[0:00] The End The End The End
[1:29] The End The End The End
[2:59] The End The Fountainhead Of the Stream of Grace And Mercy And Salvation for Souls Where does it come from?
[3:39] Doesn't spring up from the earth, does it? Doesn't spring up from the heart of man, does it? It comes down It comes from beneath the threshold of the house eastward.
[3:52] And Jesus was crucified in the east.
[4:22] Whether that was depicted in the Savior's side. It flowed down to the plains beneath that stream of salvation through that one sacrifice offered for sin.
[4:41] All those sacrifices of the Old Testament, dear friends were all to foretell, to prophesy that one sacrifice would be the end of all sacrifices for sin, even that, the precious blood of the Son of God, the Son of Man.
[5:01] And so we see that this is where the hope for the earth. And so we see that this is where the hope for our salvation flows. From the right side of the house at the south side of the altar.
[5:16] The south represents warmth here. Warmth of the Holy Spirit, I believe. We get the cold winds of the Holy Spirit, when we have a refreshing warm south wind to our souls, how very refreshing it is, isn't it?
[5:35] How, dear friends, it's so a strength to us in our faith. It helps us go on just another step in the pathway. Then brought he me out of the way of the gate northward.
[5:51] He led me about the way without unto the utter gate. By the way that looketh eastward, and behold, there ran out waters on the right side.
[6:06] And we see you get a double mention here of these waters on the right side and on the south side.
[6:19] And then the man that had the line in his hand went forth eastward, and he measured a thousand cubits. And he brought me through the waters.
[6:31] The waters were ankle deep. Friends, I believe, if I have any understanding of this at all, that this is a very beautiful, simple illustration of the dealing of God, the Holy Spirit, with a soul in its infancy.
[6:50] Whether that soul is in a young person, a middle-aged person, or an old person, I speak of that, the beginning.
[7:03] The beginning of the work of grace. That conviction of sin. That which suddenly brings to the soul a realization of our lost and ruined condition in Adam as we were born.
[7:22] And we often quote the hymn, He saw me ruined in the fall, yet loved me notwithstanding all. These people that know this love, these are they that are found in our text.
[7:34] They shall come to pass that everything that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the river shall come. You see, it's being in this stream that is the needful thing.
[7:49] And being in the stream, there's movement. And where there's movement, there's life. Come back to that in a minute, possibly. But you see, the Lord begins with his people, and they then see things as ankle-deep.
[8:05] They're walking in the way, the way of obedience, the way of God's dealings with them.
[8:15] And they have to stand, as it were, in the water. And the water is ankle-deep. And they have that beginning of understanding of things divine.
[8:27] The Lord leads them on and teaches them through the experiences of life. And then again, he measured a thousand and brought me through the waters.
[8:40] And the waters were to the knees. You see, another deeper experience as the Lord deals with us through the journey of life.
[8:53] Now, I couldn't understand that. I couldn't have understood that a few years ago. But you know, I believe I see it as clearly as crystal. There is those things which the Lord leads us on in, in our various experiences of life.
[9:07] And there's troubles, there's difficulties, there's affliction upon affliction. There's things that come upon us. And what does it do? It does this, my friends, if I know anything about us. It shows us what we are.
[9:21] And it shows us what God is. In his abundant mercy. You see, when we realize our sin, and when that lays heavy upon us, And then we have a little understanding, a little leading into this river, Which flows down from the threshold of God.
[9:40] Then that's the sweetness of the waters. The waters are strengthened. That leads us deeper into the realization that he's too wise to err, And too good to be unkind.
[9:53] And we can come into trouble in numerous and different ways. Sometimes it's affliction. And bodily, sometimes it's affliction of mind. Sometimes it's affliction of circumstances.
[10:05] But I understand a little now why the hymn writer said, Oh, Zion afflicted with wave upon wave, Who no man can comfort, who no man can save.
[10:18] But God can comfort, and God can save. And God alone can comfort, and God alone can save. And how does he do it? He draws from this river, which flows down from heaven above, To the plains beneath, To fulfill the needs of the souls of his people, As they pass through.
