
Uffington - Part 70

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May 28, 1975


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me, friends, I will direct your attention to John's Gospel, chapter 4, verse 29. Come, see a man which told me all things that ever I did.

[0:22] Is not this the Christ? The 29th verse, the 4th chapter of John's Gospel. Come, see a man which told me all things that ever I did.

[0:40] Is not this the Christ? It is good to have a desire to find Jesus. Have you?

[0:51] You, you who have come into his courts tonight, is there something in your heart that the Lord knows about?

[1:04] A desire to find him, the Son of the living God, who came into this world to find you?

[1:17] Oh, here's the great matter, friends. So many have religion today. I'm afraid of that myself often. But I'm one of them that just has religion.

[1:33] Religion in my head. And sometimes it is laid upon me in such a heavy way. For there seems to be a reason for believing that this may well be so.

[1:48] For I have a number of engagements week in and week out that take me among a religious people.

[2:00] And sometimes there's that within me that says, and that's all it amounts to. You've got yourself into such a place you can't get out of it.

[2:11] It's a dark place, friends. But sometimes I see mercy in it. In that it creates an exercise.

[2:24] And this will be your mercy too, if there are those things from time to time that rise up in your mind and make you consider.

[2:38] But I say again, in this solemn day, there are many who have a religion without any exercise in it. And that religion, if it is found only in the flesh, the outcome must be death.

[3:02] The people of God have an exercise, friends. And this exercise is not something that belongs to this week and is forgotten next.

[3:17] The exercise of the people of God runs something like this. Shall I endure to the end? Do you know anything about it?

[3:30] Well, the character in our text, friends, is one who finds Christ, can't live without him.

[3:41] And this character is a sinner saved by free and sovereign grace. The same character as actually is in this chapter.

[3:56] One to whom the Lord Jesus comes. Of his own free will, choice, pleasure.

[4:09] For Jesus, it is recorded in this chapter, must needs go through Samaria. And the object, it was an eternal object, was to find a poor woman and to tell her what she was.

[4:25] And this same work will go on to the end of the world. For this God, with whom you and I have to do, has a people.

[4:41] A people loved, her time began, loved in Christ. And this people, in the eternal mind of a triune Jehovah, God the Father, Son and Spirit, set them apart.

[4:59] And that people, every one of them, every individual member of that people, are called by free and sovereign grace in the time state.

[5:10] Called, I say, my friends, called by the Spirit of God. They don't come into religion. They don't find their own way.

[5:24] They're called out of nature's darkness, according to eternal purpose. And that purpose is to reveal Christ to them.

[5:35] As the way of salvation. That purpose is to open to their understanding. And I say that very definitely. To their understanding.

[5:49] It's not a hearsay. It's not something casual. But it is something that is opened up to them. Unfolded to them.

[5:59] By the eternal Spirit of God. And that is the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Which cleanseth from all sin.

[6:12] Real religion, friends. Is more the notion. And that's not just repetition of a man's words. Real religion is that which causes a sinner to anchor upon the finished work of Christ.

[6:30] Real religion takes that one through a world of sin. But keeps him in safety.

[6:41] That he shall endure in all that he passes through. And enter into that which hath been eternally decreed he should come into.

[6:51] The fullness of glory. The fullness of glory. Procured before he was born. By a precious Christ. Do you know anything of these things, friends?

[7:06] According to the teaching of the Spirit. Not just found in the house of God. And hearing some poor man tell you about it.

[7:16] But do you know anything of this record in our chapter? Jesus meeting with you as a sinner.

[7:28] And opening up to your understanding that you are a sinner. With this poor woman when he met with her.

[7:38] When he told her to call her husband. It wasn't a chance word. It was to open that which she knew.

[7:52] And she was to know that he knew. She'd had five husbands. She had no husband now. And Jesus revealed that he knew about it.

[8:09] And with his people. Those who shall without a doubt. Enter into glory. Ultimately. He opens unto them.

