[0:00] The Lord may be pleased to help me, friends, or direct your attention to the prophet Isaiah, chapter 41, verse 10.
[0:10] Fear thou not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God.
[0:27] I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
[0:40] The 10th verse, the 41st of Isaiah. Fear thou not, for I am with thee. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God.
[0:53] I will strengthen thee, yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
[1:03] An old text, friends, is one that I have spoken from many times, but is still the word of God.
[1:15] The word of the Lord endureth forever. And the power, that is the application of it, belongs to the eternal spirit.
[1:28] The word, then, can never become an old word, can never be worn out. As the Lord is pleased to use it, so it will uphold, support, sustain, deliver his people.
[1:46] Here is the great matter, friends. Who does it apply to? It belongs to a people loved of God, precious, in Christ, throughout time and eternity.
[2:07] It belongs to a people loved with an everlasting love. It belongs to a people who are sinners in their flesh, in their time state, and oft times fear.
[2:23] Fear they've lost the way. Fear they're out of the way. Fear they have no God. Fear they have no God.
[3:02] Fear they have no life. Fear they have no same word. So this evening, the word, does it speak to you? Does it need to ask ourselves, from time to time, are we right, before God?
[3:18] Not before men. That matters not. It is, before our holy God. it is essential from time to time to ask ourselves the question do I love the Lord or no am I his or am I not friends, time is fast hastening away eternity is before us each shall we be right when the call comes my friends the Lord does not give account of his matters he will not tell us time to depart he calls we leave time eternity it will be as the tree falls so will it lie in words that we naturally can understand my friends if we die in our sins we shall go to hell and there it will be eternity if we die having a knowledge of the mercy of God in the finished work of his own dear son in our hearts when the call comes it will be eternal joy immediately what I need then to be right friends to know and I stand for assurance oh how many many today are satisfied with a little hope it must be even as Job spoke
[5:17] I know that my redeemer liver it must be to be able to say with the psalmist this God is my God for ever and ever he will be my guide even unto death the child of God has an entitlement friends I know we don't hear these things often men even standing in pulpits seem afraid to set forth the realities of free and sovereign grace and that foundation which is immovable a precious Christ the eternal rock of ages if you my friends and myself are founded on that rock set there by the eternal spirit according to the eternal purpose of a triune Jehovah before we were born then we have an assurance and we have an entitlement before the living God sinners that we are in our flesh we have an entitlement in that precious man the God man who lived and died and rose again for us who have given us that new man which is united to himself indissolubly indissolubly united in the ties of everlasting love and precious atone blood who is the character it must be you it must be me the dreadful consequences friends if you and I come to the end of the journey and find we've lost the way we've been misled we're living on a myth we've come short the children of God can never come short the children of God in the hour and article of death shall find a precious Christ waiting to carry them over that dark river safely into glory who is the character a sinner saved by grace and what are the evidences that whoever seek to trace the way for friends there is a beginning and there is a continuation and these are evidences for what God does is perfect what he begins he finishes calls his dear people out of nature's darkness by the power of his eternal spirit he quickens a sinner into life and he brings him into an intimacy with his own wicked heart which he had no knowledge of before for the children of God are not born with manifested grace in their hearts they have no understanding of the dreadful state they're in born in sin shaped in iniquity they know nothing by nature of the abomination sin is in the sight of our holy God the Lord brings his dear people into this understanding not hearsay not theory but he points to them by his eternal spirit power thou art the man gives them knowledge makes them pray oh how many pray as the
[9:58] Pharisee prayed how many are brought up under religion how many have got religion in their flesh but the child of God my friends is brought into that place of real religion he walks under the power of God in the knowledge real religions more than notion something must be known and felt and so the Lord brings them into that place of reality God help me God be merciful to me Lord hear my cry I have no other helper but thee you be merciful sinner the Lord puts that cry in the hearts of his dear people so tis certain will be an answer he answers those petitions he brings them into the experience of that poor man of old that poor man of whom the Lord
