
Cradley Heath - Ebenezer - Part 21

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Nov. 9, 1973



Ministers Help Society meeting

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[0:00] Our meeting this evening, my friends, is in the interest of the strict and particular Baptist Ministers Help Society. The title has an appeal to ministers because there is not a body of men under the sun that are in such continual need of help.

[0:30] I know this society is founded to meet the material needs of ministers in straightened circumstances.

[0:43] And that is a worthy cause. But what I refer to primarily is that help that ministers need continually.

[0:58] There is not a more helpless body of men under the sun than the ministers of the gospel.

[1:10] And the Apostle Paul realized this when he wrote those words with such feeling and desire. Brethren, pray for us.

[1:24] I hope that even the title of this society may register upon our minds and cause us to realize the helplessness of the ministers in and of themselves.

[1:44] And they are constantly of that divine help which alone can make them fruitful to the glory of God and profitable to their fellow men.

[2:00] The society, the committee of this society, recently asked me if I would join as a Midland representative in succession to our late and beloved friend, Mr. F. L. Rao.

[2:22] I felt inclined to accede to their request. And I was pleased to attend the first opportunity of meeting with them as a committee at Tunbridge Wells some four weeks ago.

[2:41] I could only say of the spirit of the spirit of that meeting. It was the spirit of Christ. And the burden of those present under the chairmanship of Mr. Stanley Dowles was indeed to do that which is right for the help and comfort of the needy of the Lord's servants and their widows and their widows and dependents.

[3:12] My friends, I feel if you were conscious of the spirit prevailing in that meeting it would incline you to support this worthy society in whose interests we meet this evening.

[3:30] Now, Mr. Mercer needs no introduction from me. We look upon him as an old warrior in the cause of Jesus Christ.

[3:45] We have prayed with our friends that the Lord would help him and bless him this evening and make him a blessing to us.

[3:56] May those prayers be answered. And may our dear friend realise that the Lord has made his way prosperous even in visiting us once more this evening.

[4:11] I therefore have pleasure in calling upon our dear friend Mr. Mercer now to address us. Mr. Mercer, please. My beloved friend, Harold, chairman of this meeting, pastor of this church, and I believe servant of God.

[4:38] And you dear friends that are gathered with us at this particular time, I would thank you for your presence and support in that we believe you have come along with that same spirit of Christ in your hearts as we have heard of from the chair.

[5:01] And may we each feel that much needed help as we seek to speak a few things, praying that they may be to the use of edifying, that they may minister grace to the hearers, where and whereby the Lord's name shall be exalted and extolled.

[5:23] I have pleasure to be with you again to represent our little society. And I'm sure the committee would return thanks to God and to you and to all that support this worthy cause.

[5:44] And we would thank the Lord that we have been spared and able to still go on serving the church of God, especially his aged and afflicted servants, and that when he sees fit to take one another, he also raises up another.

[6:08] We have seen that in the word of God. When he was about to take Moses, he prepared Joshua.

[6:19] When he was about to take Elijah, he prepared Elijah. We often know what it is to get into a similar position as Elijah did when, under the juniper tree, we request for ourself we might die.

[6:40] We are no better than our fathers. But we are very often very poor judges of whether our work is done or not, which we know the Lord showed Elijah plainly when he told him he had further work to do.

[6:57] Well, now, as I come this evening, I have felt a little like Elijah under the juniper tree. But I do hope that as he was blessed with meat which strengthened him, and he went in the strength of it many days, that we know altogether here this evening what it is to walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, that gracious friend of whom we have sung, and of whom I want to speak this evening, so that we might even say, as he said to his disciples, when they said, Master, eat.

[7:39] And he intimated he needed nothing, because he said, I have meat to eat, but the world knows not of.

[7:50] My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work. And what a meat it was. Well, now, may we be followers of the meek and lowly Lamb.

[8:04] Now, don't you have already gathered from the hymns we have sung the basis of the few remarks I want to make at this time, which you will find in the 18th chapter of Proverbs, verse 24.

[8:25] A man that hath friends must show himself friendly, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

[8:38] I believe these words are more or less, in a sense, the foundation of a little society to which we belong, and which to support from time to time as help to do so.

[8:58] Because of this word here, a man that hath friends must show himself friendly. I think of the late dear servant of God who was a means of this society being inaugurated.

[9:14] I knew him personally and loved him for the true sake. And at one time he was in Red Hill, connected with the church over which the Lord has placed me as pastor, unworthy as I feel to be.