[10:40] And he causes them to walk in deeper waters, As they go on. And so again, He measured a thousand, And brought me through.
[10:50] The waters were to the loins. I believe you could liken that to the experiences in the church, Where dear young people are brought in, And years pass, And they're experienced deeper, And they get that bit of experience of church matters, And so on, And then there's that, Which they're called to do.
[11:16] And they are, Perhaps in waters, They feel up to the loins. And if they're there all right, They will feel, That it's up to the loins. And they'll feel that need.
[11:28] But there's that experience, And that depth, Which the Lord leads into. The trouble is, Friends, My old pastor used to say, Some of you remember him saying it, He'd say, We're never out of the infants class, In the school of Christ.
[11:44] You see, Because we keep needing to learn, The same things over and over again. For the simple reason, We're so born in sin, And shaped in iniquity, That the old nature, As soon takes over, The moment, We're off our guard.
[12:00] I know what I speak of, Friends. And so you see here, This deepening, Of the experience, Of life.
[12:11] Perhaps one's called to, To serve in one way, And another, In another way, In the church below. And those who are not called to serve, They have other things, Which they find the waters, To the loins.
[12:29] Afterwards, He measured, A thousand, And it was a river, That I could not pass over. Now friends, Here I see something else, If I'm not very mistaken.
[12:40] Here I see a river, That can't be passed over, For the waters are risen. Here, Is a river of death, Before the natural eye. Here is a river of death, As faced by nature.
[12:54] Here is a river of death, Which we are subject to, All our lifetime, And to bondage. But, This, Is a river to swimming.
[13:09] What is the difference? Through, The various, The various, Dealings of God, With, The soul of his people, From the early work, Of, Being born again, The waters are deepening.
[13:25] But each case, They still are standing, At their weight, On their own, Ankles, And, No, And knees, And loins, Walking, In the way, In the way, That the Lord leads them, In the experiences, Of their life.
[13:44] But then, Comes to the end, Of life. And then, It's a river to swimming. The same grace, That they walked in, The same, Grace, As represented, By the water here, The same mercy, The same love, Of Christ, Shed abroad, Now, Bears them up, Because, A river to swimming, You don't keep your feet, On the bottom, You're suspended, In the water, The swimmer, Swims in the water, And the water, Bears him, Or her up, And so it is, I believe, When that final, Crossing, For the child of God, Comes, They find there, Another way of putting it, Is often used, Underneath, Of the everlasting arms, What are they born on?
[14:36] They're born on, The swelling tide, Of the love of Christ, Of the grace of God, Of the sin, Atoning sacrifice, Paid once, For sinners, What a mercy, What a privilege, Friends, What a God, What a God, Mercy, I have, So I'm to come, Back to that hymn, It's one of my favourites, Thy mercy, My God, Is the theme of my song, The joy of my heart, And the boast of my tongue, Thy free grace alone, From the first to the last, Has won my affection, And ban my soul fast, You know, We'd never have chosen God, He not have chosen us, If it had to be, For electing love, Of the Father, The calling of the Holy Spirit, And the sanctifying of the Holy Spirit, In the renewing of it,
[15:38] And the faith given, By the Holy Spirit, Of faith in the Redeemer, The one antidote, For our sins, Friends, Another thing, You older ones, Remember my pastor, Used to say, Pour not on thyself, Too long, He never said, Don't consider, He never said, Don't give it a thought, As to how you stand, Before God, But he said, Don't pour on yourself, Too long, Pour not on thyself, Too long, Lest it sink me lower, It will too, We look within too long, It will sink us lower, But look to Jesus, Wise and kind, And strong, His mercy, Joined, With power, And so he is, And oh, Friends, That we can remember it more, And I'm speaking to myself, To look to Jesus, To know, His wisdom, His strength, And His grace, Well, Now, And he said unto me, Son of man,
[16:38] Has thou seen this? Then he brought me, And caused me to return, To the brink of the river, Now, When I had returned, Behold, At the bank of the river, Were very many trees, On the one side, And on the other, Then said he unto me, These waters, Issue out toward the east country, And go down into the desert, And go into the sea, Which being brought forth into the sea, The waters shall be healed.
