Young People's Service - Watch
[0:00] As the Lord shall be pleased to help me, I shall call your attention to a subject you will find in the Gospel of Mark, chapter 13, and the 37th verse.
[0:30] And what I say unto you, I say unto all, watch. Chapter 13, 37th verse, the Gospel of Mark.
[0:49] Chapter 13, 38th verse, the Gospel of Mark.
[1:19] And said, whether it be for a poor sinner's good or for his lasting ill, what I say unto you, I say unto all, watch.
[1:36] And now, the background of our subject is very, very dark.
[1:48] Because it speaks of that hour which is coming when time shall be no more.
[1:59] It calls our attention to when this world shall no longer be as it is, but when every one of us shall appear before God.
[2:15] And as the word is, every one of us shall give an account unto God. And godly scholars tell us that means in the original, every one of us shall be turned inside out before God.
[2:33] And then, the truth about you and me will be known in its exactitude in heaven's own searching light before the judgment seat of Christ.
[2:51] And yet, while the background is indeed very dark, sometimes when famous artists have painted a picture which has become famous, they have been thrown out in great relief and to the advantage of the picture.
[3:20] And the dark background to the picture in our subject is concerning those who live and die as they were born.
[3:33] And if any of us should live and die just as we were born, and our lives as we live them, be only after the flesh, the things of the flesh, the word of God will not fail in being fulfilled.
[3:57] And it says, be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. He that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption.
[4:15] And now, here is the picture coming out in relief on the dark background. He that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting.
[4:27] The subject is one of amazing depth. And good it will be if grace is given to contemplate it.
[4:40] But I want to look at it, as the Lord shall help me, as I understand it, to affect you dear young people. And it can likewise be just the same in its effects.
[4:55] For those of you who are in life's afternoon or evening time. But I address the dear young people. And I need not take up time to tell you that the pastor's heart overflows with good wishes for you.
[5:15] That the blessing of the Lord may rest upon you in time and eternity too. And now, looking at this word before us, and what I say unto you, I say unto all, watch.
[5:33] I'm going to give you an address on the word watch. And I shall take each letter of this word watch and show you something which each letter will tell you what you should be watching against.
[5:50] Seeking divine aid to attend to it and have matters right before God with whom you have to do.
[6:03] What I say unto you, I say unto all, watch. And now, the letter W stands for words.
[6:16] Watch your words. There are some scriptures that give some of us who are old and grey-headed much searching of heart.
[6:30] A word like this. For every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment.
[6:40] By him actions are weighed. The thought of foolishness is sin. And now think if you can, ask God to help you, that in his light you may see light.
[6:55] Think if you can, of the words that roll off our tongues all the day long. And many of those words, you have not been on your watchtower, that they should be words to edify the people listening.
[7:16] Oh, they have been idle words. Words of which it could be said, as Job said to his friends, the words of thy mouth are like wind.
[7:31] And he said, how forcible are right words. Watch your words. And I want to open up this viewpoint of the subject.
[7:49] I remember reading many, many years ago about our words being put through three sieves. I would remind you of those three sieves.
[8:04] Regarding your words, ere they drop from your lips. Is it true? What you were going to speak about? Is it true?
[8:16] If it is true, is it kind to be referring to it? And is it necessary that you should say anything at all about it?
[8:30] And those three sieves are very useful, but they're not often in use. Alas, I'm not fitting any caps on.
[8:42] Preacher and people alike, young and old, must all plead guilty here. You need to be more on your watchtower to watch your words.
[8:53] Preacher and people alike. You think of what words drop from your lips sometimes. Angry words. You get churned up inside.
[9:08] Your temper rises. And you give vent to it. Angry words are lightly spoken in a rash and thoughtless hour. Brightest links on earth are broken by their deep insidious power.
[9:23] Angry words. And if not angry words, think of the grumbling words that have rolled off your tongues. When all is said and done, you are surrounded along life's way by mercies innumerable.
[9:42] And yet, how often you grumble about this and that to do with your everyday life and under your home roof, in your family circle. Watch your words.
