
Uffington - Part 125

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May 12, 1982


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[0:00] If the Lord may be pleased to help me, friends, I will direct your attention to Psalm 107, verse 6. Then they cried unto the Lord in their troubles, and he delivered them out of their distresses.

[0:24] The 107th Psalm, verse 6. Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.

[0:39] What a mercy it is, my friends, to be a praying soul, a crying soul, a needy soul, having a case for the living God.

[0:55] Is that you? You know whether it is or not. How pointed these things are, friends.

[1:07] For the Lord knows what is in our hearts. And the people of God know whether they are exercised or not.

[1:18] It is a mercy, then, if we can say from time to time, All my desire is before thee, and my groanings are not hid from thee.

[1:33] It is the work of God, friends. The flesh doesn't pray in truth. There are no desires for help from a holy God, finding its foundation in barren nature, ruin nature.

[1:54] Then, who is this character? Again, we must find a foundation, a living character, For there is a precious gospel to be declared, And it is for those who are found in Christ.

[2:16] Who is this character, then, a sinner? All have sinned, the word of God declares, And come short of the glory of God. Well, then, there must be something done.

[2:28] There must be, in this case, a work done, Giving this creature, a sinful creature, As all men are, A right before a holy God.

[2:46] This character is blessed, A time began, Blessed in the eternal purposes of God, A chosen vessel of mercy, Separated according to divine will and pleasure, The worlds were formed, A man was created, Separated from that mass of humanity, As yet unborn, But foreknown, Foreseen to be sinners, By infinite holiness, And God the Father, Separated a number, Whom no man can number, And in the covenant of grace, Worked out that glorious way of salvation, In that he gave this number unto his own dear son, In the full knowledge, That redemption should be found for them.

[3:44] Redemption, In practice, That is, That is, That is, A work, An actual work, Carried out, In the time state, A work, That would complete, The eternal purpose, In infinite holiness, In that triune, Jehovah, To be finished, Actually, In the time state, Putting, Putting, Putting, To it, A seal, A completed work, This work, My friends, Is a finished work, This work, The work of the Son of God, In leaving for a while, His glory, Coming into this lower world, In the body of flesh and blood, Without sin, To redeem, A number, Whom no man, Can number, The great matter is, The you and I among them,

[4:46] It is good, To be concerned, It is good, To be exercised about it, It is good at times, To ask the question, In trembling, In real fear, In heart, Before our holy God, Lord, Where shall I spend eternity?

[5:05] This character, Found in our text, Will spend eternity, Swallowed up in everlasting love, One with Christ, Forever, But we can't, Make haste, We must trace the way, This character, Is called by grace, Born in sin, Shapen in inequity, Called in the time state, By the eternal spirit, Quickened in heart, Had a revelation, A revelation, I say, My friends, That causes the heart, To accept, Sinnership, Personal sinnership, If you and I, Have been favored, In this great way, Have felt, The quickening, Power of God, We know,

[6:06] That, Before, That took place, It was vastly different, We know, I can say, If that has happened, As Job said, I've heard of thee, With a hearing of the ear, But now mine eye, Seeth thee, Before, The quickening, Power of God, Though, You and I, Were brought up, Under the sound, Of truth, We heard that sound, Only, With our outward ear, There was no reception, In our hearts, Our heads, Accepted, Judgmentally, This true sinner, Has the Lord, Made a change, In your life, Has he brought you, To that understanding, Without Christ,

[7:08] I must perish, Has he caused your heart, From time to time, To cry out, In real truth, God help me, God be merciful, To me, A sinner, Now this God, Works, In a way, That is so strange, To nature, The account, We read together, There the Lord, Showed, His almighty power, And, His great foreknowledge, And his eternal purposes, Too, Manifested, In that, Work of deliverance, Of his people, Out of Egypt, It's good to look at it, From time to time, A people, Found in Egyptian bondage, By chance, No, My friends,