[17:16] Now have we come to our text, And it shall come to pass, That everything that liveth, Which moveth, I want to stop there a minute, That which liveth, Moveth, You know, When I was a small boy, I used to like to go fishing along the streams and rivers, You'd see, Sometimes, Where the gentle flow of the river, Or even the faster flow, Of a river, You'd see fishes going upstream, In the clear water, And they were alive, Because they were swimming against the tide, So you knew they were alive, But sometimes, Sadly, You'd see an injured fish, That was dead, And it would flow down, Right the way down the river, You see, No movement, Well friends, What about your soul, And what about my soul, Tonight, Is the movement, Do you feel that move, In heavenward,
[18:17] Godward, Or is everything, Settled and comfortable, And are you asleep, Vital for us to know this friends, We can sleep to death, If we're neglectful, And I need this myself friends, I'm not speaking down to you, Don't you think that, I know what I speak of here, From my own experience, But is there a movement, My friends, You know, Those responsibilities, We rightly, Have to attend to, And we, Endeavour to do them, As unto the Lord, And they are, Things which, A Christian, Should be responsible, To, And in, To the honour, And glory of God, And yet, Even in those things, Which are, Quite, Correct, And right for us to do, There is that tendency,
[19:18] For the soul, To drift away, By the duties of the day, Now my friends, When you come to the end of the day, Do you feel a movement, Do you feel, Well, I must just turn to the word of God, Or I must, Just read a portion, Of our portion book, I must just, Lift up my heart in prayer, And say once more, God be merciful to me, A sinner, There's a movement then, Isn't there, I had one man say to me, I wasn't preaching, I was a hearer that night, And he stood up, He was sitting right in front of me, And he turned around, And looked me right in the eyes, And he said, Mr Farley, He said, I feel so dead, And for a second, I didn't quite know, What to answer, As if the, Holy Spirit dropped it into me, I said, You wouldn't feel anything, If you was dead, You'd float down, The stream as a dead fish, Everything that liveth, And moveth, So even,
[20:19] That poor weak one, Gives a little, Wobble at the tail, That has, Liken it to a fish, And your prayer might be, Very feeble weak, You might feel at times, You're unable to speak, Remember, He knows they're grown, Oh Lord, I am oppressed, Undertake for me, He understands that, Better than we do ourselves, Friends, If we only could, Comprehend the truth of it, God, Be merciful to me, A sinner, How often, That publican's prayer, Suits us well, I find myself, Marching, A psalm, Of 51, Create in me, A clean heart, Oh God, And renew a right spirit, Within me, Take not thy Holy Spirit, From me, Oh, What a fear that is, For a living soul, That thy Holy Spirit, May be taken from us, The soul, Create in me, A clean heart,
[21:20] Oh God, Renew a right spirit, Within me, Restore, Unto me, The joy, Of thy salvation, You can't restore something, That's not there, Friends, The restoration, Of the building, Or, It's got to be there, For a start, Before you can restore it, Because otherwise, You're building new, So you see the point, I'm making, Restore, Like the words, Of the psalmist there, And restore, Unto me, The joy, Of, Thy salvation, Not mine, It's not my salvation, We want, It's his salvation, And the psalmist, Could see that clearly, It was a joy, Of the salvation, Of the Lord, In his soul, He needed, And so you see, Everything that liveth, Which moveth, Whithersoever, The river shall come, That speaks, To us, I believe, Of the sovereign, Will and purpose, Of God, In whom he calls,
[22:21] And whom he leaves, And we see that, Very clearly, Throughout scripture, But, Everything, That moveth, Whithersoever the river, Shall come, Shall live, And there shall be, A very great multitude, Of fishes, Remember the experience, Of the dear disciples, As, As, As, As, They were, A fishing all night, And Peter said, I go fishing, I've often had a great, Uh, Sympathy with Peter, I understand Peter, Quite well, I must say, I go fishing, I know what I'm doing, I'm fishing, I, I can't understand, What's happened, I can't understand, Or comprehend, How it is, That, The Lord of glory, Has been crucified, It was all too much, For poor Peter, And then he realised, That now, They'd have to start, To fish to live, And so he put his hand to it, I don't condemn the man, I understand,
