no further details except box said April
[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to grant his help, I would enter to direct you to a word in the prophecy of Isaiah chapter 40 and the last verse.
[0:16] But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint.
[0:33] The 31st verse of the 40th chapter, the prophecy of Isaiah. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
[0:47] They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint. How wonderfully certain are the exceeding great and precious promises which God has spoken in his word.
[1:11] And how it does become, I believe, the desire of God's people oftentimes to know what it is to be brought into a gracious experience of what the promises do contain and set forth.
[1:35] We cannot just read these promises of God in a haphazard way. But we do need, and you may feel to need this, for the word of God to be made good to you.
[1:52] And that the promise of the promise of the Lord, you might realise an interest in what the promise contains. And to realise some gracious experience of the fulfilment of what God has said he will do for his people.
[2:11] And in this word before us, as in the promise, which God has spoken in his word, you will find that it is spoken to a particular case.
[2:28] And here, it is a word to those that wait upon the Lord. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
[2:43] And it will be profitable for us, to consider this, to whom the word is spoken. And it will be profitable for us, if the Lord is pleased to, in aid of so to do, to humbly consider, he who has spoken the word, the Lord.
[3:08] And in this chapter, and as we read it together just now, you will realise that, how we have a setting forth of the omnipotence of God in this word, in this chapter.
[3:26] He who is the great God over all. As the psalmist addresses the Lord in his day, God most high. And surely in this chapter we have the most high God set before us.
[3:47] And how that so great is he that, there's a word here that says, It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth and the inhabitants thereof.
[4:04] The complete population of the earth are as grasshoppers. And the heavens above us, as though they are stretched out like a curtain, and spread out as a tent of dwelling.
[4:18] And the word of God brings us here to consider the wondrous works of God, his creative works, which do set forth his omnipotence, his greatness.
[4:31] But then further, his wondrous power in his grace and mercy on behalf of his dear people.
[4:47] And what he is pleased to perform with regard to them. The work of his grace in their hearts.
[4:59] And both collectively, as it is set forth here concerning Zion, and individually it comes down to the individual life and experiences of everyone who should be made manifest as belonging to this Zion.
[5:22] So that we have this. O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain. O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength.
[5:38] Lift it up, be not afraid. Say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God. And what a word to Zion, Behold your God.
[5:55] And that Zion of times brought so down. And there are portions of the prophecies of Isaiah which are relative to the time when Zion was in deep captivity.
[6:14] And with regard to the cities of Judah, literally, all they were made waste. And while those who wept when they remembered Zion in captivity would think upon the cities which had been desolated.
[6:32] The word of God is here. Say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God. Or they were directed to behold God.
[6:47] Yes. And to behold him in his almighty power. And in his wisdom. And he who makes no mistake. And God in his faithfulness.
[7:02] To his people. For the word says, Behold the Lord God will come with strong hands.
[7:13] This almighty God who created the heavens and the earth by the word of his mouth.
[7:25] Will come with strong hands. And his arms shall rule for him. Behold his reward is with him. And his work before him. And this work is the work of salvation.
[7:42] In that the Lord will save Zion. And he will save his people with that everlasting salvation. And Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation.
[7:55] And how the almighty power of God is revealed in that. And then with respect to the particular needs of his dear people.
[8:09] Both to feed them. To gather them. To carry them. To gently lead. And all this brings us to consider.
[8:19] The almighty power. And wisdom. And grace. And faithfulness. Of God. To his people. In their particular needs.
[8:32] But then. Coming towards the word which I have read. There's a question here. Why sayest thou O Jacob.
[8:43] And speakest thou Israel. My way is hid from the Lord. And my judgment is passed over from my God. Why sayest thou this O Jacob.
[8:57] It's very evident here that. It was the. Complaint. Of. God's people in this day.
[9:09] That they felt their way. Was hid from the Lord. And. The word is here. Why sayest thou O Jacob. What ground is there.
[9:22] To. Thus complain. Why sayest thou. O Jacob. And speakest thou Israel. My way is hid from the Lord.
[9:34] To view it in one way. This which was said. This complaint. Which was voiced.
[9:45] By Israel. My way. Is hid from the Lord. What was impossible. It could.
[9:55] It could. It could not be hid from the Lord. And yet it. Depicts. A case of those. Who are brought into a lone place. And.