[8:09] No more than you and I, Are found, In this dying world, By chance, The Lord, So fit, That a people, Should, Go into, Egyptian bondage, First of all, To go in, With joy, In that time of famine, When Jacob, Went, Into, Egypt, To seek food, He, And his family, Where Joseph, Was there, Set there, By this same God, Joseph, Who had been sold, Into Egypt, By his brethren, In a former day, No chance, All according, To divine purpose, And that people, Became a great nation, So much so, The Egyptians, Were afraid of them, And made them slaves, All according,

[9:10] To the eternal purposes, Of this God, What for? Glory, To his great, And holy name, But oh, How strange the way, And tis the way, All his children, Will walk, A strange way, To their finite, Understanding, And so, To look at, Egypt, And Israel, In Egypt, And Moses, The various characters, There, Just to look at them, Slightly, We see the work, Of God, In this strange way, And then look, At ourselves, That the Lord, Saw fit, That Moses, Should be saved, While, A great number, Of other male, Children, Were destroyed, Because, Because, They were fearful,

[10:11] The Egyptians, Were fearful, Of the Israelites, Becoming, Such a great nation, Moses, Moses, Moses, Moses, Moses, Moses, Was saved, According, To eternal purpose, Moses, Moses grew up, In Pharaoh's house, Educated, And came to know, The customs, Of Egypt, For a purpose, A later day, And then, How strange, He was permitted, To kill, An Egyptian, And had to flee, Because, Of that, Great danger, He was in, His life, Would soon, Be taken away, If he were taken in, By the authorities, But the Lord, Had made a way, For Moses, He had a purpose, For Moses, He must, Be away, For forty years, But the Lord, Knew where he was,

[11:13] And in our chapter, We find him, Calling him, From where he'd been living, Those many years, And the purpose, To go to Pharaoh, To bring his people, Out of Egypt, And oh, The state, Moses was in, Let's look again, For a moment, And the Lord, Said to Moses, I've surely seen, The affliction of my people, Which are in Egypt, And have heard their cry, By reason of their taskmasters, For I know their sorrows, They were in trouble, And the Lord said, Come now, Therefore, And I will send thee unto Pharaoh, That thou mayest bring forth, My people, The children of Israel, Out of Egypt, And the eternal decree, Settled before time was, But how Moses feared,

[12:15] Who am I, That I should go unto Pharaoh, And that I should bring forth, The children of Israel, Out of Egypt, And this God again, How strange the way, He says, Certainly I'll be with thee, What next?

[12:35] The Lord said, When he sent, Moses into Pharaoh, The Lord said, I am sure, That the king of Egypt, Will not let you go, No, Not by a mighty hand, What a strange way, To touch, Just for a moment, A little further, The way they walked, When Moses, Went into, Pharaoh, And that took place, Just what the Lord had said, He wouldn't let them go, Pharaoh commanded, That the people, Should work harder, Than they already, Were working, He took away, The straw, So that, They had to find, Take the stubble, To make bricks, And Pharaoh commanded, The same number of bricks,

[13:35] Should be turned out, The people rebelled, And they said, In effect, The Lord sent you in, To deliver us, And all that's happened, Is you've made it, Worse for us, What a strange pathway, My friends, You know the outcome, The Lord, According to his, Divine will, And eternal purpose, He brought the people, Out of Egypt, He laid upon, The Egyptians, Those plagues, And finally, He brought them out, With that, Last one, Whereby, The firstborn, Of the Egyptians, Every one of them, Were destroyed, The vengeance, Of the living God, Upon a people, Who had dealt, So hardly, With his people, And yet,

[14:36] When we look at it, With our poor, Natural minds, We consider this, The Lord, Saw fit, They should go into bondage, He saw fit, That this should take place, But he delivered them, Ultimately, This God, Your God, Friends, Do you know him?

[15:00] This God, Who works, Mightily, But not according to nature, So frequently, Seemingly, Contradictory, To the way, We would go, As he brought you, Out of bondage, Out of a dying world, Has he brought you, Out of that bondage, Of self, Wretched self, A wicked, Deceitful heart, If he has, You know what it is, To return, Don't you?

