Sermon commences at 4 minutes.
[0:44] Amen. Amen.
[1:44] Amen. Amen.
[2:44] Amen. Amen.
[3:44] Amen. Trusting once again in the help of the Lord, we'll turn to the first epistle of Peter, chapter 3, verse 18.
[4:04] The first epistle of Peter, the third chapter, the 18th verse. For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God.
[4:31] He am put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit. The first epistle to Peter, the third chapter, verse 18.
[4:49] The scope and the design of the Holy Spirit, and writing, of course, by the Apostle Peter, was to fortify, strengthen, and prepare God's dear people in a pathway of suffering.
[5:26] We know, my dear friends, that if we are amongst the Lord's dear people, there will be those times when we are called to suffer.
[5:43] And perhaps we are called to suffer through our own mistakes, through our own folly, very often.
[5:56] And of course, these things sadden our hearts. But there are those other times when, as Peter speaks in the 16th verse, having a good conscience, that whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.
[6:29] And then he continues by saying, for it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well-doing than for evil-doing.
[6:44] Now, the dear Apostle, knowing that path of suffering for Christ's sake, he brings before us a most wonderful remedy.
[7:02] And that remedy, as enabled by precious faith, will be a wonderful antidote for all our sufferings.
[7:15] And whether they are in the body, whether they are in our circumstances, whether they are in our souls, or however the Lord sees fit, we shall know something of a path of suffering.
[7:36] Now, the dear Apostle says, after he has said, that ye suffer for well-doing than for evil-doing.
[7:46] For, which joins, of course, in the 18th verse to the 17th verse, for Christ also hath once suffered for sins.
[8:03] Now, I believe, dear friends, under the light, under the teaching, under the sweet influence of the Holy Spirit, and don't think for one moment that I'm going to minimize anyone here who is walking in a path of suffering.
[8:29] For it is not my intention in any wise. But we know that very often, in this path of suffering, we can have self-pity.
[8:45] And there are many other things that creep in upon us. But here, dear friends, if the dear Lord would direct us, and by precious faith, and to view, and what the dear Apostle, writing about, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, has set before us, the sufferings of Christ.
[9:15] How, how little, and again, I do not want to minimize, should there be one, in some, in some place of suffering.
[9:29] But how little, his way, his path, was much darker than any of ours, my dear friends. His way was much rougher than any of our paths.
[9:47] His suffering, and his pain, and his anguish, was so far, much greater, than whatever, we shall be called upon, to suffer, in this life.
[10:03] And, and so, we would desire, and to, and to direct, your minds, and your hearts, just for a few moments, this evening, into, into, the sufferings, of Christ.
[10:23] And, and first then, and we would, we would look at what the dear, apostle writes, and he says, for Christ, also, hath, once.
[10:36] He, he, once suffered, my dear friends. And that, and that, and that, and suffering, was, complete. It was, it was, a finished, work.
[10:50] It was, it was also such, a suitable work, and for, and on behalf, of all his dear people. We, read, how, how, how Paul, differentiate, and between, and those, Levitical ordinances, and when, and when, the, the priest offered, those many sacrifices.
[11:18] And, and of course, we know that those, those many sacrifices, as he says, and they can, with these sacrifices, which they offer, year by year, continually, they can never make the comers, they're, they're unto, perfect.
[11:37] And for, for, for he says, then would they not have ceased, to be often, because that the worshippers, once purged, should have no more conscience, of sins.
[11:50] But in those sacrifices, there was, a remembrance, again, made of sins, every year. And every, every priest, and certainly, daily, ministering, those, sacrifices, which can never take away sins, and but, but, by the which will we are sanctified, through the offering, of the body of Jesus Christ, once for all.
