
Uffington - Part 117

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Sept. 9, 1981


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[0:00] In dependence upon the Lord, we would turn again to the portion we had before us this afternoon, the last two verses of Psalm 126.

[0:20] Psalm 126, verses 5 and 6. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

[0:32] He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheep with him.

[0:49] Without going over what we feebly tried to set forth this afternoon, we would just say this for the benefit of those who weren't here, that we endeavoured as the Holy Spirit enabled to look at this portion of God's Word as it showed the Lord Jesus, as it exemplified the work he came to do, the glory that was his and ever shall be his, that was manifested through his going forth weeping.

[1:27] And how, ere he ascended into glory, from that pathway of misery, agony, suffering, death, scorn, shame, all that evil men could bring against him, he ascended on high, victorious, rejoicing in that that was accomplished.

[1:56] It is finished. There was no more for a dear Saviour to do. He had done it all, every bit of it.

[2:07] But the depth of that we cannot set before you. Sometimes their hearts are softened. Sometimes we are strangely moved with but a touch of his suffering.

[2:21] What he endured, no tongue can tell, to save your soul from death and hell. And if it doesn't move, then there is something very, very sadly wrong in our heart and in our religion.

[2:41] And so, he who went forth weeping, bearing precious seed, which is eternal redemption, eternal redemption was the seed he bore because he was determined to save.

[3:01] And that seed he sowed in the heart of every vessel of mercy. Every child of God, chosen and precious in his sight, to them that seed was sown.

[3:20] This seed is eternal life, brought into its fruition through redeeming love. It's eternal redemption.

[3:32] It will never be changed. It cannot be countermanded. It was done. But for those who receive it, and that through every generation till the end of time, there will be this miracle of grace made known.

[3:50] And that is where we hope, as the Lord may help us a little this evening, to turn. Not that we want to turn from the pathway our dear Saviour trod, in that going forth to save sinners from their sin.

[4:09] But we do want some evidence that we are following after him. We do want a clear, sweet assurance within our inmost soul that we possess that seed he sowed.

[4:23] For Christ is the seed, the word, that was made flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld his glory, the glory as to the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

[4:41] And that's what his children partake of. His grace through the knowledge of his truth. Blessed seed.

[4:58] Bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

[5:11] Just a closing thought on that finished work of a dear Redeemer in everlasting love. When he declared, Father, here am I.

[5:25] And of all that thou hast given me, I have lost now. Bring in his sheaves with him. And in the eternal purposes of God, those sheaves are complete now.

[5:41] We just mentioned some perhaps yet unborn. But in the eternal mind of God, that harvest is complete. And therefore, he who sowed, sowed his own precious blood, sowed through suffering that good seed into the heart of his dear elect, he now rejoices and is waiting for that final accomplishment when all the ransomed church of God shall be gathered around him as his bride.

[6:19] Precious, precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his signs. For it's another sheaf gathered. We have to forget that at times.

[6:30] Sometimes we remember it. We have had cause even within these walls of life to be brought to the knowledge again of the brevity of our short lives.

[6:43] But friends, if that seed's been sown in your heart, there must be some fruit. That fruit must be evidenced to the glory of God because as we've read in our portion, when the Lord blesses his people as he blessed them there with restoring mercy, he blesses them for his praise and his honour, for his own namesake.

[7:12] And however weak or feeble you may feel to be, unworthy of the least of his mercies, if there's a hope in that mercy in your heart by the impartation of this seed, then where's the fruit?

[7:30] Where's the fruit? Oh, look not to man for the answer. You want the witness of the Holy Spirit as it answers before God for you through Jesus Christ unto him that has loved us and washed us in his own precious blood.

[7:55] Oh, unto him be the glory, there's the fruit. Now, sometimes we do feel in our four hearts a desire to magnify his name.

[8:07] Where does that desire spring from? That doesn't come from a natural religion. That comes from that seed implanted. But, you know, we're so apt to stifle it or to try to stifle it.

[8:22] If it's his seed, it's good seed. It can't be destroyed. But there are many things that come against it. And, you know, sometimes our wicked hearts, our deceitful hearts, our unbelieving hearts will say, I don't think that is the seed.