[11:23] Jesus set forth the parable God be merciful to me a sinner poor publican but he brings his children into the reality of the words spoken about him this man went down to his house justified so it is with his dear people for he brings them into the pathway of living prayer it is the indicting of the spirit in his heart and the Lord hears those things that he has put in the sinless heart he answers them he blesses them come in here can you oh how quickly the enemy comes in how many times under these things that the enemy says ah you haven't got anything to tell you haven't got anything that you can really speak about you can't say the
[12:34] Lord has indeed blessed your soul the child of God so many many times is cast down under these subtle temptations the Lord is a sovereign he works according to the counsel of his own divine will he brings his dear people into a knowledge of peace he gives his people to know an acceptance if there be not as the enemy oft times accuses if there be not that fullness of satisfaction in that one doesn't hear the words thy sins are all forgiven thee there is knowledge my friends that it is the work of
[13:34] God because he keeps this poor sinner still pleading he keeps him still seeking he doesn't leave him with a self satisfaction he continues and he gets help by the way can you come in here I know my friends a sovereign God at times appears quickly he did so with Saul of Tarsus cut him down and he quickly lifted him up he blinded him he opened his eyes in three days but he is a sovereign if in your case there still is a seeking it is an evidence friends the work is the work of God let me tell you quickly once the
[14:42] Lord puts his hand to it he doesn't retract he doesn't turn away he doesn't cut off he'll finish the work he has begun Paul puts it very clearly having therefore begun a good work in you he will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ he found amongst his people a saved people loved of God hidden in Christ from all eternity where do you stand sinner I'll tell you if the Lord has begun a work in you you've got a case for him continually for you'll have an experience you won't live on dry doctrine you won't be satisfied with the testimony in the word the blood of Jesus
[15:42] Christ cleanseth us from all sin you'll want the experience of it you won't be satisfied with the doctrine of love yea I have loved thee with an everlasting love you'll want to feel it you won't be satisfied reading in the word my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus you'll want to feel it oh what a way it is it's an experience my friends that only the children of God do know it is this experience it's that which the Lord has set forth of his dear servant the psalmist but I am poor and needy yet the
[16:44] Lord thinketh upon me thou art my help and my deliverer and again and again will be make no tallying oh my God the world don't know anything of these things friends and the dead professors don't know this way the children of God if you've come in some measure in the experience we've tried to set forth a call by grace the quickening of the eternal spirit convincing of sin and leading to Jesus and his precious precious blood the pathway will be valleys very often rivers to cross high mountains that rise up and there's no way round them you've got to get over it somehow it is why our word is before you tonight fear thou not for
[17:51] I am with thee this God who's called thee out of nature's darkness who's foreordained thee to glory who separated thee in his eternal mind before time began separating a number whom no man can number from the mess of humanity as yet uncreated given to Christ redeemed in the eternal purposes of God before this people had form or substance saved before they were lost oh the wonders of salvation this character now in the time state separated by God to himself to narrow pathway there's a great enemy raises his ugly head
[18:57] Satan the world don't know him they sneer at him they don't believe it the dead professor he's got religion he's got strength in himself he despises often he feels a natural ability able to withstand the attacks of the enemy but the child of God is laid low again and again hence the word that is before you fear fear thou not for I am with thee who is it that speaks my friends the living God he who has heaven and earth at his command the almighty God he who is the eternal God glorious in three persons father son and spirit he who is able to do far more exceeding abundantly than we're able to ask or even think this
