Psalm (Quality: Good)

Tenterden - Jireh - Part 87

Sermon Image
Aug. 7, 1995


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[0:00] It shall, in covenant Hah um God� wykon was good賭 were good They take us thisome of the soul, Under being brought strength to me.

[0:55] When the threshold of life has shut.

[1:06] Christ my God made out to thee環球 the HTML type⅒ Christ Lord shall be the birth of thy life He is my heart to take himself out το askbar Einstein at SCFuctress as the Lord may be pleased to help me

[2:11] I'd venture to speak a little to you this evening from Psalm 130 Psalm 130 and verse 7 so let Israel hope in the Lord for with the Lord there is mercy and with him is plentious redemption let Israel hope in the Lord for with the Lord there is mercy and with him is plentious redemption Psalm 130 and the 7th verse it's one of those words which the psalmist was inspired to write in the psalm when he was enabled to give this word of gracious encouragement to God's dear people described in the text as Israel and what a great mercy dear friends if you and I are found within that company the Israel of God the true Israel of God

[3:32] God's chosen people his elect nation God's ancient people Israel were a type of God's dear people in many ways they were a distinguished nation they were distinct from the other nations of the world and God dealt with them in a distinct way and how this is so typical of the way in which the Lord is pleased to deal with those whom he makes manifest as his dear people and it is a great mercy if you find in your heart at times a real desire a concern that there might be a a well branded hope in your heart and a sweet assurance that you are numbered amongst that favoured people Moses long before this psalm was written declared happy out there

[4:33] Israel who is like unto the old people saved by the Lord and while Moses of course was referring to Israel the nation over whom he was set as a leader how it sets forth the happy case of God's dear people in a spiritual way God's true Israel they know people like the people of God and yet how the people of God are often despised by the world despised indeed by the profane world and they are despised too those who are truly through lights in a spiritual sense and possess the root of the matter within may be sometimes despised by those who are such people as are satisfied with just a name to live and are strangers to the exercises and the trials and the tribulations that God's true Israel are called to pass through but our text reminds us that there is this blessed hope let Israel hope in the

[5:53] Lord with the Lord there is mercy and with him there is plunge of redemption and so the dear psalmist as he was inspired by the Holy Spirit seeks to give this word as it were of gracious admonition gracious encouragement to the Israel of God and the dear psalmist David was no stranger to this was he he knew what it was at times to be brought low very low he knew what it was to be bereft of so many things often in a lonely place in a difficult place in a dangerous place and yet his hope was in the Lord and although sometimes as he expresses himself in that 42nd and 43rd psalms being in a cast down condition a cast down state yet he was enabled as it were to come in with his soul in such a way whereby he was enabled to encourage himself in the

[7:03] Lord his God and there was the language of the word as you well know hope there in God and that humble and gracious expectation if I shall yet praise him and indeed that is the issue of God's dealings with all his dear people they will come to that experience that they shall yet praise him good it is when sometimes for a few moments perhaps their hearts are warmed and they feel a spirit of praise and thanksgiving to God a sense of his mercy but you see there is that praise in heaven where God's dear people will all be gathered not one be left behind who will be tuned to that song of praise to the Lamb the Lord Jesus Christ for what a mercy it is if we enter a little into the spirit of that first hymn that was given out and the desire expressed by the hymn writer as he desires to know more of what it is to love and to praise the dear

[8:21] Redeemer he was the chief among ten thousand and altogether lovely to his needy people well our text reminds us then of Israel's home that blessed grace and experience that the Lord is pleased to work in the hearts of his dear people when the apostle wrote to the church he reminds them of their former state in their unregeneracy among other things he reminds them of how they were with aliens as it were they were strangers without God and without hope and what a solemn description that gives of man in his falling condition without God and without home such was the ruin of the

[9:24] Adam fall but against that very dark background what a wonderful mercy it is that there is a hope and there is a hope that the Lord is pleased to graciously work in the hearts of his dear people described in the word of God as a good hope through grace and it's well if we're enabled sometimes to examine ourselves in the light of these things and to see what our hope is what it rests on because there's such a thing as a false hope and it's to be feared there are those who profess religion and they have their false hopes their vain hopes that are centred in themselves and what they think they can do and be for the Lord as it were and it is centred in themselves as it were self centred hope something like it was with the