[9:57] Angry words. Grumbling words. Idle words. Trifling words. And by that I mean words to do with frivolity.
[10:12] Words superfluous. To no purpose. Only tomfoolery. And other words. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
[10:26] For the Lord will not hold him guiltless. That taketh his name. In vain. Watch your words.
[10:39] How good. It is when you hear words. Which are like oil on troubled water. Kind words. Kind words. Polite words.
[10:53] Words. Words. Which. Are like nails fastened in a sure place. Acceptable words. Do watch your words.
[11:07] Because I quote it again. For every idle word that men shall speak. Every angry word. Every grumbling word. Every trifling word.
[11:17] Every foolish word. Every frivolous word. Every filthy word. Swear words. For every idle word.
[11:32] Men shall give an account thereof. In the day of judgment. Watch your words. And I want to remind you of this.
[11:47] You dear young people. As you still dwell. Many of you in your family circles. Watch your words. That you use under your home roof. Regarding your father.
[11:59] Your mother. Or as far as that goes. Your brother. Your sisters. If you have them. Because I can tell you this. When I stood by my mother's grave.
[12:14] I suppose I was then. Between. Forty and fifty years of age. But when I stood there. And looked on her coffin. For the last time. I could remember.
[12:26] When I was a little fellow. Some words I had spoken. That I wished. Had never never dropped. From my lips. I knew that God.
[12:37] Had blotted them out. And my mother. Had overlooked them too. For mothers are just like that. They are so ready to forgive. If you acknowledge. Knowledge. But the great thing is.
[12:49] Not to have the memory. That any words. That ought not to be spoken. Have ever been spoken. Because when you stand by the grave. Of those you love.
[13:01] If you have not always. Watched your words. Then as you stand there. In eternity's light. Your words will come back to you.
[13:11] And you will need to say. And I hope you will have grace to say it. God be merciful to me. A sinner. Remember that.
[13:24] And I remind you. Of some lines. Which are very. Telling. My tongue. My tongue.
[13:36] A most unruly member. Which wags a mane. A sin polluted. Hell in kindled ember. My constant bane. All takes its ways.
[13:48] Apparently unguarded. Tis well if what it says. Is not regarded. Though in the mind of God. Tis all recorded. Completely plain. Lord take my tongue.
[14:01] And make it wholly thine. To speak for thee. It's godless language. Check. Its speech. Refine. Most blessedly.
[14:13] May it be used. To thy exalted praise. May it be found a servant. In thy ways. Till at the end of my appointed days.
[14:24] I dwell. With thee. Watch your words. And remember.
[14:35] I give you a further warning. About slang words. It seems amazing to me. That you can take the Oxford English Dictionary.
[14:48] And find the everyday slang words. Are put in. As to do with the language. English language. Such a beautiful language.
[14:59] As the English language is. But. In the Oxford English Dictionary. You find. There are. Scores of words. Which are recorded.
[15:11] And it says. In italics. Slang. I mean. Such words as. Gosh. Crikey.
[15:23] Lummi. Golly. And such words. And you know what words. Some of you young people use. Quite readily. Watch your words.
[15:36] Remember. What your tongue was given you for. To be used for the glory of God. Not for the desecration of the language of the lands you live in.
[15:48] And the undoing of people you may be talking to. W. Stands then. For words.
[16:00] Watch your words. There is a word in the Proverbs. Which will help you to think a little. And it says. A word spoken in season.
[16:13] How good is it? And now it says in the margin. A word spoken. On his wheels. So that once a word has dropped from your tongue.
[16:27] It goes on its way. Wheeling about. Either doing good. Or ill. But in. Any event. It is recorded for you. Or against you.
[16:39] Therefore I say. Dear young people. Dear old people too. Watch your words. The letter A.
[16:50] Stands for. Aims. You have the. Privilege and pleasure. Dear young people. To be in life's morning.
[17:03] And as far as can be told. Life. Is ahead of you. And you are looking forward. For the future to unfold. Old. And you have.
[17:15] Your aims. You would like to be this or that. In life. Then you are studying for it. If so be. You can be fitted to fill some. Useful niche.