[8:21] What they are. You come there sinner. It is so easy to take hold of the word of God. In your head. It is so easy to listen to a minister repeat from time to time.

[8:34] Scripture. The word of God declares. And is emphasized by the Spirit of God. To a chosen vessel of mercy.

[8:46] The heart is deceitful above all things. And desperately wicked. It becomes known. We can hear ten thousand times.

[9:00] Sitting in a pew. And it can pass into one ear and out of the other. But when the Lord reveals.

[9:11] To a sinner what he is. It is into his heart. And there is there the application. As it was with the prophet to David.

[9:24] Thou art the man. He will make you pray sinner. So we would trace the way again. A little while.

[9:36] For this character. Called by free and sovereign grace. Has a knowledge made over to him. That sin is an abomination in the sight of a holy God.

[9:50] His sin. Again my friends. It would be clear. It is so easy isn't it. Look over your shoulder.

[10:01] And find the other sinner. It is so easy to look at others. To judge them. Sometimes harshly.

[10:12] It is a great matter. When the Lord God. Reveals to one. It is your sin.

[10:24] It will make you pray. God help me. Ever prayed like that? Not God help them. God help me.

[10:36] God be merciful to me. A sinner. Lord speak into my poor soul. Lord reveal Christ.

[10:50] This is what comes friends. From such a cry. For the spirit of God. Not only reveals sin. But reveals the way of deliverance.

[11:06] A precious Christ. And that shed blood. Which putteth away all sin. Do you know anything of him?

[11:17] Anything friends. For from time to time. With such and one. The enemy comes in like a flood.

[11:29] This great adversary. Who knows. Every chosen vessel of mercy. When the spirit of God. Touches that one.

[11:43] The poet has it. Satan trembles. When he sees. The weakest saint. Upon his knees.

[11:53] He knows. There is intercourse. With the living God. He hates. This character. Comes in. From time to time.

[12:05] Like a flood. Sometimes. He suggests. The experience. Is so thin. So poor. Such and one.

[12:17] Is destitute. The rest of the world. Is destitute of grace. I say again. My friends. Do you pray? Truly pray.

[12:28] Has there been a real exercise. In your heart? Speak Lord. Satisfy my poor soul.

[12:40] Appeal Lord. The poet says. Wrath wrestling prayer. In prayer. Can wonders through. Bring relief. In deeper straits.

[12:51] And this. Is not theory. Friends. It is a living reality. With the people of God. They pray in the spirit. That exercise.

[13:04] In the heart. Springs. From a God. Who has determined. There shall be an answer. For such and one. Shall come forth.

[13:15] A witness. That he is. The living God. And that Jesus lives. Do you know anything. Of this way.

[13:26] Friends. A praying soul. Such and one. Will never go to hell. For the Lord God.

[13:38] When he begins a work. He finishes it. He finishes it. And the work of the spirit. In the sinner's heart. To cause him to turn.

[13:49] Unto Christ. The saviour of sinners. Must be completed. In salvation.

[14:00] My friends. If the Lord. Has taught you. How to pray. The way. Won't be easy. You know what it is.

[14:14] The word of the poet. The flesh. Dislikes. The way. You've got a rough way. Have you? And we would very quickly.

[14:26] Tell you. Because you've got a rough way. You won't go to heaven. You won't go to heaven. That's not. The reason for it. But the children of God.

[14:37] Whom he deals with. Because he loves them. The pathway. Will be. A wilderness journey. Why?

[14:49] Why? Because my friends. There must essentially. Be a separation. From an evil world. The spirit of God.

[15:03] Will make a difference. Between you. And the world. He'll make you a new creature. He'll turn your thoughts.

[15:16] From time to time. Heaven would. The world won't love you. Satan. Will hate you. And your flesh.

[15:28] Won't enjoy it. From time to time. There will be a living evidence. In every believer. Two armies have seen.

[15:39] The new man of grace. The old man of sin. Still alive. There will be a warfare. This way you are.