[9:29] And that dear man of God realized, I believe, the force of the words here before us, a man that hath friends must show himself friendly.

[9:45] And of course, as we look away from men and look to the Lord Jesus Christ, he is here before us and I would speak of him as my friend and say with the spouse, that is what we want to say, this is my beloved and this is my friend, oh you daughters of Jerusalem.

[10:17] What a wonderful thing friendship is in the midst of much turmoil and distress and antagonism and the many things that are brought in the earth today.

[10:31] Still we have that wonderful gift of friendship and the fulfillment of the words of our text, a man that hath friends must show himself friendly and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother because of this friend my friends how we rejoice this evening to come to speak to you as our friends here at Old Hill.

[11:04] Now the first reference I want to notice in connection with this is found in the chapter that was read where the Lord Jesus Christ said in the 14th and 15th verses of the 15th of John ye are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you henceforth I call you not servants for the servant knows not what his Lord doeth but I have called you friends for all things that I have heard of my father I have made known unto you heard the Lord Jesus Christ manifested to all around when he was here on earth that wonderful blessing of friendship think of him going to those sorrowing sisters and standing by the grave of Lazarus he had said just prior to it to his disciples our friend

[12:12] Lazarus sleeping our friend Lazarus sleeping what a wonderful word dropping from the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ the savior of poor lost ruined sinners he who had come down from heaven not to do his own will but the will of him that sent him and so he goes to those sorrowing sisters stands by the grave and says to that one in the grave Lazarus come forth by his almighty power he proved himself to be what he said he was I am the resurrection and the life he that believed within me though he were dead he actually lived and he had proved it before had he not in going to the death chamber where the maid was and raising her from death to life what a friend he was to those sorrowing parents restoring to them that beloved daughter you think of it we read it but think of it my friends what a great mark of friendship it was to go into that home as he did and raise that daughter put yourself in the position for a moment think of how you would feel if the lord had suddenly poured away one of your family and then a friend came along the friend came along and that dead daughter was raised a knife and restored to those sorrowing bereaved parents and then again on the way to the grave he meets a poor widow she had lost her son and he meets them he meets this funeral procession and he stops the whole thing he speaks to the one on the beer arise and he that was dead sat up and there again was life given oh my friends and his almighty power is still the same have you those loved ones that you feel to be not only as you know those that we have spoken of were literally dead but are there not many that are spiritually dead and now we are continually bringing them to the throne of grace that the

[15:09] Lord would quicken them and make them cry give me Christ for well as I die bring them out of a death in sin to a life in righteousness and restore them in the way that only he can oh we would look to him then who is indeed a friend that sticketh closer than a brother and realize that he is our friend and that we are indeed his friends as he says ye are my friends if ye do whatsoever I command you you know there are many of our own people who speak of following the Lord Jesus Christ in the ordinance of baptism and they say to us sometimes I've had no leadings in the matter but my friends I don't think we want anything clearer than this if we want to know what the

[16:14] Lord's mind will and purpose is relative to his ordinances he are my friends if he do whatsoever I command you just by the way I dropped that hint maybe someone here this evening I don't know the Lord does who are haughting between two opinions well the Lord bring you away from that place to a place where you feel well now the Lord Jesus says I must do whatsoever he commands and you know what he's commanded if you've forgotten it you can read it it's still there in your Bible as well as it is in mine well now to see one or two in the word of God that are blessedly set before us as friends and knew what friendship meant I turn for a moment to the first book of

[17:19] Samuel and the 18th verse 18th chapter the first verse and I see there in the Old Testament a mark of friendship and not just mere friendship but a wonderful union of spirit you see where there's real spiritual friendship there'll be a union of spirit there'll be a flowing together to the goodness of the Lord and we read in the first book of Samuel chapter 18 verse 1 and it came to pass when he made an end of speaking unto Saul that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David and Jonathan loved him as his own soul what a wonderful love that was passing the love of women and when

[18:19] Jonathan was killed oh the distress that David had I am distressed for thee brother Jonathan and I believe where there's real love there'll be real distress when the Lord sees fit to sever that friendship as far as this world is concerned so there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother a man that hath friends must show himself friendly and then we turn to the writings of the apostle Paul as he wrote in his epistle to the Colossians and see what Paul has to say about it he was brought from darkness to light from the power of sin and Satan to God from a forced profession of religion to know what reality was and when he wrote to the church at