[8:39] I don't feel that I possess that which the child of God possesses. I thought I did. I hoped I did. But I can't find the evidence and so I'm afraid I'm wrong.

[8:51] And they don't look anymore. They don't pray anymore in this matter for a season. And so the Lord leaves them to their dark state in their misery.

[9:05] And then that makes them cry. And so we come into the experience of the saints of God as set forward in this text before us.

[9:18] And this evening we want to apply it as help to the experience of every ransom redeemed sinner.

[9:29] I know we cannot compare our experience or our pathway to that glorious God-man we had in our meditation this afternoon.

[9:44] There's none like him. Oh, we've come nowhere in comparison. But it is important to know and feel this that if we can't compare to his if we're following by the grace of God in the path of obedience to his command.

[10:09] In other words, if that which we've been reading just now thus seth the Lord to this seth the Lord to them seth the Lord to his Israel if we have heard his voice.

[10:26] And that hearing has created within us a desire and that desire by the Spirit's help has given us a little knowledge for this book this word of God which he so kindly has given to his people until the end of time.

[10:49] This is the book that is sent for our instruction and learning and by it the Spirit reveals that which our soul desires to know.

[11:02] If we're following in his step following hard after him there must be that which is similar to his experience because he as the master has gone before and where his servants tread in following is where he has gone before he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed yes that's you and I what did Jesus say to these whom he calls his disciples those whom he loved with an everlasting love and would bring them out of the ruin of the fall into that glory which is prepared for them that love him he says follow me as simple as that oh several times perhaps you have heard those words set before you as the

[12:15] Lord set them before you by his Spirit as he written them in your heart that has made that desire a living desire an anxious desire follow me but how can I Lord I'm a sinner how can I Lord I have no strength I have no knowledge I have not those gifts that some possess I have not an understanding in some of the deep mysteries which thy word reveals and if I were to follow thee I want to follow thee holy where are you looking you're looking to yourself you're looking to a source which is not the good seed of the kingdom the only good seed that will bring forth good fruit is that which God himself sows and that's

[13:18] Christ and he sows it in your heart and mine Christ in our heart the hope of glory and when that's there when it begins to work then those awful doubts those sinful questionings must be put on one side how many have been as we might say turned out of the way because of unbelieving fears that they're not recipients of this good seed rather to air profit if we seek earnestly the evidence of that seed possessed which will be made known in the fruit however small it may seem they shall go forth weeping bearing precious seed and so he caused his children to follow him in going forth and there's the first mark have we gone forth going forth must mean this that you leave something else you can't have both you can't stay where you are and go forth now what have we gone for to and in where this seed is planted the going forth gives the evidence of it being good seed because you have to move in faith you have to venture you feel you've got no strength at all you feel completely unworthy and unfit in and of yourself you are but that seed planted within speaks and it speaks the word of

[15:20] Christ and when called to follow him he comforts he constrains he enables he says look unto me look unto me in that venturing and then however dark the way may seem or impossible to your questioning reasoning mind look unto me and me alone and be ye saved for I am the Lord we have read this evening in that chapter in Ezekiel it's all concerned with Israel remember the Lord God was speaking to his people but all how he had to reprove them when the house of Israel dwelt in their own land they defiled it by their own way and by their doings and friends that describes us in a state of unbelief and nature the natural fears fear of man and losing sight of this glorious redeemer who doth call and call alone by his grace wherefore

[16:49] I poured my fury upon them for the blood they had shamed and for their idols and I scattered them among the heathen and dispersed them and so this chapter go deeply into the evil way of sin from which by grace alone his children are brought forth delivered by faith in him and looking to him to do for them what they cannot do for themselves and when they entered into the heathen whither they went they profaned my holy name do you ever think of that that when you deny in your walk or your conduct or what you may speak when you deny a knowledge of the power of that grace within you are doing just what this people did they profaned my holy name because before the world they speak as if he had done nothing for them oh what a sad and solemn place to be in but blessed be this