[15:52] Poor sinner. In a warfare. Our text says. Come. See a man. Which told me all things.

[16:04] That ever I did. And. If this. Blessed man. Is in your life. Poor sinner. Consider him.

[16:17] Hearken. Who he is. The eternal son of God. He who dwells. In the highest heavens.

[16:30] But whose eye. Is continually. Upon his people. Who loves them. With an everlasting love. Who will never leave.

[16:42] Nor forsake. In whom. There can never be. Any condemnation. Towards. This character.

[16:53] For he's put away. Their sins. As far as the east is. From the west. He's bought them. With a price. His shed.

[17:04] Precious blood. He's made peace. With God. Forever. For them. Do you know. This man.

[17:18] How do you know him. Sinner. Oh. It is good. To be concerned. About the way. For I tell you this.

[17:29] If you can find. If you can find. Some evidence. Of the living God. In your pathway. It's going to be well. While life endures.

[17:41] And well. When called to die. In spite of the opposition. Come. See a man. Which told me all things. That ever I did.

[17:53] Tis the same Jesus. Who met with that poor leper. In the days of his flesh. Lord. If thou wilt.

[18:04] Thou canst make me clean. This is the man. This precious man. Who waits to be gracious still.

[18:14] And you're still a sinner. Aren't you? Can't keep in the right road. Long can you. The children of God.

[18:25] Know this to be true. For that great adversary. Who goes about. Like a roaring lion. Knows all about you.

[18:36] Doesn't he? He knows. What's in your heart. He knows. The tendencies. That are in your. Ruined nature.

[18:48] Your neighbor. May not know it. But Satan. Knows it. And he brings it out. At times. Doesn't he? The Lord.

[19:00] Knows that. Again. Men. May not know it. You have to pray still. Don't you sinner? You have to tell him your case.

[19:13] Again and again. Don't you? God help me. Have mercy upon me Lord. Come see a man.

[19:26] This precious Jesus. Full of compassion. Loves you with an everlasting love. Still the same Jesus.

[19:37] Who can and will. Say. Be thou clean. Lovely Jesus. Do you know him sinner?

[19:50] You've got a case. A case tonight. Come. See a man. Able to do.

[20:01] All those things. That are impossible. With natural man. This precious man.

[20:13] In the boat. On the lake. With his disciples. Remember our reading. They feared they were to be drowned.

[20:27] Save or we perish. This precious man. While he rebuked them. Why are ye fearful.

[20:39] O ye of little faith. He arose. Rebuked the winds. And the sea. And it was a great calm.

[20:50] You've got a case sinner. Too hard for you to deal with. A temporal trouble. The children of the living God.

[21:02] The children of the living God. Have troubles in this world. Just the same as others do. But they have a God to go to. Tis this Jesus.

[21:15] Come see a man. Able to save. Able to save to the utmost. King Jesus. He who is preeminent.

[21:27] In the heavens and in the earth. This precious man. Who knows all the circumstances. That assail the lives of his people.

[21:42] Able to deliver. Even as he subdued the winds. And the sea. And there was a great calm.

[21:53] Your case too hard for him. How often the children of God. Limit the power of their God.

[22:05] How often they look at their case. And feel tis too hard. For anyone to deal with. They walk in darkness.

[22:16] And fear. And perplexity. Come see a man. Who is able. To do all things.

[22:29] As he met those two men. With their minds deranged. Those two men. Who were full of devils.

[22:42] This precious Jesus. Turn them out. Turn them into that herd of swine. Too hard your case.

[22:54] For Jesus. Come see a man. Who came into this lower world. To seek. And to save.

[23:04] Those that were lost. Came into this world. According to the eternal purpose. Of his father. To save.

[23:17] A people. Lost. And ruined. In the fall. And came into this world. Born of a woman. Under the law.

[23:27] Made flesh and blood. Without sin. To fulfill. The holy law of God. In every jot and tittle. And.