[17:26] Some honorable sphere. In the world at large. And that is good. As far as it goes. But. You need to remember.
[17:39] What the word of God says. About. Aims. And here. You might ask. Your conscience. Three questions.
[17:52] And let your conscience. Tell you the answer to. As it will do. If it is in work in order. What am I? Where am I?
[18:04] Whither am I going? Life is real. Life is earnest. And the grave is not its goal. Dust thou art to dust returnest.
[18:15] Was not spoken of the soul. And it is good. You should have a proper aim in life. To earn the bread which perisheth. And fill some sphere.
[18:26] Wherein you may serve your generation. According to the will of God. But do remember. Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
[18:38] And his righteousness. And all these things. To do with this life. Shall be added unto you. As God shall see fit to bestow them.
[18:50] Oh it is good. To have eternity. Before our eyes. As regard. What our aim in life. Really is.
[19:04] You find in the epistle to the Romans. It says. They that are after the flesh. Do mind the things of the flesh. And sinners.
[19:15] Live in their lives like that. Just as they. Are born into the world. Living with an aim. That is on this side of the grave only. Oh they are living for time.
[19:29] And they have as yet no concern. To live for. Eternity. And now. What does the word of God tell us about these aims?
[19:43] What am I? I am a sinner. With a never dying soul. Where am I? I am journeying through this life. And tomorrow may be.
[19:53] My dying day. Think it not a gloomy theme. Face up to it. Only this frail and fleeting breath. Preserves me from the jaws of death.
[20:05] Soon as it fails. At once I am gone. And plunged into a world. Unknown. Yes. Watch your aims.
[20:20] Whither am I going? I am going to an eternal destiny. Either heaven or hell. You must get that question answered.
[20:31] Whither am I going? Quo vadis. Whither goest thou? Oh you and I are going. Through time. Into an eternal state. Either to be lost.
[20:44] Or saved. Pause thou my soul. And say. If I should die today. What is my case? Am I with pardon.
[20:57] Blessed. In his obedience. Dressed. Is Christ my life. And rest. And saved by grace.
[21:10] Do let your consciences. Tell you. Where you really are. Regarding. These eternal realities. And what is your aim. As you have life before you.
[21:24] If all goes well. And now think. As to how your aims will appear. On the brink of eternity. And the word of God.
[21:37] Gives us an illustration. About it. It is quite familiar to you. And I will. Read it. To you.
[21:48] And he spake a parable unto them. Saying. The ground of a certain rich man. Brought forth plentifully. And he thought within himself.
[21:59] Saying. What shall I do? Because I have no room. Where to bestow my fruits. And he said. This will I do. I will pull down my barns.
[22:09] And build greater. And there will I bestow. All my fruits. And my goods. And I will say to my soul. Soul. Thou hast much goods laid up. For many years.
[22:22] Take thine ease. Eat. Drink. And be merry. But God said unto him. Thou fool. This night. Thy soul shall be required of thee.
[22:33] Then who shall those things be. Which thou hast provided. So is he that layeth up treasure for himself. And is not rich.
[22:45] Toward. God. There you see the end of one. Who did not ask the question. Whither am I going?
[22:56] Who lived just as he was born. For this life alone. And reap the consequences. Of the seed he had sown. And now the word of God says.
[23:10] Godliness is profitable unto all things. Having the promise of the life that now is. And that which is to come. Think of the aim of the apostle Paul.
[23:22] Oh it is a lovely aim. That I may win Christ. And be found in him. And think of Jabez.
[23:33] Long ago. When he said. Do any of you dear young people say. I feel sure that some of you do. Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed. You want something.
[23:47] Which God alone. Can communicate. That you may feel as you want to feel. That matters are right. Between. Your soul.
[23:58] And God. Watch your aims. Oh that you might say. Lord Jesus make. Thyself to me.
[24:11] A living right. Reality. And that be your aim. To know my Jesus crucified. By far excels.
[24:22] All things. Beside. Watch your aims. Do make sure they reach beyond time. Into eternity. That you might be prepared to enter into it.