[18:11] God of grace and mercy he has said I will not leave you there he did for a season that they should mourn over their sin and after him and so he will with you and I if we deny him then he'll deny us and that's a sad season that's a dark time and you'll find no soul comfort while you walk in that way but he says follow me but I had pity for mine holy night which the house of Israel of profaned whither they went and then he begins to speak as we read together the promise of God's blessing in restoring in sanctifying now what does this mean to come back to our text he that goeth forth weeping there's the going forth that's the sanctifying to what does sanctification mean but separation and separation not not of men but in spirit in heart in walk in all things that are holy separated come ye out from among them and be ye separate that's sanctifying touch not the unclean thing these idols and turn them out of the way but now the mercy of

[19:50] God reveals that within them there was yet a living seed that was to bring forth fruit and in the wonderful chapter this although we can't dwell on it now time prevents but did you notice at the beginning of that chapter all that the Lord promises to the people the true people of Israel when they come repentant when they come seeking pardon when they acknowledge his headship his lordship over them just one portion I'll read this therefore ye mountains of Israel hear the word of the Lord thus saith the Lord to the mountains to the hills to the rivers to the valleys to the desolate wastes to the cities that are forsaken which became a cry and a derision to the residue of the heathen that are around about what a fullness here encompasses the needs of all the living family of God we have to take different paths we're called to they're appointed for us but there are hills and rivers and valleys and desolate wastes in Zion which none can restore but this almighty saviour but his promise here is given and it can't fail so then in the experience of it this people must go forth they must leave something and we have to question now what have we left if we left anything what do we still hold on to that is contrary to this following the people of God they have to leave their old ways they have to leave their old desires their old ambitions for all those are centered on worldly things that must perish when they interfere with heart worship and heart confession before God they are idle

[22:21] I'm not speaking one word against a right a desire to do well to provide for those things needful in this life these things the Lord knows and provides and equips his children to obtain them but when they become a God an idol then is the Lord angry and he will make that anger known all those old practices those old teachings that once we quite felt were good enough for us but they brought dishonor on his name false teachings false doctrine those half truths there are many that take part of the word of God and take it to themselves but the other half which will condemn them they leave out these are the ways that are to be left and also that which is in our natural hearts and the

[23:37] Lord knows that too how easily we would fall into the errors which are so abundant in this our day errors of doctrine not necessary to hold fast to that well says the spirit of God hold fast to that which is good that's the good seed and if the doctrine is a doctrine of Christ and him crucified and that there is no salvation in any other but him through his precious blood you hold fast to it however man may tempt you to say oh but we can hold this a little lightly we need not take too much notice of that because we are but poor creatures the Lord will provide you know that's an awful thing to be left in such a state to say and say it again and again with a careless cold spirit the

[24:39] Lord will provide I've heard some say perhaps he said it herself and then been brought to recruit because of that we need we shall have to be brought away from these things but there's another path in following if this good seed is planted that the flesh doesn't like sometimes the Lord causes people to leave their worldly comforts to follow him to forsake all to follow him I suppose there's not one of us here present tonight who has been called to forsake all the Lord has spared us in much mercy and granted to us a continuance of those comforts that we endure but it may well be that that voice of the

[25:47] Lord God almighty will say leave all for he that loveth what the Lord Jesus describes father or mother brother or sister wealth riches honour fame whosoever loveth these more than me is not worthy to be called my disciple or what grace we need then to live as before this heart searching God a right daily in our providential path in our daily path but that grace proceeds from this seed that he has sown and if he gives blessings he will give wisdom to use them a right and he will give grace for that soul to seek wisdom to use it a right and that's a great mercy oh to feel our heart softened in seeking to know the way we should take and how we shall serve him best he will hear that prayer you'll go forth weeping but you'll go too if you come forth you must be going somewhere and these souls that are wrought upon under the effect of this seed sowed in their heart will go to him and his that's another mercy that the church of God his Zion enjoys here below they go to him he is the source of every good to him they can pour out their complaints tell their troubles but they go also to his to his people to those of light mind those that fear his name and when they were let go they went unto their own company because there they knew they would find understanding there they felt they would be not quite alone it is a favour to enjoy a sweet union of heart with the people of