[23:39] To apply. To apply. That. Perfection. In the fulfillment. Of the law. By substitution. To every chosen.

[23:50] Vessel of mercy. To make them. Complete. In him. Before the living God. Forever. This precious man.

[24:03] Came into this lower world. To suffer. Bleed. And die. In order to satisfy. Divine justice. With regard to the sin.

[24:16] Of every individual member. Of his church. Came into that. Dreadful place. Of Calvary. To agonize.

[24:27] Under. The curse. Laid upon him. Because of the sin. Of this people. You and me.

[24:41] This precious man. Hung on that cursed tree. At Calvary. Under the darkness. Laid upon him.

[24:51] By God the Father. Because of the sin. Of his church. My God. My God. Why hast thou forsaken me.

[25:04] The cry. Of a man. A holy man. The man. Christ Jesus. Come.

[25:15] See a man. Who told me all things. That ever I did. He's brought in. The full salvation. It is finished.

[25:28] The cry of victory. This precious man. Rose again. And his people. Rose with him.

[25:40] Complete. In him. Do you know this man. Sinner. Experimentally. In time.

[25:51] For now. He sits. At the right hand. Of the Father. There ever. To make intercession. For his people. He lives.

[26:04] He lives above. His people's cause. To carry on. Do you know him? Come. See a man.

[26:14] Who told me all things. That ever I did. Is not this. The Christ. It is manifested. It is manifested. In his ability. To bring.

[26:25] Peace. To sinners. For he stands. In that place. Of intercession. Today. He has authority.

[26:37] And almighty power. In the courts. Of heaven. It is known. In time. The children.

[26:47] Of God. Have intercourse. With the living God. Through him. Do you know anything. Of it sinner? For a moment.

[27:00] We are going to turn aside. The day is solemn. The Lord God. Has laid his hand.

[27:10] Upon the earth. Because of sin. That. Great. Almighty. Arm of God. Has reached out.

[27:23] To us. In our land. To me. It has been solemn. Many times. Friends. In hearing. Men.

[27:34] In public. Prayer. Condemn. Other nations. In the earth. I have heard it. Many times. The Lord.

[27:46] Has a deep. Controversy. With us. In our land. Sin. Is rampant. On every hand. Is a solemn.

[28:00] Consideration. Two. Parts. Shall be cut off. The third part. Brought. Through the fire.

[28:12] It is. Professing. And profane. That shall be cut off. Professing. Without possession.

[28:22] How solemn. To come short. There is a need. Be. In this solemn. Day. To know something.

[28:34] Of assurance. It belongs. To the people. Of God. There is. An assurance. To be attained.

[28:45] To. There are many. Today. Even amongst us. In our denomination. Who seem. To live. On doubts. And fears.

[28:56] They can take you. To hell. It is a solemn. Consideration. What if my name. Should be left out.

[29:09] When thou. For them. Shalt call. But assurance. Is to be attained. That word.

[29:22] Of the psalmist. Is a living word. Say unto my soul. I am thy salvation. Have you got such an exercise.

[29:36] Friends. Come. See a man. Who told me all things. That ever I did. If he's brought you. Into their place.

[29:47] Of conviction. Of conviction. Friends. Have he's brought you. Into a place. Of confession. Before him. In truth. God.

[29:59] Be merciful. To me. A sinner. Is not this. The Christ. Who came into this world. To redeem.

[30:10] His people. Not one of them. Shall be lost. They belong to him. By purchase. His precious.

[30:21] Precious. Shed blood. He'll make himself. Known. To his people. In time. If he's brought you.

[30:31] Then into this place. Of conviction. Confession. Exercise. As to know. Where you stand. In his sight. There will be a time.

[30:43] When he'll bring you. Into the banqueting house. And put over you. The banner of his love. Assurance. Is to be attained.

[30:55] For I am convinced. My friends. The Lord does not. Tease. His people. He does not.