[12:24] Now, dear friends, how I believe, if rightly viewed, under the light of the Holy Spirit, whatever those sufferings may be, and you dear young penners, it will be, it will be, them sufferingers, and will come, there will be those sufferings, that you will have to endure, and but, as, as, as we are able to view, this one sacrifice, where, the dear Lord purged, all his dear people's sins, atone, atone for them, and, and, and cast them, all behind, his, his back, for Christ, our text says, also, hath once, once suffered, for sins, and, as we would direct, our, our little eye of faith, and to our once crucified, but now exalted,
[13:27] Saviour, hear those groans, my dear friends, listen to those cries, and that, and that ascended, in, in the garden of Eden, see the dear, and Lord, as, as he suffered, and not, not only, under, the, those things, that, that men done to him, but, but also, when it pleased the Father, and to lay upon him, all the sins, of his dear people, and he, and he became, that one atoning sacrifice, and that, that could, that could only, and will only, take away, our sinners, whatever, whatever, however great, or however small, and these, these sins, may be, that one sacrifice, there was, a perfection, there was, a completeness, there can be, nothing added, there can be, nothing, taken away, what an unspeakable, mercy, my dear friends, and that, you and I, who are, nothing else, but sin, and that, and that horrible monster, that, pregnant cause of misery, we, we are, we can, as the Lord enables us, we can look unto, the dear Lord, that precious Lord Jesus, when he suffered, when, when he bled upon the cross, at Calvary, and when, when, when, when he removed, and by his, atoning sacrifice, and the, the anger, and the wrath, of an offended God, and when, and when, my dear friends, he appeased, and the infinite, inflexible, justice, of God, and, and now, as dear people, we know, that we can, we can, but very, and little, see these things, but the dear apostle says, there is therefore now, no condemnation, to them that are, in Christ Jesus, can we not then, as we are enabled, to view, this one, one sacrifice, that Christ suffered, can, can we not then, be brought, to have, that patience, and that, and, and see, the dear Lord, will strengthen, as we may, endure, unto the end, in all those sufferings, because, we know, and that, if we are, the followers, of the Lord,
[16:19] Jesus Christ, there will be, a resemblance, in some little way, in our paths, we know, that, of course, and that, whatever we suffer, we can never atone, for one sin, and there, there is no need, my dear friends, for you and I, to suffer, for sins, and, because, the dear Lord, in that, one sacrifice, hath atoned, for, all the sins, of his dear people, for Christ, also, hath once suffered, now, let's just look at, another point then, why did, the Lord, suffer, so greatly, so intensely, and, and why, and why was it, and that the Lord, of life, and glory, assumed, our nature, took it into union, and with, and with his deity, for this one express, and great end, and whereby, he became, obedient, unto death, even the death, of the cross, our text, dear friends, and speak, so plainly, and it, it says, and for, sins, for, our sins, sins, and when we are, able to view,
[17:50] Christ's suffering, not for his, own sins, you don't, need me to tell you, that he was ever, holy, harmless, undefiled, separate, from sinners, and, and yet, this dear man, this God man, and this glorious, Lord Jesus Christ, he suffered, for sins, although he had, never, committed, one sin, it was for, the sins, of his, dear people, and the offenders, and when, when by, precious faith, we are, unable to view, as it were, and such, great sins, that, that you have, committed, that I have, committed, and it was, for our sins, your sins, my sins, that the dear, Lord Jesus, suffered, for an unspeakable, mercy, will it, will it not, dear friends, and put us, as it were, in our right place, here, here, here, here I believe, we shall be humbled, under the mighty hand, of God, and when, and when we are, unable to view, a little, of those, those agonies, those cries, and, and, and all that the Lord, suffered, and for his dear people, and it was, for their sinners, that he suffered, for Christ, also, hath once suffered, for sinners, sins, not his own, but the sins, of his dear people, come with us, a little, closer, mighty, of course, do we know, just something, whereby, the dear Lord, hath made, these things, sweetly known, in some, little, fleeting measure, and that, our sins, were laid, upon that, most, glorious head, and he suffered, for, our sinners, how, whatever the suffering, again,