[10:26] Pharisee described by the Lord Jesus Christ as he went up to the temple to pray oh it was a self centred hope wasn't it he thought he thought he could stand before a holy God and parade his religion as it were well that was a false vain hope but the hope the Lord is pleased to graciously implant and perform in the hearts of his dear people is indeed a true hope it's a hope which is on a good foundation and you'll notice that the dear psalmist here in this text as he seeks to exhort and to encourage the people of God he brings before us as it were the ground of that hope and it is here in the mercy of God and with respect to that great truth that with him is plentious redemption here are some things that remind us of the foundation of a good hope through grace not in himself you see not a hope in oneself no or on the ground of any good resolutions as it were attempting to be and do better no but what the

[11:51] Lord is and dear friends it's a great mercy if our hope is there yes in what the Lord is and what he has done and further what he's done for us well there is this good hope through grace him right to speak there's a bit of possession doesn't he yes it caused your people a bit in possession of it the source of it is in the Lord Jesus Christ himself he who is indeed the hope of Israel and Israel's only hope but oh what a blessed and precious foundation there is there for a poor sinner to rest on in what the Lord Jesus Christ is and while this word is found set in this Old

[12:51] Testament part of the scriptures how it should direct us and God granted it might direct us to the one foundation the Lord Jesus Christ himself in all the years in all he has done and what he now does as he sits at the right hand of the throne of God as the representatives to your people as their great high priests of the heart and they have an interest in all of any intercessions here is the ground of a poor sinner's home the apostle Paul as he writes to the Hebrews he puts it like this doesn't he he says which hope we have you see he realised that he possessed it God had given it to him his former hopes and all his former religion was killed as it were but

[14:00] God dealt with him graciously yes he was quickened into life and born of the spirit and blessed with that principle of grace within his heart which brought such a difference in his life and there was this hope and he says which hope we have what a possession this good hope through grace hope and he describes that hope doesn't he he says which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast to enter into that within the vial you see he directs to the Lord Jesus Christ he who is indeed within the vial he who represents his people in heaven and for there to be an anchorage as it were in him and anchor is very important part for the ship isn't it as it has to rest the storm and there needs to be an anchor and there needs to be an anchorage at times especially so when there may be stormy seas and then the spiritual sense when you think of hope as an anchor of the soul you see that there's an anchorage it keeps the soul steady as it were even the face of fierce temptations fierce winds of temptation ways of trouble as it were it steadies the soul so Paul says which hope we have as an anchor of the soul let

[16:01] Israel hope in the Lord you see the Lord himself God has revealed in the person of his dear son the Lord Jesus Christ Israel's hope yes the only hope the hope which is on a firm foundation which although it be assailed and it is assailed and every poor sinner who through God's great mercy comes into possession of this hope will know what it is at times for that hope to be tried and yet in the trial of it you see as a trial of faith it may manifest that it is on a good foundation there are very much shapes of poor sinner in his own experience but you see the foundation is firm it is strong it is immovable it is a sure foundation it sustains and supports the whole church of

[17:03] God and therefore it sustains and supports every true child of God and poor sinners who sometimes may feel to be weak and feeble and faint hearted sorely tried at times but it makes no difference to the foundation and what a great mercy it is when at times you may have been able to realise that there is that firm footing yes you know that foundation as it were in your heart and this is the foundation of this home yes like the wise man's house you know built on the rock wasn't it it was a firm foundation although it had to sustain the storm the wind and the tempest yet it fell not because it was a foundation on a rock so to contrast to the foolish man's house no doubt those houses would be difficult to distinguish in the outward appearance but you see the difference in the foundation and when the testing time came that's when the difference was to be seen the foolish man's house fell the wise man's house stood firm although there was the storm that beat against it it stood firm because it was built upon this rock now such is the hope of God's dear people it may be tried and it will be tried but it will be tested but it will remain now of course there are the various experiences of hope in the soul and we do well to consider this subject of hope really in that twofold sense what I mean is this our text says let is run hope in the Lord now the Lord the Lord

[19:17] Jesus Christ is the object of the sinner's hope there rests his salvation as it were the Lord is his hope and then there is the hope as it were in the exercise and experience of it in the soul there's a text in Jeremiah whose hope the Lord is that's the blessed character whose hope the Lord is you see here's the object of the hope the Lord Jesus Christ the object of every believer's hope and then you see there will be the of course the exercise of that hope I mentioned just there the anchor of the soul and the Lord is here people are upheld and maintained in that way along life's way we read in the 8th chapter of Romans don't we where the apostle says we're saved by hope and surely there's a meaning there if we may understand it in writing

