[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help this evening, you'll find the text in the first epistle to the Corinthians, the first chapter, and the first part of the twenty-third verse.
[0:18] 1 Corinthians, the first chapter, and the first part of the twenty-third verse. But we preach Christ crucified.
[0:34] But we preach Christ crucified. I tried to speak three times yesterday from this text, and I felt at the close of the day and hardly touched it.
[0:56] It seems so vast, so tremendous, but we preach Christ crucified.
[1:06] And as I said yesterday, if my preaching and your hearing comes short of Christ crucified, it will come short of everything.
[1:22] You will have no knowledge or spiritual conception of that light which you've just said. Because when Christ crucified is preached, as the soul is so helped by the Spirit to understand these things, then he's light.
[1:47] And how you have experienced it, I hope, he's been to your light in a dark place. The dear apostle, he had no other gospel.
[1:59] He was able to say, God forbid I should glory, save in the cross of Christ, the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, friends, as you are well aware and well acquainted, there were many in the apostles' day, there were many in our days, that come short of the preaching of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.
[2:33] And how many today are satisfied with an easy way, an easy religion, easy preaching, how they can go in and out of places of worship, ten minutes or a quarter of an hour perhaps is long enough.
[2:57] They have no desire, no longing, no spiritual appetite for a living Christ. But it is as the dear Paul says in the Romans, the power of God unto salvation.
[3:18] Therefore, his preaching was not with enticing words, enticing words, but it was in the demonstration and the power of the Holy Spirit.
[3:33] And I pray just for a moment this evening the Lord might grant unto us that same power. For power belongs unto God.
[3:45] He has power to kill and power to make alive. He has power to wound and power to heal. His power is divine power.
[3:59] And if then he is pleased to use his word this evening with power, then we shall not go out of this house of God unmoved.
[4:12] There is something even if it is a word of reproof for you or for me for a word of blessing for our souls.
[4:25] Praise Christ crucified. And as we are led to view a little of the Lord Jesus Christ, you know he is as we sometimes sing he was of real mind.
[4:45] Of real mind. And as we view him as he came down here upon this earth he came down here for that one aim.
[4:59] That one work. There was that determined work before him to counsel of his father. A church must be saved.
[5:11] A church must be redeemed. And nothing less than the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ would purchase that church, would redeem those sinners, those who were dead in sins and trespasses.
[5:30] They must be redeemed. They were God's blessed people though they lay in wickedness. they lay in death.
[5:42] They lay unmoved. Yet he was in mercy to redeem them from the ruins of the poor. And as Christ is preached then I believe the hearts of the Lord's people are opened to receive him as he is preached.
[6:04] what a difference it is when Christ is preached into your hearts. Have you felt it?
[6:14] when Jesus preached right into your soul you may have gone in and out the house of God many times and you may have said that's been a good sermon you felt it's been a good sermon you could say yea and amen to every word but there has been a few times just a few times when he's been preached right into your soul when the word's gone right into your soul it hasn't left you unmoved the prayer you asked the blessing you asked and the hymn you just sang has been answered then you've not been unmoved as Christ has been preached into your soul it's been a holy ghost ministry nothing to do with the poor preacher it is the living
[7:21] God and as you've been led then to see a little of the Lord Jesus Christ haven't you seen him in a different light haven't you felt him in a different way why it's been a living way it's been a bright light the word has gone seemingly right into your soul you've handled you've tasted you haven't gone on to three corner friends and shouted about it no you've crept away crept away have you felt elevated have you felt exalted no why Lord why was I singled out why should I feel thy mercy why
[8:22] Lord such a sinner as me should have a glimpse of yon lovely man why should a helpless one of me have a sweet knowledge of the saving power of a precious Christ that is friends when Christ crucified is preached into your hearts into your very experiences it's not like water dropping upon a stone it's like the dew of heaven that silently comes down and rests and the plant absorbs that dew of heaven have you had a little absorbing time when you felt the presence of God as you sang your first hymn in the house of God as you sat in your seat you felt the presence the dew of heavens rested upon you not with your mortal eyes did you behold these things no but by the eye of faith and by the eye of faith it has been
[9:43] Jesus as Jesus has been preached to you and you have been able then by faith to lay hold upon him to claim him you know there's no greater heights here upon this earth to attain to than by faith to claim a precious Jesus as your Jesus your saviour and your redeemer knows that Jesus is preached Christ crucified is preached then before that living soul by faith his suffering is opened up before you we read of the suffering this evening of the dear apostle and we often read the sufferings of the
[10:43] Lord's people but they are nothing nothing compared with the sufferings of Christ as Christ is preached preached one said I often repeat those words I believe one to whom Christ was preached that one said I creep beside him like a worm and see him bleed for me our friends when Christ is preached then you feel like a worm then you feel a crawling one then you feel a hobbling one but it is in your soul's experience give me that Christ Lord without thee I shall perish Lord without thee my sins would damn me for time and eternity but with thee all things are possible do you believe it friends all things are possible what is the greatest thing that seems to you of times is it not your sins is it not your iniquities are they not the greatest things do they not seem sometimes immense do they not seem heavy are they not burdens with