[20:02] I do not want, to minimize, your suffering, dear friends, us, but, but, but look, this, this dear, dear Lord Jesus, who never, who never, committed, one sin, now, now suffers, for the sins, of all his, dear people, then how, how little, is, is our, path of suffering, we know, my dear friends, and flesh, rebels, and flesh, and flesh, murmurs, and flesh, complains, and, and there are, so many things, and, and, and that, that, come against us, but, dear friends, when, when we, when we, when we are unable, to be lifted up, just a little, above, all these things, and, and, and to view, and that, that great, sin, eternal sacrifice, and when, and when they, led, our dear Lord,
[21:02] Jesus, out, out of the city, of Jerusalem, and, and, and, and crucified him, on that cross, at Calvary, there he hung, mighty offenders, as a spectacle, between heaven, and earth, and, and, and look at the love, mighty offenders, that so filled his, his, his tender heart, Father, forgive them, for they know, not what they do, look, look at, look at those, those cries, my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me, he felt the withdrawings, of his father, when, when, when he hung, upon that cross, at Calvary, we, we know, that there was, that indissolvable, that, that, that, that you, you could never be, dissolved, between the father, and the son, but also, in the experience, of the dear, the dear Lord Jesus, as that God man, the mediator, between, between his dear people, and the holy God, he felt the withdrawings, of the heavenly father, and one feels, perhaps this was, one of the bitterest, suffering, because, we, we, we know, and we believe this, and that, that, those, who are turned into, eternal perdition, their, their greatest, and suffering, will be, and that, the Lord, have turned his, back upon them, it, it, it, it will be, immense, my dear, but we cannot, even begin to, comprehend it, because we know, you see, and look at, look at those, that are around us, not as though, we're going to set ourselves up, as something better, than our fellow men, and women, but look at, but look at those, that are, that are, that are around us, and they, they derive, and many favors, and mercies, from, from, from God, they, they, they enjoy, many things, that the Lord, so wondrously, and so, liberally, and gives, to all his, dear creatures, now, dear friends, in, in that, awful, and place, eternal, perdition, there will be, not one spot, not one, atom, of mercy, or, or, or grace, or anything, that the Lord, grants unto, and those, those sinners, that are turned, and turned, into hell, they, they know something, although they do not realize, and what they have received, well, they was on earth, but there will be, nothing, my dear friends, look at these, sufferings, and, and, if you and I, are called upon, just, to suffer, a little, for Christ's sake, what an answer, what,
[24:29] I was going to say, what a privilege, the apostles, and they, thought it was, a great privilege, to suffer, and for the name, of Jesus Christ, and yet, you see, how, how you and I, so, very often, recoil, and from, and from, and following, the dear Lord, because we fear, that there will, there will be, a path, of suffering, there, I would not deceive you, and especially you, dear young friends, it will be, a path, of suffering, means you will know, some suffering, as, but, here, here, dear friends, we have this, to support, and comfort, and strengthen, and prepare our minds, for Christ, also, and have, once suffered, for sins, and then, the, and then the third point, and this, this evening, not only, that, that one suffering, for only, that, that he has suffered, for our sins, and, but, but, then, the dear apostle goes on, the just, for the unjust, how, how he seems, to open up, and this wonderful word, and to, and to help us, in that path, of sufferings, as I've already said, very often, you, you and I, and, and walk in a path, where, we justly, deserve, to be suffered, because he, as he says, and that, if you suffer, for well doing, and for evil doing, and, and, and we know, that there is that, that path, where, we suffer, for evil doing, and, and I believe, that the God's dear people, know a little, of that path, where they suffer, for well doing, where whatever, the case may be, in, in your path, this, this evening, but let, not only look at Christ, who had, once suffered, for sins, he suffered, and for those sinners, and he, and he had cast them, behind his back, and, but, the dear, the, the dear apostle, brings us, into, into this wonderful word, the just, for the unjust, you know, if this isn't sufficient, dear friend, to, to, to, and humble, our poor hearts, for, for we know, that, that we are, we are all, unjust persons, and we know this, as I've already said, that, that the Lord, is a just person, ever holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate, from sinners, now in this, in this, substitutionary, work, and where, the dear Lord, stood, in our room, place, and stead, the just, for, the unjust, it would be, very commendable, would it not, for,