[23:22] He's an intelligent man, He's a responsible man, He had to, He felt he had to, Supply the need, But he toiled all night, And caught nothing, Toiled all night, And caught nothing, With all the skills, Of his fishermen skills, Caught nothing, And the Lord, There says, Put the net, On the right side, And there's a, A hundred and fifty, And two, Fishies in the draft, You see, The Lord knew, Where those fishes were, Didn't they, The fishermen, However skillful, They could only go on, Superficial evidence, Because they could only, See the surface, But the Lord knew, Where the fishes were, And then, I should suspect, They would remember, The Lord's words, And I'll make you, Fishers of men, And so we see, That Peter, Having denied, His Lord three times, He's, Asked, By the dear Lord, Now we say, Me three times,
[24:22] And the third time, Peter was grieved, You see, But look what it did to Peter, It reinstated him, In his apostleship, The Lord reinstated him there, And then as we've been thinking, We later see, Peter, At Pentecost, Where's his fear gone, Where's the fear of the maid, That he had in, In the judgment hall, Gone, Boy, Well the Holy Spirit, Had been poured upon him, Friends, The Holy Spirit, Had been given, According to the promise, According to the prayer, Of the saviour, To his father, That prayer had been answered, And it was poured out, On the day of Pentecost, And Peter stood up, In front of that, Motley crowd, Who'd been calling out, Crucify him, Crucify him, To the deus, For the dear saviour, Only a while before, And he told them the truth, And they were pricked in their hearts, And said, Men and brethren, What, What must we do?
[25:23] And he said, Believe, In the Lord Jesus Christ, And be baptized, Friends, We forget these things, I fear too often, But you know, Where the power of the Spirit is, There is liberty, And Peter had it, On that gracious occasion, But look what he had, To go through first, Yes, And it shall, Another shall, Not a might be perhaps, No, And it shall come to pass, Everything that liveth, And moveth, Whithersoever the river shall come, Shall live, And there shall be, A very great multitude of fishes, Because these waters shall come thither, For they shall be healed, Healing waters, It takes you back to the pilgrim, The journey, The children of Israel, And they came to the bitter waters, Didn't they?
[26:21] Only three days, I think it was after, Thereabouts, After singing the song of Moses, A straight way, There was, That to test their faith, A straight way, After the dear Saviour, I speak very reverently, After the dear Saviour, He was baptised, And the voice came from glory, This is my beloved son, In whom I am well pleased, He was led of the Spirit, To go into the wilderness, What for?
[26:50] To be tempted of the devil, Forty days, Puzzles, Puzzles me, Puzzled me, For years, But then I believe, I understand this now, And it's this, That the first thing, Which had got to be, Defeated, In Satan, Was his powers, Of temptation, And that had to be done, By the God man, Upon the earth, In the almighty, Wisdom of God, And you know, Satan went away, A defeated foe, Though the dear Saviour, Needed the angels, To minister to him, In his humanity, Afterwards, So exhausted he was, In it, Yet, He was victorious in it, And that's why, He alone, Can succour those, That are tempted, For he's, Been tempted, Himself, In that, Deeper sense of it, And so friends, When we're tempted, We shouldn't be surprised, Because it's,
[27:51] Satan's, Ambition, To tempt, And to discomfort, The saints of God, He continues, To try to rob, And spoil, If you have a little blessing, Either with your hymn book, Your bible, A few moments, Of quiet prayer, Or even, With just a little meditation, In the kitchen sink, Or in the cow shed, You'll find, That he'll come, And try and rob, You're quick enough, Of it, But my old pastor, Used to say, He can, Take away, The sweetness of it, But he can't, Take away, The memory of it, And if you've got, A little Ebenezer, You can look back to, Look back to it, Think of Jacob, Friends, All that he went through, But he was brought back, To his Bethel, Wasn't he?
