
Brabourne Lees - Zion - Part 142

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Cornwell, Peter

May 31, 1998


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[0:00] As the Lord may be pleased to help me again, I would ask your attention to Matthew chapter 15, and we will try and look again at verses 24 and 25.

[0:22] Matthew 15, verses 24 and 25, But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

[0:40] Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. Matthew 15, verses 24 and 25, But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

[1:03] Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. As most of you know, we tried to look a little at these words this morning.

[1:23] We noticed the wonder of these words. They are words concerning the children of God, Those that are born again.

[1:40] Those that are chosen of him, That will be taken at last to be forever with him in glory.

[1:53] And it's these souls that the Lord Jesus Christ came to save. And it's these souls and these alone that will be brought into the solemn experience Of realizing and knowing their lost state and condition.

[2:19] And it is a despairing experience. These that enter into this experience know what it is to come to the ends of the earth.

[2:35] Which end corner? But friends, they are brought, as we read in that psalm, They are brought to that place where there's none to help.

[2:49] And they fell down. And he delivered them. Friends, No child of God will ever come and fall into despair.

[3:06] Why? Because underneath are the everlasting arms of Jesus Christ.

[3:19] He loves his children, And he came to save them. As he said to this dear woman, Who came to him for help.

[3:36] He said, I am not sent, But unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And we said this morning, Friends, Those that are brought to know the Lord Jesus Christ, And to be saved by him, And washed in his precious blood, They have got to come to that solemn place where they are lost.

[4:06] They are lost. There is none to help. We have to be brought to that place where we have got no good works. We have got nothing to offer to the Lord.

[4:22] Nothing. Nothing but sin and confusion. But friends, We should be brought to his footstool.

[4:40] We shall be brought to the Lord. And when the Lord said, This dear woman came, And when the Lord spoke to her, And said that he was not sent, But unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel, What did this do for her?

[5:04] This was a wonderful statement. Because she was there. Because she felt her lost and ruined state.

[5:15] She felt and knew there was no hope in herself. And to hear Jesus speak these words, It brought hope.

[5:30] It brought, Shall we say, Life. Expectancy. And I speak that rightly, friends.

[5:44] Faith will embrace these things. They will embrace them because they are God's word. Because the Lord speaks to his children.

[5:57] He speaks to them that are lost and ruined in their selves. And that cannot help their selves.

[6:08] They're debtors. They're bankrupt. They've got nothing to pay with. And they fall down before the Lord Jesus.

[6:22] Lord, help me. And that's just what this dear woman did When the Lord Jesus spoke to her And told her that he, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

[6:47] And then came she and worshipped him, Saying, Lord, help me.

[6:58] Friends, what wonderful words To a poor, lost, ruined sinner.

[7:08] To hear Jesus, The Son of God, Who was crucified For poor sinners, Who bore the punishment due to them, Who shed his precious blood, To hear him say this?

[7:28] That he came to save poor, lost sinners. Why, friends? It revives the poor sinner.

[7:39] The poor sinner then has a, Who can tell? Oh, friends, Do we know anything of this pathway?

[7:54] Has Jesus ever been made precious to us? He was made precious to this woman. She fell down and worshipped him. Because of what he had said.

[8:08] Because he was in effect Saying to her That he Had come to save her.

[8:23] She was feelingly A poor, lost sinner. And I say again, friends, Every one of his dear children come there.

[8:35] And they feel so often Unlike the children of God in their selves. They feel they haven't got the marks of grace That others have got.

[8:48] But they know in their heart That solemn state And that lost feeling, That lost condition.

[9:00] They know in their selves There's no hope of heaven. Their only hope Is In Jesus Christ To know him To hear his voice To see him And, friends, They go to him And they Travel at the throne of Christ They plead for help.

[9:33] And that's what this woman did. She came She pleaded for help. And as we said this morning She came Really On behalf of her daughter.

[9:48] But she The Lord Jesus Christ Knew her Knew her condition Knew who she was Knew what she was in Knew she was a poor, lost, burdened sinner.

[10:10] And Oh, friends, The mercy of God You know We sometimes Try and order Our pathways And put things in there In order But, you know, We don't always get it right.