[28:02] I'm speaking now, perhaps more particularly, morally, it would be, very commendable, hardly perhaps, we, we know it, and where, a just person, and we would suffer, for, an unjust person, but should that case, dear friends, appear, I'm speaking, again, I want to stress this, I'm speaking more, particularly, in the moral issues, of life, but just supposing, that, a just person, suffered for, an unjust person, how grateful, that unjust person, if he, if he had, a heart at all, how, how grateful, that, that unjust person, would, would be, to that just person, who had suffered, in his room, place, and stay, but dear friends, when perhaps, was the last time, you and I, and I bring it to myself, equally, or more, than anyone else here, when was the last time, dear friends, and that, that you and I, and that, felt grateful, for, for that just God, and that, and that, that he, that, and God, man, the man,
[29:26] Christ Jesus, who suffered, in our room, place, and stayed, and, being unjust, and when was the last time, dear friend, that you and I, felt really thankful, and grateful, and, unto a just God, to as it were, step in the place, of an unjust person, and, and to, and to suffer, and that, that, that punishment, which that unjust person, which is you and I, so richly deserve, all the offends, how we have to come, to this point, so, well I do, perhaps, I trust, that you're not so, that you haven't got, so much ingratitude, as I have, but all our, basing gratitude, and when, when we are, when we are able, to view, the just Lord, in the person, of the Lord,
[30:29] Jesus Christ, standing in our room, place, instead, in, in those sufferings, what are those sufferings, that you and I, are called, to, to bear, and called, to walk through, the Lord, have engaged, to manage all, my dear friends, and, and to bring, all his dear people, out of all that, path of suffering, whether it be, a bodily affliction, or circumstance, or a soul, whatever that condition, may be, he's engaged, to uphold, he is engaged, to be with you, my dear friends, and, and uphold you, in all those things, and to strengthen you, in it, but here, as we, by precious faith, view, the dear Lord, suffering, in the, in that room, place, instead of that, unjust sinner, it's not somebody else, it's you, it's me, dear friends, and, we trust, and I,
[31:32] I hope, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, that, has, stood in, in my room, place, instead, and yet, what, poor returns, and do, do you, and I, if, if one can only speak, as one, one feels in their own heart, what, poor returns, and we give to the, dear Lord, when we think, my dear friends, of the, eternity of sufferings, where, the fire is not quenched, and the worm, dieth not, and the dear Lord, had endured, all those things, appeased the wrath, and the anger of God, satisfied, infinite, inflexible justice, and brought that sinner, into that liberty, of the sweet gospel, of his grace, suffering, the just, for the unjust, he died, my dear friends, and not only, and for our good, and all, the extensiveness, of that good, he died, not only, for our good, but he died, in our room, place, and state, may this, be, and be a help, and a preparation,
[32:56] I know not, dear friends, but I do trust, and that, the dear Lord, it will not be, and be, an unprofitable, hour, in his earthly course, it may, it may not be, and for this, for this day, it may not be, for this year, but there may, may be those times, when, we are called, to that path, of suffering, and as, as we are enabled, and I trust, that the dear Lord, and that these things, will sink, deep into our hearts, and whereby, Christ, once suffered, and fought sins, the just, for the unjust, therefore, he suffered, for, as that just person, in that unjust place, and where the sins, were laid upon him, he stood, in the very place, of sinners, and stood, my dear friend, you know, how the dear hymn writer, puts it so aptly, and better than I can, was it for crimes, that I have done, and the dear Lord, and bowed his most, glorious head, was it, was it for those things, that I have committed, and where he suffered, bled, and died, and