[31:07] Bring them. Bring them. Into a place. Of desire. He doesn't. Convict them. And bring them. Into a place. Of misery. Feelingly.

[31:18] And then. Leave them there. He manifests. He is the Christ. The way of salvation.

[31:29] He manifests. That he is that. Blessed one. Who stands in the breach. A days man. A blessed mediator.

[31:43] The man. Christ Jesus. Do you know him sinner? Oh it's good. To have a hope.

[31:54] It will no doubt. Waver from time to time. For there will be dark places still. The enemy won't leave you.

[32:07] Not while you are in this time state. It will cause you from time to time to fall. There will be experience in your life.

[32:17] They fell down. And there was none to help. Then they cried unto the Lord. In their trouble. And he delivered them out of their distresses.

[32:28] This will be the way. But it is a sure way friends. That will be experienced at the end.

[32:39] He led them forth. By the right way. That they might come to a city of habitation. Strange way though isn't it to the flesh.

[32:51] Poor blind of reason. Often can't understand it. Never really will understand it. Why should these things be?

[33:04] And oft times it will be to listen to the great adversary. Who says if the Lord was your God. These things wouldn't be.

[33:15] But by these things. Men live. Keep your soul alive sinner. Here again.

[33:26] Here again. The sweet evidence it is. You are in the right way. When you consider what you are. The little knowledge you have.

[33:37] Of your ruined nature. Would you pray without trouble? Oh I know my friends. We can pray by mouth.

[33:50] But would your heart speak to the living God? Would you bow down before him? Would you crown this dear man.

[34:01] The precious Christ. Lord of all. Accept. That were necessity. Necessity laid upon your flesh.

[34:13] To do it. God help me. That's where you will come again and again. But it is by these things. Men live. And in all these things.

[34:25] Is the life of my spirit. And will be in your experience. Thus wilt thou recover me. And make me to live. In Christ.

[34:37] Forever. Come see a man. Who told me all things. Whatever I did. Is not this the Christ.

[34:49] Poor sinner. That thou art favoured above many. The numbers in this. Solemn day.

[35:01] Sink into hell. In black despair. The times in which we live. Could you endure.

[35:13] Without the help of God. Would you continue. Through a day. Without the mercy.

[35:25] Of this God manifesting. Come. Come. See a man. Who told me all things. That ever I did.

[35:36] Jesus. The friend of sinners. Have we brought you in. Friends. Do you love this man?

[35:47] For one of his. One of our poets said. Jesus. Jesus. I love thy charming name. Tis music. To mine ear.

[35:58] Fain would I sound it out. So loud. That earth. And heaven might hear. Is he precious like that. Do you? There needs be again.

[36:10] There needs be again. My friend. None of us know. What a day may bring forth. This precious man.

[36:21] Is recorded in the word. As Jesus Christ. The same. Yesterday. Today. And forever. You change.

[36:33] Don't you? Hour by hour. Sometimes. What a mercy. Jesus. Is the same.

[36:44] He sticketh closer. Than the brother. His love. The same. From first. To last. Come.

[36:55] See a man. Who told me. All things. That ever I did. Poor sinner. If he's opened your eyes. To see your ruined condition. He loves you.

[37:08] It is with an everlasting love. And he'll be the same tomorrow. When you call upon him. As he is today.

[37:18] And there'll be a need tomorrow. For I tell you again. My friends. Satan won't let you go. He knows how to deal with you.

[37:32] He'll bring you again. Into a dark place. But Jesus. Is the same. Is not this the Christ.

[37:46] Who came into the world. To save sinners. Is it not a wonderful word. Of the apostle. It is a faithful saying.

[38:00] Worthy of all acceptation. That Christ Jesus. Came into the world. To save sinners. If he's taught.

[38:11] Your friends. There'll be times. When you'll be quite willing. To follow on. Of whom I am chief.

[38:24] Isn't it a mercy. He's opened your eyes. To you therefore. Which believe. He is precious.