[10:06] Know what it is to feel. As we did mention this morning. Know what it is to have to. Tread sometimes. A dark some path. But. And because.
[10:17] The one who. Treads that path. Cannot see the way. When he's brought to a conclusion. That. That way is hid from the Lord. But you see the very.
[10:29] Question here. Goes to. Show that. This. Complaint was. Ill grounded. Why sayest thou O Jacob. And yet. He said it.
[10:42] And speakest thou Israel. And yet. Is there any. Is there any. Is there any. In this way. And yet. There was. Really. And truly. No foundation. For this. My way.
[10:53] Is hid from the Lord. And yet. It is expressing. As I have said. Of that which. The poor sinner.
[11:04] Felt. In his darkness. And. Felt despondency too. My way. Is hid from the Lord. And then.
[11:16] There are these. Other. Questions. Concerning. The everlasting. God. The Lord. Hast thou not known.
[11:27] Thou who speakest thus. Hast thou not heard. Thou that sayest. My way is hid from the Lord.
[11:40] Hast thou not known. Hast thou not heard. That the everlasting God. The Lord. The creator. Of the ends of the earth.
[11:51] Fainteth not. Neither is weary. There is no searching. Of his understanding. Hast thou not known this.
[12:04] You see. The word is to direct us. To the everlasting. God. The Lord. The creator. Of the ends of the earth. Yes.
[12:16] And that. He can. Never know. Weariness. Or faintness. And. His. Understanding. None can search it out.
[12:28] He is God only wise. There is no searching. Of his understanding. And while. The poor pilgrim.
[12:41] In his. His. Despondency. And darkness. May be left. To conclude. That his way. Is hid from the door.
[12:52] This cannot be. Seeing. That his understanding. Of every. Minute detail. Of the pathway. Is altogether.
[13:04] Beyond. The poor. Finite mind. To comprehend. It cannot be. Searched out. Or there is. There is no. Ground. For this complaint.
[13:16] Why sayest thou. Jacob. And speakest. Of Israel. My way. Is hid from the Lord. And then. Following this. We have. These. Wonderful.
[13:27] Words. Of. Promise. He giveth. Power. To the faint. And to them. That have no. Mighty. Increases strength. And this.
[13:39] Verse. Which I have read. But they. That wait. Upon the Lord. Shall renew. Their strength. They shall. Mount up. With wings. As eagles. They shall.
[13:49] Run. And not be weary. And they shall. Walk. And not faint. But now. We will. Do well. It may be. To come. To the. Character.
[14:00] Defined here. To whom. The promises. The promises. Spoken. But. They that. Wait. Upon. The Lord. There is.
[14:12] Much in the. Scriptures. Which describes. God's dear people. Like this. As those that.
[14:23] Wait. Upon the Lord. And remember. The psalmist. At times. Was exercised. In this way. When he said. My soul.
[14:34] Wait thou only. Upon God. For my expectation. Is from him. And now. The Lord. Brings his dear people.
[14:45] Into that. Experience. And that exercise. Of waiting. Upon him. And it might be well. To trace a few things.
[14:57] Out. Which. Bring. The sinner. So to do. It is of course. From first to last. Which is the work.
[15:08] Of the spirit of God. In the heart. We have. Here. One of the. Fruits. Of the work of grace. In the poor sinner's heart. That he is brought to.
[15:19] Wait upon the Lord. But what. We might do well. To trace out a few things. Which. Lead up to this. Because.
[15:32] The other God. Is he not waiting on the Lord. Nor. Does it describe. The case. Of. The self satisfied.
[15:43] The self sufficient. One who may think. He is a great one. In religion. It does not. Describe that case. No.
[15:55] And such. Will not be found. Inside this world. Here. Waiting upon the Lord. Because. They feel. To me. Nothing.
[16:05] They are. Sufficient. And sound. But here. Is a. A needy sinner. A needy sinner. And how comes one.
[16:17] To be. A needy sinner. Sinner. It is. As the Holy Spirit. Brings home the need. Makes one to feel it. And. Convinces the sinner.
[16:29] Of his sin. And brings him into. This. Experience. Of being. Needy. Yes. Helpless. And undone. In himself.
[16:40] Having no strength. In himself. But. Just weakness. And helplessness. And unworthiness. And guiltiness.
[16:51] These things. Belong to him. This is his case. But. As these things. Are brought home. And revealed. So.