[10:34] This woman came With her daughter First. That's what she came for. She wanted her daughter To be delivered. She put herself In the background As it were But, you see, The Lord came And he dealt with that First.

[10:58] It's a wonderful case. You see She had a double blessing I'm sure she never Expected it But she came And the Lord And the Lord Drew her And the Lord Blessed her And so it will be With every child of God They will walk in this pathway They will be brought To cry for mercy Then came she And worshipped him Saying Lord, help me You know, friends, If we have a glimpse Of the dear Lord And Saviour Jesus Christ If we have If we have a glimpse

[12:02] Of him As the Saviour Of the lost I'm sure of this We should worship him Just as that dear woman did Worship him Have we ever loved him?

[12:23] Has he ever spoken to us? Has he ever drawn us With his love? Oh, when the Lord Does this We can feel it In our hearts We shall know What the two on the road To Emmaus Meant When they said Did not our hearts Burn within us While he talked with us By the way When Jesus speaks To his dear children Friends Oh, they They worship him Has the Lord Jesus Ever been Made the chiefest Among ten thousand And the altogether Lovely I believe Friends Every child of God Will experience that Some time or other Even if it's at the end

[13:24] Of the journey It must be so Oh, friends Oh, have we found him?

[13:39] Perhaps I should reverse it And say Has the Lord found us? That's more like it But, friends The Lord does draw his children He does He does cause them To seek him Yes Friends I believe we said this morning That word What says Draw me And we will run After thee Oh, that the Lord Might draw us each The days are dark Very dark days Very solemn days Both in the world Both in the world And in our denomination Very dark days Very dark days Oh, friends

[14:42] Is there not much evidence That Satan Is active Very active But all that the Lord Might deliver us From him And his power Then came And worshipped him Saying Lord Help me Have you and I Been brought to that place Lord Help me Have we been brought To that place Where we were so full Of Of many things Needs Many needs We have Spiritually And sometimes

[15:44] Providentially as well In various ways But we have To go to the Lord Lord Help me You know That was I feel It was a very Blessed Word We read together That 107th Psalm All the many times That his children Are brought to that place They were In that Psalm Where there was None to help And they fell down And he delivered them And friends Isn't that Where you and I Have been brought From time to time If we're his children I'm sure we have We have been brought To the end Of our own Strength Our own wisdom

[16:45] We have been Broken down Humbled We have had to go Just as we were To the Lord And cry out Just as that dear woman Did Lord help me Lord help me Help me in my religion Help me in my daily things Deliver me Deliver me From myself We said this morning Friends And I repeat it This afternoon Remember Paul Had to cry out Who shall deliver me From this body Of sin And death He knew And felt His utter Worthlessness Well you might say Paul

[17:45] All the grace That Paul had The blessings That Paul had Yes He did Yes He did Friends We might Well envy him But he knew He knew Something of his Heart His own heart He knew What the old man Of sin was Who shall deliver me You see He knew That he couldn't Deliver himself And isn't that Where we've been Brought We find And that To solemnly Prove Numerous Times Myself

[18:47] I cannot Keep Can you Keep your eyes And heart Stayed on him Can you Pray Just as you Would And when you Would Can you Read the word Of god To profit When you Would And so on We have to Say Friends We can't Do anything Without him Nothing We've No doubt We've been Put to the Test Many times That the Lord Has seen Us Time and Time again Cast down Worldly Minded Careful And troubled About many Things But hasn't The lord Come Many times

[19:47] And dealt With it Quickened us Into life Where would We have been If he hadn't Have come If he hadn't Have spoken To us If he hadn't Have shown us Where we were Well we would Have turned Back We would Have walked No more With him But Blessed be God He doesn't Rest with You and I Draw me And we Will run After they You see It's that Drawing Power It's when The lord Speaks To our Hearts It's when He opens Our eyes It's when He comes In the Power Of the Holy Spirit And takes Of the Things of Jesus And reveals Them unto Us Then we Understand Then we Can feel

