Baptising service of Mr P Dawson
[0:00] I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the epistle to the Hebrews chapter 12 and the second verse looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God the epistle to the Hebrews chapter 12 and the second verse this is a word which brings before us what is a beautiful summing up of how a sinner born again lives the life of the righteous this word is a word to inspire with hope every sinner born again who has a name on a church roll and desires to show that he is on the Lord's side this is the way in which a profession of the name of Jesus is maintained looking unto
[1:55] Jesus and godly John Owen tells us that in the original it is looking up all besides looking unto Jesus I want as the Lord to help me for a little while to look at the subject from two or three viewpoints seeking as grace is given to save that which might be seasonable at such a time as this and the setting of the subject is wonderfully interesting and instructive this word was penned to the godly Hebrews long ago making up the church of Christ in Judea and the members of the church of Christ there were hard put to it to hold past their profession of the name of Jesus because they lived in such countless times many of them were persecuted for righteousness sake some of them alas proved that they had not entered a right upon a profession of the name of Jesus for they ceased to continue therein and that is a very solemn consideration and the apostle Paul has a word to say about such characters which has caused some of us at times many searchings of heart now the just shall live by pay which is to say now the just shall live by looking unto Jesus looking up all beside but if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him and then the apostle Paul with a sweet blessed confidence declares but we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul the Lord grant it may be so with all of us who have our names on church rolls wherever the church may be the Lord grant grace to endure in our profession which we have made and some of us made it long long ago but there is a very solemn contemplation myself I cannot save myself I cannot keep but strength in thee
[5:04] I fain would have whose eyelids never sweep and now as this church of Christ in Judea was being hard put to it to live the life of the righteous the apostle Paul was inspired by the spirit of God to pen this epistle to the Hebrews to encourage them to still hope in God however dark and difficult the outlook seemed to be and in the preceding chapter he gives many instances of what godly people endured in Old Testament times the record is wonderful to read and he shows that the godly
[6:05] Hebrews throughout Old Testament times had to endure much tribulation and therefore these godly Hebrews must not be surprised if in their profession of Jesus name they were called to fight the good fight of faith and endure much tribulation too the apostle Paul makes it plain that this has been the way to heaven from Abel's days onwards and it will be the way to heaven till time should be no more we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God and then having reminded these godly Hebrews of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and many of the godly Old Testament worthies how they lived by faith and how they died in faith he comes to this opening word in our chapter where the text is found wherefore seeing we also encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us looking unto
[7:43] Jesus the author and finisher of our faith there is one aspect of this word which is very important to consider and that is the apostle Paul in the preceding chapter calls attention as I have said to the godly in Old Testament times and how they lived and died in the Lord but he comes at length to the outstanding example of all looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and he sat down at the right hand of the throne of God and I do like his beautiful climax here as though the apostle
[8:45] Paul said it may be you will not be able to take courage as I should like you to in thinking about Abraham Isaac and Jacob and all who followed on to know the Lord in Old Testament times of whom I have said a little consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself lest ye be weary and faint in your minds and now that is the setting of the subject and it might be well first of all to emphasize one word in the opening of the chapter everything hinges on that word being applicable to you and the preacher too wherefore seeing seeing we all so encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses do you see this when a sinner is born again he begins to see that God has a people a people whom he has loved with everlasting love a people on whose behalf
[10:08] Jesus Christ came down into this world to seek and to save a people of whom it is said and they shall be all taught of God a people for whom the world is being run that they might be made manifest as God's dear people a people of forth prepared unto glory and now when a sinner is born again I say he looks on God's dear people wherever they may be with new eyes he begins to see what a blessed people they are and not only does he see what a blessed people they are but in his heart he finds something living and moving he never felt before remember me oh Lord with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people or visit me with thy salvation and he looks on these people who
[11:25] God acknowledges to be his and he says with the number I would be now and in eternity and sometimes that is the earliest evidence that a sinner born again is conscious of as with his newly opened eyes he discerns the people of God and longs deep down in his breast let me among thy saints be found at whatever cost it may be that I may have a part and lot with them in time and eternity too from from the bottom step which would have led him on to