[17:03] The Lord. In this way. Brings the sinner. To look to him. And in looking to the Lord. There will be a waiting. Upon him. And. Let us trace.
[17:13] Here. The. Exercise. Of. That. God given. A living faith. Which God. Implugs. In the heart. Of the poor sinner.
[17:27] For. It is by faith. A sinner. Is. Talked to. Wait. Upon the Lord. And this waiting. Depicts.
[17:38] A. A trusting. In the Lord. Yes. Trusting in him. And waiting. Upon him. Let us.
[17:49] Make these things together. Trusting in him. And waiting. Upon him. Do we know what it is. To be brought there.
[18:03] To look to him. To lean upon him. To feel our dependence. Upon him. To be. This is where. These waiting souls. Are brought. And.
[18:15] It is. In this way. Sometimes. That the Lord. Brings home. The. Futility. Of waiting.
[18:26] Upon anything else. Or looking to anything else. Or. Any. One else. But. The Lord himself. Because there.
[18:39] May often be. Some lurking. Principle. Of spirit. Within. Whereby. One may. At times. Lean upon. This crop.
[18:50] And that crop. Yes. And yet. They are false. Props. Yes. They are. Such things.
[19:01] As will prove. Altogether. In vain. But. It means. Sometimes. These things. Have to be removed. And the Lord.
[19:12] Deals. With his people. In that way. To bring them. To wait. Upon him. And. This is a good place. To be brought to. But.
[19:22] They that. Wait. Upon the Lord. It describes. A sinner. Being brought. To the mercy seat. Yes.
[19:32] Describes. The case. Of one. Who is brought. To the feet. Of Jesus. But they that. Wait. Upon the Lord. I believe.
[19:43] Dear Mary. Is the Lord. Jesus Christ. Visited. That home. In Bethany. She knew. Was waiting. Upon the Lord. Yes. And she. We find her.
[19:54] At the feet. Of Jesus. Jesus. And there. We have the. Attitude of one. Who is brought to. Wait. Upon the Lord. It means.
[20:06] You see. To draw near to him. It means. To. To supplicate. His. Mercy. It means.
[20:18] To look to him. It means. To depend upon him. It means. Something else. And I mustn't. Leave this out. It means. To believe. In him.
[20:29] But they. That wait. Upon the Lord. It may. It seems. Simple. To state that. To believe. In him. But. It is. By faith. That a soul.
[20:40] Is. Thought to believe. In the Lord. And to believe. In the Lord. Jesus Christ. It is not. A. A novel. Faith. But this is.
[20:51] A faith. This is God's gift. Whereby. The sinner. Is brought to. Believe in. And therefore. To trust in. And to wait upon.
[21:02] The Lord. But they that. Wait. Upon. The Lord. And. This waiting.
[21:13] But they that. Wait upon the Lord. This is. This word. Wait. And. This gives exercise. Not only. To faith. But. But patience. But they that.
[21:24] Wait upon the Lord. You will find. In a. Another. Part of this. Prophecy. How the Lord. Speaks. About this.
[21:34] Waiting. And he says this. There shall not be ashamed. That wait for me. And. This also. That he.
[21:45] He waits. To be gracious. Which means. I believe. That the Lord. Wates his time. That set time. When he will. Favouring.
[21:56] Zion. He waits. To be gracious. He waits his own time. Which is. The right time. And. It leads our thoughts.
[22:07] In this way. You see. As the Lord. Waits. To be gracious. He brings his people. To wait upon him. And to wait for him.
[22:17] For that time. When he will. Be gracious. And reveal himself. And grant. The poor sinner. His heart's desire.
[22:29] But meanwhile. To wait. Yes. To wait upon the Lord. Which means then. To wait for the Lord.
[22:39] Did not the psalmist say. My soul doth. Wait for the Lord. And in his word. Do I hope. Waiting for the Lord.
[22:54] And our text. Describes. The secret. Of prayer. That they that. Wait. Upon the Lord.
[23:05] Lord. Why. There is no waiting. Upon the Lord. In our prayers. What are they? They are not prayers. But.
[23:16] He who truly prays. Is brought to. Wait upon the Lord. Yes. And this means. Then to seek him. And I would remind you.
[23:28] A word. Elsewhere. In this. Prophecy. Also. Where. The Lord. Says this. I said not. To the seed of Jacob.