[20:48] The power Then we Can feel His love And mercy In our Hearts Then we Can say Yes With Peter No man Speaketh Like thee Friends Our Blessed Saviour Thou Lord Jesus Christ Who Came To save That which Was lost He Speaks He speaks Words of Peace Words of Pardon Into the Hearts Of his Children Or that We Might know More of These Sacred Things In our Hearts And Experiences friends is our prayer unto him speak Lord for thy servant heareth do we not know that if the Lord doesn't come there is nothing there is nothing we want to be delivered if we are rightly exercised and concerned we want to be delivered from empty formalities we want real things friends if we are rightly exercised we want a Holy Ghost religion that's the only thing that will get you and I to heaven it's a Holy Ghost religion the blessed Holy Ghost will take of the things of Jesus and reveal them unto us we must be brought to know a precious Christ a crucified Jesus oh that we might know the power the power of the blood of Jesus his shed blood is able to cleanse unto the uttermost all that come unto him all friends do we know anything of the power of his precious blood when we are brought to know the power of his precious blood in the cleansing of our souls and when we enter into that sacred experience of knowing that our sins are cast into the depths of the sea and I mean that so that we cannot find one sin then friends then he will be made the cheapest among ten thousand and the altogether lovely it must be so because this is heaven it is heaven to know that our blessed crucified

[24:29] Jesus has stood in our room place and stayed and has taken our sins and cast them into the depths of the sea he has washed us clean oh friends oh that we might know more of these sacred things and this is how the Lord saves his children he came to save that which was lost that which had failed that which had broken all his commandments those that have rebelled these are the ones friends these are the ones that mourn and grieve and sorrow because of their sin there's a beautiful hymn on that subject friends hymn 144 you might like to read it sometime it is of the way it is of the way the sinner found the

[25:50] Lord Jesus Christ it took a long time but oh friends that is a sacred hymn that is when we have entered into the experience of him but friends this dear woman came to this place where she fell down before Jesus and she worshipped him because he had made that blessed declaration that he came to save that which was lost and she fell down before him she worshipped him she said Lord help me and I believe in those words friends there was many many things many things and you might be there you might have a multitude of things that you need the

[27:00] Lord to do for you and you can't begin to spread them before him one at a time but you fall down burdened crushed with them Lord help me help me the Lord knew just what that woman needed and she did help he did help her he he spoke very encouragingly to her in the end although as we said at the beginning it was very much different she she was tried and though but she had faith God given faith and she answered the Lord

[28:04] Jesus and said then then Jesus answered her and said unto her O woman great is thy faith be it unto thee even as thou wilt friends if we are given a spirit of prayer and ask the Lord for those things that he has put it into our hearts to ask for he will do it for us yes he'll do it for us we might have to ask him many times we might have to travel before the throne of the Lord Jesus but friends he will hear and he did hear this dear woman who said

[29:10] Lord help me and she was made whole she was made whole in her own heart she went away with that sacred I believe she went away with that sacred full assurance that our sins were all forgiven the Lord blessed her and he delivered her daughter oh friends but you see I say again we can't have these things without experiencing shall we say if it's the right word the malady she'd she'd got the guilt of sin she'd lose she was lost and ruined she'd got her daughter possessed with the devil in a terrible state and condition and there she was utterly helpless but she came to the Lord and I said this morning friends it comes again this afternoon she was like

[30:34] Jacob she couldn't let him go she couldn't take well she didn't get no did she but she was tried and she persevered she she kept coming again as it were there were those things of shall we say discouragement that was trying her yet she still pursued the mark the object that she wanted she wanted to be saved she wanted Christ she wanted deliverance she wanted mercy she wanted these things that were troubling her put right Lord help me I can't manage them myself there's no other remedy the remedy she knew where the remedy lied it was in

[31:42] Jesus Christ do you and I know have you and I been brought there has our prayer ever been give me Christ or else I die ah friends oh that we might have faith God given faith faith that faith that we read of in Hebrews I think it is where Jesus is the author and finisher of faith I like that friends it's so comprehensive the author and the finisher and we shall need it friends right down to the end right to the very end oh that the Lord might bless these things to us friends but she said