[19:24] Colossae as we find it in the second chapter and verse two concerning this friendship that we are speaking of this evening that their hearts and it's heart work my friends where there's real friendship it isn't just head work head knowledge it's heart work I often speak of the significance of what we so often do and perhaps lose sight of the significance of it when we shake hands with one another you know really it's shaking hearts we clasp one another's right hand and where there's love in the heart there'll be a grip of the hand have you felt it have you realized it it is a great blessing and you know I've said this sometimes I've noticed there are some people do not like a hard grip grip of the hand they say it hurts but it's because they don't grip themselves a shake hand a real shake hands will never hurt if both the hands grip because there's no hurting it's a wonderful thing is that and may we know more of this that the apostle brings before us that their hearts might be comforted be knit together in love this society my friends

[20:56] I believe it's been the means many many times of hearts being comforted when some of the Lord's servants who have labored year in and year out and have spent have desired to spend and be spent and have done so and then the Lord sees fit to put into the heart of his servants on the committee and others to send some help in that very time that they need it and they know what it is to be comforted because they're knit together in love and then it'll be unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and who shall believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life and then the apostle follows it up and he writes his epistle to the

[22:03] Corinthians second epistle to the Corinthians we see it very beautifully set before us in the first chapter second epistle first chapter verse twelve for our rejoicing is this the testimony of our conscience that in simplicity and godly sincerity not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God we have had our conversation in the world and more abundantly to you all those two things my friends where there's real friendship where there's real love will be seen and felt simplicity and godly sincerity what a great blessing if the Lord has bestowed these things upon us because where these things are there will be that laboring for the benefit of one another but most of all the honor and glory of

[23:15] God now the Lord's servant John he was well fitted was he not to write on love he is referred to as a beloved disciple he was indeed a friend the Lord Jesus Christ called him and he followed him and he knew what it was at one time to lay upon his breast at supper time he was the one that they asked to ask the Lord Jesus who it should be that should betray him and what does John say as he writes in his epistle and that a wonderful word in connection with this subject of friendship oh says John there is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear because fear had torment he that fears is not made perfect in love oh where there is real love my friends we shall not see one another coming and walk the other side of the street to avoid them no where there is real love you will be only too glad to meet is it not so on such occasions as this as we gather together it has been expressed already to me how glad you are to see me well

[24:45] I am glad to see you I am glad to be able to speak to you and I look up to the Lord to help me so that I may be a help to you and that together we may be a help to our society so says John here in his love not here in his love made perfect we may have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world and then we noticed in looking into the second book of Samuel again how David manifested his love even toward the offspring of Saul are there not any to whom I can do a kindness of the household of Saul you see David hadn't had a very good treatment from Saul had he we were discussing your dear pastor and myself after tea

[25:48] I think it was or just before the wonderful love that was found in the heart of Joseph when he made himself known to his brethren oh how brimful he must have been of love toward those guilty brethren and he says to them come near unto me what a manifestation of friendship of love and there will be nearness where there's love and so we find David saying is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake and you read that ninth chapter the second book of Samuel and you'll see how David acted and he said to Mephibosheth fear not for I will surely show thee kindness for Jonathan thy father's sake will restore thee all the land of Saul thy father they should eat bread at my table continually oh this wonderful blessing of kindness springing from friendship oh I say and springing from love well now as the apostle wrote his epistle to

[27:18] Titus we have I feel a crowning word which leads us particularly to the latter part of the text there's a friend that sticketh closer than a brother and we have a demonstration of it in those words that the apostle writes to his son Titus in the third chapter of Titus and it is a wonderful word I feel and we would desire to feel and realize the power of it from time to time as we gather together in the Lord's name and as we seek to minister to the Lord's people and do those things that he would have us do what does the apostle say concerning friendship and concerning that which has been manifested toward us unworthy as we are well in the third chapter of

[28:25] Titus the fourth verse he says but after that the kindness and love of God our savior toward man appeared not for works of righteousness which we have done you see whatever we may do in a way of friendship we take nothing to ourselves it is that which the Lord works in us and when he works in us then we do his commands not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to his mercy he saved us by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Ghost and in the conclusion of that chapter the apostle says and let heirs also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses that they be not unfruitful what did we read in the chapter just now herein is my father glorified that he bear much fruit and if you and

[29:33] I have the unspeakable mercy to be among fruit bearing branches our greatest concern our greatest sorrow often will be our boroughness though I do believe those who bear most fruit fear to be most borough and come in with the poet where he said quickened by thee and kept to nye I flourish and bear fruit my life would from thy self derive my figure from thy root so says the apostle all that are with me salute thee greet them that love us in the faith grace be with you all oh who would not say amen to such language as that and may we feel the sweetness and power of it from time to time as we seek to do in our little way what the