stood, in my room, and stared, the just, because, you see, it was, a just sacrifice, it was, and God, could not accept, anything, although, he stood in the place, of the unjust, it was, as of course, his glorious attributes, as God, he was just, and he was just, in that, and that sacrifice, was just, and it was acceptable, and by, and by his father, and when he stood, in the room, placed, instead, of all his dear people, and then, fourthly, all the wonder, of it, my dear friends, could there not, have been found, another way, and whereby, sinners, might be, brought again, to God, could not, the infinite wisdom, and love, of Jehovah, and then, and then, designed, another way, whereby, guilty sinners, such as you and I, could be, brought, again, to God, dear friend, there was, it was impossible, that another way, could ever be opened up, this was the, only way, and where, and that would, appease, and offended God, and where, where his dear son, in all, in all his, righteousness, and justice, stood in their, room, placed, instead, and offered, and that, sin atoning, pure, sacrifice, on behalf, of his dear people, and now, the, the wonderful design, and the glorious effect, is, that he might, bring us, to God, the offenders, would, would not, this even, sink us lower, and where, whereby, those times, and you can go back, over your little lives,
[36:35] I trust, dear younger friends, can trace, those, those sweet times, and went through, a variety of circumstances, and, and, and, in, in different aspects, and you were brought, to God, now, the offenders, you, you and I, could have never, been brought, to God, had it not been, that, that Christ, once suffered, for sins, and, and only, and suffered, for our sins, the just, for the unjust, us, this is the, only way, my dear friends, and that, that creature, such as you, sinful, guilty, hell deserving, sinners, can ever, come to the dear Lord, it is through, the sufferings, of Christ, what an, unspeakable, mercy, can we not, can we not, and then join in, worthy art thou, to receive, honor, glory, and praise, if, if, if that time, when, when you were, you were brought, to the dear Lord, you, you was, you was brought, to the dear Lord, on your knees, suing for that mercy, you, you, you sought him, and, and, and he brought, that you was brought, unto him, and you pleaded, that precious name, of Jesus, sinners, now, what state, in my dear, sinners, will, and will this, will this, sinner, be, be brought, to God, and through the sufferings, of the Lord,
[38:21] Jesus Christ, that poor sinner, and I trust, that poor sinner, is you, and I, that he, he, or she, will be brought, to, and to the Lord, Jesus Christ, through the sufferings, of Christ, in that state, of reconciliation, we are, and we are, Paul, writing to the Ephesians, says, we, they are brought, nigh, by the, blood of Christ, and that, blood of Christ, my dear friends, is that blood, that, reconciles, a guilty sinner, unto a, holy God, and, and that sinner, now comes, they cannot, always feel it, oh my dear, offenders, and we, we, we know, we know that great work, that when the Lord, suffered, and, and a term for, all their sinners, their, their, their sins, and were a term for, and they looked, for their sins, and they could not, find them, they come then, in that, reconciled state, that, and they, and they, and they come, whereby, they are reconciled, in Christ Jesus, and they are brought, look, look at that church, my dear friends, if, if we go, as it were, and to that most, wondrous, and eventful day, which we wonder, perhaps, how far off, we are from it, and when the, when the Lord, will gather, his dear people, all in Christ Jesus, and it will be, presented, and, and, and to the, to the Father, as a, glorious church, without, one spot, and without, one, wrinkle, and, there, there will, there will be, there will be, all presented, in this way, whereby, there be, reconciled, unto, the dear Lord, in the, in Christ Jesus, now he says, that they might, might bring us, to God, and that, bringing to God, you know that time, dear friend, when you was in great trouble, you had, you was, compelled to go,