[32:58] Lord help me now have you and I got a case have we come into the house of God with a case is it our religion is it concerning eternal lives we might have to say we haven't got any direct evidence or promise from the Lord of Jesus Christ that we are his that we are poor saved sinners but we want him oh it's a solemn thing friends if there's no desire in our hearts if we don't desire these things these eternal things but friends

[34:01] I believe if we are his children we shall be led in these paths we shall be brought to desire these things we shall be brought to cry for help because of our unbelief we shall cry for help Lord and what was it a man in the scriptures said Lord I believe but help thou mine unbelief you see he couldn't say that he believed and had no doubts believe and friends we might at times we we might believe but then another day we can't believe that's that's how we are we're up and down we're hot and cold we need the Lord to help us help me

[35:04] Lord help me to believe in thee to trust in thee you know the Lord has spoken many promises to his children ah you might say well that's the point am I one of his or am I not the hymn writer says am I made a real Christian washed in the Redeemer's blood these are the vital things that the child of God will want to know and he'll want to know for himself he'll want the Lord to satisfy him in his conscience regarding those things Lord help me help me in my religion in my beliefs help me in my profession help me in my walk help me to put my trust in thee friends have you and I got the same faith that

[36:19] Job had what did Job say in the midst of his troubles though he slay me yet will I trust in him oh friends may we never be left to say or claim something that we haven't got and haven't had friends oh some of us can't claim much but there we hope there has been a little here and a little there as the Lord give us enough enough to cause us to put our trust in him has he given us enough so that when we come into those places of trouble we fall down before him and cry unto him

[37:27] Lord help me help me ah friends oh how good the Lord is to his children he doesn't forsake them they come to that spot from time to time when they feel and fear that they are utterly forsaken but friends or have there been those times when we have proved within minutes perhaps the Lord has sent somebody to our help he has helped us his presence was with us we didn't know it didn't feel it but we saw it we saw the evidence of it my presence shall go with thee you know the

[38:38] Lord spoke those words to Moses and friends I believe it is so with all his children the Lord's presence does go before them but you know Moses was a man subject to like passions as you and I he was subject to unbelief doubts and fears many of them he had but friends what did Moses say Lord if thy presence go not with me carry me not up he could not bear the thought that he might be deceived and if he didn't have the presence of the Lord he knew it would be utter failure oh friends the many times that

[39:38] Moses saw the wonder working hand of God but you know he had a lot of opposition he had many enemies they would have stoned him they would have put him to death if they had been permitted that Moses was the servant of the Lord Moses life was spared he was not it was overruled that he should not be slain with all the little children in the land of Egypt his life was preserved all the wonders of God Lord help me help me friends I know this we shall all come there and we shall come there many times and it will be in times when you and I can't help ourselves the

[41:01] Lord weans his children from creature strength and wisdom he does it's not a place that the flesh likes to come to but I believe it's a profitable place and I believe friends it's our rightful place to be found at his feet as nothing the Lord will have his children humbled he will have them at his feet seeking for help seeking for mercy and friends what does the

[42:08] Lord say seekers shall be finders that woman found the Lord Jesus Christ when he said that he had not come but unto the lost sheep of the of the lost sheep of the house of Israel oh friends are we amongst them the lost sheep of the house of Israel well friends oh I would that the Lord might open these things up to us I feel so poor so helpless in these things but I hope there may be a little a few things that the

[43:11] Lord has spoken spoken into our hearts from himself oh it would be a wonderful thing friends and what's more we will praise him we would worship him like that dear woman did well I'll leave a few things may the Lord bless his own word for his name sake amen prayer would our series by singing hymn number ten hundred and seventy thought the tune three hundred and ninety when did your team shall it be I shall find my order, the fullness of thy promise, the seal of thy hand.

[44:17] The only deed I paid with time, cast the world and sing behind, the helpless soul I come from, that he's seen. Hymn number 1075.

[44:38] Hymn number 1075.

[45:08] Hymn number 1075. Hymn number 1075. Hymn number 1075.

[45:23] Hymn number 1175. Hymn number 1075. Hymn number 1072. Hymn number 1125. Hymn number 1175.

[45:34] Hymn number 13 einz Lemon Southside Stadium. The ông of Thee E mastery Drunk o'er CHOIR SINGS CHOIR SINGS