[20:32] God grunts us a right understanding of his word it's as though that hope is that principle which enables the poor sinner to journey on in the pathway of truth and that way that leads to heaven sometimes hoping as it were against hope but still there is a hope now in the exercise of it then of course there are times when hope grows very dim it may well be you've known something of that well you have a companion in the scriptures dear Jeremiah was a faithful prophet he is described as a weeping prophet and he had much to weep over he had a very trying pathway as he sought to faithfully declare God's truth as a faithful prophet how he was persecuted ridiculed and badly treated wasn't he by his own people and it had an effect upon him and it tried his hope didn't it and so as you turn into the lamentations you light on these words where he says my hope has perished from the

[22:00] Lord it shows to us how low the poor man did sink because the truth of the matter was this of course that was impossible for his hope to perish but of course the dear man had lost the comfort of it he was sorely tried and he he comes to that conclusion but the God in his great mercy delivered him from it didn't he he didn't leave poor Jeremiah to sink in utter despair nor though the poor man was let down in the dungeon he sunk in the mire didn't he but he was delivered yes well God appeared with a dear man you read that third chapter in the lamentations those few verses down in the chapter where the Lord is pleased to appear for poor Jeremiah at that time in the midst of his lamentations and though he is left to say my hope is perished from the

[23:07] Lord you read on in those few verses and you will find that it was as though a little light from heaven shone into his soul and the Lord confirmed his hope circumstances were the same he still had a trying path he still had much discouragement but a little light from heaven God was pleased to shine into his heart and to lift the poor man up as it were a little out of that low place so that he speaks in this way he says it is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord for he was helped to see things in heaven as nice as it were trying though they were but that he could see this good yes the good of this hope and the exercise of that hope and we have it set before us in this little psalm don't we and I did intend really to try and consider it in that way in this little psalm you'll notice that there are these words it sets forth the something of the exercise of God's dear people the true

[24:43] Israel of God and the things that they are called to pass through and something of the pathway that they walk in to begin with of course they they speak about the depths there's a cry in the heart out of the depths have I cried unto the O Lord he just mentioned Jeremiah and he had to cry out of the depths didn't he and there's that sense in which God's true Israel although we would realise that God is sovereign in all his dealings with his dear people some are led more deeply into things than others there's a sense in which there will be this cry to the depths of the heart the depths of need and as the Lord is pleased by his spirit to convince poor sinners of their sin the issue of this will be a cry to the Lord and how the dear psalmist was concerned that the

[25:48] Lord would attend to his cry appear for him from these low places hear my voice let my ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication and coming along toward the word particularly I wanted to notice there is this great statement here if thou Lord shouldest mark iniquities O Lord who shall stand but there is forgiveness with thee thou mayest be feared the dear psalmist was no stranger to a realisation of how he stood as a sinner before a holy God and that he could not stand as it were justified in himself before a holy and a heart searching God God was to deal with sin according to the desert of it than it was to be in wrath and for the sinner to be banished forever from the presence of God but you see he says this that there is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be figured now here is the hope of Israel you see yes poor

[27:11] Israel yes in low places sometimes having to cry to the depths maybe the various depths perhaps a time of affliction a time of trial a time of difficulty a time of temptation but oh there is a mercy yes so that there is a hope and the hope is here isn't it for a poor sinner burdened with his sin but there is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared oh what a mercy this should direct us to the dear Lord Jesus Christ himself yes he who alone could forgive sins he who did all that required to be done that there should be this great blessing of forgiveness and this being the ground of the poor sinner's hope one who is convinced of his sin that with the Lord there is forgiveness yes the apostles had to preach that didn't they yes through this man this

[28:19] God man Christ Jesus through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins oh what a sweet note that is isn't it in the gospel for poor guilty souls those who feel the burden of their sin well here is the ground of their home Satan may come with his fierce temptations and remind you of your many failings and your sins and with his evil suggestions there can be no hope but that is Satan's work and he works as an adversary but he's a liar in God's Israel poor sinners though they are guilty sinners having nothing themselves to merit God's favour but they are those who come to be such as participate in the favour of