[23:38] Seek Jamie. In mine. All this. Waiting. Upon the Lord. Means. To pray to him. Yes. To look to him.
[23:50] For there to be those. Heartful. Desires. To ward him. That wait. Upon the Lord. Very descriptive too.
[24:01] This is. Of. True worship. But they that wait. Upon the Lord. Maybe some of you. Have known what it is.
[24:12] At times. To come up to God's house. Desiring to be found. Like this. Waiting upon the Lord. Yes. And.
[24:23] There is in this. A hoping in him. Yes. And the word of God. Does speak about. An expectation too. And to wait.
[24:34] Upon the Lord. For this. Yes. You. Realize. That it. Pleased. The Lord. In his condescending. Mercies. To visit. And. Bless his people.
[24:46] As they gather. For worship. At his feet. And you desire. To be found. Amongst them. And. That is real. Worship. To wait.
[24:57] Upon the Lord. Oh. By that. Every. Object. As we meet. Together. In his earthly. Course. As we desire.
[25:08] To worship him. To be found. Waiting. Upon him. And. This. You see. Would bring. The soul. To look beyond. Any means.
[25:19] Or man. But. To look. To the Lord. But. They that. Wait. Upon. The. The Lord. Or have we.
[25:31] Any. Evidences. Then. Of being. Brought. Into this. Experience. And exercise. They that. Wait. Upon.
[25:42] The Lord. It may. You can look back. To some. Places. And some. Experiences. Where. You've had to. Wait. Much. Yes. There may be.
[25:53] Times. When you felt. Weak. And helpless. And poor. And needy. And maybe. Felt lonely. You have to. Wait then. Upon the Lord.
[26:04] And with your. Needy case. You have to. Wait. Upon the Lord. And a mercy. To be brought. There.
[26:16] A mercy. To be brought. There. Not always. Will it be. A. Happy. Experience.
[26:27] Because. There is much. Longing. Here. And much. Looking. And sometimes. It is. As it is. Described. In one place. In the scriptures.
[26:39] My soul. Wait. For the Lord. More than. They. That watch. For the morning. I say. More than. They. That watch. For the morning. But my soul. Wait.
[26:50] For the Lord. But they. That wait. Upon the Lord. So then. Here. Is.
[27:01] The description. Of the people. To whom. This word. Is particularly. Spout. That. That. That. That. That. That.
[27:11] That. That. That. That. That. Wait. Upon. The Lord. And now. We have. The. Promise. Here. Shall. Renew. Their. Strength.
[27:22] They. Shall. Now. Tap. With. Wings. As. Eagles. They. Shall. None. And. Not. Be. Weary. And. They. Shall. Walk. And. Not. Fight. The Lord.
[27:33] Alone. Can. Speak. Like. This. Oh. Do. Notice. The. Wondrous. Certainty. Of. This. Promise. As. As. It. Is. With. All. The. Promises. Foken. By.
[27:43] God. Himself. And. None. Other. Can. Speak. Like. This. Man. May. Design. To. Do. Much.
[27:55] He. Might. Promise. To. Do. Much. But. Then. There. Are. So. Many. Things. That. In. Between. And. May. Upset. Things. So. That. He. Cannot.
[28:05] Perform. That. Which. He. Has. Promised. To. Do. But. Where. The. Lord. Speaks. Here. Is. Almighty. Power. Here.
[28:15] Is. God. Who. Is. Supreme. High. Over. All. He. Who. Has. Spoken. And. It. Was. Done. He. Who. Commanded. It. And. It. Stood.
[28:26] Fast. Here. Are. These. Shalls. From. The. Lord. Jehovah. Himself. Concerning.
[28:38] His. People. And. What. He. Will. Be. To. Them. And. Do. For. Them. But. They. That. Wait. Upon. The. Lord. Shall. Renew.
[28:49] Their. Strength. I. Feel. This. Is. A. A. Good. Word. To. Notice. Shall. Renew. Their. Strength. This.
[29:00] Points. To. The. Fact. That. These. Waiting. Ones. Know. What. It. Is. To. Feel. To. Be. We. In. Fate. We. Have. The. Fate. Referred. To. Two.
[29:11] Verses. Before. This. He. Giveth. Power. To. The. Fate. And. To. Them. That. They. That. Wait. Upon. The. Lord. As.