[30:35] Lord Jesus Christ has left for us to do he has left us an example that we should follow his steps and may we be favored to follow his steps even in that we seek to do good to others to do good and to communicate forget not for with such sacrifices God is well pleased and the Lord Jesus Christ very beautifully speaks to us in that chapter we read and may we know what it is to abide in him as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in a vine no more can ye except ye abide in me I am the vine ye are the branches he abideth me in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit without me ye can do nothing we are constantly being taught this constantly brought to the end of our resources constantly brought to him and yet you see he has never let us down we have been tempted many times that we should be let down but that's just what

[31:54] Satan delights in doing we live to prove constantly that Satan is a liar as Christ said he was he is a liar and the father of it oh then may we be favored to still press on as one has said if they'll press on the crowds will fly if they'll fight to Jesus Christ and he will send supply he that hath friends must show himself friendly it's because we have so many friends we have a desire in return to show ourselves friendly and as the Lord may help even this evening in that practical way it is my desire that the Lord's name may be glorified and your souls may be truly blessed and that even that word we have heard this evening may be fulfilled in air mix

[32:56] I am so glad that your dear pastor has felt led to join us in committee and I can certainly witness the truth of what he said about our little committee meetings because there have been times of real fellowship and we have sought to do what we could for the benefit of others and have found it is not vain to serve the Lord in this way we do it we do it not by way of merit there's no merit in what we do but we realize that all the merit is in the Lord Jesus Christ who indeed is set before us in the latter part of that verse there is a friend which sticketh closer than a brother here we have been favored to sing of it how beautiful were those words that we sung and

[33:59] I pass it on to you again for your consideration relative to the Lord Jesus Christ the son of God and son of man stooping from the coming down from the highest to the lowest to lift up poor sinners from the lowest to the highest how we have to join with one who said he saw me ruined in the fall he had loved me not withstanding all he saved me from my lost estate his loving kindness oh how great there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother no

[35:11] I shall not keep you any longer because I suntire these days I have been rather put to it of light under heavy affliction in one sense and so I leave the few remarks and pray that what we seek from time to time to sow in felt weakness may be raised by him in power the lord bless you each and all and do good even as the psalmist prays in the end of the 90th psalm do good in thy good pleasure and desire build there the walls of Jerusalem and concerning our friends we can say can we not wholeheartedly together this evening my soul shall pray for Zion still while life and breath remain they're my best friends my kindred well they're

[36:17] God my savior reigns and if Zion the people of God are our best friends now they will be forever oh I say what a wonderful mercy if the lord has brought us out of nature's darkness into his marvelous light and cause us to know what it is to be one with him and with his people that we may presently join in the everlasting song and crown him lord of all may he grant it so for his name's sake amen i'm sure my friends i express your feelings when i do extend to our dear friend mr mercer our thanks for coming to us and for the edifying remarks that he has been enabled to make in the name of the lord this evening while he was speaking and consistent with the prayer of our friend mr buggins my mind went to a little incident in my early life we lived in the country at that time we had mains water laid to the house but at the side of the house stood a pump and we boys from time to time found quite a measure of enjoyment in playing with the pump and we could pump the handle and nothing happened and we could continue to pump that handle and nothing happened when we went indoors and obtained a vessel and got a drop of water and poured it down the top of the pump then when we pumped the handle we found the water gush out and it would continue to gush out so that a little poured in brought a considerable quantity out and my friends isn't that so in the spirit of the text this evening a man that hath friends must show himself friendly a little exercise of friendship among men invariably brings forth a good measure of friendship in return another thing that

[39:10] I just mentioned with regard to this matter is any relationship that reveals the spirit of Christ is worthy of our admiration now this matter of friendship every act of friendship is some small reflection of Jesus Christ and what a wonderful thing it is not only to be enabled to manifest Christ's spirit in any particular what a wonderful benefit it is to be the recipient even through men of the spirit of Jesus

[40:11] Christ there's always comfort proceeds from those things which harmonize with the spirit of Jesus Christ toward men may the Lord help us to manifest our friendship in every practical and convenient way and be sure of this my dear friends that we shall reap as we sow and indeed if we sow friendship we shall not be wanting of a harvest of friendship and may the Lord bless the remarks that have been made here this evening and sanctify them to our practical use and to his own glory to that to another other thing to