Exodus (Quality: Poor)

Fenstanton - Part 1

Sermon Image
Jan. 1, 1900


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[0:00] That is, the mother of Moses could not longer hide him. She took for him an arthur rushes, and dorked it with slime and fish, and put the child therein, and she laid it in the plague, and by the river's drink, and its sister stood afar off to wish what would be done to him.

[0:33] His health, that's what we shall concentrate upon, those two verses. But read down the 10th verse to see the subject as a whole.

[0:45] The daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself the river, and her maidens walked along the river's side, and when she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it, and when she opened it, she saw the child, and behold, the faith went.

[1:12] And she had compassion on him and said, This is one of the Hebrews' children. Then said his sister, the Pharaoh's daughter, Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee?

[1:32] The Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go, and the maid went and called the child's mother. And Pharaoh's daughter. And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, Take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thine wages.

[1:52] And the woman took the child and nursed it. And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son.

[2:04] And she called his name Moses. And she said, Because I drew him out of the water. Now, the sound this might occur as just a piece of history, and why bother about it?

[2:24] Well, those of you here in the reading of the place will remember that we read from the Acts of the Aquarius and Paul's letter for the Hebrews.

[2:37] Now, if the Holy Ghost, the writer of these fortunes, deemed it necessary to deal with the history of this time, which we read just now, as he does, and to connect it up with the mighty principle of faith, as he does in Hebrews 11, then you and I would be very, very wrong in not seeking to start the history of such a priceless portion as that we pray in Acts 7 and Hebrews 11.

[3:24] But I just want a word more particularly to you young ones, and you old ones, well, you're only old boys and girls after all, you know.

[3:36] And I hope you're all open to learn. If not, we are still it of the first one. Well, while I'm speaking just a word or two to the lads and girls, you older ones can listen.

[3:55] You might be able to pick up something that will do you good as well. I promise you it won't be foreign from the Bible at any rate.

[4:07] You boys and girls, that ark of bulrushes, verse 3, when she, she is Joppa, that's the name of Moses' mother.

[4:21] We have that in the 26th chapter of Numbers, verse 59, Joppa. Her name means God my glory or God is glorious.

[4:38] Mrs. Jochebed, we may call her today. Well, she was the mother of Moses and when he was a babe, she took an ark of bulrushes, dogged this slime with pitch and put the child therein.

[4:59] she laid the flags by the river's bank. Now, bulrushes and flags are the same word.

[5:11] They're not the same in our authorised version, but they are the same really and truly. And they mean the reefs. The river is the river now that runs through Egypt.

[5:26] and the reefs, growing up of a bank of it, were made very useful. I'll tell you how. They stripped the outer coat of the reef and the substance beneath was glued together in sheets and made paper.

[5:53] P-A-P-E-R. Yes, you know that word, all right. Well, they called it P-A-P-Y-R-U-S.

[6:07] Maybe some of you gather in Latin. I think some of you do. School. Look that word up if you are not familiar with it. It has a touch of the Trinity about it, but it is also a Greek word, a New Testament word.

[6:24] And you have it in the very first word in Matthew. The Gospel, the New Testament, opens with that very word, P-P-P-I-R-U-S, the book of the generation of Jesus Christ.

[6:42] It's called the book because, obviously, you can't have a book without paper. So, from the material used to make a book comes the book or the article that is made.

[7:02] Well, that was the bull rushes, the papyrus green. The outer covering of which was stripped and the material glued together and made paper and writing materials.

[7:19] Now, they used two words to describe it. Bibulus, B-I-B-L-S, and Biblio, B-I-B-L-I-O-S.

[7:33] And again, you add both those words in the New Testament to the word paper and for the word book. Now, here is the important part I want to impress with you.

[7:47] Bibliar is in the book for you boys and girls to know something about blue or the same thing. In fact, you know a lot more than I can tell you.