[29:21] God his forgiving mercy there is forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared God's love but then we have this too the dear psalmist says I wait for the Lord my soul doth wait and in his word do I hope here's another aspect of truth concerning the foundation of a poor sinner's hope let Israel hope in the Lord his gracious word yes the Lord Jesus Christ who is the incarnate word the glorious gospel of his grace we read in the chapter just there didn't we and this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you says the apostle Peter and it becomes a word of hope to God's dear people and be thankful poor sinner if there had been those seasons when under the sound of the preached gospel there has been that sweet hope yes raised up in your heart may have been perhaps in early way in early times rather like this who can tell but then what a mercy the Lord goes on from time to time be gracious to his dear people and he will confirm that hope he will strengthen that hope although there's so much against it yet the

[30:55] Lord will preserve it because he is their hope the Lord Jesus Christ is Israel's hope and there's no failing in him he is that almighty saviour but then in the experience of the sinner who is blessed with this hope often it comes like this doesn't it he says I wait for the Lord my soul doth wait and in his word do I hope my soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning I say more than they that watch for the morning I have a picture here of one in the night season the night seems long yes there's no sleep and how long the night seems then and there are those night seasons aren't there it may well be you've had to pass through some of these from time to time to a greater or lesser degree you see the Lord's dear people don't always walk in the light and a felt sense of it but there are those days of darkness days of distress days when you cannot see your way you cannot see your signs times when it seems as a whole the Lord hides his face dark and cloudy days well here is the dear soul here in this text in this sixth verse he said my soul waiteth the Lord more than they that watch for the morning you see that there is a morning to wait for the morning of God's appearing yes when the sun rises there's that beautiful word isn't there in the prophet

[32:49] Malachi's book aren't you that fear my name shall the son of righteousness arise with healing his wings and these poor sinners who have this hope in God although sometimes it is a dark season with them there is a promise you see yes of the day dawn the day star the sun rising yes for the Lord to graciously appear sometimes the night may seem long but the morning cometh yes the morning of God's appearing when he's pleased to shine once more when the darkness flees as it were for the time being we see the wonder of this don't be nature when the sun rises how the darkness disappears and all together and when the Lord is pleased to appear for his waiting people and there are those times they have to wait and wait

[34:06] God's time but he waits to be gracious for there is a mind there are those times when the Lord graciously appears and then of course hope is confirmed yes hope is strengthened as it were but through these changing sayings it is still you see the hope upon this one foundation and so in the text there is this gracious encouragement as it were to those who are blessed with this hope let Israel hope in the Lord that is in spite of all that would seem to damp that hope and that we just try that hope let Israel hope in the Lord even though in deep places even though sometimes perhaps burdened with a sense of sin let Israel hope in the Lord with the

[35:09] Lord there is mercy and you see there is mercy of these sinners his mercy reaches right down to the poor sinner in his lowest state I like that word in one of the psalms who remembered us in our lowest state for his mercy and jureth forever and you may sometimes feel to be as a poor needy sinner in a low state but God remembers his people they can never sink too low to be out of his sight as it were or to be as it were lower than those everlasting arms which are underneath oh there is the ground of this hope the foundation of this hope it is in the mercy of God yes mercy through blood mercy that flows to poor sinners in all their guiltiness and unworthiness Paul expresses he describes it as rich mercy but

[36:14] God he says who is rich in mercy oh that the Lord would grant us those views of his mercy in that way rich mercy to poor guilty sinners and sometimes it might be surprising mercy but it is mercy and it flows in that one channel yes for the Lord Jesus Christ the poor sinner as he waits upon the Lord in all the sense of his guilt there's his plea is it not your plea mercy through blood I make my plea oh God be merciful to me oh think of that wonderful provision the shed blood of the dear redeemer would not speak lightly of these things desire to feel when making mention of the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ you know we stand on holy ground don't we but what a blessed truth what a blessed reality some of the modernists in religion in these days despise the blood they do not realize the wonder of the importance of it they certainly do not feel their need of it but of those whom the

[37:40] Lord is pleased to graciously teach by his holy spirit they'll come to value their blood and desire to enter a little into what we read in the chapter just now concern redemption and we have this redemption in the text don't we it was it really in that way I was direct to read that chapter but how does Peter speak of it he says with the precious blood of Christ precious blood yes as of a lamb without blemish and without spot that precious blood was so freely shared yes whereby mercy could flow to poor guilty ruined sinners and how good it is when sometimes that mercy may be let into your hearts as it were enabling you perhaps to whisper a note of praise sometimes yes of the sweet hope in the mercy of