[24:36] And feel. That matters are indeed. Right. Between your soul. And God. The letter T.
[24:48] Stands for time. Watch your time. And now the word of God says. Quite a deal about time.
[24:59] Do you remember. I think you do remember. Quite a few young people's services ago. I told you.
[25:09] A little incident. About a feast. That was provided. Where the tables were spread. And well loaded. With good things.
[25:21] Provided by a king. Who wished to bring a lesson home. To his courtiers. And when they were all seated. At the. Tables.
[25:33] He bade them. To look up. And over. Every courtiers. Head. High up. Hanging from the ceiling.
[25:45] Was a sword. With its point. Downward. And hanging. Apparently. By what seemed to be. Looking at that distance. No more than a thread. Dead. And they felt very uneasy.
[26:00] At that feast. And there was not much. Merriment. Or happiness. Arising. From it. Because they wondered. If the sword.
[26:11] Would descend. And now that king. Desired to teach them. That the sword. Was dead. And it hanged.
[26:22] Suspended over. Every one of us. By just. A thread. Like I have just. Told you. Only this. Frail. And fleeting. Breath.
[26:32] Preserves me. From the jaws. Of death. It is just like. A thread. And that sword. Hangs over. Every one of us. Then. How concerned.
[26:44] You should be. To watch. Your time. Give. Give every. Fleeting moment. Something to keep.
[26:54] In store. Redeeming the time. Because the days. Are evil. Good. Mr. Tiptoft.
[27:04] One of our. Great ministers. A hundred years ago. In our. Denomination. Used to say. Sinner. There is no. Clock in hell.
[27:17] No record of time. Beyond the grave. It is forever. And ever. Came there a bird. Each thousandth year. A sand grain.
[27:28] From the hills. To bear. When all had vanished. Grain by grain. Eternity. Would still remain. Mark. Well. O man. Eternity. And you must watch.
[27:40] Your time. In eternity's light. And remember. Time is just. A bubble floating. On eternity's. Vast sea.
[27:53] Good Bishop Latimer. When he was on trial. By those who were. Persecuting him. For righteousness sake. As he appeared.
[28:03] Before his. Judges. It is recorded. That he was. Rather troubled. In his mind. Because he could hear. A kind of.
[28:14] Scratching noise. Which he could not. Interpret. The meaning of it. And by and by. When a door. Was open. The wind blew.
[28:25] Aside a curtain. And there was a man. Recording everything. That Latimer was saying. Before his judges. If so be. They could later on. Entangle him. In his talk.
[28:36] And now that. Will bring home to you. What I told you. Earlier on. Every one of us.
[28:48] Should give an account. Unto God. And I might. Tell you this. While there are no. Clocks in hell. I will tell you. What else is not. Found in hell. No bad memories.
[29:01] Are found in hell. But every sinner. Who has the misery. To be there. Has his memory. Perfect. And he lives this life.
[29:12] Over. And over. And over again. And he sees. If he had been wise here. And wise there. He could have avoided.
[29:23] Much. That now increases. His misery. To be where he is. And the thing that makes him. Most miserable. Is that where he is.
[29:33] Is forever and ever. As long as God. Shall God remain. So long shall last. Hells linger in pain. So long the joys of heaven.
[29:44] Shall be. Oh long delights. Long misery. Watch your time. And I might say. Today.
[29:56] If ye will hear his voice. Harden not your hearts. Do not listen. To what the pastor is saying. And make up your mind. You will take no. Notice.
[30:08] Of it. But as soon as you can get out. And the amen is said. You will still go on living. Just as you were born. Today. If ye will hear his voice.
[30:21] Harden not your heart. Careless sinner. Stop and think. Ere you farther go. You were sporting on the brink.
[30:32] Of everlasting woe. Watch your time. Because tomorrow for you. There may be time. No more. But you.
[30:44] Will be in eternity. And where. Watch your time. Let us come to the letter C.
[30:58] And that stands for company. Watch your company. And now the word of God says. If sinners entice thee.
[31:11] Consent thou. Not. And this word. To do with company. Watch your company. Is rather far reaching.
