and the enemy will be destroyed he shall thrust out the enemy from before thee dear aged saint you who have borne the heat and burden of the day and are fast approaching your journey's end take courage cheer up Christ is the way the truth and the life

[53:24] I cannot tell you what that experience will be it's an experience in a lifetime but we are all given encouragement in his precious word tonight what we can look forward to and I can say with one him writer of old who said I would not change my blessed estate for all the world cause good or great and here in leaving these remarks I trust the Lord will bless us in the meditation of his holy word for the good of our souls and for his own honour and glory and may he pardon and forgive all that has been thought amiss but prosper for his own glory everything which has been in accordance to his mind and will for his precious name say Amen m sharing

[54:43] Savior, Savior, proudly Christ, Lord, we'll take His back and away.

[55:03] He are gently found so bright in the way the Father's trust.

[55:25] May I have 05- tabii that day For as and our Irrotating vapid val seis P эксперт 통 obscenative Christ, your wrath, oh, King, is a pain.

[56:09] You do save your pleasure soon. Brother, your soul's big heart.

[56:32] Just give me a little love and bless.

[56:43] You are deep, you strong shall rest.

[56:54] Then your sins are prepared. Let your kingdom have been one.

[57:14] Fear not, red-wrencher, won't stand.

[57:27] And let your forget of your lamb. Jesus Christ, your Father's Son.

[57:46] In your heart is my God.

[57:57] Lord, some may still make us go.

[58:10] Gladly living on their own. Only thou shalt be, and with thee will thou love thee.