[15:39] Oh, How strange, The way is, Yet, It is recorded here, In this psalm, He led them forth, By the right way, That they might go, To a city of habitation, Friends, The pathway, Of a child of God, Is one thing, Set against another, It is a battle, To get to heaven, But, The battle is not yours, But God's, But it will be a battle, To the flesh, There will be again, And again, Wonder, How the scene, Will end, From time, To time, To a beat, How shall I stand, The trying day, Why should these things be, Why should, This God, Who has a people, Loved with an everlasting love, Bring them, Into such places, Strange places, It is, My friends,

[16:41] That they may, And will, From time, To time, Walk in the experience, Of our text, Then, They cried, Unto the Lord, In their trouble, This God, Has a people, And this people, He has decreed, Shall enter into glory, And He has also, Decreed, That they shall endure, To the end, In all the changing, Scenes of time, They shall, Continue, In the strength, Of the Lord, Their God, But will be, Often, Lord, Help me, Lord, Help me, You know this way, Sinner, The psalmist, Commences this psalm, With all, Give thanks unto the Lord, For His good, For His mercy, Endure forever, Oh, What a favoured people, Who have a strange pathway,

[17:44] Who find again, And again, Enemies rise up against them, If not outwardly, Within, Find the way, Oftentimes, So difficult, They don't know how, To lift one foot, Above another, They come to the place, Where the psalmist was, I'm ready to hold, They say in their hearts, I can't go on, The Lord, Puts underneath them, Those everlasting arms, He hath promised, This people, I will never leave thee, Nor forsake thee, Again, Tis a sweet word, Friends, He has recorded, I will bring the blind, By a way that they knew not, Lead them, In paths, They have not known, Make crooked things, Straight before them, Make darkness, Light before them, And crooked things, Straight, Then He says,

[18:45] As if that were not enough, These things, Will I do unto them, And not forsake them, To favour, Friends, To be found, In the hands, Of the living God, In Christ Jesus, For this character, As the psalmist, Sets forth, That the Lord is good, He says, Let the redeemed, Of the Lord say so, Whom he hath redeemed, From the hand of the enemy, This character, Is washed, In precious, Precious blood, This character, Has been, Redeemed, In and through, That glorious work, That the Lord, Jesus Christ, He who is, The eternal Son of God, Co-equal with the Father, And the Spirit,

[19:46] Came into this, Lower world, To complete, And that work, Of redemption, In which he must, In a body of flesh, And blood, Be buffeted, By man, And devil, Must enter, Into the experience, That his dear people, Would be found in, Right down to the end of time, Need for places, Need for, Where, Where, They must, Call upon the living God, To sustain, To uphold, Lord Jesus, In the body of flesh, And blood, Though, He was very God, Yet, Very man, He must, Lean upon, The living God, To sustain him, In that journey, Through this world, He must enter, Into those places,

[20:46] Of deep temptation, To be, The one, In time, Until the end of time, To stand before, A holy God, And plead their case, As they, From time to time, Fall under temptation, In that he knows, The way, Having, Been tempted, Himself, But never to fall, He must need, Going to those, Great depths, Far deeper than any of us, Shall ever know, But having, That experience, To be able to, Succor, Sustain, And, Deliver, In the time state, He must be taken, By wicked hands, Nailed to that, Cursed tree, At Calvary, He must enter,

[21:48] Into condemnation, He must endure, The sufferings, Of the damned, In hell, Deep things, These are friends, Do we ever consider them, He must, Hang on that, Dreadful cross, Of Calvary, While men, Stood about him, Sneared at him, Mocked him, Rejoiced, In his sufferings, He must enter, Into that dreadful darkness, In soul, As God the Father, Would not look upon sin, That sin, The sin, The sin of his whole church, Laid upon his dear back, My God, My God, Why hast thou, Forsaken me, A suffering Jesus,

[22:50] Do you ever, Consider it, This precious man, Gave up the ghost, His life, Was not taken, From him, He satisfied, All the demands, Of infinite justice, He cried out, In ecstasy, It is finished, Redemption, Complete, For you amongst, This people, Friends, This people, Whom tis recorded, Of him, For the joy, That was set, Before him, He endured, The cross, Despising, The shame, And is now, Set down, At the right hand, The throne, Of God, It is, Because, Of this, Precious man, That you, Poor sinner, Can cry,