[29:22] They. Wait. Upon. Him. As. A. Poor. Faith. Hearted. One. And. One. That. Has. No. Might. In. Himself. Yet. He. Has. Been. Given.
[29:33] The. Power. To. Pray. He. Has. The. Power. To. Pray. And. This. Is. Gracious. Enabling. From. The. Lord. God.
[29:43] By. His. Spirit. To. Renew. The. Sinner. To. Wait. Upon. Him. And. In. This. Strength. Shall. Be. Renewed. The. Lord. Shall. Renew.
[29:54] Their. Strength. Which. Means. You. See. The. Lord.
[30:04] Is. Their. Strength. One. Name. That. Belongs. For. The. Lord. Is. This. The. Strength. Of. Israel. The. Strength. Of. Israel. And.
[30:15] That. He. Giveth. Power. And. Strength. Unto. His. People. And. That. Wait. Upon. Him. Shall. Renew. Their. Strength. All.
[30:27] This. Is. A. Way. In. That. All. Is. Pleased. To. Renew. The. Strength. Of. His. People. First. Of. All. There. Has. Been. Strength. Given. In.
[30:38] Measure. And. In. This. The. Strength. Of. God. What I mean is. The. Power. Of. The. Holy. Spirit. To. Bring.
[30:48] The. Poor. Sinner. To. Wait. Upon. The. Lord. Here. We see. Your. Mighty. Power. His. Grace. Drawing. The. Sinner. To. The. Throne. Of. Grace. Pointing. To.
[30:59] Jesus. Yes. He. Who. Is. The. Way. Of. Strength. And. Spiritual. Strength. Is. Given. In. That. Sense. But.
[31:09] Now. This. Text. Says. That. They. That. That. Wait. Upon. The. Lord. Shall. Renew. Their. Strength. Strength. Strength. Strength. Strength. Strength. Communicated.
[31:20] Yet. Again. And. To. Be. Further. Strengthened. Strength. Not. To. Feel. To. Increase. Strength. But.
[31:33] Strength. Renewed. Grace. For. Grace. Be. Reason. Another. Place. And. As. Thy. Days. So. Shall.
[31:44] Thy. Strength. Be. Renewed. Strength. Yet. As. Fresh. Days. And. Fresh. Experiences. Come. Into. The. Pathway.
[31:54] Strength. Renewed. What a mercy. To have a little strength. One. On the one hand. You feel weakness. And. You know what it is.
[32:05] To be weary. And faint. Yet. Over against this. To be blessed. A little strength. Yet. Just enough strength.
[32:15] As it were. To look up unto the Lord. But hear this promise. That they that wait upon the Lord. Shall we know their strength. The margin is.
[32:27] Shall change their strength. That is. Strength. According to their day. Strength for. As the Lord has seen.
[32:39] Their strength. In the past. So will he be their strength. Today. And when tomorrow comes. There will be strength. For the morrow. Yes.
[32:51] Shall. Renew. Their strength. Or. Have not. Some of you. Proved. The truth.
[33:01] Of this word. But. Thy that rise upon the Lord. Shall we know their strength. When you have. Been. Lable to. Humbly.
[33:11] Look up unto the Lord. And. To take his face. It might be. In some deep trouble. You. And the Lord. Has sustained you. And supported you. And.
[33:23] Upheld you in it. And brought you through it. Here is. Strength renewed. Here is this word. Fulfilled. In your own experience.
[33:35] And. Oh. May we ever remember this. That. The Lord is the same. He is the same yesterday. And today.
[33:46] And forever. That he is still. Israel's strength. All the. Vastness. Of the fullness. That dwells in.
[33:58] God. As revealed in Jesus Christ. To his people. As their strength. And that they shall receive strength. From him.
[34:10] Although he brings them to. Wait upon him for it. Yet the promise. Runs. Firm and sure. And God is faithful. To his word.
[34:21] But they that. Wait upon the Lord. Shall. Renew their strength. Strength. And then. The. The word runs. Further here.
[34:33] They shall mount up. With wings as eagles. It may be. If you consider this. Portion of the. Promise. And the fulfilment of it. You may feel.
[34:44] Or. This is altogether. Beyond. My experience. They shall mount up. With wings. I seem to be. So earthbound. And burdened.