[12:41] Pharaoh's throne later on and chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us consider this word witnesses and there is a great word in Isaiah where God addresses Israel of old ye are my witnesses all around there were other nations but they were all idolaters and God declares to Israel ye are my witnesses I look to you as you live your life to show who you are and whom you serve I look to you to speak on my behalf and so to live that others may take knowledge of you that you have been with
[13:48] Jesus I like this word witnesses I like it much better than the word protestant the word protestant can sometimes be to do with that which is political but this word before us is in holy writ witnesses ye are my witnesses and this word witness comes from an old anglo-saxon word written w-i-t-a-n one who knows and that is we speak that which we do know that which we have tasted handled and felt of the good word of life declare we unto you I believe therefore have I spoken you know that a witness in a law car Harry gives his testimony has to make a vow and take an oath to speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth and now these witnesses in this word before us are like that the apostle
[15:03] Paul has got a good word about it we can do nothing against the truth but for the truth our lips our lives should evidence what is truth one who knows then shall we know we follow on to know the law and what knowledge God has communicated to you you will want to live your life in accordance with it be it little or more you dear young people who are feeling after God desire to follow on to know him and his truth walk according to that love which God has already given you and ask him still for more oh send out thy light in thy truth let them leave me let them bring me to thy holy hill and to thy tabernacles witnesses and now here is a bedrock truth as you think of those in the preceding chapter referred to as a cloud of witnesses and it goes right through
[16:18] Old Testament times it is a wonderful thing to contemplate that wherever you find a witness a sinner born again that his witness will always be the same there is no deviation from truth out of the abundance of the heart the mouth will speak come and hear all ye that fear God I will tell you what he has done for my soul and if you like to search it out it will help you it will instruct you it will be profitable to do it you can see throughout the word of God that these witnesses all bore the same testimony each one every one witness to this from the sole of the foot even to the head there is no soundness in it but wounds and bruises and putrefying sores witness to what they were by nature as sinners yes and confess behold I am veiled and when they approach
[17:24] God God be merciful to me a sinner and each one witness to this great truth by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh living be justified not the labour of my hands can fulfil the law's demands and each one witness to this truth neither is the salvation in any other for there is given under heaven among men none other name whereby we can be saved other foundation can no man lay than that is laid which is Jesus Christ yes and all these witnesses tell the same tale and they declare by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is by faith not of works lest any man should help and they all declare with united voice being thought of
[18:27] God salvation is of the Lord and ask any one of these witnesses what think ye of Christ and the answer will be we believe and assure them are the Christ the son of the living God Lord to whom can we go thou arest the words of eternal life and they will say compared with Christ in all beside nor comeliness as I see the one thing needful dearest Lord is to be one with thee witnesses each one every one given the same testimony wherefore seeing we also encompassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses and then the apostle Paul uses the simple illustration and very familiar too to the Hebrews of old of life being like running a race I've no time to go into the very details of it but it is helpful to look at it just a little let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us let us run with patience the race that is set before us mark the wording
[19:48] I want to emphasize that as the Lord shall help me the race that is set before us you cannot run where you like nor can you run how you like God has laid down rules in the word of his grace and he has lined out a track along which you must inevitably run if you would be found at the last one who does indeed win Christ and be found in him I in the way the truth and the life nor man cometh unto the father but by me I do like this word set the race that is set before us the starting point is he must be born again for you do you say I wish
[20:48] I could be sure that I was the Lord bless you and help you and he can and he will assure you if you wait on him wait for him assure my conscience of a part in the redeemer's blood and bear the witness with my heart that I am born of God but this word set is very suggestive it tells of divine sovereignty remember that the lot is cast into the lap and the hall disposing thereof is of the Lord the race that is set before us and now it is set before us first of all in eternal purposes there is a covenant a covenant of grace and it is declared to be ordered in all things and sure and it is godly David was favored to realize his part and lot therein when he came down to his last days it was made very plain he hath made with me an everlasting covenant ordered in all things and sure you are not living your life by chance and haphazard if you are a sinner born again god is leading you along in the right way and it is a great mercy when you can feel that you are running a race that is set before you set before you by god whose you are and whom you serve and you feel at times all must come and last and end as shall please my heavenly friend my times are in thy hand set ordained nothing happening by chance the pictures power of chance and fortune