[31:22] Because you can be by yourself. And still be in bad company. You might be reading. An evil book. One that is.
[31:34] Unedifying. Unprofitable. And it reminds me. It reminds me. Of a notice. I saw. Some while ago. By a large lake.
[31:46] This water. This water. Is not. Is not fit. For drinking purposes. And that could be said. Of. Tens of thousands. Of books.
[31:57] That have issued. From the press. Lately. This water. Is not fit. For drinking purposes. It is adulterated.
[32:08] It is impregnated. With evil. It is poison. Watch your company. Watch your books.
[32:22] That you read. And remember. A beautiful word. Which I like to look at. Sometimes. And if the Lord.
[32:33] Will help me. One young people's service. I will give you. An address on it. Finally. Brethren. Whatsoever things. Are true.
[32:45] Whatsoever things. Are honest. Margin. Word is striking. Whatsoever things. Are venerable. You know. Things venerable. Nowadays. Are very often despised.
[32:56] And they are thought. To be out of date. Antiquated. No. Whatsoever things. Are venerable. Whatsoever things. Are just. Whatsoever things.
[33:07] Are pure. Whatsoever things. Are lovely. Whatsoever things. Are of good report. If there be any. Virtue. And if there be any. Praise. Think on these things.
[33:21] Yes. Do remember. To watch. Your company. And if you should be found. In company. That your conscience. Tells you.
[33:32] Your godly father and mother. Do not wish you. To be found in. Then may you have this word. To warn you. Rebuke you. Be sure your sin.
[33:43] Will find you out. Evil communications. Corrupt good manners. Yes. You cannot. Touch pitch. And not be defiled. Can a man.
[33:55] Take fire. In his bosom. And his clothes. Not be burned. Watch your company. Hey. But you may still be alone.
[34:05] And in bad company. How much there is on the radio. That you listen to. Some of you. I'm not fitting any caps on.
[34:16] I'm drawing a bow at a venture. It might find a mark. How much there is on the radio. That you listen to. And.
[34:26] In listening to it. You're in bad company. Not that which will. Help you to think about eternity. But that. Which will help you.
[34:37] To waste your time. And will fill your mind. With that. Which if God. Later on. As I hope he will. Should call you. By his grace.
[34:47] You will have to. Earnestly beg him. To blot out. If he will be pleased to do it. What you have gathered. From the radio. Which was not.
[34:59] Fit for you. To listen to. And you have your conscience. Loaded with guilt. And the same thing. Refers to television. What you may see there.
[35:12] Which is not. For your good. In all this. You need to watch. Your company. Do suffer.
[35:23] Do suffer the word of exhortation. And remember. It says in the Corinthians. I often think of it.
[35:34] In the burial service. When sometimes I have to. Use that portion. In reading. To see all that is. Mortal of one. Well laid in the grave. But it says.
[35:46] In the burial service. Regarding the resurrection. Morning. Every man shall rise. In his own order. And it means in the original.
[35:58] Every man shall rise. In his own regiment. So that if you go down. Into the grave. A worldling. You will rise.
[36:09] A worldling. On the resurrection. More. If you should. Go down. Into the grave. And you were one. Who was following on. To know the Lord.
[36:20] When the dead in Christ. Shall rise first. On the resurrection. Mourn. You will be found. Among them. But every man. In his own. Order. Order.
[36:30] And as a rule. Do believe this. As a rule. Men die. As they live. There are very very few. Deathbed repentances.
[36:42] Very very few. Indeed. And those of us. Who try to preach. Do not feel as we.
[36:53] Would like to feel often. In attempting to place. Any dependence on them. And I would just. Make that plainer. Because.
[37:04] It has been known. By those of us. Whom God has ordained. To preach. As we hope. That people have been seen. On what purported. To be their deathbed.
[37:16] And they seem. To speak well. Well. But they did not die. And they recovered. And they went back. To live in the world. And of it.
[37:29] And therefore. It is very difficult. For any preacher. To say much. About what is called. A deathbed repentance. Nevertheless.