[20:13] God is your God's in earth he says fear thou not for I am with thee with his dear people wherever they are in every condition his eye is upon them he records in the word the eye of the Lord is upon the righteous and his ear is open unto their cry this people are a righteous people in the righteousness of Christ not self righteous the imputed righteousness of Jesus covers them from top to toe brings forth the experience of the poet's words and lest the shadow of a spot should on my soul be found he took the robe the saviour wrought and cast it all around fear thou not for
[21:24] I am with thee there may be a poor sinner here tonight who does fear ah tis wondrous mercy this word doesn't speak only of soul fears it belongs to temple things as well for the child of God moves about in the wicked world and there are many things that take place in his experience that need the living God to hold him up under trials of a variety of things circumstances go awry many many times he's found in places the ends of the earth feeling really someone here in this condition got a trial you can't manage here again the word of God it is good to be able to look into the word and find something that has a foundation an unchanging one if any man lack wisdom let him ask of
[22:46] God who giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not seek the Lord tell him the word that is before us tonight this God who delights to hear his people plead his faithfulness fear thou not for I am with thee the enemy may well be saying you've got no God we find it in the psalms so the psalmist in particular place in the 42nd psalm where the Lord enables him to encourage himself when he says why art thou cast down oh my soul why art thou disquieted in me but there's reason for it for he says oh my God my soul is cast down within me and he has reason for it for he says my tears my meat day and night while they continually say unto me where is thy
[24:01] God and this is the pathway often of a child of God the enemy on his back like a leech he can't shake him off can't get rid of him and there's the trial what shall I do how shall I continue fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God nothing comes by chance my friends the Lord knows the way you take oh what sweet word that is when it supplied the language Job used in the midst of his deep trials but he knoweth the way that I take when he hath tried me I shall come forth as gold so it will be with you poor sinner the
[25:08] Lord has indeed set within your heart his precious grace fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God he has left on record that word which was given to the children of Israel as they traversed the wilderness which was to be forty years be not dismayed for I am thy God but the child of God says Lord help me
[26:13] Lord help me I can't rest on the letter of truth appear for me Lord when the Lord speaks to his dear people in this way fear thou not it is because he will help them it is because he intends to help them it is because he knows that point of deliverance the time of it there will be deliverance there will be a way made what a mercy friends to have the God of Jacob as your helper there is a sweet little word again of encouragement happy is he who hath the God of Jacob for his help whose hope is in the Lord his God is that where you come from?
[27:14] sometimes perhaps tonight there is the need for this word fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee oh what mercy here friends child of God at the ends of the earth what shall I do?
[27:41] how shall I stand the trying day? yet again the pathway set forth so clearly in the word of God the psalmist in the 77th psalm we find him saying will the Lord cast off forever?
[28:02] will he be favorable no more? is his mercy clean gone forever? doth his promise fail forevermore? hath God forgotten to be gracious?
[28:13] hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies? is this your condition? the enemy attacking again and again you're in darkness without any light the enemy telling you the Lord has forgotten you you will come poor sinner I will strengthen thee how?
[28:43] as he did the psalmist he brought him ultimately to this place this is my infirmity but I will remember the years of the right hand of the most high I will remember the works of the Lord surely I will remember thy wonders of old can't you do that?
[29:05] the Lord having dealt with you in such mercy brought you out of nature's darkness taught you how to pray have there been no times in the past when he's blessed you in that he's made a way for you where there's been no way naturally where he's opened a door where every other door was shut that door was the door of his mercy he said fear not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God not of necessity the actual words but the realization of that inexperience isn't it your infirmity poor sinner?