[23:51] Unto the Lord, In your trouble, You have some, He was a man, Of sorrows, And acquainted, With grief, His children, Every one of them, In their measure, Will enter, Into the same pathway, Sorrows, But, Deserved sorrows, You and me, Sinners, We are, Still, In the flesh, Is that right, With you, Paul cried out, Oh, Wretched man, That I am, Who shall deliver me, From the body, Of this death, But, Oh, How he was favoured, I thank God, Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, And this is, What you and I, Must take hold,

[24:52] Our friends, For it will be, In our pathway, Trials, Sorrows, Difficulties, Fears, Sins, But, Oh, The mercy, If, From time to time, We are able to say, We thank God, For Jesus lives, That precious man, Our Jesus, Who has done, All things well, A pathway then, My friends, Will be, A pathway, More or less, Of prayer, Then they cried, Unto the Lord, In their trouble, Why was it?

[25:41] Hungry and thirsty, Their soul, Fainted in them, And the child of God, Will find, Many, Many times, In his journey, Through this life, Hunger, Thirst, What sort?

[26:00] Spiritual, For the Lord hath said, Man shall not live, On bread alone, But by every word, That proceedeth out, Of the mouth of God, Shall man live, My friends, If the Lord hath brought, You and me, Within that blessed company, Whom he loves, With an everlasting love, You won't be able, To live on time, Things, There won't be, A satisfaction, To your soul, On the things, Of this dying world, Again, And again, Twill be, An exercise, In heart, Oh, That the Lord, Would bless me, Oh, That the Lord, Would uphold me, In these dark places, And they cried, Unto the Lord, In their trouble,

[27:01] Do you walk this way, Simmer? Ever? Oh, What a need there is, To be right, My friends, The times are dark, We don't want to touch, Upon the present, And yet, We must, Just mention it, The dreadful things, That are about us, In this solemn day, The evil's on every hand, And one that stands out, To me so often, Is that in this, Our beloved land, In these recent years, Our women folk, Have not been able, To go out freely, In the darkness, Because of the dreadful things, That take place, Continually, Not just, Odd times, Occasional times, But there are districts,

[28:03] In our land, Where, Our women folk, Dare not go out, Solemn day, It is, That is, But one faction, Of the great evils, That are with us, The Lord knows, And how we have forsaken, Our God, Who has done great things, For us as a nation, Who hath sustained us, Who hath given to us, Freedom, Freedom, Which have been denied, And are denied still, To many nations, We have freedom, In our religion, We have forsaken, Our God, Now, So close, Is that great danger, How soon, If it is, The Lord's will,

[29:03] We should be in the midst, Of war game, What need there is, To be right, Friends, For without a doubt, This God, Has an appointed time, He will deal, With sin, When his hand, Is laid, Upon a nation, Or upon men, How shall they stand, How shall they stand, Unless there be, A mediator, You and I need to be right, Friends, We need to know, This precious man, Whose name, Is Jesus, We need to know, This pathway, Recorded, In our text, Then they, Pride unto the Lord, In their trouble,

[30:06] And he delivered them, Out of their distresses, Oh, What a favor, We have, In that, He waits, To be gracious, He sits, On a mercy seat, And he's able, With authority, And almighty power, To, Give a blessing, To answer, Our poor cries, There's nothing, Too hard for him, He's never too late, He's ever able, He's all sufficient, You've got a case, For him tonight, This God, Loves with an everlasting love, This God, Who lays, This God, Who lays, Upon his people, Trials, Distresses, Darknesses, Felt deaths, Not because,

[31:07] He delights, In grieving, The children of men, But because, He loves them, With an everlasting love, And because, He will keep, Their souls alive, You and I, Will experience this, If we belong, To this people, Friends, And it is good, From time to time, To seek, As to why, Our trials come, To ask ourselves, The question, Why the difficulties, Why the darkness, Is, Or as we are enabled, To look, And to find, At times, The reason, That reason, Because of our own folly, But then, To be brought, Into the experience, Of the text, To cry unto the Lord, Have mercy Lord, Do turn again,

[32:10] Lord, Help me to plead, That precious blood, Of Jesus, Help me to believe, Lord, That thou art unchangeable, That thy word, As it declares, The blood of Jesus Christ, Cleanseth from all sin, That the application of that, May be made in my soul, Friends, It is infinite mercy, To have trials, That find, Their answer, In the merciful God, You and I, While we pass through, This dying world, Will prove, That in and of ourselves, We can do nothing, But sin, Men don't like to hear that, Do they?