[22:58] I define my life's minutest circumstances subject to god's eye it will help you as you run life's race to realize it is set before you by him with whom you have to do your god and that means all must come and last and end as shall please my heavenly friend not only so this race is set before us in the word of god itself as I have hinted already it does not matter of whom you read who was running in this race each one every one had to run through much tribulation and so the race is set before us and he that taketh not up his cross and followeth after me cannot be my disciple the word of god is very plain but the race is set before us most of all speaking of great rebels in the life that
[24:11] Jesus lived as verily man verily god as it is outlined in the text who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of god and whatever comes upon you as you run in this race which is for time and eternity too whatever comes upon you be it adversity or affliction or if you should be persecuted for righteousness sake whatever losses or crosses or disappointments it will be a wonderful help to you if you can be found looking unto Jesus and remember it is enough for the disciple that he be as his Lord Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that ye should follow in his steps and thus the race is set before us and it means beloved think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened unto you but rejoice in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings the race that is set before us and yet as the
[25:49] Apostle Paul outlines it let us run with patience the race that is set before us you may not feel that you can say much about running sometimes it is like the hymn writer puts it oh Lord with tardy steps I creep but there is this to be known it would be good to be exercised more about it I will run in the way of thy commandments when thou shalt enlarge my heart yes and using this illustration of running in a race how essential it is to lay aside every weight remembering the eastern illustration when they had flowing garments which needed to be taken off that they might strip as it were to run with freedom let us lay aside every weight does not matter who you come up against who is a sinner born again you'll not be long hearing them tell out what is their everyday life but what you will discern they have got some weights and they desire to lay them aside what a weight is what one is by nature indwelling sin as it rages within the great eye seeking to predominate in your life what a weight arises from being the sinner that you are as you were born and having a carnal mind that is enmity against God and is not subject to the law of God and neither indeed can be and what a weight in everyday life especially if you have to do with the world and getting tangled therein and sometimes imbibe the spirit of it oh that will weigh you down bring you down into a low place in your soul's experience cause you to sigh and cry save me from this bewitching world which has to death ten thousand hurled sometimes you will be weighed down by being in headiness through many full temptations these people who run in this race although heaven is at the end of it as you get in touch with them at times you hear them saying some very strange things leave not my soul destitute oh my god my soul is cast down within me oh lord i am oppressed undertake for me here they are waited but they are seeking to lay them aside as they look to
[28:59] Jesus as they try to pray lord help me say unto my soul i am thy salvation and referring to indwelling sin to lay it aside like this if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and then Paul refers to the sin which doth so easily beset us and he tells us what that is earlier in this epistle to the Hebrews take ye therefore brethren that there be not in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God i thought sometimes about our hymn writer be gone unbelief my saviour is near but it needs much more than saying the words be gone unbelief what you really need if it is to be done is lord increase our faith the saviour said be not afraid only believe but then sometimes as you seek to run this race wherein you hope
[30:16] God has set you going you have to lament lord i believe oh help my unbelief because there are many questionings arising many ifs and buts and hows and sometimes they are hurled to sink you in the gloom of all that's dismal in this world and in the world to come much might be said along that line of thought but let us look at this word patience you must not look in the dictionary to find the meaning the dictionary does not give it no it is not dictionary patience that you want it is grace all sufficient to endure whatever God sees fit should be set in the race that he has ordained you to run and to realize my grace is sufficient for me and especially grace to wait the working out of what
[31:25] God's purposes for you or yours may be grace to behave like this dear friends be still and know that I am God not to question what God is doing but to wait on him still knowing every state care where distressing shall be prophet in the end every ordinance of blessing every providence of friend he that feareth God shall come forth of them all let us run with patience that sometimes God as we view it takes a long long time to bring to pass what he purposes to do for us the vision is for an appointed time and though it tarry wait for it for in the end it will speak and not learn it will surely come and will not tarry and as the apostle Paul told these godly
[32:29] Hebrews for ye have needed patience that after ye have done the will of God ye might receive the promise let us run with patience remembering a time he has set to heal up thine woes a season most fit his love to disclose until he is ready to accomplish his will be patient and steady and wait on him still and there is all this to be done looking unto Jesus will enable you to do it to look even like Jonah though I am cast out of thy sight I will look again toward thy holy temple looking unto Jesus but then it must be a believing look he that cometh to