[37:41] The foundation. Of God. Standeth sure. Having this seal. The Lord knoweth. Them that are his. The dying thief. Was one of his. And that is recorded. That.
[37:52] It. Might be. Made. Manifest. That down through the ages. Other poor sinners. Might repent. In life's latest hours. And it be genuine.
[38:03] But God alone. Is the judge. Do remember. What I have told you. Every man shall rise. In his own order. What order do you belong to.
[38:14] At the present time. Are you here. Before God. Asking the way to Zion. With your faces. Thitherward. Or. Are you here.
[38:25] Because parental discipline. Has driven you. And if you could do. As you like. You would not be here. Then you are just. As you were born. And you want the amen.
[38:36] To come. Then if you. Go down into the grave. In such a character. Alas. When the resurrection.
[38:47] Morning shall come. You will rise. As you were laid in the grave. As I said. A worldling. And you will be lost.
[39:03] C stands for company. The letter H. The letter H. Stands for. Habits. What's your habits. And now habits.
[39:14] Are twofold. There are good habits. And there are bad habits. And both kinds of habits.
[39:24] Grow. So that. A bad habit. We take that. First of all. Maybe at first. As it binds you.
[39:36] Like cotton. But as you continue in it. It may become like string. And you keep on in it. And it becomes like rope.
[39:46] And if you continue yet. To live in such a habit. It will be an iron chain. And God alone. Will be able to break it. You will never be able to do it.
[40:00] Do watch your habits. Especially. At the. Beginnings. And remember. That if you should.
[40:14] Fall a prey to bad habits. You will find there. A question again. In life. Of sowing and reaping. I remind you. Of what the word of God.
[40:25] Tells us. About this. In one instance. And Judah went up. And the Lord. Delivered the Canaanites. And the Perizzites. Into their hand.
[40:36] And they slew of them. In Bezek. Ten thousand men. And they found. Adonai Bezek. In Bezek. And they fought against him. And they slew.
[40:46] The Canaanites. And the Perizzites. But Adonai Bezek. Fled. And they pursued. After him. And caught him. And cut off his thumbs. And his great toes.
[40:58] And Adonai Bezek. Said. Wretched man. Three score. And ten kings. Having their thumbs. And their great toes. Cut off.
[41:09] Gathered their meat. Under my table. As I. Have done. So God. Hath requited me. And they brought him. To Jerusalem. And there he died.
[41:21] Do you watch your habits. If they should be bad. Because they will grow on you. And in your own strength. On your own initiative. You will not be able.
[41:32] To break yourself. Of bad habits. Oh. These bad habits. One could go on to midnight. Enumerate in them. And you dear young people.
[41:44] In the age in which we are living. Are in the midst of many temptations. Many of you. Earn. Wonderfully good wages.
[41:57] And that. Promotes a danger. Wherein you need. To watch. Your habits. There is a word. I look at.
[42:07] Sometimes. In. A little prophecy. Which is very full. Of. Blessed. Teaching. And. It speaks there.
[42:19] In the. Little book of. Haggai. And. Either earn it. Wages. Earn it. Wages. To put it into a bag. With horse.
[42:30] Wages. And now. I'm not making any reflections. On you. But I can give you a hint or two. As to what a bag with holes might be. It could be to do with smoking.
[42:44] Could be to do with drinking. But I hope not. Could be to do with. Too much attention. Given to adorning your persons.
[42:54] Even cosmetics. Can be a bag with holes. And if you remember. What I told you. Every one of us should give an account unto God.
[43:07] Then whatever our income is. God will require an account. As to how much of it. Went for that which is good. And how much of it.
[43:19] Just for the adulation. And pampering. Of the great eyeness. And the adornment of it. Do. Do dear young people.
[43:32] Do watch. Your habits. From these few points. There it is too late. When you think. Of young people. Go back to smoking.
[43:45] You think. Of wasting. Ten shillings a week. On smoke. And get to the end of the year. And all the year.
[43:56] You have done that. When you have got. Twenty six pounds. Gone up in smoke. And nothing to show for you. And if you keep on like that.