[7:58] When I went to school, they taught us enough. They just gave us plenty of stick and made us our own bag as a chief lesson, I think, we had to aim when you were at school.

[8:10] Things of order. You are taught a lot more than we knew when we left school. Well then, Bibliar is in the plural number meaning books.

[8:24] Bibliar is in the singular number meaning books. But both come from that material of the reading. Bibulus, B-I-B-Y-L-O-S.

[8:38] See? Pull out. Here is the beautiful feature of this. Biblia is plural. How many books have we in the Bible?

[8:53] 66. There you get the plural number of the term very exactly. and yet we call these 66 books the Bible, Biblia, singular number, one book.

[9:14] Why? Because it is only one book. There is diversity, unity in the diversity.

[9:25] from the beginning of Genesis down to the end of Revelation there is but one theme really and truly the opening up of the will of God.

[9:39] so from bulrushes to pirates reading we get all this yes and a lot more. If I were you, you young ones, I would use the dictionary every day of my life.

[10:02] Marvelous say, fancy the preacher telling us to use the dictionary. Well, it's biblical because the preacher was wise and not a fool.

[10:17] Only today the bigger fool he is is the better he can preach is the estimation of some folks. But because the preacher was wise he sought out acceptable words.

[10:33] We read that in Solomon and if Solomon in all his wisdom he used the dictionary you and I would be very unwise not to follow sin.

[10:47] The instruction that can be gathered that is useful in life whatever be your calling the more you know of words and their meaning there are so many tools like the workman had in his basket you can make a better job of what you're engaged in if only you know more of words and their meaning.

[11:18] Would you believe it? but it is true in the 19th of Isaiah verse 7 we read of the paper reeds by the brook of Egypt and in 18th of Isaiah we read of ships made of these bulrushes or of these papyrus trees this is the word that send its ambassadors by the sea in vessels of bulrushes ships of papyrus reeds they were exceedingly light they were exceedingly poor they were used just as everything she's got the bed did here she put slime within a sticky material that held the reeds together and fish without that made water and the thief that Isaiah led for the holy ghost to tell us that even in his day ships were made of this material and ambassadors were sent from country to country in the day ah do reach the

[12:42] Bible do reach it carefully you'll never regret it and then before I leave you particularly you youngsters I mentioned the other Sunday and I thank you for your answers among your mighty quick thank you for your answers now I wondered last Sunday I mentioned about the Hebrew Alphabet now I wonder if you can tell me where that is to be found in this Biblia this book you have it yes you have it in Hebrew science and it's English equivalence can you tell me where to find 22 of them and they're all in one place in this book now I'm not alluding to Ezra now they are set out quite distinctly very emphatically you put your considering caps on and if you don't know well I don't mind if you ask dad and mum probably they don't know but ask them and see and then tell me next

[13:59] Sunday if you will find it by then where the 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are found in the Old Testament with their Hebrew sign and their English equivalence probably you know already forgive me but you really ought to know because if you do know if ever you knew you knew father will now ask for you I think some of the old ones will be pulling my hair for occupying so much time in talking to you but I don't mind if they do not as big for after all we can only be the millions of making the impression on the young minds about the Bible in these terrible days in which they are not discussed it can't be in days now let us look there are two things

[15:01] I want to talk about about Mrs. Jochebed as we have her in verse 3 that is her faith in God and the divine providence that honours her faith in God we call her Mrs.

[15:20] Jochebed God is my glory or the glorious God what a name well all the old Bible names have their meaning I think out of the two God is my glory would be the best for us to think about her God is my glory she wants her glory herself God with her glory is the acknowledgement of all that she wants all that she hoped to be and all that she eventually became was owing to God a beautiful name suited her well Mrs.