[28:40] Lovely thought that is, All that he went through, Laban changed his wages, And all the problems, And aggravations, To put it bluntly, Which he suffered, Over those years, And yet, God prospered his way, No matter how, How many times, His wages was changed, And yet, Still God prospered, Jacob, In his husbandry, You know, If the Lord, Puts a man into a job, He will give him, The wherewithal to do it, We saw that with Jacob, And then we find, He comes back, To Bethel, What a Bethel, Have you got a Bethel, To come back to, Friends?
[29:23] Is there a time, In your life, Where you remember, A special occasion, A special answer to prayer, Where you felt, Your heart warmed, And your, Your spirit filled, With a little, True praise, For the mercy of God, In looking upon, Such a sinner, As you and I, Feel to be, And yet, His mercy, I'll come back, To that again, I do, It all comes back, To mercy, Friends, Is dissolving, Dissolved, By his goodness, We fall to the ground, And we, What to, The praise, Of the mercy, We found, Have you got a Bethel, Go back to it, Friends, Don't forget it, Satan will, Come at you, From all directions, He will try, To trip you, And perplex you, Go back, To your Bethel, Go back, And remember, The time, That you, Remember that, Blessing of your soul, Now, If there's someone here, Says I haven't got a blessing, To go back to, I can't,
[30:23] Find a blessing, I've ever had in my life, I've got a serious, Question to ask you, Friend, Can you, Honestly say, That you've never, Had a prayer answered, Take it home, And think about it, I think it's, Something worth thinking about, Everything that moveth, Liveth, Well, I wanted to, Just, Look at this, In this way, I then wanted to tie the cross, To the, Other portion, In the revelation, Which we, We looked at, And how, Beautiful, These two, Chapters are, I, Have, Them very much, On my mind, Because, If you'll pardon, Something, Personal, In the last days,
[31:24] Of Zeta's illness, As she was so perplexed, And churned up, The, Tear mine, Her poor brain, Was pressing her, And she couldn't think straight, At all, She was just not Zeta, And she was very, Very upset, And on the, Two Sunday nights, Before she was taken home, To glory, I came home, And my son was there, Gary, And he was perplexed, We couldn't make, Any sense of her at all, Her mind seemed to be, Completely, Gone, And, Um, She was awfully upset, He went home, And about an hour later, He went in to get to bed, And, Over the past three years, I've been reading, The hymns, Which we'd had in the day, To her every Sunday night, And she used to like that, And she was so upset, And I said to her, Look, I haven't read the hymns today, Would you like me to read the hymns to you?
[32:23] All right, She said, A bit, Not too cooperative about it, My friends, I read those hymns to her, And it's as if the Lord, Lifted up a blind, In a dark room, And in come the sun, And, I, I read, Read some hymns to her, One of them was, Sands, Time of Sinking, She wanted me to read that, Over and over again, In those last few days, When she had a little, Uh, Light, She wanted that hymn, So much, Read and sung to her, Well, I, Read some hymns, And then I, Started to sing, And I sung for some time, And then she said, Can't you read to me, I know what she meant, Scripture, Not him, So I read these last two chapters, When I got down to, Chapter 21, And, And the fourth verse, And God shall wipe away, All tears from their eyes,
[33:25] And shall be no more, Death, Neither sorrow, Nor crying, Neither shall be any more pain, For the former things, Have passed away, She burst out, And she said, Oh, That's lovely, That's nice, That was something, That really, Went home to her, And, Then she said, Well, Can't you sing some more, And you know, Friends, I sung from about 11 o'clock, With these two chapters, Between, Read, Till about quarter past 12, And I was absolutely hoarse, And you know, That night, She settled down, And she slept like a baby, She hadn't slept like, For one month, Well, I could say at least a year, She slept right through the night, But in the morning, Everything was back to confusion again, Now, I'll pass this on to you, Friends, Because I believe this, You see, Though a poor brain, Didn't function,