[44:07] You're in. You're out. You will smoke enough. That would almost. Buy your house. Later on. To live in. Do suffer the word.
[44:18] Of exhortation. And remember. Bad habits. Are very catching. And I quote. This word again.
[44:29] If sinners entice thee. Consent thou not. Have courage. To say no. Let your yea be yea. And your nay be nay. Lest ye fall into condemnation.
[44:41] Yes. Watch your habits. All how they grow. And now. Habits can be kind habits. Useful habits. Helpful habits.
[44:52] But there. I must. Look on the other side again. A moment. There are lazy habits. When you think. That you are here. For other folk.
[45:03] To wait on you. And not pull your weight. In everyday life. Do. Watch your habits. Things. And when you.
[45:17] Look at a tree. You can do it later on. You cannot do it. Just at the present time. For spring has not yet come. But later on. It will come. When it does come.
[45:30] You take the leaf. Of a tree. And you will see. The outline of the leaf. Shows the outline. Of the tree. And if you.
[45:41] So bad habits. That will give you. A bad character. And you will not be. Respected. Nor esteemed. The word of God says.
[45:52] Them that honor me. I will honor. They that despise me. Should be lightly esteemed. But if you should. Be concerned.
[46:02] To watch your habits. That they are good habits. And you seek. To do what good you can. Then it will be with you. As we read.
[46:14] In the. Acts of the apostles. And it says here. And believers. Were the more added. To the Lord. Multitudes. Both of men and women.
[46:26] In so much. That they brought forth. The sick. Into the streets. And laid them on beds. And couches. That at the least. The shadow of Peter. Passing by.
[46:37] Might overshadow. Some of them. And you know. If God should help you. To sow good habits. And your behavior. Should be good behavior. You will cast.
[46:48] A shadow. Wherever you go. That is to say. In your life. There will be. An influence. And Joseph. Art touches on that. Behold.
[46:59] The gospel plan. Trust in the Lord. With all your heart. And do what good you can. Watch your words. Watch your aims.
[47:11] Watch your time. Watch your company. Watch your habits. What I say unto you. I say unto all. Watch. And now.
[47:23] If you are to do this. Something must be done for you. That God alone can do. You must have your eyes opened. The blind cannot be put.
[47:34] On a watch tower. And expected to watch. And the word of God says. The eyes of the blind. Shall be opened. All what we do want to see.
[47:45] Made manifest in many of you. Dear young people. Is this. Ye must be born. Again. And if God should grant you.
[47:56] That inestimable mercy. If he should grant you. To have his fear in your heart. You will know. By the fear of the Lord. Men depart from evil. There is a word here.
[48:07] In the book of Revelation. Regarding. Watching. Which is. Very instructive. And you can. Think on it. As you.
[48:18] Go home. And remember it. In your everyday life. And now. It refers to these last days. In which you and I are living. And God says. Behold.
[48:29] I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth. And keepeth his garments. Lest he walk naked. And they see his shame. And now.
[48:40] That refers to the sentinels. Of old. The officer went round. While they. Were on duty. In the night watches.
[48:51] And if the officer. Found a sentinel. Sleeping at his post. He had a torch. And he set his clothes alight. And that awakened him.
[49:02] But when he went off duty. He could only go. On his way. Ashamed. Because it proclaimed.
[49:13] To everyone. Who knew the meaning of it. That he was asleep. When he should be. On the watch. Lest danger should arise.
[49:23] Oh. That the Lord. Would grant you that grace. Which he alone. Can communicate. That you might be helped.
[49:34] To live like this. Live a life. Where you. Seek to. Watch and pray. And remember this.
[49:46] The name of the Lord. Is a strong tower. And the righteous. Runneth into it. And is safe. And they that in the Lord confide.
[49:57] And shelter in his wounded side. Should see all dangers. Overpassed. Stand every storm. And live. At last.
[50:08] What I say unto you. I say unto all. Watch. Do seek to prove all things. And hold fast.
[50:19] That which is good. And remember the Covenanters. Watch words. And it was. Watch. Well. Amen.
[50:31] Amen.