[33:06] Do you? We have to be brought, To an acknowledgement of it, And that, Is the work of God, The enemy knows it, That great adversary, Satan, Who knows, The build up, Of every child of God, Knows his disposition, His tendencies, To evil, The wickedness, Of his heart, He knows, There is a depth, There, That cannot be tapped, By human understanding, The Lord says, Who can know it?

[33:46] Satan takes advantage, Of it again, And again, The weakness, Of the creature, Cannot stand, Against, The might of Satan, And at times, The child of God, Does fall, To you, Oh, What mercy, The Lord says, Call unto me, In the day of trouble, I will deliver thee, And thou shalt glorify me, Yet, This God, Knows his dear people, Cannot stand, In their own strength, His eyes upon them, All the favour again, Of an unchanging word, In this precious book, The eye of the Lord, Is upon the righteous, His ear is open, Unto the cry,

[34:46] And no matter, How many times, The enemy, Endeavours to destroy, Your hope, And tells you, You're not righteous, He never will be able, To overthrow, The righteousness, Of a child of God, Is imputed righteousness, It is that, That the Lord, Worked out, In the time state, That glorious robe, That he covers, That he covers, That he covers his people, With, From top to toe, The robe, Of righteousness, Then they cried, Unto the Lord, In their trouble, And he delivered them, Out of their distresses, Have you got a case then, For this God, Tonight, Or have you got one, With you continually, Something, That causes exercise,

[35:48] Again, And again, That makes, Your poor heart, Cry out, At times, Ever lost the way, Has it all been a myth, Oh friends, What mercy, There is, In that, What the Lord, Hath begun, He will finish, Paul said, Having, Therefore, Begun a good work, In you, He will perfect it, Until the day, Of Jesus Christ, What mercy then, If you and I, Can look back, And find a place, It doesn't matter, About time, Friends, You don't have to, Pinpoint it, And say it was in, Such and such a month, And such and such a year, But to be able to say, The Lord, Did make a difference, Or if you can look back, And find,

[36:49] The Lord then, That caused your heart, To seek Him, Caused it at times, To grieve, Over your wretched condition, It will be well, But there will be a continuation, Of our text, In your experience, There will be a need, To commit your way, Again and again, Unto Him, And to cry out, Lord, I am oppressed, Undertake for me, Why should it be like this?

[37:26] Oh, How the enemy, Many, Many times, Upsets a child of God, In this way, He says, If the Lord was your God, You wouldn't be, Under these trials, These distresses, These fears, Sometimes, He takes one, Experimentally, In the pathway, Of the psalmist, Looking out into the world, Envious of the foolish, Seeing those, As the psalmist did, Seeing the wicked, He says, Their eyes stand out, With fatness, They have more than, Heart could wish, What a strange pathway, But the worldling, Has no God, My friends, To go to, And when troubles, Assail him, He has to find, His own way, By his own wits,

[38:27] By guile, How many, Many times, He finds himself, In such a depth, Of trouble, It finishes up, In black despair, The child of God, Comes from time, To time, In such places, That he can't, Manage himself, But he cries, Unto the Lord, In his trouble, And there ever, Will be, Deliverance, For Jesus' sake, For here again, His unchanging word, I am the Lord, I change not, Therefore ye sons, Of Jacob, Are not consumed, He will help your sinner, You who know, What it is, To have a case, May be, One that recurs, Again, And again,

