Patient waiting upon the Lord at the throne of grace (Quality: Good)

Braintree - Salem - Part 5


Bentley, Roy

April 3, 2005


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[0:00] Lord be pleased to help us and ask your prayerful attention where it was found in the prophet Isaiah chapter 30 verses 18 20 and 21 prophet Isaiah chapter 30 verses 18 20 and 21 and therefore will the Lord wait that he may be gracious unto you therefore will he be exalted that he may have mercy upon you for the Lord is a God of judgment all blessed are all they that wait for him and though the Lord give you the bread of adversity the water of affliction yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner anymore but thine eyes shall see thy teachers their ears shall hear a word behind thee saying this is the way walk ye in it when ye turn to the right hand and when ye turn to the left this is the pathway of the living those that are born of God and led by the Spirit of God and as the Word declares he will be gracious unto them in all their dealings as they sojourn here the Lord is the author and giver both of every perfect gift and of those afflictions to try and to test whether there be any wicked way in us to lead us in that way everlasting but are we found amongst that number ordered in all things and sure to every living soul tis a point we long to know as we pass through this wilderness many changes many dispensations to bring us to the throne of grace many concerns as to our eternal state nevertheless the living soul will lean upon the beloved to hear and to know that he is born of God and to seek that divine teaching and blessing which maketh rich and no sorrow is added and so as of the world that declares therefore will the Lord wait that he may be gracious unto you he who hath commenced a good work in us will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ and there'll be that forsaking of those many things here below if we are amongst the living family of God many changes and dispensations which we cannot understand fully but nevertheless under the forming hand of a dear Redeemer there will be that working out of our own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure he who hath commenced a good work will perform it unto the day of Jesus Christ he hath promised to be gracious and will accomplish in his anointed ones that which he hath for ordained to lead them about to overcome for them yet to cause them to be brought often into great streets and into those paths where they cannot fully understand but oh to bring them surely is it not to bring them near that they might cry at his dear feet and seek divine direction in all the unsrodden paths he notes he waiteth he will wait that he may be gracious unto you and so can we feel have we felt that approbation in our path assured as it were as we pass through those changes and those various dispensations that he is near for he hath appointed all our goings and all our dispensations he is the author and giver of every perfect gift which cometh down from the father of light to whom there is no variable answer nor a shadow of turning every gift or dispensation is from him to teach and to bring us nearer to bring us to the throne of grace oh how soon we turn aside and follow the bent of our nature how soon prayer wanes when there is no urgency and no real necessity and I speak that rightly because we always have a necessity but nevertheless in our various paths there will be a waning where there is no particular concern at that time but the

[7:40] Lord he is gracious and merciful to those that call upon him in truth to undertake for them to overcome for them and so he brings his people off into those paths of trouble and affliction that they may cry and sigh because of the failed abominations in their heart it is not until we are stirred up that there is real living prayer in exercise and so as he reads our heart and those inmost thoughts and intents of it there doth and will appear that needs be and what a mercy we despise not thou the chastening of the Lord neither be weary with his correction for whom the Lord loveth he chastens and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth there will be

[8:50] I am persuaded joy in these matters to the living soul not withstanding that his flesh may be hindered and may be crucified but where the spirit of truth doth reveal himself with power and authority to that person's soul there will be a gracious waiting upon him and true repentance and godly sorrow will follow that is our mercy that the Lord does bring us here never will we bring ourselves to repentance and godly sorrow but it is by and through the workings of a dear redeemer who hath suffered bled and died that everyone whom he has saved and appointed unto salvation might be set free and made to know and to feel that the

[10:06] Lord his god blessed forever and have we therefore part and lot in that blessed inheritance ordered in all things ensure therefore will the Lord wait that he may be gracious why because he hath suffered for them for you and I if he has and so these deep matters we cannot fully understand but this we do know as the word declares it was for us but we want personally to have these things manifested do we not that we might be assured of our interest and be able to trace out in our pathway the

[11:08] Lord's hand in all our goings in all our trials and afflictions he will be inquired of by the house of Israel to do it for them this is our mercy and this doth bind our hearts and affections to him to do his bidding to walk in his ways and in his precepts such will be our mercy as we sojourn here for we want to know and to be assured we have part and lot in that blessed inheritance ordered in all things and sure we come and go to worship in the house of God and how often we go away forgetting what manner of men we are it is the

[12:17] Lord who hath and will give and establish his people in those deep things that he hath for ordained for them and our mercy is indeed to be exercised thereby and the Lord knows how to exercise his people to bring them to the throne of grace to cause them to cry and to sigh because of the felt abominations in their heart and this is our mercy otherwise we should go on in our own way and forget what manner of men we are but oh what a mercy to be set apart to be hung to be brought to hunger and thirst after righteousness this is foreign to the living and indeed a desire to those that are born of