[34:27] Because of the pressures upon it, The soul was alive, To better things, To Jesus, And once we got started, On some hymns, Speaking of Jesus, Then suddenly, All the darkness went, And the Lord permitted, That that intro, In the midst of, Of all the upset, And so, This is why, I came to it, Tonight, Because it tied across, So with the, I started, With the Ezekiel, I looked at it, On Sunday morning, With my own people, But I didn't read this, Chapter, But it came to me, Sometime between, How beautifully, These two chapters, Come together, And so I want to, Just with those few thoughts, You'll pardon, Of personal experience, And I saw, A new heaven, And a new earth, For the first heaven, And the first earth, Were passed away, And there was no more sea, You see,
[35:27] The sea represents, Movement, And strife, And trouble, Doesn't it, As all through, The ages, How many deaths, Of, Drainings, Have been in the sea, We, The Lord, I speak reverently, Alone knows, That there was, There was no more sea, That John saw there, And I, John, Saw the holy city, The new Jerusalem, Coming down, From God, Out of heaven, Prepared, As a bride, Adorned for her husband, You know, How wonderfully, Merciful, And kind, Is God, In the language, Which he puts his truths in, By the power of the Holy Spirit, And the pen of John here, And throughout scripture, Because he uses, An illustration, Which we can at least, Get a little idea of, You see,
[36:28] We can't, Friends, Believe me, We cannot comprehend, The joy, Of those who are in heaven, It's impossible, With a sinful mind, And heart, And in our mortality, But when we see him, As he is, Then, And not to then, Shall we be able, To praise him as we ought, We should endeavor, To praise him, All we can now, We should never do it, In perfection, Here below, But I, John, Saw the holy city, The new Jerusalem, Coming down, From God, The source of all good, Out of heaven, Prepared, As a bride, Adorned for her husband, Now those of us, Who, Have witnessed, A wedding, We know just how much trouble, The bride goes to, To adorn herself, For her husband, And what a beautiful sight, That is, To the bridegroom, When he turns, And sees her coming, Toward him,
[37:29] To be married, And friends, We cannot comprehend, These things, But we get a little glimpse, Of the joy, Of the mercy of it, And I heard a great voice, Out of heaven, Saying, Behold the tabernacle, Of God is with men, And he will dwell, With them, And they shall be his people, And God himself, Shall be with them, And be their God, Friends, In the mercy of God, If we're in the river, Which we look at, As the prophecy, Of Ezekiel, We see there, That provision for us, Upon the earth, Grace sufficient, For the day, From that stream, Which deepens, Through our life, But here we see, The ultimate, Here we see, In that new heaven, And new earth, We see that, God is,
[38:31] With men, He will dwell, With them, And because they will be, Sinless, And perfect, And pardoned, They'll dwell with him, And see him as he is, Be that one, Glorious, Vision, In fact, Of the people of God, They'll see him, The king, In all his glory, And there'll be that, Heavenly song, Which we can't begin, To comprehend, Here below, Although, Sometimes friends, I do believe, We can see a little, Just a little dash, Even at that, When, We hear that, The people of God, Singing some of the, Beautiful hymns, We have, And when the heart, Is touched, And there's a mingling, Of a, True spirit of praise, There is something there, Which we can't put into words, And I believe it's just, As we used to hear years ago, The keynote, Of the heavenly song, We get just that, Little glimpse of it, We go out softened, And strengthened in faith, And in grace,
[39:33] I heard a great voice, Out of heaven, Saying, Behold, Look well unto, This is not something, To pass over quickly, Behold, Study, Look at, Take in, The tabernacle of God, Is with men, And he will, Dwell with them, And they shall be his people, And God himself, Shall, Shall be with them, And be their God, And God, Shall wipe away, All tears from their eyes, You see, He won't even be an angel, Friends, God will wipe away, The tears from the eyes, What trouble you're in tonight, What trouble we're in, In this life journey, This is coming, Friends, This is a promise, This is a sure prophecy, God shall, Wipe away all tears, From their eyes, Should be no more death, No, Because he's risen, Friends, Death did its worst, Satan,
[40:33] Used his, Worst enemy, And crucified the Saviour, But it was in, Those scenes, Determined, In the heavenly council, Above, But he rose, Satan did his worst, But he rose, Satan could do no more, But he rose again, Defeating the power, Death, And of hell, And he's alive, This evening friends, He sits at the right hand, Of the father in heaven, All glorious, And victorious, Over all his enemies, And that arch enemy, He's yet to be put, In that bottomless pit, And the glorious day, That'll be for the saints, For there shall be, No more death, Neither sorrow, Nor crying, Nor shall be any more pain, Think of that, For those, Some of you here, May suffer pain,