[30:00] it is indeed the child of God has this infirmity when things go wrong he doesn't immediately fly to his guard he's like the poor woman in the gospel the woman with the issue of blood so frequently he runs heather and leather seeking deliverance in something other than his guard what mercy friends the Lord says I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yes God knows the end from the beginning but can we look at the reason for the trial one who may be here tonight with a burden the Lord oft times when he puts a burden on his dear people it's a real one it's something you feel a deep place can we find some reason for it for how often times the enemy comes in like a flood and says why this God who has a people he's a God of love he loves his dear people in his dear son he doesn't bring them into dark places trying places where they're in trouble but my friends this great adversary is a liar he ever will be your God chastens for sin and the child of God in his flesh is a sinner still hear Paul's words oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death you're only better than Paul the child of God still has the old man mercy is that in every believer two armies are seen the new man of grace but there's still the old man of sin the child of God is chastened by his God when he gets into places where he wouldn't be when he's in his right mind when he's helped when he feels the blessing of the Lord when his eyes are fixed on Jesus but there are times when the enemy comes in like a flood he knows your disposition he knows the tendencies to evil in your heart he tempts and you fall the child of God does fall none are righteous no not one and close it comes my friends the word of God declares if any man says he has no sin the truth is not in him he makes
[33:45] God a liar it is sin that brings the dear people of God into trying places frequently the Lord lays his hand upon them they find things go wrong circumstances change trials come and they can't manage make you pray sinner it is mercy wondrous mercy for he hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee though it be sin that brings you into a dark place the Lord will turn again and cause his face to shine bring you to his feet and he'll open up the language of the poet to you trials make the promise sweet trials bring new life to prayer trials less at his feet less low and keep us there but oh how sweet it is to hear his voice fear not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy
[35:19] God I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness for a sinner the precious Christ stems between he is the right hand of his righteousness the living Jesus but hear the account again friends it is the foundation of these blessed truths the eternal son of God laid aside his glory for a while he came into this low world born of a woman under the law made flesh and blood without sin to redeem you must be so came into this world to seek and to save those that were lost to redeem the people given to him in eternity past by
[36:33] God the Father people to be redeemed with an everlasting salvation and he entered into the sufferings of the damned in the holy body bearing the curse your sin and mine I hope laid upon his dear back walked through this lower world buffeted by men and devils he had essentially a need to commune with the God of his holy manhood God his Father in those terrible temptations forty days in the wilderness angels were sent down to succor him at the end of that period of time the agonies he suffered in his holy soul never to fall under the temptations the dreadful sufferings in
[37:54] Gethsemane's garden as he fought the powers of hell war that deep exercise before his father as he sweat as it were great drops of blood seeing a people loved with an everlasting love for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross despising the shame taken by wicked hands taken before a human judge condemned against that man's own opinion knowledge for he knew I find no fault in this man he must according to the eternal purposes of a triune
[38:57] Jehovah be taken to Calvary's tree it pleased the Lord to bruise him he must suffer those dreadful physical sufferings nailed to that cursed cross of Calvary he must enter into that dreadful suffering in his holy soul darkness that no human tongue will ever be able to set forth in the knowledge of it my God my God why hast thou forsaken me but he gave up the ghost he cried in ecstasy it is finished the work of salvation completed redemption for every chosen vessel of mercy you amongst this people have you any knowledge of this precious word before us fear thou not for
[40:14] I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God you walked it out sinner you been in those places where no man could help you you been in those places where there was no helping self you been in that place where you poured out your heart before your God found his word to be very true I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness this God my friends is the God of a people whom he has decreed shall one day enter into glory be around the throne telling of salvation praising the lamb that was slain the precious
[41:30] Christ will you be there the poet says there I shall see his face and never never sin and from the rivers of his grace drink endless pleasures in fear thou not for I am with thee oh isn't it a time that we're passing through now when this word is particular suitable the fears that are in the land today and in our heart surely at times what may take place the dangers of war and all that it means what infinite mercy and pray with him and plead for
[43:08] Jesus' sake Lord whatever be the way hold me up God this God is the living God he knows all those for whom he died not one shall be lost from whatever trials you and I may enter into this God is with us what does it matter what comes for the child of God does prove from time to time this Jesus does say in the midst of trouble peace be still even as he did to his disciples in the days of his flesh this is the same
[44:12] God who enabled the psalmist to leave on record be still and know that I am God and able to say it not just for the sake of saying it but to say it with the experience of knowledge for he opens that psalm with God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble that didn't spring out of nature's barren ground God was under the knowledge that this God was his God is this God your God friends for the time we say it again the time is fast approaching the youngest of us the oldest of us all men must die and after death the judgment but if you and
[45:30] I are found hidden in Christ in that great day of change it will be a glorious day it will be to be swallowed up in everlasting love forever fear thou not for I am with thee be not dismayed for I am thy God I will strengthen thee yea I will help thee yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness Lord have his blessing in name so I have to pray amen hour a moon have come that pray a seals a king god thing he who he a who
[46:43] I le I own what I