[13:24] God and so it does prompt! those thoughts and affections day by day that we might seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness that he may have mercy upon you for the Lord is a God of judgment blessed are all they that wait upon him are we therefore among that number that wait for him night and day and persuaded to those that are found in this posture and there is a time I believe when everyone born of God will pass into those times where there is a constant waiting and fearful looking unto the

[14:31] Lord for his appearing blessed are all they that wait for him and so it is not any fantasy but it is the spirit of truth that doth draw his anointed away from this dying world set their affections on things above and not on things of the earth a great mercy it is to be brought into that mind spiritual mind from time to time where we can lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily beset us and it is because the Lord has a purpose towards us of good and not of evil to give an expected end therefore he does wait to be gracious he is patient and a long suffering

[15:42] God to those that fear him appointed are these things to every living soul though we cannot rest and dare not rest on another man's pathway or experience yet in a similar way the Lord doth lead his people on to call upon him to wait upon him to hearken unto his voice this is our great mercy to be given that inquiring mind many shall desire to see the things a G.C.

[16:32] and shall not be able they are quite satisfied with the coming to the house of God to not dare send from time to time but still being far from him but the living soul doth want and thirst after eternal realities and therefore will be brought into those various paths and dispensations where I must have Christ or else I die what is a great mercy to be given a thirst and a what it springs not from carnal flesh nor from our mind naturally but the spirit of truth that will reign in the hearts of his people welling up from time to time with a deep concern that they might follow him and fill the unction and savour of his love shed abroad in their hearts and this is our great mercy to be found in his hand and to trace out in the pathway his solemn dealings towards us oh true religions more than notion something must be known and felt and so how solemn it is in this day to see many that come and go and not ascend but have nothing to be concerned about but satisfied with an outward formality that will never save us that will keep us in the flesh perhaps satisfied but oh for in that awful day of judgment where shall we stand it is a point we long to know and to the people spoken of here it is and will be that deep concern as we pass through this wilderness and though the

[19:09] Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction yet shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner anymore no whatever the Lord hath sent and doth see fit to send and to bring us into it is and will be for the honor and glory of his great name and so we need to cover it earnestly those best gifts the gift of God pass all understanding also not to rebel against that those afflictions which are sent to chastise and to bring us to his dear feet there is a needs be whoever we might be or what we think we might be the

[20:18] Lord reads the heart to that end he doth send those adverse and chastisement to correct our folly to bring us near to bring us into the path of prayer prayer was appointed to convey the blessings God desires to give as long as they live shall Christians pray and only whilst they pray they live oh the mercy of a covenant keeping God if he has brought you and I under his mighty hand in love remember that it is in love to correct our folly as every child needs correcting but they all seem to escape this day nevertheless the Lord is gracious to his anointed to bring them into adversity that where they do pray unto him where they cannot alleviate their thoughts and desires but are made prayerful and all afflictions bring the living soul to the throne of grace to harken and it will yield the peaceable fruits of righteousness as exercised thereby all therefore are we found amongst that number we are not promised a bed of roses as we live here to walk always in the love and without any trials to trouble us no it is the contrary and the living soul brought into those changes will bless the

[22:32] Lord for them because he will realize that it brings them close to him brings them into that path of prayer into a gracious exercise day by day a fearful looking unto him as to the way before them do we always look at the way before us and the path we take no it is our mercy when we are found in his hands made tender made willing in the day of his power to walk in that path looking unto Jesus the bread of adversity the water of affliction yet shall not thy teachers be removed they are teachers all those changes bring us near bring us to his dear feet humble us under his mighty hand cause us day by day to wait upon him and so do look unto him for divine direction how soon we do forsake that living way how soon prayer does wane when we are not particularly troubled and distressed because of the pathway but whatever it will not harm us under the

[24:25] Lord's watchful eye he will be gracious to whom he will be gracious and whom he will he harden it and therefore may that be our great concern as we sojourn here to watch his hand in the pathway and are we troubled when he is silent when we cannot hear him as it were when he hides the blessings of his face when darkness prevails and unbelief creeps in we say can ever God dwell here in this heart of mine but he does dwell in that darkness yet it ever nigh unto the calls and cries of his dear people to lead them on and to supply all their needs and all these changes are to bring us nearer to the throne of grace to humble us under his mighty hand that we might be exalted in due season how easily and carelessly do we jog along left to ourselves but does it bring us nearer to the throne of grace does it bring us nearer to the path of prayer

[26:02] I think not because flesh is flesh and left to itself it does not want to be disturbed but in mercy the Lord doth disturb the pathway of his dear children to humble them under his mighty hand they might be exalted in due season and prayer will be in exercise as they desire to pray themselves along and what about when the Lord hides his face to stain our pride oh we have to say can ever God dwell here in this part of mine but all these changes are to bring us nearer if it were not so there would be no thought or desire no concern such is the pathway of the reprobate who has a false religion and relies on his own dead works to bring him through but the living in