[12:22] God all things are possible through the preaching of Christ crucified as the soul is quickened then there is opened up before that soul that new and living way that way to Christ that way which is Christ himself and the poor sinner then has a little hope a little hope springs up if I may there one here this evening with that language if I may but touched the hem of his garment that woman she had hope she believed I believe she heard of Jesus I believe she heard of his power have you not heard of
[13:24] Jesus have you not heard of his power and in your hearing it hasn't fell upon stony ground it has brought within you a breathing a longing an exercise and as you are so exercised like that dear woman there's a resolve within you may not be to say it or speak to everyone about it there's a resolve within there's an earnest desire there's a longing there's a hungering there's a thirsting for living Christ if I may where is the if friend where is the if the if is in you not in Christ crucified no in
[14:29] Christ crucified there are there may have known God shall God will and such a poor sinner as you who can but say no perhaps if I may you shall come and dear Jeremiah said how you would come he set forth your path they shall come weeping they shall come with supplications what makes them we mourning over their sins godly repentance that's how they come when Christ is crucified when that spirit indicts within the longing desire to lay hold upon him the dear apostle
[15:30] I believe we read this evening not this evening no that I may know him he counted all things but laws dung and drawers he knew Christ crucified he knew the love of God in Christ crucified but could he stay there friend you had your meals today and we hope your body enjoyed them but God willing strength given you'll need some more tomorrow or for the days out much more than need the soul the dear apostle said that I may know him Paul I thought you were acquainted with him Paul I thought you had a marvellous conversion he did pronounce but his acquaintance with the
[16:35] Lord Jesus Christ and him crucified was no deeper than yours no greater acquaintance than yours because life was implanted and life being implanted we cannot grade life come we can't grade life we can't put life in categories life is life when the Holy Spirit breathes into the soul life the life of the Lord Jesus Christ then it is with the same power the same love the same light therefore this dear apostle which we sometimes speak and we should speak in Christ Jesus highly of him shouldn't preach it I've heard people talk sometimes as though they're preaching
[17:39] Paul God forbid Paul didn't want it he didn't dishonor it he said as I quoted earlier God forbid the ice of glory saving the cross that's where his glory was in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ what we preach Christ crucified and how that resolve as I said that was found in that dear woman how the Lord made himself manifest it's a sweet portion I feel it's a lovely portion somebody hath touched me somebody hath touched me is that somebody here this evening that somebody which tremblingly healingly needing me has laid hold upon a precious
[18:55] Jesus have you laid hold upon him we might set before you many characters there is one often set before you service after service poor publican he touched the Lord Jesus Christ not in natural sense but in a spiritual sense I believe when Christ crucified is praised when the soul is so enlivened quickened then that faith goes forth God being merciful to me a sinner that's touching him one may be saying do you mean that I do for us it's touching him touching him who was crucified he was crucified for that man's sins that man's sins nailed him to the cross not only that man's sins but can it be said your sins if it can be said your sins you won't just say it you'll feel it you'll realise it and you won't have to come to the
[20:22] Lord Jesus Christ once in your lifetime and then ever ever ever afterwards have joy no it will be a daily cry an hourly cry of dimes but he never turned yet he never will turn a poor sinner pleading his blood and his righteousness now you may be saying can I attain to such high ground can I plead the blood and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ friends it's the only plea it's the only plea oh God be merciful to me one said my hope is built of nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness if your hope is built there it's your plea isn't it we want real things you know right and
[21:28] I'm trying to praise your hope there is your plea it's the very foundation of your hope and of that hope which you plead before him his blood and righteousness it's all found here praise Christ grue to point and as we view him as he has been preached as only reading this evening to our friend's house of how full he had to go to Samaria him there was trouble in Jerusalem what trouble was that hatred hatred how the one how the Jews hated the name of Jesus how they stirred up and how they persecuted the church that dear man who preached
[22:38] Christ crucified Stephen he was stoned and it seemed to be made so awful for them in Jerusalem Philip went to Samaria what did he go there and do sit under the duper tree did he go there and say I and I own him there he preached Jesus he preached there in Samaria Jesus what gracious spiritual effects that preaching had our hearts were opened understandings were opened wonders were seen miracles were experienced all in preaching Jesus Jesus who died at
[23:40] Calvary Jesus crucified and is it in the same chapter I believe it is or the next chapter will we read of where Philip preached to the eunuch but what is words there what did he preach to the eunuch preached unto him Jesus but we preach Christ crucified I felt a few weeks ago a sweet time in preaching for those words preached preached unto him Jesus our people at home release me to go to Abington one Lord's Day to help out there and as I went to the best it is a practice there and
[24:43] I believe it is further north for the minister to give out the hymns I I didn't know anything about it before I went in the best tree the deacon came to me and he said have you got the hymns for the organist I told him I didn't realise I had to give out my own hymns oh yes he said he'd have to find them announce them and it will be four hymns it seemed to throw me right down I felt I couldn't pray I did ask the Lord to help me to some of you have to give out hymns to know what the weight is sometimes the Lord gives you hymn in a few moments sometimes you have to search and search again you'll read the hymn through perhaps one moment and you'll feel that will be alright look at it again you can't give it out you know