[16:14] Jochebed had three children Molly Aaron Miriam two boys one girl what a family you know dear friends this day one day this week I sat mused on this till I lost you might say that's nothing fresh you lose yourself in the book well probably I do but I lost myself in a good way what a family mode is the man of God what a name for a son what would you say if your sons were men of God him priest of the most high God the high priest of that what would you say if your son occupied such an important position though I know there is no priest but one that should follow the spiritual meaning a daughter a dear little child about 10 to 12 years old his sister stood apart to which would be done to think of that she was a marvelous caveat now

[17:46] Moses was a man mighty in word and in deeds but not eloquent not eloquent a man could be mighty in word and in deeds but not be eloquent eloquent eloquent God gave Moses heir because of his eloquent he is not heir and thy brother I know that he can speak well well but I rather be like Moses than be like Aaron shall I tell you why Moses had a mind and Aaron asked when Moses put his foot down it stopped and nobody pulled it out Aaron was a jellyfish man I'm not letting him down oh now I can't do that he was a jellyfish man compared with

[18:49] Moses Moses goes up in the mountains with God for forty days and nights the people at the bottom say let us make God the that brought us out of Egypt and Aaron pulled into the proposition straight away and there he is turning out the golden calf a jellyfish man he was a man that could do well when he had somebody else to stick in him all the time like he had with Moses I'm not letting him down he just shows you there is big differences in the family of God and you will have big differences in your own children these three were the children of parents Mrs.

[19:39] Josephette and Amram the husband but look at the contract and Miriam dear little child here as she sits and watches that are quick witted the fear of God in her heart even at that tender age and you are not too young to have the fear of God in your heart she may be there with some of you for all time there ah Miriam watch that ark I see as if I could see so much never before under heaven there been so much of the what in that ark oh you say oh your baby a few months ago ah Moses the servant of God is there Moses the law giver is there Moses the great mediator between

[20:42] God and Israel is there the man must be the means of destroying Egypt is there of delivering Israel from bondage is there the man the whole religious and political kingdom of Israel lies in that little half of bulrush I will say to reverence no greater man until the greatest man there was the Lord Jesus Christ lay there watching well Miriam she did she stood so she could see the ark but never could see her she had her reason for that as the story unfolds well now Miriam after a little time Israel is delivered and they come out of the red sea and

[21:46] Miriam is there with her timbrel shouting out the high praises of God singing ye to the Lord we have triumphed gloriously the Lord is a man of war the horse of the right of his throne into the sea well done Miriam who was had a daughter than I heard what a family and now I'm on that I can't stop you know the end they weren't perfect Moses was not perfect he was the meekest man on the earth the last December he smoked the rock when God only told him to speak to it must we bring water out of the rock to you rest and for that he was not allowed to enter the promised man a dear man of

[22:52] God the most honored of the Old Testament men of God and yet he paid a big price for losing his temper to let you and I learn take the hint if you have to have a lot of chastisement it may be you lose your temper a good thing think of Moses and Aaron weak as he was those God high priests yet the day came when God said to Moses bring him up to Mount Ebo strip his beautiful garment off of him he shall die God ah the day comes when the most beautiful decorations of earth can give all God either taken away and death laid the individual down in his grave Miriam was she perfect she couldn't stop her brother

[24:01] Moses getting married until the time Moses got married she and Aaron and Moses were a beautiful family ah how true to life this is to a family job along very nicely very comfortably till something like that happens you misunderstand yes yes and Miriam the very last that you would think of that was doing she said to Aaron her brother and the Lord only spoken unto Moses and he spoken unto us too God he so can hear him and he and Moses was not blind to it but not a word came out of his death and

[25:05] Mrs. Jocobie knew about it but not a word came out of her in silence but God heard it and suddenly you read suddenly God who's been hearing it all the time he called the three of them to come out Moses, Aaron and Nile when they came out God separated Aaron and Nile and the result was after he stood on the roof Nile is a letter a letter a letter and for seven days she asked to abide a letter out of the camp calling out unclean unclean to anyone that came anywhere near her at the prayer of Moses, her brother God he was her which he drops out of the book you hear more about directly after or very soon after you read just said to the word