[38:38] Come again. My friends. One of our poets says. How sweet. The name of Jesus. Sounds. In a believer's ear.

[38:51] It soothes his sorrows. Heals his wounds. Drives away his fear. Is this Jesus.

[39:02] Your Jesus. What a favor then. It is indeed. For the end's going to be right.

[39:13] And who can tell. When that will come. This God. With whom we have to do. Gives no notice.

[39:24] Of his purposes. He calls men out of time. In a moment. And into eternity.

[39:34] And I'm going to mention here. Something. That came into my experience. Not so very long ago.

[39:46] A sweet encouragement. I saw a man. In the last weeks. Of his life. A man whom I'd known.

[39:58] For many years. And he had a religion. That I knew. In the last weeks. Of his life. It was a good one. That's mercy.

[40:09] Friends. If your religion. Was like that man's religion. For I saw him. Three or four hours. Before he died. And in his right mind.

[40:21] As he was. For his mind. Was quite clear. He said to me. In union. With the land. From condemnation.

[40:33] Free. Is your religion. A good one. It'll be tested. In the hour. And article. Of death.

[40:45] There are no hypocrites. At that time. Friends. There's a need. To be right. For this God.

[40:56] With whom we have to do. Doesn't change his mind. The wicked. Shall be turned. Into hell. We need to be right.

[41:09] Have we got. Real evidences. What are they? I say again. Friends. That which I believe. Can come short.

[41:22] With a head full. Of doctrine. You'll need. A living experience. Of Christ. Of that precious.

[41:34] Atoning blood. Which cleanseth us. From all sin. We'll need more. Than religion.

[41:44] In the abstract. We'll need. To be able. To plead. That blood. With living faith. And those who have.

[41:57] A real religion. Have the experience. Of a God. Who hears. For Jesus sake. For from time to time.

[42:11] The child of God. Will need to feel. A manifestation. Of mercy. In his soul. And there is. No other name.

[42:22] Under heaven. Given among men. Whereby. We must be saved. Then. There is a need. Of experience. Sinner. The child of God.

[42:32] The child of God. Proves. As he continues. Along life's journey. The blood of Jesus Christ.

[42:43] Opens. The portals of heaven. He has intercourse. With the living God. In Christ. Do you know anything of it?

[42:55] I know these things. They're deep friends. But it's deep. To have a religion. Because it's either. Going to be one. That will take you to heaven.

[43:06] Or one. That will send you to hell. Or one. And a religion. Anchored in your flesh. Will take you there. It must be.

[43:18] Founding Christ. It must be. Taught of God. By his blessed spirit. In that a precious Christ.

[43:31] In the beginning. Sought you out. Even as he did. This poor woman. Jacob's well. Is your religion.

[43:42] Real friends. Does it belong. To God. In that he set it. In your heart.

[43:54] And he's given you. A love to Christ. So that. From time to time. There is a real exercise. Give me Christ.

[44:05] Christ. Or else. I die. Come. See a man. Who told me all things. That ever I did.

[44:16] Is not. This. The Christ. The poor man. Who tries. To speak to you. Friends. Lives on him. I've got nowhere else.

[44:27] To go. I am. Quite sure. That without. A living Jesus. I could not continue.

[44:41] But this precious man. Waits to be gracious. I've proved him. Have you? When the end comes.

[44:54] My friends. You'll need. To be able. To set him forth. Jesus. Is my savior. The almighty God.

[45:07] The father. Will take. No other plea. But washed. In the blood. Of the land. Do you know.

[45:18] This Jesus. Of whom. This poor woman. Spoke. In the days. Of his flesh. She. Who was so. Convinced.

[45:29] As he. Set in her heart. That he. Was. The Christ. She. Must. Need. To go. And tell. The men. About her.

[45:40] Come. See a man. Who told me. All things. That ever I did. Is not. This. The Christ. I'm going to leave it. Friends.

[45:52] The Lord. At his blessing. His name. Shall have a price. Amen.