[28:07] God well it all comes from the same seed for if you and I can walk together in the things of God we possess the same seed and the fruit of it is love and that love it will exceed all the other things in us that offend the love of Christ it passes knowledge that love is the bringing forth the going forth from sin into the way of salvation and blessed be his name every one of these ransomed ones shall be led in that path he leads them forth by a right way by his spirit and as many as are led of the spirit of God they are his sons and his daughters but they are in that way that he's right oh here we see the effect of this seed but go forth weeping that's the beginning of the way and I can't get away again I must mention it it comes of light so powerfully they go forth weeping let me read the word again he that goeth forth and weepeth bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his shees with him and I'm going to speak again although I have of light mentioned it before some of you that dear woman that was a sinner found in the house of

[29:56] Simon the Pharisee oh here was just this case and she is an example even for us this woman is a sinner she's in Harlow she's too vile to be found here in this place and surely this wise man if indeed he be the Messiah this worker of good would know that she is he did know what she was he knew her all together and it was the appointed season when that seed which had been sowed in eternity past now brought forth its fruit oh it's been very very much on my spirit see as thou this woman she's mine she possesses this precious seed I've redeemed her oh

[30:57] Simon you poor blind man you can't see it you can't understand it and you scorn her but she's mine how did she come to his feet behind him weeping she went for she left the ways of sin she left her former life she came to Jesus there's the going for there's the coming to and she came in the right way she came weeping now the seed was sown that was in her heart she didn't speak a word that we know is not recorded but in her heart there was a language that went out and up and it entered into the Lord God of Sabaoth for her heart cried out Lord pardon mine iniquity for it's great receive me oh here was a soul seeking forgiveness he that goeth forth she went forth weeping bearing precious seed and that's one of the most precious seeds that's granted to a poor sinner here below is a life of prayer a spirit of prayer a drawing out of desire

[32:29] Godward and heavenward that you might be right for eternity that dear woman silently cried with her tears and was highly commended she received acceptance now there's no great language here of concern in doctrine we do not read that she was instructed in this way by anyone in fact the only one who she might have thought could help her was the Pharisee and he despised her so she wasn't learning from him she was taught and well taught as every child of God is well taught by the spirit of truth that creates that aching void that the world cannot fill and then himself reveals a precious Jesus she heard that Jesus was there that was enough and with her weeping she came and her weeping manifested the possession of the sea because she anointed his feet with her tears she wept her heart unto her saviour she wiped them with the hairs of her head not ashamed to own him her lord and there was nothing nothing too mean that she could do to show her love for him see it so this woman oh I say it again can you see yourself has your experience been in any measure like that poor despised woman because remember she comes into the fullness of this text not only did she come weeping not only did she come sowing precious seed even a prayer for forgiving mercy and pardoning mercy through blood but she came anointing there's the fruit she came with humility as she wiped his feet with her crowning glory which no doubt many in the past did admire but now it wiped the dear saviour's feet shall doubtless come again with rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him and remember that dear woman did not go away that night or that day until she had rejoicing see so this woman he said unto her woman thy sins are forgiven thee go in peace and she went on her way with her sheaf oh this is the mercy that's laid up and made known by the spirit of the lord to those that long to be partakers with him with him and that for eternity of that wondrous grace the fullness of his love in the close of that chapter we read this evening we have this promise and you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers you shall be my people and I will be your God

[36:09] I will save you from your uncleanness I will call for the corn and will increase it and lay no famine upon you and I will multiply the fruit of the tree and the increase of the field that you shall receive no more reproach of famine among the heather oh what is laid up the glory that's prepared they're the sheaves but there are the tokens while we sojourn here below in Meshach's land there are sheaves we've mentioned one and that is a prayer oh the prayers of God dear people are sheaves when he owns them when he answers them when he grants you a token for good when he assures that your conscience of her part in his precious redeeming love and blood in answer to that prayer that becomes a sheave and you carry it what for to sacrifice to him and we said this morning that seed before it can be sown has to come from somewhere and that seed was the eternal seed even Jesus

[37:35] Christ himself now when you have a sheave when you have a blessing from your God an answer to your prayer you've got their seed a multitude of seed and those seeds will be sown again if you're encouraged and can rejoice because the Lord in his compassion has heard you perhaps he's delivered you from some great trouble perhaps he's made a way where there seemed to be no way perhaps he's come in that special way and manner to a poor convinced sinner and spoken to that soul like he did to that dear woman those sins many they are but they're forgiven oh you'll have some seed then that you'll sow again and not only for yourself the sowing of the seed to the glory of God is in