[26:13] Nile and I he was served as father ah my dear friend God give you your children by his sovereign grace and make men and women of God of them in my heart desire to lend to you but don't expect the attention it is just you won't get it now how did I want I'm sorry I have but after all you get the reality of life in these things out of this dear old book this is real spirituality not imaginary emotional this keeps you put firm on earth facing life as it really is and yet deeply does it teach us the fact that God in the sovereign and that no family is perfect nor ever will be this thy glory and

[27:22] Mrs. Joppa the mother of the tree now earth faith comes into exercise when this child is born you know there was a decree of terror that all the male children should be destroyed and the reason was he was afraid that if they were allowed to grow up and other nations came to war against him he assured that the Israelites would join with them and get their own freedom so his scheme was kill the young Israelite which male stock off directly their born and Mrs. Joppa she had faith in God and she feared not the king's commandment nor his role faith can be bold and he's bold when he says work you know it must have been a terrible ordeal to that godly woman and for Angela and her husband too they knew and they knew how distant the search among the Egyptian officers would be for every woman bringing male children into the world and yet they feared not the king's war and there was no fear against the king he was an absolute monarch he'd only got to say have an room at all kill his job of and it would be done no judgment jury no trial would be permitted but they feared not and why did she fear well the

[29:04] Hebrews 11 tells us she had faith in God yes and I don't know how to describe that faith faith that can commit a helpless child in an ark of bulrushes to the river Nile and believe that god will take care of it and not allow the water to overcome all the enemies to take it marvelous respect marvelous woman ah bold indeed reminds me somewhat of those three Hebrew worthies that we read of in the book of Daniel there the king makes his decree that to give him time everybody should fall down and worship the golden image which he set up in the plain oh no the three that won't no be it known unto the old king and that's the way to talk and that's the way faith does talk faith don't shrivel up she's no coward she's open man bold as a lion the righteous are as bold as a lion be it known unto the old king and whatever you do whatever you say you'll do you can eat the furnace anytime follow the usual you can throw it in the den of lions if you will but we will not bow down to the image you set up well done that's the plain you and I want friends ah it is indeed it will eliminate that timorousness that deadly dreadful afraid afraidness of this that and the other if God makes your way plain before your face and it did to

[31:09] Mrs. Joseph and those Hebrew children God enable you to walk it not like a hunchback full of fear and dread lift up your head not in pride but in confidence that the God of heaven and of earth will help you and see you through and in things I can't persuade you how pleased God is with the heart that trusts in him when there's nothing human to help what had Mrs.

[31:49] Jochebed got humanly to help her nothing whatever well there is her faith and there is her boldness and there is her act of committal she puts the child in when she could not longer hide in she took from an arful bull rushes door between slime and with pigeons put the child there in you that are mothers could you do it could you do it picture the circumstances could you do it flesh and blood would tear hard wouldn't it it would it does and don't think that it didn't in Mrs.

[32:41] Jochebed it did it must have done how she put it in faith faith does not make one blind to the pain of the flesh in doing a certain thing but faith triumphed she put the child in with her foolish confidence I'm doing the will of God if you're able as your children grow up and have to go this way that way and the other way if you're able to do the same instead of you wearing yourself out with worry and anxiety needless useless but it all is we know it well if you're able to go with all your heart to do what Jochebed did say well Lord

[33:41] I can't stop them I can't govern them I can't rule I can do nothing here I put them in thy sovereign hand and care commit them to cry it looks desperate it looks deadly the now with it crocodiles are bound in there my poor child must be eaten no faith laughs at impossibilities and says it shall be done and it was done blessed other woman of faith was so to do and one more feature about this woman she used me and faith will use me you must not dear friend get the stupid idea in your novels that if you have faith