[40:47] I'm not going to go, into the various, incidences, but we do, we do know this, that there were those cases, that the Lord, Lord dealt with, while he was here, upon earth, that, that leper, that came to the Lord, Jesus Christ, and, and he said, the Lord, if thou, if thou wilt, thou canst heal me, he came, my dear friend, and, and he, he came, perhaps unknowingly, I don't know, and what his experience was, but he, but he, came to the Lord, and one can, only say this, he came, and was accepted, in the sufferings, of the dear Lord, you say, the Lord, hasn't suffered, he had in the eternal, mind of Jehovah, from all eternity, the Old Testament, says, they came, in that same way, and through the sufferings, although, perhaps it wasn't so, and manifestly, known, and loved, and embraced, as it was, with you and I, we trust in the New Testament, but, in every coming, to the dear Lord, that is, ever remember this, we come to him, in that path, of sufferings, and, and we, and we lay, our case, before him, and, and not forgetting, the sufferings, that he suffered, when he stood, in our room, place, and stead, and, and, and the Lord, design, and purpose, was, in, in, in, in all those things, whereby, he might bring us, to God, and then, dear friends,
[42:32] I, I believe, there, there is, to his dear people, a sweet seal, as it were, it's a seal, of the blood, of Jesus Christ, in, in, in this most, most remarkable way, and that, that our verse ends, being put, to death, in the flesh, but quickened, by the spirit, there, there is a seal, of the redeeming, blood of Jesus, dear friends, and where, the, where the Lord, will gather, his dear people, while they are, upon earth, to come unto him, through his suffering, and they will be, accepted, and, and by him, accepting, the beloved, now just, view him, my dear friends, in, in that way, whereby, is, is that, that once, crucified, put to death, in the flesh, but, but now, a risen, and exalted, saved, he's, he's ascended, my dear friends, as that risen, and exalted,
[43:46] Christ, and, whereby, he, he now, sees, sees, the travel, of his soul, and he becomes, satisfied, he sees, that blessed spirit, bringing those souls, unto, and, unto himself, whereby, and they lay, and their sufferings, their, whatever those sufferings are, they may be sufferings, through your own sin, they, they may be many things, that we are called, to suffer in, he sees, the travel, of his soul, and he's, satisfied, those sufferings, and, and, and, and now, have been, have been, completed, accepted, as that total payment, and for, and for these souls, now, to come, boldly, to that throne, of grace, whereby, we may obtain, help, and mercy, in our time, of need, because, it's a beautiful word, as I just mentioned, in prayer, a great forer, who have entered, into heaven, put to death, in the flesh, but quickened, by the spirit, and there now, he is seated, as a great, high priest, on behalf, of his dear people, there, there to receive, look, look at, look at, the, dear, the,
[45:14] Saul, Saul of Tarsus, rather, he, he, he was about, to, to, bring the, the, the church, into suffering, the, the, the Lord says, Paul, Paul, why, persecutest thou me, he's touched, with a feeling of, in his tender heart, in all the sufferings, as now, he is in, in, in that, exalted place, sitting at the right, hand of power, there, as his dear people's, glorious, risen, and victorious, and ascended, high priest, whereby, at last, he says this, he says, let not your heart, be troubled, you believe, in God, believe also, in me, in my father's house, there are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you, I, I go to prepare, a place for you, and if I go, and prepare, a place for you,
[46:19] I will, come again, and receive you, unto myself, and that receiving, will be, through this, one channel, through the, sufferings, of Christ, and receive, unto myself, that where, I am, there, ye, may be, also, may this, the offend, and be, a glorious, inheritance, to be, where, Christ is, forever, and ever, amen, amen, amen, Amen.
[47:27] The tune is Lucius 857. Hymn 946.
[47:49] How is our nature marred by sin, nor can it ever find a way to make the conscience clean or heal the wounded mind?
[48:03] Hymn 946. How is our nature marred by sin, nor can it ever find?
[48:30] How is our nature marred by sin, and our children sing? How is our nature marred by sin?
[48:50] How is our nature marred by sin? We sing our nature marred by sin, and our children sing.
[49:02] How is our nature marred by sin? How is our nature marred by sin? How is our nature marred by sin? How is our nature marred by sin?
[49:15] I'll be my life, and I'll be my life. I'll be my life, and I'll be my life.
[49:32] I'll be my life, and I'll be my life.
[50:02] I'll be my life, and I'll be my life.
[50:32] I'll be my life, and I'll be my life.
[51:02] I'll be my life, and I'll be my life. I'll be my life, and I'll be my life.
[51:22] I'll be my life, and I'll be my life. I'll be my life, and I'll be my life.
[51:42] I'll be my life, and I'll be my life. Amen.
[52:04] Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
[52:16] Amen.