[25:55] I do feel it is good to have weighty deacons some can seem to open the book give out the first hymn they seem to light on friends if you who have to give out hymns I believe there is a weight to it and it is not oftentimes these things of help in the service I said to the deacons there I said if you were my deacons you have to bear this weight I went in the pulpit feeling forlorn and miserable I sat down in the pulpit I had no sooner sat down than I seen a heard a voice an audible voice preached unto him Jesus and
[26:56] I turned round as other voice came from behind and you know I did feel help that day both in the preaching services in the bible class in the afternoon from speaking to those words preached unto him Jesus and it wasn't before the close of the day what the deacon said to me you know he said the last time our pastor stood in that pulpit he was just about to sit down and he spoke to us and he hoped trusted that whoever should stand in the pulpit following him would preach Jesus he thought what a blending the spirit what a blend he had little thought
[28:01] I believe just then how quickly how quickly he would be called from these earthly labors to serve him above with nothing between and it's the only preaching the only real preaching I often feel and I say at home many a time I wish I could preach wish I could preach preached unto him Jesus and as dear Philip preached to the union Jesus what did he preach he preached his humiliation he preached his suffering he preached his sorrows he preached his wounds he preached his conquests he preached his warfare yes and he preached his shed blood he preached him as he was seen at
[29:20] Calvary a mom with wounds gave him one that's what he preached and dear child of grace if Christ has been preached to your heart and mind to your soul and mind with wounds gaping wide it'll soften you it'll bring you down it'll humble you in the doors it will then you'll cry as I said earlier why me why should a wretch me why should a sinner as me be led to feel and to see by faith that living stream that fountain open for sin and uncleanness it'll be whining and Christ will have all the glory and you know there are times when the
[30:23] Lord's people when they are traveling through deep waters heavy trials circumstances they cannot manage themselves and those places which may seem hard and rocky dear Peter he preached Jesus and his preaching echoes in his word he preached to the Lord's people beloved think it not strange the fiery troward is the trial but rejoice rejoice in his much as you are partakers of the sufferings of Christ friend how can you be partakers of the sufferings of Christ Christ unless the
[31:25] Holy Spirit enable you to by living faith to see a suffering saviour a suffering dear redeemer God said this man will I look what man for that man of broken heart contrite spirit did he stay there did he include you poor sinner were you included in that portion him that trembles and my word you ever trembled at Calvary trembled your name will be left out trembled you will be left yourself you can't feel the blessedness you would others may seem to be blessed others may seem to much favor others may seem to show grace and speak of grace and there you are left a trembling who's a trembler a living person naturally and a trembler at God's word is a living soul you may write better things against yourself you may say
[32:51] I want to know this and I want to know that I don't know this and I don't know that these feelings they do go on but do you tremble have you trembled at the cross what about that little hymn I breathe at 439 when you come to those words see from his head his hands his feet had to stop couldn't you sing now he's been too grateful what have you done brother you've trembled at them trembled at them there's not been a slavish fear in your soul there's been a failure fear because you've had to say truth
[33:53] Lord truth Lord and him that trembles my word the Lord has said he's proud to look upon when the Lord looks upon tremblers it's with mercy you know I will have mercy upon whom I will have mercy and those that tremble at God's word those that tremble at Calvary yes they shall find mercy they shall know mercy because the precious blood of Jesus Christ speaks it echoes mercy mercy mercy for sinner for trembling mercy for you through the virtue and the power of this precious blood for we praise
[34:53] Christ crucified it hasn't been an encouragement to you sometimes you know the Lord's people they sometimes feel like this you have enjoyed these things your soul has been bathed in that precious blood you come to a place sometimes you feel as hard as the seats you sit on you feel prayerless you feel lifeless now to be honest with yourselves you may have said to yourself in this place is there a God is there a God what would the unbeliever say if I said that to him or her the
[36:00] Lord's people know something of these things but does the Lord leave you there friends does he leave you there he bring you to mourn over your sins and he bring you to mourn an absent God where will that bring you to or take you to Christ crucified Christ crucified show me a token Lord for good day you want to be shown you want to be made you want to be known that you are born again what born again was asked to be born again we cannot keep ourselves friends and I believe some of you I hope are living witnesses of this we cannot keep ourselves what did the Lord Jesus Christ say to his disciples without me you can do nothing we can't keep ourselves as we read in
[37:07] Psalm 121 and sing that beautiful hymn which is based upon it sometimes we sing it Christ is the keeper of his saints yes we preach Christ crucified therefore in these few and I feel very scattered remarks this evening I would that the Lord Jesus Christ might make himself manifest and reveal himself to you again and again as he is preached as he is preached crucified that the glorious he thanks the saving power the healing virtue the depth of wonder and the glory of his precious blood might be sweetly entered into that to your soul and mine it might not just be blood precious blood sacred blood lovely blood beautiful blood the blood of Jesus
[38:26] Christ cleanses from all sin this is a faithful saint worthy of all acceptation the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners can you come over the rest part of that text have you been to those down bowed down to the next part where the dear apostle was of whom I am chief is we in the