[38:45] God let Israel hope in the Lord for the Lord there is mercy there is mercy with him yes his mercy it is continued it doesn't fade out we read of it as being from generation to generation and still that river of mercy flows yes to poor sinners it flows into their hearts and here is the price of redemption and so our text reminds us the ground of this hope then let Israel hope in the Lord for with him with the Lord there is mercy and with him is plenty of redemption plenty of redemption yes it is rich mercy it is plentious redemption it is sufficient yes the price is paid the dear

[39:51] Lord Jesus Christ shed his own precious blood what a price what a precious redemption what a plentious redemption because it takes that all stain yes that virtue of that precious blood and then you see it is that which is purchased his people they are purchased people their redemption is in the Lord Jesus Christ himself he is their hope he is the source of their mercy he is their redemption and that redemption is plentious it is sufficient the price was paid yes and what a tremendous price it was how freely the dear Lord Jesus Christ paid that price as it were this mercy might flow in all its freeness and fullness to his dear people well here is a ground of this hope then and so the text before us then let Israel hope in the

[41:06] Lord in spite of the temptations of the enemy in spite of the seasons of darkness as it were in spite of the fact you feel sometimes perhaps deep the burden of your sin let Israel hope in the Lord yes in spite of the temptations of the enemy because you see although he may attack and he does he cannot destroy this hope he cannot destroy this redemption it is precious and it embraces the whole election of God yes completely what a good foundation well a great mercy if sometimes the Lord is pleased to lead us into the secret of this text as it were and for there to be a gracious exercise of hope a hope in God you see we may tend sometimes perhaps to rest somewhat on our frames and feelings but that is not the foundation is it the foundation is the

[42:28] Lord Jesus Christ himself you notice the apostle Paul writes his epistle which he's inspired to do so to the church in Judea the Hebrews how from time to time he directs them to the Lord Jesus Christ they had a trying time they suffered for what they professed and being those who professed the name of Jesus they suffered much they suffered much of their own countrymen in a very marked way at times but the dear apostle Paul yes to help them along as he was graciously directed he directs them to the Lord Jesus Christ yes to consider him to consider him we may tend sometimes perhaps too much to consider ourselves we may perhaps too much consider present circumstances but the word is consider him and you see there's so much with regard to the foundation which the

[43:45] Lord Jesus Christ is you see he is a great saviour and he fully understands all about all his dear people they come into low places the dear saviour went into places far lower I speak reverently but when you think of the depths of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ which he endured yes for his dear people made a way whereby mercy could flow in salvation and this precious redemption I say how low did you save his son view him in the garden of gethsemane bowed down his soul saw amazed as the burden rested upon him the sins of the whole church and then all that followed the scoffings yes the crown of thorns the crucifixion a suffering saviour and all this he so willingly went through to pay that price to secure the salvation of all his dear people and to purchase them with his precious blood let

[45:11] Israel hope in the Lord for the Lord there is mercy and with him is plentious redemption and he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities oh what a comprehensive word oh Satan makes come sometimes and remind you of sins but you know this redemption this mercy covers all and good it is if that sweet hope is found in your heart then from time to time for that hope to be sweetly confirmed although it is that lively hope as you read in the scriptures and it is subject to changes as it were but God will maintain it he will revive it and he will confirm it let

[46:13] Israel hope in the Lord with the Lord there is mercy and with him is plentious redemption amen to to Let us conclude this evening by singing hymn number 95 and the tune is St Bernard 219 hymn number 95 and did the holy and the just the sovereign of the skies stoop down to wretchedness and dust that guilty worms might rise yes the redeemer left his throne his radiant throne on high surprising mercy love unknown to suffer bleed and die hymn number 95 and the sovereign of the skies sing the cheering the sovereign of the skies the sovereign of the skies who am Oh yes the sovereignb stayed in heart ===雲 i

[49:03] I didn't care. I didn't care when I was dead.

[49:18] I had made. I Huh. Till he sure李津 D seeking a speech.

[49:35] We shall the awards再次 and supper in the same.

[49:56] For there have beenomed outhearted for all of them are consecrated.

[50:15] Oh, accrach артиcards,ry Iran trache additionally, Sous-titrage MFP.

[51:10] Thank you.

[51:40] Thank you.

[52:10] Thank you. Thank you.