[34:46] God you are not to use me you don't find a thing like that in the Bible you don't you only find it in the imaginations of folk who dream what did she do in the way it means well she had her little daughter and she stood her far off to see what would be done to him yes simple very simple indeed but how it works how God honoured it for presently the door to the fairer comes down there to wash herself in the river by the bottom it was a very hot season just that night extra ordinary hot so the record sheriff is elsewhere and we can well understand her coming down to the river for a swim well yes but as she and her nations are walking by this little brush off is noticed now look at the providence of God in her walking just at that moment just at that spot the night is not a little streaming it's not a matter of a few yards there are miles up and to think that she should have to walk just there ah you can only explain it by the almighty goodness and wisdom of

[36:24] God just so her faith and commission to God and God will have after it see so he directs fairer's daughter to come to be spot just at the moment and when she opens the list that I wept there is another thing God calls that child to weep just at that moment why why to operate from the affection of the woman how could a person be cruel to a little child in an heart like this weep besides it was exceedingly fair as we read fair to God there was something in the face of young mercy that imprised God God's hand no ordinary child is and so she takes the child out and just then

[37:30] Miriam comes to the front the meetings that Joppa had appointed and she says shall I call one of the Hebrew women to nurse the child for you you might think that a funny remark for girls to make ah she was diaristic of making and don't question about that even on child sometimes she read them out of the mouths of babes and sucklings he is perfectly for afraid God opened the child's mind God opened the child's mouth and how it worked the Egyptian women couldn't nurse this boy she found a nurse you know who the nurse was Mrs.

[38:23] Joppa the mother her so Mrs. Joppa for her faith well she had to avoid that in her arms and not only that but money for parents said you take a nurse him and I give you your wages not that Mrs.

[38:39] Joppa wanted money but God always like that he always honors faith abundantly super abundantly he superfluous in some respect in his gift he throws the mouth without number to the man the woman who had a grain of faith in God so that he these simple regions and God blessed it and honored her faith even when any time for you know a bunch of things did the trick by God's blessing so you have everywhere you move means linked with faith not to be despised for one moment now one more thing I'd like to mention about

[39:41] Mrs. Jochefe and Moses Moses was taken by Pea's daughter eventually and brought up as her son what a movement of God this was from the ark of bulrushes of papyrus reeds into Pharaoh's court it was and we read that she had him as her son you must take that literally she adopted him perfectly true but also it's perfectly true and the language of the old testament warrants one to say so that she took him as her own son and he passed in the Egyptian court as the son of Moses as the son of Pharaoh and I'll tell you why Pharaoh's daughter was a married woman to her children and the result would be that the throne of Egypt would have gone to another family so it looked to her as a wonderful opportunity a wonderful opportunity here's the boy in the bulrushes ah

[41:07] I have him I have lost him he shall be my own son I'll proclaim him as my own son he shall be heir to my father's throne see and kingdom that was her object that was she intended and God had an intention in this tomb he intended Moses to be there and for a good reason as the after story showed us abundantly but when Moses was come to years 40 years old and that tells us he refused to be called the son of parents so she would know literally he would know and recognize as the daughter of parents no he wouldn't have he refused to be now there is his son his mother didn't give him a place though oh you mothers can't put taking your children you may try to tell you

[42:16] God but God yes God gave the faith to Moses and what a refusal it was when you think that he was learning all the knowledge of the teachers and the knowledge of the teachers was marvelous and he would even excel all modern education much as they do today if you only knew what the Egyptians knew and what they taught in even Moses day you'd be startled and yes what that to me says there's God's people down there and they're in bombs they're in iron they're in a picture and God's people God's people brick makers the slave masters which are back and God's people and his heart rejoined with them yes so much so that he'd do anything with God's people and he did do a big thing

[43:23] God enabling to throw over all the wealth and the honor of Egypt and the throne which he would have had to be identified with the people God he comes back to where he started he had a godly mind and he comes back to godly people and you know the story as well as I what happened oh the wonder working hands of God in all I haven't told you this but I thought I would but I must leave you now may you go no can go I move I have