[27:27] Jerusalem will be made dependent upon his mercy day by day to commit all their cares unto him to ask the way to Zion continuously to watch and pray day by day that we be led not into temptation such is the way affliction doth teach it teaches that we are not our own that we are bought with a price and that all the Lord has appointed for you and I where we shall walk through whether we like it or not because it is his way the way of salvation the way the holy prophets went and the way you will go and I if thus blessed mourn and groan as it were because we are in darkness yet even in darkness there is a blessing in it as it were not outwardly speaking but it is the

[29:16] Lord that directs your way and mine and therefore whatever occurs whatever state we are found in if we are amongst the living family of God it is the Lord's divine appointment blessing for it it will yield the peaceable fruits of righteousness as exercise thereby and remember again if it were not so there would not be that exercise it is all those changes afflictions trials changes that bring us to the Lord to keep our minds stayed upon him and thine ears shall hear a word behind thee saying this is the way walk ye in it when ye turn to the right hand when ye turn to the left so is it not true left to ourselves we would turn to the right hand or to the left we go hither and thither perhaps we ask a blessing upon whatever we want to do but it may not be the

[30:36] Lord's bidding and so under his forming hand there will be that concern that concern and exercise before a holy God we want to go the way that he has foreordained Now here will be the evidence of that change a delight a desire to walk in his ways thine ears shall hear a word behind me saying this is the way and so what a mercy it is when we are brought into those paths when we look again unto the Lord for direct leadings and such he hath foreordained that we shall inquire we shall ask the way we know not what to do in of ourselves when we are brought into darkness and temptation we have all sorts of thoughts and would do this and that but no if we are his then he will appoint and darkness may prevail because of our unbelief nevertheless once in

[32:21] Christ in Christ forever never can that eternal sonship change but we change and therefore it is through the mercy of a covenant keeping God we are brought to consider in the day of affliction it will bring us closer it will bring us to the path of prayer and rightly so for the Lord has appointed those changes that we might commit our way unto him he plants that godly fear before our eyes that trembles at his word and fears to displease him or it will be seen of those that they have been with

[33:22] Jesus and learned of him or we found among them friends those that are made tender and willing in the day of his power desiring to fulfill all righteousness laying aside every weight and the sin that does so easily beset us and to press forward for that mark and prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus I will be inquired of his head by the house of Israel to do it for them and I will have the whole heart and the whole mind and so what a mercy when he appears when he softens our heart and binds up our woes and heals our wounds and as one said puts a new song in our mouth even prays to the honor and glory of his great name oh this is the way the path the

[34:31] Lord has appointed for his dear children and so it is our mercy if we can lay claim to these things any and all of them but similar will be the path!

[34:49] of the child of God hedged up hedged about laying and committing all our way and our thoughts and desires to him that he will supply and direct our way in the path that we should go because as it says when he turn saying this is the way walk he in it when he turn to the right hand or when he turn to the left and so we are fickle and full of changes in and of ourselves but under the forming hand of a dear redeemer he will guide us right and bring us safely through to hold fast to those beliefs and to those favors that dispensations which he hath foreordained that we should pass through and so we perhaps think sometimes how strange is the way strange it is because the

[36:18] Lord is the leader and he will bring his dear people and give them that tender conscience that godly fear that trembles at the approach of sin so will be our prayers and our thoughts and desires to him to lead on oh Lord lead on is that our prayer it will be when we are brought into those paths brought through those paths where he has shown his love and mercy and in loving correction hath brought forth that tender conscience and that godly fear that looks to him day by day for mercy for guidance and for direction that we might rejoice in that path we can't always rejoice in those afflictions they bring us nearer and bring us to the throne of grace nevertheless as the word declares afflictions make us see what else would escape our sight but it does not always bring us nearer initially to the

[37:58] Lord there is sometimes that falling away as it were and that hardness of heart but oh how solemn to be hardened spiritually hardened because of those troubles and afflictions there are many which we see have that effect where there is no true love where there is no vital knowledge of the Lord's mercy then troubles will bring that one into hardness and into unbelief have no effect upon them to change their way how solemn these matters are but is it with you and I have we been given a calm and thankful heart from every murmur free as dear

[39:05] Anne Steele says brought safely thus far or can we rebel against that gracious hand that gracious hand on which I live and so every living soul doth live upon the Lord's gracious dealings and hand towards us day by day we shall bless him in due time would not have it any other way when he opens up to us and reveals himself with power in that great day upon the

[40:49] Lord at the throne of grace and yet to rejoice in his voice being heard this is the way walk ye in it when ye turn to the right hand or when ye turn to the left oh may there be with us each that gracious exercise and concern as we sojourn here eternity tremendous sound to guilty souls a dreadful woo but oh if thou in heaven be mine how sweet the access how divine may that be our sweet portion and our hope as we sojourn here enabled by faith from time to time to trace out in our pathway the lord's dealings towards us though often we have to mourn an absent god yet he is ever nigh unto those that call upon him that call upon him in truth may that be our sweet open portion for his name sake amen it