[33:32] God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of all them that diligently seek him when you read the beautiful gospel records and see how poor sinners with incurable cases were brought or came to Jesus how they addressed him as Lord and they were looking to Jesus a right said the dying thief Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom and the poor woman she is a friend of yours and mine and she said Lord help me and you have said it hundreds and thousands of times and you have obtained it looking unto Jesus I say it must be a believing look and it will be a longing look a prayerful look it will be a hopeful look who can tell but what
[34:38] God will be gracious unto me but I am bound to add this if you look unto Jesus a right it will be a sorrowful look it will have something like this in it I will be sorry for my sins to thee I become a sinner great and well thou knowest all my state yet full forgiveness is with thee oh God be merciful to me it will be a repentant look looking unto Jesus and remember it must be looking off all besides and then the apostle Paul outlines the life that Jesus lived as verily man and it is recorded here to inspire all who are running in this race the text tells us about to hope in God what e'er betide looking unto
[35:46] Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross when you think of the life that Jesus lived what a beautiful life it was but what a suffering life it is impossible for those of us who try to preach to say much about it as it ought to be said of his suffering so intense angels have no perfect sense he lived as verily man under the law made of a woman made under the law and he kept it in every jot and tittle of all its holy demands and all his life he suffered from the cradle to the cross he was tempted he was set at naught he was persecuted he was handed about he came unto his own and his own received him not he was taken by wicked hands and crucified and slain he bore all in karma
[37:10] God could bear with strength enough and none to spare he endured the cross and because he endured the cross the word of the Lord to you is this let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need and my grace be sufficient for thee my strength is made perfect in weakness you and I if we are indeed taught of God can say very little about enduring the cross and behaving the right in doing it too often deep down in our hearts there is a spirit that ought not to be it might be threatfulness murmuring petulance rebellion alas that it should be so but it is wonderful mercy when grace superabounds over all that you are by nature and regarding your cross you can appeal to God with whom you have to do
[38:23] Lord I would indeed submit gladly yield my all to thee what thy wisdom sees most fit must be surely best for me to be able to say it is the Lord and let him do what seemeth him good he endured the cross and remember Jesus Christ endured the cross vicariously it was for you and me I hope he endured it that at the end of our bearing our cross whatever it is there might be for us a crown of joy a crown of righteousness which fadeth not away endured the cross this word tells us and remember he endured it voluntarily remember that he came down in this world on purpose to do it and he said to his father no I come
[39:37] I delight to do thy will oh God thy law is within my heart and he endured the cross voluntarily and he said concerning his life I have power to lay it down I have power to take it up again he endured the cross voluntarily remember that necessity was laid upon him to do to do it but he did it willingly voluntarily and how well he endured the cross he endured it willingly I say he endured it patiently and when his cross as I should judge seen at its heaviest upon him as deadly man what did he say father forgive for they know not what they did he endured the cross despising the shame death by crucifixion was most ignominious but he set his face steadfastly to go up to Jerusalem knowing the things that awaited him there which was to be crucified in the stead of foolishness like you who for the joy which was set before him endured the cross despising the shame yes and oh look at the blessed consummation and he sat down at the right hand of the throne of God there he is at this evening hour as it is our privilege to be found where we are before God in the attitude of worship
[41:38] Jesus on the eternal throne for more of us intercedes he is on the right hand of the throne of God as our advocate on high awake sweet gratitude and sing the ascended saviour's love sing how he lives to carry on his people's course above but I must come to the amen and this is just a little outline of what is comprehended in making a profession of the name of Jesus and how one who as grace is given embarks upon it will be enabled to wear well therein and endure unto the end and when a sinner born again gets to the end of the race set before him or her what then he who is at the right hand of the throne of God will say come ye blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from before the foundation of the world might that blessed wondrous indescribable welcome be granted to you and the preacher too amen hymn number 427
[43:15] June Whitburn number 435 time jesus and shall ever be a mortal man ashamed of thee ashamed of thee who came to the praise whose glory shines in endless days 427 whoesen lo what is in thanks how can d Thou came from thee, O King of faith,
[44:17] Through glory kind to heaven's day.
[44:33] And take the peace of God above, Then take the peace of God above.
[44:59] He can live in the light of life, What is delighted, Lord of life?
[45:27] And take the peace of God above, Then take the peace of God above.
[45:55] Give me thy grace, my soul will be, Thy glory shall be on me.
[46:20] And take the peace of God above.