[38:35] Zion amongst his church and people and there are seasons of sowing oh when such a saint and they are saints in the sight of God sinners in their own sight but they want to sow that seed and that is where Zion rejoices the seed given blessed and now renewed brings that soul to go forth doubtless they shall come again come again where to well first to the source the giver with thankfulness and then to his people to tell to sinners round what this wondrous saviour has brought for them what a miracle of grace has been revealed as he's answered your prayer and granted you which you so long desired your pardon sealed and peace with God why then you must tell to sinners round what a dear saviour you've found yes good seed they that sow in tears shall reap in joy and now our joyful seasons are when such seed is sown again because it's going to bring forth more fruit more fruit still the saviour himself declares it they shall be blessed

[40:19] I will multiply the fruit of the tree and increase of the field that ye shall receive no more reproach and they shall say in the day that I have cleansed you I will also cause you to dwell in the cities that's where the seeds to be now sown and the waste shall be builded the desolate land shall be tilled we sang in air hymn I noticed it that first hymn he to the needy and the faint his mighty aid makes known when their languid life is spent supplies it with his own the body in his bounty shares sustained with corn and wine but for the soul himself prepares a banquet more divine by faith received his flesh and blood shall life eternal give for he that eats immortal food immortally must live

[41:24] I had in mind that we sang a line where it spoke of tilling but I can't it's I'm mistaken there never mind we pass that boy there will be a tilling as the Lord has declared it I will this land shall be tilled that's made ready for the seed for the seed of the Lord the seed of his good and wondrous grace is always sown in good ground prepared ground no hardened sinner can receive that seed no careless unbeliever can benefit by that seed the Lord has said he will till whereas it lay desolate and thou shall say this land that was desolate oh do you look within sometime and mourn because you feel that you are not

[42:31] I'm desolate well so were many of the dear saints of God in their own feeling let me just briefly and very quickly remark on another instance of this seed where it came to one who was desolate and yet it brought forth the sheaves Peter in his denial oh how desolate was that poor soul when immediately the cock crew the Lord Jesus his beloved Lord and master had said to him previously Peter before the cock crows thou shalt deny me thrice and you I don't know whether you've noticed I hadn't till yesterday but the verse that follows it says and he wept as he thought thereof that was Jesus we read said this afternoon he wept as he sowed the seed and he wept as he thought thereof what did he he knew what

[43:37] Peter was going to do he had warned him of it and he wept as he thought thereof because he knew that in Peter's heart that seed was sown but now where was the evidence ah Peter I'll tell you where the evidence was where the reality of it was that was earlier still I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted strengthen the brethren there was the seed in Peter's heart although now at this very moment he denied his Lord with oaths and curses all desolate the land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden how does that apply to Peter well he went out first and wept bitterly but after that oh the

[44:38] Lord by his good spirit raised him up as a great apostle one who entered into the depths of the Lord suffering preached of that blood that was shed of the lamb slain why here was the sheaves you read Peter's epistle yourself but there you will find that this man of God after his denial after that which caused his blessed saviour to weep listen to him here's the sheaves we shall have to leave it then the time is gone for as much and if ye call on the father who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man's work remember where Peter was past the time of your sojourning here in fear for as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers no

[45:56] Peter he had proved all that was vain but with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish without spot who verily was foredained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times he says for you but you see it was for him oh he had his sheaf and he could rejoice and did rejoice who by him do believe in God that raised him up from the dead and gave him glory that your faith and hope might be in God well you read it to yourselves but there was the sheaf it followed the mourning it followed the weeping both of poor Peter and his Lord but the work was completed they go forth weeping bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him and as we have to close without again another incomplete sermon think upon this if you are following him as a humble disciple then those sheaves shall be brought forth with rejoicing however weary you may feel to be however it seems so unlikely that you can bring forth that sheep where the seed is planted the end is assured and that's for the glory of his name and that's how we would have it

[47:44] Amen to have l