[41:34] It comes to, The people of God, In various and different ways, But, No more pain, Think of the relief of it, I know sometimes, When I was younger, I'd have a mishap, And, I remember one day, In particular, I'd miss whether, My club hammer, Cutting through a thick wall, With a cold chisel, And I hit myself, On the inside of my knee, My left knee, The pain friends, Oh, When it left off, What a relief, No more pain, We know a little of that, Here below, Don't we, The pain, We also know, From time to time, A little relief from it, But there'll be no more, Pain there, Neither sorrow, Nor crying, Nor shall be any more pain, For the former things, Are passed away, Friends, Then down, To six, Verse six a minute, And he said unto me, It is done, The work is done, He's victorious, Look ye saints, The sight is glorious,
[42:36] See the man of sorrows now, From the fight, Return victorious, See, Here it is, So beautifully picked up, In the verse of the hymn, And he said unto me, It is done, I am alpha, And omega, The beginning, And the end, It seems here, If I might speak ever so reverently, As if, Uh, The Lord is saying, I created the earth, I created man upon it, I created him without sin, But you, Satan, Have brought in sin, And ruin, But you are not going to have the last word, I am speaking reverently, I have overturned you, Satan, I have turned you upside down, And you are going down, Into that bottomless pit, In the same way, That you was cast as noose, For out of heaven, Because of pride, You know, You just notice one thing, You dear younger ones, As you are born in life, You will find there is a lot of trouble, I would say almost every trouble,
[43:37] That gets to be a real problem, It's pride, Is the key of the problem, Pride, If you could do away with pride, You do away with most of the problems, As I view it, And that's just my experience, I'm not speaking, Here from scripture, But, Remember that Lucifer was, Prayed, And he usurped, At God's position, In glory, You've got to read about it, You look in Revelation 12, Uh, And it's very clear there, But it's not time to go into that tonight, But you can do that at your leisure, See, He's cast from heaven, Well he's cast, From heaven, To the earth, And he says, Woe unto the earth, And the inhabitants of the earth, But he's going to be cast, The rest of the way, Out of the way, Where he can worry the saints no more, What a glorious day that'll be, Remember, Uh, Someone I knew very well, Many years ago, Not all that, Might have been a couple of years, Before they were taken home to glory, Said to, To me you know,
[44:38] Ray, Consider it, To be, Freed from sin, From the aptitude of sin, For we've got that seed of sin in us from Adam, And, It's a, A continual wrestle, Isn't it?
[44:55] Uh, The old man, Of sin, What an absolute, Newfant's he is, A new man of grace, There will always be that conflict, And I can't see anywhere in scripture, And if anyone can show me, I'll be pleased to see, Where we're going to be fully released from that, Until we're taken through the Jordan, And we're born up on those waters, Of God's grace, In those everlasting arms, Away from this, Sin cursed earth, Then friends, We shall know, And not till then, How much we owe, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen,
[45:56] Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Let us close, While singing hymn number 926, The tune is Ashfield 285, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Hymn number 926, When, When overwhelmed with doubts and fear, great God, do thou my spirit cheer.
[46:46] Let not my eyes with tears be fed, but to the rock of ages led. When called the veil of death to tread, then to this rock may I be led.
[47:04] Nor fear to cross that gloomy sea, since thou hast tasted death for me.
[47:15] Hymn number 926. Jesus Christ.
[47:46] Thank you.
[48:16] Thank you.
[48:46] Thank you.
[49:16] Thank you.
[49:46] Thank you. Thank you.
[50:46] Thank you. Thank you.
[51:46] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[51:58] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
[52:10] Thank you. Thank you. us now and give us peace as we separate and go in various ways. Grant us journey and mercies here below and bring us, Lord, in that journey of life to heaven and to thee. And now may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, fellowship and communion of the Holy Spirit, rest and abide upon us each, and all who love thy name everywhere.
[52:39] Amen. Amen. Amen.