[46:35] Thou come from thee, O King of faith, Thou come from thee, O King of faith, Thou come from thee, O King of faith, Thou come from thee, O King of faith, Thou come from thee, O King of faith, Thou come from thee, O King of faith, Thou come from thee, O King of faith, Thou come from thee, O King of faith, Sandas CHOIR SINGS
[49:23] Faith of my cross, the kingdom is high.
[49:36] Death to his end is the one's home.
[49:50] And give the kingdom to his home.
[50:06] My dear people, we know that God says the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
[50:21] And I am solemnly persuaded that the step you are about to take in following Jesus, to make a profession of his dear name, is one that has been ordered in his eternal purposes.
[50:36] I believe you have come to this point in your life that the outcome of much exercise of none.
[50:49] And God in his great mercy has granted you what your soul desires. Granted you tokens for good so that you felt constrained by the love of God to come forward to follow Jesus.
[51:06] I believe you have in some goodly measure sought to count the cost. And it will be like the hymn writer puts it.
[51:17] If on thy face for thy dear name shame and reproaches be, or hail reproach and wealth and shame, if thou remember me. I do desire that as you follow Jesus at this time, that you may be helped to rejoice in him.
[51:36] And look back to what is done at this time, in the years ahead of you. There's a time to be remembered. May it be such an evening to set up, that as long as you live, you shall never lose sight of it.
[51:53] May it be such an evening to see you.
[52:23] Follow in the steps of Jesus Christ. Amen. Upon the profession of your repentance towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
[53:11] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[53:35] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. And the servant returned and said, Lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is room.
[53:57] Let us now sing the doxology. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
[54:23] Praise Him, Lord, we shall be here in all.
[54:35] Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
[54:48] Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
[55:00] Let us now conclude with prayer. O thou great God, who in thine infinite love didst ordain that there should be a church, and in the beginning thou didst create the heavens and the earth, that throughout the changing scenes of time there should be on the earth a people to serve thee, the Lord Christ.
[55:44] Thy word tells us what was thy holy mind in doing it. This people have I formed for myself, and they shall show forth my praise.
[55:59] O Lord, some of us who do hope we belong to thy people have to lament often how little do we seem to show forth thy praise in our lips and lives.
[56:14] But thou knowest the desire of our soul is to thy name and to the remembrance of thee. And one has said to thy holy majesty many times, O Lord, I will seek the charms of thy mind, the grace to be meek and lowly and kind, forveiling, forgiving, and loving always, and only be living to publish thy praise.
[56:43] Lord, many of us in this assembly have made a profession of the name of Jesus. Help us by thy grace to live more like Christians should live, and that we may ever be witnesses for thee and for thy truth.
[57:03] And we thank thee, O Lord, for this token for good that was given to us in our cause here, in adding unto our church yet another whom we believe is in that category of which thy word tells.
[57:20] And the Lord added unto the church daily such as should be saved. We would thank thee as the church's living head and take courage in what thou hast done for us under Union Chapel roof, but O do more, O Lord, than thou hast yet done, and help us as a people not to let thee go till such a blessing thou bestow that there shall be a godly increase in our church and others be brought in among us to be true worshippers of thy holy majesty.
[57:57] And O Lord, we not only pray for this in Union Chapel, but we would humbly pray that thou wilt grant all the churches round the belt based upon that sure foundation thou hast laid in Zion, all that they may have added unto them even such as shall be saved.
[58:19] Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion everywhere and build thou the walls of Jerusalem. And we ask that thou wilt cover with a mantle of forgiving love all that has been amiss in our evening service.
[58:38] All that has been amiss forgive and let thy truth within us live. And do bless us all together on the Union Chapel route young and middle-aged and old.
[58:53] O bless us as thou alone canst do O Lord for time and eternity too. And in these tremendous times in which we are living what remains for some of us to live out of our lives do help us as every opportunity is afforded us to show whose we are and who we serve.
[59:21] Do guide us by thy counsel down to the end of life's journey and at the last receive us into glory. And O Lord we ask of thee again to bless the dear lad who has now been baptized in the name of Jesus and that he may by thy grace be helped to live the life of the righteous and that in his day and generation he may serve thee the Lord Christ in whatever way thou shalt ordain for him to do.
[60:03] Do then hear us in heaven thy dwelling place and we ask all in the name of Jesus and may his grace and the love of God the Father and the communion of the Holy Spirit be upon us and all who love the truth everywhere.
[60:27] Amen and Amen thanab Thank you.