[34:55] Can scarcely move a step. There. What is it. To mount up. With wings as eagles. I believe it is.
[35:08] This. It. It. Depicts. Gracious. Faith. And exercise. As it were. Wings of faith. That. Lift the poor sinner.
[35:20] Up out of his. Troubles. And. Out of those things. That. Clog him. So. Oft times. They shall mount up. With wings as eagles.
[35:33] There is a mounting up. In. In. Worship. Yes. And. When. The soul is.
[35:43] Favoured of God. And. Strength. Is renewed. Renewed. The strength of faith. Is renewed. And. Faith mounts up.
[35:56] Faith mounts up. In. Aspirations. It were. So that. Sometimes. Wings. One feels. To be lifted above.
[36:06] The things. That. Might surround one. And. The intricacies. Of the pathway. Lifted above them. Yes.
[36:18] They shall mount up. With wings as eagles. And. This is very suggested to. With regard to. A mounting up.
[36:28] As it were. In desires. Before God. A mounting up. In worship. And. Praise. To his. Great and holy name.
[36:40] As the God. Of all grace. They shall mount up. With wings as eagles. But. There's a fuller meaning. This mounting up.
[36:51] With wings as eagles. Implies. The end. Yes. When they shall. Mount up. Indeed. And leave.
[37:03] This. Sinful world. Of all the cares. And sorrows. And dangers of it. And distresses. And mount up to heaven. Yes.
[37:15] Those that wait upon the Lord. But then. There are these other words. They shall run. And. Not. Be weary. They shall run.
[37:28] Not be weary. This. Running here. Would remind us. Of a race. And you know. The word of God.
[37:38] Clearly shows to us. That. The pathway. Of a child of God. Is like unto a race. Yes. Paul speaks about running.
[37:51] Yes. That he might. Gain the prize. So run. He says. And we have this word also. Let us run with patience.
[38:03] The race. That is set before us. Looking unto Jesus. Yes. And in this way. Such shall not be weary. They shall.
[38:14] They feel weary. But they shall not be weary. Because. The Lord will renew strength. He will undertake. Will enable them. To run that race.
[38:25] Grant grace all sufficient. And that they shall walk. And not faint. Now. In some senses. You may feel. With regard to your own case.
[38:38] You know. But very little. Of what it is. To mourn her. And very little. With regard to money. But. Here is a word here. And they shall walk.
[38:49] And not faint. And does not this imply. I. If I can. Put it rightly. A steady continuing.
[39:01] And they shall walk. And not faint. The opposite. To the case of those. Of whom we read in the gospel. They went back.
[39:13] And walked no more with him. You see. There were some who went back. They seemed to be disciples. But they walked no more with him. They went back.
[39:24] And. It was clearly. Shown. That they were not disciples truly. Not indeed. But now. Here are these.
[39:34] Who are brought to wait upon the Lord. It says. And they shall walk. And not be weary. As it were. A steady continuance. Yes.
[39:46] A step at the time. As it were. A day at the time. A day at the time. And yet. They walk. They continue. And they want a mercy.
[39:57] To have strength renewed. In that way. So that. There is a continuing. Not a going back. Not a walking no more. But. To continue to walk.
[40:11] Yes. And while it may be with you. As I think. It was Godly Berridge. Who spoke of it. In one of his hymns. How he panted for breath.
[40:23] Each step he took. And yet you see. There is a continuing. And that they shall walk. And not faint. Yes.
[40:36] They shall walk in the way. They shall walk in the narrow way. They shall continue. They shall endure. Until the end. Do we not.
[40:47] We will leave. I think it is in the 35th chapter. Of this same prophecy. About that. Highway. And the way. And the way. Can invent.
[40:57] And it says there. Though fools. They shall not err. There is. That means. For they shall continue. They shall not fall.
[41:08] Finally fall. No. They cannot perish. They cannot. Fall out of the way. Because the Lord. Keep them in it. And it is by his grace.
[41:21] They mount up. By his grace. They run. And by his grace. They walk. But they that. Wait upon the Lord.
[41:32] Shall. Renew their strength. They shall mount up. With wings of eagles. They shall run. And not be weary. And they shall walk. And not fight.
[41:44] May it please the Lord. To make his word. Good to us. May we know. What it is. To be in a way. To plead his promise. And may we know.
[41:55] What it is. For strength. To be redeemed. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.