[39:28] And brings you, At times, Into the place, Will there never, Be a deliverance, Has not the Lord, Sustained you, Until now, Though it be, A continuing trial, Have you had, To battle alone, Has not the Lord, Enabled you, To walk in this way, To call upon him, In your day of trouble, Has he not helped you, In the past, So, But there have been times, When you said, He that has helped me, Hitherto, Will help me, All my journey through, My friends, We are such, Unbelievers, In our hearts, We make profession, We love the Lord, We make profession, That he is our God,

[40:30] When trouble assails, How quickly, We look to something, Other than him, How soon, We come to conclusions, That have no bottom, To it, How many, Many times, We listen, To the adversary, And accept, His subtle, Temptations, As truth, Infinite mercy, Friends, That this is, On record, That the children, Of Israel, As they were, In the wilderness, Journey, Brought out, Of Egyptian, Bondage, By the almighty, God, And set, Towards that, Which was the, Eternal purpose, Of this God, Canyon, Though it must be, Forty years, In the wilderness, There was to be, Sustaining mercy, There was to be, The mercy seat, Where they could,

[41:32] Cry unto their God, And he would, Deliver them, Again, And again, Until, That the, Final deliverance, They did, Reach Canyon, Though the, Canyonites, Were still in the land, For twas, A natural canyon, For this character, Spiritually, In a wilderness, World, In a wilderness, They must, Traverse, According, To the eternal, Purpose of God, The length, Of time, Is in his hands, But there'll be, Sustaining mercy, Right down, To the end, Of the journey, And the same, Place, The mercy seat, Is there, For everyone, And there, On that mercy seat, Sits, A living Jesus, Now, And he waits, To be gracious,

[42:33] Whatever your case is, Then, The record here, Is a living record, For you, To walk in, The experience of, Then they cried, Unto the Lord, In their trouble, And he delivered them, Out of their distresses, My friends, If the trouble, With you, And with me, For I'd preach, To myself as well, If it be, That exercise, From time to time, Am I right, After all, And oh, What an exercise, That is sometimes, As we look about us, And as we see, Others, Moving about, In various, Places, And often, Making a great, Profession of religion, And they seem, To be, Far happier, Than we are, Often times,

[43:35] They seem, To have no troubles, At all, We ask ourselves, What difference, Is there, Is it a real, Difference, Are they walking, In their own strength, Are they, Are they journeying, Along in a religion, That has its, Foundation, In their flesh, Or is it me, Oh, These solemn exercises, Friends, But infinite mercy, If you and I, In the midst, Of these things, Are able to cry, Unto the Lord, In our soul, Trouble, That will ultimately, Be their deliverance, Out of all, Our distresses, It will be, To enter into that, Heavenly canyon, Where Jesus, Reigns, Supreme, There are no,

[44:37] Canaanites, In that land, Friend, There will be, No more sorrow, Sin, Or death, No more pain, Infinite, Holiness, It will be so, With you, For that, Will be, To be, Soon, In the appointed time, In a body, Like unto his, Glorious body, United, With a precious, Christ, Forever, Here, In the time, In the time, State, The pathway, Will be, Continually, Friends, Lord, Help me, Why should it be so, Because, He'll have, The glory, And the honor, And the praise, Of your salvation, He'll have, The crown, Put on the head, Of a precious, Jesus, He'll have,

[45:37] Your heart, Again, And again, Set forth, As he delivers you, In the time, State, Lovely, Jesus, Precious, Jesus, My, Jesus, My, King, My, Lord, My, God, My, Friends, The Lord, Will have your heart, At times, Set him up, On high, As the only one, The only one, In your life, For time, And for eternity, He'll bring you, Inexperienced friends, With the psalmist, Where he said, Whom have I in heaven, But thee, And there is none, Upon earth, I desire, Beside thee, The flesh can't walk, This way, It'll be a living evidence,

[46:38] That the work, Is the work of God, And what else, Do we desire, For if it be God's work, It will endure, And we shall, Get to heaven, At last, There to see his face, Never, Never sin, And from the rivers, Of his grace, Drink endless pleasures in, Leave it here, Friends, The Lord, And his blessing, In the name, So I will pray, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen,

[47:40] Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen,